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Artificial Intelligence

Harnessing AI: Shaping the Future of

Work for the Chartered Accountants
Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the
accounting and auditing profession presenting both
opportunities and challenges. The Chartered Accountants
are now at the crossroads of Technological advancements,
particularly the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI), which
is fundamentally changing the way accounting or
auditing is conducted. While some fear job displacement,
others see AI as a powerful tool to augment human
capabilities, enhance efficiency, create new opportunities,
CA. Dhaval Kodilkar and ultimately shape the future of the profession.
Member of the Institute By handling repetitive tasks, these AI advancements are in
fact freeing up accountants to focus on strategic analysis and
client relationships where they can add more Value.

What is Artificial different levels of AI, with some

Intelligence (AI)? being very specific (like a program
Artificial Intelligence refers to that recognizes faces) and others
computer systems that can perform that are more general-purpose.
tasks typically requiring human AI is already being used in many
intelligence. This can include different fields, from healthcare to
things like reasoning, problem- finance, and it’s expected to play an
solving, and learning. There are even bigger role in the future.

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Artificial Intelligence

Broadly there are three types of AI:

Narrow AI (Weak AI) E.g. Voice Assistants like Siri or Alexa, recommendation systems, image
recognition software, and chatbots.

 This type of AI is designed and trained for a specific task or a narrow range of tasks. Narrow AI systems excel at
performing a particular task very well, but they lack the ability to generalize their knowledge beyond that task.

General AI (Strong AI) E.g. Tools like ChatGPT, Gemini, Co-pilot etc.

 General AI refers to artificial intelligence that exhibits human-like intelligence and can understand, learn, and
apply knowledge across different domains. Unlike narrow AI, which is focused on specific tasks, general AI
would have the ability to perform any intellectual task that a human can do. Achieving true general AI is still a
developing concept and yet to be fully realized.

Superintelligent AI This remains theoretical concept as of now.

 This hypothetical type of AI surpasses human intelligence in every aspect. Superintelligent AI would possess
cognitive abilities far beyond those of the brightest human minds and could potentially solve complex problems
and make decisions at a level incomprehensible to humans.

The Rise of AI in Accounting Case Study: Robotic Process Automation by using

The accounting profession is undergoing a significant Microsoft Power Automate (formerly Microsoft
transformation driven by the integration of Artificial Flow):
Intelligence (AI) technologies. This encompasses It’s a powerful tool for automating repetitive tasks
various advancements, including machine learning, within the Microsoft ecosystem.
natural language processing, and robotics, all of which
are reshaping how accountants operate and deliver A small accounting firm, struggling with a manual
and time-consuming accounts payable process has
services. Over a last couple of years AI has impacted in
automated it using Power Automate which helped
the following areas:
them improve the accounting efficiency by 50% and
1. Automating the Mundane: Modern reduce processing errors by 95%.
accounting application with AI- Here are the key steps that automated
powered tools are revolutionizing this process:
repetitive tasks such as AP
data entry, Auto Bank 1. Upload the invoices into
Power Automate.
Reconciliation, and routine Artificial Intelligence
bookkeeping. The time has
gone where accountants refers to computer systems 2. Train a model to identify
the important data points
were manually doing that can perform tasks on the invoice that are
data entry for the AP
invoices, as these OCR
typically requiring human required to post the
purchase voucher, such as
based applications can intelligence. This can include invoice number, supplier
post the AP accounting things like reasoning, name, Description
Goods / Services availed,
entry by reading the PDF
soft copies of the invoices.
problem-solving, and Net amount, GST & Gross
This automation liberates learning. amount etc.
Chartered Accountants 3. Create a flow that will
(CAs) from time-consuming automatically convert those
administrative tasks, allowing datapoints on the invoices into Excel
them to redirect their efforts towards tables.
more strategic endeavors such as financial
4. Import the Excel / CSV / XML into the accounting
modeling, analysis, and providing insightful client

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Artificial Intelligence

This eliminates manual data entry, reduces errors, accuracy, leading to more effective and thorough
and frees up valuable time for the team to focus audits.
on higher-value tasks like client consultations and
Case Study: Using Gen AI tool like Microsoft Co-
financial analysis.
Pilot in Excel for Audit
2. Data Analysis on Steroids: AI’s ability to analyze
CA’s can automate tedious task like TDS, GST &
vast amounts of financial data at incredible speed
other ledgers reconciliations process by using the
enables CAs to uncover intricate trends and patterns
Microsoft Co-Pilot.
that might elude human analysis. These data analysis
applications allow to run the multiple scenario’s, Cash Here are the steps involved in the automating GST
Flow analysis, Cash Runway predictions etc. that reconciliations:
assists the businesses to make the quick decisions.
By harnessing AI-driven data analysis, CAs can offer 1. Download the GSTR-2B data and the Purchase
clients deeper insights and more informed, data- ledger in excel file for the entire period be it a
driven advice, thereby enhancing the value they month or year.
bring to their clients’ businesses. 2. Provide the precise prompt to the Co-pilot
Case Study: MS Power BI to Boost Cash Flow for reconciling the transaction entries in two
Management tables based on the GSTIN and provide the
discrepancies such as Mismatch in amounts,
CA’s can leverage the MS Power BI to provide Invoice no’s, ITC availability etc. supplier wise.
Predictive & Cash Flow Analysis Services to the
Businesses which will help them in making better 3. The more these prompts are defined in detail,
financial decisions. Here are quick use cases for MS the more in-depth analysis & query results it
Power BI. will provide in the Excel table with the various
discrepancies in the two data sets.
1. Consolidate Data: Integrate data from various
sources e.g. Accounting ERP, CRM, Bank 4. This will save your time in setting up the multiple
Statements etc. into a central location for easy formulas in the excel tables.
access and analysis. Using Co-pilot to automate such reconciliation
2. Visualize Insights: Create charts and graphs tasks can significantly reduce the time required
based on the Historical data to clearly represent to complete them. This can free up chartered
cash flow trends, identify patterns, and provide accountants’ time to focus on other tasks or onboard
support for data-driven decisions. more clients.

