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Resume: English Teaching Media Media and Material

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By Group 3:




English Education Study Program

Arts and Languages Education Department

Education and Pedagogy Faculty

Lampung University

Media and Material

Many of the media and material discussed in this chapter are so common that
instructor is inclined to underestimate their instructional value. Materials do not have to be
expensive to be useful. Small materials can indeed be beautiful, and inexpensive can be
effective. In fact, in some situation-for instance, isolated, rural areas; teaching locations that lack
electricity; program or school with a low budget-these simpler material may be the only media
that make a sense to use (non projected visual are the most widely used media. In addition, many
computer software packages include manipulatives and workbooks for students to use as part of
their learning experience.

The focus of in this chapter is on media and materials; the discussion includes real
objects, models, printed materials, free and inexpensive materials, field trips, and the devices
used to devices used to display visual (chalkboards, multipurpose boards, copy boards, flip
charts, and more).


Real objects – such as coins, tools, artefacts, plants, and animals are some of the most
accessible, intriguing, and involving materials in educational use, because there is no substitute
for the real thing when learning some content. They are known as manipulatives because
students may handle and inspect them. E.g.: The collection of Colonial era coins, frogs dissected
in the college biology, laboratory, the real baby being bathed in the parenting class – are real
objects to elucidate the obscure and to stimulate the imagination.

Verbalism-is a term that refers to parroting words without meaningful understanding. To

build schemata that have meaning and relevance in their lives, learners used a base in concrete
experience, and bringing real objects into the classroom can help in this. Real object may be used
as is, or you may modify them to enhance instruction. Examples of modification include the

 Cutaways - Devices such as machine with one side cut away to allow close
observation of the inner workings.
 Specimens -Actual plants, animals, or parts thereof preserved for convenient
 Exhibits -Collection of artefacts often of a scientific or historical nature, brought
together with printed information to illustrate a point.

Advantages of manipulative are:

 Means of presenting information, raising questions, and providing hands on

learning experiences.

 Play a valuable role in the valuation phase of instruction.

 Learners can identify, classify, describe their functioning, discuss their utility, or
compare and contrast them.

 Emphasizes the real – world application of the topic of study, aids transfer of
training, and helps transcend the merely verbal level of learning.


Model is three dimensional representations of real objects. It may be larger, smaller or

the same size as the object it represents. It provides learning experiences that real things cannot
provide. Model also has advantages, such as:

 Appeals to children of all ages.

 Stimulate inquiry and discovery.

 Helps sharpen both cognitive and psychomotor skills.

Inside model, there is Mock-ups. Mock-ups are simplified representations of complex

devices or processes, are prevalent in industrial training or a model or replica of a machine or
structure, used for instructional or experimental purposes.

Advantages of Model are:

 It clarify the complex

 Illustrate the basic operations of a real device

 Allow individuals or small groups to manipulate the mock-up at their convenience,

working with the subject matter until they comprehend it.

Computer Programs and Manipulatives

The recent addition of manipulatives and student hands on material included in computer
software packages is an example of how traditional non projected media are being incorporated
into software programs to provide powerful learning experiences.

Models and real objects are the recommended media when realism is essential for
learning. They provide concept that involve three dimensions; tasks that require identification by
size, shape, or colour and hands-on or laboratory practice.


Field trip is an excursion outside the classroom to study real processes, people, and
objects, often grows out of students’ need for firsthand experiences. It makes it possible for
students to encounter phenomena that cannot be brought into the classroom for observation and
study. E.g.: Trip of few minutes into the school yard to observe kinds of tree, a trek across the
street to see construction works, or longer trip of several days to have study tour historical place.

Virtual Field Trip-Are an extension of actual fieldtrips. Often the expense of the time to
travel to a particular interesting location is not possible. With the World Wide Web (Internet),
children may experience the sights and sounds of a faraway location from their home or school.


Printed Materials include textbooks, fiction and non-fiction books, booklets, pamphlets,
study guides, manuals and worksheets, as well as word processed documents prepared by
students and teachers. Textbooks have long been the foundation of classroom instruction.

Advantages of Printed Materials are:

 Availability – Printed materials are readily available on a variety of topics and in many
different formats.

 Flexibility – They are adjustable to many purposes and may be used in any lighted

 Portability – They are easily carried from place to place and do not require any
equipment or electricity.

 User-friendly – Properly designed printed materials are easy to use, not requiring special
effort to “navigate” through.
 Economical - Printed materials are relatively inexpensive to produce or purchase and can
be reused.

