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Abstract Algebra with Applications 1st

Edition Audrey Terras

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Elementary abstract algebra: examples and applications


Abstract Algebra Fourth Edition John A. Beachy

Problems in Abstract Algebra 1st Edition Adrian R.


A course in abstract algebra Nicholas Jackson
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Edition John W. Lawrence

Abstract Algebra An Interactive Approach Second Edition

William Paulsen

Abstract Algebra Applications to Galois Theory

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Cryptography Second Edition Celine Carstensen-Opitz

Instructor's Solutions Manual for Elementary Linear

Algebra with Applications, 9th Edition Bernard Kolman
Abstract Algebra with Applications

Abstract Algebra with Applications provides a friendly and concise introduction to algebra,

with an emphasis on its uses in the modern world. The first part of this book covers groups,
after some preliminaries on sets, functions, relations, and induction, and features applica-
tions such as public-key cryptography, Sudoku, the finite Fourier transform, and symmetry
in chemistry and physics. The second part of this book covers rings and fields, and features
applications such as random number generators, error-correcting codes, the Google page
rank algorithm, communication networks, and elliptic curve cryptography.

The book’s masterful use of colorful figures and images helps illustrate the applications and
concepts in the text. Real-world examples and exercises will help students contextualize the
information. Meant for a year-long undergraduate course in algebra for math, engineering,
and computer science majors, the only prerequisites are calculus and a bit of courage when
asked to do a short proof.

Cambridge Mathematical Textbooks is a program of undergraduate and

beginning graduate-level textbooks for core courses, new courses, and
interdisciplinary courses in pure and applied mathematics. These texts provide
motivation with plenty of exercises of varying difficulty, interesting examples,
modern applications, and unique approaches to the material.

John B. Conway, George Washington University
Gregory F. Lawler, University of Chicago
John M. Lee, University of Washington
John Meier, Lafayette College
Lawrence C. Washington, University of Maryland, College Park

A complete list of books in the series can be found at
Recent titles include the following:

Chance, Strategy, and Choice: An Introduction to the Mathematics of Games and

, S. B. Smith

Set Theory: A First Course, D. W. Cunningham

Chaotic Dynamics: Fractals, Tilings, and Substitutions , G. R. Goodson
A Second Course in Linear Algebra, S. R. Garcia & R. A. Horn

Introduction to Experimental Mathematics , S. Eilers & R. Johansen

Exploring Mathematics: An Engaging Introduction to Proof, J. Meier & D. Smith

A First Course in Analysis, J. B. Conway

Introduction to Probability, D. F. Anderson, T. Seppäläinen & B. Valkó

Linear Algebra, E. S. Meckes & M. W. Meckes

A Short Course in Differential Topology, B. I. Dundas

Abstract Algebra

with Applications

University of California, San Diego, CA, USA
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Cambridge University Press is part of the University of Cambridge.

It furthers the University’s mission by disseminating knowledge in the pursuit of
education, learning, and research at the highest international levels of excellence.
Information on this title:
© Audrey Terras 2019
This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception
and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements,
no reproduction of any part may take place without the written
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First published 2019
Printed in the United States of America by Sheridan Books, Inc.
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ISBN 978-1-107-16407-9 Hardback

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To the bears and koalas

List of Figures ix

Preface xiii


1 Preliminaries 3

1.1 Introduction 3
1.2 Sets 6
1.3 The Integers 9
1.4 Mathematical Induction 14
1.5 Divisibility, Greatest Common Divisor, Primes, and Unique Factorization 19
1.6 Modular Arithmetic, Congruences 26
1.7 Relations 30
1.8 Functions, the Pigeonhole Principle, and Binary Operations 34

2 Groups: A Beginning 43

2.1 What is a Group? 43

2.2 Visualizing Groups 52
2.3 More Examples of Groups and Some Basic Facts 56
2.4 Subgroups 64
2.5 Cyclic Groups are Our Friends 72

3 Groups: There’s More 81

3.1 Groups of Permutations 81

3.2 Isomorphisms and Cayley’s Theorem 89
3.3 Cosets, Lagrange’s Theorem, and Normal Subgroups 93
3.4 Building New Groups from Old, I: Quotient or Factor Groups G/H 98
3.5 Group Homomorphism 102
3.6 Building New Groups from Old, II: Direct Product of Groups 108
3.7 Group Actions 114

4 Applications and More Examples of Groups 124

4.1 Public-Key Cryptography 124

4.2 Chemistry and the Finite Fourier Transform 129
4.3 Groups and Conservation Laws in Physics 135
4.4 Puzzles 142
4.5 Small Groups 146
viii Abstract Algebra with Applications


5 Rings: A Beginning 157

5.1 Introduction 157

5.2 What is a Ring? 158
5.3 Integral Domains and Fields are Nicer Rings 166
5.4 Building New Rings from Old: Quotients and Direct Sums of Rings 173
5.5 Polynomial Rings 180
5.6 Quotients of Polynomial Rings 185

6 Rings: There’s More 189

6.1 Ring Homomorphisms 189

6.2 The Chinese Remainder Theorem 193
6.3 More Stories about F [x ] Including Comparisons with Z 198
6.4 Field of Fractions or Quotients 202

7 Vector Spaces and Finite Fields 206

7.1 Matrices and Vector Spaces over Arbitrary Fields and Rings like Z 206
7.2 Linear Functions or Mappings 218
7.3 Determinants 224
7.4 Extension Fields: Algebraic versus Transcendental 229
7.5 Subfields and Field Extensions of Finite Fields 233
7.6 Galois Theory for Finite Fields 239

