Nityananda Trayodasi
Nityananda Trayodasi
Nityananda Trayodasi
Nityananda Prabhu
By HH Bhakti Charu Swami
Balarama is Krishna’s first expansion. When Krishna comes as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
once in a day of Brahma to reveal the actual purpose of Krishna’s Braja lila he comes as a
devotee and Balarama comes with Him as Nityananda Prabhu. Actually Caitanya
Mahaprabhu comes along with His parsadas – His associates and His entourage. Caitanya
Mahaprabhu appears as Panca-tattva –
(as we worship in the temple here), whose identity has been revealed as:
Krishna Himself comes as a devotee, bhakta. And then bhakta-svarup – Nityananda Prabhu
comes as bhakta svarup – as a devotee Himself. And an incarnation of bhakta is Mahavisnu
Himself who comes as Advaita Acarya. Then bhakta sakti – Gadadhara Pandit, Radharani
herself comes as Gadadhara Pandita and then narada Muni comes as Srivas Thakura. Five
of Them are identified as the Lord in this five feature – Panca-tattva.
So they came with a specific purpose. The specific purpose is to inundate the whole
universe, the whole world with the mercy of Krishna – premer vanya loiya nitai aila
gauda-dese [SVA 1978-1996 4: Nitai Guna Mani] And in this mission of Sri Caitanya
Mahaprabhu, Nityananda Prabhu plays a very special role. He is the sole distributor.
Caitanya Mahaprabhu is coming to distribute this Krishna consciousness and Nityananda
Prabhu as the sole selling authority.
As Bhaktivinode Thakur pointed out that there is a market place of the holy name –
nama-hatta, the market place of the holy name. And in that market place what is being sold?
What is the market place/ It is the market place of the holy name. And who is the mahajana?
In that market place of the holy name Nityananda Prabhu is the mahajana. Mahajana means
the sole selling authority.
So if anybody wants to buy the holy name he must buy it from the sole selling authority,
Nityananda Prabhu – heno nitai bine bhai, radha-krsna paite nai, [song Nitai-Pada-Kamala]
The holy name is representing Radha and Krishna and without the mercy of Nityananda
Prabhu this Radha Krishna or Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s mercy cannot possibly be available.
This had been displayed very wonderfully by the pastimes of the lord with Raghunath Dasa
Raghunath Dasa Goswami was the son of a very, very wealthy person. We cannot even
imagine what is their opulence like. And Raghunath Dasa Goswami was the only son – not
the only son of his father but Raghunath Dasa Goswami was the only son, only male child of
an entire family. Such an opulent family, such a wealthy family and the only successor is
Raghunath Dasa Goswami. Raghunath Dasa Goswami became attracted to Caitanya
Mahaprabhu’s lotus feet and since then he just wanted to run awayand be with Caitanya
Mahaprabhu. But whenever he ran away his father used to send his soldiers and get him
back. He tried to run away but he didn’t succeed.
Then finally one day he came to know that Nityananda Prabhu came to Pannihati. Pannihati
is a place which is not very far from the home in Saptagram which is now known as Triveni.
That city is situated in the confluence of three rivers – Ganga, Yamuna and Sarasvati. When
Raghunath Dasa Goswami got to know that Nityananda Prabhu came there he took the
opportunity to meet Him. He went there. When Nityananda Prabhu saw him offering
obeisances – actually some of Nityananda Prabhu’s associates pointed out that Raghunath
is offering obeisances to Him from a distance.
So hearing the name Nityananda Prabhu responded, “Oh finally the thief has come. Bring
him to Me. I want to punish him. You are a thief so I should punish you.” And what was the
punishment? The punishment was which is celebrated every year as Cidha- dadhi festival –
the festival of chipped rice and yoghurt. So that is the punishment that Nityananda Prabhu
gave him. “Okay the punishment is that you have to feed Me and all My associates with
chipped rice and yoghurt.”
Now the question is why Nityananda Prabhu addressed Raghunath Dasa Goswami as a
thief? It is because Caitanaya Mahaprabhu is Nityananda Prabhu’s property. heno nitai bine
bhai, radha-krsna paite nai, [ song Nitai-Pada-Kamala] One cannot get Radha Krishna which
is Caitanya Mahaprabhu. One cannot possibly get Caitanya Mahaprabhu without Nityananda
Prabhu’s mercy. Raghunath Dasa Goswami tried to approach Caitanya Mahaprabhu directly
as if he is trying to steal Nityananda Prabhu’s property. That is why he called him a thief.
