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180 Days of Writing G4

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Kristin Kemp, M.A.Ed.
For information on how this resource meets
national and other state standards, see pages
4–6; 13. You may also review this information by
scanning the QR code or visiting our website at and following
the on-screen directions.

Publishing Credits
Corinne Burton, M.A.Ed., President; Emily R. Smith, M.A.Ed., Content Director; Jennifer Wilson, Editor; Grace Alba Le, Multimedia
Designer; Don Tran, Production Artist; Stephanie Bernard, Assistant Editor; Amber Goff, Editorial Assistant

Image Credits
pp. 26, 34, 35, 37, 46, 47, 51, 52, 63, 64, 72, 84, 87, 89, 102, 119, 128, 153, 165, 193, iStock; All other images Shutterstock.

© Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All
rights reserved. (CCSS)

Shell Education
5482 Argosy Avenue
Huntington Beach, CA 92649-1030
ISBN: 978-1-4258-1527-1
© 2015 Shell Education Publishing, Inc.

The classroom teacher may reproduce copies of materials in this book for classroom use only. The reproduction of any part
for an entire school or school system is strictly prohibited. No part of this publication may be transmitted, stored, or recorded
in any form without written permission from the publisher.

2 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Table of Contents
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
How to Use This Book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Standards Correlations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Daily Practice Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Answer Key. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Writing Rubrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Writing Analyses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
The Writing Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Editing Marks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Writing Tips. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Writing Signs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
Digital Resources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216

The Need for Practice
To be successful in today’s writing classrooms, students must deeply understand both concepts
and procedures so that they can discuss and demonstrate their understanding. Demonstrating
understanding is a process that must be continually practiced for students to be successful. Practice
is especially important to help students apply their concrete, conceptual understanding of each
particular writing skill.

Understanding Assessment
In addition to providing opportunities for frequent practice, teachers must be able to assess students’
writing skills. This is important so that teachers can adequately address students’ misconceptions,
build on their current understandings, and challenge them appropriately. Assessment is a long-
term process that involves careful analysis of student responses from a discussion, project, practice
sheet, or test. When analyzing the data, it is important for teachers to reflect on how their
teaching practices may have influenced students’ responses and to identify those areas where
additional instruction may be required. In short, the data gathered from assessments should be
used to inform instruction: slow down, speed up, or reteach. This type of assessment is called
formative assessment.

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 3

How to Use This Book
With 180 Days of Writing, creative, theme-based units guide students as they practice the five steps
of the writing process: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. During each odd week
(Weeks 1, 3, 5, etc.), students interact with mentor texts. Then, students apply their learning by
writing their own pieces during each following even week (Weeks 2, 4, 6, etc.). Many practice pages
also focus on grammar/language standards to help improve students’ writing.

Easy to Use and Standards Based

These daily activities reinforce grade-level skills across the various genres of writing: opinion,
informative/explanatory, and narrative. Each day provides a full practice page, making the activities
easy to prepare and implement as part of a classroom morning routine, at the beginning of each
writing lesson, or as homework.

The chart below indicates the writing and language standards that are addressed throughout
this book. See pages 5–6 for a breakdown of which writing standard is covered in each week.
Note: Students may not have deep understandings of some topics in this book. Remember to assess
students based on their writing skills and not their content knowledge.

College and Career Readiness Standards

Writing 4.1—Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point

of view with reasons and information.
Writing 4.2—Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and
convey ideas and information clearly.
Writing 4.3—Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences
or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event
Language 4.1—Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard
English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
Language 4.2—Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard
English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
Language 4.3—Use knowledge of language and its conventions when
writing, speaking, reading, or listening.
Language 4.4—Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and
multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 4 reading and
content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
Language 4.5—Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word
relationships, and nuances in word meanings.

4 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

How to Use This Book (cont.)
Below is a list of overarching themes, corresponding weekly themes, and the writing standards that
students will encounter throughout this book. For each overarching theme, students will interact
with mentor texts in the odd week and then apply their learning by writing their own pieces in the
even week. Note: The writing prompt for each week can be found on pages 7–8. You may wish to
display the prompts in the classroom for students to reference throughout the appropriate weeks.

Weekly Themes Standards
Writing 4.2—Write informative/explanatory
Week 1: Hieroglyphics
Ancient Egypt texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and
Week 2: Pyramids
information clearly.
Writing 4.1—Write opinion pieces on topics
International Week 3: Hurling
or texts, supporting a point of view with
Sports Week 4: Cricket
reasons and information.
Writing 4.3—Write narratives to develop
Week 5: Cupcakes real or imagined experiences or events using
Week 6: Ice Cream effective technique, descriptive details, and
clear event sequences.
Writing 4.2—Write informative/explanatory
Week 7: Skeleton
Human Body texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and
Week 8: Muscles
information clearly.
Writing 4.1—Write opinion pieces on topics
Week 9: Morse Code
Communication or texts, supporting a point of view with
Week 10: Telegrams
reasons and information.
Writing 4.2—Write informative/explanatory
Week 11: Great Danes
Dog Breeds texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and
Week 12: Chihuahuas
information clearly.
Writing 4.3—Write narratives to develop
Week 13: Yosemite real or imagined experiences or events using
National Parks
Week 14: Grand Canyon effective technique, descriptive details, and
clear event sequences.
Writing 4.3—Write narratives to develop
Week 15: Four Square real or imagined experiences or events using
Recess Games
Week 16: Kickball effective technique, descriptive details, and
clear event sequences.
Week 17: The Wright Writing 4.2—Write informative/explanatory
Brothers texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and
Week 18: Henry Ford information clearly.

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 5

How to Use This Book (cont.)

Weekly Themes Standards
Writing 4.3—Write narratives to develop
Week 19: Snowboarding real or imagined experiences or events using
Winter Sports
Week 20: Ice Skating effective technique, descriptive details, and
clear event sequences.
Writing 4.1—Write opinion pieces on topics
Week 21: Mozart
Composers or texts, supporting a point of view with
Week 22: Beethoven
reasons and information.
Writing 4.2—Write informative/explanatory
Week 23: Asteroids
Space texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and
Week 24: Comets
information clearly.
Writing 4.1—Write opinion pieces on topics
Week 25: Solar Energy
Clean Energy or texts, supporting a point of view with
Week 26: Turbines
reasons and information.
Week 27: Mount Everest Writing 4.1—Write opinion pieces on topics
Mountain Peaks Week 28: Mount or texts, supporting a point of view with
Kilimanjaro reasons and information.
Writing 4.2—Write informative/explanatory
Week 29: Sculpture
Art texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and
Week 30: Painting
information clearly.
Week 31: Steam Engine Writing 4.1—Write opinion pieces on topics
Trains Trains or texts, supporting a point of view with
Week 32: Bullet Trains reasons and information.
Writing 4.3—Write narratives to develop
Week 33: Eiffel Tower
European real or imagined experiences or events using
Week 34: Leaning Tower
Monuments effective technique, descriptive details, and
of Pisa
clear event sequences.
Writing 4.3—Write narratives to develop
Week 35: Camping real or imagined experiences or events using
Summer Fun
Week 36: Swimming effective technique, descriptive details, and
clear event sequences.

6 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

How to Use This Book (cont.)

Weekly Setup
Write each prompt on the board throughout the appropriate week. Students should reference the
prompts as they work through the activity pages so that they stay focused on the topics and the right
genre of writing: opinion, informative/explanatory, and narrative. You may wish to print copies
of this chart from the digital resources (filename: G4_writingprompts.pdf ) and distribute them to
students to keep throughout the school year.

Week Prompt Week Prompt

Describe what Egyptian hieroglyphics are. Write a paragraph about Great Danes.
1 Include what they look like and how they Include specific facts about the breed,
are created. including their physical characteristics,
breed history, and personality.
Explain why pyramids in Egypt were built.
2 Include what can be found in pyramids and Write a paragraph about Chihuahuas.
what they are made of. Include specific facts about the breed,
including their physical characteristics,
There are many aspects to the sport hurling. breed history, and personality.
3 Explain your opinions on the rules and the
players involved in the sport. Imagine someone is hiking in Yosemite.
Describe the experience, including details
There are many aspects to the sport cricket. about how the person feels and what the
4 Explain your opinions on the rules and the scenery looks like.
players involved in the sport.
Imagine you are taking a tour of the Grand
Describe a time when you ate a cupcake. Canyon on horseback. Describe the
5 Include what the cupcake looked like and experience, including details about how you
how it felt, tasted, and smelled. feel and what the scenery looks like.

Describe a time you were eating an Write about a time when you played four
ice cream cone. Include what the ice square. Describe the experience, including
6 15
cream looked like and how it felt, tasted, details about whom you played with and
and smelled. how the game went.

Describe the human skeleton. Include Write about a time when you played
7 details about some of a skeleton’s bones and kickball. Describe the experience, including
what their functions are. details about whom you played with and
how the game went.
Explain what human muscles are. Include
8 Write about the Wright Brothers’ first flight.
some types of muscles and their functions?
17 Include facts about where and when the
flight took place.
Do you think Morse code is useful? Explain
9 why or why not. Include benefits and
disadvantages to support your opinion. Write about the production of Henry
Ford’s Model-T car. Include facts about the
Model-T and the employees who helped
Would you rather receive a telegram or
make the cars.
10 an email? Explain why you would want to
receive one over the other.

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 7

How to Use This Book (cont.)

Week Prompt Week Prompt

Describe a time when someone goes Describe what ice sculptures are. Include
snowboarding for the first time. Include 29 details that explain how ice sculptures are
details of the experience and how the created.
character feels.
Describe what abstract art is. Include facts
Describe a time when a fourth grader goes about what abstract art looks like.
ice skating for the first time. Include details
of the experience and how the character Do you think steam engine trains are a good
feels. 31 thing or a bad thing? Explain your opinion
and why you feel the way you do.
Should Mozart have been required to
perform for royalty? Explain why you feel Should the United States construct its own
the way that you do. Include advantages 32 bullet trains? Explain your opinion and why
and disadvantages to support your opinion. you feel the way you do.

Should Beethoven’s classical music still Imagine a time when a student visits the
be taught today? Explain why you think 33 Eiffel Tower. Include details that describe
Beethoven’s music should or should not be how the student felt and what he or she saw.
taught today.
Imagine a time when a student visits the
Write about what an asteroid looks like. Leaning Tower of Pisa. Include details that
23 Include facts that tell about the parts of an 34
describe how the student felt and what he
asteroid. or she saw.

Write about what a comet looks like. Imagine a time you went camping.
24 Include facts that tell about the parts of a 35 Describe the experience, including what
comet. you did and whom you went camping with.

Do you think solar energy is a good thing or Imagine a time you went swimming.
a bad thing? Write your opinion and why 36 Describe the experience, including where
you feel the way you do. Include advantages you swam and whom you swam with.
and disadvantages to support your opinion.

Do you think turbines should be used to

26 collect wind energy? Write your opinion
and why you feel the way you do.

Do you think people younger than 18

should be allowed to climb Mount Everest?
Explain your opinion. Include facts that
support your opinion.

Would you climb Mount Kilimanjaro?

28 Explain the reasons for why you would or
would not climb Mount Kilimanjaro.

8 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

How to Use This Book (cont.)

Using the Practice Pages

The activity pages provide practice and assessment opportunities for each day of the school year.
Teachers may wish to prepare packets of weekly practice pages for the classroom or for homework.
As outlined on pages 5–6, each two-week unit is aligned to one writing standard. Note: Before
implementing each week’s activity pages, review the corresponding prompt on pages 7–8 with
students and have students brainstorm thoughts about each topic.

On odd weeks, students practice the daily skills Week 1


using mentor texts. On even weeks, students use 1 Name: _____________________________ Date:___________________

what they have learned in the previous week and

Directions: Read the sentences about Egyptian hieroglyphics. Place check
marks next to the sentences that have specific information about hieroglyphics.

apply it to their own writing.

_____ Hieroglyphics use symbols and pictures.

_____ Symbols point to the beginning of a line to let the reader

know where to start reading.

_____ The writing contains no punctuation.

Each day focuses on one of the steps in the writing _____ Egyptians believed cats were sacred and lucky animals.

process: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and _____ There are more than 700 symbols.

_____ Both men and women wore makeup.

publishing. _____ The Rosetta Stone helped people learn how to read
the symbols.

_____ Egyptians wrote hieroglyphics on paper called papyrus.

There are 18 overarching themes. Each odd week

and the following even week focus on unique 14 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

themes that fit under one overarching theme. For

a list of the overarching themes and individual
weekly themes, see pages 5–6.
Rubive ric infotsrm Rub atric ive/Explan
WritNar ingrat Wri ting den
h row . Stu

Using the Resources circling

er in eac
one numb total . Wri in each
circling one numberti ngrow .Ru

wo rk in each cat
ego ry by
s: Evaluate
and up to
15 in
s ctio
ns: Evalby
rtun row
uate students15 points total .
rit up to ’ work in each
ints in ities to each score up to five points itiesW
ing to score up to five cate
gory by circling
te studen havepoopportun Develop
ns: Evalua score up to five that is points in each one
row and up to number in each row . Stud
Directio to riting opinion Developing Writing
rtunities Qu ality Wnal Writing unclear Writing
States an Quality
Excepti topic . 15 points total ents
have oppo ing
Exceptio relevant relevant
to theona l WritingFails to identify the topic of .
not fully
nal Writ an opinio
n that is the topic of the Quality Wri
Clear ting
States the topic of the ly states the story or maintain focus

Identifies e the topic

nion tha
t is ic .
topand maintains the focus story, but
purp has
es littl
some trouble
trat osefully devel
intende d and Developing
es an opi to the
story Demons ing
maintaining the of the
focus ops itce . States the
throughout writing .
the topic
and devel Writing
Clearly stat the topic . throu
understand ghou the pie ops it

The following resources will be helpful to students

throughout the writing .
e e ofwriti
twriting .
the throughout the Does not state
trates som thepos
Focus and Organization

to d throughout or pur ng . writing . the topic and/

relevant Demons ing of the intende audience Does not develop strong

or develop it
erstand clear settings, of a strong Demonstrates Demplot, characters . throughout the
r undDevelops purpose settings, onstror writing .

lude anclear
Focus and Org

trates clea d ce and unde inc

Develops settings, a plot, and ates some
Demons ing of the intende aud ienand
plot, interesting characters . Does not rstan ading
bodof y, or a
the intended understanding
d Organiz

erst and of ce . characters .

audie ctio n, of the intended
and pur
pose the pie introdu nce . and purpose of audiencees
Demonstrat andlittle
purpose of Demonstrates

as they complete the activity pages. Print copies

audience es clear inc lud es the
clu sion
piece . the piece ing of the intended little
Demonstrat as and con understand . unde rstanding of
the piece . anizes ide y, and a Demonstrates some
understand ing of the intended
ction, a bod of of the intended audience or purpose of the piece . audience or purp the intended
a purpos an introduand purpose Organizesing
understand the informatio Organizes the ose of the piece
ideas in audience
0 of n into informatiothe .
Organizes ludes an clusion . audience
a well-supp and purpose
Focus an

conpiece .
the orted intro into an intro
Provides of clarity
lack ducti in n Fails to organ
y, 1, and ducti
way and n, a detailed bod the
body piece .
conclusion .unvarieon, d conclusion .middle,on, body, and
and/or into an intro
ize the informatio

of these resources and provide them to students to

2 beginning, n
introductio sion . Engages the
3 reader fromPoin the ts s a lim ited or an conclusion . conc lusio
duction, body
, or
clu Use an interesting opening, n .
and a con 4 opening hook through the .
voc lary5 .
abustory, a conclusion . 4
voc abu a strong and 3
Uses atobro
middle theadconclusion . Uses descriptive and or a
onsiste2nt 0 2
Points es an inc preci se 1 1

and precise voice languPro agevid3with Uses a broad

criptive 5a consistent 4 ing clarit
andytonande . vocabulary . 0

keep at their desks.

Uses des ity and Maintains ts a tone and feel intenwea tion .k voice Uses a limited or an unvaried Uses a limite
with clar suppor and Uses a broad vocabulary .variation inMaintains d or an unva
language anddescriptive precise no vocabulary . ried
Uses language . es little to length .
vocabulary . a consistent voice

n . Maintains
intentio through
Written Exp

and language with clarity and Provida consi stent

e and voice
and supports
Written Expression

typ voice and throu tone

ent voice and usesMaintains
an sen aceconsistent
tenpriate and feelin
t or ga

ins a consist e that intention . sen ten ce length appro

supports a tone
tone and
thatfeeling gh langu
Provides inconsisten
anage . Provides an incon
Ma inta ton Varies supp and
orts meaning . sisten
ropriate ices . weak voice and tone . weak voice and t or a
uses an app aning . wo rd cho
Maintains a consistent voice and through language . Varie s sentence lengt tone .
supports tone that Uses multiple sentence choices .little to noand
wordProvides h variation in
es uses an appropriate typesand0 Provides little

tence typ and transVaries sentence length to no variation

ltiple sen othly supports meaning . itions 1smoothly sentence type and length . sentence type in
Uses mu between word choices .
ideas and length .

Rubrics for the three genres of writing (opinion,

sitions smo 2 .
and tran 3 Pointypes
Uses multiple sentence ts orrectly
ideas . 5Inc ctuates, and spe
lls .
between 4and transitions smoothly ates, and 4
punctu pun
between Cap italizes,
ideas . . Capitalizes, punc or run -on 3 2
d 0
Points urately tuate mente 2
s, and 1 1
ates, and spells acc spells accurately .3Use s frag Capitalizes, punc
, punctu 5 4 0

informative/explanatory, and narrative) can be

Capitalizes tely .Points sentences
tuates, and

complete and spells accur


. ately . capitalizes, Incorrectly capit


spells acc
ura onstrates and
Dempunctuates, tences
Dem onstrCapitalizes, punctuates, and ar overall Incorrectly
Capitalizes, within sen ates complete
poor gra
mm punctuates, and spells . punctuates, and
plete thoughts grammthoug withinaccurately .
ar . htsspells Utilizes Demonstrates spells .
trates com tences, spells accurately .

e sente nces, ided complete

Demons sen appropriat with accurate rly div
thoug or run-on

wit hin dsubje ct-ve are poo hts withi

Uses fragmented Uses fragm
thoughts te subject-verb
ide rbaphs n sentences and

agree mentdivDemonstrat complete
Paresagr appro sentences . ented or run-o

found on pages 202–204. Use the rubrics to assess

s are pro n

Demonstratesagr complete .
eloped . and priate sentences .

ura grammar .

with acc . Par aph sentences, thoughts within and dev sentences
thoughts within ported . Uses grammar . 0
and sup paragappropriate
raphs appropriate ParagraphsUtilizes poor grammar overall .
ely accurate subject-verband
with 1 ly are prop Utilizes poor
appropriat with clear and supported erly divided grammar overa
agraphs e . agreement . Poin 3
2 purpose . properly divided . ll .
Uses par r purpos Paragraphs are
h clea ts Paragraphs are poorly dividedParag raphs are poorly divid
and wit

students' writing at the end of each even week. Be

4 5 supported .
5 Uses paragraphs appropriately 4 and developed . and developed
and with clear purpose . 2
Po int s 2 1 0 1
4 3 0
Points Total Points:

sure to share these rubrics with students often so

ints:  Education
Total Po © Shell
Total Points:  
© Shell Educa
© Shell Education

that they know what is expected of them. 202

—180 Day
#51527—180 Days of Writing
s of Writing
Days of Writi

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 9

How to Use This Book (cont.)

Using the Resources (cont.) The Writing Process

The Writing Process can be found on page 208 and in Step 1: Prewriting

the digital resources (filename: G4_writing_process.pdf ). Think about the topic . Brainstorm ideas, and plan what
you want to include in your writing .

Step 2: Drafting

Students can reference each step of the writing process Use your brainstormed ideas to write a first draft .
Don’t worry about errors . This will be a rough draft .

Step 3: Revising

as they move through each week. Read your rough draft . Think about the vocabulary you
used and how your writing is organized . Then, make the
appropriate changes to improve your written piece .

Step 4: Editing
Reread your revised draft . Check for errors in spelling,
punctuation, and grammar . Use editing marks to correct
the errors .

Step 5: Publishing
Create a final version of your piece, including the
corrections from the edited version . Be sure to reread
your work for any errors .

Editing Marks Editing Marks can be found

Symbol Names

capitalization symbol

david gobbled up the grapes.

on page 209 and in the digital 208 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

lowercase symbol
My mother hugged Me when I Came
Home. resources (filename: G4_
editing_marks.pdf ). Students
insert period symbol The clouds danced in the sky

check spelling symbol I laffed at the story.

transpose symbol

insert symbol
How you are?

Would you pass the pizza?

may need to reference this
insert comma symbol
I have two cats, two dogs and a
page as they work on the
insert quotations symbol That's amazing, she shouted. Peer/Self-Editing Checklist
deletion symbol
Will you call call me on the phone

… in the tree. After lunch, I spent the

editing activities (Day 4s). Directions: Place a check mark in front of each item as you check it.

new paragraph symbol


# add space symbol I ran tothe tree.

q The writing clearly states an opinion.

