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Registered Office: HDFC Bank House, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai 400 013.
[CIN: L65920MH1994PLC080618] [E-Mail:]
[Website:] [Tel No.: 022 3976 0000]
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE TWENTY SEVENTH “RESOLVED THAT in partial modification of the resolution
(27TH) ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE MEMBERS of the Members of the Bank that was passed at the
OF HDFC BANK LIMITED WILL BE HELD ON SATURDAY, 25th Annual General Meeting held on July 12, 2019, and
JULY 17, 2021 AT 2.30 P.M. INDIAN STANDARD TIME subject to applicable law and regulations (as may be
(“IST”). THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING SHALL BE amended, restated, modified, replaced from time to time),
HELD BY MEANS OF VIDEO CONFERENCING (“VC”) / the term of office for MSKA & Associates, Chartered
OTHER AUDIO VISUAL MEANS (“OAVM”) ON ACCOUNT Accountants, as Statutory Auditors of the Bank be revised
OF OUTBREAK OF COVID-19 (CORONAVIRUS) PANDEMIC from a term of 4 years to a term of 3 years, i.e. 3 years from
AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RELEVANT CIRCULARS the FY 2019-20 till (and including) the FY 2021-22, and that
ISSUED BY THE MINISTRY OF CORPORATE AFFAIRS, TO for the remainder of this revised term, MSKA & Associates
TRANSACT THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS: shall act as joint Statutory Auditors of the Bank with such
other joint Statutory Auditor(s) as the Bank may appoint
(subject to the approval of RBI and the Members of the
ORDINARY BUSINESS: Bank), at an overall audit fees of ` 3,30,00,000 (Rupees
1. To receive, consider and adopt the audited financial
Three Crores Thirty Lakhs Only) for FY 2021-22 to be
statements (standalone) of the Bank for the financial year
allocated by the Bank between MSKA & Associates and
ended March 31, 2021 and the Reports of the Board of
such joint Statutory Auditors as may be mutually agreed
Directors and Auditors thereon.
between the Bank and the said joint Statutory Auditors,
depending upon their respective scope of work, and
2. To receive, consider and adopt the audited financial
statements (consolidated) of the Bank for the financial year additionally out of pocket expenses, outlays and taxes as
ended March 31, 2021 and the Report of Auditors thereon. applicable.

3. To declare dividend on Equity Shares. RESOLVED FURTHER THAT for the purpose of giving
effect to the above resolution, the Board (including the Audit
4. To appoint a director in place of Mr. Srikanth Nadhamuni Committee of the Board or any other person(s) authorised
(DIN 02551389), who retires by rotation and, being eligible, by the Board or the Audit Committee in this regard), be
offers himself for re-appointment. and is hereby authorised on behalf of the Bank to do all
such acts, deeds, matters and things as it may, in its
5. To ratify the additional audit fees to the Statutory Auditors, absolute discretion, deem necessary or desirable for such
MSKA & Associates, Chartered Accountants and in this purpose and with power on behalf of the Bank to settle all
regard to consider and if thought fit to pass, the following questions, difficulties or doubts that may arise in regard to
resolution as an Ordinary Resolution: implementation of the resolution including but not limited to
determination of roles and responsibilities/ scope of work
“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to Section 142 and other of the respective joint Statutory Auditor(s), negotiating,
applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, finalising, amending, signing, delivering, executing, the
2013 and the relevant rules there under, in addition to terms of appointment including any contracts or documents
the resolution passed by the Members of the Bank on in this regard, without being required to seek any further
July 18, 2020, for payment of audit fees of ` 2,65,00,000 consent or approval of the Members of the Bank.”
(Rupees Two Crores Sixty Five Lakhs Only) for the
FY 2020-21 to MSKA & Associates, Statutory Auditors of 7. To appoint joint Statutory Auditors and in this regard to
the Bank, further approval of the Members of the Bank be consider and, if thought fit, to pass, the following resolution
and is hereby accorded for ratifying the fees of ` 55,00,000 as an Ordinary Resolution:
(Rupees Fifty Five Lakhs Only) to Statutory Auditors for
additional certification and reporting as required by the RBI, “RESOLVED THAT, pursuant to the provisions of Sections
for the FY 2020-21.” 139, 141 and other applicable provisions, if any, of the
Companies Act, 2013 and the relevant Rules thereunder
6. To revise the term of office of MSKA & Associates as and pursuant to Section 30 of the Banking Regulation Act,
Statutory Auditors of the Bank and in this regard to consider 1949 and guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank of India
and, if thought fit, to pass, the following resolution as an (RBI) including any amendments, modifications, variations
Ordinary Resolution: or re-enactments thereof and subject to approval of the

HDFC Bank Limited | Integrated Annual Report 2020-21 1


RBI in this regard, M/s. M. M. Nissim & Co. LLP, Chartered SPECIAL BUSINESS:
Accountants (ICAI Firm Registration No. 107122W/W100672) 8. In supersession of the resolution of the Members of the
[‘M.M. Nissim & Co. LLP’], who have offered themselves Bank passed at the 22nd AGM dated July 21, 2016, to
for appointment and have confirmed their eligibility to be
approve the revised remuneration of non-executive
appointed as Statutory Auditors in terms of Section 141
directors except for Part Time Non-Executive Chairperson
of the Companies Act, 2013 and applicable rules and the
and in this regard, to consider and if thought fit, to pass,
guidelines issued by RBI dated April 27, 2021, be and are
the following resolution as an Ordinary Resolution:
hereby appointed as the joint Statutory Auditors of the Bank,
to hold office for a period of 3 (Three) years with effect from
the FY 2021-22 till and including the FY 2023-24, subject to “RESOLVED THAT in supersession of the resolution of
the approval of the RBI for each year during this tenure, for the Members of the Bank passed at the 22nd AGM dated
the purpose of audit including reporting on internal financial July 21, 2016, and pursuant to the applicable provisions of
controls of the Bank’s accounts at its head office, branches the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and other laws including
and other offices, with power to the Board, including Reserve Bank of India’s (“RBI”) Circular on Corporate
relevant Committee(s) thereof, to alter and vary the terms Governance in Banks - Appointment of Directors
and conditions of appointment, etc., including by reason of and Constitution of Committees of the Board dated
necessity on account of conditions as may be stipulated by April 26, 2021, as may be amended, restated, replaced
the RBI and / or any other authority. or modified from time to time and any other relevant RBI
guidelines in relation to compensation to non-executive
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT subject to applicable law and directors, and provisions of Section 197, and all other
regulations including the relevant guidelines and circulars of applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and
the RBI (as may be amended, restated, modified, replaced the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of
from time to time), M.M. Nissim & Co. LLP and MSKA & Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014, consent of the
Associates, Chartered Accountants (ICAI Firm Registration Members of the Bank be and is hereby accorded to
No. 105047W) who were already appointed as Statutory pay compensation to non-executive directors (NEDs)
Auditors of the Bank at the 25th Annual General Meeting held of the Bank, other than the Part Time Non-Executive
on July 12, 2019, shall act as joint Statutory Auditors of the Chairperson, in the form of fixed remuneration of
Bank for the remainder of the term of MSKA & Associates, ` 20,00,000 (Rupees Twenty Lakhs Only) to each NED,
at overall audit fees of ` 3,30,00,000 (Rupees Three Crores per annum, which is commensurate with the individual
Thirty Lakhs Only) for FY 2021-22, to be allocated by the director’s responsibilities and demands on time, with
Bank between MSKA & Associates and M.M. Nissim & effect from the FY 2021-22, or any other or different limits
Co. LLP as the joint Statutory Auditors, as may be mutually as may be applicable under law / relevant RBI guidelines,
agreed between the Bank and the said joint statutory from time to time, and subject to and in accordance with
auditors, depending upon their respective scope of work, the decisions in this regard and/or the applicable / relevant
and additionally out of pocket expenses, outlays and taxes policy, if any, of the Board or the relevant Committee
as applicable and that M.M. Nissim & Co. LLP shall thereafter thereof, in addition to payment of sitting fees and
act as joint Statutory Auditors of the Bank with such other
reimbursement of out of pocket expenses for attending
new joint Statutory Auditor(s) who will be appointed by the
the Board and Committee meetings.
Bank subject to prior permission of RBI and approval of the
Members of the Bank from FY 2022-23 onwards.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Members of the Bank
do hereby accord approval to the Board of Directors of the
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT for the purpose of giving
effect to the above resolution the Board (including the Audit Bank (including any Committee thereof or any person(s)
Committee of the Board or any other person(s) authorised by authorised by the Board or the Committee in this regard)
the Board or the Audit Committee in this regard), be and is to sign, deliver and execute all such documents, deeds
hereby authorised on behalf of the Bank to do all such acts, and writings and to do all such acts, deeds, matters and
deeds, matters and things as it may, in its absolute discretion, things as may be deemed necessary, expedient and
deem necessary or desirable for such purpose and with incidental thereto and to delegate all or any of its powers
power on behalf of the Bank to settle all questions, difficulties herein conferred to any Committee of Directors and / or
or doubts that may arise in regard to implementation of the director(s) and / or officer(s) / employee(s) of the Bank / any
resolution including but not limited to determination of roles other person(s) to give effect to the aforesaid resolution and
and responsibilities/ scope of work of the respective joint also to take all such steps as may be necessary, proper or
Statutory Auditors, negotiating, finalising, amending, signing, expedient to give effect to the aforesaid resolution.”
delivering, executing, the terms of appointment including
any contracts or documents in this regard, without being 9. To approve the re-appointment Mr. Umesh Chandra
required to seek any further consent or approval of the Sarangi (DIN 02040436) as an Independent Director and
Members of the Bank.”

in this regard to consider and if thought fit, to pass, the recommendations of the Nomination and Remuneration
following resolution as a Special Resolution: Committee, approval of the Board and the RBI from time
to time during his tenure, and that he will be entitled for free
“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to Sections 149, 152 and use of Bank’s car for official and private purposes, as well
other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, as sitting fees for attending Board and Committee meetings
2013 and the relevant rules thereunder read with Schedule of the Bank;
IV to the Companies Act, 2013, Regulation 17 of the
Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Board (which term
shall include any Committee thereof) be and is hereby
and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, Section
authorized to do all such acts, deeds, matters and things
10A(2)(a) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, and relevant
and to execute any agreements, documents, instruments
circulars issued by RBI from time to time, including any
and writings as may be required, with power to settle all
amendments, modifications, variations or re-enactments
questions, difficulties or doubts that may arise in regard to
thereof and recommendation of the Nomination and
the said appointment as it may in its sole discretion deem
Remuneration Committee of Directors and the Board of
fit and to delegate all or any of its powers conferred herein
Directors of the Bank, the re-appointment of Mr. Umesh
to any director(s) and/ or officer(s) of the Bank to give effect
Chandra Sarangi (DIN 02040436), be and is hereby
to this resolution.”
approved by the members as an Independent Director
of the Bank having specialized knowledge and practical
11. To approve the appointment of Dr. (Ms.) Sunita Maheshwari
experience in matters relating to agriculture and rural
(DIN 01641411) as an Independent Director and in this
economy, to hold office for a period of three (3) years from regard to consider and if thought fit, to pass, the following
March 1, 2021 to February 29, 2024, AND THAT he shall resolution as an Ordinary Resolution:
not be liable to retire by rotation and that he shall be paid
sitting fees, reimbursed expenses for attending Board and “RESOLVED THAT pursuant to Sections 149, 152 and
Committee meetings as applicable and fixed remuneration such other applicable provisions of the Companies Act,
of ` 20,00,000 (Rupees Twenty Lakhs Only) per annum 2013, Regulation 17 of the Securities and Exchange Board
from FY 2021-22 till the end of his tenure in terms of the RBI of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Circular on Corporate Governance in Banks - Appointment Regulations, 2015, Section 10A (2)(a) and such other
of Directors and Constitution of Committees of the Board applicable provisions of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949
dated April 26, 2021.” and relevant circulars issued by the RBI from time to time,
including any amendments, modifications, variations
10. To approve the appointment Mr. Atanu Chakraborty or re-enactments thereof and recommendation of the
(DIN 01469375) as a Part time Non-Executive Chairman Nomination and Remuneration Committee of Directors and
and Independent Director of the Bank and in this regard to the Board of Directors of the Bank, the appointment of
consider and if thought fit, to pass, the following resolution Dr. (Ms.) Sunita Maheshwari (DIN 01641411) be and is hereby
as an Ordinary Resolution: approved by the members as an Independent Director of
the Bank having specialized experience inter alia in small
“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to Article 161 of Articles scale industries, to hold office for a period of five (5) years
of Association of the Bank, Sections 149, 152 read with from March 30, 2021 to March 29, 2026 AND THAT she
Schedule IV and such other applicable provisions of shall not be liable to retire by rotation and that she shall be
the Companies Act, 2013 along with applicable rules paid sitting fees and reimbursed expenses for attending
thereunder, Section 35B and such other applicable Board and Committee meetings as applicable, and fixed
provisions of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and any remuneration of ` 20,00,000 (Rupees Twenty Lakhs) per
other applicable laws, or any amendment or modifications annum from FY 2021-22 till the end of her tenure in terms
or any re-enactment thereof, and subject to the approvals, of the RBI Circular on Corporate Governance in Banks -
as may be necessary from the Reserve Bank of India (“RBI”) Appointment of Directors and Constitution of Committees
and other concerned authorities or bodies and subject of the Board dated April 26, 2021.”
to the conditions as may be prescribed by any of them
while granting such approvals, appointment of Mr. Atanu 12. To ratify and approve the related party transactions with
Chakraborty (DIN 01469375), be and is hereby approved Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited and
as Part time Non Executive Chairman and Independent in this regard to consider and, if thought fit, to pass, the
Director of the Bank, not liable to retire by rotation, for a following resolution as an Ordinary Resolution:
period of three (3) years commencing from May 5, 2021,
at a remuneration of ` 35,00,000 (Rupees Thirty Five “RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the Securities and
Lakhs only) per annum, and the Board is authorized to fix Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and
the remuneration payable to Mr. Atanu Chakraborty and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (“Listing
subsequently vary at annual or periodic intervals as per the Regulations”) and any other applicable provisions of law,

HDFC Bank Limited | Integrated Annual Report 2020-21 3


including any amendments, modifications, variations 13. To ratify and approve the related party transactions with
or re-enactments thereof, the Members of the Bank do HDB Financial Services Limited and in this regard to
hereby ratify, as also accord further approval (under the consider and if thought fit, to pass, the following resolution
Listing Regulations, Section 188 of the Companies Act, as an Ordinary Resolution:
2013, rules thereunder and any other relevant provisions
of law including any amendments, modifications, variations “RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the Securities and
or re-enactments thereof) to the Board of Directors of the Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Bank (hereinafter referred to as the “Board”, which term Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (“Listing Regulations”)
shall be deemed to include any Committee constituted / and any other applicable provisions of law, including any
empowered / to be constituted by the Board from time to amendments, modifications, variations or re-enactments
time to exercise its powers conferred by this resolution) for thereof, the Members of the Bank do hereby ratify and also
carrying out and / or continuing with arrangements and accord further approval to the Board of Directors of the
transactions (whether individual transactions or transactions Bank (hereinafter referred to as the “Board”, which term
taken together or series of transactions or otherwise) with shall be deemed to include any Committee constituted /
Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited (“HDFC empowered / to be constituted by the Board from time to
Limited”), being a related party, whether by way of renewal(s) time to exercise its powers conferred by this resolution) for
or extension(s) or modification(s) of earlier arrangements / carrying out and/or continuing with arrangements and the
transactions or as fresh and independent transactions or transactions (whether individual transactions or transactions
otherwise, including banking transactions, transactions taken together or series of transactions or otherwise) with
for sourcing of home loans for HDFC Limited against the HDB Financial Services Limited (“HDBFSL”), being a related
consideration of the commission agreed upon or as may party, including transactions of purchase / securitization of
be mutually agreed upon from time to time, purchase / loans, servicing arrangements, if any, banking transactions
securitization of such percentage of home loans sourced and any other arrangements / transactions including those
and disbursed as may be agreed from time to time mutually as are or as may be disclosed in the notes forming part of
between the Bank and HDFC Limited, servicing by HDFC the financial statements, whether by way of continuation,
Limited of home loans assigned by it / securitized against the renewal(s) or extension(s) or modification(s) of earlier
consideration agreed upon or as may be agreed upon from arrangements / transactions or otherwise, against such
time to time, any transactions for purchase of any securities consideration as agreed upon or as may be mutually agreed
from HDFC Limited held by it in any of its subsidiary and/or upon from time to time between the Bank and HDBFSL,
associate companies (subject to a cap of 5% of the paid-up notwithstanding the fact that all these transactions within
share capital of such investee company), with such rights the FY 2021-22 in aggregate may exceed 10% of the annual
and subject to such terms and conditions including for such consolidated turnover of the Bank as per the Bank’s last
consideration as may be mutually agreed upon from time to audited financial statements or any materiality threshold as
time between the Bank and HDFC Limited as also subject may be applicable from time to time;
to any regulatory approvals as may be required to be sought
by the Bank, and any other transactions including those as RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Members of the Bank
are or as may be disclosed in the notes forming part of the do hereby ratify as also accord further approval to the
financial statements for the relevant period, notwithstanding Board of Directors of the Bank to sign and execute all such
the fact that all these transactions within the FY 2021-22 documents, deeds and writings and to do all such acts,
in aggregate may exceed 10% of the annual consolidated deeds, matters and things as may be deemed necessary,
turnover of the Bank as per the Bank’s last audited financial expedient and incidental thereto and to delegate all or any of
statements or any materiality threshold as may be applicable its powers herein conferred to any Committee of Directors
from time to time; and / or director(s) and / or officer(s) / employee(s) of the
Bank / any other person(s) to give effect to the aforesaid
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Members of the Bank resolution.”
do hereby ratify as also accord further approval to the
Board of Directors of the Bank to sign and execute all such 14. To Issue Unsecured Perpetual Debt Instruments (part of
documents, deeds and writings and to do all such acts, Additional Tier I capital), Tier II Capital Bonds and Long
deeds, matters and things as may be deemed necessary, Term Bonds (financing of infrastructure and affordable
expedient and incidental thereto and to delegate all or any of housing) on a private placement basis and in this regard to
its powers herein conferred to any Committee of Directors consider and if thought fit, to pass, the following resolution,
and / or director(s) and / or officer(s) / employee(s) of the as a Special Resolution:
Bank / any other person(s) to give effect to the aforesaid

