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Vaccines: What Everyone Needs To

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication
Data Names: Feemster, Kristen A., author.
Title: Vaccines : what everyone needs to know / Kristen A. Feemster.
Description: New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2017] |
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2017033339| ISBN 9780190277901
(hardcover : alk. paper) | ISBN 9780190277918 (paperback : alk. paper)
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With love to James and our sunshines, TE and FM.
In memoriam to Mom, my greatest superhero.


1. What Is a Vaccine and How Do Vaccines Work? 1

What is an antigen? 2
What happens when the immune system is confronted by an antigen? 2
How do cells signal each other in the process of creating antibodies? 3
Which is better, natural immunity or immunity after vaccination? 3
What is the real risk of vaccine-​preventable diseases? 4
What is herd immunity? 5
What happens when immunization rates are not high enough to
achieve herd immunity? 6
How large are most outbreaks? 6
What is the difference between immunization and vaccination? 7
What are the different types of vaccines? 7
Why are there so many types of vaccines? 9
Why do most vaccines require more than one dose? 10
Besides antigens, what else are vaccines made of? 10
Even if these substances are necessary, are they safe? 12
viii Contents

What about thimerosal and autism? 13

Why was thimerosal removed from vaccines in 2001? 13
Do some vaccines contain animal products? 14
Do vaccines use cells from aborted fetuses? 15

2. A Brief History of Vaccines 17

When was the first vaccination delivered in the United States? 17

What is inoculation? 18
Why the controversy? 19
How did we get from inoculation to vaccination? 19
When did smallpox vaccine come to the United States? 20
How well did this early vaccine really work? 21
What was the public response to the new vaccine? 21
How did the public health community make early vaccines safer? 24
What were some of the key developments in vaccine science during
this time? 25
How did vaccine development begin to take off? 25
What were some other important developments for making vaccines? 26
What was the impact of vaccine introduction on disease incidence? 28
What about vaccine introduction in other countries? 28

3. Vaccine Development 31

What factors influence which vaccines get developed? 32

Once a decision to proceed with vaccine development is made, what
are the steps needed to bring a vaccine from an idea to production? 34
What is required for clinical studies? 35
Is there a similar process in other countries? 37
Are there protections for people who participate in clinical trials? 38
How many people are involved in vaccine trials? 39
What happens after clinical development is complete? 40
Contents ix

What evidence do vaccine developers search for during

development to show that a vaccine works? 41
How long does this whole process take—​from the first exploratory
study to licensure of a new vaccine? 41
Is a vaccine ever approved or used without following these steps? 42
Who is involved in all of these steps from conceptualization
to development? 43
How many vaccine manufacturers are there? 45
What actually happens in vaccine manufacturing? 46
What quality controls govern vaccine manufacturing? 47
Who pays for vaccine development? 48
How much does vaccine development cost? 49
How do manufacturers know how much vaccine to make? 49
Are there vaccine supply shortages? 50
What happens when there are vaccine shortages? 50

4. Vaccine Financing and Distribution 51

How are vaccines distributed once they are licensed? 51

Are there other vaccines used in some places but not others? 52
How much do vaccines actually cost for immunization programs? 53
How large is the vaccine market? 54
Who decides which vaccine should be distributed? 54
What is the National Vaccine Advisory Committee? 56
How does the National Vaccine Advisory Committee impact
vaccine policy? 57
What is the National Vaccine Plan? 57
What are the Decade of Vaccines and the Global Vaccine Action Plan? 58
Once a vaccine is added to an immunization program, how does it
get to the people who need it? 59
What is required to be able to deliver vaccines in a clinic or
community setting? 60
x Contents

How are vaccines purchased by health care facilities? 61

How are vaccines purchased through public insurance? 61
How do people without insurance or who do not qualify for publicly
funded programs access vaccines? 63
Who purchases most of the vaccines in the United States? 63
Who sets priorities for vaccine distribution in non-​US countries? 64
What is the Expanded Program on Immunization? 64
How does the World Health Organization support other countries? 65
How does vaccine financing happen in non-​US countries, including
low-​to middle-​income countries? 66
How are vaccines made more accessible to lower income countries? 66

5. Vaccine Safety 69

What is a vaccine adverse event? 69

How can one determine whether an adverse event is really caused
by a vaccine? 70
How is safety monitored after a vaccine is licensed? 71
Who can report to VAERS? 72
How often are reports submitted to VAERS? 73
What happens when VAERS finds a signal? 73
What are active surveillance networks? 74
What is the difference between the information provided by VAERS
and that provided by these other active surveillance networks? 75
What kind of reactions can occur after vaccination? 75
How often do adverse events really occur? 77
Is Guillain–​Barré syndrome associated with vaccines? 78
What are contraindications to vaccination? 79
What are precautions? 79
Can a person be vaccinated if he or she is on an antibiotic? 80
If a person is immunocompromised because of chemotherapy or an
organ transplant, can he or she receive any vaccines? 80
Contents xi

If a person was vaccinated before starting chemotherapy, will the

effect of the vaccine last? 81
Should pregnant women receive vaccines? 81
Do live attenuated (weakened virus or bacteria) vaccines ever cause
problems in healthy individuals? 82
What happens when a vaccine-​associated adverse event occurs? 83
What is the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program? 83
Which vaccines are covered by NVICP? 84
How does NVICP work? 85
How does one qualify for compensation within NVICP? 85
What is the NVICP vaccine injury table and what is in it? 86
Who is responsible for updating the NVICP injury table? 87
Who serves on the ACCV? 88
How many individuals have received compensation from NVICP? 88
Has NVICP compensated any autism claims? 90
How is information about vaccine safety from NVICP communicated? 91
If NVICP depends on published evidence to develop the vaccine
injury table and adjudicate cases, how does one evaluate the
reliability and validity of a study? 92
Who evaluates the reliability of vaccine safety studies? 92
What is the National Academy of Medicine? 93