Besides advantages, printed materials are having limitation too, such as:

 Reading level. The major limitation of printed materials is that they are written at a
certain reading level. Some students are non readers or poor readers lacking adequate
literacy skills; some printed materials are above their reading level.

 Prior knowledge. Even though textbooks are generally written to be more considerate of
the reader, with clear language and simple sentence structures, readers who lack some
prerequisite knowledge may struggle to comprehend the text.

 Memorization. Some texts introduce a large number of vocabulary terms and concepts in
a short amount of space. This practice places a heavy cognitive burden on students,
which may be overwhelming for some.

 One way presentation. Since most printed materials are not interactive, they tend to be
used on a passive way, often without comprehension.

 Curriculum determination. Sometimes textbooks dictate the curriculum, rather, than

being used to support the curriculum. Textbooks are often written to accommodate the
curriculum guidelines of particular states or provinces. Consequently, the preferences of
these authorities disproportionately influence textbook content or as treatment.

 Cursory appraisal. Selection committees might not examine textbooks carefully.

Sometimes textbooks are chosen by the “five-minute thumb test” – whatever catches the
reviewer’s eye while thumbing through the textbook.


Intergrated-is the most common application of printed materials is presenting content

information. Students are given reading assignments and are held accountable for the material
during class discussions and on tests. Teacher made handouts can also complement a teacher’s
presentation, or students may use them as they study independently.
The utilization of printed media:

When using printed materials for instruction, one of the main roles of the teacher is to
have students use the “SQ3R” method:

 Survey – requires students to scan through the printed material and to read the overview
and/or summary.

 Question – students write a list of questions to answer while reading.

 Read – students are encourage looking for the organization of the material, just brackets
around the main ideas, underlining supporting details, and answer the questions written in
the previous step.

 Recite – requires them to test themselves while reading and to put the content into their
own words. It just like a retell a story or explain something by using their words.

 Review – suggests that the learners took-over the material immediately after reading it,
the next day, a week later, and so on. (Robinson, 1946)


With the ever increasing units of instructional materials, teachers and trainers should be
aware of the variety of materials they may obtain for classroom use at little or no cost. These free
and inexpensive materials can supplement instruction in many subjects; they can be the main
source of instruction or certain topics. Material that you can borrow or acquire permanently for
instructional purposes without a significant cost can be referred to as free or inexpensive.

The commonly available items include posters, games, pamphlets, brochures, reports,
charts, maps, books, audiotapes, videotape, multimedia kits and real objects. In addition, many
teachers and students are placing their ideas for teaching in array of subjects, along with media
and materials, on the Web/Internet.

Avantages of free and inexpensive material:

 Up to date. Free and inexpensive materials can provide up-to-date information that is not
contained on textbooks or other commercially available media.
 In depth treatment. Such materials often provide in depth treatment of a topic. If
classroom quantities are available, students can read and discuss printed materials as they
would textbook materials. If quantities are limited, you can place them in a learning
center for independent or small group study.

 Variety of use. These materials lead themselves to your own classroom presentations.
Posters, charts, and maps can be combined to create topical displays.

 Student manipulation. Materials that are expendable have the extra advantage of
allowing learners to get actively involved with them.

Limitation of free and inexpensive material:

1. Bias or advertising. Many free and inexpensive materials are described as sponsored
materials because their production and distribution are sponsored by particular

2. Special interest. Propaganda or more subtly biased materials can thus enter the
curriculum through the backdoor. Preview carefully and exercise caution when you
consider sponsored materials.

3. Limited quantities. With the increasing expense of producing both printed and mediated
materials, your supplier may have to impose limits on the quantities of items available at
one time.

The sources of free and inxpensive material are from local, national, and international
sources of free and inexpensive materials, and many of these are now available at a website.
Many local government agencies, community groups, donators, and private business provide
informational materials on free loan.


When you have determined what you can use and where you can obtain it, write to the
supplier. For classroom quantities, send just one letter. Be specific and specify at least the
subject area and the grade level. Ask for only what you need. Follow-up with a thank you note
to the supplier; mention how you used the materials and what the students’ reactions were.

As with any other types of material, appraise the educational value of free and
inexpensive materials critically.

 Use the appropriate appraisal checklist free from objectionable bias or

 Use it judiciously when reviewing free and inexpensive materials.


If you are going to use visuals such as photographs, drawings, charts, graphs, or poster,
you need to away to display them. Here are the example of display surfaces that commonly used
as media to display the information by the teacher to their students.

