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CSS Framework Alternatives: Explore Five Lightweight Alternatives To Bootstrap and Foundation With Project Examples Aravind Shenoy

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CSS Framework Alternatives: Explore

Five Lightweight Alternatives to

Bootstrap and Foundation with Project
Examples Aravind Shenoy
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CSS Framework
Explore Five Lightweight Alternatives
to Bootstrap and Foundation with
Project Examples

Aravind Shenoy
Anirudh Prabhu
CSS Framework
Explore Five Lightweight
Alternatives to Bootstrap and
Foundation with Project

Aravind Shenoy
Anirudh Prabhu
CSS Framework Alternatives
Aravind Shenoy Anirudh Prabhu
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Mumbai, India

ISBN-13 (pbk): 978-1-4842-3398-6 ISBN-13 (electronic): 978-1-4842-3399-3
Library of Congress Control Number: 2018936183
Copyright © 2018 by Aravind Shenoy and Anirudh Prabhu
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I dedicate this book to my uncle, R.N. Kamath,
and my sister, Aruna; without them, I am incomplete.
—Aravind Shenoy

I dedicate this to my mother and father for their

endless support and words of encouragement.
I also dedicate this to my many friends who have
supported me throughout the process. I will always
appreciate all they have done.
—Anirudh Prabhu
Table of Contents
About the Authors��������������������������������������������������������������������������������ix
About the Technical Reviewer�������������������������������������������������������������xi

Chapter 1: Choosing Lightweight Frameworks for Intuitive

Web Design�������������������������������������������������������������������������1
What Are Frameworks?�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Components of a CSS Framework������������������������������������������������������������������������3
Advantages of Using a CSS Framework����������������������������������������������������������������4
Various Popular Frameworks��������������������������������������������������������������������������������5
Material Design Lite��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������11
Choosing a Framework���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������12
Concept of Grids��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������13

Table of Contents

Chapter 2: Building a Landing Page with Skeleton ����������������������������15

Installing Skeleton����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������15
Skeleton’s Grid System���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������19
An Overview of Skeleton’s Attributes������������������������������������������������������������������24
Building a Landing Web Page with Skeleton�������������������������������������������������������25
Step 1: Defining the Content Area�����������������������������������������������������������������25
Step 2: Completing the <body> Tag Content�������������������������������������������������28
Step 3: Defining the Freelance Portal������������������������������������������������������������29
Step 4: Completing the Sections�������������������������������������������������������������������32
Step 5: Designing a Sign-up Form�����������������������������������������������������������������37
Step 6: Creating a Footer�������������������������������������������������������������������������������38

Chapter 3: Building a Product Page with Milligram���������������������������41

Installing Milligram���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������41
Overview of the Milligram Framework����������������������������������������������������������������44
Grid System in Milligram�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������46
Building a Product Page with Milligram��������������������������������������������������������������48
Step 1: Defining the Header���������������������������������������������������������������������������48
Step 2: Defining the Navigation���������������������������������������������������������������������51
Step 3: Defining the Banner Area������������������������������������������������������������������53
Step 4: Designing the Content Area���������������������������������������������������������������60
Step 5: Creating the Pricing Area�������������������������������������������������������������������63
Step 6: Creating the Footer����������������������������������������������������������������������������65

Table of Contents

Chapter 4: Introducing UIkit���������������������������������������������������������������69

Installing UIkit�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������69
Grids, Cards, Flex, and Width������������������������������������������������������������������������������71
Scrollspy with Animations����������������������������������������������������������������������������������96

Chapter 5: Material Design Lite Explained����������������������������������������107

Installing MDL���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������108
MDL Layout�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������109
Building an Intuitive Web Page Using MDL�������������������������������������������������������121
Step 1: Creating the <head> Section����������������������������������������������������������121
Step 2: Creating a Fixed Header with a Drawer������������������������������������������122
Step 3: Creating the About Section��������������������������������������������������������������126
Step 4: Inserting an Image with Content�����������������������������������������������������133
Step 5: Developing the Content for the Moments Tab���������������������������������136
Step 6: Designing the Footer Section����������������������������������������������������������143

Chapter 6: Susy Explained����������������������������������������������������������������153

Creating a 4×3 Responsive Grid Layout������������������������������������������������������������154


About the Authors
Aravind Shenoy A marketing expert by
profession, Aravind’s core interests are
technical writing, content writing, content
development, web design, and business
analysis. He was born and raised in Mumbai
and still resides there. A music buff, he
loves listening to rock ’n’ roll and rap. Oasis,
R.E.M., The Doors, Dire Straits, Coldplay,
Jimi Hendrix, and Michael Jackson rule his
He firmly believes in this motto: “We are here for a good time, not a
long time. Be happy perennially.”

Anirudh Prabhu A UI developer with more

than seven years of experience, Anirudh
specializes in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery,
Sass, LESS, Twitter, and Bootstrap. He also has
experience with CoffeeScript and AngularJS.
Anirudh has worked as a technical
reviewer for Apress and Packt and has been
involved in building training material about
HTML, CSS, and jQuery for Twenty19, which is
a portal for students and interns.

About the Technical Reviewer
Ferit Topcu is a software developer who has
spent the last few years working and exploring
the Web and JavaScript. He’s been in web
development for more than five years and has
worked in different areas including research
topics, social media analytics, and the Internet
of Things. He recently joined one of Europe’s
biggest e-commerce companies, Zalando.
At Zalando, he is developing web applications
to improve its whole retail process.
Ferit has a master’s degree in computer engineering from TU Berlin
and is a father of two. His free time is spent with family and friends and
contributing to open source projects.

As I stride through this journey of life, I want to take this opportunity to
thank every person who has stood by me, especially those who believed
in me when others said “Don’t encourage him.” Well, life is like that, and
indeed life is beautiful. It couldn’t have been better. Thanks to everyone
who provided the right support when I needed it the most.

—Aravind Shenoy


Choosing Lightweight
Frameworks for
Intuitive Web Design
When it comes to web design, Bootstrap, Foundation, and Materialize are
probably the first frameworks that come to a designer’s mind, given their
massive range of components and attributes. However, when talking about
light web projects, you do not usually need a comprehensive framework
like Bootstrap or Foundation (again, depending on the complexity of your
project). Usually, to build a small web site, lightweight frameworks can do
the job effectively and cut down the bulk, or noise, associated with massive
frameworks. For example, if your web site merely needs something like a
grid or some popular components commonly found in most frameworks,
then you should consider a lightweight framework.
Moreover, developing web sites and web applications from scratch is
quite a tedious process as it involves writing a sizeable amount of code.
Maintaining that code while the web site evolves adds to the complexity.
Coding from scratch (as we like to call it) is quite an endeavor, and a
framework can help you write a few lines of code and incorporate reusable
sets of commonly used code that you can maintain quite easily. Clean
coding and upkeep are tasks easily achieved using a framework.