6. The Vaccine Schedule 95

Who makes the immunization schedule? 95

What is ACIP? 96
When was ACIP first established? 96
How are ACIP members selected? 98
What criteria are used to select members for ACIP? 99
Are members of ACIP paid? 99
How does ACIP make decisions about the immunization schedule? 99
What kind of evidence does ACIP use? 101
xii Contents

How long does it take for ACIP to develop recommendations? 101

What happens after a recommendation is made? 101
How are ACIP recommendations actually implemented? 102
Do states have their own vaccine advisory committees? 102
Why is there only one recommended schedule? 102
What is wrong with following a different schedule, such as
spreading out vaccines, rather than following the recommended
vaccine schedule? 103
Do the number and combinations of vaccines given in the
recommended schedule overwhelm the immune system? 104
How do we know the recommended schedule is safe? 104
How do immunization programs keep track of who needs what? 105

7. Laws and Standard Practices

for Vaccine Administration 107

What is vaccine policy? 107

What are the historical and legal precedents for mandatory vaccination? 108
What are the basic arguments that support immunization requirements? 110
What are the basic arguments against immunization requirements? 110
What kinds of vaccine requirements are employed in the United States? 111
What are the benefits of school-​entry requirements? 112
How does one opt out of school-​entry requirements? 113
What impact do exemption policies have on immunization rates? 115
Have exemption laws changed over time? 116
What has happened with vaccine-​exemption legislation since the
2015 measles outbreak? 116
What are other types of mandatory immunization policies? 117
Do any other settings require immunizations? 118
What other policy strategies are used to increase immunization rates? 119
Are there other countries that have mandatory immunization policies? 119
Contents xiii

Are there ways to prevent the transmission of vaccine-​preventable

diseases other than vaccination? 120
What do health care providers do if patients or families refuse
a vaccine? 120
Are health care providers liable for vaccine refusal in any way? 121
Can health care providers ask a patient or family to leave the
practice if they refuse vaccines? 121
Why would different providers have different immunization policies,
especially if there is one routine recommended schedule? 122
Are individuals who choose not to vaccinate themselves or their
children ever held responsible for exposing other people to
vaccine-​preventable diseases? 123

8. Vaccine Hesitancy 125

What is vaccine hesitancy? 126

What is meant by the “vaccine confidence gap”? 127
How does vaccine hesitancy manifest? 127
What is the difference between vaccine hesitancy and the anti-​
vaccine movement? 128
Why is it important to define vaccine hesitancy as a spectrum of beliefs? 129
How common is vaccine hesitancy? 129
How is vaccine hesitancy measured? 129
Which individuals may be more or less likely to be vaccine hesitant? 130
Are health care providers ever vaccine hesitant? 131
What are the implications of vaccine hesitancy? 131
What are the practical and economic costs associated with disease
outbreaks that result from vaccine hesitancy? 132
How can vaccine hesitancy be addressed? 133
Where do people get information about vaccines? 134
What are the most reliable sources of information related to vaccines? 135
How can one evaluate the reliability of information? 136
xiv Contents

9. On the Horizon 139

What new vaccines are under development? 139

Vaccines during pregnancy 140
Why are group B streptococcus and respiratory syncytial virus
vaccines being developed for pregnant women? 140
What are the challenges to developing vaccines for pregnant
women? 141
Vaccines for emerging infectious diseases 141
Will we be ready for the next outbreak or pandemic for emerging
infections such as Ebola and Zika viruses? 141
Will there be a new vaccine for Zika virus? 143
Preparing for the next influenza pandemic 144
What is the difference between an epidemic and a pandemic? 144
How does antigenic drift and shift occur? Why does this not
occur with other viruses or bacteria? 145
Are we getting any closer to an influenza vaccine that does not
have to be changed every year? 146
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Vaccines 147
Are we getting closer to a vaccine to prevent human
immunodeficiency virus? 147
Therapeutic vaccines 148
Are vaccines being developed that can treat rather than prevent
illnesses? 148
Disease elimination and eradication 149
What is an endemic disease? 149
How do we achieve elimination or eradication of infectious diseases? 150
What is the Global Polio Eradication Initiative? 151
Can we expect eradication or near eradication of any other
vaccine-​preventable diseases in the next 20 years? 153


Thank you: To Karen Smith, for your activation energy and

for helping me find the right voice for this book. To my editor,
CZ, for your patience and enthusiasm for this project. To my
colleagues at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Division
of Infectious Diseases and the Philadelphia Department of
Public Health Immunization Program—​I have learned from
your insights, perspectives, and advocacy. To PolicyLab, for
championing this important topic. To Bardia Nabet, Tunmise
Fawole, and Charlotte Moser for help with figures and the
appendix. To Paul Offit, for your critical feedback and guid-
ance throughout. To my sister, Kara, for cheering me onward.
And, most important, to my family for encouraging me to pur-
sue this opportunity and for all of your support every step of
the way.