After this punishment Raghunath Dasa Goswami fed not only Nityananda Prabhu and His
associates but he actually fed whoever came there – even the people who came to sell their
commodities like sweets and yoghurt and all kinds of sweetmeats and other stuffs. Even
they were fed to their hearts content.
Then we see Raghunath Dasa Goswami manages to escape from home and then this time
nobody could catch him. Then he went to Jagannath Puri. This time also he did not take the
normal route, not the main road. He took the village road and through the forest he actually
arrived in Jagannath Puri. And Caitanya Mahaprabhu accepted him. Caitanya Mahaprabhu
accepted him because he received the mercy of Nityananda Prabhu. So if we want to
approach Caitanya Mahaprabhu, if we want to approach Radha Krishna, the purpose of Sri
Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s appearance or the purpose of Krishna’s appearing as Sri Caitanya
Mahaprabhu was simply to give Radha Krishna of Vrindavan – Vraja.
Braja Vrinadavan – the loving relationship of Vraja is very special. Generally devotional
service is rendered through vaidhi-bhakti or following the rules and regulations of the
scriptures. When one follows the rules and regulations of scriptures and achieves its
perfection by following vaidhi-bhakti then he arrives at Vaikuntha. The goal of vaidhi-bhakti is
for… but Vrindavan is beyond vaidhi-bhakti. So Krishna actually considered now I have
revealed My Vraja-lila.
yathesta vihari’ krsna kare antardhana antardhana kari’ mane kare anumana [Adi 3.13]
After performing His Vraja-lila Krishna went back to the spiritual sky. He disappeared or he
withdrew His pastimes, but then He considered I revealed My Vraja-lila but how will anyone
ever enter into Vraja, Goloka Vrindavan? Because generally a living entity, a devotee serves
the Supreme Personality of Godhead by following Vaidhi-bhakti. But by practicing
vaidhi-bhakti we will arrive in Vaikuntha. So the consideration is how will anyone enter into
Vrindavan? Because devotional service must be followed by the process of vaidhi.
If one practices or performs devotional service very sincerely, aikantiki, very earnestly he
performs his devotional service but if it is not in conformity of the vidhi or sruti, smrti,
puranadi etc. then it will simply create a disturbance – utpatayaiva kalpate – it will simply
create a disturbance.
So in this way it has been pointed out that devotional service must be executed following
vaidhi-bhakti. But the problem is that by following vaidhi-bhakti one will enter into Vaikuntha.
But from Vaikuntha there is no access to Vrindavan. One cannot go to Vrindavan from
Vaikuntha. So how will one ever enter into Vrindavan? Therefore Krishna thought of one
way. And that way is that He became a devotee. He did not come as the Supreme
Personality of Godhead. He came as a devotee. And when this devotee-Krishna is
worshipped following vaidhi-bhakti then one gets access to Goloka Vrindavan. So this has
been pointed out in Caitanya-caritamrta third chapter. So this is the way.
Another consideration here is that there are two types of bhakti – vaidhi-bhakti and
raganuga-bhakti. Vaidhi-bhakti means as I mentioned earlier, following the rules and
regulations of the scriptures – sruti smrti puranadi pancaratra-vidhim but raganuga-bhakti:
Raga means love, prema. So the devotees of Vrindavan, their devotion is founded on their
intense love for Krishna. Therefore the bhakti in Vrindavan is known as prema-bhakti and the
devotees of Vrindavan are known as ragatmika bhaktas the devotees whose identity is
simply love for Krishna. So they are known as ragatmika bhakta. And anuga means follow.
When one renders devotional service following the ragatmika bhaktas of Vrindavan that
becomes raganuga-bhakti. So raganuga-bhakti is the way to enter into Vrindavan.
The problem here is as we just mentioned – that devotional service must be rendered by
following the vidhi of the scriptures or rules and regulations of the scriptures but the way to
enter into Vrindavan is raganuga-bhakti. Raganuga-bhakti means following the ragatmika
bhaktas of Vrindavan.
