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Development of an Integrated Curriculum Based on the Pyramid of

Learning in Improving Student Learning Activities at the Darul Ma’arif
Surakarta Integrated Islamic Elementary School

Joko Supriyanto
Islamic Junior High School 5 Wonogiri

Abstract: This study aims to describe and reveal the foundation, management and impact of implementing an
integrated curriculum based on the Pyramid of Learning at the Darul Ma'arif Integrated Islamic Elementary
School. This research uses a qualitative approach; the type of research is descriptive using a case study model
design. The data collection techniques were obtained based on the results of observations, interviews and
documentation. Checking the validity of the data using triangulation. This study found the following: (1) The
foundation for implementing an integrated curriculum based on the Pyramid of learning is the foundation of
religion, philosophy, psychology, social and culture, and science and technology (2) Curriculum management
includes planning, implementation and evaluation starting with designing, carry out and evaluate observation
activities, learning activities, stimulation activities, and habituation activities. (3) The impact of applying the
Pyramid-based curriculum of learning is to make students' knowledge more meaningful, students read with
understanding, students are independent in everyday life, students' emotions are stable so that they are ready to
accept learning well, and make students' abilities run according to completeness stages and development.
Keywoords: Integrated Curriculum Management; Pyramid of Learning; Improving Learning Activities

Learning is an activity carried out by a person to get changes in himself
through training or experiences. (Abdurrahman, 2010) By learning, we will
experience many changes, both changes in knowledge, attitudes, behavior and
skills. These changes are expected to help solve life problems and adapt to the
Learning requires a conscious process that tends to be permanent and
change behavior. In this process there is recall of information which is then
stored in memory and cognitive organization. Furthermore, these skills are
realized practically in the activeness of students in responding and reacting to
events that occur to students or their environment. Reactions to solving
problems faced by themselves and in the surrounding environment can be
realized if the learning process has increased from before and so on (Djuwita,
Improvement in the Big Indonesian Language Dictionary (KBBI) is a
layer of something that then forms an arrangement, which means progressing,
having additional skills and abilities to become better. In his language dictionary

Tadbir : Jurnal Studi Manajemen Pendidikan Vol. 7, No. 1, Mei 2023

IAIN Curup – Bengkulu |p-ISSN 2580-3581;e-ISSN 2580-5037
184 |Tadbir : Jurnal Studi Manajemen Pendidikan, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2023

Adi states that improvement comes from the word level which means layers of
something arranged in such a way as to form an ideal arrangement, while
improvement is the progress of a person from not knowing to knowing, from
not being able to being able to be. So improvement is a process, method, action
to improve something or business activities to advance something in a better
direction than before.
This increase in learning will not occur if students are not ready to learn,
not ready to accept all the learning processes. Sulistiyaningsih stated that school
readiness is important because children who are ready to go to school will
benefit and progress in their further development (Hamalik, 1995). Meanwhile,
children who are not ready will be frustrated if they are placed in an academic
environment. Various forms of behavior as a reflection of this frustration
include withdrawing, acting indifferent, showing physical symptoms, or having
difficulty completing assignments at school. And many more symptoms that will
be caused when the child is not ready to learn.
Readiness to learn can be seen from many things. In this case Hurlock
states that school readiness consists of physical and psychological readiness,
which includes emotional, social and intellectual readiness. A child is said to
have physical readiness when his motor development is mature, especially eye-
hand coordination (visio-motor) is well developed. If a child has good physical
readiness, he will be able to receive or absorb learning well so that the
knowledge or experience he has increases.
The growth of information technology that is happening today has
changed lifestyles, including children. They have been given many gadgets or
smartphones that provide a variety of interesting applications and games. With a
lifestyle like that, it will make the child very lazy to move and will make the
child's muscle stimulation not run. In line with this, the lack of muscle
stimulation in children will have an impact several years later and this will also
have an impact on their health (Amstrong, 1994).
Novfitri further cites Steven – Smith's opinion which states that children
can learn in the best way when they are active because they stimulate neurons
(nerve cells) which facilitate children's ability to obtain information and learn. so
that stimulating children's motor skills is very important to increase learning
(Riani, Sari, Khasanah, & Putri, 2022).
The increase in learning is measured authentically from three aspects,
namely attitudes, knowledge and skills. Assessing aspects of attitude can be
through observation, self-assessment, assessment between friends and the
teacher's log journal. Assessment of aspects of knowledge can be through
Joko Supriyanto: Development of an Integrated Curriculum Based on the Pyramid …| 185

