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Computers & Security 136 (2024) 103546

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Apollon: A robust defense system against Adversarial Machine Learning

attacks in Intrusion Detection Systems
Antonio Paya a,∗ , Sergio Arroni a , Vicente García-Díaz a , Alberto Gómez b
Department of Computer Science, University of Oviedo, Science Faculty, Oviedo, Spain
Department of Business Administration, University of Oviedo, Gijón, Spain


Keywords: The rise of Adversarial Machine Learning (AML) attacks is presenting a significant challenge to Intrusion
Adversarial Machine Learning Detection Systems (IDS) and their ability to detect threats. To address this issue, we introduce Apollon, a novel
Intrusion Detection Systems defense system that can protect IDS against AML attacks. Apollon utilizes a diverse set of classifiers to identify
Artificial Intelligence
intrusions and employs Multi-Armed Bandits (MAB) with Thompson sampling to dynamically select the optimal
Multi-Armed Bandits
classifier or ensemble of classifiers for each input. This approach enables Apollon to prevent attackers from
learning the IDS behavior and generating adversarial examples that can evade the IDS detection. We evaluate
Apollon on several of the most popular and recent datasets, and show that it can successfully detect attacks
without compromising its performance on traditional network traffic. Our results suggest that Apollon is a robust
defense system against AML attacks in IDS.

1. Introduction models to Adversarial Machine Learning (AML) attacks (Huang et al.,

As computer networks continue to grow in size and complexity, the AML attacks are a type of cyber-attack that aims to manipulate ML
need for effective security measures becomes increasingly critical. In- models by feeding them carefully crafted input data, called adversarial
trusion Detection Systems (IDS) have been developed to address this examples. These examples are designed to cause misclassification or
challenge, providing a means of monitoring network traffic and iden- incorrect predictions, which can be exploited by attackers to bypass the
tifying potential security threats. These systems can analyze network security measures of IDS systems (Zhao et al., 2021; Lin et al., 2022; Liu
traffic and identify potential security threats such as malware, net- et al., 2022).
work intrusions, and denial of service attacks. However, the increasing Attackers create adversarial examples by utilizing information ob-
complexity and diversity of network traffic have made it difficult to tained from the targeted IDS, including its responses to specific inputs.
accurately classify network traffic using traditional rule-based IDS sys- This information is used to train a model capable of generating adver-
tems (Thakkar and Lohiya, 2020). sarial traffic that remains undetectable by the IDS classifier.
To overcome these limitations, Machine Learning (ML) techniques As ML-based IDS systems become more prevalent, the threat of
have been widely adopted in IDS for network traffic classification. These Adversarial Machine Learning (AML) attacks becomes more signifi-
techniques leverage the power of statistical models and algorithms cant (Duy et al., 2021). Therefore, it is crucial to develop effective
to automatically learn and detect anomalous network traffic patterns, defense mechanisms to mitigate the impact of these attacks and ensure
which are indicative of security threats. the reliability and robustness of IDS systems.
ML-based IDS systems offer several advantages over traditional rule- In this paper, we propose a new robust defense system against
based systems, including higher accuracy, better scalability, and more Adversarial Machine Learning attacks on Intrusion Detection Systems
robustness to evolving network threats (Abdallah et al., 2022; Maseer called Apollon. Apollon serves to safeguard IDS from attackers by ob-
et al., 2021). However, they also pose new challenges, particularly in structing their ability to generate adversarial traffic through learning
terms of security. One of the main challenges is the susceptibility of ML from the behavior of the IDS.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (A. Paya), (S. Arroni), (V. García-Díaz), (A. Gómez).
Received 30 March 2023; Received in revised form 24 September 2023; Accepted 17 October 2023
Available online 20 October 2023
0167-4048/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
A. Paya, S. Arroni, V. García-Díaz et al. Computers & Security 136 (2024) 103546

Apollon utilizes a diverse range of classifiers to detect intrusions and

employs a Multi-Armed Bandits (MAB) with Thompson sampling to select
the optimal classifier or a combination of classifiers in real-time for
each input, enabling it to achieve this objective without compromising
its performance on traditional network traffic.
In this way, Apollon can prevent attackers from learning the behavior
of the IDS in realistic training times, adding a layer of uncertainty to the
IDS behavior that makes it more difficult for attackers to detect the IDS
behavior and generate adversarial traffic.
The structure of the paper is as follows. Section 2 provides an
overview of the main concepts and techniques used in this paper. Sec-
tion 3 discusses the related work in the field of AML attacks and IDS
classifiers. Section 4 presents the proposed defense system, Apollon. Sec-
tion 5 presents the experimental evaluation of Apollon. Finally, Section 6
concludes the paper and discusses future work.

2. Background
Fig. 1. Adversarial Machine Learning (AML) attacks by ART (Nicolae et al.,
In this section, we will provide an overview of the background 2018).
knowledge required to understand the rest of this work. This includes
an introduction to the concepts of Adversarial Machine Learning and
or previously unseen. ML-based IDS can also adapt and improve over
adversarial examples, as well as an introduction to the concepts of In-
time as they learn from new data and feedback from security analysts.
trusion Detection Systems and the challenges they face.

2.2. Adversarial Machine Learning

2.1. Intrusion Detection Systems

Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are security tools designed to Adversarial Machine Learning (AML) attacks refer to a set of tech-
identify and prevent unauthorized access, misuse, and malicious activi- niques used to undermine the accuracy, integrity, or security of ma-
ties in computer networks (Mukherjee et al., 1994). IDS play a critical chine learning (ML) models (Huang et al., 2011). AML attacks can be
role in protecting networks from various types of cyber threats, includ- launched by malicious actors with different objectives, such as stealing
ing viruses, malware, and intrusions. IDS operate by monitoring net- sensitive information, manipulating decision-making processes, or com-
work traffic and analyzing it for suspicious behavior or patterns. There promising the confidentiality and privacy of ML systems (see Fig. 1).
are two main types of IDS: Network-based Intrusion Detection Systems AML attacks can be launched against a wide range of ML models, in-
(NIDS) and Host-based Intrusion Detection Systems (HIDS) (Pharate et cluding deep neural networks, support vector machines, decision trees,
al., 2015). and others. The success of an AML attack depends on various factors,
NIDS monitors network traffic and analyzes packets to identify po- such as the type and quality of the target ML model, the sophistication
tential security threats. It can detect a wide range of network-based of the attack technique, and the attacker’s level of knowledge and re-
attacks, such as port scans, denial-of-service attacks, and data exfiltra- sources. According to the taxonomy of the attack, they can be classified
tion. NIDS can be deployed at various points within the network, such into evasion attacks, poisoning attacks, extraction attacks and inference
as at the perimeter, within the LAN, or at critical junctions within the attacks (De Cristofaro, 2020).
On the other hand, HIDS monitors the activity on individual hosts, 2.2.1. Evasion attacks
such as servers or workstations. While it can also analyze network traf- Evasion attacks in AML refer to a type of attack where the attacker
fic specific to the host, its unique strength lies in its ability to inspect manipulates the input data in a way that the ML model will misclassify
system-specific activities, including file system modifications and sys- it, without changing the underlying characteristics of the data (Biggio et
tem call behaviors. This makes HIDS particularly suitable for identifying al., 2013). Evasion attacks are typically launched against classification
and detecting malware infections, as these often manifest in changes at models, such as those used for image recognition or spam detection, and
the host level. Furthermore, HIDS can detect attacks that may not be they can be crafted using various techniques, including gradient-based
visible to NIDS, such as attacks that occur within encrypted traffic or methods, evolutionary algorithms, or gray/black-box attacks. The goal
those that originate from within the network. of an evasion attack is to create an adversarial example, i.e., a modified
From this point on, and to facilitate the understanding of the docu- version of the original input data that is similar to the original but is
ment, we will refer to Network Intrusion Detection Systems as Intrusion misclassified by the ML model. Evasion attacks pose a significant threat
Detection Systems. to the security and robustness of ML systems, especially in domains such
Intrusion Detection Systems are an essential component of a compre- as malware detection, Intrusion Detection Systems and fraud detection,
hensive network security strategy. They provide an additional layer of where accurate classification is critical.
protection beyond firewalls, antivirus software, and other security tools.
By detecting and alerting administrators to potential security threats, 2.2.2. Poisoning attacks
IDS can help organizations respond quickly and effectively to cyber at- Data poisoning attacks in AML involve manipulating the training
tacks. data of an ML model to introduce biases or to cause it to learn incorrect
Machine Learning (ML) has emerged as a powerful technique for patterns (Koh, 2018). Poisoning attacks can be launched at different
improving the accuracy and effectiveness of Intrusion Detection Sys- stages of the ML pipeline, including data collection, preprocessing, and
tems (Abdallah et al., 2022; Maseer et al., 2021; Thakkar and Lohiya, training. The goal of a poisoning attack is to compromise the integrity
2020). ML algorithms can be used to analyze large volumes of network and accuracy of the ML model by introducing malicious data into the
data and identify patterns that may be indicative of security threats. training dataset, which can cause the model to learn incorrect patterns
ML-based IDS can learn from past network activity to identify and flag and make incorrect predictions. Poisoning attacks can be launched in
potential security threats in real-time, even when the attacks are novel a variety of ways, such as by injecting adversarial examples into the