So Krishna came as a devotee. So who is that devotee that Caitanya Mahaprabhu came as?
Srimati Radharani! Krishna is playing the role of Radharani. Krishna became Radharani.
That is Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Therefore when one follows Caitanya Mahaprabhu who is he
following? When one is rendering his service following Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu he is
following Srimati Radharani – the most exhalted ragatmika bhakta of Vrindavan. Therefore
vaidhi-bhakti to Caitanya Mahaprabhu is automatically transforming into raganuga-bhakti.
This point i wanted to mention emphatically because some individuals are now propagating
that Prabhupada did not give everything, indicating that Prabhupada did not give us
raganuga-bhakti. But Srila Prabhupada gave us what Caitanya Mahaprabhu gave.
It is Krishna’s divine arrangement that how vaidhi-bhakti will automatically transform into
raganuga-bhakti and one will have a direct access to Goloka Vrindavan. Anyway the point
here is those who are following Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu are the real raganuga bhaktas
because they are following Srimati Radharani. Krishna came as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to
play the role of Srimati Radharani.
Sometimes devotees ask Radha Krishna came together as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then
why do you say Gadadhara Pandit is Srimati Radharani? What is the purpose of Radharani
appearing as Gadadhara Pandit? The answer to that is. When Krishna decided to play the
role of Radharani, Radharani decided, “Let Me watch. Let Me see how Krishna plays that
role.” And that is why She came as Gadadhara Pandit – Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s constant
companion. All the time he is with Caitanya Mahaprabhu just watching and appreciating,
“Well done Krishna!” [Laughter]
So that Supreme Personality of Godhead appeared as the son of Hadai Pandita and
Padmavati, two very, very exalted devotees in a place known as Ekacakra which is about
150km north of here. I am sure many of you have gone there. How many of you have visited
Ekacakra? Wonderful! So that is the place of Nityananda Prabhu. That place is known as
Radhadesa – place where the Ganga doesn’t flow. And the place where Ganga doesn’t flow
is considered to be an unholy place. So Nityananda Prabhu actually appeared in a place
which is considered to be rather unholy because Ganga didn’t flow there. In this way we can
see how the Lord appeared in a rather inauspicious place to distribute His mercy in this
fallen age of Kali to the most fallen living entities.
The other consideration of course is that Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s pastimes are covered.
Therefore even though these are all most exalted places but they are not generally known
until the lord and his associates appeared. When They appeared then the glory of those
places become manifest. What happens when the Lord appears in the dhama or in the holy
places? The place becomes full of opulences.
jayati te ‘dhikam janmana vrajah srayata indira sasvad atra hi [SB 10.31.1]
The gopis are singing in the Gopi-gita that, “Ever since you have taken birth in Vrindavan,
Krishna Vrindavan has become most fortunate because Indira, Laxmidevi is constantly
residing here.” So wherever there is Laxmidevi there is all kinds of opulences and good
fortune there. So this is how Nityananda Prabhu’s appearance also caused this Radhadesh
to become extremely opulent. People all of a sudden became very happy, very fortunate.
There was no disease. There was no scarcity of food. The atmosphere became very
beautiful and nature started to shower her mercy abundantly.
Naturally Nityananda Prabhu was very, very dear to His parents. He was an extremely
beautiful child. And from His childhood he was constantly absorbed in Krishna
consciousness. When children play with their friends Nityananda Prabhu used to invent
different types of games centred around the Lords pastimes. “Okay let’s play the pastimes of
killing Dhenukasura. Let us go to the Tal forest and I will shake the Tal tree and as the Tal
fruits will fall the sound that will be created by the falling of the Tal trees will make
Dhenukasura very agitated and he will come.” And one of the boys were to play the role of
Dhenukasura and Nityananda Prabhu will smash him. In this way they would just enact
different pastimes of the Lord.
One day they were playing the pastimes of Laksmana being struck by Sakti weapon.
Nityananda Prabhu was playing the role of Laksmana and one boy was playing the role of
Megnath, Indrajith and he hit Him with the shell, Sakti. We can see the shell is actually
Sanskrit word – bombshell – Shakti shell! So Laksmana fainted. Nityananda Prabhu playing
the part of Laksmana fainted in such a way that there was no sign of life in His body. All the
boys became very worried. They thought that He really fainted. So everyone came running
and the grownups also saw that there were no signs of life in His body so they became very,
very worried.
