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Econ. HWK #5

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Econometrics Hwk!

By: Mikayla LeGrande

2. B.
Model 1: Pooled OLS, using 306 observations
Included 51 cross-sectional units
Time-series length = 6
Dependent variable: appspc

Coefficient Std. Error t-ratio p-value

const 37.1267 14.7488 2.517 0.0123 **
unemployrate 1.10694 1.63174 0.6784 0.4981
yr1 10.3882 10.8635 0.9563 0.3397
yr2 5.04974 10.9322 0.4619 0.6445
yr3 10.0532 10.1232 0.9931 0.3215
yr4 13.0013 8.99986 1.445 0.1496
yr5 5.38447 9.04129 0.5955 0.5519

Mean dependent var 51.71670 S.D. dependent var 45.17897

Sum squared resid 615666.2 S.E. of regression 45.37713
R-squared 0.011053 Adjusted R-squared -0.008792
F(6, 299) 0.556982 P-value(F) 0.764397
Log-likelihood −1598.047 Akaike criterion 3210.094
Schwarz criterion 3236.159 Hannan-Quinn 3220.518
rho 0.946066 Durbin-Watson 0.034684
appspc by group
1 27
2 28
3 29
4 30
5 31
6 32
7 33
8 34
9 35
10 36
11 37
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14 40
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100 24 50
25 51


2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

appspc by group
1 26
2 27
3 28
4 29
5 30
6 31
7 32
8 33
9 34
10 35
11 36
12 37
13 38
14 39
15 40
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40 24 49
25 50


2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Model 2: Pooled OLS, using 300 observations
Included 50 cross-sectional units
Time-series length = 6
Dependent variable: appspc

Coefficient Std. Error t-ratio p-value

const 57.0279 7.07810 8.057 <0.0001 ***
unemployrate −1.96354 0.786027 −2.498 0.0130 **
yr1 −2.18345 5.23289 −0.4173 0.6768
yr2 −7.24445 5.26477 −1.376 0.1699
yr3 1.16493 4.87810 0.2388 0.8114
yr4 13.9892 4.34392 3.220 0.0014 ***
yr5 6.19150 4.36437 1.419 0.1571

Mean dependent var 46.16022 S.D. dependent var 22.15212

Sum squared resid 137750.9 S.E. of regression 21.68270
R-squared 0.061158 Adjusted R-squared 0.041932
F(6, 293) 3.181073 P-value(F) 0.004864
Log-likelihood −1345.095 Akaike criterion 2704.189
Schwarz criterion 2730.116 Hannan-Quinn 2714.565
rho 0.920867 Durbin-Watson 0.104721
Model 3: Fixed-effects, using 300 observations
Included 50 cross-sectional units
Time-series length = 6
Dependent variable: appspc

Coefficient Std. Error t-ratio p-value

const 34.4977 3.88759 8.874 <0.0001 ***
unemployrate 0.812486 0.467366 1.738 0.0834 *
yr1 8.16003 2.11739 3.854 0.0001 ***
yr2 3.29890 2.14515 1.538 0.1254
yr3 9.05441 1.79307 5.050 <0.0001 ***
yr4 13.0953 1.21387 10.79 <0.0001 ***
yr5 4.45370 1.23953 3.593 0.0004 ***

Mean dependent var 46.16022 S.D. dependent var 22.15212

Sum squared resid 8850.047 S.E. of regression 6.022515
LSDV R-squared 0.939682 Within R-squared 0.409963
LSDV F(55, 244) 69.11375 P-value(F) 4.8e-121
Log-likelihood −933.3409 Akaike criterion 1978.682
Schwarz criterion 2186.094 Hannan-Quinn 2061.688
rho 0.025086 Durbin-Watson 1.551216

Joint test on named regressors -

Test statistic: F(6, 244) = 28.2556
with p-value = P(F(6, 244) > 28.2556) = 1.46286e-025

Test for differing group intercepts -

Null hypothesis: The groups have a common intercept
Test statistic: F(49, 244) = 72.5277
with p-value = P(F(49, 244) > 72.5277) = 6.00434e-120