© Aravind Shenoy and Anirudh Prabhu 2018 1

A. Shenoy and A. Prabhu, CSS Framework Alternatives,
Chapter 1 Choosing Lightweight Frameworks for Intuitive Web Design

Therefore, to simplify your web designing tasks, using a Cascading

Style Sheets (CSS) framework is a good option. As mentioned earlier, there
are plenty of frameworks on the Web other than Bootstrap, Foundation,
and Materialize. These light frameworks are quite streamlined and
remarkable, given their resourcefulness. The adage “Good things come in
small packages” is applicable here.
In this chapter, we explain what frameworks are and introduce the
popular Bootstrap, Foundation, and Materialize. Then we will review five
lightweight frameworks: Skeleton, Milligram, UIkit, Material Design Lite,
and Susy. These frameworks will be used throughout the book to build
interactive and immersive web pages. In doing so, you’ll form a strong
basis to select the one that best suits your development needs.

What Are Frameworks?

A framework is a premeditated set of concepts, modules, and standardized
criteria that make the task of developing web sites and web applications
easier. It provides generic functionality with already written modules and
tailored components created in a standard manner. In short, it is a reusable
software environment that allows web designers and developers to easily
build their projects and solutions with minimal coding and without
worrying about the low-level details. This reduces development time and
provides easy upkeep and alterations whenever necessary.
Usually, there are two kinds of frameworks.

• Front-end frameworks (CSS and JavaScript frameworks)

• Back-end or server-side programming frameworks

While back-end frameworks are used by web developers and

programmers to build applications on the server-side, front-end
frameworks are used by web designers and developers for implementing
the Cascading Style Sheets language.

Chapter 1 Choosing Lightweight Frameworks for Intuitive Web Design

In this book, you will get a glimpse into front-end frameworks, which
basically are pre-prepared packages containing the structure of files and
folders of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and CSS documents (some
with JavaScript functions), which help designers and developers build
interactive and immersive web sites.
Frameworks allow you to use a common standardized structure that
cuts out much of the groundwork of writing code from scratch and helps
you reuse components, modules, and libraries, freeing you up to focus on
core tasks at a high level.

Components of a CSS Framework

The following are the basic components of a CSS framework:

• Grids (structures that help organize the content and

design the layout)

• Typography elements

• Cross-browser compatibility

• Helper classes for positioning elements

• Utility classes

• Navigational elements

• Source code written in preprocessors such as Sass

and LESS

• Media elements (badges, tooltips, comments,

and so on)

Chapter 1 Choosing Lightweight Frameworks for Intuitive Web Design

Advantages of Using a CSS Framework

Though some people have advocated not using CSS frameworks, mainly
because of issues such as bloated structure, ingrained HTML markup,
and a common aesthetic across framework-based web sites, using a CSS
framework has several benefits. You should try using a CSS framework for
the following reasons:

• Clean and consistent coding

• Cross-browser compatibility

• Grid-based design

• The ability to incorporate healthy coding practices

• Easy-to-build prototypes

• Easy maintenance and upkeep

• Allows reuse and clean homogenous code structure

• Easy expandability and modifications

• Solid documentation

• Common ground for building immersive web sites

• Accessibility

A budding developer can find it difficult to build web sites just based
on pure HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. In addition, grid-based layouts help
budding designers to position, structure, and design the layout quite easily.
You do not have to reinvent the wheel, meaning you can get some hands-­
on experience without the intricacies and dilemmas that you will come
across when you code from scratch. Good and clean coding practices are
imperative when you grow as a web designer, and frameworks are all about
awesome cohesiveness and consistent coding that will hold you in good
stead in times to come.

Chapter 1 Choosing Lightweight Frameworks for Intuitive Web Design

Various Popular Frameworks

In this section, you will look at the most popular frameworks used
by web designers across the globe. The most popular frameworks for
designing web sites are Bootstrap, Foundation, and Materialize. Which
one a developer chooses depends on the needs and requirements of a
web site and its design. However, just because a framework is popular
doesn’t mean it fits the bill when it comes to designing your projects.
You need to consider several issues when it comes to selecting a
framework; we’ll talk more about that later. Let’s now take a look at the
various superlative frameworks that are in vogue today.

Bootstrap is the most popular mobile-first framework in web design; it’s
used extensively by developers across the globe (Figure 1-1). You can find
more information on the official web site at

Figure 1-1. Bootstrap

Chapter 1 Choosing Lightweight Frameworks for Intuitive Web Design

Bootstrap adopts a mobile-first paradigm by which you can build

responsive web sites. It comes with components, modules, JavaScript
functions, and media queries that help developers build immersive
web sites with ease.

F oundation
Foundation was the earliest responsive framework and is as massive and
advanced as Bootstrap for building web products and services (Figure 1-2).
Foundation comes with cool features such as Flex Grid and Motion UI. The
latest version, Foundation 6, is quicker, is lighter in size compared to its
earlier versions, and is a solid front-end framework for designing beautiful
web sites, e-mails, and apps that look good on any device. You can find more
information on the official web site at

Figure 1-2. Foundation

Chapter 1 Choosing Lightweight Frameworks for Intuitive Web Design

Materialize is a modern front-end framework based on Google’s Material
Design philosophy that helps developers build and design immersive web
sites (Figure 1-3). You can find more information on the official web site at

Figure 1-3. Materialize

Materialize has a superlative, creative user interface (UI) component

library that incorporates cross-browser compatibility and device-agnostic
capabilities for developing attractive and consistent web sites.

Chapter 1 Choosing Lightweight Frameworks for Intuitive Web Design

As mentioned earlier, sometimes you don’t need a large framework,
especially if you are embarking on a small project. Skeleton is a simple,
responsive boilerplate and is extremely lightweight with 400 lines of code
and with a mobile-based philosophy (Figure 1-4). You can find more
information on the official web site at

Figure 1-4. Skeleton

Chapter 1 Choosing Lightweight Frameworks for Intuitive Web Design

Milligram is a minimalistic framework with just enough styles for small
and interactive web sites (Figure 1-5). Its zipped file size is only 2KB. It
comes with a mobile-first philosophy and supports the modern browser
versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE, and Opera. Its cutting-­edge features
include the FlexBox grid system, and it is a simple, top-notch framework
from a usability point of view. You can find more information on the
official web site at

Figure 1-5. Milligram

Chapter 1 Choosing Lightweight Frameworks for Intuitive Web Design

UIkit is a light and modular front-end framework for developing faster and
powerful web interfaces (Figure 1-6). It has a massive collection of HTML,
CSS, and JavaScript components and modules that can be extended with
themes. It is flexible because it can be customized to give a unique feel to
your web sites. You can find more information on the official web site at

Figure 1-6. UIkit

Chapter 1 Choosing Lightweight Frameworks for Intuitive Web Design

Material Design Lite

Google released its own front-end framework called Material Design Lite
(MDL) that is based on its Material Design philosophy (Figure 1-7). MDL is a
lightweight framework with few dependencies and is focused on simple web
sites such as blogs and landing pages. It allows you to customize styles and
web sites designed using MDL degrade gracefully in legacy browsers. You
can find more information on the official web site at

Figure 1-7. Material Design Lite

In today’s era of agile development and constant changes, the layout
designs are crucial and cannot be restricted to a single framework,
especially if your web site is intricate design-wise. With Susy (Figure 1-8),
the settings are not set in stone, meaning you can use its integrated
Sass-­based libraries to create immersive layouts with potent structural
designs. Susy is not a typical framework but more of a UI utility as it
simplifies and streamlines the task of designing intricate grid layouts.
You can find more information on the official web site at http://susy.