A. Paya, S. Arroni, V. García-Díaz et al. Computers & Security 136 (2024) 103546

training data, manipulating the distribution of the training data, or in- The MAB problem is intricately connected to the realm of Reinforce-
troducing outliers into the dataset. ment Learning (RL). In RL, an intelligent agent endeavors to acquire
knowledge and develop a strategy, known as a policy, that maximizes
2.2.3. Extraction attacks its total rewards throughout its interaction with an environment. Over
Model extraction attacks in AML refer to a type of attack where the past few years, RL has exhibited remarkable success in diverse do-
the attacker aims to extract the details of an ML model without direct mains. Notably, it has found significant utility in the domain of demand
access to it (Chen, 2020). This is achieved by leveraging the output forecasting (Ramos et al., 2022a,b).
of the target ML model to infer the underlying structure, architecture, In the context of our work, we use the MAB algorithm to select
or parameters of the model. Model extraction attacks can be launched the best (IDS) classifier for each network traffic request. This is similar
through different channels, such as querying the model with carefully to how MAB is used in demand forecasting to select the most optimal
crafted inputs or by observing its behavior in response to various in- forecasting model or determine the best hyperparameters for a given
puts. The goal of a model extraction attack is to steal the target model’s forecasting model. By using MAB, we can balance the trade-off between
intellectual property or use it for malicious purposes such as deploy- exploiting the classifiers that have the highest expected accuracy based
ing counterfeit models, stealing sensitive data, or reverse engineering on the current information, and exploring new classifiers that may yield
proprietary algorithms. Model extraction attacks can be particularly higher accuracy in the future.
effective against black-box models where the attacker does not have
access to the model’s internal structure or parameters. 3. Related work

2.2.4. Inference attacks This section will present a summary of the distinct datasets for IDS,
AML inference attacks involve an attacker attempting to glean con- along with their corresponding classifiers and performance metrics. Our
fidential information about the input data utilized by the ML model by proposed approach will make use of these classifiers. Furthermore, we
scrutinizing the model’s output (Yeom, 2017). Inference attacks can be will explore the typical types of AML attacks used in this domain.
launched against a wide range of ML models, including deep neural net-
3.1. Intrusion Detection Systems datasets
works, decision trees, and support vector machines, among others. The
goal of an inference attack is to obtain access to private or confiden-
IDS datasets play a crucial role in assessing and gauging the perfor-
tial information about the input data, such as personal characteristics,
mance of IDSs. These datasets contain labeled instances of regular and
financial transactions, or medical records, without having direct access
anomalous network traffic that are used to train and assess the precision
to the data itself. Inference attacks can be launched through different
and efficiency of IDSs. A range of datasets with diverse strengths and
channels, such as analyzing the output distribution of the model, mea-
features is accessible. This section will examine some of the most preva-
suring its response time to different inputs, or exploiting the model’s
lent datasets, highlighting their essential qualities and applications.
decision boundaries.
3.1.1. CIC-IDS-2017
2.3. Multi-Armed Bandits (MAB)
A highly utilized IDS dataset in contemporary literature is the CIC-
IDS2017 (Sharafaldin et al., 2018a), which was developed by the Cana-
The Multi-Armed Bandits (MAB) is a classic problem in probabil- dian Institute for Cybersecurity (CIC) in a simulated enterprise network
ity theory and Machine Learning, where an agent has to allocate a environment, gathering network traffic data for five consecutive days.
limited set of resources among competing choices that have uncertain This dataset emulates the actions of 25 users and comprises nearly 80
rewards (Kuleshov and Precup, 2014). The agent faces a trade-off be- significant attributes (Ring et al., 2019). Notably, it has an 83% to 17%
tween exploiting the choices that have the highest expected rewards benign to malicious instance ratio, representing a significant portion
based on the current information, and exploring new choices that may of the dataset. The CIC-IDS2017 is considered an accurate depiction of
yield higher rewards in the future. normal traffic distribution in a network and can be utilized individually
The MAB problem has many practical applications in various do- or combined with other datasets (Shroff et al., 2022).
mains, such as clinical trials, adaptive routing, financial portfolio de-
sign, and online advertising. Several algorithms have been proposed to 3.1.2. CSE-CIC-IDS-2018
solve the MAB problem, such as optimistic initialization (Machado et The CSE-CIC-IDS2018 dataset was developed using AWS resources
al., 2014), upper confidence bound (UCB) (Carpentier et al., 2011), and in a simulated enterprise network environment in 2018 (Sharafaldin et
Thompson sampling (Agrawal and Goyal, 2012). These algorithms dif- al., 2018b). It consists of data on seven distinct attack categories and
fer in how they balance exploration and exploitation, and how they comprises nearly 79 important features. With over 450 devices, includ-
estimate the expected rewards of each choice. ing servers, computers, and other tools, this dataset is notably large and
Thompson sampling is a Bayesian approach that maintains a prob- realistic (Pujari et al., 2022). It is akin to the CIC-IDS2017 dataset, ana-
ability distribution over the unknown reward distributions of each lyzing bidirectional flow packet data, but with more significant features
choice, and chooses actions based on sampling from these distributions. and greater comprehensiveness. Hence, it is widely used in the litera-
Specifically, at each timestep, Thompson sampling samples a reward ture for assessing and benchmarking IDSs (Pujari et al., 2022).
from each distribution, chooses the action associated with the highest
sampled reward, and updates its beliefs about the reward distributions 3.1.3. CIC-DDoS-2019
based on the observed reward. This approach has been shown to be ef- To address the lack of representation of all DDoS (Distributed De-
fective in many applications, and has a strong theoretical justification nial of Service) attack subtypes in existing datasets, the CIC-DDoS-2019
in terms of minimizing regret. dataset was created (Sharafaldin et al., 2019). Although the dataset in-
Thompson sampling has gained popularity in recent years due to its cludes simulated network traffic, it strives to present realistic benign
ability to balance exploration and exploitation in a principled way (Park data. It features 13 types of DDoS attacks and over 80 significant fea-
and Faradonbeh, 2021). By sampling from the probability distributions tures. However, it is severely imbalanced, with 50,006,249 DDoS attack
over the reward distributions, Thompson sampling encourages explo- records and just 56,863 benign traffic records, making it challenging to
ration of all choices while still favoring choices with higher expected train a model on both data types (Ring et al., 2019). As a result, experts
rewards. Additionally, the Bayesian framework allows for the incorpo- suggest using this dataset in conjunction with other datasets (Shroff et
ration of prior knowledge about the reward distributions, which can be al., 2022), such as CIC-IDS-2017 or CSE-CIC-IDS-2018, to train a more
especially useful in scenarios with limited data. robust model.

