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NĂM 2010
Choose the word whose underlined partis pronounced differently from the other three.
1. A. rhinoceros B. vehicle C. whale D. uninhabitable
2. A. unconcernedly B. ragged C.sacred D. hiccupped
3. A. archaic B. archive C. choir D. archery
4. A. suggestion B. congestion C. digestion D. devotion
5. A. dairy B. lair C. fair D. gait
Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the other three.
6. A. credulous B. acropolis C. dialect D. obsolete
7. A. ecotourism B. compromise C. disposal D. neighborhood
8. A. beneficial B. detrimental C. understanding D. magnificent
9. A. zoology B. cement C. conquest D. duet
10. A. argumentative B. psychological C. contributory D. hypersensitive
Read the following passage and choose the best option to complete the blank or answer the question.
Since water is the basis of life, composing the greatest part of the tissues of all living things, the crucial
problem of desert'animals is to survive in a world where sources of flowing water is rare. And since man’s
inexorable necessity is to absorb large quantities of water at frequent intervals, he can scarcely comprehend
that many creatures of the desert pass their entire lives without a single drop.
Uncompromising as it is, the desert has not eliminated life but only those forms unable to withstand
its desiccating effects. No moist-skinned, water-loving animals can exist there. Few large animals are found:
the giants of the North American desert are deer, the coyote, and the bobcat. Since desert country’is open, it
holds more swift-footed, running, and leaping creatures than the tangled forest. Its population is largely
nocturnal, silent, filled with reticence, and ruled by stealth. Yet they are not emaciated. Having adapted to
their austere environment, they are as healthy as animals anywhere in the world.
The secret of their adjustment lies in a combination of behavior and physiology. None could survive,
if, like mad dogs and Englishmen, they went out in the midday sun, many would die in a matter of minutes. So
most of them pass the burning hours asleep in cool, humid burrows underneath the ground, emerging to hunt
only by night. The surface of the sun-baked desert averages around 150 degrees, but 18 inches down the
temperature is only 60 degrees.
11. What is the topic of the passage?
A. Desert plants B. Desert life C. Animal life D. Forest
12. The phrase ‘those forms’ refers to all the following except…………….
A. water-loving animals B. the bobcat
C. moist-skinned animals D. many large animals
13. The word ‘inexorable ’ is closest in meaning to…………….
A. relentless B. indispensable C. full D. demanding
14. The author mentions all of the following as examples of the behavior of desert animals except …………
A. animals sleep during the day B. animals dig homes underground
C. animals are noisy and aggressive D. animals are watchful and quiet
15. The word ‘them’ refers to…………….
A. mad dogs and Englishmen B. desert animals
C. behavior and physiology D. minutes
16. The word ‘emaciated’ is closest in meaning to…………….
A. wild B. cunning C. unmanageable D. unhealthy
17. The author states that one characteristic of animals living in the desert is that they …………….
A. are smaller and fleeter than forest animals
B. are less healthy than animals living in different places
C. can hunt in temperature of 150 degrees
D. live in an accommodating environment
18. Which of the following generalizations is supported by the passage?
A. Water is the basis of life.
B. All living things adjust to their environments.
C. Desert life is colorful.
D. Healthy animals live longer lives.
19. The word ‘burrows’ is closest in meaning to…………….
A. underground nests B. underground houses
C. underground caves D. underground holes
20. How is the temperature 18 inches underground compared to that on the surface in the desert?
A. the same B. much higher C. less than half D. half
Read the following passage and choose the best option to complete the blank or answer the question.
Even before the turn of the century, movies began to develop in two major directions: the realistic and
the formalistic. Realism and formalism are merely general, rather than absolute, terms. When used to suggest
a tendency toward either polarity, such labels can be helpful, but in the end they are just labels. Few films are
exclusively formalist in style, and fewer yet are completely realist. There is also an important difference
between realism and reality, although this distinction is often forgotten. Realism is a particular type, whereas
physical reality is the source of all the raw materials of film, both realistic and formalistic. Virtually, all movie
directors go to the photographable world for their subject matter, but what they do with this material- how
they shape and manipulate it- determines their stylistic emphasis.
Generally speaking, realistic films attempt to reproduce the surface of concrete reality with a minimum
of distortion. In photographing objects and events, the filmmaker tries to suggest the copiousness of life itself.
Both realist and formalist film directors must select (and hence emphasize) certain details from the chaotic
sprawl of reality. But the element of selectivity in realistic films is less obvious. Realists, in short, try to
preserve the illusion that their film world is unmanipulated, an objective mirror of the actual world.Formalists,
on the other hand, make no such pretense. They deliberately stylize and distort their raw materials so that only
the veiy naive would mistake a manipulated image of an object or event for the real thing.
We rarely notice the style in a realistic movie; the artist tends to be self-effacing. Some filmmakers are
more concerned with what is being shown than how it is manipulated. The camera is used conservatively. It is
essentially a recording mechanism that produces the surface of tangible objects with as little commentary as
possible. A high premium is placed on simplicity, spontaneity, and directness. This is not to suggest that these
movies lack artistry, however, for at its best the realistic cinema specializes in art that conceals art.
21. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. Acting styles B. Film plots
C. Styles of filmmaking D. Filmmaking 100 years ago
22. With which of the following statements would the author be most likely to agree?
A. Realism and formalism are outdated terms.
B. Most films are neither exclusively realistic nor formalistic.
C. Realistic films are more popular than formalistic ones.
D. Formalistic films are less artistic than realistic one’s.
23. The phrase “this distinction ” in the first paragraph refers to the difference between
A. formalists and realists B. realism and reality
C. general and absolute D. physical reality and raw materials
24. Whom does the author say is primarily responsible for a style of a film?
A. The director B. The actors
C. The producer D. The camera operator
25. The word “it” in the first paragraph refers to
A. the photographable world B. their subject matter
C. this material D. their stylistic emphasis
26. The word “copiousness ” in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to
A. abundance B. greatness t C. fullness D. variety
27. How can one recognize the formalist style?
A. It uses familiar images. B. If is very impersonal.
C. It obviously manipulated images. D. It mirrors the actual world.
28. The word “tangible” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to
A. concrete B. complex C. various D. comprehensible
29. The word “self-effacing” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to
A. modest B. shy C. egocentric D. introverted
30. Which of the following films would most likely use a realist style?
A. A travel documentary B. A science fiction film
C. A musical drama D. An animated cartoon
Read the following passage and choose the options that best complete the blanks,
Sylvia Earle, a (31)…………. botanist and one of the (32) ………….deep – sea explorers, has spent
over 6,000 hours, more than seven months, under water. From her earliest years, she took her first plunge into
the open sea as a teenager. In the years since then, she has taken part in a(n) (33) …………. of landmark
underwater projects, from exploratory expeditions around the world to her celebrated “Jim dive” in 1978,
which was the deepest solo dive (34)…………., made without cable connecting the diver to a support vessel
at the surface of the sea.
(35)………….in a Jim suit, a futuristic suit of plastic and metal armor, which was secured (36)………
a manned submarine, Sylvia Earle plunged vertically into the Pacific Ocean, at times at the speed of 100 feet
per minute. (37) ………….reaching the ocean floor, she was released from the submarine and from that point
her only connection to the sub was an 18-foot tether. For the next two and a half hours, Earle (38)………….
the seabed, taking notes, collecting (39)………….and painting a U.S. flag. Consumed by a desire to descend
deeper still, in 1981 she became involved in the design and manufacture of deep-sea (40)………….one of
which took her to a depth of 3000 feet. This did riot end Sylvia Earle’s accomplishments.
31. A. marine B. underwater C. undersea D. submarine
32. A. furthest B. foremost C. greatest D. utmost
33. A. amount B. great deal C. average D. number
34. A. really B. later C. ever D. mostly
35. A. Covered B. Put C. Clothed D. Worn
36. A. to B. with C. from D. against
37. A. In B. On C. At D. For
38. A. walked B. roamed C. dived D. strolled
39. A. specimens B. models C. remains D. debris
40. A. subcontractors B. submariners C. submersions D. submersibles
Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct forms.
1. He (go)………….to the last meeting, but he didn’t.
2. By the time you come here again, this palace (build)………….
3. The yesterday accident is thought (cause)………….by human error.
4. We (cook)………….all day for the party that evening and by 8 o’clock we still weren’t ready.
5. It is highly desirable that every effort (make)………….to reduce expenditure.
6. (There, be)………….any errors, let me know.
7. His (take)………….ill was quite unexpected.
8. In 20 hours’ time, I (relax)………….on my yacht.,
9. It was a boring show. I would rather (not go)………….there.
10. It was a close call. We (kill) ………….
In democratic countries, any efforts (14) (restrict)………….the freedom of the press are rightly
condemned. However, this freedom (12) (easily, abuse)………….. Stories about people often attract far more
public attention than political events. Though we may enjoy reading about the lives of others, it is extremely
doubtful whether we would equally enjoy reading about ourselves. (13) (act)………….on the contention that
facts are sacred, reporters can cause untold suffering to individuals by publishing details about their private
lives. Newspapers exert tremendous influence that they cannot only bring about major changes to thè lives of
ordinary people but (14) (even, overthrow)………….a government.
The story of a poor family that (15) (acquire) …………. fame and fortune overnight, dramatically
illustrates the power of the press. The family lived in Aberdeen, a small town in South Dakota. As the parents
had five children, life was a perpetual struggle against poverty. They (16) (expect) ………….their sixth child
and (17) (face)…………. with even more pressing economic problems. If they had had only one more child,
the fact would have passed unnoticed. They (18) (continue) …………. To struggle against economic odds and
would have lived in obscurity. But they suddenly became the parents of quintuplets, four girls and a boy, an
event which radically changed their lives. The day after the birth of the five children, a plane arrived in
Aberdeen (19) (bring) ………….sixty reporters arid photographers. The news was of national importance, for
the poor couple (20) (become)………….the parents of the only quintuplets in America.
Part 1: Complete each of the following sentences with (a) suitable preposition(s) or particle(s) from the
in for up to through down off
round under out at over
1. I wish you wouldn’t fly…………me like that every time I make a mistake.
2. The piece of equipment is very well made and stands ………… the roughest treatment. You won’t have
any trouble with it.
3. The new office staff are shaking…………well.
4. I think a sip of wine can bring him…………
5. We are…………no obligation to change goods which were not purchased here.
6. I am not friends with Peter any more. We have fallen………….
7. I knew I was…………the hill when I started needing glasses to read.
8. Tom’s family pulled him…………the difficult period following his wife’s death.
9. The police came…………a great deal of criticism.
10. I have gone…………computer games. They are not as interesting as before.
Part 2: Complete the following passage with prepositions or particles.
It is not easy trying to cope with fear: Most people (11) …………some stage in their lives feel afraid
of something; fear of the dark as children, afraid of spiders or flying. For the most part, these fears are normal
and do not interfere (12)…………our ability to get on with our lives.
However, some people are afraid of something (13)…………, such an extent that it prevents them
from leading a normal life. For example, ‘electrophobia’ - being afraid of electricity - makes life in today’s
world extremely difficult.
In fact, you can be afraid of anything and there is almost certainly a name for it. You can be afraid of
clouds, certain colors, bicycles, rain, mushrooms and even sitting down. Apparently, the list of phobia gets
longer everyday, but for people who have a real terror of something, help is (14)…………hand. Researchers
are making enormous progress (15)…………understanding what a phobia is and what makes it come (16)
It is surprising how many people think they suffer from a phobia when actually all they are really
experiencing is a strong dislike or distaste (17)…………something.
You may think you are computer phobic and want to throw your machine out of the nearest window.
But that is not the same as being really ‘mechanophobic’, suffering from a racing heart and being short of
breath (18)…………the mere sight of a computer.
Experts say that you cannot mis take a true phobia (19)…………, anything else as it affects the whole
of your nervous system. If you cannot run away from whatever is causing the fear, you feel that death is
inevitable. On the other hand, it’s natural for most people to be afraid if they are aboard an airplane which is
flying into a storm. Most psychologists agree that phobias can be described (20)…………three main ways:
social phobias, panic disorders and specific phobias.
Fill each blank with ONE word.
Passage 1
Although noise, commonly (1) ………… as unwanted sound, is a widely recognized form of pollution,
it is very difficult to measure because the discomfort (2) ………… by different individuals is highly
subjective and, therefore, variable. Exposure to lower levels of noise may be (3) …………irritating, whereas
exposure to higher levels may actually cause (4) …………loss. Particularly in congested urban areas, the
noise produced (5) …………, a by-product of our advancing technology causes physical harm, and detracts
from the quality of life for those who are exposed to it.
Noise causes effects that the hearer cannot control and to (6) …………the body never becomes
accustomed. Loud noises instinctively signal danger (7) …………any organism with a hearing mechanism,
including human beings. (8) ………… response, heartbeat and respiration accelerate, blood vessels constrict,
the skin pales, and muscles tense. In fact, there is a general increase in functioning (9) …………about by
the flow of adrenaline release in response to fear, and some of these responses persist even longer than the
noise, occasionally as long as 30 minutes,(10) …………the sound has ceased.
Passage 2
Unlikely (11) …………it may seem, there has now been expert confirmation that wild pumas and
lynxes are at (12) ………… in parts of Britain, rather than being the figments of some wild imaginations.
Previous sightings of such large cats had been put (13) …………to exaggeration. After all, the argument
went, some people are prone to seeing flying saucers and Loch Ness monsters, particularly when under the
influence of one drink. Some newspapers were suspected of having made up stories such as (14) …………of
the Beast of Exmoor, an animal that is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of sheep over the past ten years.
(15) …………experts have now come up with proof that such stories were in earnest after all. The animals
are in all (16) …………pets which have escaped from small zoos, or been abandoned by their owners.
Because the keeping of such animals is severely restricted under the (17) …………of the Dangerous Wild
Animal Act of 1976, owners of unlicensed animals might not (18) …………an escape for fear of prosecution.
Britain’s only surviving native species, the wild cat, is confined to Scotland. After examining hair samples,
experts now say that the Best of Exmoor in the south of England is without (19) ………… a puma or lynx,
both of which are normally native (20) …………the Middle East and Asia.
Part 1: Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the given words.
1. His…………annoys some members of the committee because he is always expressing his ideas frankly.
2. George is very disorganized and not very…………(business)
3. She was fully aware of her own…………(short)
4. Low income and little administrative support make teachers…………with their profession. (heart)
5. A film about the…………ancestors is available in the library. (reptile)
6. There are people whose…………begins from the moment of their death. (mortal)
7. It’s undeniable that the…………of the local incompetent healer was responsible for her sudden death.
8. As the sole………… of his uncle’s will, he inherited a huge fortune. (benefit)
9. This ………… faulty washing machine should be returned to the manufacturer. (repair)
10. The first time I tried out my new bike I…………and fell off. (balance).
Part 2: Complete the following passage with the correct forms of the given words.

The Beatles became the most popular groupin rock music history. The (11) …………of
extraordinarily talented musicians generated a frenzy that transcended countries and economic strata. While
all of them sang, John Lennon and Paul McCartney wrote the majority of their songs. (12) …………, Lennon
and five others formed a group called Quarrymen in 1956, with McCartney joining them later that year.
George Harrison, John Lennon and Paul McCartney, together with Stuart Sutcliffe, who played the bass
guitar, and Pete Best on the drums, performed together in several bands for a few years, until they finally
settled on the Silver Beatles in 1960. American Rock musicians, such as Chuck Berry and Elvis Presley,
influenced Lennon’s and McCartney’s music, whose first hits consisted of simple tunes and lyrics about
young love. The Beatles’ U.S. tour propelled them to (13) …………and led to two movies filmed in 1964 and
1965. The so-called British (14) …………of the United States was in full swing when they took the top five
spots on the singles’ charts, followed by the release of their first film.
During the 1960s, their music matured and (15) ………… a sense of melody. The lyrics of their song
became deeper and gained in both imagination and meaning. Their popularity continued to grow as the
Beatles turned their attention to social problems and political issues in “Nowhere Man” and “Eleanor Rigby”.
(16) …………and nostalgia come through in thefr ballad “Michelle” and “Yesterday”, which fully displayed
the group’s (17) …………development and sophistication. Lennon’s sardonic music with lyrics written in the
first person, and McCartney’s songs that created scenarios with off beat individuals, contributed to the
character of the music produced by the group. In addition to their music, the Beatles set a social trend that (18)
…………long hair, Indian music, and moss dress.
For a variety of reasons, the musicians began to drift apart, and their last concert took place in San
Francisco in 1966. The newspapers and tabloids publicized their quarrels and lawsuits, and the much idolized
group finally (19) …………in 1970. However, their albums had (20) …………those of any other bands in
history. Although all of the Beatles continued to performed solo or form new rock groups alone, none could
achieve the recognition and success that they had been able to win together.
Rewrite the sentences with the given words or beginning in such a way that their meanings remain
1. The only reason the party was a success was that a famous film star attended it.
Had it………………………………………………………………………………………………...
2. Government guidelines really do emphasize the importance of starting education early.
A lot of emphasis ……………………………………………………………………………………
3. The trip was so amazing that we will never forget it.
It’s too ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
4. Your silly questions distracted me.
You drove……………………………………………………………………………………………
5. She was so disgusted at the way her friend behaved that she refused to speak to him.
6. Mike is never reluctant to make tough decisions as a manager. (SHRINKS)
7. The film is similar to Shakespeare’s Hamlet in a number of ways. (RESEMBLANCE)
The film……………………………………………………………………………………………..
8. He is determined to become a doctor. (HEART)
9. Alison bought the big house because she wanted to open a hotel.(VlEW)
Alison bought………………………………………………………………………………………
10. We feel uncomfortable in the house. (FISH)
Identify 10 errors in the following passage and correct them.
Between 1977 and 1981, three groups of American women, numbered 27 in all, between the age of 35
and 65, were given month-long tests to determine how they would response to conditions resembling those on
the space shuttle. Carefully selected from many applicants, the women were volunteers and pay was barely
above the minimum wage. They weren’t allowed to smoke or drink alcohol during the tests, and they were
expected to tolerate each other’s company at closed quarters for the entire period. Among other, things, they
had. to stand pressure three times of the force of gravity and carry out' both physical and mental tasks while
exhausted from strenuous physical exercises. At the end of ten days, they had to spend a further twenty days
absolutely confined to bed, during that time they suffered backaches and discomforts, and when they were
finally allowed up, the more physically active women were especially subject to pains due to a light calcium
loss. Results of the tests suggest that women have significant advantages on men in space. They need less
food and less oxygen and they stand up to radiation well. Men’s advantages in terms of strength and stamina,
meanwhile, are virtually wiped out by the zero-gravity condition in space.