written tests, oral tests and assignments. While the assessment of skills aspects
can be through performance appraisal, projects as well as portfolios.
The curriculum used is a curriculum developed based on signs and
guidelines set by the BSNP (National Education Standards Agency). Where the
curriculum used is a combination of the 2013 curriculum and the Integrated
Islamic school curriculum. Where the content standards of this integrated
Islamic curriculum contain Islamic values which can be seen from the desired
graduation standards including; have a straight faith, have true worship, have a
mature personality and have noble character, be a serious person, be disciplined
and be able to restrain one's passions, have the ability to read, memorize, and
understand the Qur'an well, have broad insight from religious and academic
fields, and have life skills (Musil, 2009).
In implementing the curriculum, the examples in the teaching material
that will be delivered are based on the scientific foundation that will be taught to
students as a learning load through certain methods and approaches. The
learning load on subjects is determined by the breadth and depth at each level of
the educational unit. Methods and approaches to subjects depend on the
characteristics and characteristics of each subject by adjusting to the conditions
available at school (Karwati & Priansa, 2014).
This adjustment to certain conditions is based on the Pyramid of
Learning theory where each student has different stages of development so that
they require different treatment. In this theory it is explained that students who
have not been able to focus on learning, still move a lot or have difficulty
receiving instructions from the teacher are not stupid or naughty students. But
there are stages of development through which it passes. For example, in the
child's ability to write, in this case the child needs hand-eye coordination. If
students have difficulty writing, it means that their tactile or sensory touch is still
incomplete. This is in line with Anne Gracia's opinion which states that every
child is smart and unique, the biggest problem for the average child is that brain
function does not experience enough stimulation and does not get the
opportunity to have a close relationship with other structures to produce
comprehensive functions (Mulyasa, 2005).
Many schools are competing in favoring academic achievement and
slightly setting aside non-academic achievements and the various and different
stages of student development. Boosting academic achievement is very, very
good if it is supported by student learning readiness. The problem that occurs in
the field, especially in Elementary Schools (SD), is that many students still have
not completed their development both emotionally, motorically, affectively and
cognitively. So if it only boosts academic achievement alone then this is very
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unfair for students who are not ready and have not completed their
development. Therefore, it is necessary to have an alternative from the school in
terms of management development and the curriculum that will be
implemented, especially for students whose development has not yet been
According to Zainal Arifin, the curriculum must be dynamic, meaning
that the curriculum always changes according to the times, science and
technology, the level of intelligence of students, culture, value systems, and
community needs. Therefore, curriculum developers including teachers must
have broad and deep insights about this. The curriculum must always be
monitored and evaluated for improvement and refinement. Therefore the
curriculum needs to be arranged in such a way as to suit the times and the needs
of students (Arifin, 2018).
In developing the integrated curriculum that is used, the school also uses
and considers various kinds of things, one of which is an important
consideration, namely learning that is appropriate and pays attention to the
completeness of the child's development. This is related to the central nervous
system where all stages of development, both balance, emotional and others,
affect student learning readiness. Therefore the Pyramid of Learning theory is
one of the important bases in the development of the integrated curriculum that
is used.
In line with this, the principal of the Darul Ma'arif Integrated Islamic
Elementary School, Nia Khairun Nisa' stated that the Darul Ma'arif Integrated
Islamic Elementary School is a school that pays close attention to the individual
abilities of each student and also accepts students with special needs. Therefore
the treatment of students is different because they have different developmental
mastery, especially for students with special needs. The Pyramid of Learning
theory is one of the foundations used because in reality there are still many
students who have not completed their development which should have been
completed in pre-primary school (Ornstein & P., 2018).
The Pyramid of Learning theory has 4 stages that must be completed in
each of its developments (Subandijah, 1993). The first stage is the Sensory
System, where the things that need to be completed at this initial stage are
tactile, balance, sight, hearing, taste and others. The second is the Development
of Sensory Motor, things that need to be completed such as posture stability,
recognizing body parts, the ability to receive, motor planning and others. The
third is Perceptual Development of the motor, things that need to be completed
such as hand-eye coordination, eye muscle control, posture adaptation, language
skills, visual as well as the function of the center of attention and others. The
Joko Supriyanto: Development of an Integrated Curriculum Based on the Pyramid …| 187