“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to Section 42 and other 15. To consider amendment to the ESOS-Plan D-2007 as
applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 2013, approved by the Members and, if thought fit, to pass, the
Rule 14 and other applicable provisions, if any, of the following resolution, as a Special Resolution:
Companies (Prospectus and Allotment of Securities) Rules,
2014, the Companies (Share Capital and Debenture) Rules, “RESOLVED THAT in accordance with the provisions of
2014, any other applicable Rules, Securities and Exchange the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Share Based
Board of India (Issue and Listing of Debt Securities) Employee Benefits) Regulations, 2014, as may be amended,
Regulations, 2008, any other applicable provisions replaced, restated from time to time (“SBEB Regulations”)
of law, any amendments, modifications, variations or and subject to such other approvals as may be required,
re-enactments thereto from time to time, and the provisions approval of the Members be and is hereby accorded
of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the to make the amendments in the HDFC Bank Limited
Bank and subject to such other approval(s), consent(s), Employees’ Stock Option Scheme, 2007 (“ESOS-Plan
permission(s) and sanction(s) as may be necessary from the D-2007”) as mentioned in the Explanatory Statement under
concerned authorities / regulators / Statutory Authority(ies), heading Part A, which amendments shall be applicable for
including Reserve Bank of India (“RBI”), the approval of all options already granted under the ESOS-Plan D- 2007,
the Members of the Bank be and is hereby accorded to which are pending vesting and/or exercise.
the Board of Directors of the Bank (hereinafter referred to
as “Board” and which term shall be deemed to include RESOLVED FURTHER THAT in accordance with the
any Committee of the Board or any other persons to provisions of the SBEB Regulations and pursuant to the
whom powers are delegated by the Board as permitted relevant guidelines and / or circulars of the Reserve Bank of
under the Companies Act, 2013 or Rules thereunder) for India in this regard (as may be amended, replaced, restated
borrowing / raising funds in Indian currency by issue of from time to time) and subject to such other approvals as
unsecured Perpetual Debt Instruments (part of Additional may be required, approval and ratification of the Members
Tier I Capital), Tier II Capital Bonds and Long Term Bonds be and is hereby accorded to make the amendments in
(financing of infrastructure and affordable housing) in the “ESOS-Plan D-2007” as mentioned in the Explanatory
domestic market on a private placement basis and / or for Statement under heading Part B, which shall be applicable
making offers and / or invitations therefor and / or issue(s) / from the Bank’s compensation cycle effective April 1, 2020.
issuances therefor, on private placement basis, even if the
amount to be borrowed/ raised exceeds/will exceed the RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the aforesaid amendments
limit as specified in clause (c) of sub-section (1) of Section to the ESOS-Plan D-2007 shall mutatis mutandis apply to
180 of the Companies Act, 2013, for a period of one (1) all employee stock option schemes of the Bank which have
year from the date hereof, in one or more tranches and / or been created, formed, formulated, drawn under or pursuant
series and under one or more shelf disclosure documents to the ESOS-Plan D-2007.
and / or one or more issues / letters of offer or such other
documents or amendments / revisions thereof and on such RESOLVED FURTHER THAT for the purpose of giving
terms and conditions for each series / tranches including effect to the above resolution the Board or the Nomination
the price, coupon, premium, discount, tenor, etc. as may and Remuneration Committee of the Board (“NRC”), which
be deemed fit by the Board, as per the structure and within will act as the Compensation Committee for the purpose of
the limits permitted by the RBI, of an amount in aggregate SBEB Regulations, or any other person authorised by the
not exceeding ` 50,000 crores; Board or NRC in this regard, be and is hereby authorised on
behalf of the Bank to do all such acts, deeds, matters and
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Members of the Bank things as it may, in its absolute discretion, deem necessary
do hereby accord approval to the Board of Directors of the or desirable for such purpose and with power on behalf
Bank to sign and execute all such documents, deeds and of the Bank to settle all questions, difficulties or doubts
writings and to do all such acts, deeds, matters and things that may arise in regard to implementation of the resolution
as may be deemed necessary, expedient and incidental including but not limited to determination of eligibility or
thereto with power to settle all questions, difficulties or otherwise of employees of the Bank or subsidiaries or any
doubts that may arise with regard to any of the said matters, other grantees who continue to be covered by the ESOS-
and to delegate all or any of its powers herein conferred Plan D-2007 to the benefits extended under the ESOS-Plan
to any Committee of Directors and / or director(s) and / or D-2007, without being required to seek any further consent
officer(s) / employee(s) of the Bank / any other person(s) to or approval of the Members.”
give effect to the aforesaid resolution.”

HDFC Bank Limited | Integrated Annual Report 2020-21 5


16. To consider amendment to the ESOS-Plan E-2010 as 17. To consider amendment to the ESOS-Plan F-2013 as
approved by the Members and, if thought fit, to pass, the approved by the Members and, if thought fit, to pass, the
following resolution, as a Special Resolution: following resolution, as a Special Resolution:

“RESOLVED THAT in accordance with the provisions of “RESOLVED THAT in accordance with the provisions of
the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Share Based the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Share Based
Employee Benefits) Regulations, 2014, as may be amended, Employee Benefits) Regulations, 2014, as may be amended,
replaced, restated from time to time (“SBEB Regulations”) replaced, restated from time to time (“SBEB Regulations”)
(and subject to such other approvals as may be required), (and subject to such other approvals as may be required),
approval of the Members be and is hereby accorded approval of the Members be and is hereby accorded
to make the amendments in the HDFC Bank Limited to make the amendments in the HDFC Bank Limited
Employees’ Stock Option Scheme, 2010 (“ESOS-Plan Employees’ Stock Option Scheme, 2013 (“ESOS-Plan
E-2010”) as mentioned in the Explanatory Statement under F-2013”) as mentioned in the Explanatory Statement under
heading Part A, which amendments shall be applicable for heading Part A, which amendments shall be applicable for
all options already granted under the ESOS-Plan E- 2010, all options already granted under the ESOS-Plan F- 2013,
which are pending vesting and/or exercise. which are pending vesting and/or exercise.

RESOLVED FURTHER THAT in accordance with the RESOLVED FURTHER THAT in accordance with the
provisions of the SBEB Regulations and pursuant to the provisions of the SBEB Regulations and pursuant to the
relevant guidelines and/or circulars of the Reserve Bank of relevant guidelines and/or circulars of the Reserve Bank of
India in this regard (as may be amended, replaced, restated India in this regard (as may be amended, replaced, restated
from time to time) and subject to such other approvals as from time to time) and subject to such other approvals as
may be required, approval and ratification of the Members may be required, approval and ratification of the Members
be and is hereby accorded to make the amendments in be and is hereby accorded to make the amendments in
the “ESOS-Plan E-2010” as mentioned in the Explanatory the “ESOS-Plan F-2013” as mentioned in the Explanatory
Statement under heading Part B, which shall be applicable Statement under heading Part B, which shall be applicable
from the Bank’s compensation cycle effective April 1, 2020. from the Bank’s compensation cycle effective April 1, 2020.

RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the aforesaid amendments RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the aforesaid amendments
to the ESOS-Plan E-2010 shall mutatis mutandis apply to all to the ESOS-Plan F-2013 shall mutatis mutandis apply to all
employee stock options schemes of the Bank which have employee stock options schemes of the Bank which have
been created, formed, formulated, drawn under or pursuant been created, formed, formulated, drawn under or pursuant
to the ESOS-Plan E-2010. to the ESOS-Plan F-2013.

RESOLVED FURTHER THAT for the purpose of giving RESOLVED FURTHER THAT for the purpose of giving
effect to the above resolution the Board or the Nomination effect to the above resolution the Board or the Nomination
and Remuneration Committee of the Board (“NRC”), which and Remuneration Committee of the Board (“NRC”), which
will act as the Compensation Committee for the purpose of will act as the Compensation Committee for the purpose of
SBEB Regulations, or any other person authorised by the SBEB Regulations, or any other person authorised by the
Board or NRC in this regard, be and is hereby authorised on Board or NRC in this regard, be and is hereby authorised on
behalf of the Bank to do all such acts, deeds, matters and behalf of the Bank to do all such acts, deeds, matters and
things as it may, in its absolute discretion, deem necessary things as it may, in its absolute discretion, deem necessary
or desirable for such purpose and with power on behalf or desirable for such purpose and with power on behalf
of the Bank to settle all questions, difficulties or doubts of the Bank to settle all questions, difficulties or doubts
that may arise in regard to implementation of the resolution that may arise in regard to implementation of the resolution
including but not limited to determination of eligibility or including but not limited to determination of eligibility or
otherwise of employees of the Bank or subsidiaries or any otherwise of employees of the Bank or subsidiaries or any
other grantees who continue to be covered by the ESOS- other grantees who continue to be covered by the ESOS-
Plan E-2010 to the benefits extended under the ESOS-Plan Plan F-2013 to the benefits extended under the ESOS-Plan
E-2010, without being required to seek any further consent F-2013, without being required to seek any further consent
or approval of the Members.” or approval of the Members.”

18. To consider amendment to the ESOS-Plan G-2016 as employee stock options schemes of the Bank which have
approved by the Members and, if thought fit, to pass, the been created, formed, formulated, drawn under or pursuant
following resolution, as a Special Resolution: to the ESOS-Plan G-2016.

“RESOLVED THAT in accordance with the provisions of RESOLVED FURTHER THAT for the purpose of giving
the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Share Based effect to the above resolution the Board or the Nomination
Employee Benefits) Regulations, 2014, as may be amended, and Remuneration Committee of the Board (“NRC”), which
replaced, restated from time to time (“SBEB Regulations”) will act as the Compensation Committee for the purpose of
and subject to such other approvals as may be required,
SBEB Regulations, or any other person authorised by the
approval of the Members be and is hereby accorded
Board or NRC in this regard, be and is hereby authorised on
to make the amendments in the HDFC Bank Limited’s
behalf of the Bank to do all such acts, deeds, matters and
Employees’ Stock Option Scheme, 2016 (“ESOS-Plan
G-2016”) as mentioned in the Explanatory Statement under things as it may, in its absolute discretion, deem necessary
heading Part A, which amendments shall be applicable or desirable for such purpose and with power on behalf
for: (i) all options already granted under the ESOS-Plan G- of the Bank to settle all questions, difficulties or doubts
2016, which are pending vesting and/or exercise, and (ii) all that may arise in regard to implementation of the resolution
future options which will be granted under the ESOS-Plan including but not limited to determination of eligibility or
G- 2016 till the employee resigns from the employment with otherwise of employees of the Bank or subsidiaries or any
the Bank. other grantees who continue to be covered by the ESOS-
Plan G-2016 to the benefits extended under the ESOS-Plan
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT in accordance with the G-2016, without being required to seek any further consent
provisions of the SBEB Regulations and pursuant to the or approval of the Members.”
relevant guidelines and/or circulars of the Reserve Bank of
India in this regard (as may be amended, replaced, restated By Order of the Board
from time to time) and subject to such other approvals as
may be required, approval and ratification of the Members
be and is hereby accorded to make the amendments in Santosh Haldankar
the “ESOS-Plan G-2016” as mentioned in the Explanatory Senior Vice President - Legal
Statement under heading Part B, which shall be applicable & Company Secretary
from the Bank’s compensation cycle effective April 1, 2020. (Membership No. ACS 19201)

RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the aforesaid amendments Place: Mumbai

to the ESOS-Plan G-2016 shall mutatis mutandis apply to all Date: June 18, 2021

HDFC Bank Limited | Integrated Annual Report 2020-21 7


1. Corporate members are requested to send a certified copy copy of the Cheque leaf where an active Bank account
of the Board resolution authorizing their representative to is maintained and the copy of the supporting documents
attend the meeting by email to evidencing change in address. Communication details of
with copy marked to R&T agent are:

2. A Statement pursuant to Section 102 of the Companies Act, Datamatics Business Solutions Limited (formerly
2013, setting out all material facts relating to the relevant known as Datamatics Financial Services Limited),
items of business of this Notice is annexed herewith and
Unit: HDFC Bank Limited, Plot No. B5, Part B, Cross
the same should be taken as part of this Notice. Further,
Lane, MIDC, Marol, Andheri (East), Mumbai - 400 093;
as required under Regulation 36(3) of the Securities
Tel No: 022-66712213-14; Fax No: 022-66712011;
and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (hereinafter E-mail:
referred to as the “Listing Regulations”) and the provisions
of the Secretarial Standard No. 2 on General Meetings, a 7. As per Sections 124 and 125 of the Companies Act, 2013,
brief profile of the directors proposed to be appointed / the amount of unpaid or unclaimed dividend lying in unpaid
re-appointed is set out in the Explanatory Statement to dividend account for a period of seven (7) years from the
this Notice. date of its transfer to the unpaid dividend account and the
underlying Equity Shares of such unpaid or unclaimed
3. In case of joint holders attending the Meeting, only such dividend, are required to be transferred to the Investor
joint holder who is higher in the order of names will be Education and Protection Fund (“IEPF”) established by the
entitled to vote, provided the votes are not already cast by Central Government. Accordingly, the unclaimed dividend
remote e-voting by the first holder. in respect of FY 2012-2013 was transferred to the IEPF in
August 2020. The unclaimed dividend in respect of the FY
4. All relevant documents referred to in this Notice requiring
2013-2014 is in the process of being transferred to the IEPF
the approval of the members at the meeting shall be
available for inspection by the Members. Members who in accordance with the provisions of Sections 124 and 125
wish to inspect the documents are requested to send of the Companies Act, 2013.
an email to with copy
marked to mentioning their 8. As per Rule 5 of Investor Education and Protection Fund
name, folio no. / client ID and DP ID, and the documents (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016
they wish to inspect, with a self-attested copy of their PAN (“IEPF Rules”), information containing the names and the
card attached to the email. The Notice and the Integrated last known addresses of the persons entitled to receive
Annual Report are also available on the Bank’s website at the sums lying in the account referred to in Section 125
the link - (2) of the Act, nature of the amount, the amount to which
investor-relations/annual-reports and on the websites of each person is entitled, due date for transfer to IEPF,
the Stock Exchanges i.e. BSE Limited at www.bseindia. etc. is provided by the Bank on its website at the link
com and National Stock Exchange of India Limited at
h t t p s: // w w w. h d f c b a n k .c o m /p e r s o n a l /a b o u t- u s / The Notice is also available on the
stakeholders-information/shareholding-ownership and
website of the service provider engaged by the Bank
viz. National Securities Depository Limited (“”NSDL”) at on the website of the IEPF Authority. The concerned members are requested to verify the details of their
unclaimed dividend, if any, from the said websites and
5. Members holding shares in dematerialized form are lodge their claim with the Bank’s R&T agent, before the
requested to intimate any change in their address or bank unclaimed dividends are transferred to the IEPF. The
account details (including 9 digit MICR no., 11 digit IFSC Bank’s R&T agent in this regard has also intimated by
code no. and core banking account no.) to their respective sending a communication to all the members whose
Depository Participants with whom they are maintaining dividends have remained un-encashed, with a request
demat accounts. to send the requisite documents to them for claiming the
un-encashed dividends.
6. Members holding shares in physical form are requested to
send an email communication duly signed by all the holder(s)
9. Members can avail of the facility of nomination in respect of
intimating about the change of address immediately to the
Registrar & Transfer Agent (“R&T agent”) / Bank along shares held by them in physical form pursuant to Section
with the self-attested copy of their PAN Card(s), unsigned 72 of the Companies Act, 2013. Members desiring to avail