❖ Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. Islamic B. isle C. aisle D. island
2. A. marigold B. shoe C. mole D. hoe
3. A. extravert B. galaxy C. Xhosa D. flextime
4. A. debt B. brings C. abolish D. blackboard
5. A. limber B. liberate C. limbic D. limbless
❖ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from that of the others.
1. A. technique B. landscape C. industry D. produce
2. A. television B. electronic C. ecotourism D. dynamism
3. A. humane B. comment C. cement D. unique
4. A. fiberoptic B.epidemic C. amphibian D. residential
5. A. constantly B. artisan C. biosphere D. cathedral
❖ Read the following passage carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions.
1. The body of an adult insect is subdivided into a head, a thorax of three segments, and a segmented
abdomen. Ordinarily, the thorax bears three pairs of legs. One or two pairs of wings may be attached to the
thorax. Most adult insects have two large compound eyes, and two or three small simple eyes.
Features of the mouthparts are very helpful in classifying the many kinds of insects. A majority of
insects have biting mouthparts or mandibles as a grasshoppers and beetles. Behind the mandibles are the
maxillae, which serve to direct food into the mouth between the jaws. A labrum above and a labium below are
similar to an upper and lower lip. In insects with sucking mouthparts, the mandibles, maxillae, labrum, and
labium are modified to provide a tube through which liquid can be drawn. In a butterfly or moth, the coiled
drinking tube is called the proboscis. Composed chiefly of modified maxillae fitted together, the proboscis can
be extended to reach nectar deep in a flower. In a mosquito or an aphid, mandibles and maxillae are modified
to sharp stylets with which the insect can drill through surfaces to reach juice. In housefly, the expanding
labium forms a sponge like mouth pad that it can use to stamp over the surface of food.
1. What is the best title for this passage?
A. An Insect’s Environment
B. The Structure of an Insect
C. Grasshoppers and Beetles
D. The Stages of Life of an Insect
2. What is the purpose of this passage?
A. To complain B. To persuade C. To entertain D. To inform
3. How are insects classified?
A. By the environment in which they live
B. By the food they eat
C. By the structures of the mouth
D. By the number and types of wings
4. The word “majority ” in line 6 is closest in meaning to
A. more than half B. more than twelve C. more than three D. more than one
5. What is the purpose of maxillae?
A. To bite or sting
B. To drill through surfaces to find nourishment
C. To put food between the jaws
D. To soak up nourishment like a sponge
6. The author compares labrum and labium to
A. an upper and lower lip B. mandibles C. maxillae D. jaws
7. What is the proboscis?
A. nectar B. a tube constructed of modified maxillae
C. a kind of butterfly D. a kind of flower
8. Which of the following have mandibles and maxillae that have been modified to sharp stylets?
A. Grasshoppers B. Butterflies C. Mosquitoes D. Houseflies
9. The phrase “drill through ” in lines 14-15 could best be replaced by
A. penetrate B. saturate C. explore D. distinguish
10. The word “it” in line 16 refers to
A. pad B. food C. housefly D. mouth
2. The San Andreas Fault is a fracture at the corigruence of two major plates of the earth’s crust, one of which
supports most of the North American continent, and the other of which underlies the coast of California and
the ocean floor of the Pacific. The fault originates about six hundred miles from the Gulf of California and
runs north in an irregular line along the west coast to San Francisco, where it continues north for about two
hundred more miles before angling into the ocean. In places, the trace of the fault is marked by a trench, or, in
geological terms, a rift, and small ponds called sag ponds that dot the landscape. Its western side always
moves north in relation to its eastern side. The total net slip along the San Andreas Fault and the length of
time it has been active are matters of conjecture, but it has been estimated that, during the past fifteen million
years, coastal California along the San Andreas Fault has moved about 190 miles in a northwesterly direction
with respect to North America. Although the movement along the fault averages only a few inches a year, it is
intermittent and variable. Some segments of the fault do not move at all for long periods of time, building up
tremendous pressure that must be released. For this reason, tremors are not unusual along the San Andreas
Fault, and some of them are classified as major earthquakes.
It is worth noting that the San Andreas Fault passes uncomfortably close to several major metropolitan
areas, including Los Angeles and San Francisco. In addition, the San Andreas Fault has created smaller fault
systems, many of which underlie the smaller towns and cities along the California Coast. For tills reason,
Californians have long anticipated the recurrence of what they refer to as the “Big One,” a destructive
earthquake that would measure near 8 on the Richter scale, similar in intensity to those that occurred in 1857
and 1906. Such a quake would wreak devastating effects on the life and property in the region. Unfortunately,
as pressure continues to build along tile fault, tile likelihood of such an earthquake increases substantially.
7. What is the author main purpose in the passage?
A. To describe the San Andreas Fault
B. To give a definition of a fault
C. To explain the reason for tremors and earthquakes
D. To classify different kinds of faults
2. The word “originates ” ỉn line 3 could best be replaced by
A. gets wider B. changes direction C. begins D. disappears
3. Where does the fault lie?
A. East of the Gulf of California B. West of the Gulf of California
C. North of the Gulf of California D. South of the Gulf of California
4. Which of the following words best describes the San Andreas Fault?
A. Straight B. Deep C. Wide D. Rough
5. In which direction does the western side of the fault move
A. West B. East C. North D. South
6. The word “it ” in line 5 refers to
A. San Francisco B. ocean C. coast D. fault
7. The word “intermittent” in line 14 could best be replaced by which of the following?
A. dangerous B. predictable C. uncommon D. occasional
8. The phrase “the Big One ” refers to which of the following?
A. A serious earthquake B. The San Andreas Fault C. The Richer Scale D. California
9. Along the San Andreas Fault, tremors are
A. small and insignificant B. rare, but disastrous
C. frequent events D. very unpredictable
10. How does the author define the San Andreas Fault?
A. A plate that underlies the North American continent
B. A crack in the earth’s crust between two plates
C. Occasional tremors and earthquakes
D. Intense pressure that builds up
Choose the words that best fit the blanks to make a complete passage.
Scott Newman would not be without his pocket size TV, which he mainly watches in bed. “I only
watch programs which last about half an hour, as any longer (1)…………. my eyes. I use the set for general
entertainment through it is also really good for (2) …………. up with current affairs. The main problem with
the set is that it is not (3) …………. enough even when you use headphones. The (4) ………….. is all right
as long as nothing moves in front of the aerial. Scott admits to being a gadget man, but does not (5) ..............
buying the set since he uses it nearly every day.
Retired engineer Paul Hardcastle, has owned a pocket TV for a (6) …………. of years. “I use it mostly
in the bathroom. I wanted to use it outdoors, but the trouble is that in (7) …………. light you cannot see the
picture. I use rechargeable batteries as (8) ………….ones would cost too much.” Paul believes that this sort of
TV could be improved if the (9) ................... was slightly bigger and it did not (10) …………. up batteries so
quickly: he can only get half an hour’s viewing before the batteries go flat.
1. A. sfruggles B. stretches C. stresses D. strains
2. A. coming B. keeping C. going D. holding
3. A. loud B. noisy C. high D. strong
4. A. response B. receiving C. receipt D. reception
5 A. mind B. disapprove C. regret D. disappoint
6. A. number B. total C. sum D. quantity
7. A. shiny B. hard C. bright D. high
8. A. real B. usual C. genuine D. ordinary
9. A. design B. screen C. face D. display
10. A. finish B. use C. end D. take
Fill the gaps in the following dialogue with a suitable verb form
1. Ann:... I... to Mr. Wash, please?
2. Wash: Wash ...
3. Ann: Good morning, Mr. Wash. This is Ann Jones of 10 Cyprus Road ... you come and ... my windows one
Saturday this month?
4. Wash: I am airaid I... (negative). The next six Saturdays are already booked.
5. But I... on Wednesday morning.
6. Ann: you ... very early on Wednesday? I leave at 8.15 on weekdays.
7. Wash: I... to you by 8.30 ... that be early enough?
8. Ann: No, it...! There .... nobody to let you in. I... the flat at 8:15.
9. Wash: Oh, 8.15!!
10. Well, I suppose I .... to you by 8:00 as you are an old customer. But (negative) a habit of it.
11. It means .... breakfast at 6 and my wife ... (negative) ... that
12. She ... always ... to persuade me to give up window- .... as it is. She ... it’ dangerous.
13. Ann: What... she ... you ... instead?
14. Wash: Her father has a shop and she ... me ... in it.
15. She .... it... be a nice steady job with regular hours.
16. And if I ... in a shop she ... where I was.
17. Ann: And ... you really ….. of giving it up?
18. Wash: No, I... the life. At least, I... it in summer.
19. Besides, I ... bored working in a shop.
20. Well ... Wednesday at 8.00 ... you then, Miss Jones?
21. Ann: Yes, it... be splendid. It is very good of you ... so early.
22. I ... let you in and you can ... yourself out.
23. You ... shut the door carefully after you ... (negative interrogative) you? ‘
24. Wash: Yes, of course I ... I always ... Goodbye, Miss Jones.
PHẦN B2 (10Đ)
Fill the gaps with appropriate adverbial particles
1. I hold it…………….him that he refused to help me
2. The president left the conference arrangements…………….his assistant.
3. The laboratory research will lend significance…………….the police analysis of the crime
4. Joe was lucky that his parents put him……………. college
5. The retiring chairman drew pleasure ……………. the knowledge that he had put forth his best effort.
6. The diligent student engaged himself.……………. concentrated study.
7. I confused a similar car ……………. mine in the parking lot.
8. The young doctor devoted himself……………. helping the poor and sick.
9. If you lead someone on, you put self- interest……………. truth.
10. Tom’s family pulled him …………….the difficult period following his wife’s death.
❖ Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. He has been constant in his (devote)…………….to scientific studies.
2. (Admit) ……………. to the school is by examination only.
3. He was turned down for the job because he is (qualify)…………….
4. It was (justice) ……………. of Tom to accuse Bill of having told him a lie.
5. I understand (perfect)……………. what you are saying.
6. Jane’s (appoint)……………. as director came as no surprise.
7. A holiday in America can be (surprise).……………. cheap.
8. The (die).…………….of the Hollywood actor, Jimmy Halton, was announced last night
9. My colleagues are very pleasant, but the manager is a little ……………. (friend)
10. These shoes look quite smart but they are terribly ……………. (comfort)
❖ Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the words given in the box.
compete distribute transmit space post
transfer subscribe deliver satisfy courteous
1. All mail……………were suspended during the strike.
2. It is only common …………… to thank someone when they help.
3. Do you wish to take out a full twelve-month …………… to the journal?
4. We offer a wide range of goods at very …………… prices.
5. If you are ……………with our service, please, write to the manager.
6. This ticket is only used by the person who bought it. It is not……………
7. Fax …………… has now become a cheap and convenient way tò transmit texts over distances.
8. White walls can give a feeling of.……………
9. The newspaper is …………… free.
10. How much wás the …………… on that letter?
❖ There are ten mistakes in the following passage. Find and correct them.
In many countries in process of industrialize, overcrowd cities present a major problem. The
underpopulation of towns are mainly caused by the drift of large numbers of people from the rural areas. The
only long-term solution is to make life in the rural areas more attractively, that would encdurage people stay
there. This could be achieved by providing incentives to people to go and work in the villages. Moreover,
facilities in the rural areas, so as transportation, health, education services should be improved
Read the passage and fill in each blank with one suitable word.
In the future, machines will take the (1) …………. of many bank tellers. A new system electronic
funds (2) …………. (EFT) allows the bank or the customer to move money from one account to (3) ………
For example, a worker receives her monthly paycheck, her (4) …………. Her employer, the company that she
works for, can deposit her salary into her checking (5) ………….directly. She does not have to go to the bank.
Her bank can also pay her monthly (6) ………….: the telephone, the water, the gas and the electricity. It will
also be possible for her to pay for food at the supermarket by EFT. The supermarket will automatically
withdraw money (7) ………….her account at the bank to pay for the food that she buys.
Some employers already deposit their employees’ checks in the bank directly. Maybe, in the future,
people will not cany (8) …………., and machines will pay for everything.
♦♦♦ Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that its meaning remains unchanged.
1. My boss works better when he is pressed for time.
The less……………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. You think that fat people are always jolly, but you are wrong.
3. The patient recovered more rapidly than expected.
The patient made……………………………………………………………………………………
4. There is not a pair of thermal socks left in the shop, madam!
We are completely…………………………………………………………………………………..
5. Their chances of success are small.
It is not……………………………………………………………………………………………….
♦♦♦ For each of the following sentences below, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to
the original sentence, using the word given. This word must not be altered in any way.
1. Their problems are all self- inflicted.
2. The travel agent was able to offer a 50% reduction on holidays to the Costa Brava.
Half ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
3. If you take that job, you will have to get up at 6 a.m. every morning.
4. The only thing they could do was to look for a new flat.
5. His last letter to me was written three days ago.
Heard ………………………………………………………………………………………………


A. Pick out the word whose bold part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.
1. A. surgical B. surround C. surrender D. survival
2. A. rhinoceros B. habitat C. vehicle D. whale
3. A. says B. depths C. baths D. truths
4. A. beloved B. naked C. sacred D.coughed
5. A. anxious B. complexion C. anxiety D. luxury
B. Pick out the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words.
1. A. apology B. canoeing C. industry D. disaster
2. A. certificate B. individual C. apartment D. biology
3. A. scientific B. available C. suspicious D. supportive
4. A. festival B. spectator C. intensive D. athletic
5. A. committee B. community C. conception D. coincide
In this section you will find after each passage a number of questions or unfinished statements
about it, each with four suggested answers or ways of finishing. You must choose the one which you
think fits best. GIVE ONE ANSWER ONLY to each question.
Reading 1:
The second half of the twentieth century saw more changes in technology than in previous two
hundred years. Penicilin has already been discovered and used to treat infections; there have been many
remarkable advances in medicine that have helped to increase our average life expectancy way beyond that of
our ancestors. Incredible innovations such as television have changed the way we spend our leisure hours.
Perhaps the most important breakthrough, however, has been the microchip. Nobody could have imagined,
when it was first invented, that within a matter of years, this tiny piece of silicon and circuitry would be found
in almost every household object from the kettle to the video recorder. And nobody could have predicted the
sudden proliferation of computers that would completely change our lives, allowing us to access information
from the other side of the world via the Internet or send messages around the world by e-mail at the touch of a
button. Meanwhile, research into other aspects of information technology is making it easier and cheaper for
us to talk to friends and relations around the world.
1. What period saw more changes in technology than in previous two hundred years?
A. 1800 - 1850 B. 1850 - 1900 C. 4 900 - 1950 D. 1950 - 2000
2. The word “infections ” in the text refers to…………….
A. diseases B. plants C. people D. animals
3. Thanks to advances in medicine we now……………than our ancestors.
A. live shorter B. live longer C. die shorter D. die longer
4. Television has changed the way we spend our……………
A. money B. weekdays C. free time D. working time
5. Which of the following does not belong to household objects?
A. a kettle B. an electric cooker C. a video recorder D. a blackboard
6. Which of the following can’t the computer help us?
A. access the information B. cook meal C. do homework D. send message
7. According to the passage, the computer has developed…………….
A. slowly B. slightly C. suddenly B. gradually
8. According to the passage, it is very……………to send an email.
A. complicated B. simple C. difficult D. hard
9. Nowadays, it costs us……………to talk to relations and friends around the world than it used to do.
A. more money B. less money C. no money D. much money
10. It is infered from the passage that technology has …………… affected our life.
A. positively B. poorly C. negatively D. badly
Reading 2:
Ragtime, developed primarily by black pianists, is a style of composed piano music that was popular
from the 1890s to about 1915. It is a style of jazz characterized by an elaborately syncopated rhythm in the
melody and a steadily accented accompaniment. Ragtime quickly gained popularity after its first appearances,
reaching millions on a national scale through sheet music, player pianos, ragtime songs, and arrangements for
dance and marching bands. The leading ragtime composer was Scott Joblin, known as the “King of Ragtime”,
whose most famous piano piece, “Maple Leaf Rag”, was published in 1899.
Ragtime piano music has a generally standard form, duple meter (2/4, or two beats per measure)
performed at a moderate march tempo. The pianist’s right hand plays a highly syncopated melody, while the
left hand steadily maintains the beat with an “oom-pah” accompaniment. A ragtime piece usually consists of
several similar melodies that take such forms as AA BB A CC DD or Introduction AA BB CC DD EE, where
each letter represents a melodic phrase. “Maple Leaf Rag” is a classic example of ragtime.
The forms of ragtime derive from European marches and dances, but the rhythms are rooted in
African-American folk music.
1. The author ’s main purpose in the passage is to……………
A. compare ragtime and jazz
B. criticize the compositions of Scott Joblin
C. show how ragtime is arranged
D. discuss the origin and elements of ragtime
2. Ragtime reached people nationwide through all of the following EXCEPT……………
A. compositions for orchestras B. player pianos
C. sheet music D. arrangements for marching bands
3. According to the passage, the letter A in AA and B in BB each represent…………….
A. march tempo B. oom-pah accompaniment
C. a melodic phrase D. syncopated melody
4. Which of the following is NOT characteristic of ragtime?
A. Fast march tempo B. Sixteen bar section
C. Left-hand accompaniment D. Highly syncopated melody
5. This passage would be part of required reading in which of the following courses?
A. African-American history B. Music appreciation
C. Art history D. Social studies
6. The word “elaborately ” in line 3 is closest in meaning to ……………
A. eloquently B. simply C. intricately D. melodically
7. “Maple Leaf Rag” is…………….
A. the symbol of a country B. a kind of tree
C. the name of a popular piano piece D. the name of a famous guitar piece
8. Ragtime became popular…………….
A. at the beginning of the 19th century B. in the middle of the 19th century
C. in the middle of the 20th century D. at the turning of the 20th century
9. In line 11, the word “maintains ” may best be replaced by…………….
A. withholds B. keeps C. exaggerates D. interrupts
10. Which of the following conclusions can be made from this pasage?
A. Ragtime music is complex and hard to identify.
B. Ragtime was popular only with African Americans.
C. Ragtime has an early recognisable rhythm.
D. Ragtime is a completely different form of music than jazz.
Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage.
Scott Newman wouldn’t be without his pocket-size TV, which he mainly watches in bed. “I only
watch programmes which last about half an hour, as any longer (1)………….my eyes. I use the set for general
entertainment though it is also really good for (2) …………. up with current affairs. The main problem with
the set is that it’s not (3) ………….enough even when you use headphones. The (4) …………. is all right as
long as nothing moves in front of the aerial”. Scott admits to being a gadget man, but doesn’t (5) ………….
buying the set since he uses it nearly every day.
Retired engineer Paul Hardcastle, has owned a pocket TV for a (6) ………….of years. “I use it mostly
in the bathroom. I wanted to use it outdoors, but the trouble is that in (7) ………….light you can’t see the
picture. I use rechargeable batteries as (8)………….ones could cost too much”. Paul believes that this sort of
TV could be improved if the (9) ………….was slightly bigger and it didn’t (10) ………….up batteries so
quickly: he can get only half an hour’s viewing before the batteries go flat.
1. A. struggles B. stretches C. stresses D. strains
2. A. coming B. keeping C. going D. holding
3. A. loud B. noisy C. high D. strong
4. A. respond B. receiving C. receipt D. reception
5. A. mind B. disapprove C. regret D. disappoint
6. A. number B. total C. sum D. quantity
7. A. shiny B. hard C. bright D. high
8. A. real B. usual C. genuine D. ordinary
9. A. design B. screen C. face D. display
10. A. finish B. use C. end D. take
Use the correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets.
Part A:
My father (1. work) ………….as an engineer for a construction firm. He (2. join) …………., the
Friends of the Theatre in his community 5 years ago and (3. be) …………. an active member in this group
ever since. Although he (4. stop) ………….trying for roles in the plays last year because he (5. be) ………….
too busy, it (6. remain) …………. his favourite hobby. As a member, he (7. help)………….promote the plays.
If the group needs anything, he (8. be) ………….the first person to (9. call) ………….for.
My father believes that his theatre group (10. make) …………. a name for themselves by the time he
retires from work.
Part B:
1. Hardly he (take) ………….up the book when the phone rang.
2. The man who (rescue) …………. had been in the sea for ten hours.
3. By the end of next month he (be)………….here for ten years.
4. They had a big party. They (sing) …………. all night last night.
5. We (cook) ………….all day for the party that evening and by 8 o’clock we still weren’t ready.
6. I would rather you (not, be) …………. absent from class yesterday.
7. The baby’s diaper needs (change)………….before six.
8. It is essential that he (arrive)………….before six.
9. It’s the time we (do)………….something to stop road accident.
10. He refused (join)………….us on the trip to the mountains.
Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition or adverbial particle.
1. We’ve had nothing but trouble………….this car.
2. They were heading………….the German border.
3. A ceasefire is an essential precondition………….negotiation.
4. This watch is still………….guarantee.
5. There have been further developments subsequent …………. our meeting.
6. The cost is………….half as much again as it was two years ago.
7. An agreement was finally reached………….management and employees.
8. He continued working up …………. his death.
9. Although prices are falling …………. absolute terms, energy is still expensive.
10. I’m afraid he is incapable………….understanding the most basic concepts.
11.………….my utter astonishment, she remembered my name.
12. He promised to marry her, but now he doesn’t want to go………….with it.
13. If I go with you in your car, will you be able to bring me………….?
14. Many people feel cheated ………….the government’s refusal to hold a referendum.
15. Who called me………….while I was out?
16. Jane broke………….the conversation and told us what she knew.
17. You can count Jane………….. She hates playing poker.
18. After several slow business years, our company finally got…………..
19. Drop …………. any time you feel like talking.
20. It’s easy to get………….town with public transportation.
Part A: Use the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. I was greeted with a show of…………. (cordial)
2. If your luggage is very …………. you’ll have to pay an excess charge. (weight)
3. They………….the time of their arrival and missed the plane. (judge)
4. She’s extremely ………….about modern art. (knowledge)
5. He will not benefit………….from the deal. (finance)
6. She was fully aware of her own………….. (short)
7. On the way to the country we sometimes stopped to admire the………….scenery. (picture)
8. I was late because I………….how much time I’ll need. (estimate)
9. I………….met an old friend last week. (expect)
10. Joan applied for………….of the music club. (member)
Part B: Use the correct form of the words provided in the box to complete the passage.
vary time common convenience excess
contribution expansion increase joke


Far from killing the cinema industry, video film rental has revived the public’s interest in going to the
cinema. As a result, multi-screen cinemas or multiple cinema complexes have appeared in the main towns.
These cinemas can have up to 20 screens and show a great (1) ………….of films. Renting films is an
important (2) …………..; in 1990 over 374 million video tapes were rented. People also buy tapes as presents.
However, the (3) ………….use of video recorders is to record programmes from the TV to watch at a more
(4)…………. time.
Far from encouraging (5) ………….TV watching, video recorders have been used mainly to control
the times at which people watch. This also (6) ………….to a decline in the number of hours of TV people
watch, because they watch videos instead. During the 1980s there was an enormous boom in the number of
people buying video recorders, and shops (7) ………….to provide the video tapes they wanted. Video
viewing became such a way of life, along with take-away food and an (8) …………. interest in wine drinking,
that the perfect night socialising at home has been (9) …………. described as consisting of “a video, a wine
box and a take-away curry”. “Do you fancy coming over to my place to watch a video?” is a (10)………….
There are ten mistakes in this extract from a short story. Underline each mistake and write the word
correctly in the numbered blank. The first one has been done as an example.
The little boy walked down the tree lined street, kicking a can aimless along the pavement. He had his
hand in his pockets and a worrying expression on his face. Sure his mother should be home soon! She was
always their when he came home from school. She would be in the kitchen, with her apron on, ironing or
making a cake or peel potatoes. He would rush into, dump his sports bag on the table, and give her a big hug.
They would have tea together, and than he would tell her all about his day.
But today the big house was empty, and there was anybody in the kitchen. He had an own key, so he’d
been able to get in, but now he just didn’t know what to do. Where could she be? She never went anywhere,
even if Dad was alive, and since his death, she had not wanted to leave the house except for shopping and the
ocasional visit to her sister.
“Auntie Josie! Perhaps that’s it!” he thought. “Perhaps Auntie Jossie’s ill and Mum’s gone to look for
He started walking purposefully towards the station. He was the man in the family now, and he would
have to collect his mother from Auntie Jossie’s.
Example: aimless → aimlessly
1.…………. 2.…………. 3.…………. 4.………….
5.…………. 6.…………. 7…………. 8.………….
9.…………. 10…………..
Fill in each numbered space with one appropriate word.
Reading 1:
For anyone who want either to film or study great white sharks, Australian expert, Rodney Fox, is the
first contact. Fox knows exactly where the sharks will be at different times of the year; and can even predict
(1) ………….they will behave around blood, divers and other sharks. He understands them as well as (2) …
else alive. In fact, he’s lucky to be alive; a “great white” once (3) ………….to bite him in half.
Three decades after this near-fatal attack, Fox still carries the physical scars, but feels (4) ………….
hate for his attacker. Instead he organises three or four trips (5) …………. year to bring scientists and
photographers to the kingdom of the great white shark. The main aim of these trips is to improve people’s
understanding of an animal (6) ………….evil reputation has become an excuse for killing it.
Great white sharks are not as amusing as dolphins and seals, (7) ………….their role in the ocean is
critical. They kill off sick animals, helping to prevent the spread (8) ………….disease and to maintain the
balance in the ocean’s food chains. Fox feels a responsibility to act as a guardian of great white sharks. If the
scientists, film makers and photographers can communicate their sense of wonder (9) ………….other people,
he is confident that understanding (10) …………. replace hatred.
Reading 2:
Some people believe that soon schools will no longer be necessary. These people say that because of
the Internet and other new technology, there is no longer any need for school buildings, formal classes, or (1)
………….. Perhaps this will be true one day, but it is hard for me to imagine a world without (2) …………..
In fact, we need to look at how we can use new technology to make schools (3) ………….,not to eliminate
We should invent a new kind of school that is linked to libraries, (4) ………….,science centers,
laboratories, and even companies. Experts could give (5)………….on video or over the Internet. TV networks
and local stations could develop programming about things students are actually (6) ………….in school.
Is this just a dream? No. Already there are several towns where this is beginning to (7) …………..
Blacksburg, Virginia, is one of them. Here the entire city is linked to the Internet, and learning can take place
at home, at school and in the (8) ………….. Businesses provide programmes for the schools and the
community The schools provide computer labs for people without their own (9) …………. At home. Because
everyone can use the Internet, older people participate as much as younger ones, and everyone can visit distant
libraries and museums as easily as(10) ………….ones.
Part A: Structures
Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that the second sentence has the same meaning as the
first one.
1. The refugees continued to feel unsafe until they had crossed the border.
Not until…………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. The only thing that prevented the passing of the bill was the death of the Prime Minister
Had it not…………………………………………………………………………………………….
3. I was not surprised to hear that Harry had failed his driving test.
It came……………………………………………………………………………………………….
4. “You’ve broken my radio, Frank!” said Jane.
Jane accused…………………………………………………………………………………………
Part B: Idiomatic expressions and collocation
Rewrite each of the following sentences with the given words in such a way til the second sentence has
the same meaning as the first one. DO NOT change form of the words in brackets.
1. His holiday is at exactly the same time as mine. (coincides)
2. These books have been lent by the British Council library. (loan)
3. It was touch and go whether he recovered or not. (balance)
4. She will be someone who will never let you down. (depend)
5. Don’t you wish you could get out more in the evenings? (up)
6. It would be difficult for me to finish the work by the weekend. (difficulty)


Part 1. Pronunciation:
1. A. song B. one C. long D. gone
2. A. fork B. fall C. wrong D. caught
3. A. deal B. heal C. stealth D. steal
4. A. purple B. thirst C. journey D. there
5. A. too B. food C. soon D. good
6. A. dread B. bread C. bead D. head
7. A. boat B. road C. broad D. coat
8. A. pleasant B. reason C. creature D. feature
9. A. word B. sword C. burn D. world
10. A. main B. gain C. dairy D. laid
Part 2: Verb tenses/Form:
11. I didn’t see anyone but I felt as though I (watch) …………….
12. Since they had that big argument, he corsses the street whenever he (see)…………….her.
13. When she (realize)…………….her mistake, she apologized.
14. Suddenly (feel)…………….hungry, he stopped to buy a bar of chocolate.
15. Don’t try to phone me. By the time you read this letter, I (leave)…………….
16. Ton is a first year student. By the end of next year, he (learn)…………….English for two years.
17. If they had revised the lesson carefully, they (not to fail)…………….the exam.
18. (Write) …………….the letter, she put it in an envelop.
19. Our classmates couldn’t help (laugh) …………….when they heard the teacher’s funny story.
20. This kitchen needs (repair)…………….as quickly as possible, for the roof leaks.
21. What a shame that it (decide)…………….to cancel the school play!
22. If it (not be)…………….for you, I would still be in prison today.
23. I don’t know who rang, but it (can be)…………….Jim.
24. It’s your own fault, you (not go)……………. to bed so late.
25. If I were (ask)…………….you to marry me, what would you say?
26. It seems strange to be standing here, (look)……………. out at Sydney Harbour.
27. No wonder he was sacked! He seems (fiddle)…………….the accounts for years.
28. It is expected that tax increases (announce)…………….in tomorrow’s budget.
29. Police are reported (find)…………….illegal drugs in a secret hiding place in the star’s home.
30.…………….(judge) from his expression, you are about to be disciplined.
Part 3. Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of e I line to form a word that fits
in the space in the same line.
Lichens are a unique group of complex, (31) …………...plant growing on rock FLOWER
and trees. There are thousands of kinds of lichen, which come in a wide variety
of colours. They are composed of algae and fungi which (32) ………….... to UNITY
satisfy the needs of the lichens. The autotrophic green algae (33) …………...all PRODUCTION
their own food through a process called photosynthesis and provide the lichen
with (34) …………...elements. On the other hand, the heterotrophic fungus NUTRITION
which (35) …………...,on other elements to provide its food, not only DEPENDENCE
(36) …………... and stores water for the plant but also helps protect it. This ABSORPTION
(37) …………... by UNITE
which two (38) ………….... organisms live together is SIMILARITY
called “symbiosis". This (39) …………... enables lichens to resist the most SHARE
adverse environmental conditions found on earth. They can be found in some
very (40) …………...places such as the polar ice caps as well as in tropical LIKE
zones, in dry areas as well as in wet ones, on mountain peaks and along coastal
Part 4. Choose words from the following list to put in the sentences below. Remember to put them in suitable forms.
Skill Agree Belief Photograph Fall Value
Understand Expect Imagine Success