fourth stage is called Intellectual/Cognitive; in this last stage what needs to be

completed is the child's behavior, activities of daily living, and academic
learning. If all of these stages are completed at pre-school age, namely 6 years,
then at the age of 7 who enter elementary school, they will be ready to receive
academic learning.
The initial embodiment of the implementation of the curriculum that
takes into account the stages of child development begins with observing
prospective students and also parents of students. As the researchers stated
above, there is no entrance test at this school, but observations of the students'
initial data and agreements with parents are also carried out. Observations made
in the form of data on children's behavior during pre-school, notes on their
development starting from movement, limbic and also speech, as well as student
geography data starting from the process of birth, crawling or not, in what
month can walk, whether the child is late to speak or not, history health is also
no less important is the dominance of parenting (Beane, 1991).
In a previous study conducted by Novfitri, Mustaji and Sri Setyowati
who conducted research at the Al Uswah 2 Kindergarten Surabaya which
discussed the application of Neuroscience to improve children's cognitive
abilities stated that one of the basics in implementing phonics activities or the
kinesthetic engram alphabet is one of the development activities. in
Neuroscience is the Pyramid theory of Learning. Where this theory became the
initial foundation in the development of stimulation activities developed by
neuroscience experts. Where one of the results of research conducted by
Novfitri, Mustaji and Sri Setyowati is that the movement in the kinesthetic
engram alphabet is the basis of children's learning readiness which provides
good stimulation such as balance, coordination and muscle maturity. With the
movement, the child will understand the order, position and control of the
movement in accordance with the theory of Mary Sue William and Sherry
Shellenberger where this will make the child's cognitive function complete
(Finch & Crunkilton, 1993).
Based on this phenomenon, the researcher raised the theme of this
study, namely integrated curriculum management based on the Pyramid of
Learning in improving student learning at the Darul Ma'arif Pamekasan
Integrated Islamic Elementary School.

Concept of Pyramid of Learning
The Pyramid of Learning is related to the central nervous system where
this pyramid is the basic foundation so that children are able to learn
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academically (academic learning. This pyramid was first formulated by Taylor

and Trot in 1991 which was then popularized by Mary Sue Williams and Shelly
Shellenberger in 1991).(Miller & Seller, 1985) 1996 in their book entitled "How
does your engine run?” Williams and Shellenberger are Occupational Therapists
Registered (OTR) or called occupational therapy. Occupational therapy is
usually done to deal with children, who are hyperactive, have attention
disorders, slow learning abilities and other.
This theory provides an overview of stimulation or activities that can be
given to students where as far as it is known that the motion of all organs of the
body has a synergistic relationship and is fully controlled by the central nervous
system in the brain. The motor and sensorimotor areas of the brain have neural
connections with other senses through the release of chemicals called
neurotransmitters. Stimulation of several organs (senses) simultaneously will
give a better effect than only one organ (senses). Therefore it is very important
for a teacher to know the working system of the brain and the stages of
activities that can be given to stimulate the nervous system in the brain.
Here are some activities that can be given to students based on the
stages. Of the four stages in the theory of the Pyramid of Learning have eight
sections. Where there are two cross-sections at each stage. Here's the
Table 1. Explanation Pyramid of Learning
Section Aspect Activity Examples
I Tactile / tactile / touch: Playing with sand, water, making faces,
Textile functions as the first plasticine, playing with clay, play dough,
sensor that humans have in playing with different kinds of glue,
remembering something. walking, rolling, crawling in the sand,
mat, soil, writing on the back, stomach,
palms/feet and the child guesses
Vestibular: A balance system Swings, catwalks, paths in rice fields,
that involves the balance compound stairs, jumping rope, playing
organs and the body's badminton with colorful balloons and
balance point against the rolled up newspapers.
force of gravity on the earth
Proprioception: The brain's Crawl, climb, crawl, pull-push, throw-
ability to know where parts catch-kick, jump-squat, carry loads
of your body are without (Carrying groceries), sweep, empty trash
looking at them cans, weed, or hang on the playground's
curved steps
Joko Supriyanto: Development of an Integrated Curriculum Based on the Pyramid …| 189