this facility may send their nomination in the prescribed Instructions for Attending AGM through Video-
Form SH-13 in duplicate, duly filled in, to the R&T agent Conferencing / Other Audio-Visual Means
at the address mentioned at point no. 6 in the Notes. The
prescribed form in this regard may also be obtained from
the R&T agent at the address mentioned at point no. 6 in 16. Members will be able to attend the AGM through VC /
the Notes. Members holding shares in electronic form are OAVM or view the live webcast of AGM provided by NSDL
requested to contact their Depository Participants directly at by following the steps
for recording their nomination. mentioned under note no. 29 “Step 1: Access to NSDL
e-Voting System”. After successful login, members can see
10. Members desiring any information relating to the annual link of “VC / OAVM” placed under “Join General meeting”
accounts of the Bank are requested to write to the Bank at menu against Bank name. Members are requested to click
least ten (10) days before the meeting. on VC / OAVM link placed under Join General Meeting
menu. The link for VC/OAVM will be available in Shareholder
11. In accordance with the General Circular Nos. 20/2020 dated / Member login where the EVEN (116180) of Bank will be
May 5, 2020 and 02/2021 dated January 13, 2021 read with displayed. Please note that the members who do not have
the circulars dated April 8, 2020 and April 13, 2020 issued by the User ID and Password for e-Voting or have forgotten the
the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) and in accordance User ID and Password may retrieve the same by following
with circular dated May 12, 2020 read with circular dated the remote e-Voting instructions mentioned in the notice to
January 15, 2021 issued by the Securities and Exchange avoid last minute rush.
Board of India providing relaxations to the SEBI (Listing
Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 17. Facility of joining the AGM through VC / OAVM shall open
2015 (collectively referred to as “Applicable Circulars”), 30 minutes before the time scheduled for the AGM and will
electronic copies of the Integrated Annual Report for be available for Members on first come first served basis.
FY 2020-21 and this Notice inter-alia indicating the
process and manner of e-voting along with instructions 18. Members who need assistance before or during the AGM,
to attend the AGM through video-conferencing / other can contact NSDL on / 1800 1020 990
audio-visual means are being sent by e-mail to those and 1800 22 44 30 or contact Ms. Pallavi Mhatre, Manager,
members whose e-mail addresses have been made NSDL, 4th Floor, ‘A’ Wing, Trade World, Kamala Mills
available to the Bank / Depository Participants. For Compound, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai
members who have not registered their e-mail addresses, 400 013, Email:
kindly register the same on the Bank’s website at the link as physical 19. Members are encouraged to join the AGM through
copies of this Notice as well as the other documents will personal computers / laptops for better user experience.
not be sent to them in physical mode and will be sent only Also, members will be required to have stable internet /
by email, in view of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic broadband connection to avoid any disturbance during
and the Applicable Circulars. the meeting. Please note that members joining the AGM
through mobile devices, tablets or through personal
12. Members who have not updated their latest email address computers / laptops connected via mobile hotspot may
in the records of the Bank / their depository participant are experience audio / video loss due to fluctuation in their
requested to update the same before June 30, 2021. The respective networks. It is therefore recommended to use
notice and documents will be sent by email only to those stable Wi-Fi or LAN connection to mitigate the aforesaid
members who register their email addresses prior to this date. glitches.

13. The Bank is pleased to provide two-way facility of video 20. Members who would like to express their views or ask
conferencing (VC) / other audio-visual means (OAVM) questions during the AGM may register themselves
and live webcast of the proceedings of the AGM on as a speaker shareholder by accessing the link-
July 17, 2021 from 2.30 p.m. onwards at the web link - from July 13, 2021 (9:30 A.M. IST) to July 15, 2021
(5:00 P.M. IST) and providing their name, address, DP ID
and Client ID / folio number, PAN, mobile number, and
14. Members attending the AGM through VC / OAVM shall be
email address. Only those members who have registered
counted for the purpose of reckoning the quorum under
themselves as a speaker will be allowed to express their
Section 103 of the Companies Act, 2013.
views / ask questions during the AGM and may have to
allow camera access during the AGM. The Bank reserves
15. The venue of the meeting shall be deemed to be the
the right to restrict the number of speakers depending on
Registered Office of the Bank at HDFC Bank House,
the availability of time for the AGM.
Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai 400 013

HDFC Bank Limited | Integrated Annual Report 2020-21 9


Instructions for Remote Electronic Voting (Remote 26. In accordance with the Applicable Circulars, the VC/OAVM
E-voting) will have a capacity to allow at least 1000 members to
participate in the AGM and such participation shall be on
a first-come-first-served basis. However, please note that
21. In compliance with the provisions of Regulation 44 of the
pursuant to the Applicable Circulars, large shareholders
Listing Regulations and Section 108 of the Companies Act,
(i.e. shareholders holding 2% or more shareholding),
2013 read with Rule 20 of the Companies (Management
promoters, institutional investors, directors, key
and Administration) Rules, 2014, as amended and the
managerial personnel, the chairpersons of the Audit
Secretarial Standard No. 2 on General Meetings, the Bank
Committee, Nomination and Remuneration Committee
is providing remote e-voting facility to all its members to
and Stakeholders Relationship Committee, auditors, etc.
enable them to cast their vote on the matters listed in
may be allowed to attend the meeting without restriction
the Notice by electronic means and business may be
on account of first-come-first-served principle.
transacted through such voting. The Bank has engaged
the services of the National Securities Depository Limited
27. Pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, a
(“NSDL”) to provide the e-voting facility.
member entitled to attend and vote at the AGM is entitled to
appoint a proxy to attend and vote on his/her behalf and the
22. T he re mote e -voting p e r iod c omm e nc e s on
proxy need not be a member of the Bank. Since this AGM
Wednesday, July 14, 2021 (9.00 a.m. IST) and ends on
is being held pursuant to the Applicable Circulars through
Friday, July 16, 2021 (5.00 p.m. IST). During this period,
VC / OAVM, physical attendance of Members has been
members holding shares either in physical form or in
dispensed with. Accordingly, the facility for appointment of
dematerialized form, as on July 10, 2021 (the “Cut-Off
proxies by the Members will not be available for the AGM
Date”), may cast their vote electronically. The e-voting
module shall be disabled by NSDL for voting thereafter. and hence the Proxy Form and Attendance Slip are not
annexed to this Notice. In pursuance of section 112 and
23. The facility for voting, through electronic voting system shall section 113 of the Act, representatives of the corporate
also be made available at the meeting for members who members may be appointed for the purpose of voting
have not already cast their vote prior to the meeting by through remote e-voting or for participation and voting in
remote e-voting. The members, who have cast their vote the meeting held through VC or OAVM.
prior to the meeting by remote e-voting may also attend
the meeting but shall not be entitled to vote again at the 28. Since the AGM will be held through VC / OAVM, the Route
meeting. Further, votes once cast either by way of remote Map is not annexed in this Notice.
e-voting or at the AGM cannot be changed.
29. The details of the process and manner for remote e-voting
24. The voting rights of members shall be in proportion to the and voting during the AGM are explained below:
amount paid up on the total number of shares held by the
respective member with the total share capital issued by Step 1: Access to the NSDL e-voting system
the Bank as on the Cut-Off Date.
Step 2: Cast your vote electronically on NSDL e-voting
Cut-Off Date is for determining the eligibility to vote by system.
electronic means or at the meeting. A person who is not a
Details on Step 1 are mentioned below:
member as on the Cut-Off Date should treat this Notice for
information only. A member as on the Cut-Off Date shall only
be entitled for availing the remote e-voting facility or vote, as A) Login method for e-Voting and joining virtual
the case may be, at the AGM. Only a person whose name meeting for Individual shareholders holding
is recorded in the Register of Members or in the Register of securities in demat mode
Beneficial Owners maintained by the depositories as on the
Cut-Off Date shall be entitled to avail the facility of remote In terms of the SEBI circular dated December 9, 2020
e-voting as well as voting at the AGM. on the e-voting facility provided by listed companies
and as part of increasing the efficiency of the voting
25. The Board of Directors have appointed Mr. B. Narasimhan of process, e-voting process has been enabled for all
M/s. B. N. & Associates, Practicing Company Secretaries, individual shareholders holding securities in demat
and in his absence, Mr. V. V. Chakradeo of M/s. V. V. mode to vote through their demat account maintained
Chakradeo & Co., Practicing Company Secretaries, as the with depositories / websites of depositories /
Scrutinizer to scrutinize the e-voting process in a fair and depository participants. Shareholders are advised
transparent manner. to update their mobile number and email ID in their
demat accounts in order to access e-voting facility.

Login method for Individual shareholders holding securities in demat mode is given below:

Type of shareholders Login Method

Individual A. NSDL IDeAS Facility
Shareholders holding
If you are already registered for the NSDL IDeAS facility, follow the below
securities in demat
mode with NSDL.
1. Visit the e-Services website of NSDL. Open web browser by typing the following URL: either on a personal computer or mobile phone.
2. Once the homepage of e-Services is launched, click on the “Beneficial Owner” icon
under “Login”, available under the “IDeAS” section.
3. A new screen will open. You will have to enter your user ID and password. After
successful authentication, you will be able to see e-voting services.
4. Click on “Access to e-voting” under e-voting services and you will be able to see the
e-voting page.
5. Click on options available against company name or e-voting service provider – NSDL
and you will be re‑directed to the NSDL e-voting website for casting your vote during
the remote e-voting period or voting during the meeting.
If the user is not registered for IDeAS e-Services, follow the below steps:
1. The option to register is available at
2. Select “Register Online for IDeAS” or click on
3. Upon successful registration, please follow steps given in points 1 - 5 above.
B. E-voting website of NSDL
1. Visit the e-voting website of NSDL. Open web browser by typing the following URL: either on a personal computer or mobile phone.
2. Once the homepage of e-voting system is launched, click on the “Login” icon, available
under the “Shareholder / Member” section.
3. A new screen will open. You will have to enter your User ID (i.e. your 16-digit demat
account number held with NSDL), Password / OTP and a verification code as shown
on the screen.
4. After successful authentication, you will be redirected to the NSDL Depository site
wherein you can see the e-voting page. Click on options available against company
name or e-voting service provider – NSDL and you will be redirected to the e-voting
website of NSDL for casting your vote during the remote e-voting period or voting during
the meeting.
Individual 1. Existing users who have opted for Easi / Easiest, they can login through their user id
Shareholders holding and password. Option will be made available to reach e-Voting page without any further
securities in demat authentication. The URL for users to login to Easi / Easiest are
mode with CDSL myeasi/home/login or and click on New System Myeasi.
2. After successful login of Easi/Easiest the user will be also able to see the E-Voting Menu.
The Menu will have links of e-Voting service provider i.e. NSDL. Click on NSDL to cast your
3. If the user is not registered for Easi/Easiest, option to register is available at https://web.
Alternatively, the user can directly access e-Voting page by providing demat Account
Number and PAN No. from a link in home page. The system will
authenticate the user by sending OTP on registered Mobile & Email as recorded in the demat
Account. After successful authentication, user will be provided links for the respective ESP
i.e. NSDL where the e-Voting is in progress.

HDFC Bank Limited | Integrated Annual Report 2020-21 11


Type of shareholders Login Method

Individual 1. You can also login using the login credentials of your demat account through your Depository
Shareholders Participant registered with NSDL/CDSL for e-Voting facility.
(holding securities 2. Upon logging in, you will be able to see e-Voting option. Once you click on e-Voting option,
in demat mode) you will be redirected to NSDL/CDSL Depository site after successful authentication,
logging through wherein you can see e-Voting feature.
their depository 3. Click on options available against company name or e-Voting service provider - NSDL and
participants you will be redirected to e-Voting website of NSDL for casting your vote during the remote
e-Voting period or joining virtual meeting & voting during the meeting.

Important note: Members who are unable to retrieve User ID / Password are advised to use “Forgot User ID” and “Forgot
Password” option available on the abovementioned websites.

Helpdesk for individual shareholders holding securities in demat mode for any technical issues related to login through
depository i.e. NSDL and CDSL:

Login type Helpdesk details

Individual Shareholders holding Members facing any technical issue in login can contact NSDL helpdesk by
securities in demat mode with sending a request at or call at toll free no.: 1800 1020 990 and
NSDL 1800 22 44 30
Individual Shareholders holding Members facing any technical issue in login can contact CDSL helpdesk by sending
securities in demat mode with a request at or contact at 022-23058738 or
CDSL 022-23058542-43

B) Login method for e-voting and voting during the meeting for shareholders other than Individual
shareholders holding securities in demat mode and shareholders holding securities in physical mode.
How to Log-in to NSDL e-Voting website?

1. Visit the e-voting website of NSDL. Open the web browser by typing the following URL: https://www.evoting.nsdl.
com/ either on a personal computer or on a mobile phone.
2. Once the homepage of e-voting system is launched, click on the icon “Login”, available under ‘Shareholder/Member’
3. A new screen will open. You will have to enter your User ID, Password / OTP and a verification code as shown on
the screen.
4. Alternatively, if you are registered for NSDL e-services i.e. IDeAS, you can log in at with
your existing IDeAS login. Once you log in to NSDL e-services using your login credentials, click on e-voting and
you can proceed to Step 2 i.e. Cast your vote electronically on NSDL e-voting system.
5. Your User ID details are given below:
Manner of holding shares i.e. Demat Your User ID is:
(NSDL or CDSL) or Physical
a) For Members who hold shares in 8 Character DP ID followed by 8 Digit Client ID
demat account with NSDL.
For example if your DP ID is IN300*** and Client ID is 12****** then your
user ID is IN300***12******.
b) For Members who hold shares in 16 Digit Beneficiary ID
demat account with CDSL.
For example if your Beneficiary ID is 12************** then your user ID
is 12**************
c) For Members holding shares in EVEN Number followed by Folio Number registered with the Bank
Physical Form.
For example if folio number is 001*** and EVEN is 101456 then user
ID is 101456001***

6. Password details for shareholders other than 8. After entering your password, tick on “Agree with
individual shareholders are given below: Terms and Conditions” by selecting on the check
a) If you are already registered for e-voting,
then you can use your existing password 9. Now, you will have to click on the “Login” button.
to log in and cast your vote.
10. After you click on the “Login” button, the
b) If you are using NSDL e-voting system for homepage of e-voting will open.
the first time, you will need to retrieve the
‘initial password’ which was communicated Step 2: Cast your vote electronically on NSDL e-voting
to you. Once you retrieve your ‘initial system
password’, you need to enter the ‘initial 1. After successfully logging in following Step 1, you will be
password’ for the system to prompt you to able to see the EVEN of all companies in which you hold
change your password. shares and whose voting cycle is in active status.

c) How to retrieve your ‘initial password’? 2. Select the EVEN of HDFC Bank Limited, which is 116180.

If your email ID is registered in your demat 3. Now you are ready for e-voting as the voting page
account or with the Bank, your ‘initial opens.
password’ is communicated to you on your
email ID. Kindly trace the email sent to you 4. Cast your vote by selecting the appropriate options i.e.
from NSDL from your mailbox. Open the assent or dissent, verify / modify the number of shares for
email and open the attachment i.e. a .pdf which you wish to cast your vote and click on the “Submit”
file. Open the .pdf file. The password to and “Confirm” buttons when prompted.
open the .pdf file is your 8-digit Client ID
for your NSDL account, or the last 8 digits 5. Upon confirmation, the message, “Vote cast successfully”,
of your Client ID for CDSL account, or Folio will be displayed.
Number for shares held in physical form.
The .pdf file contains your ‘User ID’ and your 6. You can also take a printout of the votes cast by you by
‘initial password’. clicking on the “Print” option on the confirmation page.

