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IB ESS IA Report Template W - Advice

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Title of ESS Investigation

❏ report can not be longer than 2250 words (not including data tables or Works Cited)

(CTX: Aspect 1) “States a relevant, coherent and focused research question. The topic of the
investigation is identified and a relevant and fully focused research question is clearly described.”
❏ how does the IV (range & units) affect the DV (units)
❏ enough description that anyone could understand what you are talking about
❏ specific to your particular investigation, not general about the environmental context


(CTX: Aspect 2) “Discusses a relevant environmental issue (either local or global) that provides the
context for the research question.”
(CTX: Aspect 3) “Explains the connections between the environmental issue (either local or global) and
the research question.”
❏ introduce and describe your issue to help explain why it is significant (worthy of
❏ use hard data to illustrate why your problem is relevant, citing sources
❏ link the issue back to your research question and variables – how are the two
❏ briefly describe how you will answer your research question and how the answers will
help towards a solution for your issue

❏ Formulate a hypothesis to predict the outcome of the investigation and explain it using
logical scientific reasoning. If (planned change in IV), then (predicted change in DV)
because (science reasons with supporting research)...
❏ not specifically required in rubric, but useful for later discussion

Note: Avoid using up too many words in the entire PLANNING section. Keep it all succinct.
(PLA: Aspect 1) “Designs a repeatable* method appropriate to the research question that allows for the
collection of sufficient relevant data.”

Independent Variable How will it be manipulated Why it is suitable

(manipulated factor) (list out range, state units)
range of min 3, preferred 5

Dependent Variable How will it be measured Why it is suitable

(outcome measured) (method and units)
Controlled Variables How will it be controlled Why important / effect on data
(what needs to be kept if NOT controlled
constant in each trial)


(PLA: Aspect 1) “Designs a repeatable* method appropriate to the research question that allows for the
collection of sufficient relevant data.”
❏ list of materials you intend to use, sizes and quantities
❏ could include a diagram or photo of setup if informative
❏ numbered steps method written in third person passive (not I did / we will / he said etc.)
❏ concise, but enough detail for the reader to replicate the procedure elsewhere

(PLA: Aspect 2) “Justifies the choice of sampling strategy used.”
❏ support and defend why you chose this method – what makes it ideal for answering the
research question?


(PLA: Aspect 3) “Describes the risk assessment and ethical considerations where applicable.”
❏ safety concerns listed with how you will take precautions and manage risk
❏ if relevant, instructions for dealing with hazardous materials or waste
❏ if relevant, refer to the IB animal experimentation policy and/or data privacy and consent
❏ environmental impacts described with methods for overcoming them


(RAC: Aspect 1) “Constructs diagrams, charts or graphs of all relevant quantitative and/or qualitative
data appropriately.”
❏ clear specific titles for tables (Table 1: ...) and graphs (Figure 1: ...)
❏ labelled table column headings and graph axes including units and uncertainties
❏ appropriate and consistent number of decimal places
❏ qualitative data (i.e. some observations) are noted, photos may be useful
❏ only graph mean values of trials, not all trials (min 5 trials)
❏ trend lines and error bars included as appropriate
❏ one sample of each type of calculation performed may be useful


(RAC: Aspect 2) “Analyses the data correctly and completely so that all relevant patterns are
(RAC: Aspect 3) “Interprets trends, patterns or relationships in the data, so that a valid conclusion to
the research question is deduced.”
❏ describe and interpret any patterns and trends in your graph considering slope, R2
values, error bars, standard deviation sizes, etc.
❏ support your descriptive statements with numbers from your charts and graphs
❏ address any outliers or anomalies (don’t confuse these!)

(RAC: Aspect 3) “Interprets trends, patterns or relationships in the data, so that a valid conclusion to
the research question is deduced.”
❏ the patterns and trends described above lead you to what conclusion? state succinctly
❏ briefly link this conclusion back to your hypothesis and/or research question

(DEV: Aspect 1) “Evaluates the conclusion in the context of the environmental issue.”
❏ considering your data, evaluate the degree to which the conclusion to your investigation
is valid and significant (i.e. how well can answer your research question with your data)
❏ how do your findings relate to the broader context of the environmental issue?
❏ to what extent do your findings support or contrast with info available in research
❏ what reasons can you suggest for any similarities or differences?

(DEV: Aspect 2) “Discusses strengths, weaknesses and limitations within the method used.”
❏ discuss strengths of your method and controls and how this affected your results
❏ discuss weaknesses/limitations in the experimental design that you recognized
while/after carrying out the study
❏ how might the limitations of your method have affected your results and conclusion?


(DEV: Aspect 3) “Suggests modifications addressing one or more significant weaknesses with large
effect and further areas of research.”
❏ how could you change your investigation so data generated were more valid or reliable?
❏ describe a practical way of improving the significant weaknesses or limitations you
discussed above
❏ in light of your completed investigation, suggest thoughtful further research that would be
a significant and meaningful next step, extension or alternative

(APP: Aspect 1) “Justifies one potential application and/or solution to the environmental issue that has
been discussed in the context, based on the findings of the study.”
(APP: Aspect 2) “Evaluates relevant strengths, weaknesses and limitations of this solution.”
❏ widen your thinking back out to the environmental issue discussed in the context
❏ describe a real life application/solution for your environmental issue, based on the
findings of your study
❏ justify your suggested solution by providing evidence to support it
❏ evaluate potential benefits, drawbacks and limitations were your solution suggestion
❏ can you find any literature/real life examples like this solution? how effective were they?
❏ proper MLA format
❏ several relevant sources, appropriate for DP level

COMMUNICATION (throughout entire report)

(COM: Aspect 1) “The report is well-structured and well-organized.”
(COM: Aspect 2) “The report makes consistent use of appropriate terminology and is concise.”
(COM: Aspect 3) “The report is logical and coherent.”
❏ report can not be longer than 2250 words (not including data tables or Works Cited)
❏ easy to understand your report, spelling and grammar are excellent
❏ everything you write is always focused on your context or research question (no
❏ included as much ESS vocabulary in your writing as possible
❏ page numbers and subheadings used
❏ printed in colour if necessary

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