How a hobby can make you angry! Recently I decided to take up (41) ………… a hobby. I like
taking snaps, but I am not very (42) ………….... My snaps are either a complete (43) …………...for technical
reasons, or are just not very (44) ………….... First I decided that to be (45) …………..., I would have to buy
new equipment. Just then I had an (46) …………... piece good luck. A friend who works in a camera shop
said she could sell me a (47)………… A customer had left it at the shop to be repaired, but there had
been a (48) …………...and it was actually for sale. I thought this was a rather (49) …………...explanation
and so I asked her some more questions.
She said she had had a (50) …………... with the customer and he had thrown the camera at her
beacause she disliked his photos.
Part 5. Most of the sentences contain common errors. Identify and correct the errors.
51. It is worth to point out that this is not the only possible cause of the problem.
52. There has been an increase of interest in classical music in recent years,
53. One of the most important things in life is a good health.
54. Only half the people who responded to the survey were satisfied.
55. In the end of the period in question, imports had increased by ten per cent.
56. It can be true that people are living longer, but what about their quality of life?
57. Four out of five tourists who visit the country arrive by air.
58. The new airport will be only two and quarter kilometres away from the school.
59. Although you can encourage people to stop smoking, you can't force them to.
60. The training scheme was unpopular, and at the end the government had to abandon it.
Part 6. Prepositions and particles.
* Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions or adverbial particles.
61. Write in pencil then if you make a mistake you can easily rub it…………….
62. She was…………….the point of saying something, but, changing her mind, remained silent.
63. My name is William, they call me Bill…………….short.
64. The bus was held up because a tree had fallen…………….the road.
65. You'll have to work very hard today to make…………….the time you wasted yesterday.
66. The police broke…………….the demonstration.
67. A new magazine has just come……………..
68. She was converted from Catholicism…………….? near death-bed.
69. Don't try to cheat in my class, it's useless and you'll never get…………….it.
70. I was…………….the impression that I had paid you for the work you did out for me.
Part 1. Rewrite the following sentences using the given words. Do not alter these words.
1. Very little money was raised by the charity appeal. (RESPONSE)
2. His irresponsible attitude is endangering his career as a doctor. (JEOPARDY)
3. That wasn't what I meant at all. You've completely misunderstood me as usual. (STICK)
4. I don't like him because he boasts a lot. (MOUTH)
5. He liked job straight away. (DUCK)
6. Your attitude will have to change if you want to succeed. (LEAF)
7. The new musical has delighted theatre audiences throughout the country. (STORM)
8. Even though the election is tomorrow, many voters still haven't decided on the candidate they are going to
vote for. (FENCE)
9. He's not sure whether to go or not. (MINDS)
10. She has extensive knowledge of ancient Egypt. (VERY)
Part 2. Complete the sentences in such a way that each of the sentences means almost the same as the
sentence printed before it.
1. We were very impressed by the new camera but found it rather expensive.
Impressed ………………………………………………………………………………………
2. He brought the umbrella along but it didn’t rain.
He needn't………………………………………………………………………………………
3. "I'm innocent," she said, and the court believed her.
She convinced ………………………………………………………………………………….
4. Under no circumstances should you phone the police.
The last…………………………………………………………………………………………
5. I would like, moreover, to choose my own clothes.
What's .…………………………………………………………………………………………
6. The team is the same as it was for last Saturday's match.
There have………………………………………………………………………………………
7. Couldn't you have got a bus to the station?
Wasn't ………………………………………………………………………………………….
8. You were so gullible! How could you believe the lies he told you?
Weren't ………………………………………………………………………………………….
9. Success in the academic field depends on your ability to amass qualifications.
The more………………………………………………………………………………………..
10. While I strongly disapprove of your behaviour, I will help you this time.
Part 1: Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question, circle letter
A, B, C or D next to the answer you choose.
If you’re an environmentalist, plastic is a word you tend to say with a sneer or a snarl. It has become a
symbol of our wasteful, throw-way society. But there seems little (1) ………….., it is here to stay, and the
truth is, of course, that plastic has brought enormous (2) ………….., even environmental ones. It’s not really
the plastics themselves that are the environmental (3) ………….. - it’s the way society choose to use and (4)
Almost all the 50 or so different kinds of modern plastic are made from oil, gas or coal - non-
renewable natural (5) …………..We (6) ………….. well over three million tones of the stuff in Britain each
year and, sooner or later, most of it is thrown away. A high (7) ………….. of our annual consumption is in the
(8) …………... of packaging, and this (9) …………..about seven per cent by weight of our domestic (10) …
Almost all of it could be recycled, but very little of it is, though the plastic recycling (11) ……… is growing
The plastics themselves are extremely energy-rich - they have a higher calorific (12) …………..than
coal and one (13) ………….. of ‘recovery’ strongly (14) ………… the plastic manufacturers is the (15)
…………..of waste plastic into a fuel.
1. A. evidence B. concern C. doubt D. likelihood
2. A. pleasures B. benefits C. savings D. profits
3. A. poison B. disaster C. disadvantage D. evil
4. A. dispose B. store C. endanger D. abuse
5. A. resources B. processes C. products D. fuels
6. A. remove B. import C. consign D. consume
7. A. portion B. amount C. proportion D. rate
8. A. way B. kind C. form D. type
9. A. takes B. makes C. carries D. constitutes
10. A. refuse B. goods C. requirements D. rubble
11. A. manufacture B. plant C. factory D. industry
12. A. degree B. value C. demand D. effect
13. A. measure B. mechanism C. method D. medium
14. A. desired B. argued C. favored D. presented
15. A. conversion B. melting C. change D. replacement
Part 2: The paragraphs of the magazine article are in the wrong order.
Number the paragraphs (A, B, C, D, E)
A. On the ghost of Chaffin’s second visit to his son, he told him that he would find a will in the
overcoat pocket. The coat was actually in the possession of the third brother.
B. In 1921, a certain James Chaffin died, leaving his entire fortune to his third son, Marshal, in a will
which had been written a full fifteen years earlier, in 1905, and signed in front of witnesses. His wife and two
other sons were virtually cut off without a penny. Marshal was not inclined to split up the inheritance he had
come into any more fairly.
C. Once it was found, they came across a note sewn in the lining of one of the pockets saying they
should look in an old family Bible. This Bible was found in the keeping of Chaffin’s widow and examined in
front of independent witnesses. Sure enough, there in the Bible they discovered a later version of the will, one
which divided the property and money evenly between the widow and the three sons. The will appeared to be
genuine and Marshal was not prepared to challenge it in court.
D. Some people believe that the dead still keep in touch with us through our dreams. One of the most
famous and extraordinary cases of contact with the dead was the so-called Chaffin Will affair.
E. Four years went by and then, strangely, James Chaffin’s ghost started to appear before one of his
other two sons. The apparition had on an old overcoat which had often worn in life.

A. Identify the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the other words
in the group.
1. A. experience B. expensive C. exhausted D. exclusive
2. A. vision B. measure C. usually D. pleasant
3. A. clean B. death C. head D. heavy
4. A. dinosaur B. launch C. nausea D. laurel
5. A. equation B. education C. contribution D. nomination
B. Identify the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the other words in the same group.
1. A. trigonometry B. explanatory C. immediately D. democracy
2. A. legislature B. repository C. magnificent D. mistake
3. A. argumentative B. psychological C. contributory D. hypersensitive
4. A. photograph B. payroll C. accent D. regretful
5. A. majority B. ceremony C. astronomy D. investiture
A. Read the passage and choose the correct answer for the following questions:
On the tiny island of Flores, east of Bali and midway between Asia and Australia, the scientists have
discovered the remain of a small, hobbit-like species of humans. These people grew no larger than the modern
three-year-old child. They lived about 18,000 years ago and are completely different species of human.
[1] This remarkable discovery shows that the human species is more varied and flexible in its ability to
adapt than previously thought. These hobbit-like people join a short list of other type of human. [2]
[3] The researchers believe that these hobbits evolved from a normal size, human population that
reached Flores around 840.000 years ago. [4] One likely explanation is that, over thousands of years, the
species became smaller because the environmental conditions favored a smaller body size. The dwarfing of
mammals on islands occurs frequently. Islands limit food supply and predators and species compete for the
same environmental space. Survival would depend on minimizing energy requirements.
1. Which is the main topic of this passage?
A. the discoveries of a hobbit-like species of human and its significance.
B. the reason for the dwarfing of mammals
C. detailed information about the features of a different species of human
D. a fictitious character in world history
2. What makes this discovery so significant?
A. It shows that hobbits may have existed.
B. It shows that human can change a great deal according to the demands of the environment.
C. It shows that humans do not need a lot of different foods.
D. This shows that small islands are good place for smaller species
3. The word “remain ” in the passage is closest in meaning to
A. fossils B. pictures C. descendants D. records
4. Which of the following best favors a smaller body size?
A. s small, isolated area where there is a limited food supply
B. a mainland where there is a little competition for survival
C. an environment where there are many predators
D. an island that has a large and varied food supply
5. According to the passage, all of the following can dwarf a species, of animal or human except
A. limited land B. little food
C. few predators D. a deeply forested area with little sunshine
6. Which of the following is true of the newly discovered species?
A. They are the only human species to live with modern man.
B. They were only as intelligent as a three-year-old child.
C. They moved from island to island.
D. They needed less food than modern human.
7. We learn from the passage that dwarfing has occurred
A. on every continent
B. on other islands as well
C. only on the island discussed in the passage
D. none of the above
8. According to the passage, why does a smaller size help species survive certain condition?
A. It allows them to consume less food.
B. It makes them more difficult for predators to see.
C. It allows them to move more quickly.
D. All of the above
9. In the passage, the term “the same environmental space ” means
A. the island B. Asia C. The mountains D. Australia
10. Which of the best place for the following sentence?
“This discovery has taught scientists a lot about the human species ”
A. [1] B.[2] C.[3] D.[4]
B. Read the passage and then decide which word (A, B, C, or D) best fits each space.
Modern cinema audiences expect to see plenty of thrilling scenes in action film. These scenes, which
are (1)……………as stunts, are usually performed by stuntmen who are specially trained to do dangerous
things safely. (2) ……………can crash a car, but if you’re shooting a film, you have to be extremely (3)
……………sometimes stopping right in front of the camera and the film crew. At an early (4)……………in
the production, an expert stuntman is (5) ……………in to work out the action scenes and form a team. He is
the only person who can go against the wishes of the director, (6) ……………he will usually only do this in
the regards of safety.
Many famous actor like to do the dangerous part by themselves, which produces better shots, since
stuntmen don’t haye to (7) ……………in for the actors. Actors like to become (8) ……………in all the
important aspects of the character they are playing, but without the recent progress in safety equipment,
insurance companies would never (9) ……………them take the risk. To do their own stunts, actors need to be
good athletes, but they must also be sensible and know their (10) ……………. If they were to be hurt, the film
would come to a sudden halt.
1. A. remarked B. known C. referred D. named
2. A. Everyone B. Someone C. Anyone D. No-one
3. A. detailed B. plain C. stra light D. precise
4. A. period B. minute C. part D. stage
5. A. led B. taken C. drawn D. called
6. A. despite B. so C. although D. otherwise
7. A. work B. get C. put D. stand
8. A. connected B. arranged C. involved D. affected
9. A. allow B. let C. permit D. admit
10. A. limits B. ends C. frontiers D. borders
C. Read the passage and fill in the gaps, using one word in each:
Whether you are football crazy or keen on tennis, working out to music can improve the co-ordination
of your mind and body. The suggestion that rock or pop music may ever (1) ……………a part in sports
training would have been (2) ……………as a joke not so long ago. But today modern music is increasingly
filling the gym as well as the front room.
The (3)……………of exercise to music is not new. For years, especially in eastern Europe, the
benefits of sportsmen and sportswomen receiving instruction in ballet and classical dance, with their stress (4)
……………total body control and balance, have been (5) ……………recognized.
Figure- skating and ice-dance are (6) ……………to music and can be said to be specialized forms of
this type of exercise. But ballet and classical dance can be applied to other sports that are also (7) ……………
to the eye, such as gymnastics and skiing, both of (8) …………… demand high standard of balance, co-
ordination and suppleness.
In western Europe and North American, much more interest has been shown in working out to
classical music. Even sports which seem to (9) ……………muscular strength more than other physical
requirement have taken (10) …………… exercise to music as a valuable addition to (11) ……………own
specialized training schemes.
Devotees of soccer, rugby and rowing now regularly train to music: even those who take part in
weightlifting, which demands enormous physical strength, and (12) …………… in athletics field events,
find that exercise to music is beneficial and (13) ……………their movements more fluid.
Sport is benefiting from the keep-fit boom of recent years. Since the early 1980s, the advantages of
aerobics, (14) ……………particular, have been brought home to (15) ……………mass audience by
television, tapes and books.
D. Read the article. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A - I for each part (1 - 7) of the
article. There is one extra heading that you do not need. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Larry Walters was a lorry driver, but he had always wanted to fly. After leaving school, he wanted to
become an Air Force pilot, but unfortunately, he was turned down because of his poor eyesight. So he had to
do with watching others fly the fighter jets that criss - crossed the skies over his backyard. As he sat there in
his garden chair, he dreamed about the magic of flying.
Then one day, Larry came across an advertisement in the local paper and realized there was a way of
making his dreams come true. He went to a specialist store and bought forty - five weather balloons and
several tanks of helium. These were not brightly - coloured party balloons, but large spheres measuring more
than one metre when fully inflated. His plan was to float lazily into the sky, and spend the afternoon running
himself 10m above his girlfriend's garden before eventually coming back down to earth.
When he returned home, he attached the balloons to his garden chair, tied the chair to his car, and
filled the balloons with helium. Then he packed a few sandwiches and drinks and took his air gun so that he
could burst a few balloons when it was time to return to earth.
When his preparations were complete, Larry sat in his chair and cut the cord. But he made a mistake in
his calculations and things did not turn out quite as he had planned. He did not float up as gently as he had
expected: within seconds, he passed the 10m altitude that he had hoped to reach, rising quickly to 30m and
then 300m. he climbed and went on climbing until he finally leveled at 3,000m.
At that height, he did not want to risk shooting any of the balloons because he was afraid it might
unbalance his aircraft and send him, crashing to the ground. So he stayed up there among the clouds, sailing
around for fourteen hours desperately trying to come up with a solution to the problem of how to get back to
Eventually, many hours later, he drifted into the main approach corridor for Los Angeles International
Airport. Fortunately, a Pan Am flight passed him and air traffic control was alerted. The pilot explained that
he had just seen an armed man floating in a garden chair at 3,000m just outside the plane. Understandably, the
air traffic controller found this difficult to believe, but a few minutes later a Delta Airlines pilot called with the
same message. Radar confirmed the existence of an unidentified flying object above the airport and the
authorities sent for a Navy helicopter to investigate.
As night began to fall, offshore breezes began to blow Larry out to sea, and when the helicopter
arrives, the wind from the propeller kept pushing his home made aircraft further away. Eventually, they
hovered several hundred metres above him and managed to drop down a line, with which they were able to
pull him gradually back to safety.
As soon as Larry hit the ground, he was taken away by the police charged with invading Los Angeles
International Airport airspace. But as he was being led away in handcuffs, a television reported called out,
Why did you do it? Larry stopped, looked at the man and explained. "I've been dreaming of flying for years. I
just got tired of waiting”.
A. No way down F. A bright idea
B. An incredible report G. Heading for the clouds
C. A difficult rescue H. Getting ready for take - off
D. Free as a bird I. A lifelong ambition
E. Under arrest
A. Put each verb given in brackets into an appropriate tense or form.
1. “You have just missed the last train." "Never mind, I (walk)…………..”
2. "When we (take)…………..our exams, we (have)…………..a holiday."
3. "You (know)………….. the way to the Global Theatre?" "No." "Then I (show)…………"
4. Thousands of people (see)…………..this exhibition by the end of the month.
5. By the time you (finish)………… they (do)…………..their homework.
6. I don’t think he (change)………… the thirty years I (know)…………..him.
7. Then about a year ago he (disappear)…………..and I (never hear)…………..from him since.
8. My father (fight)…………..for four years in the last war.
9. I'm taking my daughter out tonight. She (not have)………… for a long time.
10. You're just in time to hear a nice bit of news. Our neighbor is engaged to get married.
He (bring)………… the news himself this morning.
B. Complete the following sentences using the verbs given in the box. You have to use the correct tenses of the verbs
and the appropriate particles.
1. The lady…………..the bus, walked toward the shop and entered it.
2. The victim didn't have the least idea how he…………..the plane crash.
3. I'll tell you what, she will soon…………..the secret…………..
4. The serious face of teacher…………..the lazy student…………..cheating in the exam room.
5. The goalkeeper asked something and the captain…………..a reply.
6. I think a sip of wine can…………..him.
7. His comment only…………..her resentment toward him.
8. At the moment they…………..a plan for their next picnic.
9. After the argument, they were…………..from each other.
10. The students were trying to…………..the explanation given by the famous lecturer.
C. Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate preposition.
1. She nodded her head…………..assent.
2. These new TV sets are…………..great demand.
3. I've been away so long I feel…………..touch with things.
4. The favourite will win, he is…………..very good form.
5. He bought the property…………..a view to building a factory on it.
6. It’s unbelievable. The under dog is…………..the lead.
7. They are …………..league …………..our enemies.
8. I disagreed with his ideas …………..principle.
9. In those days people concealed their beliefs…………..pain of death.
10. I am not…………..the least interested.
A. Choose the right verbs provided in the box, then use the most suitabl forms of the verbs to fill in the
numbered blanks.

If the worst fear of Russian and Western (0) environmentalists turn out to be true, as seem likely, the
(1) ……………of a single major (2) …………… plant to poison a lake containing one-fifth of the planet’s
fresh water will be (3)……………new evidence of just how (4) …………… the Earth’s life support system
can be harmed. Lake Baikal, 400 miles in (5) …………… and the deepest in the world, is one of the last few
(6) …………… places on Earth. (7) ……………over in winter, it curves through a part of Siberia where Asia
is splitting apart, the (8) …………… of a future ocean. More than 5,000 feet in (9) …………… with another
four-mile-thick layer of mud (10) ……………down, the lake’s cold, oxygen-rich water are full of strange life
B. Complete these sentences, using the suitable form of the words in brackets.
1. There will be a special…………… for these patients of bird flu. (separated)
2. I think you should write something more for your instruction. It is…………… (complete)
3.……………is very important in scientific experiments. (accurate)
4.……………is a person who follows or attends a course for doing something. (train)
5. I don’t want to go at first, but later I have tó because of her……………(persuade)
6. The……………problem should be solved before the end of this month. (theory)
7. The forest fire seemed to be……………by the rain yesterday. (weak)
8. They worked…………… after their demand had been refused. (patient)
9. The ABC company has had a very……………year. (success)
10. The new schedules are not…………… with the night shift workers in our factory. (popular)
Most of the lines in this text contain an unnecessary word. A few of the lines are correct. Read the text
carefully, find the extra words and mark them. Tick any lines that are correct. Two examples are given.
……………the……………0 It’s'quite rare to meet teenagers who don’t like the sport?
……………00 When you are young, you know how important it is to do
……………1 physical exercise if only you want to be healthy and strong,
……………2 and for these reason you often concentrate on just one sport
……………3 with so much of enthusiasm that in the end you can’t live
……………4 without it. The problem is, even though, that is you gow
……………5 up you have less and less spare time. At our age when you
……………6 have to study harder if you want to get good marks for to
……………7 go to university, with perhaps only one afternoon a week
……………8 to do any sports. This happens just when you are being at
……………9 the best age for many sports, such as gymnastics and
……………10 swimming. By the time you will finish all your studies you
……………11 will probably,be too much old to be really good at sports like
……………12 those, but if you have spend enough time on training while
……………13 you are young, then one day you will find it that you are
……………14 very good at your sport but too old to study, and what you
……………15 will find it impossible to get good job. Somehow, it doesn’t seem fair.
QUESTION VI: Transformation
1. Is this the only way to reach the city center?
Isn’t ………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. I have never seen such a mess in my life!
3. The weather is probably not going to change.
4. I’d made up my mind, but at the last minute I lost my confidence. (FEET)
5. I couldn’t help smiling when he told me of his plan. (A STRAIGHT FACE)
6. He seemed to be worried about something. (IMPRESSION)
7. Just thinking about his face at that moment makes me laugh.
The very………………………………………………………………………………………….
8. Their chances of success are small
It’s not……………………………………………………………………………………………
9. I really want to see her again. (DYING)
10. This house is very different from the little flat we used to live in. (CRY)


I. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest.
1. A. pudding B. put C. pull D. puncture
2. A. absent B. recent C. decent D. present
3. A. promise B. devise C. surprise D. realize
4. A. liable B. livid C. revival D. final
5. A. houses B. faces C. horses D. places
6. A. bush B. brush C. bus D. cup
7. A. boat B. broad C. coast D. alone
8. A. large B. vegetable C. angry D. gem
9. A. more B. north C. lost D. water
10. A. distribute B. tribe C. triangle D. trial
II. Pick out the word which has the main stressed syllable differently from the rest.
1. A. petroleum B. resource C. occur D. anger
2. A. producer B. consume C. companion D. situation
3. A. attract B. descend C. noticeable D. control
4. A. widespread B. anxiety C. explode D. alternative
5. A. direction B. community C. garbage D. utility
6. A. product B. convert C. efficient D. dispose
7. A. biological B. expedition C. synthetic D. scientific
8. A. experiment B. giant C. windmill D. software
9. A. geometric B. supply C. potential D. pollution
10. A. destroy B. appear C. development D. independent
I. Choose the best answer
1. Firemen rescued several people from the …………..floor of the blazing building.
A. high B. top C. basement D. low
2. When the electricity failed, he…………..a match to find the candles.
A. rubbed B. scratched C. struck D. started
3. She put…………..speaking to him as long as possible.
A. off B. over C. away D. back
4. She wondered…………..her father looked like now, after so many years away.
A. how B. whose C. that D. what
5. She…………..her neighbour’s children for the broken window.
A. accused B. complained C. blamed D. denied
6. He filled in the necessary forms and…………..for the job.
A. appealed B. asked C. requested D. applied
7. He says he’s been to………… in town.
A. many B. every C. all D. most
8. She hasn’t written to me…………...
A. already B. yet C. never D. any longer
9. She is traveling to work by train today because her car is being…………...
A. stopped B. broken C. serviced D. rented
10. He tried every key in turn but not…………..fitted.
A. each B. one C. any D. none
11. I would like to thank you,………… colleagues, for the welcome you have given us.
A. on account of B. on behalf of C. because of D. instead of
12. It’s very dry today. Will you help me…………..the plants?
A. moisten B. wet C. water D. sprinkle
13. It’s no use…………..a language if you don’t try to speak it too.
A. to learn B. learned C. learning D. learn
14. The doctor told him to keep…………..sweets and chocolate to lose weight.
A. at B. back C. up D. off
15. As long as they…………..stay for more than a few days, they can sleep at my flat.
A. don’t B. didn’t C. shan’t D. wouldn’t
16. Their flat is decorated in a…………..combination of colours.
A. tasteful B. sweet C. delicious D. tasty
17.I wish you…………..stop interrupting me whenever I speak.
A. will B. would C. did D. might
18. This ring is only made of plastic so it’s quite…………..
A. valuable B. invaluable C. worthless D. priceless
19. You can’t enter this camp without …………..from the General.
A. a control B. a demand C. a permit D. an allowance
20. Tony’s boss doesn’t want him to…………..a habit of using the office phone for personal calls.
A. make B. do C. have D. increase
II. Supply the correct form of the word in brackets.
1. It is…………..that you missed the meeting. FORTUNE
2. Her rudeness was most…………... REGRET
3. I don’t want any…………..from you. INTERFERE
4. He died a …………..death. GLORY
5. It is…………..even to think of the horrors of nuclear war. FRIGHT
6. The disappearance of the aircraft remains………….. EXPLAIN
7. She wanted to have her skirt…………... LONG
8. I found the visit most…………... EDUCATE
9. The doctor gave him some tablets to…………...his pain. RELIEF
10. Please…………...your seatbelt. The plane is taking off. FAST
III. Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets
Hany (wake) up early on Saturday morning and (lie) for a while (think) about the coming match. He
(be) nervous since Monday, mainly at the thought of what Wood (say) if the team (lose). He never (want) to
beat Slytherin so badly. He got up, dressed, and went down to breakfast early, where he (find) the rest of the
team. They (sit) at the long, empty table. Nobody (talk).
IV. Complete these serítènces with a phrasal verb that includes the word UP;
1. They bought an old house and………… up.
2. I don’t believe a word of your story. I think you’ve just………… up.
3. The publication of his new book was …………... up by a strike.
4. This piece of equipment is very well made and will…………...up…………...the roughest treatment. You
won’t have any trouble with it.
5. He…………...up tennis in order to get fit.
I. Fill each gap with one suitable word.
Health is something we tend to ignore when we have it. When our body is rather well, we are hardly
even (1)………….. of it. But illness can come, even (2)………….we are young. In fact, childhood has been a
very vulnerable time. Many (3) ………….attacked children in particular and people knew very little about
how to prevent such illness or how to (4) ………….them once they struck. The result was that many
children died. About a century ago, however, scientists found Out about germs, and then everything (5)
………….. The cause of many diseases was known, and cures were developed. As this medical knowledge
spread, the world became (6) ………….safer for children. The result is that whereas a hundred years ago the
average man lived for 35 years nowadays, in many (7)…………. of the world, people can expect to (8) ……
for years. And what do we except by the year 2005? Undoubtedly, (9) ………….science will continue to
advance. Some people will be able to (10)………….medical problems that are unavoidable today.
II. Choosethe answer that fits best according to the passage.
Did you know that if you want your pet cat to live as long as possible you should choose an ordinary
female cat, keep a close eye on her in spring and summer, and make sure that she is not black, or black and
white? It has been discovered that male cats wander further from home and of the large number of cats killed
on the roads in spring and summer, a surprisingly high percentage are black or black and white.
Did you know, too, that domestic cats regard their owners as fellow members of the cat family and
make many more sounds to us than they do to other cats when living in groups? They have worked out that we
communicate by sound - and so learn the vocabulary we will understand to get their message over.
The way cats have learned to live with, and be looked after by man, without losing their hunting and
killing abilities or. their mental independence, is a good reason for studying them, some scientists say.
A study of the suburban cat in Barking in Essex showed that outside the home they adopted the same
hunting and exploring habits as wild cats. The female cats covered a territory limited to house .arid garden,
while male cats traveled over an area ten times as large.
Though many people think the opposite, a cat is very practical about defending its territory. Its attitude
depends on its confidence about the cat it faces, following the experience of its previous meetings. Females
and young males often hide when fierce adult males turn up on their territoiy.
Female cats seem to feel' no tension between their affectionate relationships with humans and their life
“in the wild”. It is the male cats which occasionally show signs of anxiety indicating that they are suffering
from strain.
1. Why do cats make a wider range of sounds when communicating with people?
A. They are used to doing this with other cats.
B. They are taught to do so by their owners.
C. They are copying human behaviour.
D. They wish to be considered human beings.
2. Why are domestic cats of special interest to scientists?
A. They are fierce and clever hunters.
B. They have been domesticated for a very long time
C. They have lost all traces of wild behaviour.
D. They lead both wild and domesticated lives.
3. In what ways are wild cats and domestic cats alike?
A. They cover a wide territory B. They tend to fight.
C. They hunt and explore. D. They like to be alone.
4. When on their own territory cats
A. hide from all strange cats B. allow only familiar cats to cross
C. chase larger cats D. allow fierce cats to cross
5. Compared with female cats, male cats tend to
A. be mostly black or black and white
B. show less affection to human
C. hunt more successfully
D. suffer more frequently from nervous.strain
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentences
printed before it.
1. It’s only after a few weeks that you begin to feel at home here.
You won’t ……………………………………………………………………………………….
2. He’s almost certain to leave before we do.
By the time……………………………………………………………………………………….
3. Lucas was last heard of a week ago.
Nobody …………………………………………………………………………………………..
4. Theo is the most infuriating person I’ve ever met.
I’ve yet……………………………………………………………………………………………
5. Never before have I seen Anita with her hair in such a mess.
This is …………………………………………………………………………………………….
6. This type of car used to sell very well before the more modern 306 was produced.
7. It appears that they sent us the wrong information.
8. Do not switch off unless the screen shows “Ready for Shutdown”.
This machine is only………………………………………………………………………………
9. The President clearly felt the ministers he sacked had not acted swiftly enough.
The ministers sacked………………………………………………………………………………
10. I’m glad I got out of there: it was hell
I’m glad to…………………………………………………………………………………………
II. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentences
printed before it, using the word in brackets. Do not alter the word given
1. The accused became very emotional. (OVERCOME)
2. Naturally, they will deduct points if you arrive late. (PENALISED)
3. The model’s clothes lay all over the floor (STREWN)
4. Our new Director wants you to call her “Madam”. (ADDRESSED)
5. I can’t say I enjoy it when people tear my writing to pieces in front of me. (HAVING)
6. We’ll have to make up our minds by the end of the week, won’t we? (BE)
7. It’s just possible the hotel may need more staff in the summer. (RULED)
8. Surely nobody likes it when people make fun of them in public. (BEING)
9. Never forget that the customer is always right. (BORNE)
10. This school-leaver’s qualifications are not adequate for such a demanding job, are they?


Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from those of the others.
1. A. naughty B. laughter C. taught D. slaughter
2. A. national B. natural C. passion D. drama
3. A. glove B. exclude C. move D. approve
4. A. fuzzy B. blizzard C. pizza D. buzz
5. A. laugh B. plough C. enough D. cough
Pick out the word which has the different stress pattern.
6. A. profile B. pronoun C. proper D. fulfill
7. A. magnetic B. penetrate C. refusal D. unpleasant
8. A. hypocrisy B. miniature C. paralysis D. predestined
9. A. weightlifting B. circumstance C. biogas D. commencement
10. A. architecture B. manufacture C. influential D. manifesto
Passage 1
Hurricanes are one of the most destructive natural forces on the face of the planet. By definition, they
are also known as tropical cyclones. They manifest themselves in the warm waters of the Atlantic Ocean,
usually in the form of a low-pressure weather system. Due to minimal, high atmospheric winds those near the
surface of the water begin to spin and spiral in a counterclockwise direction, feeding on the heat from the
ocean. With increased rotation, more water is absorbed into the system and is then released in the forms of
showers and thunderstorms. Once the system becomes stronger and more defined, and sustained wind spreads
eclipse speeds of seventy-five miles per hour, the storm can then be classified as a true hurricane. They pose
the greatest threat to human populations then they track eastward to the tepid waters of the Gulf of Mexico,
where the island of the Caribbean and the flats of the southeastern United States lie vulnerable to its path of
destruction, which is usually determined by two major factors: storm surge and movement.
While high winds are commonly associated with the perils of hurricanes, the most destructive factor is
the accompanying storm surge as it strikes land. Also, high tides will increase the size and potency of storm
surge from hurricanes. Still, the torrential rains and heavy winds the hurricane brings contribute to its storm
surge, yet this occurs in a more indirect way than was previously thought. As the hurricane approaches land,
water levels increase and are pushed onto and through the shoreline, causing major destruction. The size of the
surge itself is determined by the slope of the shore, called the continental shelf, out into the ocean. If the shore
is steep, the storm surge will not be as great as when it is shallower, which causes a more powerful surge due
to the fact that the ocean’s depth is not great enough to absorb the energy and massive amounts of water. In
fact, scientists have pointed out that one cubic yard of it weighs about 1.700 lbs. Millions of cubic yards of
surge can occur from one single storm, which, naturally, causes catastrophic damage.
Another major contributor to the measure of destruction a hurricane causes is its movement. The speed
of a hurricane as it makes landfall and moves across or inland is a major deciding factor upon the extent of the
damage. Fast moving hurricanes can often seem a blessing to the people and communities involved because
their high speeds mean they will move on and away quickly, so they will not have a chance to dump as much
water on the immediate area. However, lazy storms, and especially storms that stall on the coastline, become
the cyclones of devastation. Because they move so slowly or even not at all and are able to sit spinning and
reenergizing themselves from the ocean, torrential rains, winds, and flooding increase, and the storm surge
becomes a perpetual battering ram of destruction. However, the power of a hurricane becomes immediately
diminished once over land because it is disconnected from its warm water energy source, but this does not
mean it is dead by any means.
When it comes to hurricanes, direct wind destruction is a secondary worry compared to storm surge,
the speed of the hurricanes’ frack, and the flooding that is associated with them. The shallow continental shelf
underlying the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico off the southeastern United States coupled with the
low-lying landmass makes the area a prime region for disasters in the form of storm surge and flooding. This,
along with the fickle nature of hurricanes and the inability of experts to accurately predict a hurricane’s
landfall, adds to the turmoil that hurricanes inflict on the populations of the areas they hit. Not necessarily
wind, but water remains the worst effect a hurricane can have, as it is able to flood not only the immediate
area where the hurricane strikes but hundreds and hundreds of miles in any given direction as well, affecting
people, homes, and businesses far and wide of its main path.
1. According to paragraph 1, which of the following is true of hurricanes?
A. Storms are classified as hurricanes when gusts reach 75 mph.
B. One of the most defining characteristics of a hurricane is its eye.
C. The lack of winds aloft contributes to the formation of hurricanes.
D. They are only able to form in tropical waters near the Equator.
2. Which of thefollowing can be inferredfrom paragraph 1 about hurricane formation?
A. They usually tend to twirl and spin in a clockwise direction.
B. They are fueled by the warm waters of the Pacific Ocean.
C. They are spawned by violent thunderstorms and wind shear.
D. They are not likely; to present themselves in cool oceanic areas.
3. The word 'eclipse’ in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to…………….
A. exceed B. shadow C. propel D. maintain
4. According to paragraph 2, what contributes to the destruction of storm surge?
A. The size of the waves is a principal factor in the resulting damage.
B. The contour of the ocean floor is a major determiner of its size.
C. The torrential rains contained in a hurricane directly affect the surge.
D. The weight of the water will destroy anything in its immediate path.
5. The word ‘it’ in paragraph 2 refers to…………….
A. ocean’s depth B. energy C. water D. cubic yard
6. The author discusses a hurricane's movement in paragraph 3 in order to…………….
A. downplay the factors of velocity and directional momentum in a hurricane
B. show that a hurricane’s tracking speed determines the amount of destruction
C. suggest hurricanes are capable of moving in any direction at any time.
D. indicate that slow-moving storms allow people more time to seek safety
7. The word 'perpetual' in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to…………….
A. chronic B. waving C. damaging D. incessant
8. Which of the following is NOT true of the major forces of a hurricane?
A. Strong winds and rain add to its storm surge.
B. Flooding is usually much more destructive than winds.
C. Fast-moving hurricanes ironically help lessen damages.
D. All coastlines are affected by its storm surge.
9. According to paragraph 4, which of the following is true of a hurricane's winds?
A. No other force of a hurricane can inflict more punishment than wind.
B. Their destruction is short-lived, unlike the effects of major floods.
C. The direction of the winds, not speed, makes them most dangerous.
D. Low-lying areas are more prone to wind forces than elevated areas.
10. The word ‘fickle' in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to……………..
A. deliberate B. intense C. changeable D. swinging
Passage 2
Getting from place to place has been a challenge for humans since the beginning of man’s existence.
Not only do people struggle with the actually physical problems of travel, but they also need to know the right
direction to go. In one’s own little part of the world, this may have been relatively easy, but, as humans
expanded further and further, it became necessary to determine how to get from one place to another and back
again. Paths, roads, and trails made journeys easier, and the creation of maps transmitted this knowledge to
However, once humans pushed onto the vast oceans, there were no roads or accurate maps. The
compass, showing the magnetic north, was a great, yet imperfect, aid. Latitude could be measured by sun
angles, but until the perfection of timepieces in the 19th century, it was almost impossible to measure
longitude. Fortunately, today there is a device which allows people easily to find their position no matter
where they are: the Global Positioning System (GPS).
The Global Positioning System consists of a series of twenty-four satellites in geosynchronous orbit
around Earth at an altitude of 12,500 miles. These satellites are in fixed positions, so, by reading the signal
from three of them, a person holding a GPS receiver can know exactly where he is. The GPS receiver
synchronizes its clock with that of the satellites’ atomic clocks. The receiver then measures how long it takes a
signal from one satellite to reach it and calculates the distance from the satellite. At the same time, it is
calculating the distance from two other satellites in a process called triangulation. Once these calculations take
place, the receiver knows exactly where a person is and shows the coordinates. On more modern devices used
in vehicles, it even shows an animated car exactly where it is on a city grid.
This miraculous system is the legacy of the United States military. When the Russians launched the
world’s first satellite, Sputnik, in 1957, many scientists immediately grasped that satellites could be used for
navigation purposes. By 1964, four American satellites were being used to help U.S. naval vessels navigate.
Called Transit, the system took up to ninety minutes to give a position report, which was too slow for ever-
changing battlefield situations. With the advent of the Vietnam War, the Air Force and Army wanted a
system to help them navigate over the jungles of Southeast Asia. Unfortunately, the Navy, Air Force, and
Army competed with each other to build different systems, wasting resources and time on creating three
systems instead of one.
This all changed in 1973. The Department of Defense ordered Air Force Colonel Brad Parkinson to
head a team to create a navigation system that all three branches of the military and civilians could use. If
anyone can be called the father of GPS, Parkinson deserves the title. Putting aside service rivalries,
Parkinson’s team created a plan that implemented the aspects of all three services’ navigation systems. By
1978, the system was ready and being tested, with the eventual cost of the system being four billion dollars.
After the successful implementation of the GPS system, Parkinson retired from the Air Force, eventually
becoming a professor at Stanford University. The military, afraid that rival countries and civilians would use
the system to attack America or for criminal purposes, installed a distortion in the GPS receivers. Military
units had a way to eliminate the error. In 2000, the U S. President told the military to eliminate the distortion.
The applications of GPS are wide-ranging. Police, fire, and other emergency services around the world
have made it part of their normal operating equipment. It is even used to keep track of criminals on day leave
or parole. By the turn of the century, GPS receiving devices became more inexpensive and are now affordable
for much of the public. They are becoming standard in most new car designs and are a favorite of hunters and
fishermen making long treks in the wilderness. Some day in the future, people may be able to fit their children
with miniature tracking devices so that they can use GPS to know where they are at all times. While many
anxious parents may welcome this, others are already beginning to wonder if the GPS revolution is just
another way for the government to infringe on its citizens’ privacy.
1. The word 'transmitted' in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to…………….
A. passed on B. sent out C. took in D. moved on
2. According to paragraph 2, early civilizations used all of the following for navigation EXCEPT…………….
A. maps B. compasses C. telescopes D. sun angles
3. The word 'it' in paragraph 3 refers to…………….
A. clock B. receiver C. signal D. satellite
4. It can be inferred from paragraph 3 that …………….
A. none of the twenty-four satellites has ever failed to function
B. a GPS receiver will always be in range of at least three satellites
C. GPS receivers have atomic clocks to keep track of time
D. all GPS receivers use animation that makes them user-friendly
5. According to paragraph 4, which of the following is true of Global Positioning System?
A. Work on it began as soon as the Soviets launched Sputnik.
B. It was developed out of necessity during the Vietnam War.
C. Its basis was the system used by the U.S Navy called Transit.
D. It was created during a joint operation of the U.S military
6. According the passage, the biggest obstacle tò creating GPS was…………….
A. inter-service rivalries that existed in the American military
B. not enough money being spent on research and development
C. technological problems that prohibited building an accurate system
D. a lack of support from the government in eliminating problems
7. The word 'advent' in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to……………..
A. adventure B. event C. declaration D. start
8. According to paragraph 5, the American military distorted the GPS signal because …………….
A. they refused to give away the secret of GPS to other countries
B. they were concerned that the device would be used against them
C. they wanted to prevent criminals from accessing the system
D. it was classified technology that foreign nationals should not have
9. Why does the author mention the cost of GPS receiving devices in paragraph 6?
A. to explain why they are now becoming more popular than in the past
B. to show that scientists have found ways to make them less expensive
C. to highlight that many companies produce them, thereby driving prices down
D. to prove that even the poorest person can afford to purchase one
10. The phrase 'infringe on ' in paragraph 6 is closest in meaning to ……………..
A. disobey B. find C. violate D. overcome
III. GUIDED CLOZE TEST: Choose the best (a, b, c or d) to fill in each blank.
In cities around the world a wide range of schemes is being instigated to (1)……………environmental
awareness. ‘It’s just as easy to dispose of litter properly as it is to drop it on the streets’, says city councilor
Mike Edwards, who has (2) ……………on the government to mount a concerted (3) ……………to deal with
the problem of litter. It’s just a matter of encouraging people to do so as a matter of course. Once the habit is
ingrained, they won’t even (4) ……………they are doing it. After all, think what we have achieved with
recyclable waste in the home. Sorting paper, glass, aluminium and plastic waste and then depositing it in the
appropriate container outside is (5) ……………a great chore any more. People have become accustomed to
doing this, so it doesn’t (6) ……………, to them that they are spending any additional time in the process.
Only if they have to carry this waste for some (7) ……………distance to find a suitable container do they feel
they are inconvenienced.’
Most people know they should behave in a responsible way and just need (8) ……………to do so. So
a quirky, lighthearted gimmick might be enough to change behavior. With this in (9) ……………the city of
Berlin is introducing rubbish bins that say ‘danke’, ‘thank you’ and ‘merci’ - Berlin is a (n) (10) ……………
city - when someone drops an item of rubbish into them. It might just do the trick in this city, too.
1. A. market B. advertise C. promote D. launch
2, A. appealed B. called C. approached D. urged
3. A. plan B. trial C. campaign D. tactic
4. A. notice B. remark C. comprehend D. appreciate
5. A. almost B. barely C. virtually D. hardly
6. A. concern B. occur C. impress D. strike
7. A. estimated B. remarkable C. appreciable D. visible
8. A. ordering B. prompting C. forcing D. obliging
9. A. context B. thought C. spirit D. mind
10. A. worldly B. mixed C. cosmopolitan D. international

I. Provide the correct verb tenses / forms.
We (1. live) ……………in the modern age of advanced technology which (2. create) ……………
weapons so powerful that if countries (3. be) ……………to go to war now and (4. use) ……………all their
military weapons, it would mean the end of the world. Nothing would be able (5. survive) ……………the
nuclear holocaust that (6. occur) ……………simultaneously in every part of the earth.
The basis of nuclear power can actually (7. explain) …………… through Albert Einstein’s theory of
relativity. In this theory, Einstein (8. propound). …………… that a little mass could (9. convert) ……………
into a lot of energy. Nuclear fission (10. be) …………… the practical application of Einstein’s theory. It
(11 .first / achieve) ……………by Enrico Fermi in 1934 although he (12. not realize) …………… that it (13.
occur) …………….It (14. be) ……………. not until 1939, that other nuclear scientists (15.confirm) ………
its possibility.
As a result of this discovery, the first atomic bomb (l6. build) ……………,(17. test)……………and
subsequently used in 1945. This ( …………….how Japan (19. lose) ……………the Second World
Nuclear energy can also (20. use) ……………to produce electricity.
II. Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition or particle.
- In the informal letter below, fill in each blank with a suitable preposition.
Dear Susie,
How are you? Are your exams (1) ……………yet? I’m having my long vacation. Many of my friends
have gone (2) ……………for their vacation, but I’m staying at home. I’m keeping myself quite busy at home
so that I don’t get too bored.
I have been helping my mum with the housework and the gardening. There is so much work in the
garden! We have spent a whole week pruning our trees and plants, and clearing the garden (3)……………
weeds. Right now, my brother is helping to mow the lawn outside. It is so noisy!
I’ve been reading a lot too since the vacation started. One of the books I’ve read is so enjoyable that I
must tell you all about it. The book is ‘The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants’ (4) ……………Ann Brashares.
The story is about four good friends who are spending their very first summer away (5) ……………each
other. Each of them has a different vacation plan. Bridget is going to a football camp, Carmen is going to visit
her father in another city, Lena and her sister are visiting their grandparents (6) …………… Greece and Tibby
is the only one staying at home but she finds herself a vacation job.
Since they are all going to sfcend summer (7)……………different places, they decided to share (8)
……………themselves a certain pair of jeans. This pair of jeans, dubbed ‘The Traveling Pants’, will
accompany each person (9) ……………part of the summer. The story details the summer adventures of each
friend and the friendship and support that they share through the pants. It is such an interesting story. Please
read it too, and tell me what you think.
Besides reading, I have been exercising too. I’ve started jogging in the morning to keep fit. Jogging is
a good way to use up all the extra energy I get (10) ……………staying at home and not being active at all.
I hope you have better vacation plans than mine. Remember to write to me and tell me what’s keeping
you busy these days!
Your friend,
- Fill in each blank with a suitable verb and a particle. Put the verbs in the correct form / tense.
Verbs: put read chase keep pass look
call set cut discourage
Particles: through off up to off up with from
off up on away up
1. I……………botany as I am interested in plants.
2. The ship has……………the Suez Canal to reach Hormuz.
3. The electrical supply was……………because we forgot to pay the bill.
4. All pupils are……………smoking.
5. They will……………for Cameron Highlands tomorrow morning.
6. The monster was……………by the brave knight.
7. Nobody……………the beggar.
8. The deal was……………because the seller thought the price was too low.
9. Hanson has learnt……………his irritating roommate.
10. The coach was very happy and encouraged the players……………the good work.
III. Word forms
Today, no (1. self-respect) ……………newspaper is complete without its comic strips. The comic
strip had humble (2. begin) …………… It was first introduced in order to attract people to buy and read a
Sunday newspaper, and has since become closely associated with newspapers. The comic strip comprises a
series of (3. picture) …………… panels that make use of a (4. combine) ……………of cartoons and words to
tell a story. The characters’ speech is depicted in ‘bubbles’, and as its name suggests, the comic strip looks
like a strip.
(5. Practice) ……………everyone has been a follower of comics at some time or other in his or her
life. The first comic strip in America was ‘Yellow Kid’, created at the end of the 19 th century. One of the most
successful comic strips ever is ‘Peanuts’ by the late Charles Schulz. His (6. create)……………features an
ordinary schoolboy named Charlie Brown and his dog, Snoopy. Charles Schulz worked single-handedly to
complete each strip every day until the time of his death, (7. like) …………… some other strips that may have
an entire team working on them. His death was a great loss to the comic strip world.
Comic strip artists work within the (8. constrain) ……………of the medium. As an artistic form,
comic strips have some very tight limits, for instance, they have to conform to the dimension allocated to them
in the newspapers. However, it appears that having to make their point succinctly within these unchanging
limits does not restrict the (9. imagine) ……………of its creators. In fact, the range of subjects is very wide;
anything from family life to office (10. political) ……………becomes material for these artists. Because
newspaper comic strips run regularly and frequently, they are perfect means for artists to communicate about
all sorts of current issues.
Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word in brackets.
11. The cancellation of the case resulted from the (appear)……………in court of the defendant.
12. We have a bed ready in the spare room in case visitors arrive (expect)…………….
13. (forest)……………caused by commercial logging and urban development results in the rapid
disappearance of tropical rainforests.
14. There was a heavy (pour)…………… yesterday afternoon which completely ruined the garden party.
15. The (speak)……………of the Ministry of Education announced the date of the graduation exam.
16. The manager handed in his resignation after being accused of (honest)……………
17. The victim’s relatives are growing impatient at the (leisure)……………pace of the inquiry.
18. She lost the case because of her (admit)……………evidence.
19. Wally is always (mind) ……………of his teacher’s advice.
20. The invention of software by Bill Gates brought (tell)……………wealth to him when he was 25.
There are 10 mistakes in the following passage. Identify them
Pollution in the ocean is a major problem that is affecting the ocean and the rest of Earth, either.
Pollution in the ocean directly affects ocean organisms and indirect affects human health and resources. Oil
spills, toxic wastes and the dumping of other harmful materials are all major sources of pollution in the ocean.
Toxic waste is the most harmful form of pollution to sea life and humans. These are poisonous
materials that are dumping into the ocean. When toxic waste harms an organism, it can quickly be passed
away the food chain and may eventually end up being our seafood. In the food chain, one toxic organism gets
eaten by another larger animal, that gets eaten by another animal and can end up being our seafood. Toxic
waste gets into seas and oceans by the leaking of landfills, dumps, mines and farms. Farm chemicals and
heavy metals from factory can have a very harmful effect on marine life and humans.
Garbage dumping is the dumping harmful materials into the ocean like human waste, ground-up
garbage, water from bathing and plastics. Most of the waste that was dumped into the ocean in the early 1990s
is still there today. One main cause of garbage dumping occurs when sewage pipes share their space and storm
water drain. Rainfall causes the sewage pipes to overflow and the sewage waste mixes with the storm water,
which flows into other water source such as a lake or river. After that, the garbage pollutes the ocean, kills
plants and animals in the water (for example, the plastic rings that are around pop cans can get around an
animal’s neck, causes it to suffocate), and makes the water dirty.
Wonder why some pop singers appear to enjoy so much fame in their time. Usually, there are some
valid reasons for their popularity.
Let’s take a look at Madonna. Madonna is an international icon today, recognized and admired by
millions of fans all over the world (1) …………… her strong and independent image as a pop star. Many of
her fans have followed her (2) ……………to stardom and consider her their (3) ……………. Her pop
music career (4) ……………almost two decades, quite an achievement for the fickle world of pop culture (5)
……………artistes fall into and out of fashion (6)……………One reason for her staying power is her
chameleon-like (7) ……………to reinvent herself. She shot to (8) ……………with hits such as Holiday,
Material Girl, True Blue and Live to Tell. Although her (9) ……………into movies has not been as successful
as her music, her position as queen of pop music was undeniable in the 1980s up till the 1990s. She has been a
(10) ……………figure, sparkling off much debate for mixing religion and sexuality in her songs and music
videos. She has (11) ……………pop music, fashion and style, shocking and impressing many people at the
same time. Her (12) ……………identity in a era when so many pop singers look and sound alike puts her in a
class of her own.
Another icon with even more mass appeal in his day is Elvis Presley. Nicknamed the King of Rock
and Roll, or simply, the King, he ruled the pop music (13) …………… during the 1950s. By (14) ……………
black rhythm-and-blues music with white country blues, he created new styles of music and in the process re-
invented rock-and-roll. It was considered remarkable and even revolutionary at a time when black and white
Americans (15)……………separate lives and lived in great (16) ……………of one another. Through music,
he (17) ……………a visible gap between the two groups of Americans. To the youth of his generation, Elvis
also (18) …………… rebelliousness and vitality. His influence (19) ……………, in the 1950s but declined
after the 1960s with the rise of other pop groups. He died in 1977 but he is remembered until today and
thousands still flock to Graceland, his home, every anniversary of his death. Elvis Presley has definitely
become a music (20) …………….
1. We decided to spend the afternoon exploring the shops. (looking)
We decided to spend the afternoon………………………………………….. the shops.
2. I think the concert will probably not take place. (highly)
I think it’s …………………………………………………..the concert will take place.
3. Make sure that you wear clothes that don’t restrict your movements. (allow)
Make sure that you wear clothes that…………………………………………………freely.
4. ‘Eating more fruit is good for you too,’ she said. (recommended)
She………………………………………………………………………….more fruit.
5. Robert was offended when he was left out of the team. (exception)
Robert …………………………………………………………………left out of the team.
6. The film was so controversial that it was banned in several parts of the world. (caused)
Such was……………………………the film that it was banned in several parts of the world.
7. Trends and fads go out of fashion for some years before experiencing a revival.
Trends and fads often experience……………………………………………………………
8. Any culture that lives near the sea and depends on it has gods associated with the sea.
9. I wanted to make sure that all my good work wasn’t wasted in that way. (waste)
I wanted to prevent………………………………………………………………in that way.
10. I helped Ray, with the result that his business became successful. (favor)
I………………………………………………… which his business became successful.


Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest.
1. A. glorious B. gorgeous C. force D. memory
2. A. geometry B. guidance C. general D. gesture
3. A. angle B. handsome C. darkroom D. natural
4. A. challenge B. children C. churn D. architecture
5. A. encouter B.enough C. courage D. mother
Circle the word having the different main stress from the rest.
6. A. ancestry B. delicate C. dioxide D. business
7. A. intensity B. invaluable C. conventional D. educational
8. A. regret B. focus C. throughout D. themselves
9. A. tolerate B. transition C. unpleasant D. technician
10. A. tavern B. conquer C. safeguard D. decree
Part 1: Read the following passage and choose the best option to complete the blank or answer the
Long ago prehistoric man began to domesticate a number of wild plants and animals for his own use.
This not only provided more abundant food but also allowed more people to live on a smaller plot of ground.
We tend to forget that all of our present-day pets, livestock, and food plants were taken from the wild and
developed into the forms we know today.
As centuries passed and human cultures evolved and blossomed, humans began to organise their
knowledge of nature into the broad field of natural history. One aspect of early natural history concerned the
use of plants for drugs and medicine. The early herbalists sometimes overworked their imaginations in this
respect. For example, it was widely believed that a plant or part of a plant that resembles an internal organ
would cure ailments of that organ. Thus, an extract made from a heart-shaped leaf might be prescribed for a
person suffering from heart problems.
Nevertheless, the overall contributions of these early observers provided the rudiments of our presents
knowledge of drugs and their uses.
1. What does this passage mainly discuss?
A. Cures from plants. B. The beginning of natural history.
C. Prehistoric man. D. Early plants and animals.
2. Domestication of plants and animals probably occurred because of………………
A. need for more readily available food
B. lack of wild animals and plants
C. early mans power as a hunter
D. the desire of prehistoric man to be nomadic
3. The word “this” refers to………………
A. providing food for man
B. man's domestication of plants and animals
C. man's ability to live on a small plot of land
D. the earliest condition of prehistoric man
4. The word “blossomed” is closest in meaning to………………
A. produced flowers B. changed C. learned D. flourished
5. An herbalist is which of the following?
A. A dreamer. B. An early historian.
C. Someone who uses plants in medicine. D. A farmer.
6. The phrase “in this respect” refers to………………
A. the development of human culture
B. the development of the field of natural history
C. the use of plants for drugs and medicine
D. the origin of knowledge of nature
7. The word “extract” is closest in meaning to………………
A. design B. substance C. flavour D. ailment
8. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A. The shape of a plant is indicative of its ability to cure ailments of a similarly shaped organ.
B. Early herbalists were unimaginative.
C. The work of early herbalists has nothing to do with present day medicine.
D. There is little relation between a cure for illness and the physical shape of a plant.
9. The word “rudiments” is closest in meaning to………………
A. beginnings B. history C. requirements D. proofs
10. The passage would most likely lead to a more specific discussion in the field of………………
A. zoology B. biology C. anatomy D. astrology
Part 2: Read the following passage and choose the best option to complete the blank or answer the
Simply being bilingual doesn’t qualify someone to interpret. Interpreting is not only a mechanical
process of converting one sentence in language A into the same sentence in language B. Rather, it's a complex
art in which thoughts and idioms that have no obvious counterparts from tongue to tongue _ or words that
have several meanings must be quickly transformed in such a way that the message is clearly and accurately
expressed to the listener.
At one international conference, an American speaker said, “You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's
ear”, which meant nothing to the Spanish audience. The interpretation was, “A monkey in a silk dress is still a
monkey” - an idiom the Spanish understood and that expressed the same idea.
There are 2 kinds of interpreters, simultaneous and consecutive. The former, sitting in a separated
booth, usually at a large multilingual conference, speaks to listeners wearing headphones, interpreting what a
foreign language speaker says - actually a sentence behind. Consecutive interpreters are the ones most
international negotiations use. They are employed for smaller meetings without sound booths and headphones.
Consecutive interpretation also requires two-person teams. A foreign speaker says his piece while the
interpreter, using a special shorthand, takes notes and during a pause, tells the client what was said.
1. What is the purpose of the passage?
A. To explain the scope of interpreting.
B. To differentiate between simultaneous and consecutive interpreters.
C. To state the qualifications of an interpreter.
D. To point Out the importance of an interpreter.
2. The author implies that most people have the opinion that the skill of interpreting is…………..
A. simpler than it really is B. very complex and demanding
C. highly valued and admired D. based on principles of business
3. The example “You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear” is used to…………..
A. show the differences in language A and language B
B. stress the importance of word for word translation
C. emphasize the need for translation of the meaning of what is said
D. point out the difference in attributes of animals in English and Spanish
4. A precondition of being a translator is…………..
A. being a linguist B. being bilingual
C. being able to use high-tech equipment D. working well, with people
5. Which of the following would a consecutive interpreter be used for?
A. A business fransaction between 2 foreign speakers.
B. A large meeting of many nations.
C. A translation of a foreign book.
D. An interpretation of a major literary work.
6. What would a simultaneous interpreter be most in need of?
A. A dictionary or phrase book. B. Advanced technical style in writing.
C. Headphones and a booth. D. Shorhand skills and a notepad.
7. What is a difference mentioned between a simultaneous interpreter and a consecutive interpreter?
A. The money they are paid. B. The size of group with whom they work.
C. Their proficiency in the language. D. The type of dictionary they use.
8. The word ‘'converting” is closest in meaning to..............
A. understanding B. changing C. reading D. concluding
9. The phrase “the former” refers to…………..
A. simultaneous interpreters B. the booth
C. consecutive interpreters D. the conference
10. The word "rather" is closest in meaning to…………..
A. on the contrary B. as a result C. in brief D. in general
Read the following passage and choose the options that best complete the blanks
With the (1) ……………the motor car at the end of the last century a new era in personal
transport was born. The early motorist had his problems - the biggest one being (2) …………… his vehicle
would start or not. This problem has completely disappeared today, but others have taken its (3) …………….
More traffic and faster vehicles mean that (4) ……………a car may be, its driver has to have much greater
driving skill than before.
Today's drivers can't neglect their own personal (5) ……………for the accidents that happen on the
road every year. A good driver has many things in his qualities. Some of them, such as experience and skill,
will come only (6) ……………, but attitude - just as important _ must be part of him from the beginning.
These qualities are a sense of responsibility for the safety of others, a determination to (7) ……………the job
of driving, patience and courtesy. Together, these become (8)………….. is generally known as the driver’s
attitude. (9) ……………, every driver must makfe a real effort to develop these qualities and this effort must
start from the very beginning of the first driving (10) ……………
1. A. coming B. going C. arriving D. getting
2. A. when B. how C. whether D. why
3. A. place B. part C. turn D. back
4. A. however safe and reliable B. however safely and reliably
C. how safe and reliable D. how safely and reliably
5. A. right B. responsibility C. fault D. concept
6. A. on time B. from time to time C. in one time D. in time
7. A. choose B. focus on C. take D. pursue
8. A. that B. it C. what D. there
9. A. Moreover B. Yet C. Therefore D. So far
10. A. lesson B. test C. licence D. practice
Use the correct forms / tenses of the given words.
Twenty-eight people(1) …………… (injure) when a train which (2) …………… (carry) on a one-day
holiday (3) …………… (hit) the buffers of Blackpool Station yesterday.
When (4)……………(interview), British Rail (5) …………… (say): “The train (6)……………
(travel) at only eight kilometres per hour as it (7) …………… (enter) the station and for some reason it (8)
……………(fail) to stop. An inquiry (9)……………(hold) as soon as possible”.
Those who were hurt fortunately (10)……………(suffer) only shock and minor injuries.
Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition or adverbial particle:
1. We had some problems when we checked……………the hotel.
2. The little boy was forced to give……………to his brother’s wishes.
3. Your new dress really brings……………the color of your eyes.
4. That man runs……………his monthly salary in less than a week.
5. Camille is coming……………for dinner tonight.
6. One’s success usually turns……………one’s qualifications.
7. If he doesn’t keep……………the expenses, he’ll go bankrupt.
8. To think of a very imaginative and not really possible plan is to dream it……………
9. Little children like to take their toys…………….
10. He tried to pass himself……………as the leader of the community.
Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the given words.
1. I can think of…………… reasons for not getting married; but even so, I still want to one day. (COUNT)
2. John turned up on the wrong day because of a……………(UNDERSTAND)
3. They have to……………all the rooms of the old hotel. (MODERN)
4.……………is the time when one is still a baby. (BABY)
5. He said that his……………was how to get more people to buy the prodducts. (RESPONSIBLE)
6. The thing we hate Jim is his .……………(RELY)
7. The evening was……………spent playing cards and talking. (ENJOY)
8. This knife is very blunt. It needs …………… (SHARP)
9. Oscar had eaten so much that he had to……………his belt. (LOOSE)
10. His health was seriously affected and he suffered from constant…………… (SLEEP)
Underline and odd out the word in each line that is not necessary: (10 point)
English is my mother tongue. Besides, I can speak French and the Spanish. I studied 1…………..
both the two languages when I was at high school. Now, I am still learning Spanish at 2…………..
the university. As for me, mastering for a foreign language is not easy. After studying 3…………..
finished a language, practice is very necessary and useful. Travelling to the country 4…………..
where a target language is spoken there is very helpful, but if you can not speak the 5…………..
language well enough so you will certainly have troubles. I also frequently go to the 6…………..
movies, watch the TV, listen to the radio in the language that I am trying to learn it. 7…………..
Reading is another good way to learn. Books are good but I personally think 3…………..
newspapers and magarzines are better than. However, getting some knowledge of the 9…………..
language is that the most important thing. Grammar and vocabulary should be 10…………..
mastered first.


Fill in each of the following blanks with ONE suitable word:
Jim arrived , …………… (1) and discovered that he had , …………… (2) his door key.
He rang the bell, but…………… (3) came to open the door. He rang again, and again, but there was no
answer. He walked round the house to see if he could find an …………… (4) window, but they were all
locked. It was beginning to rain and he didn’t know……………(5) to do. Dorothy, his wife, had obviously
gone out, and he didn’t know…………… (6) she had gone to, or…………… (7) she would return. He
waited for half an hour. Still nobody came.
Finally, feeling wet and cold and hungry, he picked up a big stone and …………… (8) it through the
kitchen window. Just as he had …………… (9) the window and was climbing in, he heared the front
door…………… (10). His wife had come back.
Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning, beginning with the given words
1. I didn’t arrive in time to see her.
→ I wasn’t……………………………………………………………………………………………
2. It takes six hour to drive from London to Edinburgh.
→ It is a………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. She knows a lot more about it than I do.
→ I don’t know………………………………………………………………………………………
4. Mrs. Edwards is the owner of that car.
→ That car ………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. As I get older, I want to travel less.
→ The older ………………………………………………………………………………………..
6. We’d prefer you not to smoke.
→ We’d rather………………………………………………………………………………………..
7. The only way you can become a good athlete is by training hard everyday.
→ Only by…………………………………………………………………………………………….
8. The mother smiled happily. She took the baby in her arms.
→ Smiling…………………………………………………………………………………………….
9. He never has enough money.
→ He is always………………………………………………………………………………………..
10. Is this the only way to reach the city center ?
→Isn’t there …………………………………………………………………………………………..
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other three.
1. A. role B. toll C. roll D. golf
2. A. houses B. faces C. horses D. places
3. A. hood B. hook C. stood D. tool
4. A. myth B. with C. both D. tenth
5.A. caused B. increased C. practiced D. promised
Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the other three.
6. A. definition B. politician C. situation D. production
7. A. photography B. qualification C. occasion D. Canadian
8. A. accordance B. understand C. acupuncture D. incomplete
9. A. integrate B. operate C. associate D. recognize
10. A. fertilizer B. interference C. maintenance D. agriculture
Passage 1: Read the following passage and choose the best option to complete the blank or answer the
Recent technological advances in manned and unmanned undersea vehicles, along with breakthroughs
in satellite technology and computer equipment, have overcome some of the limitations of divers and diving
equipment. Without a vehicle, divers often became sluggish and their mental concentration was limited.
Because of undersea pressure that affected their speech organs, communication among divers was difficult or
impossible. But today, most oceanographers make direct observations by means of instruments that are
lowered into the ocean, from samples taken from the water, or from photographs made by orbiting satellites.
Direct observations of the ocean floor are made not only by divers but also by deep-diving submarines and
aerial photography. Some of the submarines can dive to depths of more than seven miles and cruise at depths
of fifteen thousand feet. In addition, radio-equipped buoys can be operated by remote control in order to
transmit information back to land-based laboratories, often via satellite. Particularly important are data about
water temperature, currents and weather. Satellite photographs can show the distribution of sea ice, oil slicks,
and cloud formations over the ocean. Maps created from satellite pictures can represent the temperature and
the color of the ocean’s surface, enabling researchers to study the ocean currents. Furthermore, computers
help oceanographers to collect and analyze data from submarines and satellites. By creating a model of the
ocean’s movements and characteristics, scientists can predict the patterns and possible effects of the ocean on
the environment.
Recently, many oceanographers have been relying more on satellites and computers than on research
ships or even submarine vehicles because they can supply a greater range of information more quickly and
more efficiently. Some of mankind’s most serious problems, especially those concerning energy and food,
may be solved with the help of observations made possible by this new technology.
1. With what topic is the passage primarily concerned?
A. Technological advances in oceanography
B. Communication among divers
C. Direct observations of the ocean floor
D. Undersea vehicles
2. The word “sluggish” is closest in meaning to ………………
A. nervous B. confused C. slow moving
3. Divers have had problems in communicating underwater because………………
A. the pressure affected their speech organs
B. the vehicles they used have not been perfected
C. they did not pronounce clearly
D. the water destroyed their speech organs
4. This passage suggests that the successful exploration of the ocean depends upon………………
A. vehicles as well as divers
B. radios that divers use to communicate
C. controlling currents and the weather
D. the limitations of diving equipment
5. Undersea vehicles ……………….
A. are too small for a man to fit inside
B. are very slow to respond
C. have the same limitations that divers have
D. make direct observations of the ocean floor
6. The word “cruise” could best be replaced by………………
A. travel at a constant speed
B. function without problems
C. stay in communication
D. remain still
7. How is a radio-equipped buoy operated?
A. By operators inside the vehicles in the part underwater
B. By operators outside the vehicle on a ship
C. By operators outside the vehicle on a diving platform
D. By operators outside the vehicle in a laboratory on shore
8. Which of the following is NOT shown in satellite photographs?
A. The temperature of the ocean’s surface
B. Cloud formations over the ocean
C. A model of the ocean’s movements
D. The location of sea ice
9. The word “those” refers to………………
A. energy and food B. problems C. observations D. vehicles
10. According to the author, what are some of the problems the underwater studies may eventually resolve?
A. Weather and temperature control
B. Food and energy shortages
C. Transportation and communication problems
D. Overcrowding and housing problems
Passage 2: Read the following passage and choose the best option to complete the blank or answer the
Precipitation, commonly referred as rainfall, is a measure of the quantity of water in the form of rain,
hail, or snow which reaches the ground. The average annual precipitation over the whole of the United States
is thirty-six inches. It should be understood however, a foot of snow is not equal to a foot of precipitation. A
general formula for computing the precipitation of snowfall is that ten inches of snow is equal to one inch of
precipitation. In New York State, for example, twenty inches of snow in one year would be recorded as only
two inches of precipitation. Forty inches of rain would be recorded as forty inches of precipitation. The total
annual precipitation would be recorded as forty-two inches.
The amount of precipitation is a combined result of several factors, including location, altitude,
proximity to the sea, and the direction of prevailing winds. Most of the precipitation in the United States is
brought originally by prevailing winds from the Pacific Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, the Atlantic Ocean, and
the Great Lakes. Because these prevailing winds generally come from the West, the Pacific Coast receives
more annual precipitation than the Atlantic Coast. Along the Pacific Coast itself, however, altitude causes
some diversity in rainfall. The mountain ranges of the United States, especially the Rocky Mountain Range
and the Appalachian Mountain Range, influence the amount of precipitation in their areas. East of the Rocky
Mountains, the annual precipitation decreases substantially from that west of the Rocky Mountains. The
precipitation north of the Appalachian Mountains is about 40 percent less than that of south of the
Appalachian Mountains.
1. What does this passage mainly discuss?
A. Precipitation B. Snowfall
C. New York State D. A general formula
2. Which of the following is another word that is often used in place of precipitation ?
A. Humidity B. Wetness C. Rainfall D. Rain-snow
3. The term precipitation includes……………….
A. only rainfall B. rain, hail, and snow
C. rain, snow, and humidity D. rain, hail, and humidity
4. What is the average annual rainfall in inches in the United States?
A. Thirty-six inches B. Thirty-eight inches C. Forty inches D. Forty-two inches
5. If a state has 40 inches of snow in a year, by how much does this increase the annual precipitation?
A. By two feet B. By four inches C. By four feet D. By 40
inches .
6. The phrase “proximity to” is closest in meaning to ………………
A. communication with B. dependence on C. nearness to D. similarity to
7. Where is the annual precipitation highest?
A. The Atlantic Coast B. The Great Lakes
C. The Gulf of Mexico D. The Pacific Coast
8. Which of the following was NOT mentioned as a factor in determining the amount of precipitation that an
area will receive?
A. Mountains B. Latitude C. The sea D. Wind
9. The word “substantially” could best be replaced by……………….
A. fundamentally B. slightly C. completely D. apparently
10. The word “that ” refers to………………
A. decreases B. precipitation C. areas D. mountain ranges
Read the following passage and choose the options that best complete the blanks.
Last year thieves broke into a Scottish castle and stole only one thing: a rhino horn, which at 1.5
metres was the longest in the world. In China pharmaceutical factories have been building (1) ..………… of
antiques made from rhino horn, for the sole purpose of smashing them to powder to make the (2) ..…………
ingredient of many of their medicines. And in Africa poachers continue to die in the (3) ..…………
for the black rhino.
Recently, conservationists met to (4) ..…………a campaign to persuade countries where rhino horn is
still part of the traditional medicine to (5) ..…………to substitutes. The biggest threat to the survival of the
rhinoceros is the (6) ..…………of certain countries to enforce a ban on domestic trading in rhino horn.
The rhino horn is included in many (7) ..…………for disorders ranging from fevers to nosebleeds.
Horn, like fingernails, is made of keratin and has no proven medicinal (8) ..…………Traditional substitutes,
such as horn from buffalo or antelope, are regarded as second best.
The battle is (9) ..…………to be winnable. But it may be harder than the battle against the trade in
ivory, for there is a (10) ..…………between the two commodities. Ivory is luxury; rhino horn, people believe,
could save the life of their child.
1. A. amounts B. bundles C. collections D. groups
2. A. essential B. real C. actual D. true
3. A. chance C. fight D.race
4. A. design B. plan C. programme D. form
5. A. vary B. switch C. modify D. adjust
6. A. rejection B. denial C. refusal D. protest
7. A. recipes B. aids C. remedies D. doses
8. A. capacity B. values C. control D. powers
9. A. imagined B. dreamed C. thought D. viewed
10. A. variation B. difference C. gap D. comparison
Use the correct forms/ tenses of the given words.
• I demand that I (1. allow) ..………… to retake the exam.
• I (2. obey) ..…………my conscience and turned back!
• There (3. be) ..…………any errors, let me know.
• We knew that she (4. not/do) ..………… that because she’s too short to reach the shelf.
• The two men never (5. introduce) ..…………formally stared at each other across the table.
• Father (6. pay) ..…………a deposit on the car, but then he (7. tell) ..…………that it already (8. promise) ..
…………to someone else.
• You (9. bring) ..…………her here; she (10. love) ..…………it!
• Last week I (11. walk) ..…………home after playing tennis when it (12.start) ..…………raining very
heavily. “Oh, no, I(13. get) ..…………soaked before I (14. reach) ..………… home,” I thought, “I wish I
(15.remember)..…………to bring my raincoat.” But unfortunately I (16.leave)..…………it at home. “How
stupid of me!” I always (17. get) ..…………to bring it with me”. Luckily just then a friend of mine passed in
her car and offered me a lift. “(18. go) ..…………you home?” she asked me, “or (19.want) ..…………you to
go for a drink?” “I think I’d rather you (20. take) ..…………me home,” I said.
Part 1: Complete the following sentences with suitable prepositions or particles.
1. Paul won’t do anything without asking his wife first. She’s really got him…………..her thumb.
2. The thing I don t like about my present job is that we often have to work up to 10 hours…………..a stretch.
3. The party was already…………..full swing by the time they got there.
4. He didn’t have time to prepare a speech, so he had to give one…………..the cuff.
5. Throughout the flight, he was very much…………..edge and didn’t start to relax until the plane had landed.
6. I’d love to come to the concert with you but I can’t, I’m afraid. I’m………… my ears in work this week.
7. Playing squash once a week was his way of letting………….. steam
8. “I think Arsenal are the best football club in Britain.”
“Come…………! What about Liverpool, then?”
9. The club welcomes all new members…………..of age.
10. He finished his speech…………..tremendous applause.
Part 2: Complete the following passage with suitable prepositions or particles.
Looking (11) ..…………a property abroad? A holiday home or a future investment? We think we can
come (12) ..………… with just the sort of thing you want. Let us at Dream Homes Limited answer a few of
your questions. Which area? Our experts can put (13) ..………… a number of suggestions for you to
go (14)..…………and choose from. What kind of place should I buy? You could buy a smart town-centre
apartment, if you like action and nightlife. Or why not get (15) ..…………from it all and opt for a cottage in
the heart of the country? Will there be problems? We have years of experience in this field. Our staff can get
(16) ..…………any difficulties, and will make the whole process as easy as possible for you. How much will it
cost? You won’t have to rob a bank, sell the car or even give (17) ..…………smoking to be able to afford it!
Recently, overseas house prices have gone (18)..…………slightly, so this is the perfect moment to buy. Will it
be legal? All the details of the sale and purchase will be set (19) ..………… in a contract, which is carefully
checked by our legal team. What's my next step? Come (20) ..…………and see us sometime! Or give us a ring
on 01350-750804.
Part 1: Complete the sentences with the correctforms of the given words.
1. They were totally (mystery) ..…………by the girl’s disappearance.
2. The house would be (habitat) ..…………by the New Year
3. She gave him a (murder) ..…………look.
4. The new approach had wide (apply) ..…………to all sorts of different problems.
5. The new system (face) ..…………with existing telephone equipment.
6. The burglars gained entry to the building after (able) ..…………the alarm.
7. I was surprised by his (prepare) ..…………to break the law.
8. Is your name (hyphen) ..…………?
9. Ex-soldiers can be disorientated by the transition to (civil) ..…………life.
10. Many people without jobs are living on the (bread) ..………….
Part 2: Complete the following passage with the Correct forms of the given words.
organize - act - understand - contribute - vary
attend - meaning - receive - convalescence - commit
Volunteering has many other intangible benefits. It can help you give back to society, break down
barriers of (11) ..…………or fear, explore personal issues and even have fun. It also has a (12) ..…………
positive impact on your community. But did you know that it can have many benefits for you, too? You may
have heard that volunteering helps you get into college, but keep in mind they’re not just looking for a list of
(13) ..…………and dates. Colleges want to see a complete picture of you and real examples of your (14) ..
…………, dedication and interests.
Volunteering brings together a (15) ..………… of people. Both the (16) ..………… of your volunteer
efforts and your co-workers can be rich sources of insight. For example, maybe you’ll learn about the legal
profession from a former lawyer you visit at a (17) ..………… centre. Colleges pay (18) ..…………to your
life inside and outside the classroom. Your extracurricular (19) ..…………reveal a great deal about you, such
as what your interests are, whether you can manage your priorities and maintain a long-term promise and how
you’ve made an important (20) ..…………to something.
Identify 10 errors in the following passage and correct them.
1 Christmas gifts are served as a token of love and appreciation and it is a
2 special way to celebrate family and friendship, to capture a treasuring memory
3 and make people smile at this festive occasion. The tradition of exchanging
4 gifts at Christmas dating back thousands of years to Roman times and
5 developed over the centuries in the huge industry that we know today.
6. Before buying Christmas gifts, it is very necessary to keep In mind the
7 person for whom the gift is presented, although it is a special present for a
8 close friend or a corporate gift for business customers. Nowadays, people can
9 find specific Christmas gifts for Mom, Dad, the kids or close friends.
10 It can also be a great fun, especially if you get the kids to involve too. A home-
11 made gift is a reflection of one’s own unique personality and the creativity will
12 become a cherished treasure for the receiver. Thus, before giving a Christmas gift,
consider selecting it by a creative or meaningful way.
Fill in each of the following blanks with ONE suitable word.
To make our existing energy (1) ..…………last longer, scientists and engineers are working to develop
more efficient methods of recovering, transporting, and using energy. Petroleum and mining experts are
investigating more economical ways of removing oil, (2) ..…………gas, and coal from the earth. In addition,
engineers are designing more efficient transportation systems to (3) ..…………the loss of energy as fuel
is transported. Engineers also can (4) ..…………our fuel reserves last longer by designing more efficient
power plants and engines. Power-plant designers are developing plants that can turn more of the energy in fuel
(5) ..…………electric energy to save fuel.
Conserving (6) ..…………. and using it wisely will also make the energy supply last longer. (7) ..
…………simple acts as turning off unneeded lights help conserve energy. Improved building construction,
better insulation, and use of (8) ..………… cells could save up to half the energy used for heating and cooling.
Travelling by bus, train reduces energy consumption. The (9) ..…………of paper and of aluminum, glass, and
plastic containers greatly reduces the (10) ..…………of energy used in manufacturing new produces.
Rewrite the sentences with the given words or beginning in such a way that their meanings remain
1. The soap opera was so exciting that I forgot to do my exercises.
2. I will always stand by you whenever you are in trouble.
Should ………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. However long it may take, I will find him.
4. I won’t get to the airport in less than 15 minutes from now.
5. They won the case as the plaintiff didn’t turn up.
Had it………………………………………………………………………………………………..
6. She was so beautiful that I couldn’t stop looking at her. (EYES)
7. Winning that prize has made him very conceited. (HEAD)
8. I do wish you should stop biting your nails, Brian! It really annoys me. (NERVES)
9. You made an embarrassing mistake when you asked him where his wife was. (FOOT)
10. It was hard not to start laughing when she started to sing. (FACE)


A. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently.
1. A. hasty B. nasty C. wastage D. tasty
2. A. decision B. vision C. confusion D. tension
3. A. canal B. journal C. refusal D. infernal
4. A. naked B. beloved C. sacred D. soaked
5. A. choir B. chore C. chemist D. chorus
B. Pick out the word which has the different stressed pattern.
1. A. understand B. quality C. radical D. business
2. A. altogether B. synonymoils C. manufacture D. independent
3. A. museum B. remember C. courageous D. interview
4. A. image B. purchase C. mislead D. deadline
5. A. memorial B. diameter C. considerate D. beneficial
A. Read the passage and choose the best option to complete the blank or answer the question.
A sunny weekend morning saw the Lim family at the Sungei Buloh Nature Park in Kranji. Armed with
binoculars, Mr and Mrs Lim and their two young children were observing some rare birds at an observation
site. Sungei Buloh Nature Park is Singapore’s first wetland nature park.
It covers a sprawling areả of eighty hectares. The park is an important stopover for many species of
migratory birds, such as sandpipers, egrets and herons. Such birds usually make an annual trip to the park
from faraway places like the Siberian Arctic, China, Japan and South Korea in order to flee from the harsh
winter. The park also serves as a permanent home to kingfishers, quails, woodbeckers, sunbirds and weavers.
The children were very excited as they had never been in such close proximity with so many birds. “Look,
Mummy, those herons are taking off! They look so magnificent!” Mrs Lim was extremely pleased with her
children’s interest in nature. “I wish to thank the authorities for such wonderful facilities!” she told park
officials later. “Within this nature park, Singaporeans can better enjoy our natural heritage and learn to
appreciate narure.”
After viewing the birds, the Lim took a walk across the specially-constructed boardwalks built over the
mangrove swamps. Within minutes, they were on sandy trails criss-crossing the nature reserve. Here, they
were fascinated by the mangrove wetlands, estaurine mudflats and freshwater ponds filled with fish and
prawns. They also stopped by at the coconut groves and a fruit orchard teeming with wildlife. The only
sounds that shattered the peace in this beautiful park were the shrill calls of the plovers and sandpipers.
An observation hide at the park has a seating capacity of 24. Park visitors view the birds through slits
in the wooden screens inside the observation hide. The Lim family were so pleased with their visit to Sungei
Buloh Nature Park that they were determined to make another visit to the park the following week. They also
made plans to bring some of their relatives along.
1. According to the passage, birds like herons migrate to Singapore………….
A. because it is colder here B. to rear their young one
C. to escape the cold winter D. to seek exotic food
2. The words “close proximity” means………….
A. cosy hideout B. peaceful surroundings
C. new environment D. close range
3. Mrs. Lim was grateful to the authorities because ………….
A. they introduced the Lim family to the park officials
B. they gave the Lim family free tickets to the park
C. they brought in birds from all over the world
D. they built a park to enable Singaporeans to enjoy nature.
4. The words "criss-crossing the nature reserve" in the third paragraph means…………..
A. cutting across the park in an untidy way
B. outlining the park
C. circling the park
D. built to cut across the park in crossed lines.
5. Boardwalks are built over the mangrove swamps ………….
A. to facilitate the catching of crabs
B. to enable visitors to observe the wildlife there
C. for aesthetic purposes
D. to divide them into distinct sections
6. The freshwater ponds…………..
A. can be reached by boardwalks B. are in a fruit orchard
C. are outside the nature park D. are closed to the public
7. The wooden screen have slits for bird watching because …………..
A. they ensure the birds will not be unduly alarmed by the sight of human visitors
B. visitors can ensnare birds readily in this way
C. they reduce the shrillness of the bird calls
D. the park is unusually wet
8. An observation hide ………….
A. enables visitors to view at least 24 types of birds
B. allows visibility of up to 24 km
C. can be rented for $24
D. can take up to 24 people
9. The Lim family were………….with their visit to the nature park.
A. unhappy B. happy C. bored D. disappointed
10. A suitable title for this passage is “………….”
A. How The Birds Put Up A Spectacular Overland Flight
B. Why Some Birds Make Singapore Their Permanent Home
C. A Ramble In A Wetland Nature Park
D. Viewing Exotic Birds In An Observation Hide
B. Read the text and choose the best answer.
The jellyfish is headless and possesses a mouth at the end of its body. Long, string-like tentacles
surround its mouth. These tentacles are indispensable for catching small fish and plankton. There are poison-
bearing cells in the tentacles. When touched, they give off a nasty sting. The toxins that are triggered off in the
process work their way quickly into the animal’s prey, paralysing it instantly. The tentacles draw the prey into
the mouth, beyond which lies a huge digestive cavity. The digestive system breaks down the food readily. The
body then absorbs the food.
The jellyfish resembles a delicately beautiful umbrella as it swims gracefully in the water. It does not
possess bones. It is composed of jellylike substance. Without water, the animal cannot survive. Water supports
its body as it drifts along with the current, waiting for prey to come within striking distance. It eats mainly
small fish and plankton.
Jellyfish come in many colours, from pink and orange to blue. As the animal moves through the water,
it looks like an umbrella opening and closing rapidly. Movement is achieved when water is squeezed out from
under the jellyfish, propelling the animal through the water.
The sting of a jellyfish can cause great pain. The most dangerous jellyfish are the sea wasps found in
the warm waters of the Pacific Ocean. Several deaths have resulted from the sting of sea wasps. Another
menacing jellyfish that instils fear in humans is the Portuguese Man-Of-War. Its tentacles, once touched, can
inflict pain right up to the arm. A small sting results in a lingering pain which lasts for only a few hours.
However, a strong sting will deal the victim immense pain, often lasting for several weeks.
1. The phrase “triggered off” in the first paragraph means………….
A. created B. removed C. released D collected
2. The prey, after it is stung,
A. cannot move at all B. struggles for dear life
C. bites at the tentacles D. survives eventually
3. According to the passage, the jellyfish ………….
A. is soft and has a jelly like body B. possesses a hard skeleton
C. eats only in the morning D. moves only in the morning
4. The jellyfish owes its umbrella-like motion to………….
A. its habitat B. its mood C. its diet D. its structure
5. When swimming, the jellyfish………….
A. folds up its poisonous tentacles
B. conceals its tentacles
C. is rather clumsy in movement
D. floats on the water like an opened umbrella
6. The jellyfish…………..
A. ambushes its prey B. waits for its prey to drift or swim by
C. eats only moving objects D. attacks but seldom eats its prey
7. The jellyfish’s diet consists of
A. humans, small fish and plankton
B. bones and jellylike substances
C. sea wasps and Portuguese Man-Of-War
D. small fish and plankton
8. Jellyfish stings vary…………..
A. in intensity B. with the tides
C. in different ocean depths D. according to the colour of the sea
9. Jellyfish are ………….. creatures.
A. harmless B. harmful C. defenceless D. aggressive
10. A suitable title for this passage is “………….”
A. The Enemies Of The Jellyfish
B. Seeking A Remedy For The Jellyfish’s Stings
C. Characteristics Of The Jellyfish
D. The Diet Of The Jellyfish
III. Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space
One rather (0)……………word that has recently entered the language is “blog”, a shortened form of
“web log”. A blog is a diary posted on the Internet by the person writing it- the “blogger”-who presumably (1)
……………other people to read it. It is ironical that modem technology is being used to (2) …………… new
life into such an old-fashioned form as the personal journal. And now, as the technology behind video camera
is making them easier to use, we have the video log, or “vlog”. Vlogging does not require (3) ………
sophisticated equipment: a digital video camera, a high-speed Internet connection and a host are all that is
needed. Vloggers can put anything that (4) ……………their fancy onto their personal website. Some
vloggers have no ambitions (5) ……………than to show films they have (6) …………… while on holiday in
exotic places. However, vlogs can also (7) …………… more ambitious purposes. For instance, amateur film-
makers who want to make a name for themselves might publish their work on the Internet, eager to receive
advice or criticism. And increasingly, vlogs are being used to (8) ……………political and social issues that
are not newsworthy enough to (9) …………… coverage by the mass media. It is still too early to predict
whether vlogging will ever (10)……………off in a major way or if it is just a passing fad, but its potential is
only now becoming apparent.
0. A. unlikely B. impossible C. unbelievable D. unique
1. A. believes B. expects C. assumes D. supposes
2. A. add B. inhale C. insert D. breathe
3. A. absolutely B. largely C. utterly D. highly
4. A. grasps B. appeals C. takes D. gives
5. A. except B. apart C. rather D. other
6. A. shot B. photographed C. snapped D. captured
7. A. serve B. employ C. function D. play
8. A. emphasise B. publicise C. distribute D. circulate
9.A. earn B. warrant C. excuse D. cause
10. A. fly B. show C. take D. make
I. Use the correct tense and form of the verb provided to fit each gap.
A report…………… (1. just come in) that the Southgate warehouse…………… (2. Break into) last
Friday night. The gate…………… (3. force) open and two of the back windows…………… (4. shatter).
Someone, probably a tall male, ……………(5. leave) muddy footprints in the back hall. The owners ………
(6. tell) reporters that nothing terribly valuable…………… (7. take); however, there is a lot of damage
…………… (8. repair). Police…………… (9. work) on the case now, and expect an arrest…………… (10.
make) within a week.
1. Jack ……………(employ) at the Ajax Company. He likes the job.
2. I was considering……………(buy) a house but now I……………(change) my mind
3. When you……………(feel) hungry later, the room service …………… (bring) you whatever you want.
4. I…………… (find) it difficult to convince the ticket inspector that I……………(lose) my ticket.
5. Since I……………(pay) for our lunch, I……………(try) to attract the waiter’s attention.
6. As soon as I……………(have) a good look at the designs, I …………… (send) them back to you.
7. Renoir’s paintings……………(consider) masterpieces all over the world.
8. Whatever……………(happen), I……………(meet) you here in a week’s time.
9. By the time you have finished getting ready, we……………(miss) the train!
10. Sally! I ……………(expect not) to see you here! What……………(you do) here in New Vork?
A. Put one suitable word in each space.
1. Getting up so early really gets me……………
2. Someone was……………after you in the club yesterday.
3. It was a good idea, but I’m afraid it didn’t quite……………off.
4. I tried to get an early night, but just as I was……………off, the phone rang.
5. The police didn’t……………up Tom’s complaint about his neighbour.
6. This novel is beginning to……………on me.
7. It is quite clearly……………down that only amateurs can take part.
8. Two members of the gang eventually……………themselves up.
9. We……………out that we had forgotten Jane’s birthday, though it wasn’t true.
10. Jim told me to……………her up the next time I was in London.
B. Fill each blank with one of the following particles:

1. Would you look……………these valuable things for us while we were away?

2. Betty came……………a huge fortune when her father died.
3. He broke……………to answer the phone.
4. You can keep the book if you want. I’ve finished……………it.
5. The Densons have had to call……………their party betause Ellen is ill.
6. If we don’t pay the bill tomorrow, they’ll cut……………our electricity.
7. Let me quickly look……………this catalogue to see if there’s anything nice.
8. As the years go……………, one learns to be less demanding of life.
9. Who do you think we ran……………at the theatre last night?
10. Patsy seems to have got ……………her shyness at last.
A. Supply the correct form of the Word given
1. Salt……………may lead to raised blood pressure in susceptible adults. TAKE
2. A good dictionary is ……………for learning a foreign language. DISPENSE
3. The world is becoming increasingly …………… DEPEND
4. The station quickly fell into ……………after it was closed. It is now in very bad condition. REPAIR
5. The pilot was given ……………to land by air traffic control. CLEAR
6. We are simply involved in an . capacity on the project. ADVISE
7. The church is the site of a number of……………manifestations. NATURE
8. Barack Obama is the first President of The United States with……………background. RACE
9. Kostadinova has set altogether seven world records, three outdoors and four indoors and has jumped over
2,00197 times, an achievement…………… by any other athlete in the women’s high jump. EQUAL
10. Low income and little administrative support;make teachers……………with their profession.HEART
B. Use the correct form of the word in the box to fit each gap
Convincing The Experts
It is strange but true that some of the most important scientific
discoveries of the past hundred years have only gained (1) …………… 1. accept
because someone eminent in the field took an interest in a theory,
while progress in other fields has at times been delayed for years
because no one is possessing the (2) ……………to evaluate a theory 2. expert
was prepared to take it seriously.
1905 saw the (3) ……………. of a theory now known as the Theory of 3. publish
Relativity by a Young man called Albert Einstein. The (4) …………… 4. response
of the scientific community was one of total indifference until the
distinguished German physicist, Max Planck, noticed it.
Historians today believe that his (5) …………… of Einstein was 5. patron
crucial to the theory being accepted.
Several years later, Einstein put forward his new theory of general
relativity. A renowned physicist, Eddington, produced measurements
that (6) ……………confirmed Einstein’s predictions. It is now 6. appear
known, however, that Eddington was highly (7) ……………in the 7. select
result she published, ignoring any that did not prove the theory.
Einstein was eventually proved right though at, first he was the
(8) ……………of doubtful research, only accepted because of the 8. benefit
reputation of the man who presented it.
The conclusion is that where only a (9) ……………, of people in the 9. hand
world possess the (10) ……………to understand a theory,, the rest of 10. qualify
us must rely on their opinion until one of them can demonstrate
that the others are mistaken.


A. Read the passage and fill each gap with ONE word.
Dealing With Waste Plastic
Every year people throw away millions of tonnes of plastic bottles, boxes and wrapping. These create
huge mountains of waste which are extremely hard to get (1) …………… of. Now, a new recycling process
promises to reduce this problem by turning old plastic (2) ……………new.
Scientists have taken a long time to develop their ideas because waste plastic has always been a bigger
problem than substances like waste paper. You can bury plastic, but it is years (3) ……………it breaks down.
If you burn it, it just becomes another form of pollution. A few products, for example bottles, can be re-used
but it is expensive or difficult to do this (4) ……………, a lot of plastic products.
Now a group of companies has developed a new method (5) ……………recycling that could save
almost (6) …………… plastic waste. The advantage of the new process is that nearly every type of waste
plastic can be used: it does not have to be sorted. In addition, labels and ink may be left (7) …………… the
products. Everything is simply mixed together (8) …………… heated to more than 400 degrees centigrade (9)
……………that it melts. It is then cooled, producing a waxy substance that can be used to make new plastic
products such as bags, bottles and, among (10) ……………things, computer hardware.
B. Use the correct form of the word in capitals of fit each gap.
TV choice
Grandstand (BBC 1, 10.55 am) In today's programme you can join Steve Rider for a morning session
of snooker coming from the Crucible Theatre in Sheffield. If you prefer something (1) ……………a bit more
action, then stay switched on for the Rugby League Cup Final (2) ……………St Helen's (the favourites) and
the Bradford Bulls, which will be broadcast live from Wembley at 2.30 pm.
FDR: Fear Itself (BBC 2, 8.05 pm) This is the second in a four-part series (3) ……………the life of
American President Franklin D Roosevelt. Tonight's episode looks at the period in Roosevelt's life when he
contracted polio, a disease (4) ……………would have put an end to most careers, let alone that (5) …………
a man who was hoping to become President of the United States. This fascinating documentary shows (6)
……………Roosevelt fought back with great determination and optimism and not (7) ……………got back
on his feet again, but also walked triumphantly into the White House.
You ANC Nothing Yet (Channel 4, 12.05 am) This is an opportunity to enjoy a one-off performance
(8) ……………Pieter-Dirk Uys, the Jewish-Afrikaner comedian (9) …………… satire has long been a thorn
in the side of South Africa's political leaders, all of (10) ……………he makes fun of, although he admits he
has difficulty with his Nelson Mandela impression.
Identify 10 errors in the following passage and correct them.
Dear Audrey,
I just had to write and tell you about the new flat which George and I have just bought and where we are
intend to live after I retire next year. As you may know, I have spent most of my childhood living in Scotland,
and I have always dreamed of moving back there one day. Although George loves the place where we live
now, however he is very fond of Edinburgh and he agreed to go and look at some properties on the outskirts
of the city. Unfortunately, despite of the fact that houses are usually cheaper in Scotland, everything we liked
was too much expensive for us, and after a week of looking, we came up to the conclusion that we would have
to think about living somewhere else. But then, on our last day in Edinburgh, while we were walking along
Prince’s Street, we came across to an old school friend of mine, who told me that the school we were used to
go to had just been converted into flats. Naturally, I was very curious about to see the old building, so George
and I went to have a look. As soon as the salesman showed us the first flat, we knew where we had to buy it -
so that’s what we did. Now we are the proud owners of the old gymnasium.
A. Finish each of the sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed
before it.
1.I really think she should stop ignoring me in meetings. shoulder
It’s about time …………………………………………………. in meetings.
2. I will not hesitate to leave if I’m not paid more. no
I will…………………………………………………. if I’m not paid more.
3. Jane will have problems managing to pass her exams if she doesn’t work harder. succeed
Unless Jane………………………………………………….her exam.
4. I never consider buying an English newspaper while I was on holiday. occurred
It………………………………………………….an English newspaper while I was on holiday.
5. My brother finds it totally impossible to write legibly when he has to take notes. is
My brother’s ………………………………………………….when he has to take notes.
B. Write a new sentence using the word given. Do not alter the word in any way.
6. No one is allowed to smoke in the laboratory. banned
7. The protection of the animal world is pointless unless we take steps to protect our planet as well. worth
8. They have discovered some interesting new information. light
9. The final version of the plan was quite different from the initial draft. resemblance
10. His irresponsible attitude is endangering his career as a doctor. jeopardy


A. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently front that of the others of the
1. A. absinthe B. soothe C. loathe D. wreathe
2. A. duvet B. ballet C. amulet D. gilet
3. A. company B. common C. comment D. commerce
4. A. council B. slouch C. foundry D. southern
5. A. fagged B fixed C. fledged D. freckled
B. Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently from that of the other three.
6. A. antecedent B. magnificent C. benevolent D. sobriety
7. A. politic B. physical C. melodic D. Catholic
8 A. intercede B. interview C. introduce D. interact
9. A. supermarket B. spiritual C. contemporary D. calculator
10. A. preparatory B. documentary C. theatrical D. photography
I. Reading 1
In 776 B.C., the first Olympic Games were held at the foot of Mount Olympus to honor the Greek’s
chief god, Zeus. The warm climate for outdoor activities, the need for preparedness in war, and their lifestyle
caused the Greeks to create competitive sports. Only the elite and military could participate at first, but later
the games were open to all free Greek males who had no criminal record. The Greeks emphasized physical
fitness and strength in their education of youth. Therefore, contests in running, jumping, discuss and javelin
throwing, boxing, and horse and chariot racing were held in individual cities, and the winners competed every
four years at Mount Olympus. Winners were greatly honored by having olive wreaths placed on their heads
and having poems sung about their deeds. Originally these contests were held as games of friendship, and any
war in progress were halted to allow the games to take place. They also helped to strengthen bonds among
competitors and the different cities represented.
The Greeks attached so much importance to the games that they calculated time in four-year cycles
called ‘Olympiads,” dating from 776 B.C. The contest coincided with religious festivities and constituted an
all-out effort on the part of participants to please the gods. Any who disobeyed the rules were dismissed and
seriously punished. These athletes brought shame not only to themselves, but also to the cities they
1. Which of the following is not true?
A. Winners placed olive wreaths on their own heads.
B The games were held in Greece every four years.
C. Battles were interrupted to participate in the games.
D. Poems glorified the winners in song.
2. The word “elite ” in line 4 is closest in meaning to
A. Aristocracy B. Brave C. Intellectual D. Muscular
3. Why were the Olympic Games held?
A. To stop war B. To honor Zeus
C. To crown the best athletes D. To sing songs about the athletes
4. Approximately how many years ago did these games originate?
A. 800 years B. 1,200 years C. 2,300 years D. 2,800 years
5. What conclusion can we draw about the ancient Greeks?
A. They were pacifists.
B. They believed athletic events were important.
C. They were very simple.
D. They couldn’t count, so they used “Olympiads” for dates.
6. What is the main idea of this passage?
A. Physical fitness was an integral part of the lives of ancient Greeks.
B. The Greeks severely punished those who did not participate in physical fitness programs.
C. The Greeks had always encouraged everyone to participate in the games.
D. The Greeks had the games coincide with religious festivities so that they could go back to war when the
games were over.
7. In line 10, the world “deeds " is closest in meaning to
A. Accomplishments B. Ancestors C. Documents D. Property
8. Which of the following was ultimately required of all athletes competing in the Olympics?
A. They must have competed military service.
B. They had to attend special training sessions.
C. They had to be Greek males with no criminal record.
D. They had to be very religious.
9. The world “halted” in line 11 means mostly nearly the same as
A. Encouraged B. Started C. Curtailed D. Fixed
10. What is an “Olympiad”?
A. The time it took to finish the games B. The time between games
C. The time it took to finish a war D. The time it took the athletes to train
Reading 2:
In recent years, scientific and technological developments have drastically changed human life on our
planet, as well as our views both of ourselves as individuals in society and of the universe as a whole. Perhaps
one of the most profound developments of the 1970s was the discovery of recombinant DNA technology,
which allows scientists to introduce genetic material (or genes) from one organism into another. In its simplest
form, the technology requires the isolation of a piece of DNA, either directly from the DNA of the organism
under study or artificially synthesized from an RNA template by using a viral enzyme called reverse
transcriptase. This piece of DNA is then ligated to a fragment of bacterial DNA which has the capacity to
replicate itself independently. The recombinant molecule thus produced can be introduced into the common
intestinal bacterium Escherichia coli, which can be grown in very large amounts in synthetic media. Under
proper conditions the foreign gene will not only replicate in the bacteria, but also express itself, through the
process of transcription and translation, to give rise to large amounts of the specific protein coded by the
foreign gene.
The technology has already been successfully applied to the production of several therapeutically
important biomolecules, such as insulin, interferon, and growth hormones. Many other important applications
are under detailed investigation in laboratories throughout the world.
1. Recombinant DNA technology consists primarily of
A. Producing several therapeutically important biomolecules
B. Giving rise to large amounts of protein
C. Introducing genetic material from one organism into another
D. Using a viral enzyme called reverse transcriptase
2. The word 'profound” in line 4 is closest in meaning to
A. Significant B. Boring C. Dangerous D. Secret
3. In line 7, the word “isolation ” is closest in meaning to
A. Destruction B. Duplication C. Segregation D. Study
4. Recombinant DNA technology has been used in the production of all the following biomolecules EXCEPT
A. Growth hormones B. Escherichia coli C. Interferon D. Insulin
5. In line 8, “artificially” is closest in meaning to
A. Correctly B. Artistically C. Synthetically D. Carefully
6. The word “ligated” in line 9 is closest in meaning to
A. Interested B. Cut C. Elevated D. Bound
7. Which of the following is not true?
A. The foreign gene will replicate in the bacteria, but it will not express itself through transcription and
B. The bacterium Escherichia coli can be grown in large amounts in synthetic media.
C. Research continues in an effort to find other uses for this technology.
D. Recombinant DNA technology is a recent development.
8. Expression of a gene in Escherichia coli requires
A. The viral enzyme reverse transcriptase
B. The processes of transcription and translation
C. Production of insulin and other biomolecules
D. That the bacteria be grown in a synthetic media
9. The term 'recombinant” is used because
A. By ligation, a recombinant molecule is produced, which has the capacity of replication
B. The technique requires the combination of several types of technology
C. By ligation, a recombinant protein is produced; part of whole amino acids come from each different
D. Escherichia coli is a recombinant organism.
10. The word'“replicate’ in line 13 is closest in meaning to
A. Reproduce B. Join C. eside D. Coexist
A new VR (virtual reality) headset for the home user will be in the phop soon. The makers (1) ………
that it will change the way that computer games are played. Unlike the heavy VR headsets that people have
been using in arcades for the last few years, the new sets look more like a pair of sunglasses than a fireman’s
(2) ……………A spokesman for the company said. “A lot of people had (3) ……………with the old
headsets. They were so heavy that if you wore them (4) ……………for more than an hour or so, they could
cause quite a lot of (5) ……………Our new headsets are very comfortable, and will be perfect for games as
well as in education.”
Some scientists, however, are (6) …………… about the effects of VR. Child psychologist Brenda
Smith explained: “There have already been several cases or violence among young children where computer
games were to (7) ……………With VR, we will soon have children who are not (8) ……………to playing
with other people. (9) ……………your life in a constant battle with aliens and monsters is not really a (10)
……………, environment for someone young. We recommend that a child should experience actual reality,
not virtual reality, and it would be a great mistake for parents to bring this sort of technology into the home.”
1. A. claim B. threaten C. offer D. recommend
2. A. hat B. cap C. helmet D. hood
3. A. mistakes B. faults C. problems D. errors
4. A. continuously B. throughout C. always D. regularly
5. A. hurt B. ache C. pain D. suffering
6. A. afraid B. worried C. scared D. threatened
7. A. fault B. error C. defect D. blame
8. A. used B. made C. allowed D. interested
9. A. Spending B. Doing C. Making D. Passing
10. A. convenient B. suitable C. real D. right
Supply the correct forms of the verbs, given in brackets.
1. After (deliver)…………..of a healthy baby boy, Catherine was taken to the recovery room.
2. I (mean)………… have a talk with you about a problem that I have known about for some time.
3. I felt that someone (steal)………… wallet when I felt their hand in my jacket pocket.
4. Pleased be quiet, Jill. You (forever interrupt)…………...
5. I’m so hungry. I think I (buy)…………...a big hamburger.
6. In twenty-four hours’ time, I (relax) …………..on my yatch.
7. If I were (tell) ………….. you where the treasure is, what would you do?
8. He finally admitted (be)…………..a member of the gang.
9. The staff was made (lie)………….. down on the floor by the robbers.
10. Margaret was slow at school, but she went on (become)…………..Prime Minister.
B. Ask hundreds of people what they (11. plan) …………… to do on a certain day in August next year, or the
year after, and there (12. be) ……………only one reply. Provided of course that the people you (13. ask)
…………… belong to the Elvis Presley Fan Club. Although the King of Rock and Roll died nearly two
decades ago, his fans (14. meet) ……………every year since then outside his home in Memphis, Tennessee,
to show respect for the singer they love so much. Fans like Jean Thomas, from Catford in South East London.
Jean (15. visit)……………Gracelands, the house where Elvis suffered his fatal heart attack, twice in the past
five years. The first time I (16. borrow) ……………the money from my Mum, as I (17. not work)……………
then. But two years ago I got married and since then I have been in my husband Chris's garage. Chris and I
went together last year, and we (18. think) ……………of spending two or three months in the USA next year.
I (19. always want) ……………to visit some of the places where Elvis performed. Like Las Vegas for
example.' Jean says that Elvis has been her obsession ever since she was ten years old, and she (20. own)
…………… every single one of his records, good and bad.
A. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable preposition
1. ……………hindsight, it is not hard to realize that leaving the country was her biggest mistake ever.
2. Why don’t you try to look at her decision……………her eyes? Who knows you may sympathize with her.
3. It stands……………reason that you can’t simply say sorry and hope everything will be normal again.
4. She turned her nose……………at the job because she thought it was not good enough for her.
5. Parents should never dote……………their children if they do not want to spoil them.
6. They were imprisoned and deprived……………their basic rights.
7. Losing his job came as a terrible blow……………him.
8. The singer enjoyed being accompanied……………the flute by her husband.
9. I sometimes think she is sensitive……………a fault.
10. ……………mutual consent, they kept their divorce secret from their children.
B. Use the verbs given below together with ONE appropriate particle to complete the following
wait - turn - come - run - bring - fall - buy - get - take - make
11. It is highly recommended that you replace the batteries before they completely……………
12. The soldiers are ordered to…………….
13. Many pensioners find it hard to……………on their small pensions after their retirement.
14. The murderer……………himself……………to the police one week after the crime.
15. Constant daydreaming doesn’t……………a successful career in music.
16. Our forward was……………in the penalty area by one of the visitor’s defenders.
17. Stop……………Mr. Jackson! Don’t you know it’s disrespectful to imitate your teacher?
18. It’s no wonder she doesn’t know how to make an omelet. She has a host of servants who would
…………… her all day long.
19. It took quite a long time for Sara to……………herself after the breakup with her boyfriend.
20. It is rumored that the victim was……………by the driver so that she would not take him to court for
reckless driving.
A. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the given words.
1. The seemingly……………oil and minerals have shown signs of depletion over the years. (exhaust)
2. Could you please help me……………the two words ‘differ’ and differentiate? (ambiguous)
3. Swimming is considered a……………sport because competitors do not contact physically. (contact)
4. What a……………she is! She should know that efficient management involves much more than making
and obeying rules. (discipline)
5. Thanks to the …………… policy, more and more forests have been formed on locations that used to be
treeless. (forest)
6. How……………the book is! It is so interesting that I can hardly stop reading it. (put)
7. She found it hard to…………… herself to the cold of this country. (climate)
8. Her……………smile helped calm me down somehow. (arm)
9. The principal has taken the students’ petition under……………. (advise)
10. The film producer was very frustrating when the director1 chose two……………actors for the leading
roles. (try)
B. Complete the following passage with the correct forms of the words given in
the box.

The swallow is well known throughout its range for several reasons. Firstly, it is very (11)…………..,
with its forked tail and characteristic acrobatic swooping flight. Secondly, it is very common, and, like its near
(12) …………..the house martin, lives in close (13) ………… human habitation, at least in rural areas. It
is, however, rarely to be encountered in towns or cities.
For centuries, people have observed swallows, noted their (14), …………..and their patterns of
feeding. In several countries, these (15) ………….. have passed into the language as proverbs or sayings. In
England, people comment on (16) …………..late spring weather by saying, 'one swallow does not a summer
make'. Similarly, if'the swallows are flying low’, this was held to predict rainy, even stormy weather. There
may be some truth in this observation, though it is the insects the swallows feed on that seem to be more
susceptible to the fall in barometric pressure that heralds a storm. Insects keep low in these conditions, and so
do the swallows that hunt them.
At some point in mid-September the swallows leave together. One day there are thousands, the next
there are none, and none will be seen again until the following spring. For centuries, this was a complete
mystery to people. The Hampshire (17) …………..Gilbert White, writing in the late eighteenth century,
believed that the swallows dived into ponds and rivers in autumn and remained in the bottom mud the whole
winter, re-emerging the following spring. This idea seems (18) ………… us, but White was not a stupid
man: many of his other observations of natural life were informed and accurate. In this case, however, he
simply had no means of determining the truth and was forced to make a random guess. The idea that swallows
migrate to central or (19) …………..Africa would have seemed as (20) ………… him as his theory seems
to us.
There are 10 errors in the following passage. Identify and correct them.
There are three different kinds of burns: first degree, second degree, third degree. Each type of burn
requires a different type of medical treatment. The less serious burn is the first-degree burn. This burn causes
the skin to turn red but does not cause blistering. A mild sunburn is a good example of a first-degree burn,
and, unlike a mild sunburn, first-degree burns generally do not require medical treatment another than a gentle
cooling of the burned skin with ice or cold tap water. Second-degree burns, on the other hand, does cause
blistering of the skin and should be treated immediately. These burns should be immersed in warm water and
then wrapped in a sterile dressing or bandage. Do not apply butter or grease to these burns. Despite of the old
wives’ tale, butter does not help burns heal and actually increases the chances of infection. Third-degree burns
are those that char the skin and turn it black or burn so deeply that the skin shows white. These burns usually
result in direct contact with flames and have a great chance of becoming infected. All third-degree burn
victims should be received immediate hospital care. Burns should not be immersed in water, and charred
clothing should not be removed from the victim as if it may also remove the skin. If possible, a sterile dressing
or bandage should be applied on burns before the victim is transported to the hospital.
Part V. OPEN CLOZE TEST: (20 marks)
The Year of the Tiger will be a significant year for Vietnamese conservation organizations. There
could not better time to (1)………….. awareness and support for the endangered tiger species that are native
to most of Southeast Asia. (2) ………….. only an estimated less than 3200 tigers in the wild, these majestic
animals are on the (3) …………..of extinction. Meet Lanh, an exquisite Indochinese Tiger. Like so many
other tigers in Southeast Asia, Lanh is now living in a small iron cage instead of the lush (4) …………..
mountains of her natural (5) ………….. She is only five months old. She will never know how beautiful
her forest home in Vietnam forest was. Her mother was (6) …………..from the forest just two weeks before
Lanh was born. Lanh is not alone. Many tigers will be (7) …………..from their natural habitats this year.
Some will be forced into (8) ………….. due to the (9) …………..of cities. Some will be killed by poachers
(10) …………..only in their bones, claws, or fur.
Conservation organizations like WWF Vietnam (World Wild Fund for Nature) and TRAFFIC
(Wildlife trade Monitoring Network) continue to press the (11) …………..with their campaign, “A matter of
Attitude: Reducing Consumption of Wildlife in Hanoi, Vietnam.” The four-year campaign has identified that
the biggest threat (12) …………..endangered animals in Vietnam is the (13) …………..demand for illegal
animal products. The demand for tiger products has (14) …………..the general tiger population in Vietnam to
fewer than 100 and it is estimated that the wild tiger population could be (15) ………….. as low as 50. One
successful tactic of the “Matter of Attitude” campaign was a Print Ad Design Competition. With over 200
entries, the belief that social (16) …………..can indeed change was confirmed, as people all over Vietnam
entered the contest (17)………… use their talents to help protect Vietnam’s unique wildlife. In (18) ……
of the New Year, WWF Vietnam and TRAFFIC are publishing the winning entry titled, “A Tiger’s story” by
Nemanja Vucievic and Aymi Tran. The emotionally charged print ad features a blindfolded tiger with a noose
(19) …………..its neck. The ad will be published nationwide, (20) …………..attention to the plight
of this exquisite animal-the true royalty of Asia-and the need to protect it.
Part VI/ Sentence Transformation (20 marks)
Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence
printed before it
1. The trip was so amazing that we will never forget.
It’s too ………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. If you change your mind, you’d be welcome to join our staff.
Were you…………………………………………………………………………………………….
3. We can’t deny making certain mistakes in the early stages.
It cannot …………………………………………………………………………………………….
4. Even though I admire his courage, I think he is foolish.
Much ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
5. He had just begun his speech when there was a noise of breaking glass off-stage.
He was on ……………………………………………………………………………………………
Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals, and so that the meaning stays the same.
6. My father is going to be really angry when he finds out that I have lost the car key.
7. If things go wrong, Jamies, whatevet you do, do not panic.
…………………………………………………………………………………………… (HEAD)
8. All the hostages were released yesterday by the kidnappers.
9. Payment will be made when the order is received.
…………………………………………………………………………………………… (RECEIPT)
10. Behave properly or leave!
l.D 2.D 3.D 4.D 5.D
6. B 7.C 8.D 9.C 10. C
11.B 12. B 13. A 14. C 15. B 16. D 17. A
18. B 19. D 20. C 21. C 22. B 23. B 24. A
25. C 26. A 27. C 28. A 29. A 30. A
31. A. marine 32. B. foremost 33. D. number 34. C. ever
35. C. Clothed 36. A. to 37. B. On 38. B. roamed
39. A. specimens 40. D. submersibles
1. He (go) should have gone to the last meeting, but he didn’t.
2. By the time you come here again, this palace (build) will have been built.
3. The yesterday accident is thought (cause) to have been caused by human error.
4. We (cook) had been cooking all day for the party that evening and by 8 o’clock we still weren’t ready.
5. It is highly desirable that every effort (make) should be made to reduce expenditure
6. (There, be) should there be any errors, let me know
7. His (take) being taken ill was quite unexpected.
8. In 20 hours’ time, I (relax) will be relaxing on my yacht.
9. It was a boring show! I would rather (not go) not have gone there.
10. It was a close call. We (kill) would / could have been killed.
11. to restrict 12. can easily be abused
13. Acting 14. can even overthrow
15. acquired 16. were expecting
17. were faced 18. would have continued
19. bringing 20. had become
Part 1: 1.I wish you wouldn’t fly at me like that every time I make a mistake.
2. The piece of equipment is very well made and stands up to the roughest treatment. You won’t have any
trouble with it.
3. The new office staff are shaking down well.
4. I think a sip of wine can bring him round.
5. We are under no obligation to change goods which were not purchased here.
6. I am not friends with Peter any more. We have fallen out.
7. I knew I was over the hill when I started needing glasses to read.
8. Tom’s family pulled him through the difficult period following his wife’s death.
9. The police came in for a great deal of criticism.
10.I have gone off computer games. They are not as interesting as before.
Part 2:
11. at 12. with 13. to 14. At 15. in
16. about 17. for 18. at 19. for 20. in
Passage 1:
1. defined 2. experienced 3. slightly 4. hearing
6. which 7. to 8. In 9. brought 10. after
Passage 2:
11. as 12.large 13. down 14. that 15. But
16. likelihood 17. terms 18. report 19. doubt 20. to
Part 1: Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the given words.
1. His ...outspokenness…..annoys some members of the committee because he is always expressing his ideas
frankly. (speak)
2. George is very disorganized and not very…businesslike.. (business)
3. She was fully aware of her own ...shortcoming(s). (short)
4. Low income and little administrative support make teachers ... disheartened... with their profession. (heart)
5. A film about the...reptilian..ancestors is available in the library. (reptile)
6. There are people whose ...immortality...begins from the moment of their death. (mortal)
7. It’s undeniable that the misdiagnosis of the local incompetent healer was responsible for her sudden death.
8. As the sole beneficiary of his uncle’s will, he inherited a huge fortune. (benefit)
9. This irreparably faulty washing machine should be returned to the manufacturer. (repair)
10. The first time I tried out my new bike I overbalanced and fell off. (balance)
Part 2: Complete the following passage with the correct forms of the given words.
11. quartet 12. Originally 13. stardom 14. invasion 15. acquired
16. Loneliness 17. professional 18. popularized 19. disbanded 20. outsold
1. The only reason the party was a success was that a famous film star attended.
Had it ...(not been for the attendance of the famous film star, the wouldn’t have been a success)
2. Government guidelines really do emphasize the importance of starting education early.
A lot of emphasis ...(is put/laid/placed on/upon government guidelines on the importance of starting
education early)
3. The trip was so amazing that we will never forget it.
It’s too ...(amazing a trip for us to forget).
4. Your silly questions distracted me.
You drove ...(me to distraction with your silly questions).
5. She was so disgusted at the way her friend behaved that she refused to speak to him.
Such….(was her disgust at the way her friend behaved that she refused to speak to him.)
6. Mike is never reluctant to make tough decisions as a manager. (SHRINKS)
→ Mike never shrinks from making tough questions as a manager.
7. The film is similar to Shakespeare’s Hamlet in a number of ways. (RESEMBLANCE)
→ The film bears/have some resemblance to Shakespeare’s Hamlet.
8. He is determined to become a doctor. (HEART)
→ His heart is set on becoming a doctor.
→ He has set his heart on becoming a doctor.
9. Alison bought the big house because she wanted to open a hotel. (VIEW)
→ Alison bought.. .(the big house with a view to opening a hotel)
10. We feel uncomfortable in the house. (FISH)
→ We feel like fish out of water in the house.
Between 1977 and 1981, three groups of American women, (1) numbering 27 in all, between the (2)
ages of 35 and 65, were given month-long tests to determine how they would (3) respond to conditions
resembling those on the space shuttle. Carefully selected from among many applicants, the women were
volunteers and pay was barely above the minimum wage. They weren’t allowed to smoke or drink alcohol
during the tests, and they were expected to tolerate each other’s company at (4) close quarters for the entire
period. Among other things, they had to stand pressure three times (5) (of) the force of gravity and carry out
both physical and mental tasks while exhausted from strenuous physical (6) exercise. At the end of ten days,
they had to spend a further twenty days absolutely confined to bed, during (7) which time they suffered
backaches and discomforts, and when they were finally allowed up, the more physically active women were
especially subject to pains due to a (8) slight calcium loss. Results of the tests suggest that women have
significant advantages (9) over men in space. They need less food and less oxygen and they stand up to
radiation (10) better. Men’s advantages in terms of strength and stamina, meanwhile, are virtually wiped out
by the zero-gravity condition in space.
❖ l.A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. D
❖ l.A 2. B 3. B 4.C 5.D.
1. 1.B 2. D 3.C 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. B 8.C 9. A 10. C
2. 1.A 2.C 3.C 4. D 5. C 6.D 7. D 8. A 9. C 10. B
l.D 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. A 7.C 8. D 9.B 10. B
1. Could I speak 2.speaking 3. Could you come and do
4. couldn’t 5. could come 6. Could you come
7. could get, Would 8. wouldn’t, would, leave 9. thought you said
10. could get, couldn’t make 11. having, doesn’t like
12. is always trying, cleaning, thinks/says
13. does she want/ would she like you to do
14. would like/ wants me to work 15. says/ thinks it would be
16. worked, would know 17. are you really thinking
18. like, like 19. would get 20. would Wednesday suit
21. would, to come 22. will, let 23. will, will not
24. will, do
1. against 2. to 3. to 4. through 5. from
6. in 7. with 8. to 9. above 10. through
❖ 1. devotion 2. admission 3. unqualified 4. unjust
5. perfectly 6. appointment 7. surprisingly 8. death
9. unfriendly 10. uncomfortable
❖ 1. deliveries 2. courtesy 3. subscription 4. competitive
5. dissatisfied 6. transferable 7. transmission 8. spaciousness
9. distributed 10. postage
1. industrialize - industrialization 2. overcrowd - overcrowded
3. underpopulation - overpopulation 4. are - is
5. attractively - attractive 6. that-which
7. stay - to stay 8. to-for
9. so - such 10. education - and education
1. place 2. transfer 3. another 4. salary
5. account 6. bills 7. from 8. money
1. The less time my boss has, the better he works.
2. Contrary to your belief/ opinion what you believe/ think fat people are not always jolly.
3. The patient made a more rapid / quicker/ faster recovery than expected.
4. We are completely (sold) out of thermal socks, madam!
5. It is not (very) likely (that) they will succeed.