7. If you are unable to retrieve or have not received 7. Once you confirm your vote on the resolution, you will not
the “Initial password” or have forgotten your be allowed to modify your vote.
Process for procuring user ID and password for
a) Click on “Forgot User Details / Password?” e-voting for those shareholders whose email IDs are
(If you hold shares in your demat account not registered with the depositories / Bank:
with NSDL or CDSL) option available on Shareholders may send a request to for procuring user ID and password for e-Voting.

b) Physical User Reset Password? (If you hold 1. In case shares are held in physical mode, please provide
shares in physical mode) option available on Folio Number, name of the shareholder, scanned copy of the share certificate (front and back), PAN (self-attested
scanned copy of PAN card), AADHAAR (self-attested
c) If you are still unable to get the password scanned copy of Aadhaar Card)
by the above two options, you can send a
request to mentioning 2. In case shares are held in demat mode, please provide
your demat account number / Folio Number, DP ID and Client ID (16-digit DP ID + Client ID or 16-digit
your PAN, your name and your registered beneficiary ID), name of member, client master or copy
address. of consolidated account statement, PAN (self-attested
scanned copy of PAN card), AADHAAR (self-attested
d) Members can also use the OTP (One Time scanned copy of Aadhaar Card).
Password)-based login for casting their vote
on the e-voting system of NSDL. 3. If you are an Individual shareholder holding securities in
demat mode, you are requested to refer to the login method
explained at Step 1 (A) i.e. Login method for e-Voting and

HDFC Bank Limited | Integrated Annual Report 2020-21 13


voting during the meeting for Individual shareholders 3. Members holding shares in dematerialized form are
holding securities in demat mode. requested to intimate any change in their address or bank
account details (including 9 digit MICR no., 11 digit IFSC
General guidelines for e-voting: code no. and core banking account no.) to their respective
1. Institutional shareholders (i.e. other than individuals, HUF, Depository Participants with whom they are maintaining
NRI etc.) are required to send a scanned copy (PDF / JPG demat accounts before June 30, 2021
format) of the relevant Board resolution / authorization letter
etc. with attested specimen signature of the duly authorized 4. Members holding shares in physical form are requested
signatory(ies) who are authorized to vote, to the Scrutinizer to send a communication duly signed by all the holder(s)
by e-mail to with a copy marked intimating about the change of address immediately to
to the R&T agent / Bank along with the self-attested copy
of their PAN Card(s), unsigned copy of the Cheque leaf
2. It is strongly recommended that you do not share your where an active Bank account is maintained and the
password with any other person and take utmost care to copy of the supporting documents evidencing change
keep your password confidential. Login to the e-voting in address. Communication details of R&T agent are as
website will be disabled upon five unsuccessful attempts under: Datamatics Business Solutions Limited (formerly
to key in the correct password. In such an event, you will known as Datamatics Financial Services Limited),
need to go through the “Forgot User Details / Password?” Unit: HDFC Bank Limited, Plot No. B5, Part B, Cross
or “Physical User Reset Password?” option available on Lane, MIDC, Marol, Andheri (East), Mumbai - 400 093; to reset the password. Tel No: 022-66712213-14; Fax No: 022-66712011; E-mail:
3. In case of any queries, you may refer to the Frequently
Asked Questions (FAQs) for shareholders and e-voting 5. In case, the Bank is unable to pay the dividend to any
user manual for shareholders available in the download shareholder by the electronic mode, due to non-availability
section of or call on the toll- of the details of the bank account, the Bank shall upon
free number: 1800 1020 990 /1800 224 430, or send a normalisation of the postal services, dispatch the dividend
request to Ms. Pallavi Mhatre, Manager, NSDL, 4th Floor, warrant to such shareholder by post.
‘A’ Wing, Trade World, Kamala Mills Compound, Senapati
Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai 400 013, Email: 6. Members may note that as per the Income Tax Act, 1961 or to get your (“IT Act”), as amended by the Finance Act, 2020, dividends
grievances on e-voting addressed. paid or distributed by the Bank after April 1, 2020, shall be
taxable in the hands of the shareholders and the Bank shall
4. You may also send an email to the Bank at: be required to deduct tax at source (TDS) at the prescribed / kashish.puri@ rates from the dividend to be paid to shareholders, subject to approval of dividend by the shareholders in the ensuing
AGM. The TDS rate would vary depending on the residential
5. The result of the voting will be announced within forty- status of the shareholder and the documents submitted
eight (48) hours after the conclusion of the meeting on the by them and accepted by the Bank. In order to enable the
Bank’s website at, website of NSDL Bank to determine the appropriate TDS rate as applicable,
at and communicated to the Stock members are requested to submit relevant documents, as
Exchanges. specified in the below paragraphs, in accordance with the
provisions of the IT Act.
Dividend Related Information:
1. The Record Date for determining the names of members a. For Resident Shareholders, TDS is required to be
eligible for dividend on Equity Shares, if declared at the deducted at the rate of 10% under Section 194 of
Meeting, is June 30, 2021. the Income Tax Act, 1961 on the amount of dividend
declared and paid by the Bank in the FY 2021-22
2. Dividend as recommended by the Board of Directors, provided valid PAN is registered by the members. If
if approved at this meeting, will be paid on or after the valid PAN is not registered, the TDS is required to
August 2, 2021 by way of electronic mode or in physical be deducted at the rate of 20% under Section 206AA
form to those members whose names appear on the of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
Register of Members / statements of beneficial position
received from the NSDL and the CDSL as at the close of However, no tax shall be deducted on the dividends
business hours on June 30, 2021. paid to resident individuals if aggregate dividend
distributed or likely to be distributed during the
FY 2021-22 does not exceed ` 5000. Even in the

cases where the members provide valid Form 15G issued by the income tax authorities along with
(for individuals, with no tax liability on total income Declaration.
and income not exceeding maximum amount which
is not chargeable to tax) or Form 15H (for individual b. For Non-resident shareholders, (including Foreign
above the age of 60 years with no tax liability on total Portfolio Investors) Tax is required to be withheld in
income), no TDS shall be deducted. accordance with the provisions of Section 195 and
section 196D of the Act at applicable rates in force.
Members who are required to link Aadhaar number As per the relevant provisions of the Act, the tax shall
with PAN as required under section 139AA(2) read be withheld @ 20% (plus applicable surcharge and
with Rule 114AAA, should compulsorily link the same cess) on the amount of dividend payable. However, as
by June 30, 2021. If, as required under the law, any per Section 90 of the Act, a non-resident shareholder
PAN is found to have not been linked with Aadhaar has the option to be governed by the provisions of
by June 30, 2021 then such PAN will be deemed the Double Tax Avoidance Agreement (“DTAA”)
invalid and TDS would be deducted at higher rates between India and the country of tax residence of
u/s 206AA of the Act. The Bank reserves its right the shareholder, if they are more beneficial to the
to recover any demand raised subsequently on the shareholder. For this purpose, i.e. to avail the tax treaty
Bank for not informing the Bank or providing wrong benefits, the non-resident shareholder will have to
information about applicability of Section 206AA in provide the following:
your case.
i. Self-attested copy of PAN card, if any, allotted by
NIL /lower tax shall be deducted on the dividend the Indian income tax authorities;
payable to following resident shareholders on
submission of self-declaration as listed below: ii. Self-attested copy of Tax Residency Certificate
(“TRC”) obtained from the tax authorities of the
i. Insurance companies: Declaration by shareholder country of which the shareholder is resident;
qualifying as Insurer as per section 2(7A) of the
Insurance Act, 1938 along with self-attested iii. Self-declaration in Form 10F, if all the details
copy of PAN card; required in this form are not mentioned in the
ii. Mutual Funds: Declaration by Mutual Fund
shareholder eligible for exemption u/s 10(23D) iv. Self-declaration by the non-resident shareholder
of the Income- tax Act, 1961 along with self- of meeting treaty eligibility requirement and
attested copies of registration documents and satisfying beneficial ownership requirement
PAN card; (Non-resident having PE in India would need to
comply with provisions of section 206AB of the
iii. Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) established in IT Act).
India: Declaration that the shareholder is eligible
for exemption under section 10(23FBA) of the v. In case of Foreign Institutional Investors and
Act and they are established as Category I or Foreign Portfolio Investors, self-attested copy of
Category II AIF under the SEBI regulations. Copy SEBI registration certificate.
of self-attested registration documents and PAN
card should be provided. vi. In case of shareholder being tax resident of
Singapore, please furnish the letter issued by
iv. New Pension System Trust: Declaration along the competent authority or any other evidences
with self-attested copy of documentary evidence demonstrating the non-applicability of Article 24 -
supporting the exemption and self-attested copy Limitation of Relief under India-Singapore Double
of PAN card. Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA).

v. Other shareholders - Declaration along with c. Please note that the Bank is not obligated to apply
self-attested copy of documentary evidence the beneficial DTAA rates at the time of tax deduction
supporting the exemption and self-attested copy / withholding on dividend amounts. Application
of PAN card. of beneficial DTAA Rate shall depend upon the
completeness and satisfactory review by the Bank,
vi. Shareholders who have provided a valid of the documents submitted by Non- Resident
certificate issued u/s. 197 of the Act for lower / shareholder.
nil rate of deduction or an exemption certificate

HDFC Bank Limited | Integrated Annual Report 2020-21 15


d. Accordingly, in order to enable the Bank to determine on the Bank for not informing the Bank or providing wrong
the appropriate TDS / withholding tax rate applicable, information about applicability of Section 206AB in your case.
we request the members to provide these details
and documents as mentioned above before Updation of PAN, email address and other details:
June 30, 2021. Shareholders holding shares in dematerialized mode, are
requested to update their records such as tax residential status,
e. The Bank shall arrange to email the soft copy of TDS permanent account number (PAN), registered email addresses,
certificate at the registered email ID of members post mobile numbers and other details with their relevant depositories
payment of the dividend. through their depository participants. Shareholders holding shares
in physical mode are requested to furnish details to the Bank’s
Section 206AB of the Act: registrar and share transfer agent. The Bank is obligated to deduct
Rate of TDS @10% u/s 194 of the Act is subject to provisions tax at source (TDS) based on the records available with RTA and
of section 206AB of Act (effective from 1 July 2021) which no request will be entertained for revision of TDS return.
introduces special provisions for TDS in respect of non-filers of
income-tax return. As provided in section 206AB, tax is required Updation of Bank account details:
to be deducted at higher of following rates in case of payments Members are also requested to submit / update their bank
to specified persons: account details with their Depository Participant, in case of
holding shares in the electronic form. In case of shareholding in
- at twice the rate specified in the relevant provision of the the physical form, members will have to submit a scanned copy
Act; or of a duly signed covering letter, along with a cancelled cheque
- at twice the rate or rates in force; or leaf with the members’ name and bank account details and
- at the rate of 5%. a copy of their PAN card, duly self-attested. This will facilitate
receipt of dividend directly into the members’ bank account.
Where sections 206AA and 206AB are applicable i.e. the In case the cancelled cheque leaf does not bear the members’
specified person has not submitted the PAN as well as not filed name, please attach a copy of the bank pass-book statement,
the return; the tax shall be deducted at the higher of the two rates duly self-attested.
prescribed in these two sections.
Kindly note that the aforementioned documents are
The term ‘specified person’ is defined in sub section (3) of section required to be uploaded before June 30, 2021 with
206AB who satisfies the following conditions: Datamatics Business Solutions Limited, the R&T Agent at
• A person who has not filed the income tax return for two
You can also visit their site at
previous years immediately prior to the previous year in
under tab - Service -> Registrar Transfer Agent -> RTA
which tax is required to be deducted, for which the time
quick links -> Submission of Tax Exemption Forms to
limit of filing of return of income under section 139(1) of the
download and upload the documents as applicable in order to
I-T Act has expired; and
enable the Bank to determine and deduct appropriate TDS /
withholding tax rate. No communication on the tax determination
• The aggregate of TDS and TCS in his case is ` 50,000 or
/ deduction shall be entertained post June 30, 2021. It may be
more in each of these two previous years.
further noted that in case the tax on said dividend is deducted at
a higher rate in absence of receipt of the aforementioned details
The non-resident who does not have the permanent
/ documents from the members, there would still be an option
establishment is excluded from the scope of a specified person.
available with members to file the return of income and claim an
appropriate refund, if eligible.
Members are requested to inform us well in advance and before
No claim shall lie against the Bank for such taxes deducted.
cut-off date if you are covered under the definition of ‘specified
person’ as provided in section 206AB of the IT Act. The Bank
For further information, Members are requested to refer to the
reserves its right to recover any demand raised subsequently
email communication sent to them in this regard.

EXPLANATORY STATEMENT PURSUANT Accountants, as Statutory Auditors of the Bank from a term of
4 years to a term of 3 years, i.e. 3 years from the FY 2019-20
TO SECTION 102 OF THE COMPANIES till (and including) the FY 2021-22, and that for the remainder of
ACT, 2013 AND OTHER APPLICABLE this revised term, MSKA & Associates shall act as joint Statutory
Auditors of the Bank with such other joint Statutory Auditor(s) as
PROVISIONS the Bank may appoint (subject to the approval of RBI and the
Members of the Bank).
Item No. 5:
The Members of the Bank, on July 18, 2020, had approved audit The Board of Directors of the Bank vide its resolution dated
fees of ` 2,65,00,000 (Rupees Two Crores Sixty Five Lakhs Only) June 18, 2021 has recommended M/s. M. M. Nissim & Co. LLP,
for the FY 2020-21 to MSKA & Associates, Statutory Auditors Chartered Accountants (ICAI Firm Registration No. 107122W/
of the Bank. It is now proposed to ratify the additional fees of W100672) [“M.M. Nissim & Co. LLP”], being the first preferred
` 55,00,000 (Rupees Fifty Five Lakhs only) payable to MSKA & firm to the RBI for appointment as joint Statutory Auditors of
Associates for additional certification and increase in scope / the Bank, for a period of 3 (Three) years with effect from the
revision in Long Form Audit Report, as required by the RBI, for FY 2021-22 till and including the FY 2023-24, subject to the
the FY 2020-21. approval of the RBI for each year during this tenure.

None of the Directors, Key Managerial Personnel and their Accordingly, the approval of Members of the Bank is required
relatives are concerned or interested in the passing of this pursuant to the provisions of Sections 139, 141 and other
resolution. applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 2013 and
the relevant Rules thereunder and pursuant to Section 30 of
Your Directors recommend the passing of the resolution in Item the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and guidelines issued by
no. 5 of the accompanying Notice. the RBI including any amendments, modifications, variations
or re-enactments thereof and subject to approval of the RBI in
Item No. 6 & 7: this regard, for appointment of M.M. Nissim & Co. LLP, who
The members of the Bank at the 25th Annual General Meeting have offered themselves for appointment and have confirmed
held on July 12, 2019 had approved the appointment of MSKA their eligibility to be appointed as Statutory Auditors in terms
& Associates, Chartered Accountants (ICAI Firm Registration No. of Section 141 of the Companies Act, 2013 and applicable
105047W), as the Statutory Auditors of the Bank for a period of 4 Rules and the guidelines issued by RBI dated April 27, 2021,
(four) years commencing from the FY 2019-20 till (and including) as the joint Statutory Auditors of the Bank, to hold office for a
the FY 2022-23. period of 3 (Three) years with effect from the FY 2021-22 till and
including the FY 2023-24, subject to the approval of the RBI for
Subsequently, the Reserve Bank of India (“RBI”) has on April each year during this tenure, with power to the Board, including
27, 2021, issued the Guidelines for Appointment of Statutory relevant Committee(s) thereof, to alter and vary the terms and
Central Auditors (SCAs)/Statutory Auditors (SAs) of Commercial conditions of appointment, etc., including by reason of necessity
Banks (excluding RRBs), UCBs and NBFCs (including HFCs) on account of conditions as may be stipulated by the RBI and /
(“RBI Guidelines”). In terms of the RBI Guidelines, the Statutory or any other authority.
Auditors have to be appointed for a term of 3 years. The RBI
Guidelines are applicable from the FY 2021-22. Therefore, the Further, subject to applicable law and regulations including the
term of office of MSKA & Associates as Statutory Auditors of the relevant guidelines and circulars of the RBI (as may be amended,
Bank will need to be revised from 4 years to 3 years, i.e. 3 years restated, modified, replaced from time to time), M.M. Nissim &
from the FY 2019-20 till (and including) the FY 2021-22. Co. LLP and MSKA & Associates, Chartered Accountants (ICAI
Firm Registration No. 105047W, who were already appointed
Further as per the RBI Guidelines, given that the Bank’s asset as Statutory Auditors of the Bank at the 25th Annual General
size is more than the stipulated threshold in this regard, the Bank Meeting held on July 12, 2019), shall act as joint Statutory
will need to appoint a minimum of two joint Statutory Auditors. Auditors of the Bank for the remainder of the term of MSKA
Therefore, for the remainder of the term of MSKA & Associates, & Associates, and that M.M. Nissim & Co. LLP shall thereafter
they will need to act as joint Statutory Auditor of the Bank, with act as joint Statutory Auditors of the Bank with such new joint
such other joint Statutory Auditor(s) as the Bank may appoint. Statutory Auditor(s) who will be appointed by the Bank subject
to prior permission of RBI and approval of the Members of the
Accordingly, the approval of the Members of the Bank is required Bank from FY 2022-23 onwards.
in modification of the resolution passed by the Members
of the Bank at the 25th Annual General Meeting held on MSKA & Associates and M.M. Nissim & Co. LLP, as joint Statutory
July 12, 2019, and subject to applicable law and regulations (as Auditors, shall be paid the overall audit fees of ` 3,30,00,000
may be amended, restated, modified, replaced from time to time), (Rupees Three Crore Thirty Lakhs Only) for FY 2021-22, with
to revise the term of office for MSKA & Associates, Chartered authority to the Board (including any other Committee thereof)