AAFP American Academy of Family Physcians

AAP American Academy of Pediatrics
ACCV Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines
ACIP Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
ACOG American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
ACP American College of Physicians
BCG Bacilli Calmette-​ Guérin
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CEP Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness
CISA Clinical Immunization Safety Assessment
DTaP Diphtheria, Tetanus and acellular Pertussis vaccine
DTP Diphtheria, Tetanus and whole cell Pertussis vaccine
EMA European Medicines Agency
EPI Expanded Program on Immunization
EU European Union
FDA Food and Drug Administration
GAVI Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations
GBS Group B Streptococcus
GBS Guillain–​Barré syndrome
GCP Guideline for Good Clinical Practice
HAV Hepatitis A virus
HHS Health and Human Services
HiB Haemophilus influenza Type B
HIV Human immunodeficiency virus
xviii Abbreviations

HPV Human papillomavirus

ICH International Conference on Harmonisation
IIV Inactivated influenza vaccine
IND Investigational New Drug
IOM Institute of Medicine
IPV Inactivated poliovirus vaccine
IVIG Intravenous immunoglobulin
LAIV Live attenuated influenza vaccine
MCV Meningococcal conjugate vaccine
MMR Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccine
NAM National Academy of Medicine
NIH National Institutes of Health
NVAC National Vaccine Advisory Committee
NVICP National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program
NVPO National Vaccine Program Office
PATH Program for Appropriate Technology in Health
PCV Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
PRISM Post-​licensure rapid immunization safety monitoring
QALY Quality-​adjusted life year
RSV Respiratory syncytial virus
SAGE Strategic Advisory Group of Experts
SIRVA Shoulder Injury Resulting from Vaccine Administration
Tdap Tetanus, diphtheria and acellular pertussis vaccine
VAERS Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System
VFC Vaccines for Children
VSD Vaccine Safety Datalink
VZV Varicella Zoster Vaccine
WHO World Health Organization

Vaccines represent one of the greatest public health advances

of the past 100 years. Their development has brought about
the global eradication of smallpox as well as large reductions
in poliomyelitis, measles, tetanus, Haemophilus influenzae type
b (Hib—​a leading cause of childhood infections), and many
other infectious diseases.
However, the development and implementation of vaccines
has not followed a linear trajectory: Disparities in the adop-
tion of new vaccines continue to persist, and vaccination rates
in both developed and developing countries are not always
sustained. These disparities may be attributable to short sup-
ply, poor infrastructure, or low prioritization of vaccines in
public health spending. However, another important contrib-
utor to the success of vaccination programs is vaccine accept-
ance, a blanket term referring to the public cooperation with
public vaccination schedules. As the perceived risk of vaccine-​
preventable diseases decreases, concerns about vaccine safety
increase. This has contributed to a rise in vaccine hesitancy in
many communities. Health care providers today spend con-
siderable time and effort educating patients and families on
the importance of immunization.
It has become difficult to identify resources that can ade-
quately answer the public’s questions about the risk and ben-
efits of the ever-​expanding list of vaccines available today. This
xx Introduction

is further complicated by the rapid proliferation and dissemi-

nation of misinformation from sources as varied as social media
and scientifically unsound research articles. Recent outbreaks
throughout the world show that vaccine-​preventable diseases
such as pertussis and measles can occur as vaccine hesitancy
increases and immunization rates decrease. This highlights the
importance of communication and trust between health care
providers, patients, and the community to ensure the success-
ful implementation of immunization programs. Many coun-
tries also continue to face challenges in ensuring reliable access
to vaccines, which can further erode trust in the public health
and medical system.
Vaccines are a public health tool: The decision to vaccinate or
not vaccinate impacts both individuals and the people around
them. Accordingly, it is imperative that we are well-​informed
before making a decision about vaccination. This requires an
understanding of (1) how vaccines work, (2) the diseases that
vaccines prevent, and (3) why vaccines are important for indi-
viduals and society. Vaccines and their role in society represent
a complex interplay between sociopolitical systems, culture,
economics, individual beliefs, and health literacy—​and with
that, they provide a multitude of fronts for the introduction
of conflicting messages or incorrect information. This book
aims to provide an objective, informative tool to communicate
facts about vaccines as well as the challenges to implementing
immunization on a population level.

A vaccine is a substance that is given to a person or animal

to protect it from a particular pathogen—​a bacterium, virus,
or other microorganism that can cause disease. The vaccine
prompts an immune response in the body that produces anti-
bodies, which are proteins that fight specific pathogens. The
goal of giving a vaccine is to prompt the body to create anti-
bodies specific to the particular pathogen, which in turn will
prevent infection or disease; it mimics infection on a small
scale that does not induce actual illness. A similar process does
occur when the body confronts actual pathogens, but vaccines
spare individuals from the dangers of disease.
A vaccine can be made from any one of a variety of sources: a
killed or weakened bacteria or virus, a protein or sugar from
the pathogen, or a synthetic substitute. For a vaccine to do its
job, the following need to happen: (1) The vaccine needs to
stimulate antibody production, and (2) the antibodies need to
have avidity (attraction to the specific pathogen). Antibodies
will not work if they do not bind to the invading pathogen.
Vaccine protection also requires that the body recognize the
pathogen and keep making antibodies when they are needed,
which is called immune memory. When this happens, the vacci-
nated body is ready to produce more of these antibodies right
away, whenever the body is exposed to the bacteria or virus.
2 Vaccines

What is an antigen?
Antigens are proteins on the surface of a pathogen that prompt
the production of antibodies by the immune system. Bacteria
and viruses are both covered in antigens, and during the proc-
ess of natural infection, these antigens are what the body rec-
ognizes. Depending on the pathogen, its antigen coating can
be made up of several proteins or several thousand.
Vaccines, on the other hand, are often made using just a
few antigens from a bacteria or virus. This is because some
antigens are better than others at sparking the immune sys-
tem. This is also because it is important to separate the parts
of a pathogen that cause disease and make one sick from those
that induce an antibody response. The ability to cause disease
is called virulence, whereas the ability to induce a protective
immune response is called immunogenicity.
The number of antigens in vaccines is actually quite small
compared to the number of antigens that confront the immune
system during an actual infection (or just from the environ-
ment on a daily basis). For example, the pathogen that causes
whooping cough contains more than 3,000 antigens; the vac-
cine that is used to protect against whooping cough contains
only 3–​5 different antigens. Our immune systems are stimu-
lated all the time, but all stimulation is not the same.