(opinion writing only)

q The writing clearly states the topic.

(informative/explanatory writing only)
© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 209

q The writing has an engaging beginning.

If you wish to have students q The writing includes details to support the

q The writing has a strong conclusion.

peer or self-edit their writing, a q The writing follows a logical order.

Peer/Self-Editing Checklist is
q Lots of interesting words are used.

q Words are capitalized correctly.

provided in the digital resources q Words are spelled correctly.

q There is correct punctuation.

(filename: G4_peer_checklist.pdf ). #51534—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Writing Signs for each of the writing genres Writing Tips pages for each of the writing
are on pages 213–215 and in the digital genres can be found on pages 210–212
resources (filename: G4_writing_signs.pdf ). and in the digital resources (filename: G4_
Hang the signs up during the appropriate writing_tips.pdf ). Students can reference the
two‑week units to remind students which appropriate Writing Tips pages as they work
type of writing they are focusing on. through the weeks.

g Tips mativ lanatory Narrative

Writin Infor er . . . e/exp Writing Tip
Opinion Rememb
Writi ng Tips
Ask yoursel
f... s
your Rem ember . . .
urse lf . . . can back up Am I the Remembe r...
Ask yo . . examples.
sure you .cific
Ask spe
with story told from character? Is the You are in the
in my
ng belief ce opinion my point of
view? you are, what story, telling where
e a stro about
Do I hav that I can con e?
vin Make sure to include facts are with, and you see, who you
opinion believe the sam Do I provide enough information a the topic in your writing so what you do.
stion or the reader is informed.
to on the topic?in with a que t includes
Beg tha
tement Does my story
bold sta have a hook
in a way nion. Include an
opinion your opi ? excit
stated my der’s attentio
n? sentence that ing introductory
Have I want to conti makes the reader
bs the rea solid Choose one aspect of the
that gra the focus
at lea of e
st thre should
nue reading.
Have I narrowed
Include reader that you want to write about.
y the Does
the topic?reasons wh my story
son s with you. have a begin make sense and
st three
rea agree an end?
ning, a midd
le, and Do not boun
I have at lea my opinion? on
ce around.
a logical orde Focus
Do facts for by r of how the
based on followed Begin with a strong topic
must be happened.
reason mple.
Each have sentence that grabs the
Does my writing ngaexa hook? Am I using attention.
mple for one stro my
reader’s transitions
to connect
e an exa hen s thoug hts and help the
Do I hav son that strengt flow? writing Use transition
each rea ent? us on
und. Foc next, then, words like first,
my argum nce aro t each another, and
Don’t bouorder to presen Do not bounce around. Present finally.
a logica mple. each topic sentence at the
and exain a
presented Am I including
order to Is my information
reason beginning of a paragraph and
e a logical logical order? sensory langu rich details and Use
Do I hav ? t, inadd details.
age to help lots of adjec
like firsre in the reader’s paint a incorporate tives, and
my wri ting wo rds figurative langu
sition son, and mind? such as meta
Use tran to, another rea phor s
n to make your and similes,
ns to additio ortant. that story come
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ng smoot ts and helpHave I includedmo enough
makes the reader want to
Am I usi ugh will be Does my conc
t my tho information that the reader morelusio
about the subject.
n summ
connec more? the main r idea? arize Incorporate
flow? interested in learning even res tate you a sentence
writing forget to that reflects or
Do not l senten
ce. on what you two
in the fina written. have
n restate
conclusio written.
Does my n? Have I used Revisit what you have
my opinio Have I used correct spelling, grammar, e written
. ctcheck
Then, for mistakes.
grammar, and punctuationwhat you hav es.and punctuation? Revisit what
isit tak you have writte
Rev ck for mis Then, chec
Then, che k for mistakes. n.
213 lling,
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© Shell 527— 180 Days
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214 #51527—180 Days of Writing #51527—18 © Shell Education

0 Days of Writing of Writing © Shell Educat
215 180 Days ion
Education #51527—
© Shell

10 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

How to Use This Book (cont.)

Diagnostic Assessment
Teachers can use the practice pages as diagnostic assessments. The data analysis tools included
with the book enable teachers or parents to quickly score students’ work and monitor their progress.
Teachers and parents can quickly see which writing skills students may need to target further to
develop proficiency.

After students complete each two-week unit, score each students’ even week Day 5 published piece
using the appropriate, genre-specific rubric (pages 202–204). Then, complete the Practice Page
Item Analysis (pages 205–207) that matches the writing genre. These charts are also provided in
the digital resources (filenames: G4_opinion_analysis.pdf, G4_inform_analysis.pdf, G4_narrative_
analysis.pdf ). Teachers can input data into the electronic files directly on the computer, or they can
print the pages and analyze students’ work using paper and pencil.

To Complete the Practice Page Item Analyses:

• Write or type students’ names in the far-left column. Depending on the number of students,
more than one copy of the form may be needed or you may need to add rows.

• The weeks in which the particular writing genres are the focus are indicated across the tops of
the charts. Note: Students are only assessed on the even weeks, therefore the odd weeks are
not included on the charts.

• For each student, record his or her rubric score in

the appropriate column.

• Add the scores for each student after

they’ve focused on a particular writing Info
g Ana lytive
rma rratato
sis /Ex ry
ive Writing
Writin Writing Analysis Analysis
genre twice. Place that sum in the far right Opinion
ative genre and ks and record the

Total Scores

Total Scores

(2) how stud

e/explanatory genre and (2)

column. Use these scores as benchmarks to

totals every two weeks and record
tal Score
and record ts
w studen


determine how each student is performing.

totals ever y two

the totals genre and (2) ho

o weeks



This allows for three benchmarks during

every tw

nding the narr

are not understanding the informativ

which students opriate columns . Add the


the opini


appropriate columns . Add the

the year that you can use to gather formative


are not understa

e/explanatory genre .
appropria t understanding
ns . Add


diagnostic data.
te colum


the appr


encounters with the informativ
dents are

(page 204) in
You can view: (1) which students

e .
s rubric score (page 203) in the

narrative genr


can view: (1)

s rubric score

d each stu umn . You can on genre .



unters with the

view: (1)
res (page

om Score
column . You

Average Classroom Score

rd each student’
Directio the Total Scores nters with the op


Student Nam

m Score
multiple enco
Directions: Record each student’
dent’s rub

sums in the Total Scores column .

Total Scores


le encou


Average Clas
progress after
sums in the

how students
ns: Recor



s of Writing
—180 Day
s in

© Shell Educa
tion #51527
the sum

© Shell Education

206 #51527—180 Days of Writing #51527—180

Days of Writi
Education 207
© Shell

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 11

How to Use This Book (cont.)

Using the Results to Differentiate Instruction

Once results are gathered and analyzed, teachers can use the results to inform the way they
differentiate instruction. The data can help determine which writing types are the most difficult for
students and which students need additional instructional support and continued practice.

Whole-Class Support
The results of the diagnostic analysis may show that the entire class is struggling with a particular
writing genre. If these concepts have been taught in the past, this indicates that further instruction
or reteaching is necessary. If these concepts have not been taught in the past, this data is a great
preassessment and may demonstrate that students do not have a working knowledge of the
concepts. Thus, careful planning for the length of the unit(s) or lesson(s) must be considered, and
additional front-loading may be required.

Small-Group or Individual Support

The results of the diagnostic analysis may show that an individual student or a small group of
students is struggling with a particular writing genre. If these concepts have been taught in the past,
this indicates that further instruction or reteaching is necessary. Consider pulling these students
aside to instruct them further on the concept(s), while others are working independently. Students
may also benefit from extra practice using games or computer-based resources. Teachers can also
use the results to help identify individual students or groups of proficient students who are ready
for enrichment or above-grade-level instruction. These students may benefit from independent
learning contracts or more challenging activities.

Digital Resources
Reference page 216 for information about accessing the digital resources and an overview of
the contents.

12 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Standards Correlations
Shell Education is committed to producing educational materials that are research and standards
based. In this effort, we have correlated all of our products to the academic standards of all
50 states, the District of Columbia, the Department of Defense Dependents Schools, and all
Canadian provinces.

How to Find Standards Correlations

To print a customized correlation report of this product for your state, visit our website at and follow the on-screen directions. If you require
assistance in printing correlation reports, please contact our Customer Service Department at

Purpose and Intent of Standards

Legislation mandates that all states adopt academic standards that identify the skills students will
learn in kindergarten through grade twelve. Many states also have standards for Pre-K. This same
legislation sets requirements to ensure the standards are detailed and comprehensive.

Standards are designed to focus instruction and guide adoption of curricula. Standards are
statements that describe the criteria necessary for students to meet specific academic goals. They
define the knowledge, skills, and content students should acquire at each level. Standards are also
used to develop standardized tests to evaluate students’ academic progress.

Teachers are required to demonstrate how their lessons meet state standards. State standards are
used in the development of all of our products, so educators can be assured they meet the academic
requirements of each state.

The activities in this book are aligned to today’s national and state-specific college and career
readiness standards. The chart on page 4 lists the writing and language standards used throughout
this book. A more detailed chart on pages 5–6 correlates the specific writing standards to
each week.

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 13

Week 1

1 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read the sentences about Egyptian hieroglyphics. Place check

marks next to the sentences that have specific information about hieroglyphics.

_____ Hieroglyphics use symbols and pictures.

_____ Symbols point to the beginning of a line to let the reader

know where to start reading.

_____ The writing contains no punctuation.

_____ Egyptians believed cats were sacred and lucky animals.

_____ There are more than 700 symbols.

_____ Both men and women wore makeup.

_____ The Rosetta Stone helped people learn how to read

the symbols.

_____ Egyptians wrote hieroglyphics on paper called papyrus.

14 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 1

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 2
Directions: Read the paragraph about Egyptian hieroglyphics. Underline any
sentences that are not complete.

Ancient Egyptian writing is called

hieroglyphics. Over 700 symbols! The

writing can be read in any direction,

so the animal and people symbols

always look toward the beginning of

each line. This way, the reader knows

where to start. Contains no punctuation.

Hieroglyphics were a mystery until the

Rosetta Stone was found in 1799. With

Greek and Egyptian written side by side.

Finally, people could read about the

Egyptian culture!

Cursive Practice

Directions: Use cursive to write Ancient Egypt on the top line. Then, use cursive
to write one question you have about hieroglyphics.




© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 15

Week 1

3 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read each sentence fragment about hieroglyphics. Rewrite them as

complete sentences on the lines below.

1. Beautiful to look at.




2. Early paper called papyrus.



3. Hard to understand.



4. Important Rosetta Stone.



Boost Your Learning!

A complete sentence needs a subject and a predicate.

The subject is who or what the sentence is about.
The predicate is what the subject is or does.

Example: Ancient Egypt is interesting.

(subject) (predicate)

16 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 1

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 4
Directions: Use the symbol to show which words should be capitalized and
the symbol to show which words should be lowercase.

1. Egypt is in nor theastern africa.

2. Makeup protected the people’s Faces from the sun.

3. The nile River was impor tant for Egyptian crops.

4. Ancient Egyptians used Toothpaste.

5. The Rosetta Stone was found by french soldiers.

6. The Egyptian Leader was called a pharaoh.

Boost Your Learning!

All proper nouns should be capitalized. If a letter should

be capitalized, underline it three times. If a letter should
be lowercase, put a line through it.

Example: The egyptians used Symbols to write.

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 17

Week 1

5 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Reread the paragraph. Think about how you can improve it based
on what you have practiced throughout the week. On the lines below, write three
suggestions for how the author could improve the paragraph.

Ancient Egyptian writing is called This week I learned:

hieroglyphics. Over 700 symbols! The • to include only relevant

writing can be read in any direction, so
• how to find and correct
the animal and people symbols always sentence fragments
look toward the beginning of each line. • how to use correct
This way, the reader knows where

to start. Contains no punctuation.

Hieroglyphics were a mystery until the

Rosetta Stone was found in 1799. With

Greek and Egyptian written side by

side. Finally, people could read about

the Egyptian culture!








18 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 2

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 1
Directions: Read the information about ancient Egyptian pyramids. Complete
the graphic organizer with the four notes about how the pyramids were used.

• The structures were intended to protect the pharaohs’ bodies forever.

• Over 130 pyramids have been found.
• Pyramids were filled with items and treasures needed for the afterlife.
• The pharaohs were buried in the pyramids.
• It took over 20 years to build each pyramid.
• Family members and servants were sometimes buried in the pyramids.

Why the
Were Built

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 19

Week 2

2 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Explain why pyramids in Egypt were built. Include what can be found
in pyramids and what they are made of. Use the graphic organizer from page 19
to help you draft your informative/explanatory paragraph.








A strong informative/explanatory
________________________________ paragraph should include:
________________________________ • a topic sentence

________________________________ • details to support the

main idea
________________________________ • a concluding sentence

Cursive Practice

Directions: Use cursive to write one interesting fact from your paragraph.



20 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 2

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 3
Directions: Read each sentence. If it is a sentence fragment, put F. If it is a
run‑on, put RO. Rewrite the incorrect sentences.

_____ 1. The pyramids were built on the west side of the Nile River it is known

as the land of the dead.



_____ 2. Built of limestone by thousands of workers.



_____ 3. The Sphinx had the head of a pharaoh it had the body of a lion.



Boost Your Learning!

Time to Improve!
A run-on sentence has two sentences
smashed together without proper punctuation. Look at the paragraph
To fix it, you can: you wrote on page
20 about pyramids.
• split it into two separate sentences Look for any sentence
• use a comma and a conjunction word fragments or run-on
such as and, but, and or sentences. If you find
one, revise it!

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 21

Week 2

4 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read the paragraph. Use the or symbols to correct the

capitalization errors.

The pharaoh Tutankhamun,

or “king tut,” is the most famous

Pharaoh of egypt. He became king

at only nine years old and ruled

until his death at age 18. His tomb

was found in 1922 by an english

Archaeologist named howard

Carter. King Tut’s cause of death is

uncertain. Some think he died of a

head injury, but most likely he died of

an infection caused by a broken leg.

The tomb was full of Treasures and

Artifacts and taught archaeologists a

lot about ancient Egypt.

Remember! Time to Improve!

All proper nouns should be capitalized. All Reread the paragraph
regular nouns should be lowercase. you wrote on page 20
about pyramids. Look for
Example: egypt has a lot of History. any capitalization errors.
Correct any that you find.

22 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 2

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 5
Directions: Explain why pyramids in Egypt were built. Include what can be found
in pyramids and what they are made of.















© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 23

Week 3

1 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read the sentences about hurling, a popular sport in Ireland. The
information needs to be organized. If the sentence is about rules, put an R next
to it. If it is about scoring, put an S. If it is about players, put a P.

_____ 1. Players can catch and carry the ball in their hands.

_____ 2. All players are considered amateurs because there are no

professional leagues.

_____ 3. Players must pass the ball by hitting it with their hurlies, or sticks,
kicking it with their feet, or swatting it with their hands.

_____ 4. A team scores three points by getting the ball into the goal, which
is similar to a soccer net.

_____ 5. Players do not get paid and play for pride and their love of the game.

_____ 6. One point is given if a team gets the ball over the bar at the top of
the net.

24 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 3

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 2
Directions: Read the paragraph. It has supporting facts about hurling but needs
an opinion. Draft an opinion sentence to go after each fact on the lines below.
The first one is done for you.

(1) Players can pass the ball

using their hurley sticks, feet, or

hands. (2) There are two different

ways to score: into the net for three

points, or over the bar at the top of

the net for one point. (3) There are

no professional hurling leagues, so

the players do not get paid. Hurling

is a fun and action-packed sport.


Passing the ball in so many different ways makes hurling more interesting than
1. ____________________________________________________________

other sports.

2. ____________________________________________________________



3. ____________________________________________________________



© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 25

Week 3

3 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Write the plural form of each noun.

player _____________________ stick _____________________


net _____________________ helmet _____________________

sport _____________________ ball _____________________

hurley _____________________ team _____________________

bail _____________________ hand _____________________

Directions: Write two sentences using at least three plural nouns from above.

1. ____________________________________________________________



2. ____________________________________________________________



Boost Your Learning!

To make most nouns plural, add -s to the ends of the

words. If a noun ends with a -y, change the -y to -i and
add -es.

point ➔ points
buddy ➔ buddies

26 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 3

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 4
Directions: Read the sentences. Each one contains a helping verb and a main
verb. Circle the helping verbs and underline the main verbs.

1. Players may hit the ball with hurley sticks.

2. Hurlers must run fast to play this sport.

3. Teams may earn up to three points with one score.

4. A player must have fast reflexes in hurling.

5. The amateur players may receive money.

Boost Your Learning!

A main verb tells the main action in a sentence.

Examples: speak, jump, run

A helping verb helps extend the meaning of the

main verb.
Examples: should, could, must, will, may, might

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 27

Week 3

5 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Revisit the paragraph. Use what you have learned throughout the
week to write a final version of it.

Players can pass the ball using their hurley sticks, feet, or hands. There

are two different ways to score: into the net for three points, or over the bar at

the top of the net for one point. There are no professional hurling leagues, so

the players do not get paid. Hurling is a fun and action-packed sport.











This week I learned:
• to organize my ideas
• how to add opinions
• how to use helping verbs
___________________________________ • how to spell plural nouns

28 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 4

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 1
Directions: Cricket is a game similar to baseball. Read the chart that compares
the two sports. Then, complete the questions below.

Cricket Baseball

• 11 players • 9 players
• games last six hours to five days • games last about three hours
• batsmen wear helmets and pads • batters wear helmets, gloves,
on the legs and chest and optional shin pads
• bats are long, wide, and flat • bats are long, round like a baton,
and tapered at the end
• popular in England, India,
Pakistan, Australia, and • popular in the United States,
New Zealand Canada, the Caribbean, Japan,
and the Philippines

1. Which sport would you rather play?


2. Give three ideas to support your opinion.

• ____________________________________________________________


• ____________________________________________________________


• ____________________________________________________________


© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 29

Week 4

2 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: There are many aspects to the sport of cricket. Explain your opinions
on the rules and the players involved in the sport. Use your notes from page 29
to help you draft your opinion paragraph.









To write a strong opinion
_________________________________ paragraph, remember to include:

_________________________________ • an introductory sentence

stating your opinion
• support for your opinion
_________________________________ • a concluding sentence

Cursive Practice

Directions: Use cursive to write a sentence about something you enjoy doing.



30 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 4

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 3
Directions: Rewrite each sentence correctly using the plural form of each
underlined noun. Note: Two verbs will have to change to match the plural nouns.

1. Joseph will write his essay about the rule of cricket.



2. The lady brings the baby to watch cricket.



3. The victory belongs to the player.




To make most nouns plural,

add -s. If a noun ends in a
-y, change the -y to -i and
add -es.

Time to Improve!

Reread the opinion paragraph you wrote on page 30. Look for any misspelled
words, especially plural nouns. Correct any mistakes you find.

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 31

Week 4

4 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read the paragraph. Circle any helping verbs you find.

Every four years, cricket teams from


around the world compete in the Cricket

World Cup. Players must battle on the

field in the hope that they might be

crowned world champions. England

hosted the first three tournaments in 1975,

1979, and 1983. Officials knew everyone

should have the opportunity to host the

World Cup, so India and Pakistan hosted

in 1987. The modern Cricket World Cup

trophy was designed in 1999. Before that,

each trophy would have been a unique

design. Now, each Cup trophy is identical

except that the winning team’s name is

engraved on it.

Time to Improve!
Reread the opinion paragraph
A helping verb helps extend you wrote on page 30. Are
the meaning of the main verb. any helping verbs included? If
Examples: can, could, may, might, so, make sure they are used
will, would, must, shall, should, and properly and make sense.
ought to

32 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 4

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 5
Directions: There are many aspects to the sport cricket. Explain your opinions
on the rules and the players involved in the sport.




















© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 33

Week 5

1 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read the sensory details about cupcakes. Then, copy each detail
into the correct column on the table. Add some of your own sensory details, too!

Sensory Details
pink frosting vanilla lit candle sugar
crinkly wrapper sprinkles chocolate moist
sticky frosting warm large sweet

See Taste/Smell Feel

34 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 5

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 2
Directions: Read the narrative paragraph about a cupcake. Underline the
sensory details.

As everyone finished singing, Jada

looked at the cupcake sitting in front of

her. A lit, glowing candle sat in the middle

of the sprinkles scattered on the icing.

After making her wish and blowing out

the candle, Jada peeled back the crinkly

wrapper. A bit of frosting stuck to her lip

as she bit into the chocolate cake. It was

sweet and delicious. She noticed her

friends were all enjoying their cupcakes, as

well. Breathing in the scent of vanilla, she

took another bite. Jada enjoyed every bite

of her birthday cupcake.

Cursive Practice

Directions: Use cursive to write the word cupcakes. Then, use cursive to write
three ingredients you might need to bake some cupcakes.

______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 35

Week 5

3 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Rewrite each boring sentence by adding adjectives and

sensory details.

Boring: I smell the baking cookies. Boring: I hear the oven timer.

New and Improved: New and Improved:

Boring: I touch the cookie sheet. Boring: I see the sprinkles.

