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Neuron, Vol.

31, 519–522, August 30, 2001, Copyright 2001 by Cell Press

Stores Not Just for Storage: Minireview

Intracellular Calcium Release
and Synaptic Plasticity
Christine R. Rose and Arthur Konnerth1 Role of Intracellular Calcium Release
Institute of Physiology for Cerebellar Function
Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich The role of mGluRs and the associated calcium release
80336 Munich from intracellular stores in the cerebellum has been most
Germany thoroughly studied in Purkinje neurons. Already a few
years ago, mGluR1 null mutant mice were shown to
exhibit characteristic cerebellar symptoms such as
ataxia and motor discoordination (Aiba et al., 1994; Con-
Activation of most excitatory synapses of central neu- quet et al., 1994). Remarkably, LTD at cerebellar parallel
rons produces calcium release signals from intracellu- fiber-Purkinje cell synapses was also deficient in these
lar stores. Synaptically evoked calcium release from mutant mice suggesting that this cellular defect was
stores is frequently triggered by the binding of gluta- responsible for the pronounced behavioral alteration.
mate to metabotropic receptors and the subsequent However, since mGluR1 is expressed in various other
activation of IP3 receptors in spines and dendrites. cell types in the central nervous system, these experi-
There is increasing evidence for the presence of local ments did not reveal to what extent, if at all, mGluR1 in
Purkinje cells contributed to the observed phenotypes.
calcium signals caused by calcium-induced calcium
The dominating significance of mGluRs for proper cer-
release (CICR) through activation of ryanodine or IP3
ebellar functioning was verified in an elegant experi-
receptors. Recent work on mutant mice indicates that
ment, in which mGluRs were selectively rescued. By
store signaling determines activity-dependent synap-
introducing mGluR1␣ transgene into mGluR1-null mu-
tic plasticity.
tant mice with a Purkinje cell-specific promotor, Ichise
et al. (2000) generated mice in which mGluR1 was ex-
Postsynaptic calcium signaling is required for the induc- pressed only in Purkinje cells. These mice, in which
tion of many forms of activity-dependent synaptic plas- mGluR1␣ was rescued selectively in Purkinje cells, dis-
ticity, including long-term potentiation (LTP) and long- played both normal cerebellar LTD and intact locomotor
term depression (LTD). The best characterized sources activity. Thus, the study demonstrated that mGluR1 in
for these calcium signals are glutamate-gated receptor Purkinje cells is indeed a key molecule for motor control
channels and voltage-gated calcium channels in the and synaptic plasticity in the cerebellum. Shortly prior
plasma membrane. Here we review a series of recent to this work, Inoue et al. (1998) had established that
studies that firmly establish that calcium release from calcium release from intracellular stores by IP3Rs is re-
intracellular stores is also involved in activity-dependent quired for LTD of parallel fiber synaptic transmission.
synaptic plasticity. These studies reveal some of the This report had shown that cerebellar slices prepared
critical molecular and cellular determinants of neuronal from mice with a disrupted IP3R type1 gene, which is
calcium store signaling (Svoboda and Mainen, 1999; predominately expressed in Purkinje cells, completely
Pozzo-Miller et al., 2000) and represent a significant lack LTD. Moreover, LTD induction was blocked in wild-
advancement in our understanding in just 2–3 years. type mice when introducing a specific antibody against
The known neuronal calcium stores include the endo- the IP3 type1 receptor.
plasmatic reticulum (ER) and the mitochondria. ER and Together, these results unequivocally established that
ER-derived organelles are ubiquitously distributed and Purkinje cell mGluRs and also IP3Rs are critical for the
are present in all cellular domains. The ER forms a con- induction of LTD at parallel fiber-Purkinje cell synapses.
tinuous network in dendritic shafts, and its extensions However, these studies did not reveal the precise mech-
can enter dendritic spines (Spacek and Harris, 1997). anisms and dynamics of the mGluR-mediated synaptic
The release of calcium from the ER can be triggered by calcium release signals. In 1998, two independent re-
ports by Takechi et al. (1998) and Finch and Augustine
activation of two classes of receptors, which show a
(1998) demonstrated that glutamate, released during
highly cell type-specific pattern of expression in differ-
stimulation of parallel fibers, activates mGluRs and
ent neurons and even within different neuronal compart-
causes calcium release from IP3-sensitive stores in Pur-
ments (Figure 1). One class of intracellular receptors
kinje cell dendrites and spines. Remarkably, the calcium
is the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3)-gated receptor
transients were spatially restricted to single postsynap-
(IP3R). At excitatory synapses, IP3Rs are activated fol- tic spines or to small spinodendritic domains depending
lowing binding of glutamate to metabotropic receptors on the strength of synaptic stimulation, suggesting that
(mGluRs) and subsequent production of IP3. The other the observed IP3-mediated calcium release signal might
type of store receptor is the ryanodine receptor (RyR), mediate the input specificity of LTD. Indeed, Finch and
which is activated by calcium and releases calcium fol- Augustine showed that locally photolyzing caged IP3 in
lowing calcium influx through ionotropic glutamate re- small spinodendritic compartments induced a form of
ceptors or voltage-gated calcium channels (calcium- LTD that was restricted to the region where calcium was
induced calcium release, CICR) (Berridge, 1998). released. However, because IP3 receptors are present
on the ER of both spines and dendrites of Purkinje cells,
it was unclear whether calcium stores and IP3 receptors
Correspondence: in these two compartments have different functions.