Chapter 1 Choosing Lightweight Frameworks for Intuitive Web Design

Figure 1-8. Susy

Choosing a Framework
As you can see, we have covered many popular frameworks. Choosing
the right framework is quite important and depends on the needs and
requirement of your projects. Some frameworks are bloated, meaning
they have too many built-in styles, which might not be required for a small
The following are some of the factors that you should consider when
choosing a framework:

• An existing web project may already be using a

particular framework that cannot be used with your
desired framework.

• Some projects may not need the clutter associated with

heavyweight frameworks for performance-related issues.

• You might need different preprocessor support such

as for LESS or Sass, which is not integrated with your
desired framework.
• Web sites built with a particular framework may look
similar if not customized to give them an authentic look
and feel.

Chapter 1 Choosing Lightweight Frameworks for Intuitive Web Design

There are several other factors such as the ease of use, speed of
configuration, usability, features, widgets, components, long-term support,
and reliability that you need to consider when choosing a framework. In
summary, you need to choose your framework based on the requirements
and needs of the project; especially when choosing lightweight front-end
kits for small projects, given the bloat and bulk associated with massive

Concept of Grids
A grid system allows you to structure and stack content horizontally and
vertically in an easy manner. It is easily adaptable for any web site or web
application and has a lot of advantages. It is usually responsive, meaning
it adjusts itself based on the browser or device width. So, it displays the
content appropriately in a mobile device, a laptop, a tablet, or a desktop
depending on the size of the device. Plus, you have media queries, which
help you define the grid layout based on the device width.
Grids are usually 12-column containers in many frameworks but can
be customized using methods specific to the framework. You can have
flexible layouts wherein you can divide the page into several regions and
place content using the markup.
Another concept catching on in CSS designs is the FlexBox. The
difference between a grid and FlexBox layout is that grid layouts are two-­
dimensional, while a FlexBox is usually one-dimensional wherein you can
lay out content in a row or a column.
The choice of using a grid layout or a FlexBox depends on how you
want to structure your content. With a FlexBox you space out the content
and build a structure using that content. Suppose you have certain items; it
is up to you to decide how much space each item should take. Grid layouts,
on the other hand, are content-agnostic. In grid layouts, you create a layout
and place the content into rows and columns.

Chapter 1 Choosing Lightweight Frameworks for Intuitive Web Design

In most modern frameworks, both the grid and the FlexBox are
supported. While the usability of the grid layout is awesome, a FlexBox can
help you place things more aesthetically.
For a detailed explanation of the grid concept, you can refer the
Mozilla developer network web site, specifically the following web page,
for in-depth information:

In this chapter, we gave you an overview of some popular CSS frameworks.
We also covered the benefits of using a CSS framework. CSS frameworks
are comprised of components, modules, libraries, navigational elements,
typography, media queries, tailor-made widgets, and grid layouts that
make web design a breeze. We also gave you an overview of grid and
FlexBox layouts.
We will now dedicate a chapter for each of the frameworks mentioned
in the introduction of the chapter, starting with Skeleton. With each
chapter, we use a progressive approach, meaning the next framework is
more extensive and a framework’s resourcefulness increases as you move
through the book.


Building a Landing
Page with Skeleton
Skeleton is an intuitive framework for lightweight projects. It is extremely
lightweight with a handful of HTML elements and was developed with
a mobile-first philosophy. In this chapter, you will learn how to install
Skeleton. You will also learn about its grid system and attributes; Finally,
we will build a landing web page with Skeleton.

I nstalling Skeleton
To get started, go to the Skeleton web site at
You will see the Download button, which is highlighted in a red box in
Figure 2-1.

© Aravind Shenoy and Anirudh Prabhu 2018 15

A. Shenoy and A. Prabhu, CSS Framework Alternatives,
Chapter 2 Building a Landing Page with Skeleton

Figure 2-1. Skeleton download page

Click Download to download the Skeleton .zip file. After unzipping

the file, you will see the file structure shown in Figure 2-2.

Figure 2-2. Content of the Skeleton framework

The css folder is where you save your CSS files. By default, the css
folder contains the Normalize and Skeleton style sheets.

Chapter 2 Building a Landing Page with Skeleton

Normalize.css is a small CSS file that provides better cross-browser

consistency in the default styling of HTML elements. It makes browsers
render all elements more consistently and in line with modern standards.
It precisely targets only the styles that need normalizing. You can find more
information about Normalize on the official web site at https://necolas.
You can also see the images folder where you can store your images.
By default, the images folder contains the favicon image for Skeleton.
The index.html file is your default web page. When you edit the page
in Notepad++ or any editor, you will see the code displayed in Listing 2-1.

Listing 2-1. Basic Skeleton Example

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

  <!-- Basic Page Needs ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– -->

  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>Your page title here :)</title>
  <meta name="description" content="">
  <meta name="author" content="">

  <!-- Mobile Specific Metas –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– -->

  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,

  <!—FONT  –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––-–– -->
  <link href="//
Raleway:400,300,600" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

  <!—CSS  –––––––-––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– -->
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/normalize.css">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/skeleton.css">

Chapter 2 Building a Landing Page with Skeleton

  <!—Favicon  ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– -->
  <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="images/favicon.png">


  <!-- Primary Page Layout –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– -->

  <div class="container">
    <div class="row">
      <div class="one-half column" style="margin-top: 25%">
        <h4>Basic Page</h4>
        <p>This index.html page is a placeholder with the
CSS, font and favicon. It's just waiting for you
to add some content! If you need some help hit up
the <a href="">Skeleton

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Now click the index.html file to display the web page, as shown in
Figure 2-3.

Chapter 2 Building a Landing Page with Skeleton

Figure 2-3. Skeleton basic example in a browser

Skeleton’s Grid System

Like most other frameworks, Skeleton has its own grid system. It is
essentially a 12-column grid with a maximum width of 960px. It is a
responsive grid that adjusts itself depending on the browser/device size.
Take a look at the code snippet in Listing 2-2 to understand how the
grid system works.