What happens when the immune system is confronted

by an antigen?
When one’s body encounters an antigen (from either a vac-
cine or a natural exposure), it sparks a cascade of events that
constitute an immune response. This response requires com-
munication between several different types of cells and ends
in the creation of memory cells that are equipped to respond
to future invasions by the same antigen. When antigens are
introduced as part of a vaccine, the steps essentially are as
What Is a Vaccine and How Do Vaccines Work? 3

1. Antigen is picked up by an antigen-​presenting cell that

shows the antigen to a type of immune cell called a helper
T cell.
2. Helper T cells activate B cells (these make antibodies) or
killer T cells (needed to attack pathogens such as viruses
that live inside of cells).
3. The activated B cells and killer T cells become memory
immune cells that will reactivate during actual infection
and keep the pathogen from invading.

How do cells signal each other in the process of

creating antibodies?
Immune cells emit signals through the secretion of cytokines.
Cytokines are crucial to our immune response in that they
recruit all the cells we need to attack antigens and create mem-
ory cells. Some cytokines are also responsible for the symp-
toms that are generally associated with infection, such as fever.
This is why we may experience a low fever after vaccination: It
means our immune system is in the process of making mem-
ory cells, and cytokines are being employed as part of the com-
munication between cells that contributes to this process.

Which is better, natural immunity or immunity after vaccination?

In general, natural infection results in a more robust, durable
immune response. This is because an actual infection usu-
ally results in a stronger immune response (not to mention an
actual illness), whereas we may need more than one dose of a
vaccine to achieve full protective immunity. After infection, we
make a greater number and greater diversity of antibodies—​
ones that may recognize different parts of a pathogen (i.e., its
antigens). In the case of some pathogens, such as chickenpox
and measles, infection results in lifelong immunity.
However, this is not the case for all pathogens. For exam-
ple, immunity decreases over time after a pertussis (whooping
4 Vaccines

cough) infection. Children younger than age 2 years who are

infected with a certain family of bacteria are not able to mount
an immune response that makes memory cells, so even after
infection, they have no long-​lasting immunity. If a virus or bac-
teria has multiple strains, infection with one strain may not
provide immunity against other strains.
Some vaccines induce a stronger immune response than
natural infection. One example is the human papillomavirus
(HPV) vaccines, which are made from a purified capsid pro-
tein that induces higher antibody levels than are seen in indi-
viduals who have had actual HPV infection. The same is true
of tetanus vaccines: Those who receive the vaccine have more
antibodies than those who survive infection.
However natural immunity may compare to vaccine immu-
nity for a given disease, it is important to remember that natu-
ral immunity comes with the cost of having to endure a disease
or infection, which depending on the illness can result in dis-
ability or death.

What is the real risk of vaccine-​preventable diseases?

Since the advent of vaccines, the incidence of vaccine-​
preventable diseases has decreased dramatically. The risk of
being exposed to many of these diseases is therefore quite
low, and some diseases (including polio and diphtheria) have
been eliminated from the United States. For other vaccine-​
preventable disease, overall incidence has decreased but cases
still occur because available vaccines do not cover all of the
different types of the bacteria or virus. For example, the bac-
terium Pneumococcus, for which a vaccine has existed since the
1980s, continues to cause tens of thousands of cases of pneu-
monia, bloodstream infections, and meningitis every year.
On the other hand, the incidence of some vaccine-​
preventable diseases has persisted and even increased in
recent years. Pertussis (whooping cough) cases have increased
steadily since the 1980s, with nearly 50,000 cases reported
What Is a Vaccine and How Do Vaccines Work? 5

in the United States in 2012. Pertussis affects all age groups,

although infants have the highest risk of severe disease and
typically require hospitalization. There are also regular out-
breaks of vaccine-​preventable diseases such as mumps, vari-
cella, measles, and Meningococcus (which causes bloodstream
infections and meningitis) in the United States and interna-
tionally. In places where there is reliable access to a developed
medical system, the risk of death due to infection with any of
these pathogens is low, but severe disease can and does still
occur. The global risk of death due to pertussis among infected
infants is approximately 1 in 100; for measles it is 1 in 1,000;
and for Meningococcus across all age groups, the fatality rate
for infected individuals is 1 in 10.
Thus, the actual risk of contracting a vaccine-​preventable
disease is difficult to project. Outbreaks of vaccine-​preventable
diseases generally occur when there are clusters of susceptible
individuals or people who do not have immunity. When this
happens, there is nothing to stop the virus or bacteria from
moving between people. This is a larger issue for pathogens
that are easily spread from person to person, such as pertus-
sis or measles. Vaccination works by reducing the number of
susceptible individuals, thereby stopping transmission; the
bacteria or virus simply runs out of places to go. This is called
herd immunity.

What is herd immunity?