A. Paya, S. Arroni, V. García-Díaz et al. Computers & Security 136 (2024) 103546

Table 1
Performance of the IDSs classifiers on the selected datasets.

Classifiers CIC-IDS-2017 CSE-CIC-IDS-2018 CIC-DDoS-2019 References

Accuracy F1 Score AUC Accuracy F1 Score AUC Accuracy F1 Score AUC

LR 92.96 90.87 91.50 87.96 88.99 81.54 91.72 87.27 90.23 Thiyam and Dey (2023); Akshay Kumaar et al. (2022)
FNN 99.61 99.57 99.83 93.00 92.00 100.00 95.55 95.50 95.63 Huang and Lei (2020); Thiyam and Dey (2023); Wu et
al. (2022)
RF 99.79 99.78 99.98 92.00 94.00 100.00 99.86 99.78 99.82 Pujari et al. (2022); Huang and Lei (2020); Abdul-
hammed et al. (2019); Maseer et al. (2021); Faker and
Dogdu (2019); Thiyam and Dey (2023)
DT 99.62 99.57 99.56 88.00 91.00 100.00 99.87 99.78 99.80 Pujari et al. (2022); Thiyam and Dey (2023); Huang
and Lei (2020); Maseer et al. (2021)
RTIDS 99.35 99.17 98.83 - - - 98.58 98.48 98.66 Wu et al. (2022)
SVM 96.97 96.99 98.98 61.00 66.00 100.00 94.02 94.98 94.24 Pujari et al. (2022); Huang and Lei (2020); Maseer et
al. (2021); Faker and Dogdu (2019); Wu et al. (2022);
Sahoo et al. (2020)

3.1.4. Discarded datasets sures the proportion of correct predictions made by a model out of the
This project did not make use of several other IDS datasets, includ- total number of predictions and is defined in Equation (1),
ing Darpa 1998/99 (Mahoney and Chan, 2003), KDD 99 (Tavallaee et
al., 2009), and NSL-KDD (Tavallaee et al., 2009). These datasets are no 𝑎𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑦 = (1)
𝑇𝑃 + 𝑇𝑁 + 𝐹𝑃 + 𝐹𝑁
longer commonly employed for evaluating and benchmarking IDS due
where TP is the number of true positives, TN is the number of true
to their outdated nature. Created in the late 1990s and early 2000s, they
negatives, FP is the number of false positives, and FN is the number of
do not accurately represent the current landscape of network threats
false negatives.
and behaviors. KDD 99 dataset, in particular, has been criticized for its
In the context of IDS, a true positive is defined as a malicious
high false positive rate and lack of realism, thereby limiting its useful-
network flow that is correctly identified as malicious by the IDS. Con-
ness in assessing the performance of modern IDS (Hugh, 2000; Tobi and
versely, a true negative refers to normal network traffic that is correctly
Duncan, 2018).
identified as non-malicious. It’s worth noting that in many real-world
scenarios, the volume of normal traffic significantly outweighs mali-
3.2. Intrusion Detection Systems ML-classifiers
cious traffic. As a result, if the positive class in our metrics refers to
normal traffic, the values would naturally be higher due to the preva-
ML-classifiers have emerged as a promising alternative to traditional lence of normal traffic. However, in our evaluations, the positive class
IDS for detecting network attacks. This is due to the limitations of specifically denotes malicious traffic, ensuring that our metrics provide
traditional IDS in dealing with the complex and dynamic nature of a balanced and accurate representation of the IDS’s performance.
cyber-attacks. In the current digital era, the number and sophistication F1 Score is a weighted average of precision and the detection rate
of malware threats are constantly growing, posing a serious challenge (DR) (also known as recall or sensitivity on traditional ML literature),
to network security. Therefore, it is essential to have reliable and ef- where precision measures the proportion of true positives out of all
fective IDS systems in place to protect network systems from potential predicted positives, and the detection rate measures the proportion of
damage. true positives out of all actual positives. The F1 Score is defined in
Several studies have been conducted to evaluate the performance of Equation (2).
various ML-classifiers in detecting network attacks. These studies use
𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 ⋅ 𝐷𝑅
datasets such as CIC-IDS-2017, CSE-CIC-IDS-2018, and CIC-DDoS-2019. 𝐹 1𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 = 2 ⋅ (2)
Table 1 provides a summary of the most commonly used ML- 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 + 𝐷𝑅
classifiers and their scores, including accuracy, F1 Score, and AUC, for where precision is defined in Equation (3) and DR is defined in Equa-
each of the aforementioned datasets. The ML-classifiers used in these tion (4).
studies are Logistic Regression (LR) (Wright, 1995), Fuzziness based Neu- 𝑇𝑃
ral Networks (FNN) (Ashfaq et al., 2017), Random Forests (RF) (Cutler 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 = (3)
et al., 2012), Decision Trees (DT) (Rokach and Maimon, 2005), Robust 𝑇𝑃
transformer based Intrusion Detection System (RTIDS) (Wu et al., 2022), 𝐷𝑅 = (4)
and Support Vector Machines (SVM) (Suthaharan and Suthaharan, 2016).
The Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC) is a widely used performance
These classifiers were selected due to their wide adoption and
metric in ML and binary classification tasks. It quantifies the discrimi-
proven effectiveness in diverse Machine Learning applications. Nonethe-
native power of a classification model by measuring the probability that
less, research continues with the development of new and enhanced
the model will rank a randomly chosen positive instance higher than a
classifiers, such as LSTM-FCNN (Sahu et al., 2022) or DCNNBiL-
randomly chosen negative instance. The ROC curve plots the true pos-
STM (Hnamte and Hussain, 2023), further extending the landscape of
itive rate (DR) against the false positive rate (1-specificity) for various
ML-IDS. By examining the results presented in Table 1, researchers
classification thresholds, where specificity is defined in Equation (5).
can gain a comprehensive understanding of the performance of these
classifiers on the specific datasets, enabling informed decisions when 𝑇𝑁
𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑓 𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 = (5)
choosing the most appropriate algorithm for their requirements. The 𝑇𝑁 + 𝐹𝑃
detailed explanations of how each of the results were obtained for each The AUC represents the integral of this curve and ranges from 0 to
classifier can be found in the papers listed in the References column. 1, where a value of 1 indicates a perfect classifier and a value of 0.5
These papers provide comprehensive insights into the methodologies suggests a random or ineffective classifier. Higher AUC values indicate
employed and offer further analysis of the performance of each ML- better model performance in distinguishing between positive and nega-
classifier on the respective datasets. tive instances. The AUC is a popular evaluation metric as it is robust to
Accuracy, F1 Score, and AUC are three common metrics used to class imbalance and provides a concise summary of the model’ overall
evaluate the performance of machine learning models. Accuracy mea- performance.