Then one boy remembered that he was playing the role of Hanuman so he remembered to
bring the mountain. So he brought the mountain. Then one boy was supposed to play the
doctor. So he brought the mountain to the doctor and said, “Look I could not find the … that
you wanted me to collect. I could not find out which one was … so I brought the whole
mountain. So you please collect the herb from here.” So the boy who was playing the doctor
collected that from there and he rubbed it and held the leaves in front of Nityananda
Prabhu’s nose and immediately He came back to His senses. So this is how Nityananda
Prabhu was playing His childhood with His friends in total absorption of the pastimes of the
Supreme personality of Godhead.
One day one sannyasi came to Ekacakra. It is a Vedic custom that when a sannyasi comes
to some place the brahmanas would generally invite him to his house. Generally the
sannyasi would accept the invitation of a brahmana. So one such sannyasi came and Hadai
Pandit invited him to his house and he came and Hadai Pandit made him stay and have
Krishna Prasad. That whole night he spent with Nityananda Prabhu. At that time Nityananda
Prabhu was about twelve years old and he spent the night with the sannyasi speaking about
In the morning when the sannyasi was about to leave (it is also a custom when respected
guests like that come home the householder asks him what he can offer him. What he could
give him. Generally they give some daksina or some fruits) So when Hadai Pandit asked this
sannyasi, the sannyasi told him, “If you really want to give me something then please give
me your son.”
Hadai Pandits condition at that time was like that of a person who had been struck by a
thunderbolt because he could not bear the separation from Nityananda Prabhu even for a
moment. Now here was this sannyasi asking him for his only son! But Hadai Pandit was so
truthful that he said, “Okay. Take Him.” This is how Nityananda Prabhu left home at the age
of twelve and he started to travel with the sannyasi. He travelled extensively all over India.
When He was in western India Nityananda Prabhu came across Madhavendra Puri and both
of them became ecstatic seeing each other. Eventually Nityananda Prabhu took initiation
from Madhavendra Puri and He started to travel all over India. He travelled south were He
came to Ganga Sagara which is the confluence of the Ganges, the ocean where Kapila
Muni’s asrama is.
Then He travelled north to Vrindavan. When He went to Vrindavan he settled down there. He
just stayed in Vrindavana until Caitanya Mahaprabhu started His sankirtan movement
Caitanya Mahaprabhu also initially was not displaying any devotional attitude as such –
devotion to Krishna as such. He was more of a scholar, a logician and undefeatable in
debate. Nobody could defeat Him in argument. They are saying that He was so smart, He
was so intelligent – naturally! He was the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He would prove
that day is night. [Laughter] And then He will reverse it and prove back that day is day. So
this is how brilliant He was.
The devotees like Srivas Thakur used to feel very sad at seeing that such a brilliant
personality is not accepting Krishna consciousness. Sometimes they would even try to avoid
Him. One day Srivas Thakur was coming from one direction and he saw Caitanya
Mahaprabhu is coming from the other direction and he changed his course and started to go
in another direction. Caitanya Mahaprabhu was just a young man at that time of about
sixteen years old. Seeing that He asked Srivas Thakur, “Why are you avoiding Me? I noticed
the moment you saw Me you changed your course. What is the matter with you?”
Srivas Thakur told Him that, “Look Nimai why don’t You take to Krishna consciousness. Why
are You wasting Your time in dry logic and arguments?” At that time Caitanya Mahaprabhu
told him. “Srivas mark My words. One day I will take to devotional service and I will become
such a devotee that you all will become surprised.”
That actually happened when Caitanya Mahaprabhu went to Gaya to perform the sraddha
ceremony for His father. There He got to know Isvara Puri was there and He met with him.
Caitanya Mahaprabhu had already met Isvara Puri once when Isvara Puri came to Navadvip
and became the guest of His father. Now He got to know that Isvara Puri was in Gaya so He
met Isvara Puri and begged him to give Him initiation. Isvara Puri gave Him and from that
time there was a total transformation in Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. That scholar, that logician,
the brilliant personality became totally absorbed in krsna-prema. All the time He was crying,
“Where is Krishna? Where is Krishna? Where can I find Krishna?”