Once called blackboards, they now come in a variety of colors, as does chalk.
You can use it as surface in which to draw visuals to help illustrate instructional units.
They are also called whiteboards or marker boards. As the name implies, you can
use them for more than one purpose. Their smooth, while plastic surface requires a
special erasable marker rather than chalk. The white surface is also suitable for
projection of video, slides, and overhead transparencies.
A high-tech variation of multipurpose board is the copy board, or electronic
whiteboard. This devise makes reduced- size paper copies of what is written on the
board. It looks like a smaller multipurpose board but may contain multiple screens of
frames that can be served forward and backward. The special feature is that the frames
can be copied in about 10 seconds. By copying information almost simultaneously, you
are free to erase the board and continue to teach without valuable time or ideas.
Pegboards are made of tempered Masonite with 1/8 inch holes drilled 1 inch
apart. You can insert special metal hooks and holders into the peg board to hold books,
papers, and other object. It is particularly useful for displaying heavy objects, three
dimensional materials and visuals.
The term of bulletin board implies a surface in which bulletins – brief news
announcements of urgent interactive posted for public notice. The decorative bulletin
board is probably the most common certainly in school.

Its function is to send visual stimulations to the environment. Displaying student

work exemplifies the motivational use of bulletin boards. Another purpose in
instructional is complementing the educational or training objectives of the formal

Criteria for evaluating your bulletin boards:

 Emphatic. Conveys message quickly and clearly.

 Attractive. Color and arrangement catch and hold interest

 Balanced. Formal or informal

 Unified. Repeated shapes or colors or use of borders hold display together visually

 Interactive. Involves the viewer

 Legible. Lettering and visuals can be read across the room.

 Lettered properly. Spelled correctly, plain typeface, use of lowercase except where
capitals needed.

 Relative. Correlated with lesson objectives

 Durable. Well constructed physically, items securely attended

 Neat and clean, neat appearance, makes the display more attractive, shows the designer
has regard for the audience, and provides a proper role model for student work.


Cloth boards are instructed of cloth stretched over a sturdy backing material such
as plywood, Masonite or heavy cardboard, the cloth used for the board may be of various
or types, including flannel, felt, or hook and loop material. Teachers of reading and other
creative activities often use the cloth board to illustrate stories, poems and other reading


Magnetic board serves much the same purpose as cloth boards. Any metal surface
in the classroom to which you can attach a magnet can serve as a magnetic board.

The major advantage is that maneuvering visuals is easier and quicker that with
cloth board. For example, physical education instructors often use them to demonstrate
rapid changes in player positions. Visual displayed in a magnetic board us not likely to
skip or fall because it has a greater adhesive quality.

It is a pad of lard papers fastened together at the top and mounted to an easel. The
individual sheets each hold a limited verbal/visual message and usually are arranged for
sequential presentation to a small group. Audience members seem to regard flip chart in
friendly terms. It seems casual and comfortable, a pleasing change of pace in an
increasingly high technology world.
Exhibits are collections of various objects and visuals designed to form and
integrated whole for instructional purposes. There are two types of exhibits: displays and
 Displays. A display is an array of objects, visual and printed materials, student
assembly of display can be a motivating learning experience. It can fasten retention of
subject matter and sharpen visual skills.
 Dioramas. Dioramas are static displays consisting a three dimensional foreground
and a flat background is usually a landscape of some sort with models of people,
animals, vehicles, equipment, or buildings. It is basically contained within a box, with
the sides of the box providing or backdrop. It is usually designed to produce past or
present scenes and events or to detect future once.
1. GROUP 1 (by: Gia Arya Azzahara)
What is the limitation of manipulatives?
ANSWER: The limitation or manipulative are:
a. Costly. For virtual manipulatives, the students have to have individual computers.
b. Has to be carefully planned and takes a lot of time. There are a lot to consider
when using manipulatives (both virtual and concrete). Is the difficulty or complexity
just right for the students? Will they get and understand the underlying concept? Is
this too fun or too boring?

2. GROUP 2 (by: Haifa Puti Arlin)

Why in Elementary School usually use blackboard and in High School use white board
(multipurpose board)?
ANSWER: Elementary students use a blackboard at school because they can use it as
surface in which to draw visuals to help illustrate instructional units. Then, Elementary
student doesn’t need more complex explanation or instruction. Why? It because they just
given a simple instruction and simple drawing of visual which is appropriate with their
age and schemata. High School who has different level of complexity of the material,
they use multipurpose board (whiteboard). It is can be used for more than one purpose.
Their smooth, while plastic surface requires a special erasable marker rather than chalk.
The white surface is also suitable for projection of video, slides, and overhead

3. GROUP 4 (by: Siti Farhana)

How to make students from rural area can be interest with the material that given by the
teacher even though there are no complete media there?
ANSWER: To make the students from rural area get more interested with the material is
use field trip media, printed media and also free and inexpensive material. They can learn
many things from nature even though they don’t have enough technology. The nature
provides manipulatives media and model that can be used for student’s learning. The
teacher can ask the student make small science exhibition or make a school project by
using things from what the students met in nature. Then, they use a printed media
(given/provides by government, school, donator, or buy by their self) as their guidance.
The teachers also have important contribution to make a creative and an attractive way
while they were delivering the materials. So that, the student can enjoy whatever they
learn at school.