8 Applications of Rings 244

8.1 Random Number Generators 244

8.2 Error-Correcting Codes 256
8.3 Finite Upper Half Planes and Ramanujan Graphs 265
8.4 Eigenvalues, Random Walks on Graphs, and Google 272
8.5 Elliptic Curve Cryptography 282

References 299

Index 305

0.1 Benzene C 6H6 xiv

0.2 Photoshopped flower xiv
0.3 Hibiscus in Kauai xiv
0.4 Picture with symmetry coming from the action of 2 × 2 matrices with
nonzero determinant and elements in a finite field with 11 elements xv
1.1 Intersection and union of square A and heart B 7
1.2 Cartesian product [ 0, 1] × {2} 8
1.3 [ 0, 1] 8
1.4 Graph representing the hypercube [0, 1] 4 9
1.5 Integers on the line – only even ones are labelled 13
1.6 The first principle of mathematical induction. A penguin surveys an infinite
line of equally spaced dominos. If the n th domino is close enough to knock
over the (n + 1)th domino, then once the penguin knocks over the first
domino, they should all fall over 14
1.7 Here is an attempt to picture the second mathematical induction principle in
which we arrange dominos so that various numbers of dominos are needed to
knock over the dominos to their left. In this picture step 1 would be for the
penguin to knock over d1 and d2 17
1.8 A color is placed at the (m, n) entry of a 101 × 101 matrix according to the value
of gcd (m, n). This is an ArrayPlot in Mathematica 25
1.9 Rolling up the integers modulo 3 27
1.10 Mathematica picture of the x < y relation for the integers between 1 and 50 31
1.11 Mathematica picture of the y|x relation for the integers between 1 and 50 31
1.12 Mathematica picture of the x ≡ y (mod 5) relation for the integers between 1
and 50 32
1.13 Poset diagram of the positive divisors of 24 34
1.14 The pigeonhole principle 39
2.1 The symmetries of a regular triangle are pictured 44
2.2 Part of a design with translational symmetry which should be imagined to
stretch out to ∞ and -∞ 47
2.3 A figure with C8 symmetry – not D8 symmetry 48
2.4 Art from the Raja Ampat islands in the Indonesian part of New Guinea 48
2.5 Wallpaper from a Fourier series in two variables 50
2.6 Spherical wallpaper from spherical harmonics 51
2.7 Hyperbolic wallpaper from a modular form known as ∆ on the upper half
plane – a function with an invariance property under fractional
linear transformation (az + b)/(cz + d), where a, b, c , d ∈ Z and ad - bc = 1 51
x Abstract Algebra with Applications

2.8 Group Explorer version of the multiplication table for C6, a cyclic
group of order 6 52
2.9 Group Explorer version of the multiplication table for D3 (alias S3 )
with our upper case R and F replaced by lower case letters 52
2.10 Cayley graph of cyclic group G = ⟨a⟩ of order 6 with generating
set S = {a} 53
2.11 Cayley graph of D3 with generating set {R, F}. Our upper case letters are
replaced by lower case in the diagram. If there are arrows in both directions
on an edge, we omit the arrows 53
2.12 Undirected version of Cayley graph for C6 = ⟨a⟩ , generating set S = {a, a-1} 53
2.13 Cayley graph of C6 = ⟨ a⟩ , generating set S = {a, a3 , a5} 53
2.14 Group Explorer version of the multiplication table for the Klein 4-group 54
2.15 Symmetrical designs 54
2.16 The Platonic solids 57
2.17 Poset diagram for subgroups of D3 as defined in (2.8) 68
2.18 The Group Explorer version of the multiplication table for a cyclic group
of order 10 73
2.19 Cayley graph X (⟨ a⟩ , {a, a- 1}) for a cyclic group ⟨a⟩ of order 10 76
2.20 A less boring picture of a 10-cycle 76
2.21 Poset diagram of the subgroups of Z24 under addition 78
2.22 Cycle diagram in the multiplicative group Z*15 80
3.1 Tetrahedron 87
3.2 On the left is the Cayley graph for the Klein 4-group K4 = {e, h, v, hv},
with generating set S = {h , v} using the notation of Figure 2.14. On the
right is the Schreier graph for K4/H, where H = {e , h }, with the same
set S = {h, v} 97
3.3 Roll up Z to get Z/nZ 105
3.4 Roll up the real line to get a circle T ∼ = R/ Z 106
3.5 Cayley graph for Z2 ⊕ Z2 with the generating set {(1, 0), (0, 1)} and bears
at the vertices 109
3.6 Cayley graph for Z2 ⊕ Z2 ⊕ Z2 with the generating set {(1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0),
(0, 0, 1)} and koalas at the vertices 109
3.7 Cayley graph for Z2 ⊕ Z2 ⊕ Z2 ⊕ Z2 with the generating set {(1, 0, 0, 0),
(0, 1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 0, 1)} 110
3.8 A finite torus, which is the Cayley graph X(Z10 ⊕ Z 5, {(±1, 0), (0, ±1)}) 111
3.9 The continuous torus (obtained from the plane modulo its integer
points; i.e., R ⊕ R modulo Z ⊕ Z) 111
3.10 Cayley graph for the quaternion group with generating set {±i , ±j } 113
3.11 The 13 necklaces with six beads of two colors 121
3.12 The dodecahedron graph drawn by Mathematica 122
3.13 The cuboctahedron drawn by Mathematica 123
4.1 Vibrating system of two masses 142
4.2 Group Explorer’s multiplication table for the semi-direct product C3 o C4 149
4.3 Group Explorer draws the Cayley graph X(C3 o C4, {a, b}) 149
4.4 The Cayley graph X(Aff(5), S 1,2), with generating set defined by
equation (4.16), has edges given by solid green lines while the dashed
magenta lines are the edges of a dodecahedron 150
List of Figures xi