Figure 1. Model of the Function of Calcium Store Signaling

In the two best studied types of neurons—cerebellar Purkinje cells (left panel) and pyramidal cells of hippocampal region CA1 (right panel)—
store-mediated Ca2⫹ signaling in spines is likely to be involved in the induction of LTP and/or LTD. There is, in addition, evidence that in the
hippocampus RyR3 and IP3R1 have a regulatory action on LTP and LTD (Futatsugi et al., 1999; Fujii et al., 2000). The role of Ca2⫹ signaling
in dendritic shafts is still unclear.

This question was addressed by Miyata et al. (2000), cium release from stores in single spines are a
who analyzed mutant mice that lack ER and thus the coincidence mechanism for LTD induction. When many
IP3R specifically in dendritic spines. Remarkably, LTD more neighboring parallel fibers were activated, supra-
induction at the parallel-fiber Purkinje cell synapse was linear calcium responses could be entirely supported by
absent in these mice despite the presence of IP3R in calcium influx through voltage-gated calcium channels
dendritic shafts, less than 1 ␮m away from the spines. and spread throughout entire branchlets. Surprisingly,
The loss of LTD was associated with selective changes in view of the work on mutant mice (see above), despite
in IP3-mediated calcium signaling in spines and LTD the absence of calcium release from stores, this second
could be rescued by photolysis of caged calcium. These stimulation paradigm was also effective in the induction
experiments provide clear evidence that local calcium of a form of LTD. The molecular mechanism underlying
signals in dendritic spines are necessary and sufficient this observation is unclear. It would be interesting to
for LTD induction. Moreover, they indicate an extremely test this LTD-inducing paradigm in mutant mice lacking
high degree of spatial compartmentalization in neurons mGluRs or IP3Rs.
equipped with dendritic spines. The results suggest that Intracellular Calcium Release in Hippocampal
this spatial compartmentalization serves for segregation CA1 Pyramidal Neurons
of calcium levels (Yuste et al., 2000). While the study by In the hippocampal CA1 region, the picture is even more
Miyata et al. provides a function for IP3Rs in spines, complex. This is partly due to the fact that synapses
important and intriguing open questions concern the between Schaffer collaterals and CA1 pyramidal neu-
functional role of Ca2⫹ release signals in dendritic shafts. rons can undergo LTP or LTD, depending on the stimu-
Are these signals just the result of an excessive, non- lus protocol and the specific experimental conditions.
physiological stimulation protocol used under experi- Although the exact mechanisms of the generation of
mental conditions? Thus, are they epiphenomena with- these different forms of synaptic plasticity are still un-
out any function, or do they contribute to LTD induction known, it is clear that backpropagating action potentials
or other cellular functions during particular patterns of are important in their induction and that they share a
synaptic activity? common trigger step, which is an increase in postsynap-
While the significance of calcium signaling in dendritic tic calcium concentration. It is thought that large eleva-
shafts remains open, further properties of calcium re- tions in postsynaptic calcium levels result in activation
lease signals in spines were revealed by Wang et al. of protein kinases and LTP, whereas smaller calcium
(2000). They showed that coincident activation of the transients contribute to activation of protein phospha-
climbing fiber input with sparse activation of parallel tases and LTD induction. A number of recent publica-
fibers evokes supralinear calcium signals in single tions strengthen the view that the various mechanisms
spines that depend on release from intracellular stores for elevating intracellular calcium levels—NMDA recep-
and are blocked by antagonists of mGluRs. With sparse tors, voltage-gated calcium channels, IP3Rs, and
stimulation, LTD induction required calcium release RyRs—can interact in complex ways to regulate the
from stores. Supralinear cytosolic calcium elevations induction of synaptic plasticity in hippocampal CA1 py-
and LTD induction exhibited a similar timing depen- ramidal cells.
dence of climbing and parallel fiber activation, sug- How is intracellular release of calcium from stores
gesting that supralinear calcium signals induced by cal- triggered in the hippocampal CA1 region? Remarkably,