Some people thought that Caitanya Mahaprabhu actually became mad Madness is caused
by the imbalance of air. There are five kinds of air in the body: prana, apana, vyana, samana
and udana [Mundaka Upanisad 3.1.9] therefore they thought that He got a disease caused
by air which actually meant madness. Caitanya Mahaprabhu was brought to Navadvip by
His associates who accompanied Him there. Then Caitanya Mahaprabhu started His
sankirtan movement. When Caitanya Mahaprabhu started His sankirtan movement
Nityananda Prabhu decided to join. So He left Vrindavan and he came to Navadvip. He
came to Navadvip but he did not come directly to Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He became the
guest of Nandanacarya whose house was very close-by.
Nandanacarya was a great devotee and Nityananda Prabhu was staying at his place. One
morning Caitanya Mahaprabhu told His devotees, told His associates, “Last night early in the
morning I had a dream of one great personality whose complexion was like camphor white.
He was carrying a plough and a stick and He arrived here. So the dreams of early morning
do not go in vain so such a personality must have arrived here. Now You all go and find Him
out and bring Him to Me.”
They all looked around but they couldn’t find Him. They came back to Caitanya Mahaprabhu
and reported that they couldn’t find anyone. Then Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, “Okay! Let us
go. I will go and see if I can find Him.” He went straight to Nandanacarya’s house and they
found Nityananda Prabhu sitting there in trance totally absorbed in thoughts of Krishna.
Srivas Thakur the recited a verse from Srimad-Bhagavatam. And just by hearing that verse
Nityananda Prabhu fell on the ground and fainted. Caitanya Mahaprabhu also seeing
Nityananda Prabhu in that condition picked Him up and placed Him on His lap and this is
how the two brothers met here in Navadvip. This is how Nityananda Prabhu joined Caitanya
Mahaprabhu’s sankirtan movement.
The Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu told Sri Rama Pandit who was Srivas Pandit’s brother to go
and report to Advaita Acarya about the arrival of Nityananda Prabhu. So he went and
Advaita Acarya immediately came running from Santipura to Navadvip to meet Nityananda
Prabhu. In this way now the Panca-tattva became complete. Sri Krishna Caitanya
Mahaprabhu – Nityananda Prabhu came from Vrindavan, Advaita Acarya came from
Santipura and Gadadhara Pandit and Srivas Thakura were already here. This is how the
sankirtan movement started.
Actually Caitanya Mahaprabhu had told Nityananda Prabhu to stay at Srivas Thakura’s
house. So Nityananda Prabhu was residing in Srivas Thakura’s house which is
Srivas-angam and is not too far from here. One day Saci-mata told Caitanya Mahaprabhu
that she had a dream. Therein she saw that Balarama was there and she was feeding Him
all kinds of delicious Prasad. Then she saw in place of Balarama she was feeding
Nityananda Prabhu. So when she told Caitanya Mahaprabhu then He said “Okay let us invite
Nityananda Prabhu for lunch Prasad.” So Nityananda Prabhu came and he started to call
Saci-mata as mother. In this way two brothers became united – Krishna Balarama became
united in Their Navadvip lila.
Then Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked Nityananda Prabhu to perform Vyasa-puja. So the
arrangement was made for Vyasa-puja. Srivas Thakura gave the garland to Nityananda
Prabhu to place on Vyasadeva but Nityananda Prabhu took the garland and placed it on
Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Nityananda Prabhu was made to sit down and everyone celebrated
His Vyasa-puja. Nityananda Prabhu was a sannyasi so he was carrying His danda and he
had a water pot. So Caitanya Mahaprabhu broke His danda and threw it away in the Ganga
thus pointing out that Nityananda Prabhu does not need to play the role of a sannyasa. He is
the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Then Nityananda Prabhu showed His six armed form
to all of the devotees. Four arms of Narayana – catur-bhuja and he was also holding a stick
or sannyasa danda and water pot.