Listing 2-2. Skeleton Grid System Demonstrated

<div class="container">
<!-- columns should be the immediate child of a .row -->
             <div class="row">
                   <div style="text-align:center; border: 1px
solid black;" class="one column">One</div>
                   <div style="text-align:center; border:
1px solid black;" class="eleven

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sea could no longer bear the strain, and so had parted in this sudden
and demonstrative way. In brief, it was an earthquake—just such an
one as is peculiar to this region, and such as caused the incoming
wave which overwhelmed Hiro-mura in 1855. This, however, was
only a small quake; although the building shook under the first blow
upon its foundations. Nor was there any perceptible disturbance of
“Peaceful Bay” to follow. And if there had been, it would not easily
have surmounted the high and broad earth-works, with their avenue
of stately trees, which were a half-century ago made the guardians
of the future safety of the village.
After tiffin it was necessary almost immediately to return to the
school for the address to the teachers of Hiro-mura, Yuasa, and the
country districts far around. Nearly five hundred of these teachers
were present at the afternoon meeting. The subject of the address
was “The Ideals of the Teacher.” Here, as quite uniformly in the
country at large, the speaker’s heart went out to the audience with
warm feelings of respect, sympathy, and even pity.
I have been in more or less familiar intercourse for nearly twenty
years with thousands of this class in Japan. In spite of the sincere
and largely intelligent interest which both Government and people
take in matters of education, the public-school teachers of the
country are heavily overworked and lamentably underpaid. But the
ideal of His Majesty’s celebrated Imperial Rescript is steadily held up
before them—namely, that there shall be no household in the land,
and no member of any household, to whom the benefits of education
shall not have been supplied in liberal measure. To realise this ideal,
Japan must have an entire generation or more of peace and of
peaceful development. At present its Normal Schools, Higher
Schools (those of the so-called Koto grade), and Universities, can
scarcely provide for more than one-tenth of those who are desirous
of fitting themselves for advanced positions and larger influence in
the service of the nation. As a result, in many of the country places
the scholastic training of the teachers cannot be of a high grade. But
the eagerness with which these humble men (for, unlike-the case
with us, the great majority of the common-school teachers are
males,—many of them in middle life and beyond) avail themselves of
every opportunity to see and hear anything which may help them in
their work, is both encouraging and pathetic. Where in the United
States, for example, could a voluntary class of more than eight
hundred teachers be held together for twenty hours of lectures on
education,—each session more than filling up the period between
four and six o’clock of the afternoon, during the busiest part of term-
time? Yet—as I have already said—this was readily done in Kyoto,
the ancient capital, in the Winter of 1907.


Nowhere else, therefore, in Hiro-mura, not even in the strong
protecting dyke, is the spirit of Hamaguchi, with its affectionate
interest in the welfare of his fellow villagers, more prominently and
powerfully displayed than in the planting of the school on the
beautiful grounds in full sight of the bay which is called Nagi, or “The
Peaceful.” The dyke shall continue to push back the sea; and the
school, under its protection, shall continue to push back the forces of
ignorance and immorality.
After the lecture and the inevitable photographing of the group—a
species of photographing in which the Japanese peculiarly excel—a
considerable party accompanied the guests to a grove, high up upon
the hillside, from which the fields, and school and villages, and bay,
could be overlooked. There chocolate and cake were served. And
from there, after the descent to the plain was made, we walked to
the house of our host along the dyke, under the shadow of the pine-
trees, and looking down upon the waters which had once deluged
the place—all speaking to the memory, sympathetic with Japanese
ideas, of the spirit of Hamaguchi Gōryo.
The plan had been to start our jinrikisha ride back to Wakayama not
later than half-past six the following morning. But things in the
country places of Japan have not yet learned to occur at the
expected hour. Or rather, the experienced traveller has learned not
to expect to start his journey exactly at the promised time. We were
doing well when we bade our friendly host and hostess good-bye an
hour later than the one appointed. The return ride was indeed
pleasant; but it lacked the charms of brightness and of novelty; for
the sky was overcast and the air was that of March rather than of
May. We changed kurumas at Kuroé, as before, but did not stop
there; and making the run of some eight miles without a single
pause, we arrived at Waka-no-Ura about half-past eleven o’clock.
Now Waka-no-Ura, as the very name signifies, is the “coast” (Ura)
for which the old feudal town, the capital of the Province of Kishu,
Wakayama, is the “mountain” (Yama). It is one of the most notable
for its beauty of all the sea-coasts of Japan. The picturesque
features of the landscape, which have been celebrated in
innumerable poems by centuries of poets and poet-asters, were all
in evidence on that day. There were the storks standing on one leg in
the water, or flying low above the rushes. There were the rocks and
the pines—not straight, of course, like ours, but by their knarled and
knotty shapes, irregularities and eccentricities of outline, provoking in
the mind of the Japanese all manner of sentimental expressions and
similes touching human life. There were the boats of the fishermen,
at sea or lying in the offing; and nearer by were the boats of the
women who were gathering sea-weed for their food or for sale.
A regular “shore dinner” of fish and birds was somewhat hastily
concluded, in the company of the Governor of the Ken, the Mayor of
the City, and a representative of the Educational Societies.
Immediately after this, the Governor excused himself and, mounting
his bicycle, went on ahead of us, who followed in jinrikishas. The
highway along which we passed rapidly, was, for much of the three
miles between the coast and the city, made picturesque with its
shading of pines; and once within the more thickly settled streets of
Wakayama it circuited the castle walls and brought us to the
Government-building where the afternoon’s lecture was to be given.
Here, as everywhere, the audience, which numbered about eight
hundred teachers and officials, many of whom had come from
considerable distances away, bore convincing testimony to the
interest of the Japanese people at large in questions of education
and ethics. But we were not to carry out the plan of seeing more of
the sights and of the people of Wakayama. For a telegram informed
me that Marquis Ito had already left Oiso and would reach Kyoto that
evening, where he would plan to see me the next morning. Directly
from the hall, therefore, we were taken in haste to the station, and by
late evening we had reached our hotel in Kyoto.
But Hiro-mura and Hamaguchi Gōryo cannot be dismissed with
propriety from our present thought, however pleasant its purely
personal reminiscences may be, without recurring to the more
impersonal and important impressions, such as are made by
Lafcadio Hearn’s story of “A Living God.” In a little book published in
England about five years ago, the son, Mr. Tan Hamaguchi, tells us
of the following incident: He had been reading a paper on “Some
Striking Female Personalities in Japanese History,” before the Japan
Society of London; following which a lady in the audience raised the
question of a possible relationship between the reader of the paper
and the hero of Mr. Hearn’s tale. The question led, not only to the
exposure of the intimate character of this relation, but also to the
correction and amplification of the more fanciful of the points
emphasised by the celebrated foreign romancer of Japan’s
characteristic ideals and forms of behaviour. It was admitted that “Mr.
Lafcadio Hearn throws around the facts a golden aureole of fancy.”
But it was justly claimed that, although the long list of posts held, and
services rendered, by a good patriot to his country may “lack the
glamour of a single action, which has the fortune to attract the genius
of a sympathetic writer, and so carry his name and fame on words of
English eloquence across the world,” discerning readers will none
the less see in these offices and services “so many fresh titles to
veneration and regard.” There was—we have already said—no
shrine built to the hero during his life-time by the villagers of Arita.
The shrine was “metaphorically erected in their hearts and on their
In at least two important respects, however, the facts are more
honourable to Hamaguchi Gōryo and to his countrymen than are the
fancies of Mr. Hearn. For it was not one seemingly supernatural
deed of heroism, but a life-time of service such as all may try to
perform, which constituted this hero’s claim to immortality; and the
time, instead of being more than a hundred years gone by, was in
the generation of yet living men. It is, therefore, thoroughly
representative, both of the spirit which still animates many of the
leaders and principal citizens of Japan, and also of the kind of
recognition and grateful remembrance which Japan accords to those
who serve her in this spirit. Thus much, which tends to foster the
“worship of ghosts” and the multiplication of “living gods”—to borrow
phrases from Mr. Hearn—is a fairly effective and most praiseworthy
force in the country down to the present hour.
Nor is this force evanescent, ineffective, and limited to politicians and
promoters of large business enterprises, as is for the most part the
case at present with us. It is the “ghosts” of great “rulers and
teachers,” as well as of warriors and heroes; of those “who lived and
loved and died hundreds and thousands of years ago,” as well as of
the successful and influential man of the passing hour. And the hope
of being numbered among the innumerable host that have served
their country, and that are regarded as all of one band, whether here
on earth or members of the “choir invisible,” is no impotent factor in
that spirit with which Japan met its enemy (now its friend) in the war
of 1904-’05. As one of her generals said to me: “It is the spiritual
training of the soldier which we find most difficult and on which we
place the greatest emphasis.” This worshipful attitude toward the
great and the good of the past, which is something more than
admiration and even something more than mere reverence, and yet
is not quite what we call “worship,” it is that binds the living and the
dead together in a peculiar bond of unity; that fills the actor of to-day
with an inspiration and a hope which takes a hold upon the universal
and the eternal; and that makes the sacrifice of what is temporal and
selfish more prompt, cheerful, and easy to bear. And who shall say
that there is not something admirable and eminently hopeful for the
nation in this? Or, at least, such are the thoughts connected in my
mind with the visit to Hiro-mura and with the facts, even when
stripped of the pleasing but not veritable fancies of Mr. Hearn,
concerning the history of Hamaguchi Gōryo.