Vaccines work by protecting the individual who is vaccinated.
A vaccinated individual is less likely to become infected, and
if the individual is not infected, he or she cannot spread the
infection to others. When there are many vaccinated people
in a community, there is nowhere for the bacteria or virus to
go—​the group, or herd, becomes immune. So even if there
are a few individuals who are not vaccinated in the group,
they are protected because there is no one around to expose
them to the infection. This works better for some infections
6 Vaccines

compared to others. Viruses or bacteria that are easily trans-

mitted, including measles and pertussis (whooping cough),
require that almost everyone in a given group be vaccinated
in order to achieve herd immunity. Other infections require
close contact for longer periods of time in order for exposure
to result in infection. In these cases, a lower immunization rate
can achieve herd immunity. In this manner, vaccines have had
greater impact on disease rates than they would if every dis-
ease required uniform vaccination rates.

What happens when immunization rates are not

high enough to achieve herd immunity?
When immunization rates are low, more individuals are sus-
ceptible to infection and are at risk of becoming infected. If
anyone does become infected, the lower the immunization
rate, the more opportunities there will be to spread the infec-
tion to other susceptible individuals in their group. When
several cases such as this cluster together, an outbreak occurs.
Outbreaks grow as long as there are more susceptible people
in a given community to become infected and expose others.
Outbreaks slow and eventually end when enough people are
immune—​either because of infection or because of vaccination.

How large are most outbreaks?

The size of an outbreak depends on the number of suscepti-
ble people, the infectivity (or contagiousness) of the pathogen,
and the severity of disease caused by infection. For example,
if a pathogen causes people to become very sick very quickly,
there may be less opportunity for those individuals to go out
and infect others. However, some pathogens, such as pertussis,
can be transmitted before people even know they are infected,
making these infections more difficult to control once they
have started spreading in a community. This is why vaccines
What Is a Vaccine and How Do Vaccines Work? 7

are used as a response to outbreaks: They prevent people from

becoming infected in the first place.

What is the difference between immunization and vaccination?

Immunization refers to any exposure that provides immunity,
which means that it encompasses both vaccination and natural
infection. Immunization is often referred to as active or passive.
Active immunization occurs when an individual is exposed to
an antigen and then has an immune response that produces
antibodies. Thus, active immunization can take place through
vaccination or natural infection.
Passive immunization occurs when an individual receives
antibodies from other than a first-​hand immune response. The
most common form of passive immunity is pregnant moth-
ers passing antibodies to their fetuses through the placenta;
this provides immune protection to infants for the first sev-
eral months of their lives. Another form of passive immuni-
zation occurs through medical intervention, particularly for
people with immunodeficiencies that keep them from mak-
ing their own antibodies. In these cases, the immunodeficient
individual may receive a blood product that contains antibod-
ies pooled from other people. In cases of exposures to certain
infections, including rabies, a person may be injected with a set
of rabies-​specific antibodies to provide immediate protection.
These antibodies are short-​lived and do not activate immune
memory cells, so the immunization is considered passive.

What are the different types of vaccines?

A vaccine’s composition influences the type and durability of
the immune response it elicits. In this regard, vaccines are clas-
sified into one of six categories: live attenuated, inactivated (or
killed), protein subunit, polysaccharide, polysaccharide conju-
gate, and recombinant.
8 Vaccines