Then Caitanya Mahaprabhu instructed Nityananda Prabhu and Haridas Thakura to go from
door to door and preach Krishna consciousness.
suno suno nityananda, suno haridas sarvatra amar ajna koroho parkas [Sri
Caitanya-Bhagavata, Madhya-Khanda 13.8-10]
One day they saw two very dangerous personalities. Everybody was afraid of them. They
were so sinful and extremely ferocious. So Nityananda Prabhu consulted with Haridas
Thakura that if we can convert these two people then everyone will recognise the glory or
greatness of Mahaprabhu’s mission. So thinking that, they approached them. As Nityananda
Prabhu approached them that, “Please my dear brothers chant the holy names of the Lord.”
These two personalities became extremely insulted.
“You dare to instruct me on what I should do.” They said, “Kill Him! Kill Him!” They were so
ferocious actually. They would kill anybody at the bat of an eyelid. They were so dangerous.
Just for this act of Nityananda Prabhu they wanted to kill Him. Nityananda Prabhu and
Haridas Thakura ran and they chased them. While running they came to a place of a potter
who had stacks of clay pots. They hid behind those clay pots and Jagai and Madhai couldn’t
find Them.
That evening Haridas Thakura and Nityanada Prabhu went to Caitanya Mahaprabhu and
reported what happened. Haridas Thakura was so called afraid. These are pastimes. And he
reported to Advaita Acarya, “I am not going to go out with Him anymore. Today i would have
lost my life. Both of us would have been dead but by the mercy of the Lord somehow we
escaped. These two dacoits are so ferocious that if they caught us they would have killed us.
Besides that this guy is completely crazy – Nityananda Prabhu. He is completely crazy! He
jumps into the Ganges that is completely infested with crocodiles and he not only jumps into
the river but he chases the crocodiles. Sometimes he would steal from the houses of the
cowherd folks – gopas. He would steal from their house butter and yoghurt and then he
would run. Sometimes if they can catch us they would beat us up. He can run fast but I can’t
run that fast.” In this way he was reporting to Srila Advaita Acarya but at the same time
Nityananda Prabhu convinced him, “Come. I need a companion to preach with.”
One day again they had encountered Jagai and Madhai and Nityananda Prabhu told him,
“Please chant the holy names of the Lord.” They were drinking alcohol from a clay pot. In
those days glass bottles were there but they were very rare. Generally they used to use
clay-pots. This time Madhai took that clay pot and hit Nityananda Prabhu and He started to
bleed. The news reached Caitanya Mahaprabhu and immediately Caitanya Mahaprabhu
came. He not only came but He was furious. He started to invoke Sudarsan-chakra. He
wanted to kill these two demons. Nityananda Prabhu fell at His feet. While grabbing His feet
with both arms he prayed that, “In this incarnation You promised not to use any weapon. So
please counteract their demoniac propensities with Your love. That is Your promise. You
have killed the demons in this age so please forgive them.”
At that time Madhai wanted to hit Nityananda Prabhu again but Jagai, the elder brother
actually stopped him and told him not to do that. Caitanya Mahaprabhu was pleased to hear
that. He said, “Okay. So I will forgive you.” So he was forgiven and he saw Caitanya
Mahaprabhu’s spiritual form. But Madhai could not see that. Jagai fell at His feet and started
to cry. But then Nityananda Prabhu begged Him, “Please forgive the other one also.
Although he hit me it doesn’t matter.”
Then Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, “If he begs forgiveness from You falling at Your feet then i
may forgive him.” So Madhai did that. In this way these two demons, Hiranyakasipu and
Hiranyaksa, Ravana, Kumbhakana and Sisupala and Dantavakra came in three previous
ages and became delivered by Nityananda Prabhu’s mercy.
I shall end the class with one small episode of Nityananda Prabhu’s marriage. Nityananda
Prabhu is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Supreme Personality of Godhead has
two potencies with Him. In South India we notice that all the temples have two Laxmis on
both sides – two saktis on two sides. Caitanya Mahaprabhu also had Vinupriya and
Laxmipriya. Nityananda Prabhu’s saktis are Jahnavadevi and Vasudhadevi – Sri and Bhu.
So Nityananda Prabhu was preaching in Bengal. That was the instruct Caitanya
Mahaprabhu gave Him. Caitanya Mahaprabhu told Him to go back to Bengal and preach
although He wanted to stay with Caitanya Mahaprabhu when he went to Jagannath Puri.