A. Paya, S. Arroni, V. García-Díaz et al. Computers & Security 136 (2024) 103546

Among the classifiers in Table 1, Random Forest (Zhang et al., 2008) system’s model scores or just a binary output indicating whether the in-
and Decision Trees (Amor et al., 2004) are found to be some of the put was accepted or rejected. This information can be utilized to guide
most effective classifiers for detecting network attacks. Random Forest the training of the generator network, enhancing its ability to produce
has gained popularity due to its ability to handle large datasets and its effective adversarial examples.
robust performance even when the data contains noise or missing val- Recent gray/black-box attacks proven to be effective against IDS in-
ues. Decision Trees are also preferred because of their simplicity and clude attackGAN (Zhao et al., 2021), DIGFuPAS (Duy et al., 2021), IDS-
interpretability. They enable clear visualization of the decision-making GAN (Lin et al., 2022), VulnerGAN (Liu et al., 2022), ZOO attack (Chen
process, making them useful for understanding the factors that con- et al., 2017), Boundary attack (Chen and Jordan, 2019) and the Hot-
tribute to the classification results. SkipJump attack (HSJA) (Chen et al., 2020). ZOO is a score-based attack
Overall, these classifiers have demonstrated strong performance in that estimates gradients to create adversarial traffic in gray/black-box
the field of IDS and are frequently used by researchers and practition- settings. Boundary attack and HSJA are decision-based attacks that only
ers. Their effectiveness in detecting intrusions and classifying network use binary feedback to craft adversarial inputs. The IDSGAN, attackGAN,
traffic makes them valuable tools for maintaining the security and in- and DIGFuPAS are gray/blackbox attacks that employ Wasserstein-GAN
tegrity of computer networks. to generate adversarial traffic. Wasserstein-GAN (W-GAN) (Gulrajani et
al., 2017) is a GAN variant that trains the generator network with a
3.3. Adversarial Machine Learning attacks different objective function called the Wasserstein distance. The Wasser-
stein distance measures the distance between two probability distribu-
ML-based IDSs can learn from data and adapt to new situations, tions and has properties like smoothness and continuity. Some recent
unlike traditional systems that rely on predefined rules. However, ML- WGANs use the Gradient Penalty to enhance the training convergence.
based IDSs also face new challenges from attackers who use Artificial
Intelligence (AI) to craft sophisticated attacks that can fool or com- 3.4. Adversarial Machine Learning defenses
promise ML models. One such threat comes from the use of Artificial
Intelligence (AI) in the form of Adversarial Machine Learning (AML), Due to the increasing number of AML attacks, researchers have de-
where attackers use sophisticated techniques to manipulate or subvert veloped several defense mechanisms to mitigate the impact of these
ML models. These attacks are attractive to cyber attackers since they attacks. In the IDS domain, these defenses can be classified into three
can be challenging to detect and prevent. Furthermore, as AI techniques categories (Alotaibi and Rassam, 2023): preprocessing defenses, adversar-
gain popularity in cybersecurity, attackers are incentivized to develop ial training defenses and adversarial detection defenses.
more sophisticated adversarial attacks to evade detection. It’s crucial to briefly mention here the context of our proposed sys-
Adversarial Machine Learning attacks can be classified as white-box tem, Apollon, in relation to these established defenses. Rather than
attacks and gray/black-box attacks, depending on the level of knowl- replacing or competing with these mechanisms, Apollon works in tan-
edge the attacker possesses about the target model. dem with them, dynamically selecting and optimizing the utilization of
these unaltered, pre-existing models.
3.3.1. White-box attacks
White-box attacks are a powerful category of AML attacks that can 3.4.1. Preprocessing defenses
pose challenges not only to IDS but to any Machine Learning model. In order to mitigate the impact of adversarial perturbations, re-
Their potency derives from the complete knowledge they assume about searchers have devised carefully planned preprocessing techniques.
the target model and training data. This allows the attacker to craft These preprocessing methods aim to reduce the vulnerability of ma-
intricate attacks that can evade system defenses. chine learning models to adversarial attacks and enhance their robust-
Admittedly, such thorough knowledge about the system and its ness applying carefully planned transformations to the input data before
vulnerabilities is often impossible, rendering white-box attacks quite it is fed into the model. These transformations are designed to reduce
unrealistic in many practical scenarios. Thus, while white-box attacks the vulnerability of the model to adversarial perturbations.
are potent in theory, they are seldom observed in practice. Common One example of a preprocessing defense technique is Stochastic
white-box attack methods, applicable to ML models in general, and Transformation-based Defenses (Kou et al., 2019). This technique in-
proven to be effective against IDS, include Fast Gradient Sign Method volves applying random transformations to the input data, such as
(FGSM) (Goodfellow et al., 2014a), Deep-Fool (Moosavi-Dezfooli et al., rotations, translations, and scaling, before feeding it into the model.
2016), Carlini &Wagner attack (C&W) (Carlini and Wagner, 2017), Ja- By introducing randomness into the input data, the model becomes less
cobian based Saliency Map Attack (JSMA) (Papernot et al., 2016), Basic susceptible to adversarial perturbations that are designed to exploit spe-
Iterative Method (BIM) (Kurakin et al., 2016), and Projected Gradient De- cific features of the input.
scent (PGD) (Madry et al., 2017). Another example of a preprocessing defense technique is Gradient
Masking (Athalye et al., 2018). This technique involves modifying the
3.3.2. Gray/black-box attacks gradients of the model during training to make it more difficult for an
Gray/black-box attacks are comparatively more practical as they do attacker to compute the gradients needed to generate adversarial exam-
not necessitate knowledge about the target model. Yet, the effectiveness ples. This is achieved by adding noise to the gradients or by clipping
of these attacks may be limited by the attacker’s restricted knowledge, them to a certain range.
leading to more generic and potentially less effective techniques. Nevertheless, sophisticated adversarial attacks have proven the in-
A prevalent tool used to mount such attacks is the Generative Ad- adequacy of these defense mechanisms. The primary shortcomings of
versarial Network (GAN) (Goodfellow et al., 2020), a machine learning these strategies are rooted in their approach: they tend to “confound” or
model that can produce adversarial examples capable of evading detec- confuse adversaries instead of outright eradicating the presence of ad-
tion systems. GANs are a type of Machine Learning model consisting versarial examples (Xu et al., 2020). This means that while they might
of two neural networks: a generator network and a discriminator net- momentarily disrupt or delay an attacker, they don’t provide a long-
work. The generator network is trained to produce synthetic data that term solution or a foolproof barrier against these threats.
resembles the real data, while the discriminator network is trained to
differentiate between real and synthetic data. 3.4.2. Adversarial training defenses
In the context of black-box and gray-box attacks, the generator net- Adversarial training is a widely researched topic within the realm
work can generate adversarial examples that are specifically designed to of visual computing. Goodfellow et al. (2014b) demonstrated that by
evade the target system’s defenses. The attacker may have access to the retraining a neural network with a dataset comprising both original

