Propiedades Del Carbon Liquido
Propiedades Del Carbon Liquido
Propiedades Del Carbon Liquido
4, 1990
A model for the transport properties of liquid carbon based on Ziman liquid
metal theory with refinements for polyvalent liquid metals and Fermi surface
blurring is applied to calculate the electrical resistivity of liquid carbon at the
melting temperature. The thermal and electrical properties predicted by the
model are compared to experimental results using numerical heat flow calcula-
tions and found to be in good agreement with pulsed-current heating
experiments on the resistivity of carbon fibers.
1. I N T R O D U C T I O N
t Paper presented at the First Workshop on Subsecond Thermophysics, June 20-21, 1988,
Gaithersburg, Maryland, U.S.A.
2 Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts
02139, U.S.A.
3Present address: RADC/EEAC, Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts 01731, U.S.A.
4 Francis Bitter National Magnet Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, U.S.A.
5 Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, U.S.A.
0195-928X/90/0700-0789506.00/0 ~,~ 1990 Plenum Publishing Corporation
790 Steinbeck, Dresselhaus, and Dresselhaus
4 I I I
3- ~/~?:0.4
c; / =0.3
Recent pulsed-current melting experiments on carbon fibers indicate
that liquid carbon is a liquid metal [8]. On this basis, a model for the
properties of low-density liquid carbon (1.6 g-cm -3) has been constructed
using Ziman liquid metal theory, which accounts for resistivity experiments
on most liquid metals. The Ziman liquid metal theory requires calculation
of the electron mean free path A from the liquid structure factor a(k) and
a model potential v(k) for the liquid according to the relation
In the conventional Ziman liquid metal theory, the Fermi surface blurring
effect (discussed below) is neglected by setting F(k, Icy, l) = 1/k.
Of the various parameters, the electron mean free path for liquid
carbon is the most sensitive to the atomic density of the liquid [9].
Experimental work by Bundy [3] provides information about the density
of liquid carbon through use of the Clausius-Clapeyron relation. From
Bundy's data for dp/dT and for the heat of fusion [3], the density of liquid
carbon is determined to be ~1.6 g-cm -3.
Properties of Liquid Carbon 791
liquid carbon is the Heine Abarenkov model potential [11, 12]. Using the
parameters given in Table I the model potential for liquid carbon is
calculated directly. The constants Ao, A1, and A2 needed for calculation of
the Heine-Abarenkov model potential were calculated using the energies of
the carbon 3s, 3p, and 3d orbitals and tabulated values for the Coulomb
wave functions [13] as reported by Animalu [-14]. The constants'are given
by Ao -- 2.05, A1 = 2.44, and A2 = 2.65.
In Fig. 2 the model potentials calculated for carbon and silicon [-14]
are shown and compared for 0 < k/2kf < 2, illustrating the rapid decrease in
the potential as k becomes smaller. Note the qualitatively similar behavior
of the two potentials (for C and for Si) with the nodes at similar values of
k/2kf. Comparing Figs. 1 and 2 for liquid carbon, the node in the
calculated model potential is seen to occur at a k value which is near the
center of the primary peak in the liquid structure factor. Thus the contribu-
tion to the scattering [-see Eq. (1)] will not be large even for k values where
the structure factor is greatest. Initial calculations of A in liquid carbon
using Eq. (1) with F(k, kf, l) =l/k show that the mean free path is only a
few interatomic spacings. Therefore, the Ziman model calculations were
refined to include the blurring of the Fermi surface due to electron scatter-
ing using the Ferraz and March formula [-16] for Fermi surface blurring.
The results for F(k, kf, l) used in the calculation of Eq. (1) are shown in
Fig. 3, where k and kf denote the two wave vectors involved in the scatter-
ing event. In the limit l -~ oo (where l is the electron mean free path for the
unblurred Fermi surface model), the difference between the initial and the
final k vectors cannot exceed 2kf.
0f ~ X C
"~ 0
-0.1 -
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Since the potential, v(k) falls off more rapidly than k 4, the integral
may be evaluated over a finite region (e.g., the first two diameters of the
Fermi sphere) and a good estimate of the electron mean free path A is still
obtained. Then evaluating the full integral in Eq. (1) by numerical techni-
ques, we obtain for the electron mean free path for liquid carbon A = 3.4 ~,
close to the value obtained with the simple calculation which neglected the
Fermi surface blurring effect.
From the calculated A, the electrical resistivity of liquid carbon p~
immediately follows as
mvf 39.5 ~ts'2 - cm (2)
Pl = nee2A
where we have again used the free electron gas properties [ 1]. This value
of p~ compares favorably with the experimental value for the electrical
resistivity of liquid carbon ~30___ 8/~f2 .cm [8]. It is also found that the
calculated electrical resistivity is relatively insensitive to the packing density
or hard-sphere radius for carbon.
Since all liquid metals can be approximately modeled as degenerate
Fermi gases, we may use this fact to calculate most of the thermal proper-
ties of liquid carbon (see Table I). The specific heat of the liquid at
constant pressure Cp(T) is given by
, 7rZkB T
Co(T ) = 3R + ~ g (3)
where R is the gas constant. The first term on the right-hand side of Eq. (3)
is the atomic contribution to C p ( T ) , while the second term on the right-
794 Steinbeck, Dresselhaus, and Dresselhaus
ZC2 kB2 T
K 3e2 Pl (4)
to(T) and Cp(T) for liquid carbon is given by Eqs. (3) and (4), assuming Pl
and Er to be constant in the temperature range between Tm and T~.
The most convincing proof that the liquid metal model provides the
correct description for liquid carbon comes when the model is tested in
heat flow calculations for pulsed-laser [10] and pulsed-current [8] heating
experiments. Figure 4 shows the good agreement between the resistance
versus time experimental traces for pulsed current melting of two very
different graphitic fibers with a numerical simulation of the experiment
using the liquid metal model for liquid carbon. This particular calculation
tests both the electrical resistivity and the thermal properties predicted by
the calculations above.
THT 1700~
- - Data
...... Simulation
(~ 0 .............................
o 50 l I I
.u0 THT 2850 %
40 .F'I," r----,
E;" tf [i'i I ["v" I . ] ~Graphite
30 / q! Ill I V(t)~ ~J fiber _
10 ~ ~ .........................
0 i I i I i I i t J
0 5 10 15 20 25
T i m e , /.zs
Fig. 4. Comparison of the measured (solid curve)
resistance versus time traces for two carbon fibers
heated by a pulsed current [8] with the correspond-
ing traces calculated using the liquid metal model
for liquid carbon. The carbon fiber with a heat
treatment temperature THT= 1700~ is highly dis-
ordered, while that for THx=2850~ is highly
graphitic. The schematic for the experimental
arrangement used to heat and melt the graphite
fibers is shown in the inset to the lower trace.
796 Steinbeek, Dresselhaus, and Dresselhaus
We thank NSF Grant DMR 88-19896 for support of the work. We
also thank Drs. T. Venkatesan and J. Heremans for many useful discus-
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