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JLTG - Circumnavigation Challenges

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Travel 1 mile on water under human power.

You can travel in any vessel you’d like, but it cannot be powered by a motor or sail.
Any body of water is acceptable. Both team members must travel that distance.

Budget: $200
Prize: $700

Win a top-tier prize in a carnival game.

Prize: $800

The carnival game does not necessarily need to be at a carnival; amusement park
games are also acceptable. The prize must be the most difficult-to-win prize at
whichever game you choose to play. This may not be done in the same location as
the roller coaster challenge.

Budget: $350

Eat at a Michelin-starred restaurant.

The restaurant must currently hold at least one Michelin star. You must order and
eat at least one main dish each.

Budget: $200
Prize: $500

Capture a national politician on camera.

You must film and identify at least one person who has been elected to a national
body of your current country’s government. This cannot be a local or municipal

Budget: $100
Prize: $800

Ride 3 miles on rollercoasters.

This does not need to be a single rollercoaster—you just need to ride for a total of 3
miles of length over any number of rollercoaster rides. “Rollercoaster” is subjective
and up to slight interpretation; in order to qualify, the ride must be fast-moving, on
a track, and intended for purely recreational purposes. Both team members must
ride this distance. This may not be done in the same location as the carnival

Budget: $350
Prize: $1,000

Take a photo at your city’s top 5 landmarks.

In this challenge, “top 5 landmarks” are defined as the 5 most popular “attractions”
on TripAdvisor that have at least 1,000 reviews. You may only travel by public
transit; no taxis or ride-sharing allowed. The photos must be taken within at least
500 feet of each attraction. The photos must be taken within at least 500 feet of
each attraction, and, if applicable, at least one photo must be taken in the
attraction after gaining admission.

Budget: $100
Prize: $900
Go bungee jumping.

You must go bungee jumping with a professional bungee jumping company. No

makeshift bungee jumping. Only one team member needs to participate.

Budget: $800
Prize: $1,200

Spot a kangaroo in the wild.

You must capture the kangaroo on camera. The kangaroo cannot be in captivity.

Budget: $400
Prize: $2,000

Visit the US Consulate.

You may not use your phone or the internet to look up where your local consulate
is. You may only travel by public transit; no taxis or ride-sharing allowed.

Budget: $50
Prize: $500

Purchase a hat worth more than $100.

You may not use your phone or the internet to look up where to purchase a hat.
One team member must wear the hat, whenever possible, for the rest of the game.

Budget: $200
Prize: $400
Walk from one side of a country to the other.

Identify whichever two points on a country’s border that are furthest from one
another, and walk from one to the other. You may start and end within 50 feet of
these points. If either point is on private land, then you must get as close to it on
public land as possible.

Budget: $200
Prize: $1,200

Catch a fish.

The fish must be caught in the wild, and must be alive. You must catch the fish with
a net, a fishing rod, or your bare hands. Release the fish after catching it.

Budget: $150
Prize: $800

Find every bill and coin.

This pertains to the official currency of whichever country you are in. You do not
need to find any denomination worth more than 50 USD. You may not ask
specifically for any coin or bill, and you may not obtain them from a bank or ATM.
You cannot do more than one transaction at any given business. You may take out
the challenge’s budget in a single denomination at an ATM.

Budget: $200
Prize: $500

Build a sandcastle of a building you’ve seen during the game.

The sandcastle must be at least 3 feet tall, and at least partially recognizable as the
building you’re recreating.

Budget: $50
Prize: $500

Touch a bird.

You must touch the bird with your hands. The bird must be real and alive.

Budget: $50
Prize: $300

Eat a meal in a municipality with a population of under 1,000.

A municipality can also be defined as a town, city, township, commune, or village.

You do not need to purchase or prepare the meal within the municipality, but you
must eat it there.

Budget: $200
Prize: $500

Ascend 500 feet/152 meters to a high point without touching pavement.

You must ascend by foot. Pavement means concrete, asphalt, or any other paved

Budget: $100
Prize: $600
Touch snow.

The snow must be natural, and cannot be manmade. It must be a significant

accumulation of snow; frost does not count.

Budget: $100
Prize: $600

Pick up three pounds of trash.

The trash must be litter; you cannot take trash from a place that trash is supposed
to be. Throw the trash out after picking it up.

Budget: $50
Prize: $550

Retrieve a shell from a depth of at least ten feet underwater.