A. Paya, S. Arroni, V. García-Díaz et al. Computers & Security 136 (2024) 103546

and adversarial samples, the network’s capability to counter adversarial

samples can be markedly improved. Cluster 0: Len of request 274888
One of the salient features of adversarial training, as detailed in He Training arm 0 on cluster 0
et al. (2023), is its operational efficiency. Unlike some other defense Training arm 1 on cluster 0
mechanisms, adversarial training can function seamlessly without im- Training arm 2 on cluster 0
posing any additional processing overhead during its operation. Cluster 1: Len of request 358525
However, the practical implementation of adversarial training in IDS Training arm 0 on cluster 1
presents its set of challenges. The foremost among these is the intricate Training arm 1 on cluster 1
task of obtaining authentic network attack traffic and crafting tailored Training arm 2 on cluster 1
adversarial attacks against sophisticated IDS setups. Even with a more
accommodating threat model that provides defenders with access to Setting reward_sums arm 0 on cluster 0
malicious datasets, the seamless integration and success of adversarial Setting reward_sums arm 1 on cluster 0
training remain non-trivial (He et al., 2023). Setting reward_sums arm 2 on cluster 0
The data-intensive nature of this approach adds another layer of Setting reward_sums arm 0 on cluster 1
complexity. As highlighted in Wang et al. (2023), adversarial training Setting reward_sums arm 1 on cluster 1
techniques have an insatiable appetite for extensive datasets. Given the Setting reward_sums arm 2 on cluster 1
proprietary nature of many datasets and the challenges associated with
data collection, this becomes a significant roadblock. Most IDS systems, Listing 1: Apollon training process example.
in their current configurations, lean heavily on anomaly detection algo-
rithms that focus predominantly on benign data. This data bias makes
cannot predict which specific model will be responsible for classifying
the infusion of adversarial training into IDS systems a challenging en-
a given request.
deavor, primarily due to the limited availability of attack-centric data.
To dynamically select the optimal classifier or set of classifiers for
A critical consideration in this discourse is the delicate equilibrium
each input, Apollon involves using a Multi-Armed Bandits (MAB) with
between adversarial resilience and the fidelity of model predictions
Thompson sampling. The MAB is responsible for selecting the arm (clas-
on clean data (Bai et al., 2021). While the primary aim of adversar-
sifier) to use for each request based on the current state of the system.
ial training is to fortify IDS defenses against adversarial threats, there’s
Finally, requests are clustered, and there is a version of each classi-
an inherent risk of diminishing the system’s performance on regular,
fier for each cluster, trained only with the information of that cluster.
non-adversarial traffic. This trade-off is central to our ongoing research,
Clustering is used to add another layer of uncertainty to the system,
as the ultimate objective is not just robust defense but also unwavering as the attacker cannot predict in a simple way which cluster a request
accuracy and reliability across all data inputs in IDS systems. belongs to.
Apollon stands as a groundbreaking approach in the realm of in-
3.4.3. Adversarial detection defenses trusion detection. Unlike traditional adversarial training methods that
An alternative approach to combat adversarial attacks involves the necessitate extensive adversarial data, Apollon is ingeniously designed
implementation of detection mechanisms capable of identifying the to function effectively without such data. This strategic design not only
presence of adversarial samples (Zizzo et al., 2019). These mechanisms streamlines the training process but also ensures that Apollon remains
utilize various techniques such as direct classification, neural network resilient and adaptable in ever-changing network environments. By
uncertainty, or input processing. eliminating the need for adversarial data, Apollon offers a more prag-
In the rapidly evolving landscape of cybersecurity, current detection matic and scalable solution for intrusion detection.
mechanisms, though promising, have shown limitations in their abil- Furthermore, Apollon doesn’t alter the underlying models. Instead,
ity to robustly defend against AML attacks (Zizzo et al., 2019). These it refines their application for peak efficiency. This harmonizes with es-
mechanisms, developed based on previous threat models, are now being tablished defense mechanisms, allowing for a seamless integration and
outpaced by the ingenuity of advanced adversarial techniques (Athalye enhancing its adaptability. By selecting the most appropriate classifiers
et al., 2018). for each request type, Apollon maintains the performance standards of
One of the core vulnerabilities of these detection systems is their conventional IDSs in non-AML network traffic scenarios. Moreover, it
struggle to adapt to the dynamic and ever-changing nature of adversar- devises a strategic methodology to prevent attackers from easily un-
ial attacks. Crafted with precision, adversarial samples are specifically derstanding the behaviors of our classifiers using AML techniques. This
designed to elude and mislead detection systems. This makes it exceed- robust framework ensures that while Apollon augments the overall effi-
ingly difficult to differentiate between genuine and adversarial inputs, cacy of existing models, it also fortifies its defenses against AML attacks.
especially when the threat landscape is in constant flux (He et al., 2023). In the face of challenges posed by adversarial training, our proposal,
As the digital world becomes more interconnected and complex, there’s Apollon, presents a unique advantage, setting a new standard in the
an imperative need to not only enhance our detection capabilities but field.
also to anticipate and preemptively address the next wave of adversarial Fig. 2 shows the architecture of Apollon, and the flow that a network
strategies. traffic request follows until it is classified.
Listing 1 shows the output of an Apollon training process example
4. Apollon with two clusters and three classifiers. As can be seen, the training data
is first divided between the two clusters, the classifiers are trained for
In this paper, we propose a robust defense system called Apollon, each cluster and finally, the rewards are assigned. The Listing 2 shows
which is designed to protect an IDS against AML attacks. Apollon is a selection process example of the classifier for each request, the pre-
composed of multiple layers to provide better security than traditional dicted value and the real value.
IDS and previous works. The proposed system combines multiple clas- In the following, each of the layers that influence the final classifi-
sifiers, a Multi-Armed Bandits (MAB) algorithm, and requests clustering cation of a network traffic request will be detailed.
to provide robust defense against AML attacks.
The first layer of Apollon involves using multiple classifiers instead 4.1. Multiple classifiers
of a single classifier that is traditionally used in IDS. The concept behind
utilizing multiple classifiers is to increase the difficulty for potential The first layer of Apollon involves using multiple classifiers instead
attackers attempting to replicate the IDS model. This is because they of a single classifier, which is typically used in traditional IDS. The

A. Paya, S. Arroni, V. García-Díaz et al. Computers & Security 136 (2024) 103546

Fig. 2. Apollon Architecture.

Apollon, we use Thomson Sampling, which is a popular algorithm for

Selected arm: 0.0 Predicted:0 Actual:0
solving the MAB problem. Thomson Sampling balances exploration and
Selected arm: 0.0 Predicted:0 Actual:0 exploitation of the available classifiers, ensuring that the system selects
Selected arm: 2.0 Predicted:0 Actual:0 the optimal classifier or set of classifiers while still being responsive to
Selected arm: 0.0 Predicted:0 Actual:0 new and unknown types of traffic.
Selected arm: 1.0 Predicted:1 Actual:1 The MAB algorithm in Apollon is designed to take into account the
Selected arm: 2.0 Predicted:0 Actual:0 different types of classifiers used in the system. For instance, if the
Random Forest classifier has a high probability of being correct, but
Listing 2: Apollon classifier selection process example. the Naive Bayes and Logistic Regression classifiers have lower probabili-
ties, the MAB algorithm will select the Random Forest classifier for that
idea of using multiple classifiers is to make it more difficult for the particular request. In this way, the MAB algorithm ensures that the sys-
attacker to replicate the IDS model, as he is not able to predict which tem selects the optimal set of classifiers for each request, improving the
model is going to classify the request. By utilizing a greater number overall accuracy of the classification.
of diverse classifiers, the system becomes more resilient by introducing The MAB algorithm is constantly updating the probabilities of the
greater uncertainty, and better classifiers imply better performance in different classifiers based on their previous performance, allowing the
the Apollon system score.
system to adapt to changes in the traffic patterns over time and ensuring
In Apollon, we can use any type of classifier. These classifiers can
that the system is always updated with the latest types of attacks.
be either the most common ones based on Deep Learning or Machine
This update process is described in Algorithm 1. Here, 𝑆𝑖 and 𝐹𝑖 are
Learning, or classifiers based on network traffic request forecasting
the number of observed successes and failures for arm 𝑖, respectively,
techniques, or the more classical ones based on rule systems.
and 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑡𝑎𝑖 is the estimated probability of obtaining a positive reward
4.2. Multi-Armed Bandit from arm 𝑖. The algorithm uses the Beta distribution as an a priori dis-
tribution for the parameters 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑡𝑎𝑖 , and updates it with the observed
The second layer of the Apollon defense system involves the use of data using Bayes’ theorem.
a Multi-Armed Bandits (MAB) algorithm to select the appropriate clas- The MAB algorithm samples the posterior distribution and generates
sifier or set of classifiers for each network traffic request. The MAB is a value for each arm, following which the arm with the highest value
responsible for selecting the best classifier or set of classifiers to evalu- is selected. However, in cases where there is a tie, indicating that mul-
ate whether a request is benign or malicious. This approach avoids the tiple classifiers have an equally high probability of being the best, we
need for manual tuning of thresholds or weights for each classifier. resort to an ensemble method, specifically Bootstrap Aggregating, com-
The MAB algorithm works by selecting the arm, or classifier, that monly known as Bagging (Lee et al., 2020), to combine the outputs of
has the highest probability of providing the correct classification. In these selected models. This approach ensures that even when there are