4.5 Butterfly from Cayley graph of Heis(Z/169Z) 151

4.6 A spanning tree for the tetrahedron graph is indicated in solid fuchsia lines.
Since the three dashed purple edges are left out, the fundamental group
of the tetrahedron graph is the free group on three generators. The arrows
show a closed path on the tetrahedron graph 153
4.7 The bouquet of three loops obtained by collapsing the tree in the
tetrahedron graph of Figure 4.6 to point a 153
4.8 A passion flower 154
5.1 The color at point (x, y) ∈ Z2163 indicates the value of x2 + y2 (mod√163) 157
5.2 Points (x, y), for x, y ∈ Z112 , y̸= 0, have the same color if z = x +(y δ are
a b
equivalent under the action of non-singular 2 × 2 matrices g=
c d
with entries in Z11 . The action of g on z is by fractional linear
transformation z → (az + b)/(cz + d) = gz. Here δ is a fixed non-square
in the field F121 with 121 elements 158
5.3 Poset diagram of the ideals in Z12 178
5.4 A feedback shift register diagram corresponding to the finite field
Z 2 [x]/⟨ x + x + 1⟩ and the multiplication table given in the text 186
6.1 The Cayley graph X(Z15 , {±1 (mod 15)}) 196
6.2 The Cayley graph X(Z15 , {5, 6, 9, 10 (mod 15)}) 196
7.1 The poset of subfields of F 224 234
8.1 The Cayley graph X(Z*17 , {3 (mod 17)}) 245
8.2 The same graph as in Figure 8.1 except that now the vertices are
given the usual ordering 1, 2, 3, 4, . . . , 16 245
8.3 Plot of points Pj = ( j , vj ) whose second component is the real number
499 times 7 (mod 499), identifying 7 (mod 499 ) as an integer
j j

between 1 and 498 248

8.4 Plot of points Pj = (vj , vj+ 1) whose first component is the real number
499 times 7 (mod 499), identifying 7 (mod 499 ) as an integer
j j

between 1 and 498 248

8.5 Plot of points Pj = (vj , vj+ 1, vj+2) whose first component is the real number
499 times 7 (mod 499), identifying 7 (mod 499 ) as an integer
j j

between 1 and 498 249

8.6 Plot of points Pj = (vj , wj ) whose first component is the real number
499 times 7 (mod 499), identifying 7 (mod 499 ) as an integer
j j

between 1 and 498 and whose second component is the analog with
499 replaced with 503 249
8.7 Points (vi , wi, z i ) from three vectors v, w, z formed from powers of
generators of F*p for p = 499, 503, and 521, respectively 250
8.8 Feedback shift register corresponding to example 2 252
8.9 Sending a message of 0s and 1s to Professor Bolukxy on the planet Xotl 257
8.10 The matrix H32 where the √
1s and -1s have become red and purple 263
8.11 Color at point√ z = x + y δ in H163 is found by computing the Poincaré
distance d(z, δ ) 268
8.12 The graph on the left is X3(-1, 1), an octahedron, and that on the right
is X5(2, 1) with the edges in green. The pink dashed lines on the right
are the dodecahedron 269
8.13 Another version of Figure 5.2 270
xii Abstract Algebra with Applications

8.14 A random walk on a pentagon. At time t = 0, the big penguin is at vertex 1.

At time t = 1 the penguin has probability 12 of being at vertex 2
and probability 12 of being at vertex 5. So the penguins at these
vertices are half size 275
8.15 Surfing a very small web 277
8.16 Real points (x, y ) on the elliptic curve y2 = x3 + x2 282
8.17 Real points (x, y ) on the elliptic curve y2 = x3 - x + 1 283
8.18 Real points (x, y ) on the elliptic curve y2 = x3 - x 283
8.19 Addition A + B = C on the elliptic curve y2 = x3 - x over R 286
8.20 The rational points on the curve y2 + y = x3 - x2 are a, b, c, d and
the point at ∞ 287
8.21 The pink squares indicate the points (x, y) on the elliptic
curve y2 = x3 - x + 1 mod 59. Points marked are:
A = ( 15, 36), B = (22, 40), C = (32, 46), with A + B = -C = ( 32, 13) 289
8.22 Level “curves” of y2 - x3 - x + 1 (mod 29) 296
8.23 Smoothed level “curves” of y2 - x3 - x + 1 (mod 29) 297
8.24 A photoshopped version of the level curves
of (y + 2x)4 + (x - 2y)4 (mod 101) 297

My goal for this book is to provide a friendly concise introduction to algebra with empha-
sis on its uses in the modern world – including a little history, concrete examples, and
visualization. Beyond explaining the basics of the theory of groups, rings, and fields, I aim
to give many answers to the question: What is it good for?” The standard undergraduate
mathematics course in the 1960s (when I was an undergraduate) proceeded from Definition
1.1.1 to Corollary 14.5.59 with little room for motivation, examples, history, and applica-
tions. I plan to stay as far as possible from that old format, modeling my discussion on
G. Strang’s book [115], where the preface begins: “I believe that the teaching of linear
algebra has become too abstract.” My feeling is that the teaching of modern algebra (the
non-linear part) has become even more abstract. I will attempt to follow Strang’s lead and
treat modern algebra in a way that will make sense to a large variety of students. On the
other hand, the goal is to deal with some abstractions – groups, rings, and such things. Yes,
it is abstraction and generalization that underlies the power of mathematics. Thus there will
be some conflict between the applied and pure aspects of our subject.
The book is intended for a year-long undergraduate course in algebra. The intended
audience is the less theoretically inclined undergraduates majoring in mathematics, the
physical and social sciences, or engineering – including those in applied mathematics or
those intending to get a teaching credential.
The prerequisites are minimal: comfort with the real numbers, the complex numbers,
matrices, vector spaces at the level of calculus courses – and a bit of courage when asked
to do a short proof.
In this age of computers, algebra may have replaced calculus (analysis) as the most
important part of mathematics. For example:

1. Error-correcting codes are built into the DVD player and the computer. Who do you call
to correct errors? The algebraist, that’s who!
2. Digital signal processing (such as that involved in medical scanners, weather prediction,
the search for oil) is dominated by the fast Fourier transform or FFT. What is this? The
FFT is a finite sum whose computation has been sped up considerably by an algebra
trick which goes back to Gauss in 1805. Once more algebra, not analysis, rules.
3. In chemistry and physics, one studies structures with symmetry such as the benzene
molecule (C6 H6) depicted in Figure 0.1. What does the 6-fold symmetry have to do with
the properties of benzene? Group theory is the tool one needs for this.
4. The search for secret codes – cryptography. Much of the modern world – particularly
that which lives on the internet – depends on these codes being secure. But are they?
We will consider public-key codes. And who do you call to figure out these codes? An
xiv Abstract Algebra with Applications

5. The quest for beauty in art and nature. I would argue that symmetry groups are necessary
tools for this quest. See Figures 0.2–0.4.

H H Figure 0.1 Benzene C6H 6




Figure 0.2 Photoshopped flower

Figure 0.3 Hibiscus in Kauai

Our goal here is to figure out enough group and ring theory to understand many of
these applications. And we should note that both algebra and analysis are necessary for
the applications. In fact, we shall see some limits, derivatives, and integrals before the last
pages of this book. You can skip all the applications if you just want to learn the basics
Preface xv

Figure 0.4 Picture with symmetry coming from the action of 2 × 2 matrices with nonzero

determinant and elements in a finite field with 11 elements

of modern algebra. The non-applied sections are all independent of those on applications.
However, you would be missing one of the big reasons that the subject is taught. And feel
free to skip any applied sections you want to skip – or to add any missing application that
you want to understand.
The first part of this book covers groups, after some preliminaries on sets, functions, rela-
tions, the integers, and mathematical induction. Of course every calculus student is familiar
with the group of real numbers under addition and similarly with the group of nonzero real
numbers under multiplication. We will consider many more examples – favorites being
finite groups such as the group of symmetries of an equilateral triangle.
Much of our subject began with those favorite questions from high school algebra such
as finding solutions to polynomial equations. It took methods of group theory to know
when the solutions could not be found in terms only of nth roots. Galois, who died at age
21 in a duel in 1832, laid the foundations to answer such questions by looking at groups of
permutations of the roots of a polynomial. These are now called Galois groups. See Edna E.
Kramer [59, Chapter 16] or Ian Stewart [114] for some of the story of Galois and the history
of algebra. Another reference for stories about Galois and the many people involved in the
creation of this subject is Men of Mathematics by Eric Temple Bell [8]. This book is often
criticized for lack of accuracy, but it is more exciting than most. I found it inspirational as
an undergraduate – despite the title.
Another area that leads to our subject is number theory: the study of the ring of integers

0 1 2 3
Z = { , ± , ± , ± , . . .} .

The origins of this subject go back farther than Euclid’s Elements. Euclid lived in Alexandria
around 300 BC and his book covers more than the plane geometry we learned in high school.
Much of the basic theory of the integers which we cover in Chapter 1 is to be found in
Euclid’s Elements. Why is it that the non-plane geometry part of Euclid’s Elements does not
seem to be taught in high school?
xvi Abstract Algebra with Applications

Polynomial equations with integer coefficients are often called Diophantine equations in
honor of Diophantus who also lived in Alexandria, but much later (around AD 200). Yes,
algebra is an old subject and one studied in many different countries. For example, the
name “algebra” comes the word al-jabr, one of the two operations used to solve quadratic
equations by the Persian mathematician and astronomer Mohamed ibn Musa al-Khwārizmı̄,
who lived around AD 800.
A large part of this subject was created during many attempts to prove Fermat’s last
theorem. This was a conjecture of Pierre de Fermat in 1637 stating that the equation
x + y = z can have no integer solutions x, y, z with xyz̸= 0 and n > 2. Fermat claimed to
n n n