6. A.
Model 1: Pooled OLS, using 306 observations
Included 51 cross-sectional units
Time-series length = 6
Dependent variable: DeathsPerBillionMiles

Coefficient Std. Error t-ratio p-value

const 13.3808 0.209404 63.90 <0.0001 ***
cell_ban −2.83861 0.536415 −5.292 <0.0001 ***
text_ban −2.06157 0.406679 −5.069 <0.0001 ***

Mean dependent var 12.26687 S.D. dependent var 3.421455

Sum squared resid 2689.506 S.E. of regression 2.979305
R-squared 0.246730 Adjusted R-squared 0.241757
F(2, 303) 49.62298 P-value(F) 2.28e-19
Log-likelihood −766.7449 Akaike criterion 1539.490
Schwarz criterion 1550.661 Hannan-Quinn 1543.957
rho 0.777981 Durbin-Watson 0.247521
Model 2: Fixed-effects, using 306 observations
Included 51 cross-sectional units
Time-series length = 6
Dependent variable: DeathsPerBillionMiles

Coefficient Std. Error t-ratio p-value

const 12.7651 0.114480 111.5 <0.0001 ***
cell_ban −0.818627 0.519573 −1.576 0.1164
text_ban −1.12564 0.219389 −5.131 <0.0001 ***

Mean dependent var 12.26687 S.D. dependent var 3.421455

Sum squared resid 453.0310 S.E. of regression 1.338147
LSDV R-squared 0.873116 Within R-squared 0.136984
LSDV F(52, 253) 33.47979 P-value(F) 3.38e-87
Log-likelihood −494.2286 Akaike criterion 1094.457
Schwarz criterion 1291.807 Hannan-Quinn 1173.384
rho 0.178179 Durbin-Watson 1.148723

Joint test on named regressors -

Test statistic: F(2, 253) = 20.0789
with p-value = P(F(2, 253) > 20.0789) = 8.06113e-009

Test for differing group intercepts -

Null hypothesis: The groups have a common intercept
Test statistic: F(50, 253) = 24.9797
with p-value = P(F(50, 253) > 24.9797) = 7.37161e-073
Model 3: Fixed-effects, using 306 observations
Included 51 cross-sectional units
Time-series length = 6
Dependent variable: DeathsPerBillionMiles

Coefficient Std. Error t-ratio p-value

const 16.3694 1.44833 11.30 <0.0001 ***
cell_ban −0.679796 0.402949 −1.687 0.0929 *
text_ban 0.255926 0.222192 1.152 0.2505
cell_per10thous_p −0.00034037 0.000172940 −1.968 0.0502 *
op 4
urban_percent 0.0131348 0.0111986 1.173 0.2420
dt_2 −1.00616 0.215817 −4.662 <0.0001 ***
dt_3 −1.66363 0.247952 −6.710 <0.0001 ***
dt_4 −2.11674 0.286824 −7.380 <0.0001 ***
dt_5 −2.26813 0.342352 −6.625 <0.0001 ***
dt_6 −1.92777 0.371216 −5.193 <0.0001 ***

Mean dependent var 12.26687 S.D. dependent var 3.421455

Sum squared resid 259.0675 S.E. of regression 1.026216
LSDV R-squared 0.927441 Within R-squared 0.506481
LSDV F(59, 246) 53.29396 P-value(F) 4.7e-111
Log-likelihood −408.7212 Akaike criterion 937.4425
Schwarz criterion 1160.858 Hannan-Quinn 1026.794
rho 0.033707 Durbin-Watson 1.498816

Joint test on named regressors -

Test statistic: F(4, 246) = 2.09472
with p-value = P(F(4, 246) > 2.09472) = 0.082085

Test for differing group intercepts -

Null hypothesis: The groups have a common intercept
Test statistic: F(50, 246) = 36.6302
with p-value = P(F(50, 246) > 36.6302) = 1.217e-088

Wald joint test on time dummies -

Null hypothesis: No time effects
Asymptotic test statistic: Chi-square(5) = 66.5441
with p-value = 5.35852e-013

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