II Olvactory / sense of smell / Cooking (can recognize the smell of

smell butter, the smell of cake, milk, vanilla,
etc.), picking flowers to smell, extracting
odors to smell, smelling drinks
Note: Avoid similar smells
Close your eyes and ask what smell is
this? what do you remember about this
Visuals / sight Color box, knobbed cylinder, long road
geometric cabinet, constructive triangle,
float shapes
Auditory / hearing Sounds box, reading story books,
poetry, poetry (rhymes), playing music,
singing songs
Gustatory / taste Taste salty, sweet, sour (using
ingredients that are the same color but
taste different), make juice, porridge
III Postural Security / Walk on the boardwalk, how to sit,
comfortable posture: The cross-legged, Braingym, pray, engram
ability to control the body
on a dynamic pedestal or
when the body moves
Awareness of two sides of Gymnastics and songs while pointing
Body / awareness and ability left and right, toilet training, crank
to recognize opposite sides
of the body
Motor planning: Movements Nyunggi looks up with his feet, walks,
that are planned, processed runs suddenly stops (Chair rotates),
in the mind for a specific walks, ankles (bisek)
purpose and carried out
consciously to achieve goals
IV Body Sceme / Ability to Measurement of BB, TB, LB
recognize body parts
Reflex maturity / Maturity Throw and catch
reflex maturity of nerves and
Water temperature gradient
brain structure function
Ability To Screen input / Read story books, story experiences
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Ability to receive responses

/ ability to filter incoming
V Eye hand coordination / Eating alone, washing dishes, pouring
coordination of the eyes and water, sweeping, cleaning glass, brushing
hands / coordination of bathroom, ironing, folding, playing
hand movements to vision marbles.
Ocular motor / conscious Winnowing rice, sorting rice with grain,
decision to move to visual slicing, picking, squeezing, pounding,
stimuli and movement of the grinding, grating, chopping.
eyelids and eyeballs / fine
Postural adjustment / Cycling, prayer practice, swimming
posture adjustment /
postural adjustment ability
VI Auditory language / storytelling
Language skills that are
Spatial visual/shape Drawing, building blocks, micro role
understanding playing, houses
Attention/concentration Pinching and moving objects with 3
fingers, sewing, crocheting, playing
slerek, collecting rice
VII Daily Living activities Feed yourself, make drinks, bathe dolls,
comb, wear shoes, socks, wear clothes,
button clothes, toilet training, ablution'
Behavior Making rules/agreements:
Forgive (solved the problem first)
VIII Academic learning basic colors and shapes Reading,
Writing and Counting (Calistung)

Integrated Curriculum Management

The curriculum base is divided into three, namely philosophical, socio-
cultural and psychological(Sudjana, 2010). (Arikunto, 2000) said there are four,
namely the philosophical, psychological, socio-cultural foundations, and the
development of science and technology. Meanwhile, according to Omar
Joko Supriyanto: Development of an Integrated Curriculum Based on the Pyramid …| 191

Mohammad al-Toumy al-Syaibany, there are four runways namely; religious,

philosophical, psychological, and sociological foundations.
Curriculum management is a curriculum management system that is
cooperative, comprehensive, systemic and systematic in order to realize the
achievement of curriculum objectives (Rusman, 2010). Another opinion,
(Mustari, 2022) stated that curriculum management is an arrangement made for
the success of teaching and learning activities (in today's terms is learning), so
that these activities can achieve maximum results.
While the integrated curriculum (integrated curriculum) is a curriculum
that is organized in the form of units without any subjects. Learning is done
with unit teaching and the material uses unit lessons. Lessons are arranged by
teachers and students, using problem solving methods in accordance with the
interests and development of students (Baharuddin & M, 2010). The learning
materials in this curriculum will be functionally useful as well as in learning will
shape students' abilities in processes and products (Susanti, 2019)
Integrated curriculum management is an activity of planning, organizing,
implementing, and evaluating activities for implementing curriculum and
learning in an integrated manner so that the goals set can be achieved.
Increasing Student Learning Activities
Improvement is a process, way, action to improve something or
business activities to advance something in a better direction than before.
Learning is a process of repetition with similarities that strengthens learning
memory. The more often the repetition is done, the thicker the neural network
for this process (Baharudin & Wahyuni, 2007).
Increase in student learning can be seen through three aspects, namely
cognitive, affective and psychomotor abilities. In line with this, the curriculum at
SDIT Darul Ma'arif carries out good authentic assessment, in which the teacher
must clearly understand the goals to be achieved. For this reason, teachers must
ask themselves, especially with regard to: (1) what attitudes, knowledge and skills
will be assessed; (2) the focus of the assessment will be carried out, for example,
relating to attitudes, knowledge and skills; and (3) what level of knowledge will
be assessed, such as reasoning, memory, or processes (Majid, 2012).
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Figure 1. Conseptual Model

This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive research type
and uses a case study model design. The data collection techniques were
obtained based on the results of observations, interviews and documentation.
Then checking the validity of the data using triangulation both source, technique
and time triangulation. The data analysis technique used by the researcher
started with data collection, data simplification, data presentation and finally
submission of conclusions (Creswell, 2008).