3. Scenario Modelling: Model different scenarios 4. Evolving Client Service: AI-powered chatbots and
(e.g., increased sales, changes in production virtual assistants, Intelligent Auto mail Generation
costs, Marketing costs, Logistics costs etc) and etc. are reshaping how accountants interact with
see their impact on cash flow forecasts. their clients. These digital assistants can provide
basic accounting services and address general client
4. Interactive Dashboards: Develop interactive inquiries around the clock, enhancing accessibility
dashboards to monitor cash flow in real-time and responsiveness. As a result, CAs can dedicate
and facilitate informed decision making by more time to fostering stronger client relationships
management. and invest their time where they add value to the
client businesses.
Combining analytical power with Power BI’s
visualization and scenario modelling empowers CAs Case Study: Generating personalized Emails
to offer valuable insights in Real Time, ultimately using ChatGPT and automating mail reminder
improving client businesses. using VBA Codes:
3. Streamlined Audits: The integration of AI is Major part of the CA’s time goes into handling client
revolutionizing the audit process by streamlining communications. Mailing process can be automated
procedures and enhancing efficiency. AI algorithms using Chat GPT & VBA codes as follows:
can automate audit tasks such as Verification of the
AP / AR balances, Aging analysis, Ratio analysis, 1. Set Macro for the customised mail requests for
GST & TDS reconciliations etc. which significantly TDS, GST, ITR & other accounting data using
reduces the time and resources traditionally the VBA code to client for the entire year.
required. Additionally, AI systems can identify 2. VBA code can be generated from Chat GPT
potential anomalies and fraud risks with greater and then Setting it up in the macro in Excel with

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Artificial Intelligence

the client communication details like subject of 3. The Ethical Considerations of AI: Gen AI
mail, purpose of data request, name, email id algorithms are only as good as the data they’re
etc. trained on. If the training data contains biases, the
AI tool might perpetuate those biases in its results.
3. This eliminates the need to send individual
For example, an AI tool used for loan approvals
emails and ensures all clients are contacted.
could inadvertently discriminate against certain
This will save at least 30% of time being spent in the demographics if the historical data used to train it
routine client communications by the CA staff. reflected existing biases in the lending system. CAs
have a responsibility to be aware of these potential
There are several platforms like Artibot & Virtual biases and ensure the ethical application of AI tools
Spirits that offer pre-built chatbots specifically in their work. The results provided by the Gen AI
designed for accounting firms. These platforms tools may not be always accurate & reliable. Hence,
often come with templates and functionalities CAs should actively mitigate any potential for bias in
geared towards common accounting tasks and client the resulting recommendations.
inquiries. This chatbots can also be customised to
suite your area of Practice. By acknowledging these challenges and proactively
developing the necessary skills, CAs can ensure they
Overall, the integration of AI into the accounting remain valuable assets in the AI-powered accounting
profession is driving increased efficiency, accuracy, landscape.
and client-centricity. It enables accountants to elevate
their roles from mere number-crunchers to strategic Harnessing AI for Success
advisors in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape.
CAs can navigate the changing landscape and leverage
By leveraging AI technologies, accountants can better
AI to their advantage by taking the following steps:
meet the evolving needs of their clients and remain
competitive in the digital age. 1. Embrace Continuous Learning with a Growth
Mindset: The accounting profession is no longer
Challenges and Considerations static. CAs who thrive in the AI era will be those who
While AI offers a powerful toolkit for accountants, it’s embrace lifelong learning. This means attending
not without its challenges. Here are some key areas of workshops, taking online courses, or exploring
concerns: certifications related to AI and its applications
in accounting. Understanding how AI works, its
1. Job Displacement and Reskilling: Automation capabilities, and limitations allows CAs to collaborate
through AI could potentially eliminate some tasks effectively with these tools and ensure they’re used
currently performed by Chartered Accountants appropriately. For instance, CAs can learn about
(CAs). For example, AI-powered OCR tools can natural language processing (NLP) to leverage AI-
handle routine bookkeeping and data entry with powered software that analyzes financial contracts
high accuracy and speed. This raises concerns and identifies potential risks or inconsistencies.
about job displacement, particularly for entry-level
accountants. However, the impact is likely to be a 2. Shift Focus to Value-Added Services: As AI
shift rather than outright replacement. CAs will automates routine tasks like data entry and
need to upskill themselves to focus on higher-value bookkeeping, CAs can dedicate more time to
activities. This could involve developing expertise delivering high-value services that require human
in data analysis, using AI tools for deeper financial expertise and judgment. This includes strategic
insights, and honing their communication and consulting, where CAs use their financial acumen
problem-solving skills to translate complex data into and industry knowledge to advise clients on
actionable advice for clients. growth strategies, mergers and acquisitions, or risk
management. For example, AI can analyze vast
2. Upskilling Needs in an AI-driven World: The amounts of market data, but a CA’s expertise is
traditional skillset of an accountant may no longer crucial in interpreting these insights and formulating
be sufficient in the face of AI. CAs will need to a tailored financial strategy for a specific client.
become more comfortable working alongside AI
tools. This means developing skills like data analysis, 3. Invest in Upskilling for the AI Era: CAs will need
critical thinking, and problem-solving to interpret to develop new capabilities to complement AI tools.
the insights generated by AI. For instance, AI This could involve learning data analysis techniques
can identify unusual financial patterns, but a CA’s to extract meaningful insights from financial data
expertise is needed to understand the underlying generated by AI or acquiring basic programming
reasons and determine if they represent a risk or an skills to understand and potentially customize AI
opportunity. tools for their specific needs. Additionally, with