HDFC Bank Limited | Integrated Annual Report 2020-21 17


to allocate the overall audit fees between MSKA & Associates qualifications, time commitments and effective participation in
and M.M. Nissim & Co. LLP, as may be mutually agreed between the Board & Committee meetings, the Board of Directors have
the Bank and the said joint Statutory Auditors, depending upon recommended payment of compensation of fixed remuneration
their respective scope of work, and additionally out of pocket of ` 20 lakh per annum per NED, other than the Part Time Non
expenses, outlays and taxes as applicable. Executive Chairperson and has also effected amendments to
the relevant policy in this regard.
A special notice for moving resolution no. 7, as required under
Section 140 (4) of the Companies Act, 2013, has also been In terms of Section 197 of Companies Act, 2013 and rules framed
received. thereunder, except with the approval of the shareholders in
general meeting, any remuneration payable to directors who are
The Board of Directors recommends the appointment of the neither managing directors nor whole-time directors shall not in
selected Statutory Auditor Firm as the Bank’s joint Statutory aggregate exceed one per cent of the net profits of the company,
Auditors based on a review of their profile, experience and if there is a managing or whole time director or manager.
specialization in audit of banking and financial service sector.
However, the existing NEDs shall continue to be entitled to the
None of the Directors, Key Managerial Personnel and their profit-related commission for the FY 2020-21 to be paid out
relatives are concerned or interested in the passing of the in FY 2021-22, since it pertains to the period prior to the said
resolutions in item nos. 6 & 7. RBI Guidelines. Further, NEDs will be paid fixed remuneration in
accordance with the proposed resolution no. 8 (if approved by
Your Directors recommend the passing of the resolutions in Item
the Members) from the FY 2021-22 onwards.
nos. 6 & 7 of the accompanying Notice.
Accordingly, subject to the aforesaid, the approval of the
Item No. 8:
Members of the Bank is being sought in supersession of the
Vide resolution of the Members of the Bank passed at the
22nd Annual General Meeting dated July 21, 2016, the Members resolution of the Members of the Bank passed at the 22nd Annual
of the Bank approved for payment with effect from FY 2015-16, General Meeting dated July 21, 2016, for payment with effect
of profit related commission to non-executive directors including from FY 2021-22, a fixed remuneration of ` 20 lakhs per annum
independent directors, except for part time Chairperson in per NED, other than the Part Time Non Executive Chairperson,
aggregate not exceeding one percent of the net profit of the or any other or different limits may be applicable under law /
Bank for the relevant year subject to a maximum of ` 1 million per relevant RBI guidelines, from time to time, and subject to and
annum per director or any limits applicable under law / relevant in accordance with the decisions in this regard and/or the
guidelines, circulars, notifications issued by the Reserve Bank of applicable / relevant policy, if any, of the Board or the relevant
India (“RBI”) from time to time, in accordance with the applicable Committee thereof, in addition to payment of sitting fees and
/ relevant policy, if any, of the Board or the relevant Committee reimbursement of out of pocket expenses for attending the
thereof, exclusive of sitting fees and reimbursement of out Board and Committee meetings.
of pocket expenses for attending the Board and Committee
meetings. The Board of Directors recommends the passing of this
RBI on April 26, 2021 issued the Guidelines on Corporate
Governance in Banks - Appointment of Directors and Constitution None of the Directors, Key Managerial Personnel and their
of Committees of the Board (“RBI Guidelines”). In terms of the relatives, other than non-executive directors and their relatives
RBI Guidelines, in addition to sitting fees and expenses related are interested in the passing of the above resolution.
to attending meetings of the Board and its committees as per
extant statutory norms/ practices, the Bank may provide for Item No. 9:
payment of compensation to non-executive directors in the The shareholders of the Bank, in its Annual General Meeting held
form of a fixed remuneration commensurate with an individual on July 21, 2016, had approved the appointment of Mr. Umesh
director’s responsibilities and demands on time and which are
Chandra Sarangi as an Independent Director on the Board of
considered sufficient to attract qualified competent individuals,
the Bank to hold office for a period of five (5) years commencing
however, such fixed remuneration for a Non-Executive Director
from March 1, 2016 to February 28, 2021. Further, the Board of
including independent directors, other than the Chair of the
Directors of the Bank, on recommendation of the Nomination and
board, shall not exceed ` 20 lakh per annum each.
Remuneration Committee, had on November 25, 2020 approved
Pursuant to the RBI Guidelines, and considering the amount of the re-appointment of Mr. Sarangi as Independent Director of
time and effort devoted by the non-executive directors (NEDs) the Bank to hold office for a further period from March 1, 2021
to the directorship of the Bank, their individual skill sets and to February 5, 2022, i.e. till completion of his seventy (70) years

of age in accordance with the RBI regulations existing at that of agriculture, focus on agro processing and export. As the
point in time, subject to the approval of shareholders. Thereafter, erstwhile Chairman of the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural
vide the RBI Circular dated April 26, 2021, the upper age limit Development (NABARD) from December 2007 to December
for Non-Executive Directors was amended to seventy five (75) 2010, Mr. Sarangi focused on rural infrastructure, accelerated
years of age. It may be noted that Section 149 of the Companies initiatives such as microfinance, financial inclusion, watershed
Act, 2013 allows independent directors to be appointed for two development and tribal development.
(2) consecutive terms of maximum five (5) years each. However,
as per Section 10A (2A) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, Mr. Sarangi possesses specialized knowledge and practical
no director of a banking company, other than its Chairman or experience in the field of agriculture and rural economy, as
Whole-Time Director, can hold office continuously for a period required by Section 10A(2)(a) of the Banking Regulation Act,
exceeding eight (8) years. 1949 and relevant circulars issued by the RBI from time to time.

Accordingly, the Board of Directors of the Bank, at its meeting Mr. Sarangi has actively contributed as a member of the
held on June 18, 2021, modified its earlier resolution dated Board and its various committees, providing his independent
November 25, 2020, to change the date of end of Mr. Sarangi’s perspective. He continues to have relevant experience and
term under the re-appointment to February 29, 2024 (instead of expertise in the field of agriculture and rural economy, for him to
February 5, 2022), i.e. till completion of his eight (8) continuous be re-appointed as independent director of the Bank.
years as Director on the Board of the Bank, subject to the
approval of shareholders. Mr. Sarangi would be seventy- two Mr. Sarangi shall continue to be entitled to remuneration by way of
(72) years of age at the time of completion of his tenure as above. sitting fees as well as reimbursed expenses for attending Board
and Committee meetings as applicable and fixed remuneration
The Bank has received a declaration from Mr. Sarangi to the of ` 20,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty Lakhs) per annum from
effect that he continues to fulfil the criteria for independence FY 2021-22 onwards in terms of the RBI Circular dated
stipulated in the Companies Act, 2013, rules made thereunder April 26, 2021, till the end of his proposed tenure.
and the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2015. In the opinion of the Board of Directors of During the FY 2020-21, Mr. Sarangi was paid ` 38,50,000/-
the Bank, Mr. Sarangi is independent of the management of the (Rupees Thirty-Eight Lakhs and Fifty Thousand) as sitting fees
Bank and fulfils the conditions specified in the Companies Act, for his attendance at the Board and Committee meetings and
2013, the rules made thereunder and Regulation 16 of the SEBI ` 10,00,000 (Rupees Ten Lakhs) as profit related commission
(Listing obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, pertaining to the FY 2019-20.
2015 as required for re-appointment as an Independent Director.
Further, the Board of Directors of the Bank is of the opinion that Certain additional information about Mr. Umesh Chandra Sarangi
is as under:
Mr. Sarangi is a person of integrity and has relevant experience
and expertise to be re-appointed as Independent Director of Age 69 years
the Bank for a period of three (3) years from March 1, 2021 to Date of first March 1, 2016
February 29, 2024, in terms of Section 149 read with Schedule IV appointment on
of the Companies Act, 2013, and Regulation 17 of the Securities the Board
and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Number of He attended seventeen (17) Board meetings
Requirements) Regulations, 2015. meetings of the held during FY 2020-21
Board attended
Brief profile of Mr. Sarangi in terms of Regulation 36 (3) of the SEBI during the year
(Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, Directorships, Listed Companies: None
2015 read with para 1.2.5 of the Secretarial Standard No. 2 on Trusteeships, Unlisted Companies: AIC Pinnacle
General Meetings has been given in this Explanatory Statement Partnerships, Entrepreneurship Forum
hereinafter. etc. held
in other
Mr. Umesh Chandra Sarangi holds a Master’s Degree in Science companies,
(Botany) from the Utkal University (gold medallist). Mr. Sarangi firms, trusts,
has over three decades of experience in the Indian Administrative entities, etc.
Services and brought in significant reforms in modernization

HDFC Bank Limited | Integrated Annual Report 2020-21 19


Memberships / Listed Companies: None intervals as per the recommendations of the NRC, approval
chairmanships Unlisted Companies: None of the Board and RBI], free use of Bank’s car for official and
of committees private purpose, as well as sitting fees and reimbursement of
of the Boards expenses for attending meetings of the Board and Committees,
as applicable.
of other
companies Brief profile of Mr. Atanu Chakraborty in terms of Regulation
Number of Mr. Sarangi along with his relatives does not 36(3) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
shares held in hold any equity shares in the Bank as on Regulations, 2015 (“Listing Regulations”) and the Secretarial
the Bank March 31, 2021. Standard on the General Meetings has been given in this
Terms and Mr. Sarangi is an Independent Director Explanatory Statement hereinafter.
conditions of not liable to retire by rotation. His terms
appointment or of appointment shall be as approved by Mr. Atanu Chakraborty served the Government of India,
for a period of thirty-five (35) years, as a member of Indian
re-appointment members, and he shall be paid sitting
Administrative Service (IAS) in Gujarat cadre. He has mainly
including fees for attending Board and Committee
worked in areas of Finance & Economic Policy, Infrastructure,
remuneration meetings, as applicable, and profit related Petroleum & Natural Gas. In the Union Government, he held
commission for the FY 2020-21 pursuant to various posts such as Secretary to Government of India in
the RBI Notification No. RBI/2014-15/617 - the Ministry of Finance (Dept. of Economic Affairs) during FY
DBR.No.BC.97 / 29.67.001/2014-15 dated 2019-20. As Secretary (DEA), he co-ordinated economic policy
June 1, 2015 and fixed remuneration of making for all ministries/departments and managed entire
` 20,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty Lakhs) per process of formulation of budget making for Union of India,
including its passage in Parliament. He was responsible for fiscal
annum from FY 2021-22 onwards till the
management policies, policies for public debt management and
end of his tenure in terms of the RBI Circular
development & management of financial markets.
dated April 26, 2021.
Mr. Chakraborty also handled financial stability and currency,
None of the Directors, Key Managerial Personnel and their domestic & foreign related issues as well. He managed flow of
relatives, other than Mr. Umesh Chandra Sarangi and his funds with multilateral and bilateral financial institutions and had
relatives, are concerned / interested in the passing of this multiple interfaces with them. He also headed a multi-disciplinary
resolution. Mr. Sarangi is not related to any other Director or any task force that produced the National Infrastructure Pipeline
Key Managerial Personnel of the Bank. (NIP). He has also served as Secretary to the Union Government
for Disinvestment (DIPAM) wherein he was responsible for both
Your Directors recommend the passing of the resolution in Item policy as well as execution of the process of disinvestment of
no. 9 of the accompanying Notice. Government of India’s stake in state owned enterprises. During
the period 2002-07, Mr. Chakraborty served as Director and
Item No. 10: subsequently as Joint Secretary, Ministry of Finance (Department
The tenure of the erstwhile Part Time Chairperson and of Expenditure). During this period, he appraised projects in
Independent Director, Mrs. Shyamala Gopinath came to an the Infrastructure sector as well as looked after subsidies of
end on January 1, 2021, in terms of the tenure approved by the Government of India. He had also updated and modernized the
Reserve Bank of India. Accordingly, the Board of Directors of Government’s Financial & Procurement rules.
the Bank, pursuant to the recommendation of the Nomination
& Remuneration Committee, approved the appointment of Mr. Chakraborty has also discharged varied roles in the Gujarat
Mr. Atanu Chakraborty as the Part Time Non-Executive Chairman State Government including heading the Finance Department
and Independent Director of the Bank, subject to approval of as its Secretary. He had been responsible for piloting the private
the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and the shareholders of the sector investment legislation in the State. In the State Govt.,
Bank. RBI, vide its letter dated April 22, 2021, has approved the he has worked on the ground in both public governance and
appointment of Mr. Atanu Chakraborty as Part Time Chairman development areas. Mr. Chakraborty has also served on the
of the Bank in terms of Section 35B and other applicable Board of World Bank as alternate Governor as well as on the
provisions of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949. Accordingly, Central Board of Directors of the Reserve Bank of India. He
it is recommended to appoint Mr. Atanu Chakraborty as the was also the Chairman of National Infrastructure Investment
Part Time Non-Executive Chairman and Independent Director Fund (NIIF) as also on the Board of many listed companies.
of the Bank for a period of three years w.e.f May 5, 2021, at a Mr. Chakraborty was also the CEO/MD of the GSPC group of
remuneration of ` 35,00,000 (Rupees Thirty Five Lakhs only) companies as well as Gujarat State Fertilizers and Chemicals
[as approved by RBI and as may be varied at annual or periodic Ltd. Mr. Chakraborty had published articles in reputed journals

in the areas of public finance, risk sharing in Infrastructure Terms and Mr. Atanu Chakraborty shall be appointed
projects and gas infrastructure. Mr. Chakraborty graduated as conditions of as Part Time Non Executive Chairman and
a Bachelor in Engineering (Electronics & Communication) from appointment or Independent Director, not liable to retire
NIT Kurukshetra. He holds a Diploma in Business Finance (ICFAI, re-appointment by rotation, for a period of three (3) years
Hyderabad) and a Master’s degree in Business Administration including w.e.f May 5, 2021, at a remuneration of
from the University of Hull, UK. remuneration ` 35,00,000 (Rupees Thirty Five Lakhs only)
[as approved by RBI and as may be varied
The Bank has received a declaration from Mr. Chakraborty to at annual or periodic intervals as per the
the effect that he fulfils all criteria for independence stipulated recommendations of the NRC, approval of
in the Companies Act, 2013 and the Listing Regulations. In the the Board and RBI], free use of Bank’s car
opinion of the Board of Directors of the Bank, Mr. Chakraborty for official and private purpose, as well as
is independent of the management of the Bank and fulfils the sitting fees and reimbursement of expenses
conditions specified in the Companies Act, 2013, the rules for attending meetings of the Board and
made thereunder and Regulation 16 of the Listing Regulations Committees, as applicable.
for appointment as an Independent Director. Further the Board
of Directors of the Bank is of the opinion that Mr. Chakraborty is The Nomination and Remuneration Committee of the Bank has
a person of integrity and has relevant experience and expertise recommended the appointment of Mr. Chakraborty and the
to be appointed as Independent Director of the Bank. Based Board has accepted the same.
on the skills, experience and knowledge of Mr. Chakraborty
the Board of Directors recommend appointment of Mr. Atanu None of the Directors, Key Managerial Personnel and their
Chakraborty as the Part time Non Executive Chairman and an relatives, other than Mr Atanu Chakraborty and his relatives, are
Independent Director. interested in passing of the above resolution. Mr. Chakraborty is
not related to any of the Directors or any other Key Managerial
Certain additional information about Mr. Chakraborty is as under: Personnel of the Bank.

Your Board of Directors recommend passing of the resolution

Age 61 years set out in Item No. 10 of the accompanying Notice.
Directorships, Listed Companies: None
Item No. 11:
The Board of Directors of the Bank, on recommendation of
Partnerships, Unlisted Companies: BAE Systems India
the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, had approved
etc. held (Services) Private Limited
the appointment of Dr. (Ms.) Sunita Maheshwari as Additional
in other
Independent Director of the Bank on March 30, 2021, to hold
office up to the ensuing Annual General Meeting. The Bank has
firms, trusts,
received a declaration from Dr. (Ms.) Maheshwari to the effect
entities, etc.
that she fulfils all criteria for independence stipulated in the
Companies Act, 2013 and the Listing Regulations. In the opinion
Memberships / Listed Companies: None
of the Board of Directors of the Bank, Dr. (Ms.) Maheshwari is
independent of the management of the Bank and fulfils the
of committees Unlisted Companies: None
conditions specified in the Companies Act, 2013 and the rules
of the Boards
made thereunder for appointment as an independent director.
of other
Further the Board of Directors of the Bank is of the opinion that
Dr. (Ms.) Maheshwari is a person of integrity and has relevant
experience and expertise for her to be appointed as independent
Number of Mr. Chakraborty, along with his relatives,
director of the Bank. Dr. (Ms.) Maheshwari will be entitled to
shares held in does not hold any equity shares in the Bank
remuneration by way of sitting fees as well as reimbursed
the Bank as on March 31, 2021.
expenses for attending Board and Committee meetings as
applicable and fixed remuneration of ` 20,00,000/- (Rupees
Twenty Lakhs) per annum from FY 2021-22 onwards till the end
of her tenure in terms of the RBI Circular dated April 26, 2021.
Dr. (Ms.) Maheshwari possesses specialized experience inter

HDFC Bank Limited | Integrated Annual Report 2020-21 21


alia in the field of small scale industries, as required by Section Age 55 years
10A (2-a) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949. Accordingly, the Directorships, Listed Companies: Gla xoSmithKline
approval of the shareholders is now sought for the appointment of Trusteeships, Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Dr. (Ms.) Sunita Maheshwari as Independent Director, not liable Partnerships, Unlisted Companies:
to retire by rotation, to hold office for a period of five (5) years, etc. held
w.e.f March 30, 2021 till March 29, 2026. in other • Teleradiology Solutions Private Limited
companies, • Telerad Rx Dx Healthcare Private Limited
Brief profile of Dr. (Ms.) Sunita Maheshwari in terms of Regulation firms, trusts, • Telerad Tech Private Limited
36 (3) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) entities, etc. • Image Core Lab Private Limited
Regulations, 2015 (“Listing Regulations”) and the Secretarial • Healtheminds Solutions Private Limited
Standard on the General Meetings has been given in this Memberships / Listed Companies: CSR Committee of
Explanatory Statement hereinafter. chairmanships GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Ltd
of committees Unlisted Companies: None
Dr. (Ms.) Sunita Maheshwari is a US Board certified Pediatric of the Boards
Cardiologist, and completed her MBBS at Osmania Medical of other
College followed by post-graduation at AIIMS, Delhi and Yale companies
University in the US. With over 30 years of experience, she has Number of Dr. (Ms.) Maheshwari, along with her
lived and worked in the US and India. In addition to being a shares held in relatives, does not hold any equity shares in
clinician, Dr. (Ms.) Maheshwari is a medical entrepreneur and the Bank the Bank as on March 31, 2021.
co-founder at: Terms and Dr. (Ms.) Sunita Maheshwari shall be
(a) Teleradiology Solutions (India’s first and largest teleradiology conditions of appointed as Independent Director, not
company that has provided over 5 million diagnostic reports to appointment or liable to retire by rotation, to hold office for a
patients and hospitals globally including for the Tripura state re-appointment period of five (5) years, w.e.f March 30, 2021
government), including till March 29, 2026. She will be entitled to
remuneration sitting fees and reimbursement of expenses
(b) Telrad Tech which builds AI enabled tele health software and for attending Board and Committee
(c) RXDX healthcare - a chain of multi-specialty neighborhood meetings, in addition to fixed remuneration
clinics in Bangalore. of ` 20,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty Lakhs) per
annum from FY 2021-22 onwards till the end
She has also incubated other start-up companies in the of her tenure in terms of the RBI Circular
tele-health space such as Healtheminds – a tele-counselling dated April 26, 2021.
platform. She is active in the social arena in India where she
runs 2 trust funds. ‘People4people’ has put up over 450 The Nomination and Remuneration Committee of the Bank has
playgrounds in government schools and Telrad Foundation recommended the appointment of Dr. (Ms.) Maheshwari and the
provides teleradiology and telemedicine services to poor areas Board has accepted the same.
in Asia that do not have access to high quality medical care. Her
other interests include teaching - she has been running India’s None of the Directors, Key Managerial Personnel and
e-teaching program for postgraduates in Pediatric Cardiology for their relatives, other than Dr. (Ms.) Maheshwari and her
over a decade. In 2019, she helped the Kerala National health relatives, are interested in passing of the above resolution.
mission Hridayam launch e-classes in pediatric cardiology for Dr. (Ms.) Maheshwari is not related to any of the Directors or any
pediatricians in the state. other Key Managerial Personnel of the Bank.

