The document provides exam results for a student named Dave Vedant Yogeshkumar. It lists the subjects taken, marks obtained internally and externally for each subject, total marks, grade, grade point, and an overall result of pass with second class honors. Additional details on calculations of total grade points, grade point average, and class are also provided.
The document provides exam results for a student named Dave Vedant Yogeshkumar. It lists the subjects taken, marks obtained internally and externally for each subject, total marks, grade, grade point, and an overall result of pass with second class honors. Additional details on calculations of total grade points, grade point average, and class are also provided.
The document provides exam results for a student named Dave Vedant Yogeshkumar. It lists the subjects taken, marks obtained internally and externally for each subject, total marks, grade, grade point, and an overall result of pass with second class honors. Additional details on calculations of total grade points, grade point average, and class are also provided.
The document provides exam results for a student named Dave Vedant Yogeshkumar. It lists the subjects taken, marks obtained internally and externally for each subject, total marks, grade, grade point, and an overall result of pass with second class honors. Additional details on calculations of total grade points, grade point average, and class are also provided.
Name Dave Vedant Yogeshkumar Roll Number 23-BCA-012
Print Date &
Exam END SEMESTER SEM I NOVEMBER 2023 20-04-2024 09:34 Time
Marks Grade Credit
Subject Grade Internal External Total Point Grade Point BCA-1650-Computer Basics and Office 19 15 34 6.8 A 13.6 Automation BCA-1501-Programming Concepts with C37 31 68 6.8 A 27.2 BCA-1101-Basics and Advanced HTML 37 36 73 7.3 A+ 29.2 BCA-1201-Basics of Mathematics 32 35 67 6.7 A 26.8 BCA-1502L-Programing Concepts with C * 45 14 + 4 59 +4 6.3 A 25.2 (Lab) AEC-1601-English for Life Skills I 9 11 20 4 C+ 8 VAC209-1C-VOLLEY BALL 19 22 41 8.2 O 16.4 Total Obtain Marks : 362 | Result : Pass With PASS WITH Ord 2 | Sum CGP : 146.4 | GPA : 6.65 | Class : First Class | Grade : A | Percent : 65.82 Glossary: CGP= Credit Grade Point, GPA= Grade Point Average EX=Exemption Disclaimer:-All efforts have been made to ensure that the information provided on the portal is accurate. There might be a few inadvertent errors. Results published online are for immediate information to the examinees and only tentative and not final. The contents of the portal are liable to be changed /removed without prior notice. The final marks of a student shall be those as borne on the official mark-sheet/ statement of marks issued to the student.