New and Improved: New and Improved:

Boost Your Learning!

When focusing on sensory details, you want the

reader to imagine what the topic looks, smells,
tastes, sounds, and feels like. Adjectives, words
that describe or modify something or someone,
are a great way to make your writing come to life!

Example: I taste the cookie can be changed to

I taste the delicious and gooey cookie.

36 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 5

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 4
Directions: Read each sentence. If it is declarative, write D on the line. If it is
imperative, write IM. If it is interrogative, write IN. If it is exclamatory, write E.
Then, add the correct punctuation mark to the end of each sentence.
_____ 1. The cupcakes are burning__

_____ 2. Can you open the oven door__

_____ 3. I can’t believe we ran out of eggs__

_____ 4. The spatula is in the drawer__

_____ 5. Wipe up the spilled milk__

_____ 6. How much longer should it bake__

_____ 7. Put the butter in the refrigerator__

_____ 8. The cookies should cool for 10 minutes__

Boost Your Learning!

Different types of sentences include:

Declarative—a telling sentence Imperative—a commanding

Example: The oven needs to be
preheated to 350 degrees. Example: Add sugar to the

Interrogative—an asking Exclamatory—an exciting

sentence sentence

Example: Would you like Example: This dessert is

chocolate or vanilla? delicious!

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 37

Week 5

5 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read the paragraph. Then, answer the question.

As everyone finished singing, Jada

This week I learned:

looked at the cupcake sitting in front of

• to include information
her. A lit candle sat in the middle of the about the topic
sprinkles scattered on the icing. After • how to use sensory
details and adjectives
making her wish and blowing out the
• how to identify different
candle, Jada peeled back the crinkly types of sentences

wrapper. She wondered what was inside

her biggest gift. A bit of frosting stuck

to her lip as she bit into the chocolate

cake. It was sweet and delicious. She

noticed her friends were all enjoying

their cupcakes, as well. Breathing in the

scent of vanilla, she took another bite.

Her mother began serving juice to the

guests. Jada enjoyed every bite of her

birthday cupcake.

1. Does the author stay on topic? How do you know?





38 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 6

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 1
Directions: Imagine eating an ice cream cone. Brainstorm sensory details to
describe the experience. Complete the graphic organizer with at least two details
in each box.

Ice Cream
see taste

Eating an
Ice Cream

feel smell

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 39

Week 6

2 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Describe a time you were eating an ice cream cone. Include what
the ice cream looked like and how it felt, tasted, and smelled. Use your notes on
page 39 to help you draft your narrative paragraph.
Ice Cream








A strong narrative paragraph:
• includes an introductory and
________________________________ a concluding sentence

• uses sensory details to

describe the experience
________________________________ • makes it sound like a story

Cursive Practice

Directions: Use cursive to complete the following sentence:

My favorite ice cream flavor is . . .


40 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 6

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 3
Directions: Read each jumbled sentence. Rewrite each one correctly on the
lines. The first word in each sentence is capitalized for you. Then, underline any
adjectives in the sentences.
1. warm and taste Crisp delicious cones

Ice Cream


2. days Frozen melts ice cream on hot



3. fun are fruity Strawberries choices



4. ingredients tasty flavors fresh Natural make and



Time to Improve!

Reread the narrative you wrote

on page 40. See if there are any
places you can add adjectives to
bring your sensory details to life! If
you have more than one adjective
describing something, make sure
the words are in an order that
makes sense.

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 41

Week 6

4 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read the paragraph. Find four sentences that have the wrong
ending punctuation. Use the symbol to delete the incorrect punctuation and
the symbol to insert the correct punctuation.
Ice Cream

People eat ice cream cones

every day! But when was the cone

invented. Although several different

stories tell of its beginning, most

Americans believe the legend of the

1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis. A

street vendor curled a warm wafer

cookie into a cone shape and served

ice cream in it. This allowed people

to eat their ice cream on the go.

Though this may not have really been

the first time a cone was used, it

became very popular after this event.

Now, cones are everywhere. The next

time you have an ice cream cone,

remember the 1904 World’s Fair?

Time to Improve!

Reread the narrative paragraph you wrote on page 40 about eating ice cream.
Check that your sentences end with the correct punctuation marks. If there are
any errors, correct them.

42 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 6

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 5
Directions: Describe a time you were eating an ice cream cone. Include what
the ice cream looked like and how it felt, tasted, and smelled.

Ice Cream














© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 43

Week 7

1 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read the information in the web about the human skeleton. Place
check marks in the bubbles that relate to the topic.

Babies The
have 300 longest bone
bones, but in the body is the
adults have thighbone, which
206. is called the
The nose femur.
and ears
are made of

insects have
in the hands
and feet make Human
up over half of
the body’s Skeleton

have many
parts to their
Teeth bodies.
are not
part of the
The smallest
bone in the body
is in the ear. It is Birds
smaller than a have hollow
grain of rice. bones.

44 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 7

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 2
Directions: This informative/explanatory paragraph about the human skeleton
is missing something! Read the paragraph. Then, draft your own introductory
sentence and concluding sentence.

Introductory Sentence



When babies are born, they have around 300 bones. As they

grow, some bones fuse together. By adulthood, people have

206 bones. The longest bone is the thighbone, which is called

the femur. The stapes bone in the ear is the smallest bone. The

hands and feet have many bones. More than half of the body’s

bones are in these two locations alone!

Concluding Sentence



Cursive Practice

Directions: Write the following four bones in cursive: stapes, rib, skull, and pelvis.

______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 45

Week 7

3 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read the paragraph about the human skeleton. Choose the correct
linking phrases from the Linking Phrase Bank, and insert them into the paragraph
above the symbols.

Linking Phrase Bank

On the other hand, For example, In fact,

The human skeleton is fascinating. ^ when babies are born, they

have around 300 bones. As they grow, some bones fuse together.

By adulthood, people have 206 bones. The longest bone is the

thighbone, which is called the femur. ^ the stapes bone in the ear is
the smallest bone. The hands and feet have many bones. ^ more than

half of the body’s bones are in those two locations alone! The skeleton

provides support to the whole body.

Boost Your Learning!

Linking words help guide readers through your writing.

They make connections and link ideas together.
Example: Ribs are important ^ they protect organs.

46 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 7

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 4
Directions: Read the dictionary definitions for the word fuse. Then, answer
the questions.

fuse \fyooz\

1. noun. a device that causes electricity
to stop flowing if the current reaches
an unsafe level
2. noun. a string connected to an
explosive device (like a firecracker)
that is lit on fire
3. verb. to join different things together

1. Read this sentence: When babies are born, they have around 300 bones,
but as they grow, some bones fuse together. Which definition of the word
fuse is being used in this sentence? _____

2. Read this sentence: My dad had to go find the fuse box when the electricity
went out during the storm. Which definition of the word fuse is being used in
this sentence? _____

3. Write a sentence for the definition of fuse that has not been used yet.



© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 47

Week 7

5 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read the paragraph. Then, answer the questions.

When babies are born, they This week I learned:


have around 300 bones, but as they • to write introductory and

grow, some bones fuse together. By concluding sentences
• to use linking words
adulthood, people have 206 bones.

The longest bone is the thighbone,

which is called the femur. On the other

hand, the stapes bone in the ear is the

smallest bone. The hands and feet

have many bones. In fact, more than

half of the body’s bones are in these

two locations alone!

1. What is missing from this informative/explanatory paragraph?




2. Does this paragraph inform you about a topic? How?




48 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 8

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 1
Directions: Read the information about the three different types of muscles.
Place check marks in the bubbles that relate only to the three types of muscles.

used for

cover skeleton
prevented by
and move bones


Types of
layers of Muscles
lungs protected
muscle control
by ribs

smooth cardiac

fewer muscles
pumps the heart
to smile than
and blood

used for
involuntary only in the heart

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 49

Week 8

2 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Explain what human muscles are. Include some types of

muscles and their functions. Use the web from page 49 to help you draft your
informative/explanatory paragraph.








_________________________________ Remember!
_________________________________ A strong informative/explanatory
paragraph should include:
• only relevant information
_________________________________ • an introductory and a
concluding sentence
• details to support the topic

Cursive Practice

Directions: Use cursive to write one fact you know about muscles.



50 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 8

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 3
Directions: Read the sentences. Shade in the circle for the linking word or
phrase that sounds best in each sentence. Then, write it on the line.

Word Bank

since in addition to but
for example On the other hand

1. Exercising different muscles is important. ___________________________,

a person could do sit ups one day and push ups the next.

2. ___________________________ the heart beats all of the time, the cardiac

muscle never gets a rest.

3. Kicking uses voluntary muscles. ___________________________,

digesting food uses involuntary muscles.

4. It takes only 17 muscles to smile ___________________________ 43

muscles to frown.

5. ___________________________ making your muscles stronger, exercise

can also warm you up on a cold day.

Time to Improve!

Reread the paragraph you wrote on page 50. Does it have any linking words or
phrases? If not, see if you can add some to help guide the reader through your
writing. Use the ^ symbol to insert linking words or phrases.

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 51

Week 8

4 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read the definitions for the word body. Then, write a sentence for
each definition.

body \bah-dee\

1. noun. the bones, flesh, and

organs of a person or animal
2. noun. a large area of water
3. noun. the main part of
something written

Definition 1: �����������������������������������������������������



Definition 2: �����������������������������������������������������



Definition 3: �����������������������������������������������������


52 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 8

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 5
Directions: Explain what human muscles are. Include some types of muscles
and their functions.



















© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 53

Week 9

1 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read the information about Morse code. If the information is an

advantage of using Morse code, write an A on the line. If it is a disadvantage,
write a D.
Morse Code

_____ 1. secure communication because not everyone knows

Morse code

_____ 2. understood universally in all countries

_____ 3. slow compared to modern technology

_____ 4. Equipment is inexpensive.

_____ 5. Transmitting messages is easy.

_____ 6. Training is needed to send and receive messages.

_____ 7. time consuming to spell each word

54 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 9

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 2
Directions: Read the opinion paragraph about keeping Morse code in modern
times. Underline details that support the author’s opinion.

Morse Code
Though considered outdated by some people, Morse code should still

be used in modern times. Morse code was invented by Samuel Morse in

the 1830s. He sent the first message from Washington, D.C., to Baltimore.

Communicating through this code is fairly secure. Because not everyone

knows it, it is unlikely the message will fall into the wrong hands. The

equipment is inexpensive and transmitting messages is easy. It is slow

and time-consuming, though. Morse code is used all over the world and is

understood by receivers in all countries, no matter what language they speak.

There are many great things about modern technology, but Morse code still

has a place in today’s communication.

Cursive Practice

Directions: Use cursive to write Morse code on the top line. Then, use cursive to
write the words send and receive on the bottom lines.


______________________________ ______________________________
© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 55
Week 9

3 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read the sentences. The underlined words could use context clues
to better understand them. Rewrite the sentences to include context clues.

1. Though considered outdated by some people, Morse code should still be

Morse Code

used in modern times.





2. The equipment is inexpensive and transmitting messages is easy.





Boost Your Learning!

Context clues help you figure out tricky words or phrases

as you read. They often involve one of the following:

• a definition—The receiver sits at a telegraph, which

is device that sends messages.
• an example—Sending the coded messages can be
tedious, like counting grains of rice.
• a restatement—Many messages during battle are
encoded or put into code to keep them secret.

56 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 9

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 4
Directions: Read the sentences. The underlined words are used incorrectly.
Use the symbol to correct them. Then, write your own sentence below.

1. The station could not except the telegram because of bad

Morse Code

2. Do not loose the message before we can translate it from

Morse code!

3. Their going to take a class to learn Morse code.

4. The capitol city receives impor tant telegrams.

5. Be sure to translate the hole telegram.

6. Write your own sentence using the homophone pair two and too.



Boost Your Learning!

Homophones are words that

sound the same but have different
meanings. They may or may not
be spelled the same.

Example: knew and new

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 57

Week 9

5 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Reread the opinion paragraph. Think about what you have learned
this week. On the lines below, write at least three ways you can improve
this writing.
Morse Code

Though considered outdated by some people, Morse code should still

be used in modern times. Morse code was invented by Samuel Morse in

the 1830s. He sent the first message from Washington, D.C., to Baltimore.

Communicating through this code is fairly secure. Because not everyone

knows it, it is unlikely the message will fall into the wrong hands. Also, the

equipment needed is inexpensive and transmitting messages is easy. It is

slow and time-consuming, though. Morse code is used all over the world

and is understood by receivers in all countries, no matter what language they

speak. There are many great things about modern technology, but Morse

code still has a place in today’s communication.






This week I learned:
• to include only relevant
____________________________________ • to use context clues
when writing

58 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 10

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 1
Directions: Read the information about telegrams and emails. Then, brainstorm
some thoughts and opinions you have about each one.

A telegram is a form of communication sent by a telegraph. An
operator receives the message, writes it down, and then it is
hand‑delivered to the recipient. The messages are usually very
short and contain emergency information.

• ��������������������������������������������������

• ��������������������������������������������������

• ��������������������������������������������������

• ��������������������������������������������������

An email is a form of communication sent over the Internet using an

electronic device. The sender types a message, sends it to an email
address, and the email appears on the recipient’s electronic device.
Messages vary in length and can be about any subject.

• ��������������������������������������������������

• ��������������������������������������������������

• ��������������������������������������������������

• ��������������������������������������������������

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 59

Week 10

2 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Would you rather receive a telegram or an email? Explain why you
would want to receive one over the other. Use the notes from page 59 to help
you draft your opinion paragraph.






A strong opinion paragraph
__________________________________ • begin with an introductory
sentence that states your
__________________________________ opinion
__________________________________ • include details that
support your opinion
__________________________________ • end with a concluding

Cursive Practice

Directions: Use cursive to write the word telegram. Then, use cursive to write
the names of three people who you think would enjoy receiving telegrams.

______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________
60 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 10

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 3
Directions: Read the sentences with context clues that help explain the
underlined words. Then, answer the questions.

1. The noise from the room agitated Myra because she was trying to

concentrate on her message.
What does agitated mean? How did the context clue help you figure it out?




2. The superfluous message was two pages long but could have been one.
What does superfluous mean? How did the context clue help you figure
it out?




3. The operator was very attentive, or paid close attention, when receiving the
telegram message.
What does attentive mean? How did the context clue help you figure it out?




Time to Improve!

Read the paragraph you wrote on page 60. Look for words your reader might not
know. Consider adding context clues to help clarify those tricky words!

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 61

Week 10

4 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read each pair of homophones. Write one sentence that includes
both words for each pair.

1. heir and air




2. knows and nose



3. hole and whole



4. piece and peace



5. right and write



Time to Improve!

Reread the opinion paragraph you wrote on page 60. Do you have any
homophones? If so, make sure you have used them correctly.

62 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 10

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 5
Directions: Would you rather receive a telegram or an email? Explain why you
would want to receive one over the other.




















© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 63

Week 11

1 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read the facts about Great Danes, a breed of dog. All of the
information is true, but there are too many facts for one paragraph. Place check
marks next to three to five facts you think are important to include in an
informative/explanatory paragraph about a Great Dane’s physical characteristics.
Great Danes


_____ one of the largest dog breeds

_____ known as “gentle giant” and “Apollo of dogs”

_____ good with children

_____ life expectancy is about eight years

_____ originally a hunting dog, now a pet

_____ males are 120 to 200 pounds (54 to 91 kilograms), females

are 100 to 130 pounds (45 to 59 kilograms)

_____ 2014 Guinness Book of World Records’

largest dog

_____ colors are: black, fawn (yellow gold with

black “mask” on face), brindle (fawn and black
swirled together), and harlequin (white with
large black marks)

_____ needs a daily walk but not a high

exercise breed

_____ ears can be cropped (cut so they stand up

to a point) or natural (floppy)

_____ average litter is six to eight puppies

64 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 11

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 2
Directions: Read the paragraph about the physical characteristics of Great
Danes. Then, answer the question below.

Great Danes
The Great Dane is a dog breed known as “the gentle giant.” They are

gentle with children and make good family pets. They are one of the largest

breeds of dog in the world. The 2014 world record for largest dog was a

Great Dane named Zeus. Originally, they were used for hunting, but now they

are mainly pets. Males are between 120 to 200 pounds (54 to 91 kilograms),

females are 100 to 130 pounds (45 to 59 kilograms). Their ears are naturally

floppy, but they are sometimes cropped so they stand up to a point. The

life expectancy for a Great Dane is about eight years. They can have four

different types of coats: black, fawn (yellow gold with black “mask” on face),

brindle (fawn and black swirled together), and harlequin (white with large

black marks). Great Danes make wonderful—and big—pets!

1. Underline one sentence you think should not be in the draft. Why does it
not belong?




Cursive Practice

Directions: Use cursive to write one fact about Great Danes.



© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 65

Week 11

3 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read each sentence. If it is correct, put a C on the line. If it is a

run‑on, put RO on the line. Correct any run-ons with commas and conjunctions.

_____ 1. Great Danes have short hair it requires brushing once a week.
Great Danes



_____ 2. Cropping a Great Dane’s ears is illegal in most of Europe.



_____ 3. Great Danes need daily walks they are not high exercise dogs.



_____ 4. This breed needs to be around people it could get anxious.




A run-on sentence happens when two full sentences are put

together without punctuation. To correct one, insert a comma and
a conjunction like and, but, and or.

Example: Pets teach responsibility, and they bring joy to families.

66 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 11

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 4
Directions: Read the sentences. Complete each sentence with the progressive
verb will be or were. Use context clues to help you know which verb to use.

1. Tomorrow the family ______________ taking the dog to the vet.

Great Danes
2. The puppies ______________ whining when they saw their food.

3. The kids ______________ playing with the dog until lunch is ready.

4. Yesterday, the dogs ______________ eating out of each other’s bowls.

Boost Your Learning!

The progressive verb tense shows continuing action.

To form this tense, use the helping “to be” verb and the
-ing verb.


Lisa was chasing her dog all over the neighborhood.

She is teaching her dog the “come” command.

After he learns it, he will be running to her every time

she calls him.

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 67

Week 11

5 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Think about what you have learned this week. Write notes in the
margins about what makes this paragraph strong.
Great Danes

The Great Dane is a dog breed known as “the gentle

giant.” They are gentle with children and make good family

pets. They are one of the largest breeds of dog in the

world. Originally, they were used for hunting, but now they

are mainly pets. Males are between 120 to 200 pounds (54

to 91 kilograms), and females are 100 to 130 pounds (45 to

59 kilograms). Their ears are naturally floppy, but they are

sometimes cropped so they stand up to a point. The life

expectancy for a Great Dane is about eight years. They can

have four different types of coats: black, fawn (yellow gold

with black “mask” on face), brindle (fawn and black swirled

together), and harlequin (white with large black marks).

Great Danes make wonderful—and big—pets!

This week I learned:

• to include strong details that

support the main idea
• to correct run-on sentences with
commas and conjunctions
• to use correct verb tenses

68 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 12

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 1
Directions: Read the main topics for an informative/explanatory paragraph on
the Chihuahua, a breed of dog. Choose one topic and put a check mark by it.
Then, read the facts. Put stars by the facts that support the topic you chose.

Main Topics

_____ physical characteristics

_____ breed history

_____ temperament and personality


_____ smallest breed of dog weighing 4 to 6 pounds (2 to 3 kilograms)

_____ clay pots with dogs resembling modern Chihuahuas were found in Mexico
from 100 C.E.

_____ can be long- or short-haired

_____ considered a difficult breed to housebreak, or train

_____ named after a state in Mexico called Chihuahua

_____ intelligent and loyal to its owner

_____ life expectancy of 12 to 20 years

_____ possibly descended from the Fennec fox, which is small with big eyes
and ears

_____ coats can be any color, either solid or multicolored

_____ like to burrow in pillows and blankets

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 69

Week 12

2 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Write a paragraph about Chihuahuas. Include specific facts about

the breed, including their physical characteristics, breed history, and personality.
Use the notes from page 69 to help you draft your informative/explanatory








A strong informative/explanatory
________________________________ paragraph should include:
________________________________ • an introductory and a
concluding sentence
• details that support the
________________________________ main idea

Cursive Practice

Directions: Write the following words in cursive: Chihuahua, Mexico,

and Fennec fox.




70 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 12

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 3
Directions: Read the paragraph. Look for run-on sentences. Use the symbol
to insert commas and conjunction words.

Newborn puppies are cute they need a lot of help during

their first few weeks. The pups are born blind, deaf, and

toothless. They cannot even maintain their body temperature

they huddle together to stay warm. In the first week, they

double their body weight and spend 90 percent of their time

sleeping. After about two weeks, the puppies’ sealed ears and

eyes open at three weeks, they begin to walk. Before long, the

pups are running and playing together.

Time to Improve!

Reread the paragraph you wrote on page 70 about Chihuahuas. Do you have
any run-on sentences? If so, make sure you correct them.

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 71

Week 12

4 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Write the correct progressive verb tense for each sentence. Each
answer should have a helping verb and the -ing form of the given verb. The first
one has been done for you.

were eating all of the food.