The results of this study found the following: (1) The foundation for
developing an integrated curriculum based on the Pyramid of Learning has five
foundations, namely religion, philosophy, psychology, socio-culture, and science
and technology. (2) Integrated curriculum management based on the Pyramid of
Learning contains planning, implementing and evaluating activities in the form
of observing or profiling students, learning processes, stimulation activities and
daily habituation activities. (3) The impact of implementing an integrated
curriculum based on the Pyramid of Learning is to make students' knowledge
more meaningful, students read with understanding, students are independent in
everyday life, students' emotions are stable so that they are ready to accept
learning well, and make students' abilities run according to completeness stages
and development.
Joko Supriyanto: Development of an Integrated Curriculum Based on the Pyramid …| 193

As Hurlock states that school readiness consists of physical and

psychological readiness, which includes emotional, social and intellectual
readiness. A child is said to have physical readiness when his motor
development is mature, especially eye-hand coordination (visio-motor) is well
developed. Therefore, it is very important for educators to know the stages of
child development and how to complete them.
Educators are the main key in implementing the existing curriculum in
an institution. Therefore, the curriculum must accommodate educators to be
able to know and apply the stimulus that can be given to students according to
their development needs. According to Zainal Abidin, the curriculum must be
dynamic, meaning that the curriculum always changes according to the times,
science and technology, the level of intelligence of students, culture, value
systems, and community needs. Therefore, curriculum developers including
teachers must have broad and deep insights about this. The curriculum must
always be monitored and evaluated for improvement and refinement. Therefore
the curriculum needs to be arranged in such a way as to suit the times and the
needs of students.
In developing the integrated curriculum that is used, the school also uses
and considers various kinds of things, one of which is an important
consideration, namely learning that is appropriate and pays attention to the
completeness of the child's development. This is related to the central nervous
system where all stages of development, both balance, emotional and others,
affect student learning readiness. Therefore the Pyramid of Learning theory is
one of the important bases in the development of the integrated curriculum that
is used.
The Pyramid of Learning is related to the central nervous system where
this pyramid is the basic foundation so that children are able to learn
academically (academic learning). This pyramid was first formulated by Taylor
and Trot in 1991 which was then popularized by Marry Sue Williams and Shelly
Shellenberger in 1996 in their book entitled "How does your engine run?".
Williams and Shellenberger are Occupational Therapist Registered (OTR) or
what is called occupational therapy. Occupational therapy is usually done to deal
with children who are hyperactive, have attention disorders, slow learning
abilities and others.
This theory provides an overview of stimulation or activities that can be
given to students where as far as it is known that the motion of all organs of the
body has a synergistic relationship and is fully controlled by the central nervous
system in the brain. The motor and sensorimotor areas of the brain have neural
connections with other senses through the release of chemicals called
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neurotransmitters. Stimulation of several organs (senses) simultaneously will

give a better effect than only one organ (senses). Therefore it is very important
for a teacher to know the working system of the brain and the stages of
activities that can be given to stimulate the nervous system in the brain.
In line with this, David A. Sousa stated that although educators are not
brain experts, educators are the only profession whose job every day is to
change the brain. Ironically, for centuries educators have developed the
potential of their students without the slightest knowledge of the brain.

Figure 2. Chart Pyramid of Learning

The Pyramid of Learning theory has 4 stages that must be completed in
each of its developments. The first stage is the Sensory System, where the things
that need to be completed at this initial stage are tactile, balance, sight, hearing,
taste and others. The second is the Development of Sensory Motor, things that
need to be completed such as posture stability, recognizing body parts, the
ability to receive, motor planning and others. The third is Perceptual
Development of the motor, things that need to be completed such as hand-eye
coordination, eye muscle control, posture adaptation, language skills, visual as
well as the function of the center of attention and others. The fourth stage is
called Intellectual/Cognitive; in this last stage what needs to be completed is the
child's behavior, activities of daily living, and academic learning. If all of these
stages are completed at pre-school age, namely 6 years, then at the age of 7 who
enter elementary school, they will be ready to receive academic learning.
Joko Supriyanto: Development of an Integrated Curriculum Based on the Pyramid …| 195