She has over 200 academic presentations and publications to Your Board of Directors recommend passing of the resolution
her credit and is an inspirational speaker having given over 200 set out in Item No. 11 of the accompanying Notice.
lectures, including several TEDx talks. Dr. (Ms.) Maheshwari is the
recipient of several prestigious awards and honours including: Item No. 12:
WOW (Woman of Worth) 2019 award, Outlook Business; 50 The provisions of the Securities and Exchange Board of India
most powerful women of India, March 2016; Amazing Indian (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations,
award- Times Now 2014; Top 20 women Health care achievers 2015 (“Listing Regulations”) require shareholders’ approval by
in India, Modern Medicare 2009; Yale University- Outstanding means of an ordinary resolution for all material related party
Fellow Teacher of the Year Award, 1995, amongst others. transactions, even if such transactions are in the ordinary
course of the business of the concerned company and at an
Certain additional information about Dr. (Ms.) Maheshwari is as arm’s length basis. Pursuant to the provisions of the Listing
under: Regulations, the members at the Annual General Meeting held on

July 18, 2020 had ratified and approved the related party Bank and on an arm’s length basis and are as such exempt from
transactions entered into with Housing Development Finance the provisions of Section 188 (1) of the Companies Act, 2013.
Corporation Limited (“HDFC Limited”) in the FY 2020-21
notwithstanding that such transactions on aggregate basis might The Audit Committee of the Bank has granted omnibus approval
exceed the applicable materiality threshold. A transaction with a for purchase of home loans from HDFC Limited up to a limit of
related party shall be considered material if the transaction(s) in ` 28,000 crores for the FY 2020-21 and of ` 40,000 crores for
a contract to be entered into individually or taken together with the FY 2021-22 and has noted that the said transactions are
previous transactions during a FY, exceed(s) 10% of the annual on arms’ length basis and in the ordinary course of the Bank’s
consolidated turnover of the listed entity as per the last audited business. The Audit Committee has also granted approval
financial statements of the listed entity. for other types of transactions with HDFC Limited under the
omnibus route for the FY 2021-22 and the Audit Committee has
Under one of the arrangements between the Bank and HDFC noted that the said transactions are on arm’s length basis and
Limited, the Bank sources home loans for HDFC Limited through in the ordinary course of the Bank’s business.
its branches across India and HDFC Limited, after necessary
due diligence (credit, legal and technical appraisal), approves The transactions have been continued so far in the
and disburses the loans. The loans are booked in the books FY 2021-22. In the FY 2021-22 as well, these transactions
of HDFC Limited and the Bank is paid consideration as agreed are expected to cross the applicable materiality thresholds.
upon mutually from time to time. As per this arrangement the Accordingly, as per the Listing Regulations, approval of the
Bank has a right but not an obligation to buy up to 70% or such members is sought for ratification of all these arrangements
percentage as may be mutually agreeable of the sourced and / transactions undertaken (whether individual transactions
disbursed home loans. The loans are purchased by the Bank or transactions taken together or series of transactions or
from time to time. Further, HDFC Limited is paid a consideration otherwise), whether by way of continuation / extension / renewal /
as agreed upon mutually from time to time for servicing of the modification of earlier arrangements / transactions or otherwise,
home loans assigned by it / securitized. so far in the FY 2021-22.

The above arrangement has been approved by the Board of As mentioned above, the Bank’s transactions in aggregate in
Directors of the Bank. The arrangement for sourcing of the home the FY 2021-22 with HDFC Limited are expected to exceed the
loans and also of purchase thereof is in the ordinary course of prescribed threshold limits under the Listing Regulations so
business of the Bank and on an arm’s length basis. The Board as to qualify as material related party transactions thereunder.
is of the opinion that such arrangement is beneficial to the Bank The Bank now proposes to obtain approval of the members
based on economic and commercial factors. The Bank gets for ratifying as also granting further approval to the Board of
the benefit of an additional retail finance product to meet its Directors (hereinafter referred to as the “Board”, which term
customers’ home loan needs together with the expertise of shall be deemed to include any Committee(s) constituted /
HDFC Limited in credit, legal and technical appraisal of home empowered/ to be constituted by the Board from time to time to
loans. The arrangement facilitates the Bank to build its own exercise its powers conferred by the said resolution) for carrying
book of this loan portfolio, helps the Bank in achievement of out and / or continuing with arrangements and transactions
priority sector lending targets as stipulated by the RBI as well (whether individual transactions or transactions taken together
as increasing its asset and customer base. Additionally, the or series of transactions or otherwise) with HDFC Limited, being
tenure of home loans being relatively longer helps the Bank in a related party, whether by way of renewal(s) or extension(s) or
better asset liability management over the long term. For both modification(s) of earlier arrangements / transactions or otherwise
the entities, the arrangement synergizes distribution, product including banking transactions, transactions for sourcing of
and processing / servicing strengths across the two entities. home loans for HDFC Limited against the consideration of the
The customer also gets one of the best home loan products commission agreed upon or as may be mutually agreed upon
available in the market. The arrangement encompasses the from time to time and of a right but not an obligation to purchase
strengths of both HDFC Limited and the Bank, its shareholders from HDFC Limited such percentage of home loans sourced and
and its customers benefit from the synergy arising therefrom. As disbursed as may be agreed from time to time mutually between
per the arrangement, the home loans assigned by HDFC Limited the Bank and HDFC Limited, transactions of purchase from
/ securitized continue to be serviced by HDFC Limited, for which time to time of the loans sourced and disbursed, servicing by
it is paid a consideration on mutually agreeable terms. HDFC Limited of home loans assigned by it / securitized against
the consideration of the fee agreed upon or as may be agreed
There are also other transactions with HDFC Limited, including upon from time to time and any other transactions, including
banking transactions (such as deposits) and including those as transactions as may be disclosed in the notes forming part of
disclosed in the notes forming part of the financial statements, financial statements for the relevant period, notwithstanding the
being a related party of the Bank pursuant to Regulation 23 of fact that all these transactions within the FY 2021-22 in aggregate
the Listing Regulations and under the Companies Act, 2013. The may exceed 10% of the annual consolidated turnover of the Bank
above transactions are in the ordinary course of business of the as per the last audited financial statements or any materiality

HDFC Bank Limited | Integrated Annual Report 2020-21 23


threshold for qualifying a transaction as material related party are being referred to as “Securities Purchase Transactions”.
transaction as may be applicable from time to time under the The approval of members is being sought under the Listing
law or regulations. Regulations for the Securities Purchase Transactions along with
the other transactions with HDFC Limited, being related party
The above transactions are in the ordinary course of business of transactions. However, the Securities Purchase Transactions will
the Bank and on an arm’s length basis, and as such the approval not be clubbed with the other transactions with HDFC Limited
of members under Section 188 of the Companies Act, 2013 (which as mentioned above, are exempt from Section 188), for the
and rules thereunder is not required, however, for abundant purposes of testing the monetary thresholds prescribed under
caution, approval of members under the said Section 188 and the rules under Section 188, and as such the said thresholds are
rules thereunder is also being sought for such of the aforesaid not being breached by the Securities Purchase Transactions, the
transactions which have not yet been entered into. approval of members under the said Section 188 is not required
for the same. Despite the said position, for abundant caution,
Separately, the Bank has agreed to purchase from HDFC approval of the members under the said Section 188 and rules
Limited, 3,55,67,724 equity shares of HDFC Ergo General thereunder is still being sought under this Resolution under item
Insurance Company Limited (“HDFC Ergo”) representing 4.99% no. 12 along with approval under Listing Regulations.
(four point nine nine per cent) of the outstanding paid up equity
share capital of HDFC Ergo, for an aggregate consideration of Accordingly, your Board of Directors recommends the passing
` 19,064,300,064 (Rupees One Thousand Nine Hundred Six of the resolution contained in Item No. 12 of the accompanying
Crore Forty-three Lakhs Sixty-four only). The said consideration Notice.
has been arrived at based on a valuation report issued by an
independent valuer. This proposed transaction is subject to Mrs. Renu Karnad, being a Director on the Board of the Bank
customary conditions precedent including receipt of approvals/ as well as on the Board of HDFC Limited, and her relatives are
no-objections as may be required under law or regulations or interested in the above resolution.
otherwise. As per the agreed terms of the acquisition, the Bank
will inter alia have various rights and obligations in relation to its None of the other Directors, Key Managerial Personnel and
shares, including: (a) the right but not the obligation to participate their relatives, other than to the extent of their shareholding in
in future equity capital issuances by HDFC Ergo (excluding HDFC Limited, are concerned / interested in the above resolution.
issuance of ESOPs), (b) subject to and after an agreed lock-in
period on sale of shares by the Bank, the right to require the The members may please note that in terms of the provisions of
present promoter shareholders of HDFC Ergo to find a buyer the Listing Regulations, the related parties as defined thereunder
for the Bank’s shares in HDFC Ergo for a price being at least (whether the member is a related party / party to the aforesaid
at fair market value or to sell its shares to a third party who transactions or not), shall not vote to approve resolutions under
meets the fit and proper criteria and who is not a competitor to this Item No. 12.
HDFC Ergo, if the said promoter shareholders do not acquire
the Bank’s shares, and (c) preferential tag-along rights in case Item No. 13:
of a sale of shares by HDFC Limited beyond a certain threshold. The provisions of Regulation 23 of Securities and Exchange
The Bank has also agreed to give a right of first buy to the said Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
promoter shareholders in relation to the sale of said shares by Regulations, 2015 (hereinafter referred to as “Listing Regulations”)
the Bank post such lock-in period. Further, the Bank is of the requires shareholders’ approval by means of an ordinary
view that HDFC Limited has an important role in the growth and resolution for all material related party transactions, even if such
development of HDFC Ergo as a promoter. Accordingly, and in transactions are in the ordinary course of the business of the
view of the aforesaid rights, the Bank has agreed with HDFC concerned company and at an arm’s length basis.
Limited that the Bank shall support and cast its votes on the
shares being acquired by the Bank (of HDFC Ergo) in accordance Pursuant to the provisions of the Listing Regulations, the
with the votes cast by HDFC Limited (“Indian Promoter”), and members at the Annual General Meeting held on July 18, 2020
such agreement for casting votes shall continue as long as had ratified and approved the related party transactions entered
the following conditions are met (including grace periods for into with HDB Financial Services Limited (“HDBFSL”) in the
meeting such conditions, if any) (i) HDFC Ergo achieves a certain FY 2020-21 notwithstanding that such transactions on aggregate
agreed growth parameter for next 5 years (failing which the basis might exceed the applicable materiality threshold.
agreement for casting votes will be mutually reviewed) (ii) Indian
Promoter continues to be in control of HDFC Ergo and (iii) Indian A transaction with a related party shall be considered material
Promoter continues to take on/ backstop promoter/ co-promoter if the transaction(s) in a contract to be entered into individually
obligations, if any, of the Bank. or taken together with previous transactions during a financial
year, exceed(s) 10% of the annual consolidated turnover of the
For convenience, the aforesaid transactions for purchase listed entity as per the last audited financial statements of the
of securities from HDFC Limited (including of HDFC Ergo) listed entity.

The Bank periodically undertakes asset backed / mortgage exceed 10% of the annual consolidated turnover of the Bank
backed securitization / loan assignment transactions with various as per the last audited financial statements or any materiality
originators. In this regard, the Bank is proposing to undertake threshold for qualifying a transaction as material related party
securitization / loan assignment transactions, as to banking transaction as may be applicable from time to time under the
transactions and any other transactions including those as may law or regulations.
be disclosed in the notes forming part of financial statements for
the relevant period, with HDBFSL, being a subsidiary company of The above transactions are in the ordinary course of business of
the Bank and a related party of the Bank pursuant to Regulation the Bank and on an arm’s length basis.
23 of the Listing Regulations and under the Companies Act,
2013. The above transactions are in the ordinary course of Accordingly, your Board of Directors recommends the passing
business of the Bank and on an arm’s length basis and are of the resolution contained in Item No. 13 of the accompanying
as such exempt from the provisions of Section 188 (1) of the Notice.
Companies Act, 2013. The Bank benefits from the securitization
/ loan assignment transactions by acquisition of additional retail None of the other Directors, Key Managerial Personnel and
loan portfolio on its books and by the meeting of its targets for their relatives, other than to the extent of their shareholding in
priority sector lending as stipulated by the RBI. There are also HDBFSL, are concerned / interested in the above resolution.
other transactions with HDBFSL, including banking transactions
and including those as disclosed in the notes forming part of the The members may please note that in terms of the provisions of
financial statements. the Listing Regulations, the related parties as defined thereunder
(whether the member is a related party / party to the aforesaid
The Audit Committee of the Bank has granted omnibus approval transactions or not), shall not vote to approve resolutions under
for the related party transactions proposed to be entered into by this Item No. 13.
the Bank with HDBFSL in the FY 2021-22. The Audit Committee
has also noted that the said transactions with HDBFSL are on Item No. 14:
arm’s length basis and in the ordinary course of the Bank’s The Reserve Bank of India (“RBI”) has issued guidelines on
business. July 15, 2014 on ‘Issue of Long Term Bonds by Banks - Financing
of Infrastructure and Affordable Housing’ to ensure availability of
The transactions have continued so far in the FY 2021-22. In funding to such sectors.
the FY 2021-22, the aforementioned transactions in aggregate
are expected to exceed the applicable materiality thresholds. These guidelines enable banks to raise long term funds from
Accordingly, as per the Listing Regulations, approval of the the market. Accordingly, the Board of Directors by resolution
members is sought for ratification of all these arrangements dated April 17, 2021 has approved to seek the consent of the
/ transactions undertaken (whether individual transactions Members of the Bank for borrowing / raising funds in Indian
or transactions taken together or series of transactions or currency by issue of unsecured Perpetual Debt Instruments
otherwise), with HDBFS being a related party, whether by (part of Additional Tier I capital), Tier II Capital Bonds and Long
way of continuation / extension / renewal / modification of Term Bonds (financing of infrastructure and affordable housing)
earlier arrangements / transactions or otherwise, so far in the in domestic market on a private placement basis and / or for
FY 2021-22. The Bank proposes to obtain approval of the making offers and / or invitations therefor and / or issue(s) /
members for ratifying as also for giving further approval to the issuances therefor, for a period of one (1) year from the date
Board of Directors (hereinafter referred to as the “Board”, which hereof, in one or more tranches of an amount in aggregate,
term shall be deemed to include any Committee constituted not exceeding ` 50,000 crores. Section 42 of the Companies
/ empowered / to be constituted by the Board from time to Act, 2013 read with the Companies (Prospectus and Allotment
time to exercise its powers conferred by this resolution) for of Securities) Rules, 2014 provides that a company can make
carrying out / continuing with / undertaking transactions private placement of securities subject to the condition that
(whether individual transactions or transactions taken together such subscription of securities has been previously approved
or series of transactions or otherwise) including of securitization by the shareholders of the company, by a special resolution, for
/ loan assignment transactions, servicing arrangements, if any, each of the offers or invitations. In case of offer or invitation for
banking transactions and any other arrangements / transactions subscription of non-convertible debentures (NCDs), it shall be
whether by way of renewal(s) or extension(s) or modification(s) sufficient if the company passes a special resolution only once
of earlier arrangements / transactions or otherwise against such in a year for all the offers or invitations for subscriptions of such
consideration agreed upon or as may be mutually agreed upon debentures during the year, even if the amount to be borrowed/
from time to time between the Bank and HDBFSL, including raised exceeds/will exceed the limit as specified in clause (c)
those as may be disclosed in the notes forming part of financial of sub-section (1) of section 180 of the Companies Act, 2013.
statements for the relevant period, notwithstanding the fact that The amounts proposed to be raised together with the amounts
all these transactions within the FY 2021-22 in aggregate may already borrowed exceed the total of the Bank’s paid-up share
capital, free reserves and securities premium.