have a proof that did not fit in the margin of the book in which he wrote this conjecture.
People attempted to prove this theorem without success until A. Wiles with the help of
R. Taylor in 1995. People still seek an ”elementary” proof.
Groups are sets with one operation satisfying the axioms to be listed in Section 2.1.
After the basic definitions, we consider examples of small groups. We will visualize groups
using Cayley graphs and various other diagrams such as Hasse or poset diagrams as well
as cycle diagrams. Other topics of study include subgroups, cyclic groups, permutation
groups, functions between groups preserving the group operations (homomorphisms), cosets
of subgroups, building new groups whose elements are cosets of normal subgroups, direct
products of groups, actions of groups on sets. We will consider such applications as public-
key cryptography, the finite Fourier transform, and the chemistry of benzene. Favorite
examples of groups include cyclic groups, permutation groups, symmetry groups of the
regular polygons, matrix groups such as the Heisenberg group of 3 × 3 upper triangu-
lar matrices with real entries and 1 on the diagonal, the group operation being matrix
The second part of this book covers rings and fields. Rings have two operations satisfying
the axioms listed in Section 5.2. We denote the two operations as addition + and multipli-
cation * or · . The identity for addition is denoted 0. It is NOT assumed that multiplication
is commutative: that is, it is not assumed that ab = ba. If multiplication is commutative,
then the ring is called commutative. A field F is a commutative ring with an identity
for multiplication (called 1̸= 0) such that the nonzero elements of F form a multiplicative
group. Most of the rings considered here will be commutative. We will be particularly inter-
ested in finite fields like the field of integers modulo p, Z/pZ where p is prime. You must
already be friends with the field Q of rational numbers – fractions with integer numer-
ator and nonzero integer denominator. And you know the field R of real numbers from
calculus: that is, limits of Cauchy sequences of rationals. We are not supposed to say the
word “limit” as this is algebra. So we will not talk about constructing the field of real
numbers R. Ring theory topics include: definitions and basic properties of rings, fields,
ideals, and functions between rings which preserve the ring operations (ring homomor-
phisms). We will also build new rings (quotient rings) whose elements are cosets x + I of
an ideal I in ring R, for x in ring R. Note that here R is an arbitrary ring, not necessarily
the field of real numbers. We will look at rings of polynomials and their similarity to the
ring of integers. We can do linear algebra for finite-dimensional vector spaces over arbi-
trary fields in a similar way to the linear algebra that is included in calculus sequences.
Our favorite rings are the ring Z of integers and the quotient ring Z/n Z of integers mod-
ulo n, in which x, is identified with all integers of the form x + nk, for integer k. Another
favorite is the ring of Hamilton quaternions which is isomorphic to four-dimensional space
over the real numbers with basis 1, i , j, k and with multiplication defined by ij = k = -ji,
2 2 2
i = j = k = -1.
Preface xvii

Historically, much of our subject came out of number theory and the desire to prove
Fermat’s last theorem by knowing about factorization into irreducibles in rings like
[√ ] { √ }
Z m = a + b m | a, b ∈ Z , where m is a non-square integer. For example, it turns

out that, when m = -5, we have two different factorizations:

( √ ) ( √ )
2 ·3= 1+ -5 · 1 - -5 .

So the[ fundamental
theorem of arithmetic – true for Z as is shown in Section 1.5 – is false

for Z -5 .
Assuming that such factorizations were unique, Lamé thought that he had proved
Fermat’s last theorem in 1847. Dedekind fixed up arithmetic in such rings by develop-
ing the arithmetic of ideals, which are certain sets of elements of the ring to be considered
in Section 5.4. One then had (at least in rings of integers in algebraic number fields) unique
factorization of ideals as products of prime ideals, up to order. Of course, Lamé’s proof of
Fermat’s last theorem was still invalid (lame – sorry for that).
The favorite field of the average human mathematics student is the field of real numbers
R. A favorite finite field for a computer is Fp = Z/ pZ, where p = prime. Of course you can

define Z/nZ, for any positive integer n, but you only get a ring and not a field if n is not
a prime. We consider Z/nZ as a group under addition in Section 1.6. In Chapter 5 we view
it as a ring with two operations, addition and multiplication.
Finite rings and fields were really invented by Gauss (1801) and earlier Euler (1750).
Galois and Abel worked on field theory to figure out whether nth degree polynomial equa-

tions are solvable with equations involving only radicals a. In fact, finite fields are often

called “Galois fields.”

The terminology of algebra was standardized by mathematicians such as Richard
Dedekind and David Hilbert in the late 1800s. Much of abstract ring theory was devel-
oped in the 1920s by Emmy Noether. Discrimination against both women and Jews made
it hard for her to publish. The work became well known thanks to B. L. Van der Waerden’s
two volumes [124] on modern algebra. Van der Waerden wrote these books after study-
ing with Emmy Noether in 1924 in Göttingen. He had also heard lectures of Emil Artin in
Hamburg earlier. See Edna E. Kramer [59] for more information on Noether and the other
mathematicians who developed the view of algebra we are aiming to present.
The abstract theory of algebras (which are special sorts of rings) was applied to group
representations by Emmy Noether in 1929. This has had a big impact on the way peo-
ple do harmonic analysis, number theory, and physics. In particular, certain adelic group
representations are central to the Wiles proof of Fermat’s last theorem.
It would perhaps shock many pure mathematics students to learn how much algebra is
part of the modern world of applied mathematics – both for good and ill. Google’s motto:
“Don’t be evil,” has not always been the motto of those using algebra. Of course, the Google
search engine itself is a triumph of modern linear algebra, as we shall see.
We will consider many applications of rings in Chapter 8. Section 8.1 concerns random
number generators from finite rings and fields. These are used in simulations of natural
phenomena. In prehistoric times like the 1950s sequences of random numbers came from
tables like that published by the Rand corporation. Random numbers are intrinsic to Monte
Carlo methods. These methods were named for a casino in Monaco by J. von Neumann
and S. Ulam in the 1940s while working on the atomic bomb. Monte Carlo methods are
useful in computational physics and chemistry (e.g., modeling the behavior of galaxies,
weather on earth), engineering (e.g., simulating the impact of pollution), biology (simulating
xviii Abstract Algebra with Applications