A. Paya, S. Arroni, V. García-Díaz et al. Computers & Security 136 (2024) 103546

arate version of each classifier for each cluster. While this may seem to
add computational complexity without directly improving traditional
performance metrics such as accuracy or detection rate, it plays a cru-
cial role in increasing the robustness of our system against adversarial
This layer enriches the overall diversity of our system, ensuring the
existence of multiple models trained on different clusters of data. This
added variation serves to complicate an attacker’s task when trying to
replicate the behavior of our system through black/gray box attacks. It
essentially increases the system’s unpredictability, forming a key part
of Apollon’s robust defense against such attempts.
The traffic requests are clustered using the K-Means algorithm
(Sinaga and Yang, 2020), which is a popular clustering algorithm that
is used in many Machine Learning applications. The K-Means algorithm
works by randomly selecting 𝑘 points as the initial centroids, and then
iteratively updating the centroids until the clusters converge. In Apol-
lon, we use the K-Means algorithm to cluster the network traffic requests
Fig. 3. Apollon Multi-Armed Bandits algorithm with multiple classifiers. based on their features, ensuring that requests with similar features are
grouped together. These features are the same ones used by the classi-
fiers to evaluate the requests, ensuring that the clustering is based on
multiple ‘best’ classifiers, the decision-making process remains robust
the same information that the classifiers use to make their decisions.
and effective.
Each cluster has its dedicated version of every classifier, trained ex-
Our choice of Bagging as the ensemble method stems from its in-
clusively on the traffic requests in that cluster. This specific tuning to
herent properties that align well with our objectives. Bagging works
distinct traffic patterns significantly contributes to the system’s com-
by generating multiple versions of a predictor through bootstrapped
plexity and enhances its defense against adversarial learning.
samples of the training set and then aggregates their predictions. This
When a new network traffic request arrives at Apollon, it is classified
process inherently reduces variance, making the ensemble less sensi-
into the appropriate cluster based on its features. The Multi-Armed Ban-
tive to the idiosyncrasies of individual classifiers. In the context of
dits algorithm then selects the optimal set of classifiers for that cluster,
our MAB-based system, where ties among classifiers indicate closely
factoring in the performance of each classifier within that specific clus-
matched performance, Bagging offers a natural way to harness the col-
ter. The selected classifier or set of classifiers then evaluate the request
lective strength of these classifiers without introducing undue bias.
to determine if it is benign or malicious.
The use of clustering in Apollon, together with the individual train-
Algorithm 1 Apollon Thompson Sampling. ing of each classifier on each cluster, allows the Multi-Armed Bandit
Intit 𝑆𝑖 = 0 y 𝐹𝑖 = 0 for each arm 𝑖 algorithm to generate multiple probability distributions for each classi-
for 𝑡 = 1, 2, … do
fier, depending on the type of request received. This blend of strategies
For each arm 𝑖, sample 𝜃𝑖 of Beta distribution (𝑆𝑖 + 1, 𝐹𝑖 + 1)
Choose the arm 𝐼𝑡 that maximizes 𝜃𝑖 amplifies the challenge for potential attackers to identify the responding
Observe the reward 𝑋𝑡 of the arm 𝐼𝑡 . classifier, thereby reducing the probability of successful system imita-
if 𝑋𝑡 = 1 then tion.
Increment 𝑆𝐼𝑡 by one
else 4.4. Apollon limitations
Increment 𝐹𝐼𝑡 by one
end if While Apollon offers a novel and robust approach to defending
end for against adversarial attacks in Intrusion Detection Systems, it is crucial
to discuss its limitations to provide a well-rounded understanding of its
By using a Multi-Armed Bandits algorithm, Apollon can dynamically applicability, strengths, and areas for future improvement.
select the optimal classifier or set of classifiers for each network traf-
fic request, making the system more responsive to new types of attacks. • Increased Model Training Time: One of the notable limitations
The use of Thomson Sampling ensures that the system is balanced be- of Apollon is the increased computational time required during the
tween exploration and exploitation, improving the overall attacks de- model training phase. Although Apollon is designed to be compu-
tection rate of the classification. tationally efficient during the prediction phase—where it merely
The primary reason for our choice of MAB over traditional ensem- samples from pre-defined distributions to select an appropriate
ble algorithms is its dynamic adaptability. In the context of defending model—the training phase is more computationally intensive. This
against AML attacks in IDS, the threat landscape is constantly evolving. is because Apollon needs to generate these distributions for each
MAB provides us with the flexibility to adapt over time, allowing us model in the pool, which can be a time-consuming process. This
to explore and exploit different classifiers based on their historical per- limitation is particularly relevant in scenarios where rapid model
formance. This dynamic selection mechanism ensures that our system training and deployment are crucial.
remains robust even as adversaries adapt their strategies. Traditional • Model Pool Diversity: The second limitation pertains to the diver-
ensemble methods, while powerful, operate on a more static combina- sity of the model pool. The efficacy of Apollon is intrinsically linked
tion of models and might not be as agile in responding to changing to the diversity and quality of the models it has at its disposal. A
adversarial tactics. pool that lacks diversity in terms of the types of models, their archi-
Fig. 3 shows the diagram of the MAB algorithm with multiple clas- tectures, or their training data may not fully exploit the potential
sifiers. of the Multi-Armed Bandits mechanism. This could result in sub-
optimal performance and may reduce Apollon’s overall robustness
against a wide array of adversarial attacks.
4.3. Traffic requests clustering
These limitations offer avenues for future research and development
The final layer of the Apollon defense system involves clustering the to further enhance the real-world applicability and effectiveness of Apol-
network traffic requests based on their features, and then training a sep- lon.

A. Paya, S. Arroni, V. García-Díaz et al. Computers & Security 136 (2024) 103546

5. Evaluation Therefore, differences in pre-processing techniques can lead to varying

levels of accuracy in the classifiers. It is important to take into account
In this section, we present the methodology and results of our eval- these differences when comparing our solution to related work, and to
uation, which assesses the performance of Apollon in traditional and
consider the impact of these factors on the performance of the classi-
AML attack environments. The code that was used and created during
the evaluation of our proposal is completely open and accessible. It can
All the experiments were performed on a Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS ma-
be found on GitHub.1
chine with an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700 CPU @ 3.60GHz processor and
16 GB of RAM memory.
5.1. Methodology