Everything important connected with the Imperial Court of Japan is

regulated by law in the most careful manner. These regulations
include, not only the Peerage of all ranks, but also those natives who
belong to the civil service or who have been judged deserving of
recognition on account of some special contribution to the public
welfare. The latter system of nominal honours is called “ikai,” or
more commonly “kurai”; but it has no outward badge to represent it.
The holder of a fourth or higher grade of “ikai,” however, even when
he is no longer in Government service, receives an invitation on the
occasion of certain state festivals,—as for example, the Birthday
evening party. The heir of a Peer is entitled to the fifth-grade junior
“ikai” as soon as he reaches his majority. A number of wealthy
merchants possess this nominal honour, which they have gained by
contributions of money to public purposes. Besides these, there are
those who have been “decorated,” both natives and a few foreigners,
all of whom have their court rank prescribed according to the Order
and the Degree of the decoration conferred. Of these decorations,
the six grades of “The Order of the Rising Sun” are the most
coveted; because this Order is bestowed only for “conspicuous
personal merit”; and hitherto it has been only sparingly bestowed.
When the Grand Order of Merit and The Grand Cordon of the
Chrysanthemum are added to the First Class of the Rising Sun, the
fortunate person has been invested with the highest honour
accessible to a Japanese subject. Only eight personages, exclusive
of Imperial Princes, and mentioning only those who are still alive,
have attained so high an honour. At the head of this list stood Prince
Ito; and following him are such well known names as Yamagata,
Oyama, Matsukata, and latest of all, Admiral Togo.
It can easily be imagined that fixing the order of precedence at the
Imperial Court of Japan is not a matter in which the inexpert
foreigner can intermeddle safely, whether by way of his own
proposed conduct, or even of the expression of wishes or of opinion.
The actual arrangement, as given in the “Japanese Year Book” for
1908, mentions by name about eighty gentlemen and twenty “court
ladies,”—the precedence of all other persons who have either the
occasional or the regular privilege of attending court being fixed, by
general rules, according to their rank. Foreigners having decorations
come in the same position as natives of the same Order and Class
of decoration. For example, those who have the 2nd Class Order of
the Rising Sun have with it a court rank between the Counts and the
Viscounts; and those who have the 3d Class of the same Order fall
between the Viscounts and the Barons.
Holders of the 3d and higher classes of the “Orders of Merit” have
the right to request cards of invitation to certain of the Court
functions, attendance at which is a much coveted privilege. To some
of these a few foreigners may obtain invitations, either through the
official representative of the country to which they belong, or through
some influential native friend; but for certain other of these functions
such a thing is very difficult or impossible. This fact is not infrequently
the occasion of much heart-burning and complaining on the part of
the foreign tourist; and of no small embarrassment to foreign
Ambassadors and Ministers, and even to the Departments of “The
Household” and of Foreign Affairs, of the Japanese Government.
Perhaps the citizens of the United States are no more unreasonable
in this matter than are the citizens of other countries; but I am
inclined to think that they are. At any rate, it is well to remind
ourselves that, while our sentiment which exalts personal worthiness
above court rank is quite justifiable, both on moral and on political
grounds, it is an essential effect of this very sentiment, when sincere
and refined, not to wish to go where one is not desired, or where
one’s presence is not in every way an appropriate part of the social
or ceremonial occasion. From the point of view of those who issue
the invitation it is also to be remembered that to summon everybody
who might wish to attend would not only deprive the particular
function of all meaning, but would be to face a physical impossibility.
Besides, no one who is not either actually invited or unintentionally
overlooked, can lay any slightest claim to a “right,” in the case of any
similar engagement. The accredited representatives of foreign
countries are, indeed, entitled to be treated, not only politically but
socially, with a deference which is something more than personal;
and to certain others—as has already been said—a similar social
distinction has been conceded as a “right.” But as for the rest of us, I
fail to see how either ethics or etiquette prescribes to courts any
other obligations than those which we, ourselves, as private persons,
choose to follow. We invite only those whom we, for one reason or
another, want to have come; and, if we are truly self-respecting, we
do not ourselves want to go where we are not wanted.
The two most conspicuous of the ceremonial occasions which are
open to a selected few among the foreign residents or visitors in
Japan, and to which invitations are especially coveted, are, perhaps
the Court Ball given by the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs, on
the evening of the Emperor’s birthday, and the Audience given by
both Their Majesties, on New Year’s morning, in the throne-room of
the Imperial Palace in Tokyo.
The annual Court Ball on the night of the third of November, 1906,
was given by Viscount and Viscountess Hayashi, at the official
residence of the Minister of Foreign Affairs. The daylight hours had
fully justified the Japanese impression with regard to the “regulation”
weather for His Majesty’s birthday. It was delightfully clear and cool,
without being in the least uncomfortably chilly. We had risen at six
o’clock, and had left the house soon after seven in order to reach, on
time, the parade-ground, at Oyama, where the Emperor was to
review about thirty thousand picked troops, of the different branches
of the service. After His Majesty had once made the circuit of the
large field on horseback, he sat on his horse, while the entire force,
—first, the infantry, then the artillery, and, finally, the cavalry, passed
in review before him. The rain of the night before had laid the dust so
that it was not difficult to take in a view of the entire field at once. The
order of the troops was, indeed, excellent, but they did not make at
all so brilliant a display as the fifteen thousand Turkish troops which I
had seen called out to guard the now dethroned Sultan, Abdul
Hamid, at a Selamlik, in the Spring of 1900. Japan’s Emperor needs
no guard, however, to protect him against his own subjects.
When we reached the outer gate of the residence of the Minister we
found the driveway to the entrance so blocked with a crowd of
carriages and jinrikishas that it was only by a succession of jerks
forward and sudden stoppages that any approach whatever was
possible. And when we were still several rods away, something—we
were unable to ascertain just what—about the harness appeared to
give way, leaving us glad to complete the journey, by dodging the
jinrikishas and ducking under the horses’ heads, on foot. On
entering, we found that the accommodations of the mansion, in order
to provide for the more than fifteen hundred guests (of whom rather
more than one hundred were foreigners), had been greatly enlarged
by temporary structures built out over the nearer parts of the
surrounding garden. The principal rooms added in this way were a
large salon, or assembly hall, and a refreshment hall. Both these
rooms were beautifully decorated, with that mixture of lavishness
and reserve in which the best Japanese art of decoration so much
excels, with silks, flags of the nations, artificial cherry trees in full
bloom, and real pomegranate and persimmon trees loaded with fruit.
All these were still further decorated and illuminated by concealed
electric lights.