the behavior of biological systems such as a cancer), statistics (hypothesis testing), game
design, finance (e.g., to value options, analyze derivatives – the very thing that led to the
horrible recession/depression of 2008), numerical mathematics (e.g., numerical integration,
stochastic optimization), and the gerrymandering of voting districts.
In Section 8.2 we will show how the finite field with two elements and vector spaces
over this field lead to error-correcting codes. These codes are used in DVDs and in the
transmission of information between a Mars spacecraft and NASA on the earth. Section 8.3
concerns (among other things) the construction of Ramanujan graphs which can provide
efficient communication networks.
Section 8.4 gives applications of the eigenvalues of matrices to Googling. Section 8.5
gives applications of elliptic curves over finite fields to cryptography.
The rush to abstraction of twentieth-century mathematics has had some odd conse-
quences. One of the results of the abstract ring theory approach was to create such an
abstract version of Fourier analysis that few can figure out what is going on. A similar
thing has happened in number theory. On the other hand, modern algebra has often made
it easier to see the forest for the trees by simplifying computations, removing subsubscripts,
doing calculations once in the general case rather than many times, once for each example.
The height of abstraction was achieved in the algebra books of Nicolas Bourbaki (really
a group of French mathematicians). I am using the Bourbaki notation for the fields of real
numbers, complex numbers, rational numbers, and the ring of integers. But Bourbaki seems
to have disliked pictures as well as applications. I do not remember seeing enough examples
or history when I attempted to read Bourbaki’s Algebra as an undergrad. In an interview, one
of the members of Bourbaki, Pierre Cartier (see Marjorie Senechal [102]) said: “The Bourbaki
were Puritans, and Puritans are strongly opposed to pictorial representations of truths of
their faith.” More information on Bourbaki as well as other fashions in mathematics can be
found in Edna E. Kramer’s history book [59]. She also includes a brief history of women in
mathematics as well as the artificial separation between pure and applied mathematics.
As I said in my statement of goals, I will attempt to be as non-abstract as possible in this
book and will seek to draw pictures in a subject where few pictures ever appear. I promise
to give examples of every concept, but hope not to bury the reader in examples either, since
I do aim for brevity. As I am a number theorist interested in matrix groups, there will be
lots of numbers and matrices. Each chapter will have many exercises. It is important to do
them – or as many of them as you can. Some exercises will be needed later in the book. The
answers (mostly sketchy outlines) to odd-numbered exercises will be online hopefully. See
my website. There may also be hints on others. No proof is intended to be very long. The
computational problems might be slightly longer and sometimes impossible without the
help of a computer. I will be using Mathematica, Scientific Workplace, and Group Explorer
to help with computations.

Suggestions for Further Reading

A short list of possible references is: Garrett Birkhoff and Saunders Maclane [9], Larry L.
Dornhoff and Franz E. Hohn [25], David S. Dummit and Richard M. Foote [28], Gertrude
Ehrlich [29], John B. Fraleigh [32], Joseph A. Gallian [33], William J. Gilbert and W. Keith
Nicholson [35], Israel N. Herstein [42], Audrey Terras [116]. There is also a free program:
Group Explorer, which you can download and use to explore small groups. Another free but
harder to use program is SAGE. I will be using Mathematica and Scientific Workplace. The
Raspberry Pi computer ($35) comes with Mathematica (and not much else). There are many
Preface xix

books on line as well. One example is Judson [50]. It includes computer exercises using
SAGE. An on line group theory book making use of the Group Explorer program is that of
Carter [12]. Wikipedia is often very useful – or just asking Google to answer a question. It
is easier to be a student now than it was in my time – thanks to the multitude of resources
to answer questions. On the other hand, it was nice just to have the one small book – in
my case, Birkhoff and Maclane [9] – to deal with. And – perhaps needless to say – online
sources can lie. Even the computer can lie – witness the arithmetic error in the Pentium
chip that was revealed by number theorists’ computations in the 1990s. But I have found
that Wikipedia is usually very useful in its discussions of undergraduate mathematics, as is
the mathematical software I have used.
It is often enlightening to look at more than one reference. Where something is mumbled
about in one place, that same thing may be extremely clearly explained in another. Also
feel free to read a book in a non-linear manner. If you are interested in a particular result
or application, start there.


I should thank the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley, for support during
the writing of some of this book, as well as the students in my applied algebra courses at
the University of California, San Diego.
Part I


1.1 Introduction

Notation. From now on, we will often use the abbreviations:

=⇒ implies
⇐= is implied by
iff (or ⇐⇒) if and only if
∀ for every
∃ there exists
Z, Q, R, C the integers, rationals, reals, complex numbers, respectively

We will not review the basics of proofs here. Hopefully you have figured out the basics,
either from a high school plane geometry class or a college class introducing the subject
of mathematical proof. See K. H. Rosen [93] for an introduction to proof. We will discuss
proof by mathematical induction soon. There is an interesting book [60] by Steven Krantz
on the subject of proof. Edna E. Kramer’s history book [59] gives more perspective on the
subject of proof. Another place to find a discussion of mathematical proof is Wikipedia. A
cautionary tale concerns K. Gödel’s incompleteness theorems from 1931, the first of which
says that for any consistent formal system for the positive integers Z+ , there is a statement
about Z+ that is unprovable within this system.
There are those who argue against proofs. I have heard this at conferences with physicists.
Nature will tell us the truth of a statement they argue. Ramanujan felt the goddess would
inspire him to write true formulas. However, I have no such help myself and really need
to see a proof to know what is true and what is false. This makes me very bad at real life,
where there is rarely a proof of any statement. Thus I have grown to be happier writing an
algebra book than a book on politics.
If you need more convincing about the need for proofs, look at the following two exer-
cises, once you know what a prime is — an integer p > 1 such that p = ab, with positive
integers a, b implies either a or b = 1. These exercises are silly if you can use your computer
and Mathematica or some other similar program.