We designed two scenarios to assess the performance of our pro- 5.1.1. Traditional network traffic and attacks
posed solution. In the first scenario, we tested our solution on three In this test scenario, we utilized the CIC-IDS-2017, CSE-CIC-IDS-
datasets: CIC-IDS-2017, CSE-CIC-IDS-2018, and CIC-DDoS-2019. These 2018, and CIC-DDoS-2019 datasets to train a set of classifiers to com-
datasets are comprised of network traffic and web attacks and are com- pare with our proposed solution. Our goal was to assess the performance
monly used in the evaluation of IDSs. The reason for selecting these of our solution with the traditional network traffic and web attacks.
datasets is that they are the most popular and widely used in the evalua- We have utilized default hyperparameters of the classifiers because
tion of IDSs. Additionally, they are generated to be as similar as possible the objective of this scenario is not to maximize the performance of
to real-world network traffic and attacks. Therefore, they are ideal for these classifiers but rather to compare them with our solution. The clas-
evaluating the performance of our solution in a traditional IDS environ- sifiers used in this scenario are the following:
ment. However, it is important to note that real-world network traffic
and attacks are constantly evolving and becoming more complex, and • Multilayer Perceptron (MLP): hidden_layer_sizes = (32), max_iter =
as such, these datasets may not be representative of the current state of 200
network traffic and attacks. • Random Forest (RF): n_estimations = 100
These datasets are comprised of flow features in a CSV format which • Decision Trees (DT)
were used as inputs to our Machine Learning models. The process • Naive Bayes (NB)
of feature selection was undertaken prior to model training. For the • Logistic Regression (LR)
CIC-DDoS-2019 dataset, we followed the feature selection process as
described in work (Thiyam and Dey, 2023). For the CSE-CIC-IDS-2018 5.1.2. Adversarial Machine Learning attacks
dataset, we referred to the methodology outlined in work (Pujari et al., In this test scenario, we used several gray/black-box Adversarial Ma-
2022) for feature selection. Lastly, for the CIC-IDS-2017 dataset, we ad- chine Learning attacks to evaluate the ability of our solution to defend
hered to the approach recommended in work (Faker and Dogdu, 2019) against such attacks. To simplify the evaluation process, we used the
for selecting features. This systematic feature selection approach en- CIC-IDS-2017 dataset to train the classifiers and our proposed solution
abled us to optimize the performance of our models, enhancing their because it is the most popular dataset. We compare the accuracy and the
accuracy, and reducing overfitting and training time. detection rate of the classifiers and our proposed solution against the
Due to our lack of powerful machines, we opted to use a represen- gray/black-box Adversarial Machine Learning attacks. As we mentioned
tative subset of the datasets instead of the complete data to efficiently before, we only test with gray/black-box attacks because white-box at-
train and test our models. For the dataset CIC-DDoS-2019 the whole tacks are not realistic in real-world scenarios.
dataset has been used, while for the dataset CSE-CIC-IDS-2018 the The attacks used in this scenario are the following:
subset from 02-15-2018 has been used. Finally, for the CIC-IDS-2017
dataset, the following subsets of data have been selected: • Zeroth-order optimization attack (ZOO) (Chen et al., 2017)
• HopSkipJump attack (HSJA) (Chen et al., 2020)
• Friday WorkingHours Afternoon DDoS • W-GAN based attacks (Lin et al., 2022)
• Friday WorkingHours Afternoon PortScan
• Friday WorkingHours Morning We opted for these particular attacks because they encompass a
• Monday WorkingHours broad spectrum of potential Adversarial Machine Learning evasion
• Thursday WorkingHours Afternoon Infilteration strategies and are among the most widely used and successful.
• Thursday WorkingHours Morning WebAttacks The adversarial network traffic used in this scenario was generated
• Tuesday WorkingHours by modifying real attack traffic while preserving the key characteristics
of the attacks. This method ensures that the adversarial traffic maintains
We compared the results of our solution with the classifiers extracted the legitimate semantics of the original traffic, an approach adopted
from related work. In the second scenario, we used several gray/black- from M. Usama et al.’s methodology (Usama et al., 2019).
box Adversarial Machine Learning attacks to evaluate the ability of our
solution to defend against such attacks. In this scenario, the test data
5.2. Results
exclusively comprise attack instances. Conversely, for the first scenario,
the test data are extracted from the respective dataset and incorporate
a mix of benign and malicious instances. Throughout the development of the evaluation we have decided to
The classifiers scores used to compare our solution may be differ- set a seed, so that the results can be replicated: the seed = 42.
ent than those reported in related work due to several factors. Firstly, Before training the classifiers, a common pre-processing step was
the machine on which the training is performed may differ from that performed on the data from all datasets. This step is essential in stan-
of related work. This can impact the speed and efficiency of the train- dardizing the datasets, ensuring that we are working uniformly with
ing process, which in turn can affect the final accuracy of the classifiers. each of them. To achieve this, a combination of sklearn functions such
Secondly, the pre-processing of the data may be different between our as RobustScaler and Normalizer was utilized. To make features less sen-
solution and related work. Pre-processing techniques can greatly im- sitive to outliers, the RobustScaler subtracts the median and adjusts the
pact the quality of the data and hence the performance of the classifiers. data based on the quantile range. The Normalizer scales the input data
set to have a norm of 1 and values between 0 and 1.
In addition to standardizing the datasets, additional steps were taken
1 to further prepare the data for training our classifiers. We avoided ex-

A. Paya, S. Arroni, V. García-Díaz et al. Computers & Security 136 (2024) 103546

cessive pre-processing, to preserve as much data as possible, so we only Table 2

eliminated duplicate elements and attributes that had only unique data. Results of the traditional network traffic and attacks scenario on the CIC-IDS-
We also encountered some data with missing values (NaN) and ex- 2017 dataset.
plored various methods to handle this issue: filling in missing values Metrics CIC-IDS-2017
with a fixed value, with the mean or median of the feature’s non-missing MLP NB RF DT LR Apollon
values, with a prediction based on the other features and with a predic-
Accuracy 0.9766 0.6694 0.9996 0.9980 0.9516 0.9740
tion based on k-nearest neighbors. Our experiments revealed that using
Detection rate 0.9731 0.8049 0.9996 0.9962 0.8360 0.9420
a constant value of 0 to fill in missing values achieved the best perfor- F1 0.9760 0.6118 0.9991 0.9959 0.8858 0.7699
mance in the training step. AUC 0.9998 0.8289 1.0000 0.9972 0.9902 0.9420
We apply this pre-processing to all datasets equally. For validating
the results, we employed the Walk-Forward Cross-Validation method,
Table 3
which is particularly suitable for time-series data, ensuring that there’s
Results of the traditional network traffic and attacks scenario on the CSE-CIC-
no data leakage from the future into the training set. The specifics of
IDS-2018 dataset.
our approach are as follows:
Metrics CSE-CIC-IDS-2018
• Step Size: After each iteration, we expanded the training set by 8% MLP NB RF DT LR Apollon
of the total dataset size. This ensures that the model is trained on an Accuracy 0.9916 0.7280 0.9993 0.9939 0.9593 0.9064
increasing amount of past data while leaving room for validation. Detection rate 0.9367 0.8563 0.9967 0.9961 0.6008 0.9419
• Validation Set Size: In each iteration, the model was validated on F1 0.9545 0.5507 0.9963 0.9968 0.6556 0.7303
AUC 0.9945 0.8605 0.9993 0.9984 0.9592 0.9419
the subsequent 2% of the dataset. This size was chosen to provide
a balance between the number of training and validation iterations
and the granularity of validation. Table 4
• Total Iterations: Given the initial training size, step size, and vali- Results of the traditional network traffic and attacks scenario on the CIC-DDoS-
dation set size, the process was carried out in 5 iterations, ensuring 2019 dataset.
that the model is validated across all possible contiguous training-
Metrics CIC-DDoS-2019
validation splits.