Live attenuated virus vaccines are made from a virus that is

weakened to the point that it cannot cause disease. As viruses,
they act as parasites that depend on other cells to live. With
live attenuated virus vaccines, a weakened virus enters a cell
and reproduces just enough to induce an immune response but
not enough to infect many other cells and cause illness. Three
different methods are available to weaken viruses for vac-
cines. First, a virus could be grown in nonhuman cells. Viruses
that infect humans grow best in human cells, so using nonhu-
man cells, such as chicken cells, as a growth medium ensures
that the virus then will not reproduce very well in humans.
This method is commonly used for chickenpox, measles, and
mumps vaccines. A second method grows virus at tempera-
tures lower than body temperature, thereby robbing the virus
of its ability to reproduce well at body temperature. The third
method combines elements of nonhuman and human viruses,
retaining human virus components that induce the immune
response while the nonhuman parts of the virus ensure the
virus does not reproduce well enough to cause true infec-
tion and illness. This method is used for one of the rotavirus
Inactivated or killed vaccines are made from a whole virus or
bacteria that has been killed or neutralized through the appli-
cation of a second substance—​usually, a tiny amount of formal-
dehyde. Inactivated or killed viruses are not able to reproduce
and cannot cause infection or disease, but because the body is
still exposed to the whole virus, it is able to mount an immune
response. The hepatitis A, polio, and most influenza vaccines
utilize this method.
Protein subunit vaccines work by isolating the antigens or
proteins on bacteria that are known to be important for induc-
ing a protective immune response. Some protein subunit vac-
cines target antigens known to act as toxins. Diphtheria and
tetanus vaccines, for example, are made by inactivating the
toxins that these bacteria produce, creating inactivated toxins
called toxoids. Pertussis vaccines are made from two to up to
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C’est une des caractéristiques du génie de Henri Poincaré qu’il
réunit un prodigieux esprit d’invention à un esprit critique
extrêmement aiguisé. Sa critique semble même aller parfois
jusqu’au scepticisme; il contemplait sans tristesse les ruines des
théories. Alors que d’autres constatent avec regret que certaines
idées ne s’accommodent plus aux faits, et commencent par penser
que ceux-ci ont été mal vus ou mal interprétés, Poincaré a plutôt une
tendance contraire, bien qu’elle se soit peut-être atténuée dans les
dernières années. Ainsi un jeune physicien ayant cru jadis pouvoir
s’inscrire contre la célèbre expérience de Rowland, d’après laquelle
une charge électrique en mouvement produit un champ magnétique
conformément à la théorie de Maxwell, cette annonce ne parut pas
étonner Poincaré. Nul n’eut moins que lui la notion statique d’une
science se reposant sur quelques conquêtes définitives, et c’est ce
qui explique que plusieurs se soient crus autorisés à tirer de certains
de ses écrits, où il poussait sa tendance critique presque jusqu’au
paradoxe, des conclusions sur la vanité de la Science contre
lesquelles il dut protester.
Quelques Préfaces des Leçons de Poincaré ont vivement attiré
l’attention. Dans l’Introduction du Livre Électricité et Optique, il
discute ce qu’on doit entendre par «interprétation mécanique d’un
phénomène». Cette interprétation est ramenée d’après lui à la
possibilité de la formation d’un système d’équations de Lagrange
avec un certain nombre de paramètres que
l’expérience atteint directement et permet de mesurer. Dans ces
équations figurent l’énergie cinétique et une fonction des forces
. Cette possibilité étant supposée, on pourra toujours déterminer
masses (masses visibles ou cachées) et leurs coordonnées (
) fonctions des (en prenant assez grand), de manière
que la force vive de ce système de masses soit égale à l’énergie
cinétique figurant dans les équations de Lagrange.
L’indétermination est ici très grande, et c’est précisément là qu’en
veut venir Poincaré, dont la conclusion est que, s’il y a une
explication mécanique, il y en a une infinité. Il faut avouer, dirons-
nous, que cette indétermination est même trop grande, car on perd
complètement de vue les corps en présence. Ainsi, suivant les
formes qu’auront l’ensemble des masses partiellement
indéterminées , on n’aura pas nécessairement dans la suite les
mêmes mouvements; il pourra, par exemple, y avoir ou non des
chocs. Que devient aussi la répartition des forces réelles dans les
systèmes en partie fictifs auxquels on est ainsi conduit?
Dans la Préface de sa Thermodynamique, Poincaré, voulant
descendre en quelque sorte jusqu’au fond du principe de la
conservation de l’énergie, conclut que «la loi de Meyer est une forme
assez souple pour qu’on puisse y faire rentrer presque tout ce qu’on
veut». Il semble à la vérité un peu effrayé de sa conclusion, car il
ajoute plus loin qu’il ne faut pas «pousser jusqu’à l’absolu». Nous
retrouverons cet esprit hypercritique, si j’ose le dire, clans certains
écrits philosophiques de Poincaré.
Poincaré, sans cesse curieux de nouvelles théories et de
nouveaux problèmes, ne pouvait manquer d’être attiré par
l’Électromagnétisme qui tient une si grande place dans la Science de
notre époque. On ne saurait trop admirer avec quelle sûreté et
quelle maîtrise il repense les diverses théories, les faisant ainsi
siennes. Il leur donne parfois une forme saisissante, comme quand,
dans l’exposition de la théorie de Lorentz, il distingue entre les
observateurs ayant les sens subtils et les observateurs ayant les
sens grossiers. La considération, bien personnelle à Poincaré, de ce
qu’il appelle «la quantité de mouvement électromagnétique», la
localisation de celle-ci dans l’éther et sa propagation avec une
perturbation électromagnétique sont venues rétablir d’importantes
analogies. Le Mémoire sur la dynamique de l’électron, écrit en 1905,
restera dans l’histoire du principe de la relativité; le groupe des
transformations de Lorentz, qui n’altèrent pas les équations d'un
milieu électromagnétique, y apparaît comme la clef de voûte dans la
discussion des conditions auxquelles doivent satisfaire les forces
dans la nouvelle dynamique. La nécessité de l’introduction dans
l’électron de forces supplémentaires, en dehors des forces de liaison