in contrast to cerebellar Purkinje cells, the ER in pyrami- An interesting mechanism of mGluR-evoked, IP3R-
dal cell spines is devoid of IP3Rs, but possesses RyRs, mediated calcium release signal has been discovered in
whereas dendritic shafts are equipped with both recep- dendrites of CA1 pyramidal neurons in acutely isolated
tor types (Figure 1) (reviewed in Svoboda and Mainen, slices. Nakamura et al. (1999) found that the amplitude
1999). Therefore, it is likely that calcium release in CA1 of action-potential-evoked calcium transients was
pyramidal neuron spines and dendrites occurs through strongly boosted by synaptic activity, which by itself
different mechanisms and even might serve different produced no calcium signal. This supralinear signal was
functional roles. To date, the mechanisms and roles of shown to be mediated by the synergistic effect of
RyR-induced synaptic calcium signaling in pyramidal mGluR-generated IP3 and spike-evoked calcium entry
cell spines are controversial. acting on the IP3Rs. Such large calcium transients might
In cultured hippocampal neurons, which were filled serve as an additional mechanism for coincidence de-
with calcium-sensitive dye using sharp microelectrodes, tection during the induction of LTP or LTD. In contrast
Korkotian and Segal (1998) could elicit caffeine-induced to supralinear calcium signals resulting from activation
calcium elevations in spines and dendrites. Because of NMDA receptors, which are mainly restricted to the
these calcium transients were sensitive to ryanodine site of synaptic input (Yuste et al., 2000), the IP3-medi-
and blocked by store-depletion with thapsigargin, the ated signals were detected in proximal dendrites and
authors concluded that dendritic spines of cultured hip- near the soma. In view of their location near the nucleus,
pocampal neurons contain a readily depletable, caf- the authors speculated that these signals might also
feine-sensitive calcium store. Interestingly, the response play a role in the activation of gene expression and
to bath-applied glutamate was also reduced in the pres- protein synthesis in CA1 pyramidal neurons (Nakamura
ence of thapsigargin, indicating a partial contribution of et al., 1999).
CICR to glutamate-induced calcium transients in spines. Important aspects of store-mediated calcium signal-
A dominating contribution of CICR to synaptically in- ing include the action of intracellular stores as calcium
duced calcium transients was described in pyramidal buffers, a topic that has been recently reviewed in detail
neurons from organotypic cultures of hippocampal (Pozzo-Miller et al., 2000) and will not be covered here,
slices (Emptage et al., 1999). In these neurons, also filled and reloading of the stores with calcium. The mecha-
with fluorescent indicator by using sharp microelec- nism of store loading was investigated in a series of
trodes, synaptically induced calcium transients were pharmacological experiments by Rae et al. (2000) in
blocked by both AMPA and NMDA receptor antagonists. cultured hippocampal cells. Calcium transients medi-
In addition, antagonists of CICR abolished the calcium ated by release from intracellular stores could be elicited
signals. The authors concluded that postsynaptic CICR by application of mGluR agonists combined either with
is triggered by entry of small amounts of calcium through NMDA application or with membrane depolarization.