It was a curious misnomer to speak of this assembly as a “Court
Ball.” Many of the nobility of high, and some of Imperial, rank were
indeed there; and the official world, both Japanese and foreign, was
very fully represented. But few cared to dance; and few could have
danced, if they had desired to do so. Japanese ladies, in general, do
not enjoy dancing; although in olden time they took part in out-door
sports, such as polo: but they cannot dance in foreign style when
dressed in the native costume, which is appropriate to them and in
which many of them appear very attractive and even beautiful when
judged by Occidental standards. Dressed in foreign costume,
however, very few of them look well; almost all of them are
uncomfortable, both because the clothing is physically irksome and
also because they are conscious that they do not look well. Besides
this, the ball-room was small and from the first insufferably crowded
with those who, in the carefully regulated order of their court rank,
were somewhat languidly and even wearisomely doing their duty
solemnly, in honour of His Majesty’s birthday. But most of the men of
middle age and older, the men of mark in the army and navy, in the
state, and in business enterprises, still consider dancing as unmanly
and unworthy of a dignified gentleman.
At the Court Ball there were none of those forms of entertainment
which make the garden-parties and other less stately social functions
of the Japanese so enjoyable to the foreign guest. In spite of this
fact, however, the evening was far from being dull. The sight of the
brilliantly lighted and beautifully decorated rooms, and of the crowd
of notable persons gathered in them, afforded in itself a rare species
of instructive entertainment. Besides this, it gave the opportunity of
meeting many friends and of hearing kindly and encouraging words
from them. Among these was Baron M——, the Minister of
Education, Mr. Z——, who spoke definitely about the plans of
Marquis Ito for having us visit him in Korea; and the Japanese
Minister to Siam, with whom we had become well acquainted, seven
years before, while on the same ship from Kobé, Japan, to
The most interesting interview of all, however, came latest in the
evening. For as the Japanese friend who had consented to be our
escort on this occasion was gathering his party together for a return
home, and we were in his company passing through the refreshment
salon to the cloak-rooms, a party of Japanese gentlemen, seated at
a table by themselves near the place of exit, called to him to bring us
to them that we might be introduced. These gentlemen proved to be,
Marquis Saionji, then Prime Minister, our host, Viscount Hayashi,
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister Kosai Uchida, then of the Peking
Legation, and Admiral Shimamura. The latter was jestingly
introduced to us as “a very destructive man,” having sunk no fewer
than thirteen Russian ships, but as being now “a man of peace.”
Whereupon the Admiral gravely said: “Let us drink to peace,” a toast
which was heartily responded to by all present. I take this occasion
to say again, that of the greater men in the army and navy of Japan,
—many of whom I have met in a friendly way, and with some of
whom I have become rather intimately acquainted,—I have never
seen one who gave the slightest sign of a pugnacious temper or of
desire for war. Of this brave and loyal, but eminently modest and
peaceful disposition, Admiral Shimamura is a conspicuous example.
He was staff-officer on board the flag-ship Matsushima in the Japan-
China war, and was wounded in the battle of the Yellow Sea. He was
Chief Staff of the Standing Squadron at the time of the Boxer
troubles in 1900. He was singled out by Admiral Togo as his chief
staff officer, when the latter was appointed Commander of the Fleet
at the outbreak of the war with Russia. At the time of my interview,
he was President of the Naval Staff College; and soon after was
ordered to represent his country at the Hague Peace Conference of
1907. In Japan, more emphatically than with us, it is not the men
who would have to do the fighting who are ready to engage in loose
“war-talk”; with us much more than in Japan, it is an unscrupulous,
and in certain instances, a subsidised press, and a body of ignorant
and selfish “promoters” of trade interests and labour unions, together
with the politicians whom they control, who are chiefly responsible
for propagating false impressions and stirring up feelings of strife
between the two countries. Should so deplorable an event ever
occur under existing conditions, I, for one, have little doubt that the
ultimate verdict of history would charge us with being the principal
criminal. But these are after thoughts, and quite different from those
which filled our mind as we went to sleep at the end of nineteen
hours of sight-seeing and of social converse in celebration of His
Majesty’s birthday on November 3, 1906.
The most stately, formal, and except for a carefully selected class,
unapproachable, of the regular functions of the Imperial Court of
Japan, are the New Year’s Audiences. On the morning of the first of
January, at the earliest hour of all, the Imperial Princes or princes of
“the blood,” go to the Palace to congratulate and felicitate His
Majesty, and to signify their continued and undiminished allegiance.
At a somewhat later hour follow the highest ranks of the Japanese
nobility; then in due succession, according to their court rank, come
to the Palace the Japanese diplomats, the higher officials in the
army, the navy, and the state, the holders of decorations of the Third
and higher Classes, and certain of the professors in the Imperial
University, and of the Shintō priests. In this way, four groups take
their turns at the Imperial Audience, during the successive morning
hours from nine o’clock onwards. The foreign diplomats are received
in audience in the early afternoon.
The drive to the Palace showed us the Capital City as it appears only
when it is decked out in characteristically Japanese fashion, on this,
Japan’s most notable gala time of the entire year. The weather of the
day was glorious, bright sunshine and soft dry air. There appeared
not to be a hut in Tokyo too small or too poor to be decorated with at
least two tiny pieces of pine boughs tied together with a bit of new
straw rope. Even the draught horses and the stakes to which the
scows were moored in the canals were ornamented with pine,
bamboo, and fern-leaves, and with little white Shintō “prayer papers”
fluttering in the gentle breeze. The larger houses and shops, the
banks and business buildings, had set into the ground at each side
of their doorways and gates young bamboo trees, of from four to
eight feet high, around which young pine trees were tied compactly
into a form resembling a huge bouquet. To this an added significance
is given by tying into the queerly knotted rope at its centre a
collection of fern leaves, strands of straw, stalks of rice, streamers of
Shintō paper, dried fish, and an orange or a boiled lobster. Peace,
plenty, long life, prosperity, and happiness,—everything that the
human heart can desire or hope for—are supposed to be symbolised
in this way. Along the narrower streets, where only native shops of
the smaller sort and of unfamiliar specialties abound, the line of the
projecting roofs, which was itself not more than six or eight feet
above the ground, was decorated with a deep fringe of plaited straw,
held together by a rope that carried little flags and gay lanterns. Not
at all a gorgeous or expensive style of decoration, surely! But
universal and expressive of thoroughly human sentiments, mingled,