4. GROUP 5 (by: Octavinia Manalu S.)

What is the best media for college students for their studies?
ANSWER: The best media for college student is actually based on their major. All the
media is good to support their studies, but there is media which often use for several
major. Example: For Education, Hospitality, Agriculture, Politic and Social major the
best media is field trip (include the virtual trip). And then, Mathematics and Science,
medical, and technology major are use manipulative and model. Art and Design major
use an exhibitantion. Even most of the college students are use printed media or free and
inexpensive media.

5. GROUP 6 (by: Arif Alexander Bastian)

Should the teacher study about the material before they give and explain that materials or
the topic to their student?
ANSWER: Absolutely yes. It because to make sure the teacher to understand all about
the materials before they deliver it to their students and to prevent the teacher from
making any mistakes when deliver the materials. That’s why the teacher should be study
and improve their skill before had a teaching process.

6. GROUP 7 (by: Siswati Arningtyas)

What is the difference between diorama and replica?

ANSWER: A replica is an exact reproduction, such as of a painting, as it was executed

by the original artist or a copy or reproduction, especially one on a scale smaller than the
original. A replica is a copying closely resembling the original concerning its shape and
appearance. An inverted replica complements the original by filling its gaps. It can be a
copy used for historical purposes, such as being placed in a museum. Sometimes the
original never existed. Replicas and reproductions can be related to any form of licensing
an image for others to use, whether it is through photos, postcards, prints, miniature or
full size copies they represent a resemblance of the original object. Then, if diorama a
miniature three-dimensional scene, in which models of figures are seen against a
background or a picture made up of illuminated translucent curtains, viewed through an
aperture. Diorama is use in museum display, as of an animal, of a specimen in its natural

7. GROUP 8 (by: Reni Kurniasih)

Is there any criteria to make the media is suitable or not to be a learning media?
ANSWER: Media selection therefore does not happen in a vacuum. There are many other
factors to consider when designing teaching. In particular, embedded within any decision
about the use of technology in education and training will be assumptions about the
learning process. We have already seen earlier in this book how different epistemological
positions and theories of learning affect the design of teaching, and these influences will
also determine a teacher’s or an instructor’s choice of appropriate media. Media selection
is just one part of the course design process. It has to fit within the broader framework of
course design.
Set within such a framework, there are five critical questions that need to be asked
about teaching and learning in order to select and use appropriate media/technologies:

 Who are the students?

 What are the desired learning outcomes from the teaching?
 What instructional strategies will be employed to facilitate the learning outcomes?
 What are the unique educational characteristics of each medium/technology, and how
well do these match the learning and teaching requirements?
 What resources are available?

Out from the questions, to make a suitable media is:

a. Easy to use
b. Affordable cost
c. Interactive and creative
d. Full with knowledge
e. Attract student’s curiosity
f. Normative
8. GROUP 9 (by: Fizri Ismaliana)
What is the correlation between student simulation (both cognitive and psychomotor
skill) and manipulatives?
ANSWER: Manipulatives are concrete objects that can be viewed and physically handled
by students in order to demonstrate or model abstract concepts. The use of manipulatives
in teaching has a long tradition and solid research history. Manipulatives not only allow
students to construct their own cognitive models for abstract the subject ideas and
processes, they also provide a common language with which to communicate these
models to the teacher and other students. In addition to the ability of manipulatives to aid
directly in the cognitive process, manipulatives have the additional advantage of
engaging students and increasing both interest in and enjoyment of the subject. Students
who are presented with the opportunity to use manipulatives report that they are more
interested in studying. Manipulative also affect psychomotor skills that enable students to
use and handle science apparatus, laboratory substances and specimens in an approved
manner. Thinking skills, on the other hand, act as a foundation for thoughtful learning
that can be developed through students’ active participation in the process of teaching
and learning.

9. GROUP 10 (by: Ratu Yusrina)

What is recite in SQ3R technique?
ANSWER: Recite is to repeat aloud some passage, poem, or other text previously
memorizes, often before an audience. It requires them to test themselves while reading
and to put the content into their own words. It just like a retell a story or explain
something by using their words.

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