NMDA receptor channels. The resulting supralinear calcium signal was detected
In contrast to these latter studies, the contribution after a defined delay. Further, the enhancement per-
of RyR-mediated synaptic calcium release signals was sisted for some time after cessation of the calcium influx.
much less pronounced in acute hippocampal slice prep- Based on these temporal patterns, the authors sug-
arations. When performing subthreshold synaptic stimu- gested that the interval between the store-loading stim-
lation, Kovalchuk et al. (2000) detected calcium tran- ulus and the mGluR activation might serve as a “re-
sients in single spines that were blocked by NMDA cency” detector. It will be necessary to test this
receptor antagonists, but not extensively reduced by hypothesis, with its possibly important implications for
store depletion. This study, performed using the whole- synaptic plasticity, under conditions of synaptic stimula-
cell patch-clamp technique, indicated that calcium re- tion in more intact preparations, such as acute brain
lease from stores does not contribute significantly to slices.
subthreshold synaptic calcium transients in spines. The role of calcium release from stores in the induction
Comparable results were obtained by Mainen and his of LTP and LTD in hippocampal CA1 neurons was more
colleagues (Mainen et al., 1999). These authors voltage- directly studied using specific mouse mutants. Fujii et al.
clamped CA1 pyramidal neurons at positive potentials to (2000) used mutant mice lacking the type1 IP3R receptor
analyze NMDA receptor-mediated calcium influx. Under (IP3R1). The mutants displayed a significantly greater
these conditions, NMDA antagonists blocked synapti- magnitude of LTP induced by a short tetanus, while LTD
cally induced calcium transients in dendritic spines, was not altered. These results indicated that IP3R1 is
whereas store depletion had no effect on their am- involved in the suppression of LTP, but is not essential
plitude. for LTD. Because of the presumed absence of IP3Rs in
Maybe these striking differences in the results of the pyramidal cell spines, this study also suggests a contri-
different studies are due to the use of different prepara- bution of dendritic calcium release to synaptic plasticity
tions (primary cell culture, organotypic slice cultures, in the hippocampus. In another study, Futatsugi et al.
acutely isolated slices) and also to different recording (1999) used mutant mice lacking RyR type3 (RyR3) and
techniques (sharp electrodes versus patch-clamp). In found that these mice exhibited in hippocampal CA1
addition, because the presence of ER in spines varies pyramidal neurons facilitated LTP, whereas LTD was
depending on both the age of the animal and the mor- absent. Unlike LTP in wild-type mice, this LTP was not
phology of the spine (in adult animals, only about 25% blocked by NMDA receptor antagonists, but was par-
of small spines contain ER as opposed to more than 90% tially dependent on voltage-gated calcium channels and
of large, mushroom spines [Spacek and Harris 1997]), on mGluR activation. The authors suggested that in wild-
differences may simply be accounted for on the basis type mice, RyR-mediated calcium release from the ER
of the choice of spine in a particular experiment. might inhibit hippocampal LTP by inducing phosphatase