1. The puppies ____________
Past Tense


2. The owner ________________ it was time to feed them more food.


3. Today, he _________________ them twice as much food.

Present Tense


4. The puppies _________________ up every last bit.


5. Tomorrow, the owner _________________ for extra bags of dog food.

Future Tense


6. The puppies _________________ faster than ever!


Time to Improve!

Look at the paragraph you wrote on

page 70. Pay careful attention to
the verb tenses. Do you have any
progressive verbs in your writing? If
so, make sure they are used correctly.

72 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 12

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 5
Directions: Write a paragraph about Chihuahuas. Include specific facts about
the breed, including their physical characteristics, breed history, and personality.




















© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 73

Week 13

1 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Below are ideas for a narrative paragraph about hiking in Yosemite
National Park in California. Decide if the notes belong in the beginning, middle,
or end of the paragraph. Then, copy them into the correct sections.

• stop at a stream • see deer, fox, and • climb to the top of the
for water bobcat while hiking mountain and look
out over land
• gather hiking supplies • walk back to camp
at camp




74 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 13

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 2
Directions: Read the narrative paragraph about hiking at Yosemite. Then,
answer the question.

Oliver woke up early because he was excited to go hiking at Yosemite.

He gathered his backpack and made sure it had healthy snacks and his

canteen. Right after breakfast, Oliver and his brother began their hike

up the small peak by their campsite. At the top, they looked out over the

beautiful land. On the way down, they looked for wildlife and saw a deer,

a fox, and even a big bobcat in the distance. Stopping at a clear stream,

Oliver refilled his canteen and splashed the cold water on his face. Though

the brothers were tired from their hike, they ran back to their campsite to tell

their parents about their fun day.

1. Describe one reason why this a good narrative draft.




Cursive Practice

Directions: Use cursive to write a sentence stating what you would like to do if
you were to visit Yosemite National Park.



© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 75

Week 13

3 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read the sentences. Write two adjectives that could replace each
underlined word.

1. They looked out over the beautiful land.


_____________________________ _____________________________

2. Oliver saw a big bobcat in the distance.

_____________________________ _____________________________

3. He splashed the cold water on his face.

_____________________________ _____________________________

4. The brothers told their parents about their fun day.

_____________________________ _____________________________

Boost Your Learning!

Not all adjectives are created equally! Some adjectives

are synonyms and mean close to the same thing.
Read how one word can make a difference.

• Nadia is a nice person.

• Nadia is a friendly person.
• Nadia is a polite person.
Make sure you choose adjectives that are interesting
and specific.

76 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 13

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 4
Directions: Each sentence is missing correct dialogue punctuation. Use
the symbol to insert the quotation marks and comma for each sentence.

1. The sequoia trees are so tall said the hiker.

2. The tour guide said Yosemite was star ted in 1890.

3. I’ve never seen any thing so beautiful said the visitor.

4. Dad said It ’s time for bed because we are hiking tomorrow.

5. Let ’s come again next year said the son.

Boost Your Learning!

Here are a few tips for using quotation marks:

• Quotation marks go before and after the words people say.

• The quote starts with a capital letter.
• If the quote comes before the person who said it, put a
comma between the last word and ending quotation mark.
Example: “Yosemite National Park is in California,” the
teacher explained.

• If the quote comes after the person who said it, put a
comma between the person who spoke and the beginning
quotation mark.
Example: The boy said, “I would like to visit Yosemite

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 77

Week 13

5 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Revisit the narrative about hiking. Add notes in the margins where
dialogue could be added.

Oliver woke up early because he was excited to go

hiking at Yosemite. He gathered his backpack and made

sure it had healthy snacks and his canteen. Right after

breakfast, Oliver and his brother began their hike up the

small peak by their campsite. At the top, they looked out

over the beautiful land. On the way down, they looked for

wildlife and saw a deer, a fox, and even a big bobcat in

the distance. Stopping at a clear stream, Oliver refilled his

canteen and splashed the cold water on his face. Though

the brothers were tired from their hike, they ran back to their

campsite to tell their parents about their fun day.

This week I learned:

• to include a beginning, a middle, and

an end
• to choose specific adjectives
• to correctly use quotation marks and
commas in dialogue

78 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 14

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 1
Directions: Imagine two friends are going on a tour of the Grand Canyon on
horses. Use the flowchart to write some ideas for the beginning, middle, and
end of your narrative. Use your imagination as well as any information you may
already know about the Grand Canyon to help you.

Grand Canyon



© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 79

Week 14

2 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Imagine you are taking a tour of the Grand Canyon on horseback.
Describe the experience, including details about how you feel and what
the scenery looks like. Use your notes from page 79 to help you draft your
narrative paragraph.
Grand Canyon











A strong narrative paragraph

___________________________________ tells a story with a beginning,
a middle, and an end.

Cursive Practice

Directions: Use cursive to answer the following question: Would you want to visit
the Grand Canyon or the beach? Why?



80 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 14

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 3
Directions: Read the boring sentences. Make each one more exciting
by adding adjectives.

Boring: My family and I went rafting in the Grand Canyon.

Grand Canyon
New and Improved:

Boring: Everyone was scared except for me.

New and Improved:

Boring: The water was rough.

New and Improved:

Boring: One of the backpacks fell out of the raft.

New and Improved:

Time to Improve!

Reread the narrative paragraph you wrote on page 80. Do you have interesting,
specific adjectives? Spice up your writing by adding some!

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 81

Week 14

4 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read each quotation Eli says to his mom. Then, write a response
from his mom. Be sure to use correct punctuation. The first one is done for you.

1. Eli said, “I am looking forward to camping at the Grand Canyon.”

Grand Canyon

Mom said, “It will be fun to spend time with our family.”

2. “I think going rafting on the water will be the best part!” exclaimed Eli.



3. Eli said, “I hope we see lots of wild animals.”



4. “It’s a bumpy, steep ride to the bottom of the canyon,” cried Eli.



5. Eli shouted, “I can’t believe how beautiful this place is!”



Time to Improve!

Reread the paragraph you wrote on page 80 about the Grand Canyon.
Make sure any dialogue uses quotation marks and commas correctly.
If your paragraph does not have any dialogue, add at least one line.

82 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 14

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 5
Directions: Imagine you are taking a tour of the Grand Canyon on horseback.
Describe the experience, including details about how you feel and what the
scenery looks like.

Grand Canyon















© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 83

Week 15

1 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read through the notes below. Place check marks by five to seven
things you think should be included in a personal narrative paragraph about
four square.
Four Square

_____ I played on Wednesday when it was windy.

_____ Nick wanted to swing instead.

_____ Marco kept catching the ball.

_____ Meg kicked the ball by accident.

_____ The recess teachers were watching the soccer field.

_____ Marco argued about the ball hitting the line.

_____ Lauren was alone, so we invited her to join us.

_____ Girls were jump roping close by.

_____ I never got out.

84 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 15

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 2
Directions: Read the narrative paragraph about playing four square. Some of
the sentences are not in order. Order the middle sentences from 1 to 5 in an
order that makes sense to you.

Four Square
Last Wednesday, some friends and I had fun playing four square during

recess. _____Marco kept catching the ball, and we had to remind him to only

hit it. _____Once Meg got confused and kicked the ball, which was really

funny. _____A girl was standing by herself, not playing with anyone, so we

invited her to join us. _____Marco also argued with us about the ball hitting

the line when he served. _____The best part of playing was that I did not get

out one time. Playing four square was really fun!

Cursive Practice

Directions: Use cursive to write one thing you like about four square.



© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 85

Week 15

3 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read each sentence. Shade in the circle with the correct synonym
for each underlined word. Then, write your own synonym pair.

1. Four square is fun! 3. The rules are flexible.

Four Square

A entertaining A difficult

B complicated B simple

C easy C changeable

2. Players can hit the ball 4. The game has simple

with their hands. equipment.

A swat A winners

B catch B gear

C rub C instructions

5. _____________________________ _____________________________

Boost Your Learning!

Synonyms are words that mean the

same (or close to the same) thing.

Examples: big and huge, small and

tiny, mug and cup

86 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 15

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 4
Directions: Use the words in the Word Bank to write the missing relative
pronouns in the sentences.

Four Square
Word Bank
who whom whose which that

1. Ms. Grey, ______________ the school hired, is a great P.E. teacher.

2. Cherise prefers playing with a ball ______________ she brought from home.

3. Caleb, ______________ is a great player, is always chosen first.

4. Terry, ______________ playing isn’t the best, always blames the server.

5. The playground, ______________ is paved, is a great place to play.

Boost Your Learning!

A pronoun is a word that takes the

place of a noun.

Examples: he, she, it, and they

Words like those used in this activity

are called relative pronouns.

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 87

Week 15

5 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read the paragraph. Then, answer the questions.

Last Wednesday, some friends and This week I learned:

Four Square

I had fun playing four square during • to include relevant

recess. A girl was standing by herself, information
• to organize my ideas
not playing with anyone, so we invited
• to use interesting
her to join us. Marco kept catching the adjectives
ball, and we had to remind him to only

hit it. Marco also argued with us about

the ball hitting the line when he served.

Once Meg got confused and kicked the

ball, which was really funny. The best

part of playing was that I did not get

out one time. Playing four square was

really entertaining!

1. Discuss two strengths about the paragraph.




2. What advice would you give the author to improve the paragraph?



88 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 16

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 1
Directions: Think of a time you played kickball. Write your thoughts about that
game in the right column. If you have not played kickball, use your imagination to
write your notes. Then, put stars by four to six ideas you would like to include in a
personal narrative paragraph about playing kickball.


© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 89

Week 16

2 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Write about a time when you played kickball. Describe the experience,
including details about whom you played with and how the game went. Use the
notes from page 89 to help you draft your personal narrative paragraph.








A strong personal narrative:
• is about you
• has a beginning, a middle,
and an end
• sounds like a story

Cursive Practice

Directions: Use cursive to write one kickball rule.



90 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 16

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 3
Directions: Write three adjectives for each noun in the table. Then, use some of
your adjectives to improve the sentences below.

Today’s Weather A Kickball Student

1. The student kicked the kickball during recess.



2. The kickball sailed over the student’s head.



3. The weather couldn’t stop the student from playing.



Time to Improve!

Revisit the personal narrative

paragraph you wrote on page 90
about kickball. Have you used any
adjectives? If not, add some to
make your writing more exciting!

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 91

Week 16

4 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read the paragraph about kickball. The underlined pronouns

are not correct. Use the symbol to delete the incorrect words. Then, use
the symbol to insert the correct words from the Relative Pronoun Bank.
Note: You may use a relative pronoun more than once.

Relative Pronoun Bank

whom whose which that

Though invented in the early 1900s, kickball is a game whose began

gaining popularity with school-aged children in the 1970s. The field,

who is similar to baseball, has three bases, home plate, a pitcher’s

area, and an outfield. Nicholas C. Seuss, that the kickball was

invented by, wrote a book of playground games in 1917 and called the
new sport “Kick Baseball.” Daniel Chase, which the New York State

Board of Education hired, wrote about the first known adult kickball

game in 1922. Children, whom resources are sometimes limited, can

easily play in an open field with just a ball. Today, children can be seen

playing kickball on almost every playground at recess.

Time to Improve!

Reread the personal narrative paragraph you wrote on page 90 about kickball.
If you have any relative pronouns, make sure they are used correctly.

92 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 16

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 5
Directions: Write about a time when you played kickball. Describe the
experience, including details about whom you played with and how the
game went.




















© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 93

Week 17

1 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Place check marks in the circles that belong in an informative/

explanatory paragraph about Wilbur and Orville Wright’s first flight.
The Wright Brothers

The first
French were
flight was on
skeptical that it
December 17, 1903,
in Kitty Hawk, It was the first
North Carolina. motor‑powered
flight with a

The brothers
First made the plane
at their bicycle
flew 120 feet Flight shop.
(37 meters) in

12 seconds.

Both The brothers

Orville chose Kitty Hawk,
and Wilbur North Carolina,
flew later because of wind
that day. and soft sand.

94 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 17

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 2
Directions: Read the informative/explanatory paragraph about the Wright
brothers’ first flight. Then, answer the question.

The Wright brothers made history and accomplished a life-long dream

The Wright Brothers

when they flew for the first time. The historic flight happened on December

17, 1903, in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. When the French heard, they were

skeptical the flight actually happened. Kitty Hawk was windy, which would

help with the flight, and had a sandy beach, which would be good in case of

a crash. Orville was the first pilot and flew 120 feet (37 meters) in 12 seconds.

The plane was more like a motorized glider. That day, each brother took turns

flying. It was a day that carved the path for modern flight.

1. Cross out one sentence you think should be taken out. Explain why it
should be deleted.




Cursive Practice

Directions: Use cursive to write Orville and Wilbur Wright, first in flight.



© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 95

Week 17

3 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read each sentence. Write the correct plural form of each irregular
noun on the line.

1. The first flight went 120 _____________________ .

The Wright Brothers


2. Neither Orville nor Wilbur married or had _____________________ .


3. Thousands of _____________________ fly on airplanes every day.


4. There may have been _____________________ at the Kitty Hawk beach.


5. Some _____________________ scurried around the beach.


6. Many _____________________ and their families witnessed this first flight.


Boost Your Learning!

Usually, to make a noun plural, you just add -s.

Example: airplane ➔ airplanes

Some nouns are irregular and do not follow a rule.

Example: child ➔ children

96 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 17

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 4
Directions: Read the sentences. Use the symbol to show which words
should be capitalized. Then, write why the words need to be capitalized.

1. the wright brothers made history and accomplished a life-long dream.

The Wright Brothers



2. the historic flight happened on december 17, 1903, in kitty hawk,

north carolina.



3. orville and wilbur were from ohio, but went to north carolina for the flight.



Boost Your Learning!

Proper nouns name specific people, places, and things.

They should always be capitalized. Use the symbol to
show when a lowercase letter should be capitalized.

Example: The Wright Brothers’ plane is in

the smithsonian museum.

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 97

Week 17

5 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Think about what you practiced this week. In the margins, make a
list of at least three things you would do to improve the paragraph.

The wright brothers made history and accomplished a

The Wright Brothers

life-long dream when they flew for the first time. The historic

flight happened on december 17, 1903, in kitty hawk, north

carolina. When the french heard, they were skeptical the

flight actually happened. Kitty hawk was windy, which

would help with the flight, and had a sandy beach, which

would be good in case of a crash. Orville was the first pilot

and flew 120 feet (37 meters) in 12 seconds. The plane

was more like a motorized glider. That day, each brother

took turns flying. It was a day that carved the path for

modern flight.

This week I learned:

• to include supporting details

• to capitalize proper nouns
• to make irregular nouns plural

98 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 18

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 1
Directions: This web focuses on the production of Henry Ford’s car, the
Model-T. Place check marks in the parts of the web that should be included
in an informative/explanatory paragraph.

Henry Ford
It was
made with
son, Edsel,
took over the
parts, so the car Workers were company in
took less time paid $5.00 a 1919.
to make. day; most other
workers were paid
$2.34 a day.

It was
in October

It was
Production 1908.

nicknamed the
“Tin Lizzie.”
of the

It was
Ford did not made on a
invent the car moving assembly
or assembly line, so the car was
line. less expensive
to make.

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 99

Week 18

2 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Write about the production of Henry Ford’s Model-T car. Include
facts about the Model-T and the employees who helped make the cars. Use the
information on page 99 to help you draft your informative/explanatory paragraph.

Henry Ford







A strong informative/explanatory
________________________________ paragraph includes:

________________________________ • introductory and concluding


• details which support the

main idea

Cursive Practice

Directions: Use cursive to write these names: Henry Ford, Model-T, and
Tin Lizzie.




100 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 18

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 3
Directions: Read the paragraph with missing words. Use the plural form of the
words in the Word Bank to fill in the blanks.

Henry Ford
Word Bank
beach life church wife wrench

As the Model-T became more popular, people’s _______________

began to change. Suddenly, cars were parked in front of _______________

and along sandy _______________. Husbands tinkered under the hoods

with _______________, while _______________ wanted driving lessons.

Traveling would never be the same.

Boost Your Learning!

Time to Improve!
If a noun ends in an -f, change
the -f to -v and add -es. Look at the paragraph you
wrote on page 100 for any
Example: elf ➔ elves plural nouns. If they are
irregular, pay special attention
If a noun ends in -ch, add -es.
that they are correct.
Example: branch ➔ branches

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 101

Week 18

4 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read the paragraph about the Model-T. Correct any capitalization
errors using the or symbols.
Henry Ford

The model-t, also called the tin lizzie, was not the first car invented,

but it was very Popular! At the height of its popularity, half of the Cars

in America were the model-T. It came in only one color—Black—and

henry ford joked that customers could have the car in any color they

wanted, as long as it was black. He also placed the Steering Wheel on

the left side, which became standard in america. The tin lizzie was a

pioneer in the Auto World.


Use the correct symbols to

show words that should be
capital or lowercase.

Time to Improve!

Carefully reread the paragraph

you wrote on page 100 about
the Model-T. Make sure all
proper nouns are capitalized.

102 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 18

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 5
Directions: Write about the production of Henry Ford’s Model-T car. Include
facts about the Model-T and the employees who helped make the cars.

Henry Ford


















© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 103

Week 19

1 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read the narrative notes in the flowchart. Put stars by six to
eight things you think should be in a narrative paragraph about a boy learning
to snowboard.

_____ new to Utah and saw snowboarding for the first time

_____ wanted to learn

_____ seemed really hard

_____ talked to his mom about _____ fell down a lot
getting equipment
_____ wanted to give up
_____ read online articles
about terms

_____ oldest in beginner’s class

_____ clean run down the mountain

_____ made new friends

_____ amazing feeling of accomplishment

104 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 19

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 2
Directions: Read the narrative paragraph about Dante’s snowboarding
experience. Underline sentences that you think are interesting and add
to the story.

When Dante moved to Utah, he saw snowboarders for the first time.

He immediately wanted to learn. He asked his mom about equipment.

“That stuff is expensive!” she exclaimed, but she let him take lessons.

As the oldest in his beginner’s class, he sometimes felt embarrassed, but he

never gave up. He made new friends. He fell down over and over, and each

time he felt like he was at the beginning. Dante read articles online to learn

the different terms and studied different moves. Most of all, he wanted to do

a flip. Between lessons and studying, he was working very hard.

After several lessons, he finally had a clean run down the mountain.

“This is awesome!” he yelled as he enjoyed his amazing accomplishment.

Cursive Practice

Directions: Use cursive to write one question you have about snowboarding.



© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 105

Week 19

3 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read the sentences. Write an idiom from the Idiom Bank that could
replace the underlined words in each one.

Idiom Bank
costs an arm and a leg back to square one best of both worlds

1. He fell down over and over, and each time he felt like he was at the


2. That stuff is expensive she exclaimed.


3. Since he loves the snow and loves being active, snowboarding has all
of the advantages.


Boost Your Learning!

An idiom is an expression that cannot be understood literally.

Its meaning is something different.

Example: The answer was on the tip of his tongue. This means
he knows the answer, but cannot think of it at that moment.

106 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 19

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 4
Directions: Add punctuation to the dialogue.

1. That stuff is expensive she exclaimed

2. Samuel asked Where is my snowboard

3. This is awesome he yelled

4. May I borrow your goggles today Ella asked her brother

5. Most of all he wanted to do a flip Ella said

Boost Your Learning!

When a quotation is an exclamation or a question, put an

exclamation point or a question mark at the end of what
is said but before the final quotation mark.

“Watch out!” James yelled.

Dad asked, “What time are you coming home?”

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 107

Week 19

5 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Reread the narrative paragraph. Think about what you have learned
this week. Write at least three suggestions for how to improve the paragraph on
the lines below.

When Dante moved to Utah, he saw snowboarders for the first time. He

immediately wanted to learn. He asked his mom about equipment. That stuff

is expensive she exclaimed, but she let him take lessons. As the oldest in his

beginner’s class, he sometimes felt embarrassed, but he never gave up. He

made new friends. He fell down over and over, and each time he felt like he

was at the beginning. Dante read articles online to learn the different terms

and studied different moves. Most of all, he wanted to do a flip. Between

lessons and studying, he was working very hard. After several lessons, he

finally had a clean run down the mountain. This is awesome he yelled as he

enjoyed his amazing accomplishment.





This week I learned:
• to write a narrative with
___________________________________ a beginning, a middle,
and an end
• to use idioms
___________________________________ • to correctly use
quotation marks

108 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 20

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 1
Directions: Use the flowchart to write ideas for a narrative paragraph about a
fourth grader going ice skating for the first time. You can use your imagination or
events from your own experiences.

Ice Skating



© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 109

Week 20

2 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Describe a time when a fourth grader goes ice skating for the first
time. Include details of the experience and how the character felt. Use your
notes from page 109 to help you draft your narrative paragraph.
Ice Skating








A strong narrative paragraph:
• has a beginning, a
___________________________________ middle, and an end

___________________________________ • tells events in order

• uses dialogue and
___________________________________ descriptions

Cursive Practice

Directions: Use cursive to write two things you like about ice skating.



110 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 20

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 3
Directions: Write the correct letter to match each idiom with its meaning. Then,
choose two idioms from the list, and write one sentence for each idiom.