est établie, ces forces supplémentaires pouvant être assimilées à
une pression qui régnerait à l’extérieur de l’électron. Poincaré
montre encore quelles hypothèses on peut faire sur la gravitation
pour que le champ grafivique soit affecté par une transformation de
Lorentz de la même manière que le champ électromagnétique.
On sait l’importance qu’a prise aujourd’hui le principe de la
relativité, dont le point de départ est l’impossibilité, proclamée sur la
foi de quelques expériences négatives, de mettre en évidence le
mouvement de translation uniforme d’un système au moyen
d’expériences d’optique ou d’électricité faites à l’intérieur de ce
système. En admettant, d’autre part, que les idées de Lorentz et ses
équations électromagnétiques sont inattaquables, on a été conduit à
regarder comme nécessaire le changement de nos idées sur
l’espace et sur le temps; espace et temps ( ) n’ont plus
leurs transformations séparées et entrent simultanément dans le
groupe de Lorentz. La simultanéité de deux phénomènes devient
une notion toute relative; un phénomène peut être antérieur à un
autre pour un premier observateur, tandis qu’il lui est postérieur pour
un second. Les mathématiciens, intéressés par un groupe de
transformations qui transforment en elle-même la forme quadratique
( = vitesse de la lumière) se sont livrés à
d’élégantes dissertations sur ce sujet et ont sans doute contribué à
la popularité du principe de relativité. A d’autres époques, on eût
peut-être, avant de rejeter les idées traditionnelles de l’humanité sur
l’espace et le temps, passé au crible d’une critique extrêmement
sévère les conceptions sur l’éther et la formation des équations de
l’électromagnétisme; mais le désir du nouveau ne connaît pas de
bornes aujourd’hui. Les objections ne manquent pas cependant, et
d’illustres physiciens, comme Lord Kelvin et Ritz, sans parler des
vivants, ont émis des doutes très motivés. La Science assurément
ne connaît point de dogmes, et il se peut que des expériences
positives précises nous forcent un jour à modifier certaines idées
devenues notions de sens commun; mais le moment en est-il déjà
Poincaré voyait le danger de ces engouements, et, dans une
conférence sur la dynamique nouvelle, il adjurait les professeurs de
ne pas jeter le discrédit sur la vieille Mécanique qui a fait ses
preuves. Et puis, il a vécu assez pourvoir les principaux
protagonistes des idées nouvelles ruiner partiellement au moins leur
œuvre. Dans tout ce relativisme, il reste un absolu, à savoir la
vitesse de la lumière dans le vide, indépendante de l’état de repos
ou de mouvement de la source lumineuse. Cet absolu va
probablement disparaître, les équations de Lorentz ne représentant
plus qu’une première approximation. Les plus grandes difficultés
viennent de la gravitation, au point que certains théoriciens de la
Physique croient ne pouvoir les lever qu’en attribuant de l’inertie et
un poids à l’énergie, d’où en particulier la pesanteur de la lumière. Si
Poincaré avait vécu, il eût sans doute été conduit à rapprocher des
vues actuelles son essai de 1905 sur la gravitation. Au milieu des
incertitudes qui se présentent aujourd’hui en électro-optique, son
esprit lumineux va nous manquer singulièrement. Il faut avouer que
dans tout cela les bases expérimentales sont fragiles, et peut-être
Poincaré eût-il suggéré des expériences apportant un peu de
lumière dans cette obscurité.
Un des derniers travaux de Poincaré a été une discussion
approfondie de la théorie des quanta, édifiée par Planck, d’après
laquelle l’énergie des radiateurs lumineux varierait d’une manière
discontinue. De ce point de vue «les phénomènes physiques, dit
Poincaré, cesseraient d’obéir à des lois exprimables par des
équations différentielles, et ce serait là sans aucun doute la plus
grande révolution et la plus profonde que la philosophie naturelle ait
subie depuis Newton». Quelque grande, en effet, que doive être
cette révolution, il est permis toutefois de remarquer que des
circonstances plus ou moins analogues se sont déjà présentées.
Ainsi, dans un gaz à la pression ordinaire, ou peut parler de pression
et l’on peut appliquer les équations différentielles de la dynamique
des fluides; il n’en est plus de même dans un gaz raréfié, où il n’est
plus possible de parler de pression. Il faudra peut-être nous résigner
à faire usage, suivant les limites entre lesquelles nous étudions une
catégorie de phénomènes, de représentations analytiques
différentes, si pénible que puisse être cette sorte de pluralisme pour
ceux qui rêvent d’unité. Mais c’est là encore le secret de l’avenir, et il
serait imprudent d’affirmer qu’on ne trouvera pas quelque biais
permettant de rétablir dans nos calculs la continuité.
Les nombreux écrits de Poincaré, sur ce qu’on appelle la
philosophie des sciences, ont fait connaître son nom à un public très
étendu. Nous entrons ici dans un autre domaine que celui des
recherches proprement scientifiques, et je n’ai pas l’intention
d’étudier à fond cette partie de son œuvre. Il y est tout d’abord
singulièrement difficile de se rendre compte de l’originalité de telle
ou telle étude; ainsi, dans ses écrits sur l’hypothèse dans la Science,
Poincaré s’est rencontré plus d’une fois avec divers auteurs, mais
l’illustration de son nom, consacrée par tant de découvertes
mathématiques, donnait à ses opinions une autorité particulière. La
forme en ces questions est aussi de grande importance. La phrase
concise de Poincaré, allant droit au but, parfois avec une légère
pointe de paradoxe, produit une singulière impression; on est un
moment subjugué, même quand on sent qu’on n’est pas d’accord
avec l’auteur. Mainte page de Poincaré a produit sur plus d’un
lecteur un vif sentiment d’admiration en même temps qu’une sorte
d’effroi et d’agacement devant tant de critique.
On a parlé quelquefois de la philosophie de Poincaré. En fait,
penseur indépendant, étranger à toute école, Poincaré ne chercha
jamais à édifier un système philosophique, comme un Renouvier, un
Bergson ou même un William James. Il a écrit des livres de
«Pensées», où savants et philosophes trouvent ample matière à
réflexions. Il n’est esclave d’aucune opinion, pas même de celle qu’il
a émise antérieurement, et il sera un jour intéressant de suivre
certaines variations de la sa pensée, où l’on voit quelque peu
s’atténuer ce qu’on a appelé son nominalisme. Il fut ainsi conduit à
expliquer certaines affirmations qui, prises trop à la lettre, avaient été
mal comprises et utilisées dans un dessein dont il n’avait aucun