In developing the curriculum, the Darul Ma'arif Integrated Islamic

Elementary School makes conformity with the stages of development and the
needs of children one of the things that are used as a guide in implementing
activities where this is in accordance with the Pyramid of Learning theory. The
results of this study indicate that in the development of an integrated curriculum
based on the Pyramid of Learning it has five main foundations which are the
basis of religion, philosophy, psychology, socio-culture, and science and
The first is the basis of religion. This can be seen in the habituation of
daily activities such as performing dhuha prayers, congregational dhuhur
prayers, ablution', muroja'ah, morning dhikr, reciting and memorizing the
Koran, reading daily prayers and integrating Islamic concepts in each lesson.
These religious habituation activities are also in accordance with the stages of
development because in the stages of development there are daily habituation
activities in the framework of regulating body postures that can be practiced in
prayer activities.
The second foundation is philosophical. In this case it is clear that
learning that pays attention to the phases of student development is in
accordance with the philosophy of the Indonesian state. Where in the
Permendikbud which has become common knowledge states that education is
the right of all people, regardless of any circle, whether the development of
learning is fast or slow, they are entitled to education.
The third foundation is psychological. The closest thing to the Pyramid
of Learning is the psychological basis where there are two things that need to be
considered in developing a curriculum based on this psychological aspect,
namely learning psychology and developmental psychology. In learning
psychology, it is hoped that educators will be able to understand the different
learning styles of students, while developmental psychology educators must
understand the different developments of children so that they are able to
provide methods and teaching materials that are appropriate for children's
development and accelerate the development of slow students. All the things
contained in psychology are in accordance with the developmental phases that
need to be completed in the Pyramid of Learning.
The socio-cultural foundation is the fourth foundation. Being social and
cultured are things that are usually done. In each learning theme, collaboration is
often carried out with the surrounding community, parents, family, region,
certain institutions or companies that are appropriate to the theme. This is also
in accordance with the phases of child development that must be passed where
children must be able to interact with the community to practice independence.
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Activities carried out in socializing or getting to know the surrounding culture

usually rely a lot on movement activities, doing something petrified, for example
making traditional snacks, these activities are in accordance with the
developmental process that must also be passed.
The last foundation is science and technology. In this last basis, of
course, it is in accordance with the stages of child development which should be
considered in educator scholarship. The use of appropriate technology will also
help complete the development and understanding of students.
The foundation of an integrated curriculum based on the Pyramid of
Learning above is in accordance with the opinion of Nana Syaodih Sukmadinata
who stated that there are four curriculum foundations, namely philosophical,
psychological, socio-cultural, and the development of science and technology.
But in this case, the foundation of religion becomes an important addition in its
development. This is supported by the opinion of Omar Mohammad al-Toumy
al-Syaibany mentioning the four foundations of the curriculum namely religious
principles, philosophical principles, psychological principles, and sociological
principles. The five foundations for developing an integrated curriculum based
on the Pyramid of Learning are a combination of the opinions of Nana Syaodih
Sukmadinata and also Omar Mohammad al-Toumy al-Syaibany.
In developing the curriculum, of course, proper arrangements are
needed as well. Integrated curriculum management based on the Pyramid of
learning begins with planning, then implementation and ends with evaluation.
Things that are planned, implemented and evaluated are in the form of
observation or profiling activities, learning processes, stimulation activities and
daily habituation activities.
Student observation or profiling activities aim to determine student
profiles in general. The general description of this student is in the form of a
student's progress notes starting with movement, speech and language. In this
activity, parents and guardians of students also fill in student behavior data. All
of these descriptions are used as an illustration as a guide for teachers in
designing learning activities for students.
This learning activity is also adapted to the stages of student
development. The activities provided are in the form of ice breaking activities
where activities such as making playdough, taste tasting, playing with blocks, and
also traditional games. In addition to providing ice breaking activities, educators
also provide different treatment according to students' abilities and different
grades of material.
Joko Supriyanto: Development of an Integrated Curriculum Based on the Pyramid …| 197