Ice Skating
_____ 1. to sound familiar
A. cold shoulder
_____ 2. to do immediately without warning
B. ring a bell
_____ 3. ignoring someone
C. joined at the hip

_____ 4. always together D. split hairs

_____ 5. worry about something that is not E. at the drop of a hat

a big deal

6. ____________________________________________________


7. ____________________________________________________


Time to Improve!

Idioms can be fun to use when writing! Look over

the paragraph you wrote on page 110 to see if there
is room for one in your narrative.

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 111

Week 20

4 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Use the and symbols to correct the dialogue.

1. “falling down hurts!” exclaimed Jess.

Ice Skating

2. “When are we leaving for the rink,” asked Edward?

3. Sierra said, “black ice skates are my favorite.”

4. Jeremiah asked “Are we going to be late for practice?”

5. “I love gliding along the ice” stated Rachael.

Time to Improve!
Look back at the paragraph you
wrote on page 110. Do you have any If a line of dialogue is a question
dialogue? If you do, make sure it has or exclamation, put the quotation
correct punctuation. If you do not, mark after the question mark or
consider adding some! exclamation point.

112 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 20

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 5
Directions: Describe a time when a fourth grader goes ice skating for the first
time. Include details of the experience and how the character felt.

Ice Skating



















© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 113

Week 21

1 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Mozart was a composer from the 1700s who wrote symphonies.
He was a musical genius and performed for royalty at the age of five. Think about
this question: Should Mozart have been required to perform at such a young
age? If an idea below supports the “yes” argument, write Y. If it supports the “no”

argument, write N.

_____ 1. He should share his gift with others.

_____ 2. He was too young.

_____ 3. There were other talented people to perform.

_____ 4. Performing is too much pressure.

_____ 5. People did what royalty said to do.

_____ 6. Playing for royalty could make him famous.

114 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 21

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 2
Directions: Read the opinion paragraph. It argues that Mozart should have been
required to perform for royalty. Underline parts that support this opinion.

Mozart was a musical genius whose father made the right decision to

let Mozart play for royalty at age five. This child had an amazing gift, and

it needed to be shared with others. In Mozart’s day, people had to do what

royalty said. He or his family could have suffered severe consequences if

they refused. Performing for royalty was too much pressure on such a small

child. There were older musicians who could have performed for royalty.

Though Mozart was young, performing was the right thing for him.

Cursive Practice

Directions: Mozart’s full name was quite long, so he generally went by Wolfgang
Amadeus Mozart. Use cursive to write his full name.



© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 115

Week 21

3 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Rewrite the sentences by replacing the underlined words with the
base words and the prefixes re-, mis-, or pre- and deleting the words in bold.
The first one has been done for you.
1. The pianist has to try the complicated music again.

The pianist has to retry the complicated music.


2. Some people think Mozart was treated wrongly as a child.



3. Musicians often view the music before they play.



4. Sarah discovered her love of classical music again.



Boost Your Learning!

A prefix is a group of letters added to the beginning of a

base word, which changes the base word’s meaning.

• re- means “again”
• mis- means “wrong”
• pre- means “before”

116 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 21

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 4
Directions: Use the symbol to correct the spelling of the prepositions.

1. Mozar t puts his violin insde the case.

2. He sets the case onn the seat.

3. He is led nito the beautiful room.

4. Walking arcoss the grand hall, Mozar t prepares to play.

5. The king nods toeward Mozar t.

6. He places the violin undr his chin.

7. He takes a deep breath bfore the music star ts.

8. The royals applaud aftr his per formance.

Boost Your Learning!

A preposition is a word that

describes the relationship
between two nouns.

Examples: above, before, in,

near, over, through, under

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 117

Week 21

5 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read the paragraph. Then, answer the question.

This week I learned:


Mozart was a musical genius whose

• to use details and
father made the right decision to let information to support
my opinion
Mozart play for royalty at age five. This
• about the prefixes pre-,
child had an amazing gift, and it needed re-, and mis-
to be shared with others. In Mozart’s • about prepositions
day, people had to do what royalty said.

He or his family could have suffered

severe consequences if they refused.

Performing for royalty may have put too

much pressure on such a small child.

There were older musicians who could

have performed for royalty. Though

Mozart was young, performing was the

right thing for him.

1. What advice would you give to the author to improve this paragraph?





118 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 22

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 1
Directions: Read the information about Beethoven. Then, answer the question
below by filling in the table.

Beethoven was a musician and composer who lived from 1770

to 1827. He composed nine symphonies and dozens of pieces of

music for the piano and string quartets. Beethoven was completely

deaf when he composed his most important works. Students from

elementary school to college study his music.

Should Beethoven’s classical music still be taught today?

Yes No

______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 119

Week 22

2 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Should Beethoven’s classical music still be taught today? Explain why
you think Beethoven’s music should or should not be taught today. Use your notes

from page 119 to help you draft your opinion paragraph.







A strong opinion paragraph
________________________________ includes:

________________________________ • an introductory sentence

stating your opinion
• details that support your
• a concluding sentence that
________________________________ restates your opinion

Cursive Practice

Directions: Use cursive to write the following: Ludwig van Beethoven,

symphony, quartet




120 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 22

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 3
Directions: Complete each sentence with a prefix from the Prefix Bank.
Then, use one of the prefixes to create your own sentence.

Prefix Bank
pre- re- un- mis-

1. Mozart _____dates Beethoven by only 14 years.

2. Beethoven was performing concertos while children today at his age

are in _____school.

3. It was _____fortunate that Beethoven went deaf, but he did not let
it stop him.

4. Beethoven _____visited sections of music when composing.

5. There may have been times where Beethoven _____understood the notes.

6. ____________________________________________________________



Time to Improve! The prefixes pre-, re-, un-, and

mis- have their own meanings.
Look at the opinion paragraph
• re- means “again”
you wrote on page 120 for
words with prefixes. Do you • mis- means “wrong”
have any pre-, re-, un-, or mis-
• pre- means “before”
words? If so, make sure they
are used correctly! • un- means “not”

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 121

Week 22

4 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: The paragraph is missing some prepositions. Use the symbol to

insert the prepositions from the Preposition Bank.

Preposition Bank
in to through on of near

When Beethoven was only 26 years old,

he began to have a “ringing” ___________

his ears. This was the beginning

___________ Beethoven’s hearing loss. By Remember!

age 31, his doctor recommended he spend
Prepositions show the
time in a small town ___________ Vienna, relationship between
two nouns.
Austria, so he could get used ___________

his condition. He was depressed, but vowed

to work ___________ it and not give up

___________ music. Gradually, he became

profoundly deaf. He could not play music, but

he could still compose.

122 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 22

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 5
Directions: Should Beethoven’s classical music still be taught today? Explain
why you think Beethoven’s music should or should not be taught today.


















© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 123

Week 23

1 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read the information in the web. The notes are for an
informative/explanatory paragraph focusing on the asteroid belt. Place check
marks in the circles with information that supports the main topic.

An Sizes range
asteroid hitting from a pebble
Earth might to over 150 miles
have caused (241 kilometers)
the dinosaurs’ Billions in diameter.
extinction. or trillions of
asteroids are in
the asteroid

A small
asteroid hit
Russia in 2013.
The dwarf
planet Ceres Asteroid
is part of the
asteroid belt. Belt

have been
made about
The asteroids asteroids hitting
Earth. Most of the
are 600,000
asteroids are
miles (965,606
kilometers) apart.

124 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 23

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 2
Directions: Read the draft of an informative/explanatory paragraph about the
asteroid belt. Underline the incomplete sentences.

Between Mars and Jupiter, there is an asteroid belt. Billions—perhaps

trillions—of asteroids orbit the sun. Small pebbles to 150 miles

(241 kilometers) diameter. The largest asteroid is actually a dwarf planet

named Ceres. Asteroids 600,000 miles (965,606 kilometers) apart. This

distance is more than 24 Earths, so there is little danger of a spacecraft hitting

one while on a mission. Lumpy not round. This is because asteroids do not

have enough gravity to pull the particles into a sphere. Scientists are still

learning about the asteroid belt.

Cursive Practice

Directions: Use cursive to write one question you have about the asteroid belt.



© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 125

Week 23

3 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read the sentences. Circle the subject and underline the predicate
in each one. The first one is done for you.

1. The dwar f planet Ceres is an asteroid in the asteroid belt.


2. Ceres was discovered in 1801 by Giuseppe Piazzi.

3. The asteroid is about one-four th the size of Ear th’s moon.

4. The Herschel Space Obser vator y discovered water vapor

on Ceres.

5. A year on Ceres is equal to 4.6 Ear th years.

Directions: Create your own sentence about asteroids. Then, circle the subject
and underline the predicate.

6. ____________________________________________________________



Every sentence must have a:

• subject (who or what the sentence is about)
• predicate (verb and what happens in the sentence)

126 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 23

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 4
Directions: Read the dictionary definitions of dwarf. Then, answer
the questions below.

dwarf \dwôrf \

1. noun. a mythical creature that looks
like a small man
2. noun. a person who is smaller than
normal because of a medical condition
3. verb. to make something seem much
smaller by comparison
4. adjective. smaller than usual

1. Read this sentence: The largest asteroid is actually a dwarf planet.

Which definition of the word dwarf is being used in this sentence? How do
you know?



2. Read this sentence: Small pebble asteroids are dwarfed by the sun.
Which definition of dwarf is being used in this sentence? How do
you know?



3. Write a sentence using a definition of dwarf that has not been used yet.



© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 127

Week 23

5 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read the paragraph. Then, answer the question.

Between Mars and Jupiter, This week I learned:


there is an asteroid belt. Billions—

• to include strong details
perhaps trillions—of asteroids orbit
• to write sentences with
the sun. Small pebbles to 150 miles subjects and predicates
• to use word entries in
(241 kilometers) diameter. The largest
asteroid is actually a dwarf planet

named Ceres. Asteroids 600,000

miles (965,606 kilometers) apart.

This distance is more than 24 Earths,

so there is little danger of a spacecraft

hitting one while on a mission. Lumpy

not round. This is because asteroids

do not have enough gravity to pull the

particles into a sphere. Scientists are

still learning about the asteroid belt.

1. How could the author have improved this published paragraph?






128 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 24

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 1
Directions: Read the information. The notes are for an informative/explanatory
paragraph about what comets look like. Place check marks in the circles with
information that supports the main topic.

nucleus: solid
4,000 discovered center made of
comets dust and ice

three parts:
nucleus, coma,

orbit the sun

coma: gas What
and dust
atmosphere Comets
around nucleus
Look Like

classified as
short or long
two tails: dust and look like “dirty
plasma snowballs”

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 129

Week 24

2 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Write about what a comet looks like. Include facts that tell about
the parts of a comet. Use the web from page 129 to help you draft your
informative/explanatory paragraph.







A strong informative/
____________________________________ explanatory paragraph
• an introductory and a
____________________________________ concluding sentence
• details that support the
main idea
____________________________________ • complete sentences

Cursive Practice

Directions: Use cursive to write the names of these famous comets: Halley’s,
Lovejoy, Hale-Bopp, and McNaught.

______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________

130 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 24

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 3
Directions: Read each phrase about Halley’s Comet. Rewrite the fragments into
complete sentences with subjects and predicates.

1. named for Edmond Halley



2. appears 75 years



3. oldest record 240 B.C.E. in China



4. shaped like peanut



Time to Improve!

Reread the paragraph you wrote on page 130 about comets. Make sure each
sentence has a subject and a predicate. If you find a fragment or a run-on
sentence, fix it!

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 131

Week 24

4 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read the dictionary definitions for the word period. Then, answer the
questions below.

period \pirē d\

1. noun. a dot used to show the end of

a sentence when writing
2. noun. a length of time during which
an event takes place
3. noun. one of the parts a game is
divided into

1. Read this sentence: A short period comet has an orbit of less than 200
years. What definition of period is being used in this sentence? _____

2. Read this sentence: The score was tied after the first period. What definition
of period is being used in this sentence? _____

3. Write your own sentence using the first definition of period.



Remember! Time to Improve!

Words can have different
Look at the paragraph you wrote on page
meanings even if they look
130 and check that the vocabulary words
and sound the same.
are being used correctly.

132 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 24

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 5
Directions: Write about what a comet looks like. Include facts that tell about the
parts of a comet.




















© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 133

Week 25

1 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read the notes about using solar energy. Decide if each note is an
advantage or a disadvantage and write it in the table.
Solar Energy

• cannot collect energy at night or on cloudy days

• expensive to install
• does not produce pollution
• once built, has low operating cost
• is a clean, renewable resource
• not very efficient at changing energy to electricity
• costs coming down over time

Advantages Disadvantages

134 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 25

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 2
Directions: Read the opinion paragraph about solar energy. Underline details
that support the opinion that solar energy should be used.

Solar Energy
Today, many people are interested in taking care of

the environment, and their answer is solar energy. Unlike

traditional energy sources, solar energy does not produce

any pollution. It is a clean, renewable resource, which

means it will last without getting used up. Solar energy does

not work well during cloudy days and cannot be used at all

at night. Solar panels are expensive to install, but they’re

getting less expensive every year, and users save a lot of

money. Once the equipment has been built and installed,

there is no operating cost because sunlight is free. Of

course, solar energy does not convert easily to electricity.

Solar energy is an environmentally-safe way to power

technology in the United States and around the world.

Cursive Practice

Directions: Use cursive to write solar energy on the top line. Then, use cursive
to write the words free and clean on the bottom lines.


______________________________ ______________________________

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 135

Week 25

3 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read each sentence. Decide which word should go in the blank,
and fill in the letter for the correct answer.

1. The solar panels are going 3. _____ are a lot of advantages

Solar Energy

_____, on the roof. to using solar energy.

A they’re A They’re

B their B Their

C there C There

2. _____ going to save the 4. Using _____ energy will help

company a lot of money! the environment.

A They’re A they’re

B Their B their

C There C there

Boost Your Learning!

There, their, and they’re can be tricky words to use

correctly. Remember the following:

there: a location or place

Example: Please put your lunch over there.

their: belonging to people or things

Example: Buying that car is their choice.

they’re: the contraction for they are

Example: They’re moving to Florida.

136 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 25

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 4
Directions: Read each sentence and make necessary changes. Use the
symbol to show that a letter should be capitalized and the symbol to show a
letter should be lowercase. Then, fill in the table with three common and proper
nouns of your choice.

Solar Energy
1. Solar Energy is hard for cloudy, rainy countries like england.

2. Heat and energy are two products of the Sun.

3. Solar is the latin word for sun.

4. In the 1830s, a man named john herschel used solar energy

to cook Food.

5. The energy can be stored in Batteries to use during the Night.

Common Nouns Proper Nouns

Boost Your Learning!

• A common noun names a general person, place,

or thing. It is always lowercase.
Examples: girl, country, and monument
• A proper noun names a specific person, place, or
thing. It is always capitalized.
Examples: Sarah, India, and Lincoln Memorial

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 137

Week 25

5 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read the opinion paragraph. Then, answer the question.

Today, many people are interested

This week I learned:
Solar Energy

in taking care of the environment, and

• to support my opinion
their answer is solar energy. Unlike with information
traditional energy sources, solar energy • to use there, their, and
they’re correctly
does not produce any pollution. It is
• to capitalize proper
a clean, renewable resource, which nouns
means it will last without getting used

up. Solar energy does not work well

during cloudy days and cannot be

used at all at night. Solar panels

are expensive to install, but they’re

getting less expensive every year,

and users save a lot of money. Once

the equipment has been built and

installed, there is no operating cost

because sunlight is free. Solar energy

is an environmentally-safe way to power

technology in the United States and

around the world.

1. What advice would you give to the author for how to improve the paragraph?



138 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 26

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 1
Directions: Turbines are a way of harnessing and using wind as energy. Read
the notes about using turbines. Decide if each note is an advantage or a
disadvantage, and write it in the table below.

• no wind, no energy
• tall, but do not take up much land
• noisy to nearby homes and businesses
• birds killed by turbine blades
• wind is free
• does not create pollution or greenhouse gases
• clutter land, which some people say is ugly
• good for remote areas without access to electricity

Advantages Disadvantages

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 139

Week 26

2 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Do you think turbines should be used to collect wind energy? Write
your opinion and why you feel the way you do. Use the table from page 139 to
help you draft your opinion paragraph.








A strong opinion paragraph
________________________________ includes:

________________________________ • an introductory sentence

that states your opinion
• details to support your ideas
________________________________ • a concluding sentence

Cursive Practice

Directions: Use cursive to write a sentence about an interesting turbine fact.



140 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 26

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 3
Directions: Write one sentence for each of the homophones there, their, and
they’re. The sentences must be about turbines or wind energy. Use the notes on
page 139 to help you.
1. ____________________________________________________________



2. ____________________________________________________________



3. ____________________________________________________________



Time to Improve!
• There is a location or place.
Revisit the paragraph you wrote
• Their shows belonging to
on page 140 about turbines.
people or things.
Carefully check that you used
there, their, and they’re correctly. • They’re is the contraction
for they are.

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 141

Week 26

4 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read the paragraph. Use the or symbols to correct the

capitalization errors.

Though giant Turbines are relatively new, Windmills have been

around for over 1,000 years. The first windmill was built in the First

Century by persians in the middle east. The idea spread to europeans

in the 1200s. Windmills were used mainly to pump Water and grind

Grain. Over the next few hundred years, the english and dutch made

a lot of improvements to their designs. In the mid-1800s, people in the

united states of america began using Windmills. Turbines, the modern

windmills, are now increasingly popular ways to create Energy.

Remember! Time to Improve!

• Common nouns are lowercase. Do you have all of the common

nouns lowercase and the proper
• Proper nouns are capitalized. nouns capitalized correctly in the
paragraph you wrote on page 140?
Double check to make sure!

142 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 26

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 5
Directions: Do you think turbines should be used to collect wind energy? Write
your opinion and why you feel the way you do.




















© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 143

Week 27

1 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Mount Everest, located in the Himalayas between Nepal and Tibet, is
the world’s tallest mountain. The table has information that supports two opinions
on whether people younger than 18 should be allowed to climb Mount Everest.
Put exclamation points by sentences you think create strong arguments.
Mount Everest


_____ Being allowed to climb should be based on capability not age.

_____ If a child’s parent allows it, the officials at Mount Everest should
not interfere.

_____ Reaching the top, or summit, would be very exciting for a teen.

_____ Climbing promotes a healthy lifestyle, which could positively

influence peers.


_____ It’s dangerous because hundreds of people have died trying to

reach the top.

_____ Teens’ brains are not fully developed to make big decisions.

_____ Altitude sickness may affect young people differently from adults.

_____ Mountain climbing is too expensive for teens to participate in.

144 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 27

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 2
Directions: Read the opinion paragraph about allowing people younger than 18
to climb Mount Everest. Underline sentences that strongly support the opinion.

Mount Everest
Climbing Mount Everest is a big
accomplishment for anyone, and those
A strong opinion
younger than 18 should have a chance to paragraph includes:
climb it. Being physically fit and well-trained • an introductory
sentence stating
are important for climbing, but these things
your opinion
are not related to age. Many teens are in • details that
better shape than people in their 30s. Teens support your
who climb are promoting healthy lifestyles, • a concluding
which could be positive influences on their sentence
restating your
peers. Reaching the summit would be very opinion

exciting for a young person. It is also very

expensive. Parents know their children best,

and if they give their permission, the Mount

Everest officials should not interfere. People

of all ages should be allowed the thrill of

experiencing the summit.

Cursive Practice

Directions: Use cursive to write Mount Everest on the top line. Then, write two
adjectives to describe the mountain on the bottom lines.


______________________________ ______________________________
© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 145
Week 27

3 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read each sentence. Choose the antonym for each bold word.

1. Many climbers hire Sherpas 4. The guides have a very

Mount Everest

as guides. dangerous occupation.

A rent A exciting

B dismiss B risky

C need C harmless

2. A Sherpa guide can earn 5. Many Sherpa guides have

more than $5,000 during the climbed Mount Everest
two‑month climbing season. numerous times.

A lose A multiple

B make B several

C save C limited

3. Most people in Nepal make 6. Climbing Mount Everest

about $50 a month, so guides is a big accomplishment.
are very wealthy.
A small
A extravagant
B fast
B poor
C exciting

C intelligent

Boost Your Learning!

Antonyms are words that have the

opposite meanings.

Examples: near and far, heavy and

light, and good and bad

146 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 27

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 4
Directions: Complete each sentence with the correct usage of who or whom.

1. With __________ are you climbing?

Mount Everest
2. The Sherpa, __________ is an expert, will be our guide.

3. People __________ have asthma should be cautious on a climb.

4. He doesn’t know to __________ he should give the tent.

5. We want to know __________ will reach the top first.

Boost Your Learning!

To figure out if you should use who or whom, try this easy tip!

Who: Replace who with he or they. If that part of the

sentence still makes sense, who is the right word.


• I wonder who is going to the mall ( . . . he is going to

the mall).
• She met the other girls who are kind ( . . . they are kind).
Whom: Replace whom with him or them. If that part of the
sentence still makes sense, whom is the right word.