HDFC Bank Limited | Integrated Annual Report 2020-21 25


The approval by way of special resolution of the members is, Plan D-2007 with the intent that any employee being moved/
therefore, sought for issue of aforesaid unsecured NCDs / bonds getting transferred to a subsidiary company of the Bank can
in terms of said RBI guidelines on a private placement basis, continue to be entitled to the stock options, already granted to
in one or more tranches / series and under one or more shelf such an employee under the ESOS-Plan D-2007, prior to his/her
disclosure documents and / or one or more letters of offer, for a resignation from the Bank to move/transfer to such subsidiary
period of one (1) year from the date of passing of the resolution, company. This is an important step to ensure that employees
on such terms and conditions including the price, coupon, being moved/being transferred to the subsidiary companies of
premium / discount, tenor etc., as may be determined by the the Bank are not disadvantaged by such movements/transfers.
Board, in the prevailing market conditions. The offer shall be
made to such persons as identified pursuant to Section 42 (2) of Accordingly, the following amendments are proposed to the
the Companies Act, 2013. ESOS-Plan D-2007:

The said approval shall be the basis for the Board to determine the 1. Amend the definition of the term ‘Employee’ under Point 1
terms and conditions of any issuance of NCDs by the Bank for a of Clause A of the ESOS-Plan D-2007, to read as under:
period of one (1) year from the date on which the members have
provided the approval by way of a special resolution proposed as “1. “Employee” shall mean
per Item No. 14 above. The pricing of the unsecured Perpetual
Debt Instruments (part of Additional Tier I capital), Tier II Capital (i) any permanent employee of the Bank from the grade
Bonds and Long Term Bonds (financing of infrastructure and of executive to the Managing Director and directors
affordable housing) would be in accordance with the applicable of the Bank, if any (either on the date of this scheme
statutory guidelines, for cash, either at par or premium or at a or thereafter) and shall include any employee of the
discount to face value depending upon the prevailing market Bank who has joined on the request of the Bank the
conditions. These bonds would be raised at a fixed rate or at a employment of any company which is a subsidiary, or
floating rate. an affiliate company or sister concern of the Bank.

Your Board of Directors accordingly recommend approval of the (ii) an Employee of the Bank who upon grant of Options
resolution set out in Item No. 14 of the accompanying notice. under this Employee Stock Option Scheme is
transferred/moved by the Bank to a Subsidiary or
None of the Directors, Key Managerial Personnel and their thereafter to another Subsidiary (subject to the
relatives are interested in the passing of the above resolution. requirements of the relevant Subsidiary), and for this
purpose such Employee resigns from the services of
Item No. 15: the Bank and joins the Subsidiary (or subsequently
The Bank has an Employees’ Stock Option Scheme, 2007 such another Subsidiary as above, as the case may
(“ESOS-Plan D-2007”) framed in line with the then existing be) prior to vesting or exercise of such Options, such
guidelines of the Securities and Exchange Board of India which person shall be treated as an “Employee” to the
has since been replaced by the Securities and Exchange Board extent of vesting and exercise of such Options already
of India (Share Based Employee Benefits) Regulations, 2014, as granted under this Employee Stock Option Scheme
may be amended, replaced, restated from time to time (“SBEB up to the date of his such resignation from the Bank,
Regulations”). however not for any fresh grant of Options from and
after the date of his such resignation from the Bank.”
Proposed amendments (“Part A”)
There may be movement/transfer of the Employees of the Bank 2. Add the following definitions after Point 14 of Clause A of
within/to the group companies (namely subsidiary companies of the ESOS-Plan D-2007:
the Bank) subject to the requirements of the relevant subsidiary
company of the Bank. The Bank is of the view that such “15. “Date of Resignation” /“Date of Termination” shall
movements/transfers would strengthen the skill and resource mean the day after which the Employee ceases to be in
inventory for the group. When employees move to the subsidiary the employment of the Bank, however for the Employee
companies of the Bank as part of the aforementioned reasons, defined under Point 1 (ii) of Clause A of this Employee
such employees may have to resign from the services of the Bank Stock Option Scheme, shall mean the day after which
and become an employee of another such subsidiary company such Employee ceases to be in the employment of the
of the Bank. The Bank currently allows for providing continuity Subsidiary mentioned in the said Point 1 (ii) of Clause A of
of service for the purpose of Gratuity. The Bank would also this Employee Stock Option Scheme.
like to extend continuity service for Long Term Incentives (LTIs)
earned during the course of service with the Bank during such 16. “Subsidiary” shall mean any ‘subsidiary company’ of
transfer. For this purpose, Bank proposes to amend the ESOS- the Bank as per Section 2 (87) of the Companies Act, 2013,
as amended from time to time.”

3. Amend Section 3 of Clause H of the ESOS-Plan D-2007, to of this Employee Stock Option Scheme even after such
read as under: transfer/movement.”

“3. Resignation / Termination of employment The aforesaid amendments shall be applicable for all options
already granted under the ESOS-Plan D- 2007, which are
(i) In the event of resignation or termination of employment pending vesting and/or exercise
of the Employee, with the Bank or with the Subsidiary
referred to in Point 1 (ii) of Clause A of this Employee Proposed amendments (“Part B”)
Stock Option Scheme, as the case may be, all As per the Reserve Bank of India’s Guidelines on Compensation
Options not vested as on the Date of Resignation/ of Whole Time Directors / Chief Executive Officers / Material Risk
Date of Termination, shall stand forfeited. However, Takers and Control Function Staff dated November 4, 2019 (as
the Employee shall be entitled to retain all the vested may be amended, replaced, restated from time to time) the Bank
Options as on the Date of Resignation/ Date of is mandatorily required to put in place appropriate modalities to
Termination and Exercise the same within a period incorporate malus/ clawback mechanism with respect to the
of six months from the Date of Resignation/ Date of variable pay granted to Whole Time Directors / Chief Executive
Termination. Provided, however such resignation Officers / Material Risk Takers of the Bank. A malus arrangement
or termination is not on account of misconduct or permits the Bank to prevent vesting of all or part of the amount
misdemeanour of the Employee. After expiry of six of a deferred remuneration and a clawback provision requires an
months, the vested options shall get lapsed, if not employee to return previously paid or vested remuneration to the
exercised. Bank under certain circumstances. Pursuant to this regulatory
requirement, the Bank has incorporated malus and clawback
(ii) The Compensation Committee (in case of Bank) and provisions in its compensation policy/ employment contracts and
appropriate committee constituted by the relevant therefore, for this purpose, the Bank also proposes to amend
Subsidiary (in case of Subsidiary), as the case may the ESOS-Plan D-2007 to capture the malus and clawback
be, shall have absolute discretion in determining provisions.
whether there has been any “misconduct” or
“misdemeanour” on part of the Employee and the Accordingly, the following amendments are proposed to the
decision of the Compensation Committee (in case ESOS-Plan D-2007:
of Bank) and appropriate committee constituted by
the relevant Subsidiary (in case of Subsidiary), as the 1. Insert the following Clause as Clause Q of the ESOS-Plan
case may be, in this regard shall be final and binding D-2007 as under:
on the Employee. If the resignation or termination
of the Employee is attributable to misconduct / “CLAUSE Q
misdemeanour of the Employee as above, then in
that event all Options vested in the Employee shall The Grant, Vesting and Exercise of Options under this Employee
forthwith lapse and the Employee shall not be entitled Stock Option Scheme shall be subject to the Malus and
to Exercise such Options. Such options shall be liable Clawback provisions under the Bank’s Compensation Policy,
to be forfeited by the Bank.” as may be amended, replaced, restated, substituted from
time to time, or as may be communicated by the Bank to the
4. Add the following Section after Section 5 of Clause H of the Employees, or as per the revisions to the employment contracts/
ESOS-Plan D-2007: terms, in accordance with the Reserve Bank of India’s Guidelines
on Compensation of Whole Time Directors/ Chief Executive
“5A Transfer, movement, deputation, etc. Officers/ Material Risk Takers and Control Function Staff dated
November 4, 2019, as may be amended, replaced, substituted,
In the event that an Employee of the Bank who has been restated from time to time.”
granted Options under this Employee Stock Option Scheme
has been transferred/moved by the Bank to a Subsidiary The aforesaid amendments will be applicable from the Bank’s
of the Bank or thereafter to another Subsidiary (subject compensation cycle effective April 1, 2020.
to the requirements of the relevant Subsidiary), and for
this purpose such Employee resigns from the services of As per the SBEB Regulations, any variation to the terms of the
the Bank and joins the Subsidiary (or subsequently such ESOS-Plan D-2007 requires the approval of Members by way of
another Subsidiary as above, as the case may be) prior a special resolution. There are no other changes to the existing
to vesting or exercise of such Options, the vesting and terms of the ESOS-Plan D-2007. While the NRC and the Board
exercise of such Options granted under this Employee are authorised by the earlier resolution dated June 16, 2007 in
Stock Option Scheme up to the date of his resignation from this regard, to make appropriate amendments, in the terms and
the Bank, shall continue in accordance with the provisions conditions of the ESOS-Plan D-2007, however, this approval of

HDFC Bank Limited | Integrated Annual Report 2020-21 27


Members by way of special resolution is still being sought for Employee ceases to be in the employment of the Subsidiary
abundant caution. mentioned in the said Point 6(ii) of Clause A of this Scheme.”

None of the Directors or Key Managerial Personnel of the Bank Amend the definition of the term ‘Employee’ under Point 6 of
including their relatives are, in any way, concerned or interested, Clause A of the ESOS-Plan E-2010, to read as under:
financially or otherwise, in the proposed resolution except to
the extent of grant of stock options to them, if any, under the “6. “Employee” shall mean
ESOS-Plan D-2007. (i) any permanent employee of the Bank, present as well
as future, in the middle and senior management levels
The Directors recommend the Resolution at Item No. 15 of the and directors in whole time employment of the Bank,
accompanying Notice for approval of the Members of the Bank. i.e. permanent employees from the grade of Senior
Manager and/or any equivalent restructured grade
Item No. 16: to the whole time Directors including the Managing
The Bank has an Employees’ Stock Option Scheme, 2010 Director, and shall include any employee of the Bank
(“ESOS-Plan E-2010”) framed in line with the then existing who has been deputed / seconded by the Bank to any
guidelines of the Securities and Exchange Board of India which company which is a subsidiary, or an affiliate company
has since been replaced by the Securities and Exchange Board or sister concern of the Bank.
of India (Share Based Employee Benefits) Regulations, 2014, as
may be amended, replaced, restated from time to time (“SBEB (ii) an Employee of the Bank who upon grant of Options
Regulations”). under this Scheme is transferred / moved by the Bank
to a Subsidiary or thereafter to another Subsidiary
Proposed amendments (“Part A”) (subject to the requirements of the relevant Subsidiary),
There may be movement/transfer of the Employees of the Bank and for this purpose such Employee resigns from
within/to the group companies (namely subsidiary companies of the services of the Bank and joins the Subsidiary
the Bank) subject to the requirements of the relevant subsidiary (or subsequently such another Subsidiary as above,
company of the Bank. The Bank is of the view that such as the case may be) prior to vesting or exercise of
movements/transfers would strengthen the skill and resource such Options, such person shall be treated as an
inventory for the group. When employees move to the subsidiary “Employee” to the extent of vesting and exercise of
companies of the Bank as part of the aforementioned reasons, such Options already granted under this Scheme up
such employees may have to resign from the services of the Bank to the date of his such resignation from the Bank,
and become an employee of another such subsidiary company however not for any fresh grant of Options from and
of the Bank. The Bank currently allows for providing continuity after the date of his such resignation from the Bank.”
of service for the purpose of Gratuity. The Bank would also
like to extend continuity service for Long Term Incentives (LTIs) Add the following definition after Point 17 of Clause A of the
earned during the course of service with the Bank during such ESOS-Plan E-2010:
transfer. For this purpose, Bank proposes to amend the ESOS-
Plan E-2010 with the intent that any employee being moved/ “17A “Subsidiary” shall mean any ‘subsidiary company’ of the
getting transferred to a subsidiary company of the Bank can Bank as per Section 2 (87) of the Companies Act, 2013, as
continue to be entitled to the stock options, already granted to amended from time to time.”
such an employee under the ESOS-Plan E-2010, prior to his / her
resignation from the Bank to move/transfer to such subsidiary Amend Section 3 of Clause H of the ESOS-Plan E-2010, to read
company. This is an important step to ensure that employees as under:
being moved/being transferred to the subsidiary companies of
the Bank are not disadvantaged by such movements/transfers. “3. Resignation / Termination of employment
(i) In the event of resignation or termination of the
Accordingly, the following amendments are proposed to the employment of the Employee, with the Bank or with the
ESOS-Plan E-2010: Subsidiary referred to in Point 6 (ii) of Clause A of this
Scheme, as the case may be, all Options not vested
Amend definition of the term “Date of Resignation” / “Date of as on the Date of Resignation/ Date of Termination,
Termination” under Point 5 of Clause A of the ESOS-Plan E-2010, shall stand forfeited. However, the Employee shall be
to read as under: entitled to retain all the vested Options as on the Date
of Resignation / Date of Termination and Exercise the
“5. “Date of Resignation” / “Date of Termination” shall mean the same within a period of six months from the Date of
day after which the Employee ceases to be in the employment Resignation / Date of Termination. Provided however,
of the Bank, however for the Employee defined under Point 6(ii) such resignation or termination is not on account of
of Clause A of this Scheme, shall mean the day after which such misconduct or misdemeanour of the Employee. After

expiry of the said six months, the vested Options shall Accordingly, the following amendments are proposed to the
get lapsed, if not exercised. ESOS-Plan E-2010:

(ii) The Compensation Committee (in case of Bank) and Insert the following Clause as Clause R of the ESOS-Plan E-2010
appropriate committee constituted by the relevant as under:
Subsidiary (in case of Subsidiary), as the case may be,
shall have absolute discretion in determining whether “CLAUSE R
there has been any “misconduct” or “misdemeanour” The Grant, Vesting and Exercise of Options under this Scheme
on the part of the Employee and the decision of the shall be subject to the Malus and Clawback provisions under
Compensation Committee / appropriate committee of the Bank’s Compensation Policy, as may be amended,
the Subsidiary in this regard shall be final and binding replaced, restated, substituted from time to time, or as may
on the Employee. If the resignation or termination be communicated by the Bank to the Employees, or as per the
of the Employee is attributable to misconduct / revisions to the employment contracts/terms, in accordance
misdemeanor of the Employee as above, then in that with the Reserve Bank of India’s Guidelines on Compensation
event all the Options granted to the said Employee, of Whole Time Directors/ Chief Executive Officers/ Material Risk
whether Vested or not shall forthwith lapse.” Takers and Control Function Staff dated November 4, 2019, as
may be amended, replaced, substituted, restated from time to
Add the following Section after Section 5 of Clause H of the time.”
ESOS-Plan E-2010:
The aforesaid amendments will be applicable from the Bank’s
“5A Transfer, movement, deputation, etc. compensation cycle effective April 1, 2020.
In the event that an Employee of the Bank who has been
granted Options under this Scheme has been transferred/ As per the SBEB Regulations, any variation to the terms of the
moved by the Bank to a Subsidiary of the Bank or thereafter to ESOS-Plan E-2010 requires the approval of Members by way of
another Subsidiary (subject to the requirements of the relevant a special resolution. There are no other changes to the existing
Subsidiary), and for this purpose such Employee resigns from the terms of the ESOS-Plan E-2010. While the NRC and the Board
services of the Bank and joins the Subsidiary (or subsequently are authorised by the earlier resolution dated June 30, 2010 in
such another Subsidiary as above, as the case may be) prior to this regard, to make appropriate amendments, in the terms and
vesting or exercise of such Options, the vesting and exercise of conditions of the ESOS-Plan E-2010, however, this approval of
such Options granted under this Scheme up to the date of his Members by way of special resolution is still being sought for
resignation from the Bank, shall continue in accordance with the abundant caution.
provisions of this Scheme even after such transfer/movement.”
None of the Directors or Key Managerial Personnel of the Bank
The aforesaid amendments shall be applicable for all options including their relatives are, in any way, concerned or interested,
already granted under the ESOS-Plan E- 2010, which are financially or otherwise, in the proposed resolution except to
pending vesting and/or exercise the extent of grant of stock options to them, if any, under the
ESOS-Plan E-2010.
Proposed amendments (“Part B”)
As per the Reserve Bank of India’s Guidelines on Compensation The Directors recommend the Resolution at Item No. 16 of the
of Whole Time Directors / Chief Executive Officers / Material Risk accompanying Notice for approval of the Members of the Bank.
Takers and Control Function Staff dated November 4, 2019 (as
may be amended, replaced, restated from time to time) the Bank Item No. 17:
is mandatorily required to put in place appropriate modalities to The Bank has an Employees’ Stock Option Scheme, 2013
incorporate malus/ clawback mechanism with respect to the (“ESOS-Plan F-2013”) framed in line with the then existing
variable pay granted to Whole Time Directors / Chief Executive guidelines of the Securities and Exchange Board of India which
Officers / Material Risk Takers of the Bank. A malus arrangement has since been replaced by the Securities and Exchange Board
permits the Bank to prevent vesting of all or part of the amount of India (Share Based Employee Benefits) Regulations, 2014, as
of a deferred remuneration and a clawback provision requires an may be amended, replaced, restated from time to time (“SBEB
employee to return previously paid or vested remuneration to the Regulations”).
Bank under certain circumstances. Pursuant to this regulatory
requirement, the Bank has incorporated malus and clawback Proposed amendments (“Part A”)
provisions in its compensation policy/ employment contracts and There may be movement/transfer of the Employees of the Bank
therefore, for this purpose, the Bank also proposes to amend within/to the group companies (namely subsidiary companies of
the ESOS-Plan E-2010 to capture the malus and clawback the Bank) subject to the requirements of the relevant subsidiary
provisions. company of the Bank. The Bank is of the view that such
movements/transfers would strengthen the skill and resource