This is also in accordance with the foundation of psychology which

explains that there are two things that need attention, namely learning
psychology and developmental psychology. This is in line with Sukiman's
opinion which states that in relation to learning materials, the selection and
determination of subject matter must be adjusted to the developmental stage of
students so that it will be functional in an effort to assist their self-development
so that the learning process can run effectively according to their level of
development. Therefore, the basis of psychology in curriculum development is
learning psychology and developmental psychology.
Giving treatment in the implementation of an integrated curriculum
based on the Pyramid of earning is in accordance with the teacher's duties that
must be owned. According to Zainal Abidin, every child has a different pace of
development so that educators have a task in the form of studying the
development of students so that they can provide learning methods that suit
their abilities, prepare learning activities according to their abilities, and speed up
slow abilities.
All the implementation of good activities in learning which are usually
given during ice breaking, teacher assistance and grade reduction, stimulation
activities and also habituation related to completing student development in the
Pyramid of Learning. The physical activities provided in all of these programs
are in accordance with the opinion of Schaff & Millar. They say that brain
development is greatly influenced by the type or lack of physical activity of
children. Automatically children play where it increases sensory-motor
development which is the basis of cognitive abilities.
This also agrees with Colette O'Connor who states that physical activity
can improve a child's ability to pay attention or focus in class. Self-regulation
skills that are developed through physical activity will enable children to learn
more easily academically and also socio-economically which leads to better
educational outcomes. Sattelmair and Ratey also argue that increasing physical
fitness has been shown to increase academic achievement.
While the learning evaluation carried out by the teacher in the classroom
is assessed from the aspects of basic competence (KD) being studied. Whether
it's KD attitudes, skills or knowledge. While learning evaluation related to the
completeness of child development, evaluation is mostly done through
The evaluation carried out in learning is seen from three aspects, namely
attitudes, knowledge and skills. This is in accordance with Bloom's opinion
which states that learning outcomes can be seen from cognitive aspects which
include; knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthetic, and
198 |Tadbir : Jurnal Studi Manajemen Pendidikan, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2023

evaluating. The two affective or attitudinal aspects include; receiving,

responding, valuing, organization, and characterization. Finally, psychomotor
skills include; perception, set, guided response, mechanism, complex overt
response, adaptation, and origination.
Evaluation of the curriculum both in the implementation of learning and
stimulation activities as well as daily habituation is in line with the opinion of
Wina Sanjaya which states that evaluating the curriculum can be done on
various main components in the curriculum, among the components that can be
evaluated are goals, content, strategy as well as the evaluation program
All components of integrated curriculum management based on the
Pyramid of Learning certainly have an impact on students. The impact is more
to increase learning activities.
The impact of implementing an integrated curriculum based on the
Pyramid of Learning for students is making students' knowledge more
meaningful, making students read with understanding, making students
independent in everyday life, making students' emotions more stable so that
they are ready to accept learning well, making students' abilities run according to
completeness stages of development.
This is in accordance with the characteristics of learning conveyed by
Baharuddin and Esa where learning outcomes are more about changing
behavior, not just about knowledge.
In line with this, Thabrani stated that the increase in student learning
outcomes can be seen from the learning outcomes in the form of verbal
information, intellectual skills, cognitive, motor skills and attitudes.
The application of an integrated curriculum based on the Pyramid of
Learning shows that providing a stimulus to the completeness of student
development is able to make students learn well and correctly in the sense of
understanding learning meaningfully

The development of an integrated curriculum based on the Pyramid of
Learning has five strong foundations namely religious, philosophical,
psychological, socio-cultural and scientific and technological foundations.
Meanwhile, integrated curriculum management based on the Pyramid of
Learning begins with planning, implementing and evaluating student
observation or profiling activities, learning processes, stimulation activities and
daily habituation activities. The impact of implementing this curriculum is more
on the attitudes and behavior of students' readiness to receive lessons such as
Joko Supriyanto: Development of an Integrated Curriculum Based on the Pyramid …| 199

understanding instructions, stable emotions, and also students being able to

focus on the ongoing learning process. Every child is special. They have
different abilities and stages of development so that different treatments are
needed according to their abilities and stages of development. The right stimulus
for students will make students' learning abilities run well. For this reason, it is
important for educational institutions to implement both learning systems and
programs that help students complete their developmental stages. Especially for
parents of people who are going to send their children to school or who have
already sent their children to both early childhood education and elementary
schools to pay attention to the growth and development of children so that
children can mature to the fullest and can maximize all the potential that exists
in children.

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