• To whom is the letter addressed? (The letter is

addressed to him).
• He saw three men, one of whom is a baseball player
( . . . one of them is a baseball player).

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 147

Week 27

5 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Revisit the opinion paragraph about Mount Everest. Think about
what you have learned this week. Write notes in the margins explaining how the
author could improve the paragraph.
Mount Everest

Climbing Mount Everest is a big accomplishment

for anyone, and those younger than 18 should have a

chance to climb it. Being physically fit and well-trained

are important for climbing, but they are not related to age.

Many teens are in better shape than people in their 30s.

Teens who climb are promoting healthy lifestyles, which

could be positive influences on their peers. Reaching the

summit would be very exciting for a young person. It is

also very expensive. Parents know their children, and

if they give their permission, the Mount Everest officials

should not be able to stop young people from attempting

the climb. People of all ages should be allowed the thrill of

the summit.

This week I learned:

• to use supporting details

• about antonyms
• to use who and whom

148 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 28

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 1
Directions: Read the information about Mount Kilimanjaro. Then, use the
information to write your thoughts about whether or not you would want to climb
Mount Kilimanjaro.

Mount Kilimanjaro
Mount Kilimanjaro is in Tanzania, a country along the eastern coast of

Africa. At approximately 19,340 feet (5,895 meters), it is the tallest peak in

Africa. It takes six to nine days to climb to the top. About 25,000 people

attempt the climb each year. Over 16,000 of them are successful. Those who

do not make it to the top generally turn back because of altitude sickness.

There are about 10 to 15 deaths a year on Mount Kilimanjaro.

Would you want to climb Mount Kilimanjaro?

Reasons for Climbing Reasons for Not Climbing

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 149

Week 28

2 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Would you climb Mount Kilimanjaro? Explain the reasons for why
you would or would not climb Mount Kilimanjaro. Use the table from page 149 to
help you draft your opinion paragraph.
Mount Kilimanjaro







A strong opinion paragraph
________________________________ includes:
________________________________ • an introductory sentence

________________________________ • details that support your

________________________________ • a concluding sentence

Cursive Practice

Directions: Use cursive to write Tanzania, Africa, and Mount Kilimanjaro.

______________________________ ______________________________


150 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 28

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 3
Directions: The sentences below are incorrect. Write an antonym for the
underlined word to make each sentence true.

Mount Kilimanjaro
1. Mount Kilimanjaro is the shortest free-standing mountain, which
means it is not part of a mountain range.


2. January through March are the coldest months in Tanzania.


3. The mountain’s national park closed in 1977.


4. The youngest person to reach the summit was an 87-year-old



5. The last recorded summit of Mount Kilimanjaro was in 1889.



Antonyms are words that have

opposite definitions.

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 151

Week 28

4 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read each sentence. If it uses who or whom correctly, write a C on

the line. If it is incorrect, write I and rewrite the sentence correctly.

_____ 1. With whom are you hiking?

Mount Kilimanjaro


_____ 2. Whom is wearing the boots?


_____ 3. Who is going to be our guide?


_____ 4. To who will you give the pack?


_____ 5. Who will take our picture?


Time to Improve! Remember!

Look over the paragraph you • Replace who with

wrote on page 150 about he or they to see if it
Mount Kilimanjaro for who and makes sense.
whom. Use the replacement • Replace whom with
tips to make sure you used him or them to see if
these words correctly! it makes sense.

152 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 28

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 5
Directions: Would you climb Mount Kilimanjaro? Explain the reasons for why
you would or would not climb Mount Kilimanjaro.

Mount Kilimanjaro













© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 153

Week 29

1 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read the notes. They contain information for a paragraph about
creating ice sculptures. Place check marks in the circles that strongly support
the main topic.

Swan sculptures It can be

are popular for made with a
weddings. mold.

No cloudy or
cracked ice is

It can be made
by hand using
chainsaws, drills,
Clear ice
is made by Creating and chisels.

shooting air into

the water as it
freezes. Sculptures
and displays
are all over the

It can be
made by a
The rotating machine
temperatures It is
called a lathe.
of events heated by a
determine how blowtorch at the
long sculptures end to make
last. them shiny.

154 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 29

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 2
Directions: Read the informative/explanatory paragraph about creating ice
sculptures. Underline sentences that strongly support the main idea.

An ice sculpture is a beautiful and dramatic way to decorate for

a special event. For example, swans are very popular at weddings.

Ice for a sculpture must be completely clear. To make perfect ice, air

jets are used to blow air into the water as it freezes. Sculptures can

be made by hand, but artists typically use chainsaws and chisels to

create them. Machines called lathes can create sculptures quickly and

efficiently. Molds can also be used. A small blowtorch is used to make

the sculpture shiny after the carving is complete. The colder it is, the

longer a sculpture will last. Ice sculptures are imaginative forms of art.

Cursive Practice

Directions: Use cursive to write the names of four places you think would be safe
for an ice sculpture to be outside.

______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 155

Week 29

3 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Underline the prepositional phrases in each sentence.

1. An ice sculpture is a beautiful and dramatic way to decorate for a


special event.

2. To make perfect ice, air jets are used to blow air into the water as it freezes.

3, Sculptures can be made by hand, but artists typically use chainsaws and
chisels to create them.

4. A small blowtorch is used to make the sculpture shiny after the carving
is complete.

5. Write a sentence with at least one prepositional phrase about ice sculpting.



Boost Your Learning!

A prepositional phrase begins with a preposition

such as for, to, after, in, and over, and can end
with a noun, a verb, or an adjective.


• I shove the box under my bed.

• I gave up after trying for an hour.

156 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 29

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 4
Directions: Read each sentence. Decide which word should go in the blank and
fill in the letter for the correct answer.

1. People are not _____ to touch 4. The ____ made the ice shine

ice sculptures. under the light.

A allowed A mist

B aloud B missed

2. The sculpture will last _____ 5. I enjoyed all of the sculptures

the evening. _____ one.

A threw A except

B through B accept

3. The artist does not know _____ 6. The sculptor changed the ice
or not he will finish on time. from _____ to smooth.

A weather A course

B whether B coarse


Homophones are words that sound the

same but have different meanings. They
may or may not be spelled the same.

Examples: knows and nose, hear and here

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 157

Week 29

5 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read the paragraph. Then, answer the question.

An ice sculpture is a beautiful and This week I learned:


dramatic way to decorate for a special • to support the main idea

with strong details
event. For example, swans are very
• about prepositional
popular at weddings. Ice for a sculpture phrases
must be completely clear. To make • to use homophones
perfect ice, air jets are used to blow air

into the water as it freezes. Sculptures

can be made by hand, and artists

typically use chainsaws and chisels to

create them. Machines called lathes

can create sculptures quickly and

efficiently. Molds can also be used.

A small blowtorch is used to make the

sculpture shiny after the carving is

complete. The colder it is, the longer

a sculpture will last. Ice sculptures are

imaginative forms of art.

1. How could the paragraph be stronger? Give at least two suggestions.




158 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 30

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 1
Directions: Look at the web for information about a style of painting called
abstract. Place check marks in the circles that strongly support the main topic.

often an outdoor paint dribbles or
scene splashes

bold color

geometric Abstract

small, feathery

ordinary, everyday open to

subjects interpretation

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 159

Week 30

2 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Describe what abstract art is. Include facts about what abstract art
looks like. Use the web on page 159 and your own observations to help you draft
your informative/explanatory paragraph.








A strong informative/
_____________________________________ explanatory paragraph
• an introductory and a
_____________________________________ concluding sentence
• details that support
_____________________________________ the main idea

Cursive Practice

Directions: Use cursive to write the names of these famous abstract painters:
Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko.



160 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 30

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 3
Directions: Improve each sentence by adding a prepositional phrase. Use the
prepositions in parentheses to help you.

1. Anyone can learn to paint. (by)



2. Budding artists can take lessons. (from)



3. They can observe nature. (around)



4. Painting may not be easy. (until)



Time to Improve!

Sometimes a prepositional phrase can add a detail or make a sentence

more interesting. Reread the paragraph you wrote on page 160 and
see if any sentences can be improved by adding prepositional phrases.

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 161

Week 30

4 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read the sentences. They all have incorrect homophones. Use the
and symbols to correct them.

1. No one nose what the painting is supposed to be about.


2. The hole painting is filled with different colors.

3. The group had to weight in line at the ar t museum.

4. The bear canvas came alive with the interesting painting.

5. A flour is not an abstract subject.

6. The dark colors in the painting feel like knight.

7. It looks like a pale of paint was splashed on the ar twork.

8. Many people want to meat the ar tist.

Time to Improve!

Revisit the paragraph you wrote on page 160 for homophones. If you find any,
make sure they are correct.

162 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 30

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 5
Directions: Describe what abstract art is. Include facts about what abstract art
looks like.




















© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 163

Week 31

1 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Look at the table about steam engine trains. The first column has
facts. The second column is supposed to show that the facts are advantages for
steam engine trains. If it is an advantage, put a star by the sentence. If it is not
an advantage, put an X.
Steam Engine Trains

Facts Advantages

Steam engines do not need to be The engines can be

by water sources. anywhere instead of being
_____ stuck by a river or a lake.

Steam engines produce lots The smoke puts air pollution

of smoke. _____ into the environment.

Steam engines are powerful. One steam engine is equal

_____ to the power of many horses.

The steam in a steam engine’s Boilers can burst, leading

boiler room is under tremendous to loss of workers’ lives and
pressure. _____ property.

Steam engines can be used at Other energy sources, like

any time. wind, can only be used
under the right weather
_____ conditions.

164 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 31

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 2
Directions: Read the opinion paragraph about the advantages of a steam engine
train. Underline sentences that support the main idea.

Steam Engine Trains

Though steam engine trains were not perfect, they were the right choice

for transportation at the time and made travel easier. Most power before

the 1800s required being close to water sources, but the steam engine train

allowed distance from water. Windmills provided another kind of power

but depended on the wind and weather; steam engine trains could work

regardless of the environment. Trains burned wood to heat water and create

steam, and the smoke produced by the burning wood added to air pollution.

The steam was under tremendous pressure and sometimes caused boilers to

burst, injuring people and destroying property. Horses were commonly used

for travel, but a steam engine train was equal to the power of many horses.

Steam engine trains eventually gave way to gasoline engines, but they were

very important during their time.

Cursive Practice

Directions: Use cursive to write one question you have about steam
engine trains.



© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 165

Week 31

3 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read each sentence. The answer choices are words that have
similar but not identical meanings. Fill in the bubble with the best answer for
each sentence.
1. Though the steam engine train 3. It is _____ for one horse to do the
Steam Engine Trains

had existed for a long time, people work a steam engine train can.
were _____ for ways to improve it.
A impossible
A exploring
B difficult
B searching
4. The steam engine train easily
2. It will take several months to build makes its way over the gentle
a railroad bridge over the _____. _____ of the land.

A pond A hills

B lake B mountains

Boost Your Learning!

Synonyms are words that have similar meanings.

Oftentimes, a synonym has a different feel or
intensity from another.

• I skipped breakfast and was hungry by lunch.
• During the famine, many children were starving.

166 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 31

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 4
Directions: Look at the underlined possessive noun in each sentence. If it
is correct, put a C on the line. If it is incorrect, put an I on the line and rewrite
the possessive noun correctly.
_____ 1. America’s first steam engine railway opened in 1830.

Steam Engine Trains


_____ 2. Coal and water were stored in a trains tender, which is a wagon pulled
behind the train.


_____ 3. Many railway station’s arrival and departure times were different
because there was not a national standard time until 1883.


_____ 4. It took three hours of workers’ time to get a steam engine train moving.


Boost Your Learning!

• A possessive noun means something belongs to the

noun. You show this by adding an apostrophe and an
-s to the end of the noun.
Example: a girl’s backpack (the backpack belongs to
one girl)
• A plural possessive noun means something belongs to
a plural noun. You show this by adding an apostrophe to
the end of the noun.
Example: the boys’ classroom (the classroom belongs to
more than one boy)

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 167

Week 31

5 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Reread the paragraph about steam engine trains. Think about what
you practiced this week. In the margins, write at least three ways to improve
the paragraph.
Steam Engine Trains

Though steam engine trains were not perfect, they were

the right choice for transportation at the time and made

travel easier. Most power before the 1800s required being

close to water sources, but the steam engine train allowed

distance from water. Windmills provided another kind of

power but depended on the wind and weather; steam

engine trains could work regardless of the environment.

Trains burned wood to heat water and create steam, and

the smoke produced by the burning wood added to air

pollution. The steam was under tremendous pressure

and sometimes caused boilers to burst, injuring people

and destroying property. Horses were commonly used for

travel, but a steam engine train was equal to the power of

many horses. Steam engine trains eventually gave way

to gasoline engines, but they were very important during

their time.

This week I learned:

• to include strong
supporting details
• to use precise words
• about possessive nouns

168 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 32

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 1
Directions: Complete the chart by putting a check mark for each fact in the
appropriate column based on whether or not bullet trains are a good idea. Then,
write why you think the fact is an advantage or a disadvantage.

Bullet Trains
Fact Advantage Disadvantage Why?

There are
over 15
with bullet

tend to
prefer the
freedom of
driving their
own cars.

has plans to
build a bullet
train with an
cost of $98.5

Bullet trains
travel a
of 155 mph
(249 kph).

trains use

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 169

Week 32

2 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Should the United States construct its own bullet trains? Explain
your opinion and why you feel the way you do. Use the table on page 169 to help
you draft your opinion paragraph.
Bullet Trains








A strong opinion paragraph
________________________________ includes:

________________________________ • an introductory sentence

stating your opinion

• strong supporting details
________________________________ • a concluding sentence

Cursive Practice

Directions: Write the names of these countries that have bullet trains in cursive:
Spain, Japan, Russia, and France.

______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________

170 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 32

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 3
Directions: Read each pair of sentences. They are the same except for the
underlined words, which have similar, but not identical, meanings. On the lines,
explain the differences between the words.
1. The passenger was wandering toward the train station.

Bullet Trains
The passenger was walking toward the train station.



2. As she boarded the train, she glared at the man behind her.
As she boarded the train, she stared at the man behind her.



3. Tossing her bag on the floor, she took a seat.

Hurling her bag on the floor, she took a seat.



4. She remembered the argument between two of the passengers.

She remembered the disagreement between two of the passengers.



Time to Improve!

Reread the paragraph you wrote on page 170. Make sure the words you use
express the meanings you want. If they don’t, use synonyms.

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 171

Week 32

4 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Write the possessive form of the nouns in parentheses for

each sentence.

1. __________________ bullet train is called Shinkansen which means “new

Bullet Trains

trunk lines.”

2. The __________________ debut was October 1, 1964, but it has had

(bullet train)
many updates since its beginning.

3. __________________ safety is a priority, and there has never been

a fatal accident.

4. The train __________________ average delay is only 36 seconds.


5. Other __________________ designs have used the Shinkansen as

an inspiration.

Time to Improve! Remember!

Do you have any possessive A quick tip for possessive nouns:

nouns in your paragraph? If

so, make sure you used an • engineer’s schedule (schedule
apostrophe correctly. belonging to the engineer)
• families’ items (items belonging
to more than one family)

172 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 32

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 5
Directions: Should the United States construct its own bullet trains? Explain
your opinion and why you feel the way you do.

Bullet Trains















© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 173

Week 33

1 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read the narrative notes in the flowchart. Put stars by six to eight
things you think should be in a narrative paragraph about a girl visiting the Eiffel
Tower in Paris, France.
Eiffel Tower

_____ last day in Paris

_____ went to a museum the day before

_____ finally at the Eiffel Tower

_____ insisted on walking up the _____ very busy at the top
1,665 stairs of the tower
_____ could see for miles
_____ not crowded on stairs

_____ there at dusk when lights turned on

_____ took elevator down

_____ favorite memory of Paris

174 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 33

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 2
Directions: Read the narrative paragraph about Aaliyah visiting the Eiffel Tower.
Underline sentences you think should stay in the story.

Aaliyah felt like butterflies were fluttering in her stomach. It was her last

Eiffel Tower
day in Paris, and she was finally going to see the Eiffel Tower. Yesterday,

her tour group had visited a museum. Most of the others wanted to take the

elevator, but Aaliyah insisted on going up the old-fashioned way. She climbed

up all 1,665 steps to get to the top. The stairs were not busy, but the top of

the tower was like a zoo. As she looked over Paris, she saw clouds like cotton

balls and a sunset striping the sky. She could see for miles. The sun slipped

below the horizon and the lights on the Eiffel Tower turned on. They were as

bright as the sun. Tired but happy, Aaliyah took the elevator down with the

rest of her group. This would definitely be her favorite memory of Paris.


A strong narrative paragraph should:

• have a beginning, a middle, and an end

• sound like a story
• have interesting details

Cursive Practice

Directions: Use cursive to write Paris, France.


© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 175

Week 33

3 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Write S if the sentence includes a simile. Write M if the sentence

includes a metaphor. Then, underline the simile or metaphor in each sentence.

_____ 1. Aaliyah feels like butterflies are in her stomach.

Eiffel Tower

_____ 2. The top of the tower is a zoo.

_____ 3. The sunset stripes the sky in color.

_____ 4. She sees clouds like cotton balls.

_____ 5. The lights are as bright as the sun.

Boost Your Learning!

Using similes and metaphors can make

your writing more exciting!
• A simile compares two unlike things

using the words like or as.

Example: John is as strong as an ox.
• A metaphor compares two things
without using like or as.
Example: Jenna’s hair is red fire.

176 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 33

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 4
Directions: Read each sentence and look for capitalization errors. Use the
and symbols to correct the errors.

1. the eiffel tower was built in 1889.

Eiffel Tower
2. It was built to be the Entrance Arch for the world’s fair.

3. The Tower is repainted ever y seven years to protect it from Rust.

4. There are 20,000 Lightbulbs on the Eiffel tower.

5. It was almost torn down but was kept because it could be used
as a Radio Antenna.


Proper nouns are the names of specific

people, places, and things. They should
always be capitalized.


• city (common noun) and New York City

(proper noun)
• statue (common noun) and Statue of
Liberty (proper noun)

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 177

Week 33

5 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Reread the paragraph about Aaliyah’s visit to the Eiffel Tower. Think
about what you have learned this week. Use the margins to write three ways the
paragraph can be improved.
Eiffel Tower

Aaliyah felt like butterflies were fluttering in her

stomach. It was her last day in paris, and she was

finally going to see the Eiffel tower. Yesterday, her

Tour Group had visited a Museum. Most of the others

wanted to take the elevator, but Aaliyah insisted on

going up the old-fashioned way. She climbed up all

1,665 steps to get to the top. The stairs were not

busy, but the top of the tower was like a zoo. As she

looked over paris, she saw clouds like cotton balls and

a sunset striping the sky. She could see for miles.

The sun slipped below the horizon and the lights on

the Eiffel tower turned on. They were as bright as the

sun. Tired but happy, Aaliyah took the elevator down

with the rest of her group. This would definitely be her

favorite memory of paris.

This week I learned:

• to include a beginning, a middle, and an end

• about similes and metaphors
• to capitalize proper nouns

178 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 34

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 1
Directions: Read the paragraph about the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy. Use
the information as well as your imagination to brainstorm ideas for a narrative
paragraph about a student’s visit to the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Then, write your
ideas in the flowchart.

Leaning Tower of Pisa

The Leaning Tower of Pisa in Pisa, Italy, is one of the most famous towers

in the world because of its tilt. The circular, 8-story building leans because of

the soft ground underneath. It is 183 feet (56 meters) tall on its sinking side

and almost 186 feet (57 meters) tall on the other side. There are 294 or 296

steps to reach the top, depending on which side a person climbs. The tower

was built as a freestanding bell tower for the cathedral in Pisa. Construction

started in 1173 and took over 200 years to complete.




© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 179

Week 34

2 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Imagine a time when a student visits the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
Include details that describe how the student felt and what he or she saw. Use
your flowchart on page 179 to help you draft your narrative paragraph.
Leaning Tower of Pisa








A strong narrative
_____________________________________ paragraph should:

_____________________________________ • have a beginning, a

middle, and an end

• sound like a story
_____________________________________ • have interesting details

Cursive Practice

Directions: Write the location of the Leaning Tower of Pisa in cursive: Piazza del
Duomo in Pisa, Italy.



180 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 34

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 3
Directions: Complete each sentence with a phrase from the Phrase Bank. If the
sentence contains a simile, write S before the sentence. If it contains a metaphor,
write M.

Leaning Tower of Pisa

Phrase Bank
as an arrow moths to a flame light of Pisa as a fishhook

_____ 1. The Leaning Tower of Pisa is not as straight


_____ 2. In fact, it is as crooked _______________________________.

_____ 3. The tower is the _______________________________.

_____ 4. People are drawn to visit it like _______________________________.

Time to Improve! Remember!

Have you included any similes • Similes make comparisons
or metaphors in the narrative using the words like or as.
paragraph you wrote on page
180? If not, go back and try • Metaphors make
to add one or two to make comparisons without the
your writing more exciting. words like or as.

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 181

Week 34

4 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Use the and symbols to correct the sentences. Then, write
why you made the changes you did.