By using Walk-Forward Cross-Validation, we ensure that the results Accuracy 0.9998 0.9990 0.9999 0.9999 0.9970 0.9996
Detection rate 0.8985 0.8709 0.9932 0.9999 0.7930 0.9691
obtained are representative of the model’s ability to predict future data
F1 0.9186 0.7148 0.9957 0.9991 0.8541 0.8521
points based on past observations, eliminating the risk of inadvertently AUC 0.9817 0.9753 0.9999 0.9999 0.9796 0.9691
training the model on future data. This approach provides a more re-
alistic and robust evaluation of the model’s performance on time-series
data. mum score, while it can never perform as poorly as the worst classifier
The results of our experiments in the two evaluation scenarios are since it has other better options.
presented below. Our results demonstrate that even with the integration of new secu-
rity mechanisms, Apollon can still provide high accuracy and detection
rate scores in traditional network traffic classification environments.
5.2.1. Traditional network traffic and attacks
Therefore, Apollon is capable of preserving the fundamental functional-
In this scenario, we trained the selected classifiers on the CIC-IDS-
ity of an IDS.
2017, CSE-CIC-IDS-2018, and CIC-DDoS-2019 datasets. Additionally,
we trained our proposed solution on the same datasets and with the
5.2.2. Adversarial Machine Learning attacks
same classifiers. To train Apollon, we use the K-Means (Likas et al.,
In this scenario, we have launched three types of Adversarial Ma-
2003) algorithm to cluster the data into 2 clusters. For each cluster,
chine Learning attacks on the selected classifiers and against our so-
we train the selected classifiers and we update the Multi-Armed Bandits
lution. These attacks are Zeroth-order optimization attack (ZOO), Hop-
algorithm with the results.
SkipJump attack (HSJA) and W-GAN based attacks.
The results obtained from the experiments are presented in the Ta- The classifiers and the Apollon implementation used as targets of
bles 2, 3, and 4. the attacks are the ones trained in the previous environment with the
In our experiments across different datasets, the Multi-Armed Ban- CIC-IDS-2017 dataset.
dit algorithm showed a preference for specific models or combinations Starting with the Zeroth-order optimization attack (ZOO), we have
thereof. For instance, in the CIC-IDS-2017 dataset, the most frequently used the open source implementation provided by ART (Nicolae et al.,
chosen combination by MAB was Random Forest (RF) and Decision Tree 2018), and created a Classifier class so that Apollon can be used as a
(DT), accounting for approximately 40% of the selections, followed by model. The attack was launched with the following parameters for each
RF alone at 28%. In the CIC-DDoS-2019 dataset, DT was the choice classifier:
in 60% of the selections. Similarly, in the CSE-CIC-IDS-2018 dataset,
RF was chosen 42% of the time, followed by the combination of RF • classifier: the Classifier class instance with the classifier to be at-
and DT at approximately 27%. Intriguingly, the models or combina- tacked.
tions selected by MAB are generally those that individually exhibit high • targeted: True.
performance. This observation underscores the efficacy of MAB in dy- • learning_rate: 0.01.
namically selecting optimal models, thereby enhancing the robustness • max_iter: 100.
and adaptability of our IDS.
Based on these results, our solution demonstrates high detection The attack was launched against the classifiers and the results are
rate and accuracy scores, comparable to the classifiers chosen for com- shown in Table 5. The most frequently chosen combination was RF and
parison. It’s important to mention that among all the datasets, Apollon DT, making up approximately 39% of the selections, followed by RF
doesn’t achieve the best or the worst scores. This is due to the fact that alone at 28%. According to the findings, the attack was effective in
Apollon internally selects from the same classifiers. Hence, the highest every scenario, resulting in reduced detection rates across all classifiers.
score that Apollon can achieve is limited to the best classifier’s maxi- Nonetheless, even though the Apollon implementation’s accuracy and

A. Paya, S. Arroni, V. García-Díaz et al. Computers & Security 136 (2024) 103546

Table 5 attacks are highly similar, with the same models being chosen more
Results of the ZOO AML attack. frequently than others.
Metrics ZOO attack Apollon’s improved accuracy and detection rates in AML attacks can
be attributed to the inclusion of an uncertainty component in its model
selection process. This renders it difficult to train a model solely based
Accuracy 0.7200 0.7300 0.7250 0.7400 0.5200 0.9304 on its responses.
Detection rate 0.5260 0.5500 0.5460 0.5780 0.0420 0.8772
F1 0.5329 0.5550 0.5505 0.5815 0.0457 0.8835
The experimental results of the scenario reveal that our solution
AUC 0.7300 0.7400 0.7350 0.7500 0.5300 0.9400 exhibits greater robustness in comparison to the other classifiers used
However, we also observed that while our solution effectively re-
Table 6 duces the effectiveness of the attacks, it does not completely nullify
Results of the HopSkipJump AML attack. them. This means that there is still room for improvement in terms of
Metrics HopSkipJump attack enhancing the solution’s robustness to further strengthen its resistance
against such attacks.
In particular, if we were to generate the attacks with more time, such
Accuracy 0.5002 0.4301 0.5001 0.5051 0.5900 0.7550 as by increasing the number of iterations or epochs, it is likely that the
Detection Rate 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0100 0.1800 0.5260
F1 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0133 0.2091 0.5607
effectiveness of these attacks against our solution would increase. It’s
AUC 0.5002 0.4907 0.5000 0.5121 0.6200 0.7760 important to note that we are realistic about the limitations of our pro-
posal. While crafting an impenetrable defense is nearly impossible, our
solution aims to significantly increase the time and resources required
Table 7 for a potential attacker to successfully execute an attack. In real-world
Results of the W-GAN based AML attack. scenarios, this increase in time and computational cost can render an at-
Metrics W-GAN based attack tack unfeasible or economically unviable, thereby serving as a deterrent
and adding an extra layer of security.

Accuracy 0.5002 0.4398 0.5001 0.4280 0.3230 0.6260

6. Conclusions and future work
Detection Rate 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.4250
F1 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.4595
AUC 0.5000 0.4903 0.5004 0.4887 0.4604 0.7000 In conclusion, this paper presents Apollon, a new robust defense
system against Adversarial Machine Learning attacks on Intrusion De-
tection Systems. Apollon utilizes a Multi-Armed Bandits model to select
detection rate scores also declined, they remained considerably superior the best-suited classifier in real-time for each input with Thompson sam-
to those of the other classifiers, with high accuracy and detection rate pling, adding a layer of uncertainty to the IDS behavior, that makes it
scores. more difficult for attackers to replicate the IDS and generate adversarial
To launch the HopSkipJump attack (HSJA), we have used the open traffic.
source implementation provided by ART, and created a Classifier as in Our experimental evaluation on several datasets shows that Apollon
the ZOO attack. The attack was launched with the following parameters can successfully detect attacks without compromising its performance
for each classifier: on normal network traffic data, and can prevent attackers from learning
the IDS behavior in realistic training times. These results demonstrate
• classifier: the Classifier class instance with the classifier to be at- that Apollon is an effective defense system against AML attacks in IDS,
tacked. which can help to enhance the security of critical systems.
• targeted: True. Nevertheless, Apollon does not completely eliminate the risk of AML
• max_iter: 100. attacks; rather, it mitigates the threat by significantly increasing the
• norm: inf. time and effort required by attackers to generate adversarial traffic. By
doing so, Apollon adds a layer of complexity that attackers must navi-
The results of the attack are shown in Table 6. In this scenario, the gate, thereby serving as a deterrent. This increased time and effort can
RF and DT combination accounted for approximately 36% of the se- often translate into higher computational and financial costs for the
lections, followed by RF at 33%. The attack was very effective in all attacker, making the attack less appealing or even economically unfea-
the classifiers, resulting in reduced detection rates to scores close to sible. While this doesn’t make the system entirely impervious to AML
zero. The exception was the Apollon implementation, which was able to attacks, it does raise the bar for what constitutes a successful attack,
maintain a detection rate > 0.5. providing an additional layer of security and resilience in real-world
Finally, the Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network (W-GAN) applications.
based attack was launched with a custom implementation available in With the aim of improving the performance and robustness of Apol-
the Apollon repository on GitHub. This implementation was based on lon, we plan to explore the use of other MAB models and implementa-
the IDSGAN attack (Lin et al., 2022), updated to the needs of the se- tions, such as Bayesian Optimization or Deep Bayesian Bandits. We also
lected dataset. The results in Table 7 were obtained after launching the plan to explore the use of other classifiers and ML models, such as re-
attack with 100 epochs. Much like in prior experiments, the RF and DT quests forecasting models, which can be used to predict the expected
combination was chosen in approximately 48% of the cases, followed number of requests in the next time window and compare it with the
by RF at 20%. actual number of requests. Finally, we plan to test Apollon with AML at-
The W-GAN based attack was the most effective attack, reducing the tacks on other datasets, such as CSE-CIC-IDS-2018 and CIC-DDoS-2019
detection rate to zero in all the classifiers. Our solution, on the other datasets, and explore the use of other datasets, to evaluate the perfor-
hand, was able to maintain a detection rate > 0.4. mance of Apollon in different network environments.
Interestingly, the MAB choices for these three types of AML attacks
closely resemble those observed in the previous scenario conducted on CRediT authorship contribution statement
the same dataset. This consistency can be attributed to the fact that
Apollon starts each experiment with the same initial distributions for Antonio Paya: Conceptualization, Investigation, Methodology, Su-
the models. As a result, the selection patterns across different types of pervision, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. Sergio

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