HDFC Bank Limited | Integrated Annual Report 2020-21 29


inventory for the group. When employees move to the subsidiary Scheme up to the date of his such resignation from the
companies of the Bank as part of the aforementioned reasons, Bank, however not for any fresh grant of Options from and
such employees may have to resign from the services of the Bank after the date of his such resignation from the Bank.”
and become an employee of another such subsidiary company
of the Bank. The Bank currently allows for providing continuity Add the following definition after Point 17 of Clause A of the
of service for the purpose of Gratuity. The Bank would also ESOS-Plan F-2013:
like to extend continuity service for Long Term Incentives (LTIs)
earned during the course of service with the Bank during such “17A “Subsidiary” shall mean any ‘subsidiary company’ of the
transfer. For this purpose, Bank proposes to amend the ESOS- Bank as per Section 2 (87) of the Companies Act, 2013, as
Plan F-2013 with the intent that any employee being moved / amended from time to time.”
getting transferred to a subsidiary company of the Bank can
continue to be entitled to the stock options, already granted to Amend Section 3 of Clause H of the ESOS-Plan F-2013, to read
such an employee under the ESOS-Plan F-2013, prior to his/her as under:
resignation from the Bank to move/transfer to such subsidiary
company. This is an important step to ensure that employees “3. Resignation / Termination of employment
being moved/being transferred to the subsidiary companies of (i) In the event of resignation or termination of the employment
the Bank are not disadvantaged by such movements/transfers. of the Employee, with the Bank or with the Subsidiary
referred to in Point 6(ii) of Clause A of this Scheme, as
Accordingly, the following amendments are proposed to the the case may be, all Options not vested as on the Date
ESOS-Plan F-2013: of Resignation / Date of Termination, shall stand forfeited.
However, the Employee shall be entitled to retain all the
Amend definition of the term “Date of Resignation”/ “Date of vested Options as on the Date of Resignation / Date of
Termination” under Point 5 of Clause A of the ESOS-Plan F-2013, Termination and Exercise the same within a period of six
to read as under: months from the Date of Resignation/ Date of Termination.
Provided however, such resignation or termination is not on
“5. “Date of Resignation” /“Date of Termination” shall mean the account of misconduct or misdemeanor of the Employee.
day after which the Employee ceases to be in the employment After expiry of the said six months, the vested Options shall
of the Bank, however for the Employee defined under Point 6(ii) get lapsed, if not exercised.
of Clause A of this Scheme, shall mean the day after which such
Employee ceases to be in the employment of the Subsidiary (ii) The Compensation Committee (in case of Bank) and
mentioned in the said Point 6(ii) of Clause A of this Scheme.” appropriate committee constituted by the relevant
Subsidiary (in case of Subsidiary), as the case may be,
Amend the definition of the term ‘Employee’ under Point 6 of shall have absolute discretion in determining whether there
Clause A of the ESOS-Plan F-2013, to read as under: has been any “misconduct” or “misdemeanor” on the part
of the Employee and the decision of the Compensation
“6. “Employee” shall mean Committee/appropriate committee of the Subsidiary in this
(i) any permanent employee of the Bank, present as well regard shall be final and binding on the Employee. If the
as future, in the middle and senior management levels resignation or termination of the Employee is attributable to
and directors in whole time employment of the Bank, misconduct / misdemeanor of the Employee as above, then
i.e. permanent employees from the grade of Senior Manager in that event all the Options granted to the said Employee,
and / or any equivalent restructured grade to the whole whether Vested or not shall forthwith lapse.”
time Directors including the Managing Director, and shall
include any employee of the Bank who has been deputed / Add the following Section after Section 5 of Clause H of the
seconded by the Bank to any company which is a subsidiary, ESOS-Plan F-2013:
or an affiliate company or sister concern of the Bank.
“5A Transfer, movement, deputation, etc.
(ii) an Employee of the Bank who upon grant of Options
In the event that an Employee of the Bank who has been
under this Scheme is transferred/moved by the Bank to
granted Options under this Scheme has been transferred /
a Subsidiary or thereafter to another Subsidiary (subject
moved by the Bank to a Subsidiary of the Bank or thereafter to
to the requirements of the relevant Subsidiary), and for
another Subsidiary (subject to the requirements of the relevant
this purpose such Employee resigns from the services
Subsidiary), and for this purpose such Employee resigns from the
of the Bank and joins the Subsidiary (or subsequently
services of the Bank and joins the Subsidiary (or subsequently
such another Subsidiary as above, as the case may be)
such another Subsidiary as above, as the case may be) prior to
prior to vesting or exercise of such Options, such person
vesting or exercise of such Options, the vesting and exercise of
shall be treated as an “Employee” to the extent of vesting
such Options granted under this Scheme up to the date of his
and exercise of such Options already granted under this

resignation from the Bank, shall continue in accordance with the Members by way of special resolution is still being sought for
provisions of this Scheme even after such transfer/movement.” abundant caution.

The aforesaid amendments shall be applicable for all options None of the Directors or Key Managerial Personnel of the Bank
already granted under the ESOS-Plan F- 2013, which are including their relatives are, in any way, concerned or interested,
pending vesting and/or exercise. financially or otherwise, in the proposed resolution except to
the extent of grant of stock options to them, if any, under the
ESOS-Plan F-2013.
Proposed amendments (“Part B”)
As per the Reserve Bank of India’s Guidelines on Compensation
The Directors recommend the Resolution at Item No. 17 of the
of Whole Time Directors / Chief Executive Officers / Material Risk
accompanying Notice for approval of the Members of the Bank.
Takers and Control Function Staff dated November 4, 2019 (as
may be amended, replaced, restated from time to time) the Bank
Item No 18:
is mandatorily required to put in place appropriate modalities to
The Bank has an Employees’ Stock Option Scheme, 2016
incorporate malus / clawback mechanism with respect to the
(“ESOS-Plan G-2016”) framed in line with the Securities and
variable pay granted to Whole Time Directors / Chief Executive
Exchange Board of India (Share Based Employee Benefits)
Officers / Material Risk Takers of the Bank. A malus arrangement
Regulations, 2014, as may be amended, replaced, restated from
permits the Bank to prevent vesting of all or part of the amount
time to time (“SBEB Regulations”).
of a deferred remuneration and a clawback provision requires an
employee to return previously paid or vested remuneration to the
Proposed amendments (“Part A”)
Bank under certain circumstances. Pursuant to this regulatory
There may be movement / transfer of the Employees of the Bank
requirement, the Bank has incorporated malus and clawback
within/to the group companies (namely subsidiary companies of
provisions in its compensation policy/ employment contracts and
the Bank) subject to the requirements of the relevant subsidiary
therefore, for this purpose, the Bank also proposes to amend
company of the Bank. The Bank is of the view that such
the ESOS-Plan F-2013 to capture the malus and clawback
movements / transfers would strengthen the skill and resource
inventory for the group. When employees move to the subsidiary
companies of the Bank as part of the aforementioned reasons,
Accordingly, the following amendments are proposed to the
such employees may have to resign from the services of the Bank
ESOS-Plan F-2013:
and become an employee of another such subsidiary company
of the Bank. The Bank currently allows for providing continuity
Insert the following Clause as Clause R of the ESOS-Plan F-2013
of service for the purpose of Gratuity. The Bank would also
as under:
like to extend continuity service for Long Term Incentives (LTIs)
earned during the course of service with the Bank during such
“CLAUSE R transfer. For this purpose, Bank proposes to amend the ESOS-
The Grant, Vesting and Exercise of Options under this Scheme Plan G-2016 with the intent that any employee being moved/
shall be subject to the Malus and Clawback provisions under getting transferred to a subsidiary company of the Bank can
the Bank’s Compensation Policy, as may be amended, continue to be entitled to the stock options, already granted to
replaced, restated, substituted from time to time, or as may such an employee under the ESOS-Plan G-2016, prior to his/her
be communicated by the Bank to the Employees, or as per the resignation from the Bank to move/transfer to such subsidiary
revisions to the employment contracts/terms, in accordance company. This is an important step to ensure that employees
with the Reserve Bank of India’s Guidelines on Compensation of being moved / being transferred to the subsidiary companies of
Whole Time Directors / Chief Executive Officers / Material Risk the Bank are not disadvantaged by such movements/transfers.
Takers and Control Function Staff dated November 4, 2019, as
may be amended, replaced, substituted, restated from time to Accordingly, the following amendments are proposed to the
time.” ESOS-Plan G-2016:

The aforesaid amendments will be applicable from the Bank’s Amend definition of the term “Date of Resignation” / “Date
compensation cycle effective April 1, 2020. of Termination” under Point 6 of Clause A of the ESOS-Plan
G-2016, to read as under:
As per the SBEB Regulations, any variation to the terms of the
ESOS-Plan F-2013 requires the approval of Members by way of “6. “Date of Resignation” / ”Date of Termination” shall mean the
a special resolution. There are no other changes to the existing day after which the Employee ceases to be in the employment
terms of the ESOS-Plan F-2013. While the NRC and the Board of the Bank, however for the Employee defined under Point 7(ii)
are authorised by the earlier resolution dated June 27, 2013 in of Clause A of this Scheme, shall mean the day after which such
this regard, to make appropriate amendments, in the terms and Employee ceases to be in the employment of the Subsidiary
conditions of the ESOS-Plan F-2013, however, this approval of mentioned in the said Point 7(ii) of Clause A of this Scheme.”

HDFC Bank Limited | Integrated Annual Report 2020-21 31


Amend the definition of the term ‘Employee’ under Point 7 of or “misdemeanour” on the part of the Employee and
Clause A of the ESOS-Plan G-2016, to read as under: the decision of the NRC / appropriate committee of the
Subsidiary in this regard shall be final and binding on
“7. “Employee” shall mean: the Employee. If the resignation or termination of the
(i) any permanent employee of the Bank, present as well Employee is attributable to misconduct / misdemeanour
as future, in the middle and senior management levels of the Employee as above, then in that event all the Options
and directors in whole time employment of the Bank, i.e. granted to the said Employee, whether Vested or not shall
permanent employees and/or any equivalent restructured forthwith lapse.”
grade to the whole time Directors including the Managing
Director, and shall include any employee of the Bank who Amend Section 6 of Clause H of the ESOS-Plan G-2016, to read
has been deputed / seconded by the Bank to any company as under:
which is a Subsidiary, or an associate company of the Bank.
“6. Transfer or deputation of an Employee
(ii) an Employee of the Bank who upon grant of Options (i) In the event that an Employee who has been granted
under this Scheme is transferred / moved by the Bank to Options under the Scheme is deputed / seconded by the
a Subsidiary or thereafter to another Subsidiary (subject Bank to any company which is a subsidiary, or an associate
to the requirements of the relevant Subsidiary), and for company of the Bank prior to vesting or exercise, the
this purpose such Employee resigns from the services vesting and exercise as per the terms of grant shall continue
of the Bank and joins the Subsidiary (or subsequently in case of such deputed / seconded employee even after
such another Subsidiary as above, as the case may be) the transfer or deputation.
prior to vesting or exercise of such Options, such person
shall be treated as an “Employee” to the extent of vesting (ii) In the event that an Employee of the Bank who has been
and exercise of such Options already granted under this granted Options under this Scheme has been transferred/
Scheme up to the date of his such resignation from the moved by the Bank to a Subsidiary of the Bank or thereafter
Bank, however not for any fresh grant of Options from and to another Subsidiary (subject to the requirements of the
after the date of his such resignation from the Bank.” relevant Subsidiary), and for this purpose such Employee
resigns from the services of the Bank and joins the Subsidiary
Add the following definition after Point 18 of Clause A of the (or subsequently such another Subsidiary as above, as the
ESOS-Plan G-2016: case may be) prior to vesting or exercise of such Options,
the vesting and exercise of such Options granted under this
“18A “Subsidiary” shall mean any ‘subsidiary company’ of the Scheme up to the date of his resignation from the Bank,
Bank as per Section 2 (87) of the Companies Act, 2013, as shall continue in accordance with the provisions of this
amended from time to time.” Scheme even after such transfer / movement.”

Amend Section 3 of Clause H of the ESOS-Plan G-2016, to read The aforesaid amendments shall be applicable for: (i) all options
as under: already granted under the ESOS-Plan G- 2016, which are
pending vesting and/or exercise, and (ii) all future options which
“3. Resignation / Termination of employment will be granted under the ESOS-Plan G- 2016, till the employee
(i) In the event of resignation or termination of the employment resigns from the employment with the Bank.
of the Employee with the Bank or with the Subsidiary
referred to in Point 7(ii) of Clause A of this Scheme, as Proposed amendments (“Part B”)
the case may be, all Options not vested as on the Date As per the Reserve Bank of India’s Guidelines on Compensation
of Resignation/ Date of Termination shall stand forfeited. of Whole Time Directors / Chief Executive Officers / Material Risk
However, the Employee shall be entitled to retain all the Takers and Control Function Staff dated November 4, 2019 (as
vested Options as on the Date of Resignation / Date of may be amended, replaced, restated from time to time) the Bank
Termination and Exercise the same within a period of six is mandatorily required to put in place appropriate modalities to
months from the Date of Resignation / Date of Termination. incorporate malus/ clawback mechanism with respect to the
Provided however, such resignation or termination is not on variable pay granted to Whole Time Directors / Chief Executive
account of misconduct or misdemeanour of the Employee. Officers / Material Risk Takers of the Bank. A malus arrangement
After expiry of the said six months, the vested Options shall permits the Bank to prevent vesting of all or part of the amount
get lapsed, if not exercised. of a deferred remuneration and a clawback provision requires an
employee to return previously paid or vested remuneration to the
(ii) The NRC (in case of Bank) and appropriate committee Bank under certain circumstances. Pursuant to this regulatory
constituted by the relevant Subsidiary (in case of Subsidiary), requirement, the Bank has incorporated malus and clawback
as the case may be, shall have the absolute discretion in provisions in its compensation policy / employment contracts
determining whether there has been any “misconduct” and therefore, for this purpose, the Bank also proposes to amend

the ESOS-Plan G-2016 to capture the malus and clawback terms of the ESOS-Plan G-2016. While the NRC and the Board
provisions. are authorised by the earlier resolution dated July 21, 2016 in
this regard, to make appropriate amendments, in the terms and
Accordingly, the following amendments are proposed to the conditions of the ESOS-Plan G-2016, however, this approval of
ESOS-Plan G-2016: Members by way of special resolution is still being sought for
abundant caution.
Insert the following Clause as Clause R of the ESOS-Plan G-2016
as under: None of the Directors or Key Managerial Personnel of the Bank
including their relatives are, in any way, concerned or interested,
“CLAUSE R financially or otherwise, in the proposed resolution except to
The Grant, Vesting and Exercise of Options under this Scheme the extent of grant of stock options to them, if any, under the
shall be subject to the Malus and Clawback provisions under ESOS-Plan G-2016.
the Bank’s Compensation Policy, as may be amended,
replaced, restated, substituted from time to time, or as may The Directors recommend the Resolution at Item No. 18 of the
be communicated by the Bank to the Employees, or as per the accompanying Notice for approval of the Members of the Bank.
revisions to the employment contracts/terms, in accordance
with the Reserve Bank of India’s Guidelines on Compensation of
Whole Time Directors / Chief Executive Officers / Material Risk By Order of the Board
Takers and Control Function Staff dated November 4, 2019, as
may be amended, replaced, substituted, restated from time to
time.” Santosh Haldankar
Senior Vice President - Legal
The aforesaid amendments will be applicable from the Bank’s & Company Secretary
compensation cycle effective April 1, 2020. (Membership No. ACS 19201)

As per the SBEB Regulations, any variation to the terms of the

ESOS-Plan G-2016 requires the approval of Members by way of Place: Mumbai
a special resolution. There are no other changes to the existing Date: June 18, 2021

HDFC Bank Limited | Integrated Annual Report 2020-21 33

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