activity or activation of NO synthase. Taken together, Berridge, M. (1998). Neuron 21, 13–26.
these two papers report unexpected results that are not Conquet, F., Bashir, Z.I., Davies, C.H., Daniel, H., Ferraguti, F., Bordi,
easy to reconcile with our present knowledge on calcium F., Franz-Bacon, K., Reggiani, A., Matarese, V., Conde, F., et al.
(1994). Nature 372, 237–243.
signaling in dendrites and spines. Therefore, the sug-
gested suppressive role of calcium release on induction Emptage, N., Bliss, T.V.P., and Fine, A. (1999). Neuron 22, 115–124.
of LTP needs to be further clarified by using high-resolu- Finch, E., and Augustine, G. (1998). Nature 396, 753–756.
tion imaging. Fujii, S., Matsumoto, M., Igarashi, K., Kato, H., and Mikoshiba, K.
The importance of the spatial and temporal pattern (2000). Learn. Mem. 7, 312–320.
of intracellular calcium signaling is further emphasized Futatsugi, A., Kato, K., Ogura, H., Li, S.-T., Nagata, E., Kuwajima,
G.K.T., Itohara, S., and Mikoshiba, K. (1999). Neuron 24, 701–713.
by an investigation of Nishiyama et al. (2000). The results
suggest that localized calcium influx and calcium re- Ichise, T., Kano, M., Hashimoto, K., Yanagihara, D., Nakao, K., Shi-
gemoto, R., Katsuki, M., and Aiba, A. (2000). Science 288, 1832–
lease from distinct internal stores determine the polarity
and input specificity of synaptic modification in the hip-
Inoue, T., Kato, K., Kohda, K., and Mikoshiba, K. (1998). J. Neurosci.
pocampal CA1 region. The authors show that a reduc- 18, 5366–5373.
tion of functional IP3R resulted in prominent changes in
Korkotian, E., and Segal, M. (1998). Eur. J. Neurosci. 10, 2076–2084.
the evoked synaptic modification. Thus, LTD was con-
Kovalchuk, Y., Eilers, J., Lisman, J., and Konnerth, A. (2000). J.
verted to LTP, and heterosynaptic LTD was eliminated. Neurosci. 20, 1791–1799.
In contrast, blocking RyRs caused elimination of homo-
Mainen, Z.F., Malinow, R., and Svoboda, K. (1999). Nature 399,
synaptic LTD and induction of LTD at heterosynaptic 151–155.
inputs. Although the interpretation of their data is not Miyata, M., Finch, E., Kiroug, K., Hashimoto, K., Hayasaka, S., Oda,
trivial, Nishiyama et al.’s results indicate that the induc- S.-I., Inouye, M., Takagishi, Y., Augustine, G., and Kano, M. (2000).
tion of LTD at homosynaptic sites requires functional Neuron 28, 233–244.
RyRs, implying that it requires calcium release from Nakamura, T., Barbara, J.-G., Nakamura, K., and Ross, W. (1999).
stores in both spines and dendritic compartments. The Neuron 24, 727–737.
heterosynaptic spread of LTD, in contrast, requires Nishiyama, M., Hong, K., Mikoshiba, K., Poo, M.-m., and Kato, K.
IP3Rs, implying the necessity for calcium release in den- (2000) Nature 408, 584–588.
drites. Based on these results, the authors suggest that Pozzo-Miller, L.D., Connor, J.A., and Andrews, S.B. (2000). J. Phys-
input specificity is not an intrinsic property associated iol. 525, 53–61.
with LTP or LTD, but is dependent on the dynamics and Rae, M.G., Martin, D.J., Collingridge, G.L., and Irving, A.J. (2000). J.
spatial characteristics of postsynaptic calcium signal- Neurosci. 20, 8628–8636.
ing. Again, calcium imaging in spines and dendrites is Spacek, J., and Harris, K. (1997). J. Neurosci. 17, 190–203.
highly desirable to test the validity of Nishiyama et al.’s Svoboda, K., and Mainen, Z. (1999). Neuron 22, 427–430.
complex model and to further determine the role(s) of the Takechi, H., Eilers, J., and Konnerth, A. (1998). Nature 396, 757–760.
differential localization of IP3- and ryanodine-sensitive Wang, S.H., Denk, W., and Häusser, M. (2000). Nat. Neurosci. 3,
stores in neuronal subcompartments. 1266–1273.
Conclusions Yuste, R., Majewska, A., and Holthoff, K. (2000). Nat. Neurosci. 3,
The clearest picture on the role of intracellular calcium 653–659.
stores for neuronal function emerges from the work on
cerebellar Purkinje cells. The decisive role of mGluR1␣
and the associated IP3-mediated calcium signaling in
spines (Figure 1) is now recognized on the molecular, the
cellular, and the behavioral level. There is, as predicted
(Berridge, 1998), mounting evidence that synaptically
evoked calcium release may act as a form of a “chemi-
cal” computation signal of temporal correlation for the
afferent synaptic inputs. In the hippocampus, the work
on mutant mice demonstrated beyond doubt important
roles of IP3R1 and RyR3 for LTP and LTD. However, more
work is needed for the clarification of the contribution
of stores for hippocampal signaling and the specific
consequences of these signals for behavior. Additional
work is also required for our understanding of synaptic
signaling in spines of pyramidal neurons. While there is
currently some disagreement between the findings in
neurons in culture and in acute slices, the true challenge
is the determination of the nature of synaptic calcium
signaling “in vivo.” Nevertheless, the pace of progress
in this field has been remarkable and the improvement
of research tools, in particular the increasing availability
of mouse mutants and high-quality imaging devices,
promises even faster advances in the coming years.

Selected Reading

Aiba, A., Kano, M., Chen, C., Stanton, M.E., Fox, G.D., Herrup, K.,
Zwingman, T.A., and Tonegawa, S. (1994). Cell 79, 377–388.

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