indeed, with quaint ancestral beliefs and superstitions, it certainly is.
On arrival at the Palace, we were shown into a dressing-room to
remove our overcoats and wraps, where the ladies were assisted by
three Japanese maids, two of them in foreign dresses of silk with
trains, and the third more splendid in the old-style Japanese court
dress. When, about fifteen minutes later, the time for the Audience of
our “degree” had arrived, a Master of Ceremonies came and
ushered the party into a large and beautiful salon, where about one
hundred persons, with five or six exceptions all Japanese, were
waiting for the coming of their turn to enter the throne-room. All were
in court costume; the officers of the army and navy in full-dress
uniforms, wearing their decorations and cocked hats trimmed with
black or white ostrich tips; and the University professors decked out
in coats of antique style elaborately embroidered with gold, cocked
hats with feathers, and gold bands down their trousers. It was,
indeed, a sight to delight the eyes of those who are delighted with
such sights, and one that any person interested in brilliant colour
schemes and the human impulse to parade, might look upon for
once with a measure of keen enjoyment.
In good truth, there was an abundance of time to enjoy, and even to
sate one’s self with the brilliant spectacle; for it was fully three-
quarters of an hour before we were convoyed to the throne-room.
One was led anew to admire the superior physical endurance of the
ladies, who had trains weighing many pounds each to support and
manage all the meanwhile. It was a relief to know, however, that the
sum-total of suffering caused in this way could not have been great,
for there were not more than a half-dozen ladies in the whole
The former custom of making the New Year’s Audiences more
particular and personal has now, for all except the Princes of the
Blood, the higher Japanese nobility, and the Diplomatic Corps, been
abandoned; it had become too seriously burdensome, especially
upon the Empress, who in her sincere and self-sacrificing devotion to
her manifold Imperial duties and benevolent enterprises, is
constantly tempted to exceed her strength. Instead, therefore, of
Their Majesties undertaking to stand for many hours, while those
received by them advanced and were introduced and made their
bows, the ceremony has been in a manner reversed. When, then,
we entered the throne-room, we found that it had been divided along
its entire length into two about equal parts by a thick cord of red silk.
Along the side of this cord, opposite the throne, the entire number,
which had now increased to about one hundred and seventy-five,
were allowed to arrange themselves as they chose. This
arrangement having been accomplished, and all having quieted
down, the Imperial party entered without flourish of any kind to
announce them, at one end of the side opposite to their guests; and
when they had reached its centre, right in front of the throne, they
stopped and bowed three times to those waiting in audience, all of
whom, of course, acknowledged the Imperial salutation by
themselves bowing as low as their somewhat more than ordinarily
stiff costumes would permit. The Imperial procession then passed
out of the throne-room at the other end from that at which it had
entered. This was all there was of the Audience at New Years, to
which the privilege of an invitation is so much coveted and which it is
so impossible for one outside the circle prescribed by court rules to
Of late years a somewhat comic supplement has been added to the
ceremonial drama in the form of a function which bears the
suggestive but not euphonious title of “Tails and Tea.” It has become
the custom for some one of the foreign diplomatic corps, usually the
acting Doyen, to invite to his official residence for tea that same
afternoon a considerable number of those who have not attended
any of the audiences of the earlier part of the day, as well as all
those who have been in attendance. This function not only gives the
opportunity for much chat such as is customarily inspired by tea-
drinking on similar occasions, but it also has the added advantage
that it affords to some of the ladies the gratification of displaying their
trains to a larger circle of admiring or critical spectators, and to
others the consolation of seeing some of the elements of the pomp
of the morning, whose tout ensemble has been denied to them.
In 1899, the year of my second visit to Japan, audiences with the
Emperor for foreigners, not connected with royal families or
members of the diplomatic corps, were more rarely granted than
they are at the present time. Indeed, our Minister at that date, who
was greatly respected and beloved by the Japanese, told me that he
had ceased asking them for his own nationals, unless some
indication of favourable disposition toward any particular request
were first received from the other side. It was then toward the close
of my work in behalf of the educational interests of the nation, and
when the lectures in the University and before the Imperial
Educational Association had come to a successful end, that the
Department of the Household, moved by the representations of the
Department of Education, sent to our Minister the assurance he
desired. This was followed by the formal request for the Audience,
which was promptly granted. The date, however, could not be at
once definitely fixed; for His Majesty was suffering from a slight
indisposition which had led his physicians to forbid him every sort of
exposure. This indefiniteness of itself made indefinite the date when
we could leave Tokyo without a serious breach of politeness; or else
without Imperial permission granted for an imperative reason.
We were summoned back from Kamakura, where we were spending
a day or two as the guests of Baron Kuki, by a telegram from Colonel
Buck, which informed us that the time for the Audience had been set
for the morning of the next day, at ten o’clock. On our way from the
Legation to the Palace it was a real pleasure to hear the Minister say
—what my subsequent experiences have convinced me is strictly
true—that the friendly services and courtesies of educated men were
worth more for cementing relations of friendship between the two
nations than a great amount of what is called diplomacy. As to this, I
am inclined to insist once more upon the judgment that financial
greed and commercial rivalry have been of late, and still are, the
chief causes of war between nations. Witness the powerful influence
of the South-African gold and diamond interests in bringing about the
Boer war; and of the infamous procedure of Bezobrazoff’s Yalu River
Timber Company, with its issue in the Russo-Japanese war. A
vigorous but unscrupulous “trade policy” is almost certain ultimately
to lead to a war policy.
Arrived at the Palace, Minister Buck and I were taken through long
corridors to a drawing-room adjoining the audience chamber, where
Counts Toda and Nagasaki were, with other gentlemen, already in
waiting. Here we were kept engaged in conversation for perhaps ten
or fifteen minutes before being ushered into the audience chamber.
But before its doors were thrown open, Count Toda remarked that
“His Majesty was very gracious this morning and wished to shake
hands with Professor Ladd.”
When the Minister and I had entered the room in the prescribed form
—he, two or three steps in advance, and each of us bowing low
three times (at the threshold, about half way, and just in front of His
Majesty)—the Emperor, who was standing near the other end of the
chamber, addressed through his interpreter a few questions to