Exercise 1.1.1
Show that x - x + 41 is prime for all integers x such that 0 ≤ x ≤ 40, but is
not a prime when x = 41. Feel free to use a computer.

Number theory has multitudes of statements like that in Exercise 1.1.1 that have been
checked for a huge number of cases, but yet fail to be true in all cases. Of course, now
4 Part I Groups

computers can do much more than the puny 41 cases in the preceding exercise. For exam-
ple, Mersenne primes are primes of the form Mp = 2p - 1, where p is a prime. Mersenne
compiled a list of Mersenne primes in the 1600s, but there were some mistakes after p = 31.
Much computer time has been devoted to the search for these primes. Always bigger ones
are found. In January, 2017 the biggest known prime was found to be M77 232 917 . It is
conjectured that there are infinitely many Mersenne primes, but the proof has eluded
mathematicians. See Wikipedia or Shanks [103] for more information on this subject and
other unsolved problems in number theory. Wikipedia notes that these large primes have
a cult following – moreover they have applications to random number generators and
In the 1800s – before any computers existed – there was a conjecture by E. C. Catalan
that MM is prime, assuming that Mp is a Mersenne prime. Years passed before Catalan’s

conjecture was shown to be false. In 1953 the ILLIAC computer (after 100 hours of com-
puting) showed that MM is not prime when p = 11. MM is prime for p = 2, 3, 5, 7. It was
p p

subsequently found that the conjecture is false for p = 17, 19, 31 as well. The next case is
too large to test at the moment. Wikipedia conjectures that the four known MM that are p

prime are the only ones. Anyway, hopefully, you get the point that you can find a large
number of cases of some proposition that are true without the general proposition being
valid. Stark gives many more examples in the introduction to [110].

Exercise 1.1.2 (Mersenne Primes). Show that 2p - 1 is prime for p = 2, 3, 5, 7, 13, but not

for p = 11.

Hint. The Mathematica command below will do the problem for the first 10 primes.


We assume that you can write down the converse of the statement “proposition A implies
proposition B .” Yes, it is “proposition B implies proposition A.” Recall that A =⇒ B is not
equivalent to B =⇒ A. However A =⇒ B is equivalent to its contrapositive: (not B) =⇒
(not A).
We will sometimes use proof by contradiction. There are those who would object. In proof
by contradiction of A =⇒ B we assume A and (not B) and deduce a contradiction of the
form R and (not R). Those who would object to this and to any sort of “non-constructive”
proof have a point, and so we will try to give constructive proofs when possible. See Krantz
[60] for a bit of the history of constructive proofs in mathematics.
It is also possible that you can prove something that may at first be unbelievable. See the
exercise below, which really belongs to an analysis course covering the geometric series –
the formula for which follows from Exercise 1.4.7 below. If you accept the axioms of the
system of real numbers, then you have to believe the formula.

Exercise 1.1.3 Show that 0.999 999 . . . = 1.

Hint. See Exercise 1.4.7. The … conceals an infinite series.

A controversial method of proof is proof by computer. First you have to believe that
the computer has been programmed correctly. This has not always been the case; e.g., the
problem with the Pentium chip. Here I will choose to believe what my computer tells me
Preliminaries 5

when I use Mathematica to say whether an integer is a prime, or when used to compute
eigenvalues of matrices, or graphs of functions, or to multiply elements of finite fields. There
are more elaborate computer proofs that are hard to verify without even faster computers
than the cheap laptop (vintage 2011) that I am using – for example, the proof of the four
color problem in the 1970s or the recent proof of the Kepler conjecture on the densest
packing of spheres in 3-space. See Krantz [60] for more information.
We are also going to assume that you view the following types of numbers as old friends:

the integers 0 1 2 3
Z = { , ± , ± , ± , . . .}
{ }
the rationals Q=
± m, n ∈ Z, n̸= 0 ,

the reals R= { all decimals},

the complex numbers C = {x + iy | x, y ∈ R}, for i = -1.

We will list the axioms for Z in Chapter 1 and will construct Q from Z in Chapter 6. Of
course, the construction of Q from Z just involves the algebra of fractions and could be
done in Chapter 1 – minus the verbiage about fields and integral domains. We should define
the real numbers as limits of Cauchy sequences of rationals rather then to say real numbers
are represented by all possible decimals, but that would be calculus and we won’t go there.
Such a construction can be found for example in the book by Leon Cohen and Gertrude
Ehrlich [17]. A serious student should really prove that Z, Q, R, and C exist by constructing
them from scratch, sort of like a serious chef makes a pie, but we will not do that here.
In contemplating the lower rows of our table of number systems, philosophers have
found their hair standing on end. Around

500 BC the Pythagoreans were horribly √
to find that irrational numbers like 2 existed. You will be asked to prove that 2 ∈ / Q in
Section 1.6. What was the problem for the Pythagoreans? You can read about it in Shanks
[103, Chapter III]. What would they have thought about transcendental numbers like π?

Later the complex numbers were so controversial that people called numbers like i = -1
“imaginary.” Non-Euclidean geometry was so upsetting that Gauss did not publish his work
on the subject.