The shell and the body of water must both be natural. You cannot place the shell
underwater yourself.

Budget: $50
Prize: $600

Transfer a cup of fountain water from one fountain to another.

You may not use your phone to look up the location of fountains. The two fountains
may not be within eyesight of one another. If you spill more than 1/4 of the cup
while searching for the second fountain, you must restart.
Budget: $50
Prize: $400

Get your clothes as dirty as possible and then clean them at a laundromat.

You must get your clothes unnaturally dirty; you do not need to destroy them.
“Dirty” does not necessarily mean dirt—any kind of grime is acceptable. The clothes
must be both washed and dried. Both team members must participate.

Budget: $50
Prize: $600

Gamble at a casino.

You do not need to bet the money all at once; you just need to bet a total of at least
$200 over any number of games. You win whatever money you leave the casino

Budget: $250 ($50 for travel)

Prize: Variable

Eat a menu item at McDonald’s that you can’t get in the US.

The menu item must be currently unavailable at any McDonald’s in the United
States. Both team members must order and eat/drink an entire dish.

Budget: $50
Prize: $200

Visit an unpopular museum.

“Unpopular museum” is defined as any museum with fewer than 200 reviews on
TripAdvisor. You must spend at least 30 minutes in the museum, and you must
recite, on camera, at least 3 facts that you learned. You may only travel by public
transit; no taxis or ride-sharing allowed.

Budget: $120
Prize: $500

Ride at least 1 mile on an animal that’s not a horse.

It does not need to be 1 mile in a single direction, just 1 mile total. Mules are
acceptable. Both team members must participate.

Budget: $250
Prize: $800

Eat a bug.

The bug must have been prepared for eating by a chef, restaurant, or food stand;
you cannot just eat a bug you find in the wild. Both team members must

Budget: $100
Prize: $500

Get drunk on a local liquor.

“Drunk” is measured as a 0.08 BAC according to a weight chart. The liquor must be
purchased at a bar or restaurant, and must be exclusively produced within the
country you’re in. Both team members must participate.
Budget: $100
Prize: $300

Rent an electric scooter and drive it one direction until it runs out of battery.

You only need to head in a general direction; small deviations are acceptable. The
direction must be chosen at random, after closing your eyes and spinning around.
The scooters must have at least half charge at the time that you rent them. Both
team members must ride on a scooter, and the challenge is complete when the last
scooter runs out of battery.

Budget: $200
Prize: $600

Have a good time.

You must have a good time for at least 2 hours. This time must be spent actively
and on a variety of activities; you cannot sleep. If you do not have a sufficiently
good time, the audience must yell at you.

Budget: $400
Prize: $300

Skimboard 20 feet.

All 20 feet must be skim-boarded continuously without slipping, stopping, or falling

over. Only one team member needs to participate.

Budget: $150
Prize: $400
Run a “local pastry mile.”

Run one mile on a track in under 15 minutes. At the beginning of the mile—and
after every quarter mile—you must stop and eat the entirety of one pastry that
originated (or was significantly modified) in the country that you’re currently in.
These pastries must be roughly equivalent to one donut in weight. Only one team
member needs to participate.

Budget: $150
Prize: $650

Fully submerge yourself in water somewhere cold.

This challenge must be done in a location where the air temperature is under 40 F.
You must submerge your entire body, including your head, in a natural body of
water. The water cannot be unnaturally heated. Both team members must

Budget: $50
Prize: $400

Attend the entirety of a local sporting event.

It can be any sports competition open to the public. You must arrive before it
begins and stay until the game is completed.

Budget: $250
Prize: $700
Give your teammate a piggyback ride.

You must give your teammate a piggyback ride around the entire perimeter of a
local park. You may switch off at any point.

Budget: $50
Prize: $250

Make a 30-second parkour video.

The video must feature both teammates attempting to do parkour in an urban

area. You must create and edit an actual video with music, transitions, and at least
2 effects.

Budget: $50
Prize: $300

Win a game of paintball.

Both team members must participate, and they must be on the same team. There
must be at least two other people playing. Any paintball game is acceptable, as long
as one team can be declared the victor.

Budget: $300
Prize: $1,200

Build and ride a go-kart.

You must build a go-kart with at least four wheels, and one team member must ride
it at least 100 feet down a hill without it falling apart. No pre-built wagons, carts, or
frames. Wheels on an axel are acceptable.
Budget: $300
Prize: $1,200

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