Si l’on voulait toutefois caractériser d’un mot les idées de
Poincaré, on pourrait dire que sa philosophie est la philosophie de la
commodité. Dans quelques unes de ses pages, le mot commode
revient constamment et constitue le terme de son explication.
D’aucuns pensent qu’il faudrait donner les raisons de cette
commodité, et, parmi eux, les plus pressants sont les biologistes
toujours guidés par l’idée d’évolution. La commodité résultera pour
eux d’une longue adaptation, et, ainsi approfondie, deviendra un
témoignage de réalité et de vérité. A l’opposé des évolutionnistes,
d’autres ne voient que l’esprit humain tout formé et sa fonction la
pensée. A certaines heures au moins, Poincaré fut de ces derniers,
et cet idéalisme lui a inspiré des pages d’une admirable poésie qui
resteront dans la littérature française; telle cette dernière page de
son Livre sur la valeur de la Science, qui débute par ces mots «Tout
ce qui n’est pas pensée est le pur néant». Entre des doctrines si
différentes toute communication est impossible, et l’on arrive à se
demander si l’on peut discuter de l’origine des plus simples notions
scientifiques, sans avoir à l’avance une foi philosophique à la
formation de laquelle auront d’ailleurs concouru d’autres éléments
que des éléments proprement scientifiques.
Pour ne pas rester uniquement dans les généralités, arrêtons-
nous un moment sur les principes de la Géométrie. Poincaré part
d’un esprit humain, dans lequel l’idée de groupe préexiste et
s’impose comme forme de notre entendement. L’esprit, après un
travail d’abstraction aboutissant aux premiers concepts de la
Géométrie (point, droite, etc.), cherche à exprimer les rapports de
position des corps; il le fait au moyen de l’idée de groupe, prenant le
groupe le plus commode et le plus simple qui est le groupe de la
géométrie dite euclidienne. Les propriétés géométriques ne
correspondent, pour Poincaré, à aucune réalité; elles forment un
ensemble de conventions que l’expérience a pu suggérer à l’esprit,
mais qu’elle ne lui a pas imposées. L’évolutionniste dont je parlais
plus haut voit là de grandes difficultés, non pas seulement pour la
raison banale que la dualité ainsi posée entre l’esprit et le milieu
extérieur est contraire à sa doctrine, mais parce que, cherchant à
retracer la genèse des origines de la Géométrie dans l’espèce
humaine, il lui paraît impossible de séparer l’acquisition des notions
géométriques et celles des notions physiques les plus simples, la
Géométrie ayant dans des temps très anciens fait partie de la
Physique. Sans changer l’ensemble de ces notions, on ne peut,
semble-t-il, remplacer le groupe euclidien par un autre, et les
exemples cités de transport d’un homme dans un autre milieu (où
cet homme commencerait par mourir) sont plus pittoresques que
probants. On retombe ainsi, sous un autre point de vue, sur les
idées de Gauss qui considérait comme un fait expérimental que la
courbure de notre espace est nulle, et regardait, contrairement à
Poincaré, que la géométrie euclidienne est plus vraie que les
géométries non euclidiennes. Il y a sans doute bien des hypothèses,
ne disons pas des conventions, en Géométrie. C’en est une par
exemple, oubliée quelquefois, que notre espace est simplement
connexe. Peu importe quelle est la connexité de l’espace, quand on
se borne à envisager une partie assez petite, celle-ci s’étendît-elle
jusqu’aux lointaines nébuleuses, mais il pourrait en être autrement
quand on considère l’espace dans son ensemble.
Tous les esprits élevés trouveront, dans l’œuvre philosophique et
littéraire de Poincaré, matière à longues réflexions, soit qu’ils se
laissent convaincre par sa dialectique, soit qu’ils cherchent des
arguments contraires. Certaines pages sont d’une austère grandeur,
comme celle où la pensée est qualifiée d’«éclair au milieu d’une
longue nuit». Non moins suggestive est la parenthèse ouverte un
peu avant «étrange contradiction pour ceux qui croient au temps»,
où l’on est presque tenté de voir un demi-aveu. Les inquiétudes
qu’on peut concevoir au sujet de la notion même de loi furent-elles
jamais exprimées avec plus de profondeur que dans l’étude sur
l’évolution des lois? J’ai déjà fait allusion au prétendu scepticisme de
Poincaré. Non, Poincaré ne fut pas un sceptique; à certaines heures,
il fut pris, comme d’autres, d’angoisse métaphysique, et il sut
éloquemment l’exprimer. Mais tournons le feuillet, et le savant,
confiant dans l’effort de l’esprit humain pour atteindre le vrai, nous
apparaît dans des pages admirables sur le rôle et la grandeur de la
Science. Les plus belles peut-être forment cet hymne à l’Astronomie
qu’il faudrait faire lire aux jeunes gens à une époque où tend à
dominer le souci exclusif de l’utile. Aucune des préoccupations de
notre temps ne fut d’ailleurs étrangère au noble esprit de Poincaré;
c’est ce dont témoigne une de ses dernières études sur la morale et
la science, où l’argumentation est irréprochable, si par morale on
entend la morale impérative de Kant.
On ne ferme pas sans tristesse ces volumes d’un contenu si riche
et dont quelques parties auraient été l’objet de nouveaux
développements, si la plume n’était tombée des mains de leur
auteur. Tous ceux qui ont le culte de la Science pure et
désintéressée ont été douloureusement émus par sa mort
prématurée, mais ce sont surtout les sciences mathématiques qui
sont cruellement frappées par cette disparition. Poincaré fut, avant
tout, un profond mathématicien, qui, pour la puissance d’invention,
est l’égal des plus grands. L’heure n’est pas venue de porter un
jugement définitif sur son œuvre que le temps grandira encore, ni de
le comparer aux plus célèbres géomètres du siècle dernier: peut-être
Henri Poincaré fût-il encore supérieur à son œuvre?
[1] On sait qu’un savant Finlandais M. Sundmann vient de donner
une solution complète du problème des trois corps. Il serait injuste
de ne pas reconnaître que les travaux antérieurs de Poincaré ont
eu une grande influence sur les recherches de l’astronome
d’Helsingfors. J’ai fait une étude des Mémoires de M. Sundmann
dans un article récent de la Revue générale des Sciences (15
octobre 1913) et dans le Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques
(octobre 1913).
[2] C’est en approfondissant cette idée, et en ne craignant pas de
comprendre dans son analyse le cas des chocs que M.
Sundmann est arrivé à une solution du problème de trois corps
(voir la note ci-dessus).

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