1. during world war II, the leaning tower of pisa was almost
Leaning Tower of Pisa




2. many tall buildings in italy were being used as lookout towers

by nazis.



3. american soldiers were ordered to bomb any potential lookouts.



4. the beauty of the leaning tower of pisa saved it from destruction.



Time to Improve!

Reread the paragraph you wrote on page 180

and pay careful attention to nouns. Make sure
all proper nouns are capitalized correctly.

182 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 34

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 5
Directions: Imagine a time when a student visits the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
Include details that describe how the student feels and what he or she sees.

Leaning Tower of Pisa




















© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 183

Week 35

1 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read the notes about a camping trip. Put stars by five to seven items
you think would be interesting to include in a personal narrative about camping.

_____ I was excited to go on my first camping trip.

_____ Everything seemed to go wrong.

_____ We couldn’t get the tent set up.

_____ My mom forgot the cooler with the drinks.

_____ I wanted to go hiking.

_____ Dad worked for over an hour to start the fire.

_____ My little sister was scared of bears.

_____ I dropped my hot dog into the fire.

_____ When we finally got settled, it started to rain.

184 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 35

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 2
Directions: Read the personal narrative. Underline sentences you think belong
in the paragraph.

I had been looking forward to my first camping trip for weeks.

I was very excited when we finally left Friday after school. Things

started off smoothly, but it didn’t take long before everything

seemed to go wrong. We pulled our brand new tent out of its

bag and began setting it up. We realized a pole was missing, so

it was impossible to put together. My dad said we could sleep

under the beautiful sky. We were hungry for dinner. My dad

started building a fire, but it took him over an hour to get it going.

I was not waiting patiently. My mom went to get the cooler with

drinks out of the truck but came back empty-handed. She forgot

the cooler at home. As darkness began to fall, I was hungry,

thirsty, and cranky. I laid out my sleeping bag, feeling hopeful

I could see the stars. It’s too cloudy I said to myself, and that’s

when the first raindrop splashed on my cheek.

Cursive Practice

Directions: Use cursive to write four things you would need to bring on a
camping trip.

______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 185

Week 35

3 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Use the suffixes in the Suffix Bank to complete the words in each
sentence. You may use a suffix more than once.

Suffix Bank
-ful -ly -y -ness

1. Things start off smooth_____.

2. I cannot wait patient_____.

3. Dark_____ begins to fall.

4. I feel hope_____ about seeing stars.

5. It is a cloud_____ night.

Boost Your Learning!

A suffix is a letter or group of letters

added to the end of a word that
slightly changes the word’s meaning.

dark ➔ darker
friend ➔ friendly

186 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 35

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 4
Directions: Use the symbol to insert commas and quotation marks in the
dialogue. Then, write a line of dialogue to respond.

1. My dad said we can sleep under the beautiful sk y.



2. I forgot the cooler at home she said.



3. It ’s too cloudy my sister said to herself.




Tips for using quotation marks:

• Put quotation marks around anything people

say out loud.
• The quotation should start with a capital letter.
• Use a comma to separate what was said from
who said it.
Example: “Camping is a fun way to
experience nature,” said the tour guide.

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 187

Week 35

5 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read the paragraph. Think about what you have learned this week.
Write in the margins to explain three ways the author could improve the paragraph.

I had been looking forward to my first camping

trip for weeks. I was very excited when we finally left

Friday after school. Things started off smoothly, but it

didn’t take long before everything seemed to go wrong.

We pulled our brand new tent out of its bag and began
setting it up. We realized a pole was missing, so it

was impossible to put together. My dad said we could

sleep under the beautiful sky. We were hungry for

dinner. My dad started building a fire, but it took him

over an hour to get it going. I was not waiting patiently.

My mom went to get the cooler with drinks out of

the truck but came back empty-handed. She forgot

the cooler at home. As darkness began to fall, I was

hungry, thirsty, and cranky. I laid out my sleeping bag,

feeling hopeful I could see the stars. It’s too cloudy

I said to myself, and that’s when the first raindrop

splashed on my cheek.

This week I learned:

• to include interesting information in narratives

• about different suffixes
• to use quotation marks correctly

188 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 36

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 1
Directions: Write notes that you would include in a personal narrative about a
time you went swimming. Use a real experience or your imagination. Be sure
to make your notes exciting and interesting.


© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 189

Week 36

2 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Imagine a time you went swimming. Describe the experience,

including where you swam and whom you swam with. Use your thoughts and
ideas from page 189 to help you draft your personal narrative paragraph.








A strong personal narrative:
• is about you
• has a beginning, a middle,
and an end
• sounds like a story

Cursive Practice

Directions: Use cursive to write four different places you can swim.

______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________

190 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 36

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 3
Directions: Read each sentence. Fill in the bubbles with the suffixes that mean
the same things as the underlined phrases.

1. Being on a swim team is an 3. People must always be full of care

activity that is able to be enjoyed. when they are around water.

A enjoyable A careless

B enjoyless B careful

2. The feeling of being without 4. Many swimmers are full of thanks

weight in the water is relaxing. for their memories of being on
a team.
A weightless

B weightful
A thankful

B thankless

Boost Your Learning!

Suffixes have different meanings.

Time to Improve!

Examples Reread the personal

narrative you wrote on
• -able means “able to be” (agreeable) page 190 about swimming.
• -less means “without” (meaningless) Make sure any suffixes you
used are correct.
• -ful means “full of” (wonderful)

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 191

Week 36

4 Name:______________________________ Date:____________________

Directions: Read the conversation between a mother and son at the beach. Use
the symbol to add quotation marks and punctuation marks to each sentence.

1. Can I go swim in the ocean the boy asked his mother.


2. Not until I am ready to go with you his mother responded.

3. The boy stomped his foot and cried I want to go now

4. It is not safe to go swimming alone his mother gently explained.

5. I understand. Are you ready now he asked with a grin.

Time to Improve!

Have you used any dialogue in the personal narrative you wrote on page
190? If so, make sure it is used correctly. If not, consider adding some!

192 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 36

Name:______________________________ Date:____________________ 5
Directions: Imagine a time you went swimming. Describe the experience,
including where you swam and whom you swam with.




















© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 193

Answer Key
The activity pages that do not have specific answers to them are not included in this answer key. Students’ answers will
vary on these activity pages, so check that students are staying on task.

Week 1: Hieroglyphics Week 2: Pyramids Day 2 (page 25)

Day 1 (page 14) Day 1 (page 19) Example answers include:
Hieroglyphics use symbols and The structures were intended to 1. Passing the ball in so many
pictures; Symbols point to the protect the pharaohs’ bodies forever; different ways makes hurling
beginning of a line to let the reader Pyramids were filled with items and more interesting than other
know where to start reading; The treasures needed for the afterlife; sports.
writing contains no punctuation; The pharaohs were buried in the 2. Games are thrilling to watch
There are more than 700 symbols; pyramids; Family members and because there is a lot of
The Rosetta Stone helped people servants were sometimes buried in
learn how to read the symbols; the pyramids. 3. Players play for pride and love
of the game, which is better
Egyptians wrote hieroglyphics on
Day 3 (page 21) than professional athletes
paper called papyrus.
1. RO; The pyramids were built playing for money.
Day 2 (page 15) on the west side of the Nile Day 3 (page 26)
Underline: Over 700 symbols!; River. It is known as the land
of the dead. players, nets, sports, hurlies, bails,
Contains no punctuation; With
2. F; The pyramids were built sticks, helmets, balls, teams, hands
Greek and Egyptian written side by
side. of limestone by thousands of Day 4 (page 27)
workers. 1. Players may hit the ball with
Day 3 (page 16) 3. RO; The Sphinx had the head hurley sticks.
Example answers include: of a pharaoh and the body of 2. Hurlers must run fast to play
1. The hieroglyphics are a lion. this sport.
beautiful to look at. Day 4 (page 22) 3. Teams may earn up to three
2. Egyptians wrote on an early points with one score.
Capitalize: King Tut, Egypt, English,
paper called papyrus. 4. A player must have fast
3. Hieroglyphics are hard to reflexes in hurling.
understand. Lowercase: pharaoh, archaeologist,
treasures, artifacts 5. The amateur players may
4. The Rosetta Stone was receive money.
important to translating Day 5 (page 23)
hieroglyphics. Week 4: Cricket
See Informative/Explanatory
Day 4 (page 17) Writing Rubric on page 203.
Day 3 (page 31)
1. Egypt is in northeastern 1. Joseph will write his essays
Africa. Week 3: Hurling about the rules of cricket.
2. Makeup protected the people’s Day 1 (page 24) 2. The ladies bring the babies to
faces from the sun. watch cricket.
1. R
3. The Nile River was important 3. The victories belong to the
2. P
to Egypian crops. players.
3. R
4. Ancient Egyptians used
toothpaste. 4. S Day 4 (page 32)
5. The Rosetta Stone was found 5. P must, might, should, would
by French soldiers. 6. S
Day 5 (page 33)
6. The Egyptian leader was
called a pharaoh. See Opinion Writing Rubric on
page 202.

194 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Answer Key (cont.)
Week 5: Cupcakes Day 4 (page 42) Day 3 (page 51)
People eat ice cream cones 1. For example
Day 1 (page 34)
every day.; But when was the 2. Since
See: pink frosting, sprinkles, lit
cone invented?; Now, cones are 3. On the other hand
candle, large; Taste/Smell: chocolate,
everywhere!; The next time you have 4. but
vanilla, sugar, sweet; Feel: moist,
an ice cream cone, remember the 5. In addition to
sticky frosting, crinkly wrapper,
1904 World’s Fair.
warm Day 5 (page 53)
Day 5 (page 43)
Day 2 (page 35) See Informative/Explanatory
See Narrative Rubric on page 204. Writing Rubric on page 203.
Underline: A lit, glowing candle
sat in the middle of the sprinkles
Week 7: Skeleton Week 9: Morse Code
scattered on the icing; After making
her wish and blowing out the Day 1 (page 44) Day 1 (page 54)
candle, Jada peeled back the crinkly Babies have 300 bones, but adults 1. A
wrapper; A bit of frosting stuck to have 206; The longest bone in the 2. A
her lip as she bit into the chocolate body is the thighbone, which is 3. D
cake; It was sweet and delicious; called the femur; Bones in the hands 4. A
Breathing in the scent of vanilla, she and feet make up over half of the
took another bite. 5. A
body’s bones; The smallest bone in
6. D
Day 4 (page 37) the body is in the ear. It is smaller
than a grain of rice. 7. D
1. E; !
2. IN; ? Day 2 (page 45) Day 2 (page 55)
3. E; ! Example answers: The human Underline: Communicating through
4. D; . skeleton is fascinating; The skeleton this code is fairly secure; Because
not everyone knows it, it is unlikely
5. IM; . provides support to the whole body.
the message will fall into the wrong
6. IN; ? Day 3 (page 46) hands; The equipment is inexpensive
7. IM; . For example; On the other hand; In and transmitting the messages is
8. D; . fact easy; Morse Code is used all over the
Day 5 (page 38) Day 4 (page 47)
world and is understood by receivers
1. The author could have used in all countries.
1. definition 3
more sensory details in his or Day 3 (page 56)
2. definition 1
her writing to make it more
3. Students answers will vary. 1. modern: the present time
2. transmitting: to send and
Day 5 (page 48) receive information
Week 6: Ice Cream 1. The paragraph is missing good
Day 3 (page 41) introductory and concluding Day 4 (page 57)
sentences. It jumps right into 1. except—accept
1. Crisp and warm cones taste
the information. 2. loose—lose
2. Yes, the paragraph informs 3. Their—They’re
2. Frozen ice cream melts on hot
the reader about bones. It 4. capitol—capital
includes many facts about
3. Strawberries are fun, fruity 5. hole—whole
choices. 6. Student answers will vary.
4. Natural ingredients make fresh Week 8: Muscles
and tasty flavors.
Day 1 (page 49)
cover skeleton and move bones;
used for voluntary movement; layers
of muscle control organs; used for
involuntary movement; pumps the
heart and blood; only in the heart

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 195

Answer Key (cont.)
Week 10: Telegrams Day 3 (page 66) Day 4 (page 72)
1. RO; Great Danes have short 1. were eating
Day 3 (page 61)
hair, and it requires brushing 2. was thinking
1. Agitated means being once a week.
bothered or disturbed. The 3. is feeding
2. C 4. are gobbling
context clue said Myra
couldn’t concentrate on her 3. RO; Great danes need daily 5. will be shopping
message because the room walks, but they are not high
6. will be growing
was too loud. exercise dogs.
2. Superfluous means an 4. RO; This breed needs to be Day 5 (page 73)
unnecessary amount. The around people, or it could get See Informative/Explanatory Rubric
context clue said a one-page anxious. on page 203.
message was stretched to Day 4 (page 67)
two pages. Week 13: Yosemite
1. will be
3. Attentive means working
2. were Day 1 (page 74)
carefully and paying attention.
The context clue gave the 3. will be Beginning: gather hiking supplies at
definition of the word. 4. were camp
Day 5 (page 63) Middle: climb to the top of the
Week 12: Chihuahuas mountain and look out over land; see
See Opinion Writing Rubric on
page 202. Day 1 (page 69) deer, fox, and bobcat while hiking;
physical characteristics: smallest stop at a stream for water
Week 11: Great Danes breed of dog weighing 4 to 6 pounds End: walk back to camp
(2 to 3 kilograms); can be long- or Day 2 (page 75)
Day 1 (page 64) short-haired; life expectancy of 12
one of the largest dog breeds; males 1. Students may say that it is
to 20 years; coats can be any color, a strong draft because it
are 120 to 200 pounds (54 to 91 either solid or multi-colored includes a beginning, middle,
kilograms), females are 100 to 130 breed history: clay pots with dogs and an end to a story. It also
pounds (45 to 59 kilograms); 2014 includes lots of adjectives.
resembling modern Chihuahuas
Guinness Book of World Records’ were found in Mexico from 100 C.E.;
largest dog; colors are: black, fawn Day 3 (page 76)
named after a state in Mexico called
(yellow gold with black “mask” Answers may include:
Chihuahua; possibly descended from
on face), brindle (fawn and black the Fennec fox, which is small with 1. gorgeous, breathtaking
swirled together), and harlequin 2. huge, enormous
big eyes and ears
(white with large black marks); ears 3. icy, freezing
temperament and personality:
can be cropped (cut so they stand up 4. exciting, eventful
considered a difficult breed to
to a point) or natural (floppy)
housebreak, or train; intelligent and Day 4 (page 77)
Day 2 (page 65) loyal to its owner; like to burrow in 1. “The sequoia trees are so tall,”
1. “The 2014 world record for pillows and blankets said the hiker.
largest dog was a Great Dane
Day 3 (page 71) 2. The tour guide said, “Yosemite
named Zeus.” can be crossed was started in 1890.”
off because it does not tell Newborn puppies are cute, but
information that supports the they need a lot of help during their 3. “I’ve never seen anything so
main idea. beautiful,” said the visitor.
first few weeks; They cannot even
maintain their body temperature, 4. Dad said, “It’s time for
bed because we are hiking
and (or so) they huddle together to
stay warm; After about two weeks,
5. “Let’s come again next year,”
the puppies’ sealed ears and eyes
said the son.
open, and at three weeks, they begin
to walk.

196 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Answer Key (cont.)
Week 14: Grand Canyon Day 4 (page 87) Day 2 (page 95)
1. whom 1. Cross out: “When the French
Day 3 (page 81)
2. that heard, they were skeptical the
Example answers: flight actually happened.” This
3. who
My adventurous family and I went sentence should be left out
4. whose
rafting in the large, beautiful Grand because it is not about the first
5. which flight, which is the main idea
Day 5 (page 88) of the paragraph.
Everyone was unbelievably scared
except for me. 1. The paragraph is well Day 3 (page 96)
The wild, crashing water was rough. organized and describes the 1. feet
events that happen.
One of the heaviest backpacks fell 2. children
2. The author could have used
out of the thrashing raft. 3. people
more adjectives to make the
writing more exciting. 4. geese
Day 5 (page 83)
5. mice
See Narrative Writing Rubric on
Week 16: Kickball 6. women
page 204.
Day 3 (page 91) Day 4 (page 97)
Week 15: Four Square Example answers: 1. The Wright Brothers
(capitalized because it is a
Day 1 (page 84) Today’s Weather: cold, windy, sunny; proper noun) made history
Answers may include: I played on A Kickball: round, red, bouncy; and accomplished a life-long
Wednesday when it was windy.; Student: tall, freckled, strong dream.
Marco kept catching the ball.; Meg 1. The strong student kicked the 2. The (capitalized because it is
kicked the ball by accident.; Marco red kickball during the windy the first word in a sentence)
argued about the ball hitting the recess. historic flight happened on
line.; Lauren was alone, so we invited 2. The round kickball sailed over December (capitalized
her to join us.; I never got out. the tall student’s head. because it is the name of a
3. The cold weather couldn’t month) 17, 1903, in Kitty
Day 2 (page 85) stop the freckled student from Hawk, North Carolina.
Order may vary but could include: playing. (capitalized because it is a
2. Marco kept catching the ball, proper noun)
and we had to remind him to Day 4 (page 92) 3. Orville and Wilbur
only hit it. that, which, whom, whom, whose (capitalized because they are
4. Once Meg got confused and names of people) were from
Day 5 (page 93)
kicked the ball, which was Ohio (capitalized because it
See Narrative Writing Rubric on is a proper noun), but went to
really funny.
page 204. North Carolina (capitalized
1. A girl was standing by herself,
not playing with anyone, so we because it is a proper noun) for
invited her to join us. Week 17: The Wright the flight.
3. Marco also argued with us Brothers
about the ball hitting the line Day 1 (page 94)
when he served. The first flight was on December 17,
5. The best part of playing was 1903, in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina;
that I did not get out one time. It was the first motor-powered flight
Day 3 (page 86) with a person; Orville flew 120
1. A. entertaining feet (37 meters) in 12 seconds; The
2. A. swat brothers chose Kitty Hawk, North
3. C. changeable Carolina, because of wind and soft
sand; Both Orville and Wilbur flew
4. B. gear
later that day.
5. Answers will vary.

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 197

Answer Key (cont.)
Week 18: Henry Ford Day 4 (page 112) Week 22: Beethoven
1. “Falling down hurts!”
Day 1 (page 99) Day 3 (page 121)
exclaimed Jess.
It was made with interchangeable 1. predates
2. “When are we leaving for the
parts, so the car took less time to rink?” asked Edward. 2. preschool
make; Workers were paid $5.00 3. Sierra said, “Black ice skates 3. unfortunate
a day; most other workers were paid are my favorite.” 4. revisited
$2.34 a day; It was made on a moving 5. misunderstood
4. Jeremiah asked, “Are we going
assembly line, so the car was less to be late for practice?” 6. Student answers will vary.
expensive to make; It was introduced 5. “I love gliding along the ice,”
in October 1908; It was nicknamed Day 4 (page 122)
stated Rachael.
the “Tin Lizzie” in, of, near, to, through, on
Day 5 (page 113)
Day 3 (page 101) Day 5 (page 123)
See Narrative Writing Rubric on
lives, churches, beaches, wrenches, page 204. See Opinion Writing Rubric on
wives page 202.
Day 4 (page 102) Week 21: Mozart
Week 23: Asteroids
Capitalize: Model-T, Tin Lizzie, Day 1 (page 114)
Model-T, Henry Ford, America, 1. Y Day 1 (page 124)
Tin Lizzie 2. N Billions or trillions of asteroids are
Lowercase: popular, cars, black, in the asteroid belt; Sizes range from
3. N
steering wheel, auto world a pebble to over 150 miles (241
4. N
kilometers) in diameter; The dwarf
Day 5 (page 103) 5. Y planet Ceres is part of the asteroid
See Informative/Explanatory 6. Y belt; The asteroids are 600,000 miles
Writing Rubric on page 203. Day 2 (page 115) (965,606 kilometers) apart; Most of
Possible sentences include: , it the asteroids are lumpy.
Week 19: Snowboarding
needed to be shared with others, Day 2 (page 125)
Day 3 (page 106) people had to do what royalty said; Underline: Small pebbles to 150
1. back to square one He or his family could have suffered miles (241 kilometers) diameter;
2. costs an arm and a leg severe consequences. Asteroids 600,000 miles (965,606
3. best of both worlds. Day 3 (page 116) kilometers) apart; Lumpy not round.
Day 4 (page 107) 1. retry Day 3 (page 126)
1. “That stuff is expensive!” she 2. mistreated 1. The dwarf planet Ceres is
exclaimed. 3. preview an asteroid in the asteroid belt.
2. Samuel asked, “Where is my 4. rediscovered 2. Ceres was discovered in 1801
snowboard?” by Giuseppe Piazzi.
Day 4 (page 117)
3. “This is awesome!” he yelled. 3. The asteroid is about
1. inside
4. “May I borrow your goggles one‑fourth the size of Earth’s
today?” Ella asked her brother. 2. on moon.
5. “Most of all he wanted to do a 3. into 4. The Herschel Space
flip,” Ella said. 4. across Observatory discovered
5. toward water vapor on Ceres.
Week 20: Ice Skating 6. under 5. A year on Ceres is equal to
7. before 4.6 Earth years.
Day 3 (page 111) 6. Student answers will vary.
8. after
1. B. ring a bell
2. E. at the drop of a hat Day 5 (page 118) Day 4 (page 127)
3. A. cold shoulder 1. The author could tell more 1. definition 4
4. C. joined at the hip about what consequences 2. definition 3
5. D. split hairs Mozart and his family would 3. Student answers will vary.
have faced had they refused.