There is a place called Ambika Kalna which is just the other side of the Ganges. Opposite to
Santipura is this place called Ambika Kalna. There was a very exhalted brahamana. His
name was Surya Dasa Pandita and his brother was Gauri Dasa Pandita. These two brothers
were great devotees of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Caitanya Mahaprabhu actually went to meet
them before he took sannyasa. And Gauri Dasa Pandita used to wait for Caitanya
Mahaprabhu to come but Caitanya Mahaprabhu decided to take sannyasa so when
Mahaprabhu was leaving Gauri Dasa Pandita said, “No You can’t leave. You have to stay.”
Then Mahaprabhu said, “Okay. You make a deity of Me and in that deity form I will be here.”
There is a very beautiful episode here. Gauri Dasa Pandita made the deity of Gaura Nitai
and then when Caitanya Mahaprabhu was leaving he came running. He said, “Look, You told
me that You are going to stay here.” He said, “Yes, there in the house.” He said, “No, no. I
don’t want Them. I want You.” So Mahaprabhu went and with Nityananda Prabhu and They
became the Deities and the Deities became Nityananda Prabhu and Caitanya Mahaprabhu
and They started to walk to the Ganges. Then he came and said, “No You have to come. I
want the one that moves and talks.” In this way so many times They went back and forth that
Gauri Dasa Pandita could not figure out who is the real Gaura Nitai and who are the deities.
These deities are still there in Ambika Kalna which is not too far from here. I am sure many
of you have seen those deities.
So Nityananda Prabhu was in Ambika Kalna and the devotees were very ecstatic that
Nityananda Prabhu was giving them His association. One day Nityananda Prabhu came to
Surya Dasa Pandita and told him, “I want to marry your daughter.” Surya Dasa Pandita said,
“I am a brahmana and the custom is that a brahmana’s daughter should be married to a
person from a proper caste. And we don’t know what caste You are.” [Laughter] “Besides
that we have to also check the horoscope whether it matches.”
So Nityananda Prabhu left and Surya Dasa started to consult with the other devotees there
about what should be done. He said, “Last night I had a dream. I saw one personality who is
big bodied, like a wrestler’s body and his form is as beautiful as Kandarpa. Kamadeva,
Cupid. He was carrying a plough and a stick in his hand. Then I saw him next to my
daughter. So I could understand that this is Balarama. I couldn’t figure out what is this
dream.” And then somebody said, “Since you dreamt early in the morning then this dream
must be true.”
When they were talking like that Jahnavadevi who was just a young girl at that time fainted
with a loud sound and they heard the sound of someone falling. They came out of the room
and found that Jahnavadevi just fainted. So they immediately called a doctor and the doctor
checked her and said, “It is a terrible kind of epilepsy. I can’t cure it. I am sorry i can’t cure
this patient.”
Then somebody suggested that it seems that you have committed an offence to Nityananda
Prabhu and therefore this is what has happened. So please go and call Him. So Nityananda
Prabhu was brought to the house and when the fragrance of Nityananda Prabhu’s body
entered into Jahnava Mata’s nostrils she came back to her senses. She sat up and said,
“What happened? Where am I?” Saying that she felt very shy and walked inside the house.
In this way the marriage was now arranged for Nityananda Prabhu. With great pomp this
wedding ceremony was celebrated. Many, many rich people sponsored the wedding and it
was a grand wedding. So after the wedding Nityananda Prabhu stayed in the house of Surya
Dasa Pandita for a few days.
One day Vasudhadevi, Jahnavadevi’s sister was serving Nityananda Prabhu. Jahnavadevi
cooked and Vasudhadevi was serving. So when she was serving her sari just fell off her
head. So she generated two more arms. Because she was serving with two hands and with
two other arms she covered her hair. So seeing that Nityananda Prabhu made her sit on His
right hand side. In this way Nityananda Prabhu told her father, Suya Dasa Pandita that, “I got
married to the elder one, now I want the younger one as a…” Surya dasa’s response was,
“Me and everything that belongs to me belongs to You. So take whatever You want.” In this
way Nityananda Prabhu united with His two saktis
– Jahnavadevi and Vasudhadevi. Hare Krishna! Sriman Nityananda Prabhu Ki! Jai!
Gaura-premanande hari haribol! [Aplause] Hare Krishna. Today it is quiet late so I won’t take
any questions – maybe some other time. Gaura- premanande Hari Haribol.