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Artificial Intelligence

AI becoming more integrated into accounting even more crucial. CAs who develop expertise in
processes, cybersecurity becomes paramount. CAs AI auditing can ensure the integrity and reliability of
can further enhance their value by understanding AI-generated data. This could involve:
cybersecurity best practices and implementing them
 Developing new audit procedures: Creating
to protect sensitive financial data.
specialized audit methodologies specifically
4. Advocate for Ethical AI: As AI plays a more designed to evaluate AI tools used within the
prominent role in accounting, ethical considerations accounting process.
become critical. CAs have a responsibility to ensure
 Testing AI accuracy: Assessing the accuracy
the responsible development and deployment of AI
and efficiency of AI algorithms used in tasks like
tools within the profession. This involves advocating
data analysis or transaction processing.
for transparency in AI algorithms and scrutinizing the
data used to train them to mitigate potential biases.  Mitigating bias: Identifying and mitigating
For instance, CAs can promote the use of diverse potential biases within AI algorithms and the
datasets to train AI tools used for loan approvals, data used to train them, ensuring fair and ethical
ensuring they don’t perpetuate historical biases that applications in the accounting process.
could disadvantage certain demographics.
3. Data Analytics and Visualization Gurus: AI excels at
By embracing these strategies, CAs can position generating vast amounts of data, but it takes human
themselves as valuable partners in the AI-powered expertise to translate this data into meaningful
future of accounting. This proactive approach ensures insights. CAs with strong data analytics skills can
they remain relevant and continue to deliver exceptional bridge this gap. They can act as data analysis and
service to their clients in an ever-evolving landscape. visualization gurus, performing tasks like:
 Interpreting complex data sets: Analyzing
The Dawn of New Opportunities: Emerging
the intricate data generated by AI tools to
Roles for CAs in the AI Era identify trends, patterns, and potential risks or
The integration of AI into accounting isn’t just about opportunities.
automation; it’s about creating exciting new avenues for
 Storytelling with data: Transforming complex
Chartered Accountants (CAs) to expand their skillsets
data sets into clear and concise visualizations
and explore fresh career paths. Here are some of the
like dashboards or reports that effectively
most promising emerging areas:
communicate financial health, risks, and
1. AI Implementation and Integration Specialists: As opportunities to stakeholders, allowing
businesses embrace AI, a gap emerges – the need informed decision-making.
for professionals who understand both accounting These are just a few examples, and the future holds
principles and AI technology. CAs who bridge this many more possibilities. By embracing continuous
gap become invaluable assets. They can specialize in learning and developing new skillsets, CAs can ensure
helping companies seamlessly integrate AI solutions they remain at the forefront of the accounting profession
into their existing accounting workflows. This might in the AI era.
involve tasks like:
 Tailoring AI tools: Assessing the company›s Conclusion
specific needs and identifying AI solutions AI is not a threat, but rather a powerful tool that can
that address those needs (e.g., AI-powered be harnessed to enhance the capabilities of CAs.
bookkeeping for streamlining data entry or By embracing AI and continuously developing their
fraud detection tools for enhanced security). skillsets, CAs can solidify their position as trusted
advisors and thrive in the future of work.
 Data Integration: Ensuring smooth data flow
between existing accounting systems and the
new AI tools to create a unified and efficient
 Staff Training: Providing training and support to
staff on effectively utilizing the new AI systems,
maximizing their benefits and ensuring smooth
Author may be reached at
2. AI Auditing Experts: With AI handling more and
accounting tasks, robust auditing practices become

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