Colonel Buck. He particularly inquired after his health, and whether
the buildings or trees of the Legation had been injured by the severe
storm of the day before. I was next introduced, the Emperor cordially
extending his hand. His Majesty then inquired about my coming to
Japan, the time of my leaving; expressed his pleasure at seeing me,
and gratification at the work which had been done; and, finally, the
hope that he might some time see me again. This last utterance I
understood as a permission to withdraw. And this was promptly
done, by backing out and bowing the requisite three times in the
reverse order.
It was more than seven years later and on my third visit to Japan that
the honour of another private audience was accorded to me by the
Emperor. At this time, the newly arrived First and Second
Secretaries of our Embassy, with their wives, and Mrs. Ladd, were all
to be presented. The gentlemen would have audience with both the
Emperor and the Empress; the ladies with the Empress only. The
whole party, on arriving at the Palace, was rapidly conducted along
the corridors, past the waiting-room where my own deceased friend,
Minister Buck, and I had rested for a few minutes on the former
occasion, to the room of waiting set apart for the Empress’ guests.
There three of the gentlemen-in-waiting and three of the maids of
honour met us; and introductions followed. After twenty minutes of
chatting together, the men of the party were taken in front and to one
side of the door of the audience chamber, to await the summons of
His Majesty. They had not long to wait, for he makes it a point to be
very prompt in such matters. Here, to my no small surprise, I learned
that my decoration gave me precedence of the Secretaries of the
Embassy, and that I would therefore be presented first. Ambassador
Wright then led the way into the audience chamber, leaving the
others standing outside. After exchanging inquiries with the
Ambassador as to his health, on my being presented the Emperor
held out his hand and cordially welcomed me. I expressed my thanks
for the honour done in permitting me to see him again, and
congratulated His Majesty on the successful termination of the war
and on the apparently prosperous condition of his country. His
Majesty then said that he had heard with pleasure of the work which
I was doing for the moral education of his young men; that it would
prove very useful for Japan; and that he wished to thank me for it. I
expressed the great pleasure I was taking in the work, and my
sincere gratitude for so favourable an opportunity. Whereupon he
expressed the hope that I would continue it. I replied that it would be
an honour as well as a pleasure, if I might be permitted to continue
to be of service, however small, to Japan; since, next to my own
country, I had learned to love Japan best of all. When this was
interpreted to the Emperor, his face, which is ordinarily very
immovable—almost like a mask—showed a gleam of satisfaction
which was unmistakable; and he again thanked me and took my
hand for the second time.
After the two Secretaries had been presented, to both of whom these
conventional sentences were said: “Have you been before in
Japan?”; and “I am glad to see you,”—we all withdrew backward,
bowing in the customary fashion. We were then taken at once to the
audience-room of the Empress, before the door of which we were
asked to wait a moment. Here, too, the same order of precedence
was observed. On taking my hand, Her Majesty said, with an air of
great kindness, that Minister Makino had told of my work for the
moral education of Japanese young men, and that it would be of
great value to the country. Her Majesty also asked concerning my
plans; where I was going and how long I was expecting to stay. After
she had taken my hand again to dismiss me, the other two
gentlemen were presented, and the same two sentences said to
them which the Emperor had said. The ladies had already been
presented; and on rejoining them, we were all immediately ushered
out of the Palace. (I have always had a sly suspicion that the
gentlemen in waiting, at least, consider—and not altogether
unnaturally!—this sort of service toward foreigners to be something
of a bore.)
The last of my audiences with His Imperial Majesty of Japan was by
far the most notable, and, indeed, unique. At a “farewell meeting,”
held on Friday evening of the week preceding the date of my sailing
home, in September of 1907, I was confidentially informed to expect
a private audience on the following Monday. The more formal
summons, which came the next day through the private secretary of
the Minister of Education, was couched in the following quaint
“Dear Sir:
“I have the honour to inform you that on the 30th at half-
past ten o’clock a. m. His Majesty, the Emperor, will be
graciously pleased to receive you in audience at the
“On that day you are required to be present before that
hour, wearing swallow-tailed coat.”
(It should be explained that this sobriquet for the upper
garment of evening dress is a literal translation back into
English of a Japanese word which is itself derived by the
same literal rendering of its English original.)
The anxiety of my escort, who was the same person as the writer of
the letter, lest we might be unpardonably late in keeping the
appointment, was so great that our carriage arrived at the
designated gate (a comparatively private one) of the Palace, a full
half-hour before the time. But, leaving my Japanese friend at the
entrance room of the Department of the Household, I was conducted
along what seemed like endless corridors, by the state rooms of the
palace, whose elegant beauty of proportion and reserve in
decoration I thus had an excellent opportunity for admiring, to a
waiting-room at the other end of the Palace, which I at once
recognised as the one customarily assigned to those who were to
have an audience with the Emperor. Soon both the doors of this
room were closed and the occupant was left to his reflections in the
completest possible in-door solitude. The silence was impressive,
profound. At rare intervals, the distant cawing of a crow somewhere
in the Imperial grounds, or muffled footsteps in some far-off corridor,
were the only sounds to be heard. As I strove to occupy my mind
with recalling the memorable experiences of the past year, in Korea
as well as in Japan, my imagination persisted in dwelling upon the
comical problem: “What should I do; how explain my presence, with
my scanty knowledge of Japanese, to persons who know no English;
how escape from the Palace,—in case there should have been any
misunderstanding about the matter?”
Quite promptly at 10.25, however, the door of the waiting-room was
thrown open and I was motioned to follow the Palace attendant who
stood in front of it. Not a word was spoken by either of us. On
reaching the corridor in front of the audience chamber, two
gentlemen-in-waiting, dressed in frock coats, were there,—one in
front of the entrance and one in the corner nearest the waiting-room.
The latter motioned me to stand by his side. In a minute or two a
slight rustle announced the entrance of the Emperor into the
audience chamber; the gentleman-in-waiting who stood before its
entrance bowed low and drew back, beckoning me to come forward;
and I then first became aware that, this time, no one was expecting
to present me. Doubtless, it saved the chance of no little
embarrassment that previous experiences had left me precisely
informed as to what I ought to do. The Emperor was standing in his
accustomed place, in military undress; his interpreter was on his

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