1. Their problems are all of their own making.

2. The travel agent was able to offer half-price holidays to the Costa Brava.
3. Taking that job will mean (that) you will have to get up at 6 a.m every morning.
4. Their only alternative was to look for a new flat.
They have no alternative but
5. I last heard from him three years ago.
haven ’t heard from him for three years.


A. 1. A 2. B 3. B 4.D 5. C
B. 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. D
Reading 1:
l.D 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. B 7. C 8.B 9. B 10. A
Reading 2:
l.D 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. B 6.C 7.C 8. D 9. B 10. C
l. D 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. A 7.C 8. D 9. B 10. B
Part A:
1. is working 2. joined 3. has been 4. stopped
5. has been 6. remains 7. has helped 8. will be
9. be called 10. will have made
Part B:
1. he had taken 2. was rescued 3. will have been
4. were singing 5. had been cooking 6. hadn’t been
TỈ changing / to be changed 8. (should) arrive
9. did 10. to join
1. with 2. towards 3. for 4. under 5. to
6. about 7. among 8. until 9. in 10. of
11 To 12. through 13. back 14. by 15. up
16. into 17. out 18. ahead 19. over 20. around
Part A:
1. cordiality 2. overweight 3. misjudged 4. knowledgeable
5. financially 6 shortcomings 7. picturesque 8. underestimated
9. unexpectedly 10. membership
1. variety 2. pastime 3. commonest 4. convenient
5. excessive 6. contributed 7. expanded 8. increased
9. jokingly 10. typical
Example: aimless → aimlessly
1. worrying → worried 2. Sure → Surely 3. their → there
4. peel → peeling 5. into → in 6. than → then
7. anybody → nobody 8. an → his 9. if → when 10.for → after
Reading 1:
1. how 2. anyone/anybody 3. tried/attempted/threatened
4. no 5. after/per/each/every 6. whose
7. yet/but/although 8. of 9. to 10. will/can
Reading 2:
1. teachers 2. schools 3. better 4. museums
5. talks 6. studying 7. happen 8. office
9. computers 10. nearby
Part A:
1. Not until the refugees had crossed the border did they feel safe.
2. Had it not been for the death of the Prime Minister, the bill would have been passed / got through.
3. It came as no surprise to me that Harry had failed his driving test.
4. Jane accused Frank of breaking / having broken her radio.
Part B:
1. His holiday coincides with mine.
2. These books are on loan from the British Council library.
3. It was in the balance whether he recovered or not.
4. She is someone you can always depend on.
5. Don’t you get fed up with having to stay at home in the evenings?
6. I would have difficulty (in) finishing the work by the weekend.
Part 1:
l.B 2.C 3.C 4. D 5.D
6. C 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. C
Part 2:
11. has been watched 12. sees 13. realized 14. feeling 15. will have left
16. will have leamed/will have been learning 17. would not have failed
18. Having written 19. laughing. 20. repairing 21. has been decided
22. hadn’t been 23. could have been 24. shouldn’t have gone
25. to ask 26. looking 27. to have been fildding
28. will be announced 29. to have found 30. Judging.
Part 3:
31. flowerless 32. unite 33. produce 34. nutritional / nutrient
35. depends 36. absorbs 37. union 38. dissimilar
39. sharing 40. unlikely
Part 4:
41. photography 42. skillful 43. failure 44. imaginative
45. successful 46. unexpected 47. valuable 48. misunderstanding
49. unbelievable 50. disagreement.
Part 5:
51. It is worth pointing out that this is not the only possible cause of the problem, (it’s worth doing
something; something is worth doing. These phrases take an -ing form, not an infinitive • worth is usually
used as a preposition, e.g. The car is worth £100. The noun related to worth is value, e.g. The value of the car
is £100.)
52. There has been an increase in interest in classical music in recent years.
53. One of the most important things in life is good health.
54. Only half the people who responded to the survey were satisfied. √ (Don't use the before half except when
talking about a particular half of something, e.g. The second half of the match was pretty boring. You can say
half or half of, but half is more common.)
55. At the end of the period in question, imports had increased by ten per cent (At the end refers to the point
where something finishes, and it is usually followed by the preposition of. In the end means ’after a long
period of time’ or 'eventually’. It is never followed by of.)
56. It may be true that people are living longer, but what about their quality of life?
57. Four out of five tourists who visit the country arrive by air. √ (Use the preposition in to talk about very
small proportions, e.g. one or two in ten. Use the prepositions out of to talk large proportions, e.g. 99 out of
58. The new airport will be only two and a quarter kilometres away from the school. (After numbers, half and
quarter take an indefinite article, e.g. two and a half metres; four and a quarter years.)
59. Although you can encourage people to stop smoking, you can't force them to. √
60. The training scheme was unpopular, and in the end the government had to abandon it.
Part 6:
Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions or adverbial particles.
61. out 62. on 63. for 64. onto 65. up for 66. down
67. out 68. to 66. through with 70. under
Part I:
1. The response to the charity appeal was very poor.
2. His career (as a doctor) has been put in jeopardy because of his irresponsible attitude. / His irresponsible
attitude is putting his career (as a doctor) in jeopardy.
3. That wasn't what I meant at all. You've got (hold of) the wrong end of the stick.
4. I don't like him because he has a big mouth.
5. He took to the new job like duck to water.
6. You will have to turn over a new leaf if you want to succeed?
7. The new musical has taken theatre audiences throughout the country by storm.
8. Even though the erection is tomorrow, many voters still sit on the fence about whom they are going to vote
9. He's in two minds about whether to go or not.
10. She is very knowledgeable about ancient Egypt.
Part 2:
1. Impressed (by the new camera) as / though we were / might be (by the new camera), we found it rather
2. He needn't have brought the umbrella along (because it didn't rain anyway).
3. She convinced the court that she was innocent. / She convinced the court of her innocence.
4. The last thing you can / could do is to phone the police.
5. What's more, I would like to choose my own clothes.
6. There have been no changes to the team since last Saturday's match.
7. Wasn't it possible for you to get a bus to the station?
8. Weren't you so gullible, you couldn't have believed the lies he told you.
9. The more qualifications you are able to / can amass, the more success you (can / will) make / successful you
become in the academic field).
10. Despite my strong disapproval of your behaviour, I will help you this time.
Part 1:
1. C 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. C 8.C
9. D 10. A 11. D 12. B 13. C 14. C 15. A
Part 2:
1. D 2. B 3. E 4. A 5. C


A. l.C 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. A
B. 1. A 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. B
A. 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. D
6. D 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. A
B. 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. D
6. C 7. D 8.C 9. B 10. A
C. 1. play 2. considered / regarded 3. idea / concept
4. on 5. widely 6. performed
7. pleasing / satisfying 8. which 9. demand
10. up 11. their 12. competitors
13. makes / keeps 14. in 15. a
D. 1. F 2. H 3. G 4. A 5.B 6.C 7. E
A. 1. will walk 2. have taken - shall have 3. Do know - will show 4. will have seen
5. finish - shall have done 6. has changed - have known 7. disappeared - have never heard
8. fought 9. hasn’t had 10. brought
B. 1. got off 2. came through 3. give - away 4. put - off
5. shouted back 6. bring - round 7. adds // added to 8. are drawingup
9. drifting apart 10. note down
C. 1. in 2. in 3. out of 4. in 5. with
6. in 7. in - with 8. in 9. on // under 10. in
A. 1. ability 2. industrial 3. worrying 4. easily 5. length
6. unexplored 7. Frozen 8. beginning 9. depth 10. further
B. 1. separation 2. uncompleted 3. Accuracy 4. Trainee
5. persuasion 6. theoretical 7. weakened 8. impatiently
9. successful 10. popularized
1. only 2. V 3. of 4. even 5. when
6. for 7. V 8. being 9. V 10. will
11. much 12. have 13. it 14. what 15.V
1. Isn’t there any another way to reach the city center?
2. Never in my life have I seen such a mess!
3. There will probably be no change in the weather.
4. I’d made up my mind, but at the last minutes I got/had cold feet.
5. I couldn’t keep a straight face when he told me of his plan.
6. I had/got the impression that he was worried about something.
7. The very thought of his face at that moment makes me laugh.
8. It’s not likely that they will succeed.
9. I am dying to see her again.
10. This house is a far cry from the little flat we used to live in.


l.D 2. D 3.A 4.B 5.A 6. A 7.B 8.C 9.C 10. A
l.D 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. A 7.C 8. A 9 A. 10. D
l.B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5.C 6.D 7. B 8.B 9.C 10.B
11.B 12. C 13. C 14. B 15. A 16. A 17.B 18.C 19. C 20. A
1. unfortunate 2. regretful 3. interference 4. glorious 5. frightening
6. unexplained 7. lengthen 8. educational 9. relieve 10. fasten
1. woke 2. lay 3. thinking 4. had been
5. would say 6.lost 7. had... wanted
8. found 9. were sitting 10. was talking
1.did 2. made 3. held 4. stand... to 5. took
1. aware 2. when 3. diseases 4. cure 5. changed
6. much 7. parts/places 8. live 9. medical 10. solve
1.C 2.D 3.C 4. D 5.D
1. You won’t feel at home here until a few weeks have gone by./until after a few weeks.
2. By the time we leave he’ll almost certainly have left.
3. Nobody has heard of Lucas for a week.
4. I’ve yet to meet such an infuriating person/ as infuriating a person as Theo.
5. This is the first time I’ve seen Anita’s hair in such a mess.
6. Since the more modern 306 was produced, this type of car hasn’t been sold well.
7. They seem to have sent us the wrong information.
8. This machine is only to be switched off if/ when the screen shows “Ready for Shutdown”.
9. The ministers sacked were clearly felt by the President not to have acted swiftly enough.
10. I’m glad to have got out of there: it was hell.
1. The accused was overcome with emotion.
2. Naturally, you will be penalised (by having points deducted) if you arrive late.
3. The floor was strewn with the model’s clothes, (or: The model’s clothes were strewn all over the floor.)
4. Our new Director wants fo be addressed as “Madam”.
5. I can’t say I enjoy having my writing tom to pieces in front of me.
6. A decision will have to be made by the end of the week, won’t it?
7. The possibility of the hotel needing new staff in the summer can’t/ shouldn’t be ruled out.
8. Surely nobody likes being made fun of in public.
9. It should be borne in mind that the customer is always right.
10. This school-leaver is not sufficiently qualified for such a demanding job, is he/she?


1.B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. B
6.D 7. B 8. B 9. D 10.A
II. Read the following passages and choose the best answers.
Passage I:
1. C 2. D 3. A 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.D 8. D 9. B 10.C
Passage 2:
1.A 2. C 3. B 4. B 5.C 6. A 7. D 8. B 9. A 10. C
III. Guided cloze test: Choose the best (a, b, c or d) to fill ỉn each blank.
1.C. promote 2. B. called 3. C. campaign 4. A. notice
5. D. hardly 6. B. occur 7. C. appreciable 8. B. prompting
9. D. mind 10. C. cosmopolitan
I. Provide the correct verb tenses / forms
1. are living 2. has created 3. were 4. use 5. to survive
6. would occur 7. be explained 8. propounds 9. be converted 10. is
11. was achieved 12. did not realize 13. had occurred 14. was
15. confirmed 16. was built 17. tested 18. was
19. lost 20. be used
II. Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition or particle.
1. over 2. away 3. of 4. by 5. from
6. in 7. in 8. among 9. for 10. from
Phrasal verbs:
1. read up on 2. to pass through 3. cut off 4. discouraged from
5. set off 6. chased away 7. looked up to 8. called off
9. put up with 10.keep up
III. Word forms
1. self-respecting 2. beginnings. 3. pictorial 4. combination
5. Practically 6. creation 7. unlike. 8. constraints
9. imagination 10. politics 11. non-appearance l2. unexpectedly
13. Deforestation 14. downpour 15. spokesman 16. dishonesty
17. leisurely 18. inadmissible 19. mindful 20. untold
IV. Error identification
There are 10 mistakes in the following passage. Identify them
Pollution in the ocean is a major problem that is affecting the ocean and the rest of Earth, too.
Pollution in the ocean directly afreets ocean organisms and indirectly affects human health and resources. Oil
spills, toxic wastes and thè dumping of other harmful materials are all major sources of pollution in the ocean.
Toxic waste is the most harmful form of pollution to sea life and humans. These are poisonous
materials that are being dumped into the ocean. When toxic waste harms an organism, it can quickly be
passed along the food chain, and may eventually end up being our seafood. In the food chain, one toxic
organism gets eaten by another larger animal, which gets eaten by another animal and can end up being our
seafood. Toxic waste gets into seas and oceans by the leaking of landfills, dumps, mines and farms. Farm
chemicals and heavy metals from factories can have a very harmful effect on marine life and humans.
Garbage dumping is the dumping of harmful materials into the ocean like human waste, ground-up
garbage, water from bathing and plastics. Most of the waste that was dumped into the ocean in the early 1990s
is still there today. One main cause of garbage dumping occurs when sewage pipes share their space with
storm water drain. Rainfall causes the sewage pipes to overflow and the sewage waste mixes with the storm
water, which flows into another water source such as a lake or river. After that, the garbage pollutes the
ocean, kills plants and animal in the water (for example, the plastic rings that are around pop cans can get
around an animal’s neck, causing it to suffocate), and makes the water dirty.
V. Open cloze test
1. for 2. path / rise 3. idol 4. spans
5. where 6. easily 7. ability 8. fame
9. foray / venture 10. controversial 11. influenced 12. unique
13. scene 14. combining 15. led 16. mistrust/suspicion
17. bridged 18. symbolized 19. peaked 20. legend
VI. Sentence transformation
1. We decided to spend the afternoon looking around the shops.
2. I think it’s highly unlikely that the concert will take place.
3. Make sure that you wear clothes that allow you to move freely.
4. She recommended that I (should) eat more fruit.
5. Robert took exception to being left out of the team.
6. Such was the controversy (that was) caused by the film that it was banned in some parts of the world.
7. Trends and fads often experience a revival after having gone out of fashion for some years.
8. Gods associated with the sea exist wherever there are cultures that live near the sea and depend on it.
9. I wanted to prevent all my good work from going to waste in that way.
10. I did Ray a favor as a result of / because of / due to which his business became successful.


l.D 2. B 3.C 4. D 5. A 6.C 7.D 8. B 9. A 10. D
Part 1: (10 points)
1. A 2. A 3. B 4.D 5.C 6.C 7. B 8. D 9. A 10. B
Part 2: (10 points)
l.B 2. A 3.C 4. B 5. A 6.C 7.B 8. B 9. A 10. A
l.A 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. A
1. were injured 2. was carrying 3. hit 4. interviewed 5. said
6. was travelling 7. entered 8. failed 9. will be held 10. have suffered
1. into 2. in 3. out 4. through 5. over
6. on 7. down 8. up 9. apart 10. off
1. countless 2. misunderstanding 3. modernize 4. Babyhood
5. responsibility 6. unreliability 7. enjoyably 8. sharpening
9. loosen 10. sleeplessness
Underline and odd out the word in each line that is not necessary:
English is my mother tongue. Besides, I can speak French and the Spanish. I studied 1…….the ……..
both the two languages when I was at high school. Now, I am still learning Spanish at 2 ……both…….
the university. As for me, mastering for a foreign language is not easy. After studying 3….. for……......
finished a language, practice is very necessary and useful. Travelling to the country 4. ….finished…..
where a target language is, spoken there is very helpful, but if you can not speak the 5……there…….
language well enough so you will certainly have troubles. I also frequently go to the 6…….so……….
movies, watch the TV, listen to the radio in the language that I am trying to learn 7…….the………
it. Reading is another good way to learn. Books are good but I personally think 8…….it………..
newspapers and magazines are better than. However, getting some knowledge of the 9……than……..
language is that the most important thing. Grammar and vocabulary should be 10……that…….
mastered first.


1.late 2. lost 3. nobody 4. unlocked 5. what
6. where 7. when / what time 8. threw 9. opened 10. open
1. I wasn’t early enough to see her.
2. It is a six-hour drive from London to Edinburgh.
3. I don’t know as much about it as she does.
4. That car belongs to Mrs. Edwards
5. The older I get, the less I want to travel.
6. We’d rather you didn’t smoke.
7. Only by training hard everyday can you become a good athlete.
8. Smiling happily, the mother took the baby in her arms.
9. He is always short of money.
10. Isn’t there any other way to reach the city center?


Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three.
1. D 2. A 3. D 4. B 5.A
Choose the word whose stress pattern is differentfrom that of the other three.
6D 7. B 8. A 9.C 10. B
Passage 1
l.A 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. D 6. A 7. D 8. C 9. B 10. B
Passage 2
l.A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5.B 6. C 7. D 8. B 9. A 10. B
l.C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. B 6. C 7. C 8. D 9. C 10. B
1. be allowed 2. should have obeyed 3. Should there be 4. couldn’t have done
5. having never been introduced 6. had paid 7. was told
8. had already been promised 9. should have brought 10. would have loved
11. was walking 12. started 13. will get 14.reach
15. had remembered 16. had left 17. am always getting 18. Are you going
19. do you want 20. took
Part 1:
1. under 2. at 3. in 4. off 5. on
6. up 7. off 8. off 9. regardless 10. amid
Part 2:
11. for 12. up 13. forward 14. through 15. away
16. round 17. up 18. down 19. down 20. round
Part 1:
1. mystified 2. habitable 3. murderous 4. applicability 5. interfaces
6. disabling 7. preparedness 8. hyphenated 9. civilian 10. breadline
Part 2:
11. misunderstanding 12. meaningful 13. organizations 14. commitment
15. variety 16. recipients 17. convalescent 18. attention
19. activities 20. contribution
Line 1 1. are served → serve
2 2. treasuring → treasured
3. at → on
3 4. dating → dated
4 5. in → into
6 6. for → fo
7 7. although → whether
10 8. a great fun → great fun
9. to involve → involved
12 10. by→ in
1. resources 2. natural 3. redupe 4. make 5. into
6. energy 7. Such 8. solar 9. recycling 10. amount
1. Such was the excitement of the soap opera that I forgot to do my exercises.
2. Should you be in trouble, I will always stand by you;
3. Despite the fact that it may take long, I will find him.
4. It will take me at least 15 minutes from now to get to the airport.
5. Had it not been for the absence/non-appearance of the plaintiff, they wouldn’t have won the case.
6. She was so beautiful that I couldn’t take my eyes off her.
7. Winning that prize has gone to his head.
8. I do wish you would stop biting yoụr nails1, Brian! It really gets on my nerves.
9. You put your foot in it when you asked him where his wife was.
10. It was hard to keep a straight face when she started to.sing.


A. l.B 2.D 3. A 4.D 5.B
B 1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C 5. D
A. l.C 2. D 3.D 4. D 5.B 6. A 7. A 8.D 9.B 10.C
B. 1.C 2.A 3. A 4. D 5. D 6.B 7. D 8. A 9.B 10.C
III.0.A 1.B 2. D 3. D 4. C 5.D 6. A 7. A 8.B 9. B 10.C
A. 1. has just come in 2. was broken into 3. was forced 4. were shattered
5. left 6. told 7. had been taken 8. to be repaired
9. are working 10. to be made
B. 1. is employed 2. buying / have changed 3. feel/ will bring
4. found/ had lost 5. was paying/ tried 6. have had/ will send
7. are considered 8. happens/ will meet 9. will have missed
10. didn’t expect/ are you doing
A. 1. down 2. asking 3. come 4. dropping 5. follow
6. grow 7. laid 8. gave 9. made 10. look
B. 1. after 2. into 3. off 4. with 5. off
6. off 7. through 8. by 9. into 10. over
A. 1. intake 2. indispensable 3. interdependent 4. disrepair
5. clearance 6. advisory 7. supernatural 8. multiracial
9. unequaled 10. disheartened.
B. 1. acceptance 2. expertise 3. publication 4. response
5. patronage 6. apparently 7. selective 8. beneficiary
9. handful 10. qualifications
A. 1. rid 2. into/to 3. before 4. with 5. of/for
6. all/any 7. on 8. and 9. so 10. other
B. 1. with 2. between 3. about 4. which/that 5. of
6. how 7. only 8. by 9. whose 10. whom
1. have 2. been 3. however 4. of 5. much
6. up 7. to 8. were 9. about 10. where
A. 1.she stopped giving me the cold shoulder
2. have no hesitation in leaving
3. works harder she won’t succeed in passing
4. never occurred to me to buy
5. handwriting / writing is totally / completely illegible
B. 6. Smoking in the laboratory is banned.
7. It is (‘s) not worth protecting the animal world unless we take steps to protect our planet as well.
8. Some interesting new information has come to light.
9. bore/had no/ little/ not much resemblance to the initial draft OR
There was no/ little/ not much resemblance between the final version and the initial draft.
10. His irresponsible attitude is putting/ placing his career (as a doctor) in jeopardy.
His career has been put in jeopardy because of his irresponsible attitude.
His career is in jeopardy because of his irresponsible attitude.


A1.A 2. A 3. B 4.C 5. C
B. 1.C 2.D 3. A 4.B 5. B
Reading 1:
l.A 2. A 3.B 4.D 5. B 6. A 7. A 8. C 9.C 10. B
Reading 2:
l.C 2. A 3.C 4. B 5.B 6. D 7. A 8.B 9. A 10. A
1.A 2.C 3.C 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. A 9. A 10. B
A. 1. having been delivered 2. have been meaning 3. was stealing
4. are forever interrupting 5. am going to buy 6. will be relaxing
7. to tell 8. being 9. to lie 10. to become
B. 11. plan / are planning 12. will be 13. ask
14. have met / have been meeting 15. has visited
16. borrowed 17. was not working 18. are thinking
19. have always wanted 20. Owns
A. 1. With 2. through 3. to 4. up 5. on
6. of 7. to 8. on 9. to 10. by
B. 11. run down 12. fall in 13. get by 14.
15. make for 16. brought down 17. taking off 18. wait on
19. come to 20. bought off
A. 1. Inexhaustible 2. disambiguate 3. non-contact 4. disciplinarian
5. afforestation 6. unputdownable 7. acclimatize 8. disarming
9. advisement 10. untried
B. 11. distinctive 12. relative 13. proximity 14. arrival
15. observations 16. unpredictable 17. naturalist 18. extraordinary
19. southern 20. fanciful
1. third degree → and third degree 6. despite of → despite
2.less → least 7. result in → result from
3. unlike → like 8. be received → should receive
4. another → other 9. as if → as
5. does → do 10. be applied on → should be applied to
1. raise 2. With 3. brink 4. green 5. habitat
6. taken 7. removed 8. captivity 9. Expansion 10. interests
11. issue 12. facing 13. continued 14. reduced 15.even
16. attitudes 17. wanting 18. Honor 19. Around 20. drawing
1. It’s too amazing a trip for us to forget.
2. Were you to change your mind, we would be delighted to have you on the staff.
3. It cannot be denied that certain mistakes were made in the early stages.
4. Much as I admire his courage, I think he is foolish.
5. He was on the point of beginning his speech when there was a noise of breaking glass off-stage.
6. My father is going to go up the wall when he finds out that I have lost the car key.
7. If things go wrong, James, do not lose your head.
8. The kidnappers let all the hostages go yesterday.
9. Payment will be made on the receipt of order.
10. Shape up or ship out!


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