198 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Answer Key (cont.)
Week 24: Comets Day 4 (page 137) Week 27: Mount Everest
1. Solar energy is hard for
Day 1 (page 129) Day 1 (page 144)
cloudy, rainy countries like
three parts: nucleus, coma, tail; England. Yes: Being allowed to climb should
nucleus: solid center made of 2. Heat and energy are two be based on capability not age; If a
dust and ice; coma: gas and dust products of the sun. child’s parent allows it, the officials at
atmosphere around nucleus; 2 tails: 3. Solar is the Latin word for Mount Everest should not interfere;
dust and plasma; look like “dirty sun. Climbing promotes a healthy
snowballs” 4. In the 1830s, a man named lifestyle, which could positively
John Herschel used solar influence peers; No: It’s dangerous
Day 4 (page 132)
energy to cook food. because hundreds of people have
1. definition 2
5. The energy can be stored in died trying to reach the top; Teens’
2. definition 3 brains are not fully developed to
batteries to use during the
3. Student answers will vary. night. make big decisions; Altitude sickness
Day 5 (page 133) may affect young people differently
Day 5 (page 138) than adults.
See Informative/Explanatory 1. The author includes some
Writing Rubric on page 203. reasons that do not support Day 2 (page 145)
his or her opinion. To make it Underline: Teens who climb are
Week 25: Solar Energy better, the author could have promoting healthy lifestyles,
stated these reasons, but then which could be positive influences
Day 1 (page 134) explain why solar energy is still on their peers; Reaching the
Advantages: does not produce a good thing.
summit would be very exciting for
pollution; once built, has low
a young person; People of all ages
operating cost, is a clean, renewable Week 26: Turbines
should be allowed the thrill of
resource, costs are coming down
over time Day 1 (page 139) experiencing the summit.
Advantages: tall, but do not take up Day 3 (page 146)
Disadvantages: cannot collect energy
much land; wind is free; does not
at night or on cloudy days; expensive 1. B. dismiss
create pollution or greenhouse gases;
to install; not very efficient at 2. A. lose
good for remote areas without access
changing energy to electricity 3. B. poor
to electricity.
Day 2 (page 135) 4. C. harmless
Disadvantages: if it is not windy, no
Underline: Unlike traditional energy 5. C. limited
energy is created; noisy to nearby
sources, solar energy does not homes and businesses; nearly half 6. A. small
produce any pollution; It is a clean, a million birds are killed by turbine Day 4 (page 147)
renewable resource, which means blades each year; clutter land, which 1. whom
it will last without getting used up; some people say is ugly 2. who
Solar panels are expensive to install,
but they’re getting less expensive Day 4 (page 142) 3. who
Capitalize: Persians, Middle East, 4. whom
every year and users save a lot of
money; Once the equipment has Europeans, English, Dutch, United 5. who
been built and installed, there is no States, America
operating cost because sunlight is Lowercase: turbines, windmills, first,
free. century, water, grain, windmills,
Day 3 (page 136)
1. C. there Day 5 (page 143)
2. A. They’re See Opinion Writing Rubric on page
3. C. There 202.
4. B. their

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 199

Answer Key (cont.)
Week 28: Mount Kilimanjaro Day 3 (page 156) Week 31: Steam Engine
1. to decorate; for a special event Trains
Day 3 (page 151)
2. To make perfect ice; to blow Day 1 (page 164)
1. Mount Kilimanjaro is
air; into the water; as it freezes
the tallest free-standing Stars: The engines can be anywhere
mountain, which means it is 3. by hand; to create them
instead of being stuck by a river or
not part of a mountain range. 4. to make the sculpture shiny; a lake; One steam engine is equal to
2. January through March are the after the carving
the power of many horses; Other
warmest months in Tanzania. 5. Student answers will vary energy sources, like wind, can only
3. The mountain’s national park Day 4 (page 157) be used under the right weather
opened in 1977. conditions.
1. A. allowed
4. The oldest person to reach
2. B. through X’s: The smoke puts air pollution
the summit was an 87-year-old
3. B. whether into the environment; Boilers can
4. A. mist burst, leading to loss of workers’ lives
5. The first recorded summit
5. A. except and property.
of Mount Kilimanjaro was in
1889. 6. B. coarse Day 2 (page 165)
Day 4 (page 152) Day 5 (page 158) Most power before the 1800s
1. C 1. The paragraph includes lots required being close to water
2. I; Who is wearing the boots? of information about ice sources, but the steam engine train
scultpures and it could have allowed distance from water; steam
3. C
explained more about how engine trains could work regardless
4. I; To whom will you give the
ice sculptures are imaginative of the environment; Horses were
forms of art. commonly used for travel, but a
5. C
steam engine train was equal to the
Day 5 (page 153) Week 30: Painting power of many horses.
See Opinion Writing Rubric on Day 1 (page 159) Day 3 (page 166)
page 202. bold color; paint dribbles or splashes; 1. B. searching
geometric shapes; no recognizable 2. B. lake
Week 29: Sculpture subject; open to interpretation 3. A. impossible
Day 1 (page 154) Day 4 (page 162) 4. A. hills
No cloudy or cracked ice is used; It 1. knows Day 4 (page 167)
can be made with a mold; Clear ice is 2. whole 1. C; America’s
made by shooting air into the water
3. wait 2. I; train’s
as it freezes; It can be made by hand
4. bare 3. I; stations’
using chainsaws, drills, and chisels; It
is heated by a blowtorch at the end to 5. flower 4. C; workers’
make them shiny; It can be made by 6. night
a rotating machine called a lathe. 7. pail
8. meet
Day 2 (page 155)
Underline: To make perfect ice, air Day 5 (page 163)
jets are used to blow air into the See Informative/Explanatory Rubric
water as it freezes; Sculptures can be on page 203.
made by hand, but artists typically
use chainsaws and chisels to create
them; Molds can also be used; A
small blowtorch is used to make the
sculpture shiny after the carving is
complete; Machines called lathes
can create sculptures quickly and

200 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Answer Key (cont.)
Week 32: Bullet Trains Day 4 (page 177) Day 2 (page 185)
1. The Eiffel Tower was built in Underlined parts should include
Day 3 (page 171)
1889. sentences that describe what is
1. Wandering means the
2. It was built to be the entrance happening in the story.
passenger didn’t really have a
arch for the World’s Fair.
purpose, but walking means Day 3 (page 186)
he went right to the station. 3. The tower is repainted every
seven years to protect it 1. smoothly
2 Glared means she was
from rust. 2. patiently
looking at him with an angry
expression, but stared means 4. There are 20,000 lightbulbs 3. Darkness
she looked at him for a long on the Eiffel Tower. 4. hopeful
time. 5. It was almost torn down but 5. cloudy
3. Tossing is a gentle throw, but was kept because it could be
used as a radio antenna. Day 4 (page 187)
hurling is throwing something
hard and often in anger. 1. My dad said, “We can sleep
Week 34: Leaning Tower under the beautiful sky.”
4. An argument is fighting with
anger, but a disagreement of Pisa 2. “I forgot the cooler at home,”
is discussing a difference of she said.
Day 3 (page 181) 3. “It’s too cloudy,” my sister said
opinion in a gentler way.
1. S; as an arrow to herself.
Day 4 (page 172) 2. S; as a fishhook
1. Japan’s 3. M; light of Pisa Week 36: Swimming
2. bullet train’s 4. S; moths to a flame Day 3 (page 191)
3. Passengers’
Day 4 (page 182) 1. A. enjoyable
4. system’s
1. During World War II, the 2. A. weightless
5. countries’ Leaning Tower of Pisa was 3. B. careful
Day 5 (page 173) almost destroyed. 4. A. thankful
See Opinion Writing Rubric on 2. Many tall buildings in Italy
were being used as lookout Day 4 (page 192)
page 202.
towers by Nazis. 1. “Can I go swim in the ocean?”
3. American soldiers were the boy asked his mother.
Week 33: Eiffel Tower
ordered to bomb any potential 2. “Not until I am ready to
Day 2 (page 175) lookouts. go with you,” his mother
It was her last day in Paris, and she 4. The beauty of the Leaning responded.
was finally going to see the Eiffel Tower of Pisa saved it from 3. The boy stomped his foot and
Tower; She climbed up all 1,665 destruction. cried, “I want to go now!”
steps to get to the top; As she looked 4. “It is not safe to go swimming
Day 5 (page 183)
over Paris, she saw clouds like cotton alone,” his mother gently
See Narrative Writing Rubric on explained.
balls and a sunset striping the sky; page 204. 5. “I understand. Are you ready
She could see for miles; The sun
slipped below the horizon and the now?” he asked with a grin.
Week 35: Camping
lights on the Eiffel Tower turned on; Day 5 (page 193)
This would definitely be her favorite Day 1 (page 184) See Narrative Writing Rubric on
memory of Paris. I was excited to go on my first page 204.
Day 3 (page 176) camping trip; Everything seemed to
1. S; feels like butterflies are in go wrong; We couldn’t get the tent
her stomach set up; My mom forgot the cooler
2. M; is a zoo with the drinks; Dad worked for over
3. M; stripes the sky an hour to start the fire; I dropped
4. S; clouds like cotton balls my hot dog into the fire; When we
finally got settled, it started to rain.
5. S; as bright as the sun

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 201

Opinion Writing Rubric
Directions: Evaluate students’ work in each category by circling one number in each row. Students
have opportunities to score up to five points in each row and up to 15 points total.

Exceptional Writing Quality Writing Developing Writing

Clearly states an opinion that is States an opinion that is relevant States an unclear opinion that is
Focus and Organization

relevant to the topic. to the topic. not fully relevant to the topic.

Demonstrates clear Demonstrates some Demonstrates little

understanding of the intended understanding of the intended understanding of the intended
audience and purpose of audience and purpose of audience or purpose of the piece.
the piece. the piece.
Does not include an
Organizes ideas in a purposeful Organizes ideas and includes introduction, a body, or a
way and includes an an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.
introduction, a detailed body, conclusion.
and a conclusion.

Points 5 4 3 2 1 0

Uses descriptive and precise Uses a broad vocabulary. Uses a limited or an unvaried
language with clarity and vocabulary.
Written Expression

intention. Maintains a consistent voice

and supports a tone and feeling Provides an inconsistent or a
Maintains a consistent voice and through language. weak voice and tone.
uses an appropriate tone that
supports meaning. Varies sentence length and Provides little to no variation in
word choices. sentence type and length.
Uses multiple sentence types
and transitions smoothly
between ideas.

Points 5 4 3 2 1 0

Capitalizes, punctuates, and Capitalizes, punctuates, and Incorrectly capitalizes,

spells accurately. spells accurately. punctuates, and spells.

Demonstrates complete Demonstrates complete Uses fragmented or run-on

thoughts within sentences, thoughts within sentences and sentences.
with accurate subject-verb appropriate grammar.
agreement. Utilizes poor grammar overall.
Paragraphs are properly divided
Uses paragraphs appropriately and supported. Paragraphs are poorly divided
and with clear purpose. and developed.

Points 5 4 3 2 1 0

Total Points: _____________________

202 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Writing Rubric
Directions: Evaluate students’ work in each category by circling one number in each row. Students
have opportunities to score up to five points in each row and up to 15 points total.

Exceptional Writing Quality Writing Developing Writing

Clearly states the topic and States the topic and develops it Does not state the topic and/
Focus and Organization

purposefully develops it throughout the writing. or develop it throughout the

throughout the writing. writing.
Demonstrates some
Demonstrates clear understanding of the intended Demonstrates little
understanding of the intended audience and purpose of understanding of the intended
audience and purpose of the piece. audience or purpose of the piece.
the piece.
Organizes the information Fails to organize the information
Organizes the information into into an introduction, body, and into an introduction, body, or
a well-supported introduction, conclusion. conclusion.
body, and conclusion.

Points 5 4 3 2 1 0

Uses descriptive and precise Uses a broad vocabulary. Uses a limited or an unvaried
language with clarity and vocabulary.
Written Expression

intention. Maintains a consistent voice

and supports a tone and feeling Provides an inconsistent or a
Maintains a consistent voice and through language. weak voice and tone.
uses an appropriate tone that
supports meaning. Varies sentence length and Provides little to no variation in
word choices. sentence type and length.
Uses multiple sentence types
and transitions smoothly
between ideas.

Points 5 4 3 2 1 0

Capitalizes, punctuates, and Capitalizes, punctuates, and Incorrectly capitalizes,

spells accurately. spells accurately. punctuates, and spells.

Demonstrates complete Demonstrates complete Uses fragmented or run-on

thoughts within sentences, thoughts within sentences and sentences.
with accurate subject-verb appropriate grammar.
agreement. Utilizes poor grammar overall.
Paragraphs are properly divided
Uses paragraphs appropriately and supported. Paragraphs are poorly divided
and with clear purpose. and developed.

Points 5 4 3 2 1 0

Total Points: _____________________

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 203

Narrative Writing Rubric
Directions: Evaluate students’ work in each category by circling one number in each row. Students
have opportunities to score up to five points in each row and up to 15 points total.

Exceptional Writing Quality Writing Developing Writing

Identifies the topic of the Identifies the topic of the Fails to identify the topic of
story and maintains the focus story, but has some trouble the story or maintain focus
throughout the writing. maintaining the focus throughout the writing.
Focus and Organization

throughout the writing.

Develops clear settings, a strong Does not develop strong
plot, and interesting characters. Develops settings, a plot, and settings, plot, or characters.
Demonstrates clear Demonstrates little
understanding of the intended Demonstrates some understanding of the intended
audience and purpose of understanding of the intended audience or purpose of the piece.
the piece. audience and purpose of
the piece. Provides lack of clarity in the
Engages the reader from the beginning, middle, and/or
opening hook through the Includes an interesting opening, conclusion.
middle to the conclusion. a strong story, and a conclusion.

Points 5 4 3 2 1 0

Uses descriptive and precise Uses a broad vocabulary. Uses a limited or an unvaried
language with clarity and vocabulary.
Written Expression

intention. Maintains a consistent voice

and supports a tone and feeling Provides an inconsistent or a
Maintains a consistent voice and through language. weak voice and tone.
uses an appropriate tone that
supports meaning. Varies sentence length and Provides little to no variation in
word choices. sentence type and length.
Uses multiple sentence types
and transitions smoothly
between ideas.

Points 5 4 3 2 1 0

Capitalizes, punctuates, and Capitalizes, punctuates, and Incorrectly capitalizes,

spells accurately. spells accurately. punctuates, and spells.

Demonstrates complete Demonstrates complete Uses fragmented or run-on

thoughts within sentences, thoughts within sentences and sentences.
with accurate subject-verb appropriate grammar.
agreement. Utilizes poor grammar overall.
Paragraphs are properly divided
Uses paragraphs appropriately and supported. Paragraphs are poorly divided
and with clear purpose. and developed.

Points 5 4 3 2 1 0

Total Points: _____________________

204 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Directions: Record each student’s rubric scores (page 202) in the appropriate columns. Add the totals every two weeks and record
the sums in the Total Scores column. You can view: (1) which students are not understanding the opinion genre and (2) how students
progress after multiple encounters with the opinion genre.

© Shell Education
Week Week Week Week Week Week Total Scores
4 10 22 26 28 32
Student Name
Opinion Writing Analysis

#51527—180 Days of Writing

Average Classroom Score

Directions: Record each student’s rubric score (page 203) in the appropriate columns. Add the totals every two weeks and record the
sums in the Total Scores column. You can view: (1) which students are not understanding the informative/explanatory genre and (2)
how students progress after multiple encounters with the informative/explanatory genre.

Week Week Week Week Week Week Total Scores

2 8 12 18 24 30
Student Name

#51527—180 Days of Writing

Writing Analysis

Average Classroom Score

© Shell Education
Directions: Record each student’s rubric score (page 204) in the appropriate columns. Add the totals every two weeks and record the
sums in the Total Scores column. You can view: (1) which students are not understanding the narrative genre and (2) how students
progress after multiple encounters with the narrative genre.

© Shell Education
Week Week Week Week Week Week Total Scores
6 14 16 20 34 36
Student Name
Narrative Writing Analysis

#51527—180 Days of Writing

Average Classroom Score

The Writing Process

Step 1: Prewriting
Think about the topic. Brainstorm ideas, and plan what
you want to include in your writing.

Step 2: Drafting
Use your brainstormed ideas to write a first draft.
Don’t worry about errors. This will be a rough draft.

Step 3: Revising
Read your rough draft. Think about the vocabulary you
used and how your writing is organized. Then, make the
appropriate changes to improve your written piece.

Step 4: Editing
Reread your revised draft. Check for errors in spelling,
punctuation, and grammar. Use editing marks to correct
the errors.

Step 5: Publishing
Create a final version of your piece, including the
corrections from the edited version. Be sure to reread
your work for any errors.

208 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Editing Marks

Symbol Names Example

capitalization symbol david gobbled up the grapes.

My mother hugged Me when I Came

lowercase symbol

insert period symbol The clouds danced in the sky

check spelling symbol I laffed at the story.

transpose symbol How you are?

insert symbol Would you pass the pizza?

I have two cats, two dogs and a

insert comma symbol

insert quotations symbol That's amazing, she shouted.

Will you call call me on the phone

deletion symbol

… in the tree. After lunch, I spent the

new paragraph symbol

# add space symbol I ran tothe tree.

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 209

Opinion Writing Tips
Ask yourself . . . Remember . . .

Do I have a strong belief in my

Make sure you can back up your
opinion so that I can convince
opinion with specific examples.
others to believe the same?

Begin with a question or a

Have I stated my opinion in a way
bold statement that includes
that grabs the reader’s attention?
your opinion.

Include at least three solid

Do I have at least three reasons
reasons why the reader should
based on facts for my opinion?
agree with you.

Do I have an example for

Each reason must be followed by
each reason that strengthens
one strong example.
my argument?

Don’t bounce around. Focus on

Do I have a logical order to
a logical order to present each
my writing?
reason and example.

Am I using smooth transitions to Use transition words like first, in

connect my thoughts and help my addition to, another reason, and
writing flow? most important.

Does my conclusion restate Do not forget to restate your

my opinion? opinion in the final sentence.

Have I used correct spelling, Revisit what you have written.

grammar, and punctuation? Then, check for mistakes.

210 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Writing Tips
Ask yourself . . . Remember . . .

Make sure to include facts about

Do I provide enough information
the topic in your writing so that
on the topic?
the reader is informed.

Have I narrowed the focus of Choose one aspect of the topic

the topic? that you want to write about.

Begin with a strong topic

Does my writing have a hook? sentence that grabs the
reader’s attention.

Do not bounce around. Present

Is my information presented in a each topic sentence at the
logical order? beginning of a paragraph and
add details.

Have I included enough End with a strong sentence that

information that the reader will be makes the reader want to learn
interested in learning even more? more about the subject.

Have I used correct spelling, Revisit what you have written.

grammar, and punctuation? Then, check for mistakes.

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 211

Narrative Writing Tips
Ask yourself . . . Remember . . .

You are in the story, telling where

Am I the main character? Is the
you are, what you see, who you
story told from my point of view?
are with, and what you do.

Include an exciting introductory

Does my story have a hook? sentence that makes the reader
want to continue reading.

Does my story make sense and Do not bounce around. Focus

have a beginning, a middle, and on a logical order of how the
an end? experience happened.

Am I using transitions to connect

Use transition words like first,
my thoughts and help the writing
next, then, another, and finally.

Use lots of adjectives, and

Am I including rich details and
incorporate figurative language,
sensory language to help paint a
such as metaphors and similes,
picture in the reader’s mind?
to make your story come to life.

Incorporate a sentence or two

Does my conclusion summarize
that reflects on what you have
the main idea?

Have I used correct spelling, Revisit what you have written.

grammar, and punctuation? Then, check for mistakes.

212 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 213
214 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
© Shell Education #51527—180 Days of Writing 215
Digital Resources

Accessing the Digital Resources

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these steps:

1. Go to

2. Sign in or create an account.

3. Click Redeem Content and enter the

ISBN number, located on page 2 and the
back cover, into the appropriate field on ISBN:
the website. 9781425815271

4. Respond to the prompts using the book

to view your account and available
digital content.

5. Choose the digital resources you would like to download. You can download
all the files at once, or you can download a specific group of files.

Please note: Some files provided for download have large file sizes. Download
times for these larger files will vary based on your download speed.

Contents of the Digital Resources

Teacher Resources Student Resources
• Informative/Explanatory Writing • Peer/Self-Editing Checklist
Analysis • Editing Marks
• Narrative Writing Analysis • Practice Pages
• Opinion Writing Analysis • The Writing Process
• Writing Rubric • Writing Prompts
• Writing Signs • Writing Tips

216 #51527—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

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