Warning. This course is like a language course. It is extremely important to memorize the

vocabulary – the definitions. If you neglect to do this, after a week or so, the lectures – or
the reading – will become meaningless. One confusing aspect of the vocabulary is the use of
everyday words in a very different but precise way. Then one needs the axioms, the rules of
constructing proofs. Those are our rules of grammar for the mathematical language. These
too must be memorized. We should perhaps add that it is folly to argue with the definitions
or axioms – unless you have found the equivalent of non-Euclidean geometry. To some our
subject appears arcane. But they should remember that it is just a language – there is no
mystery once you know the vocabulary and grammar rules.
Practice doing proofs. This means practice speaking or writing the language. One can
begin by imitating the proofs in the text or other texts or those given by your professor. It
is important to practice writing proofs daily. In particular, one must do as many exercises
as possible. If your calculus class did not include proofs, this may be something of a shock.
Mathematics seemed to be just calculations in those sad proof-less classes. And we will
have a few calculations too. But the main goal is to be able to derive “everything” from
a few basic definitions and axioms – thus to understand the subject. One can do this for
calculus too. That is advanced calculus. If you do not practice conversations in a language,
you are extremely unlikely to become fluent. The same goes with mathematics.
6 Part I Groups

You should also be warned that sometimes when reading a proof you may doubt a state-
ment and then be tempted to stop reading. Sadly, often the next sentence explains why that
unbelievable statement is true. So always keep reading. This happens to “real” mathemati-
cians all the time so do not feel bad. I have heard a story about a thesis advisor who told
a student he did not understand the proof of a lemma in the student’s thesis. The student
almost had a heart attack worrying about that important lemma. But it turned out that the
advisor had not turned the page to find the rest of the proof.
Our second goal is to apply the algebra we derive so carefully. We will not be able to
go too deeply into any one application, but hopefully we will give the reader a taste of
each one.

1.2 Sets

We first review a bit of set theory. Georg Cantor (1845–1918) developed the theory of infinite
sets. It was controversial. There are paradoxes for those who throw caution to the winds
and consider sets whose elements are sets. For example, consider Russell’s paradox . It was
stated by B. Russell (1872–1970). We use the notation: x ∈ S to mean that x is an element
of the set S; x ∈
/ S means x is not an element of the set S. The notation { x|x has property P}
is read as the set of x such that x has property P. Consider the set X defined by

X ={ sets S | S∈
/ S}.

Then X ∈ X implies X ∈ / X and X ∈ / X implies X ∈ X. This is a paradox. The set X can neither
be a member of itself nor not a member of itself. There are similar paradoxes that sound
less abstract. Consider the barber who must shave every man in town who does not shave
himself. Does the barber shave himself? A mystery was written inspired by the paradox: The
Library Paradox by Catharine Shaw. There is also a comic book about Russell, Logicomix
by A. Doxiadis and C. Papadimitriou (see [26]). A nice reference for set theory illustrated
by pictures and stories is the book by Vilenkin [122].
We will hopefully avoid paradoxes by restricting consideration to sets of numbers, vec-
tors, and functions. This would not be enough for “constructionists” such as Errett Bishop
who was on the faculty at the University of California San Diego. until his premature death.
I am still haunted by his probing questions of colloquium speakers. Anyway, for applied
mathematics, one can hope that paradoxical sets and barbers do not appear. Thus we will
be using proof by contradiction, as we have already promised.
Most books on calculus do a little set theory. We assume you are familiar with the notation
which we are about to review. We will draw pictures in the plane. We write A ⊂ B (or B ⊃ A)
if A is a subset of B: that is, x ∈ A implies x ∈ B . We might also say B contains A. If A ⊂ B,
the complement of A in B is B - A = {x ∈ B |x ∈ / A }. 1 The empty set is denoted ∅ . It has no
elements. The intersection of sets A and B is

A ∩ B = {x | x ∈ A and x ∈ B}.

The union of sets A and B is

A ∪ B = {x | x ∈ A or x ∈ B }.

We will not use the other common notation B/A for set complement since it conflicts with our later
notation for quotient groups.
Preliminaries 7

Here – as is usual in mathematics – “or” means either or both. See Figure 1.1. Sets A and
B are said to be disjoint iff A ∩ B = ∅.

A Figure 1.1 Intersection and union of square A and

heart B

Intersection of A and B
is pink

Union of A and B
is purple

The easiest way to do the following exercises on the equality of various sets is to show
first that the set on the left is contained in the set on the right and second that the set on
the right is contained in the set on the left.

Exercise 1.2.1

(a) Prove that

A - (B ∪ C) = (A - B) ∩ (A - C).

(b) Prove that

A - (B ∩ C) = (A - B) ∪ (A - C).

Exercise 1.2.2 Prove that A ∪ (B ∪ C) = ( A ∪ B) ∪ C. Then prove the analogous equation

with ∪ replaced by ∩.

Exercise 1.2.3 Prove that A ∩ (B ∪ C) = (A ∩ B) ∪ (A ∩ C).

Definition 1.2.1 If A and B are sets, the Cartesian product of A and B is the set of

ordered pairs (a , b) with a ∈ A and b ∈ B: that is,

A × B = {(a, b) | a ∈ A, b ∈ B }.

It is understood that we have equality of two ordered pairs (a , b ) = (c , d) iff a=c and
b = d.
8 Part I Groups

Example 1. Suppose A and B are both equal to the set of all real numbers; A = B = R. Then
A × B =R × R= R
2 . That is, the Cartesian product of the real line with itself is the set of

points in the plane. ▲

Example 2.Suppose C is the interval [0, 1] and D is the set consisting of the point {2}.
Then C × D is the line segment of length 1 at height 2 in the plane. See Figure 1.2
below. ▲

Figure 1.2 Cartesian product [0, 1 ] × {2}

C ×D

1 2

Of course you can also define the Cartesian product of any number of sets – even an
infinite number of sets. We mostly restrict ourselves to a finite number of sets here. Given
n sets Si , i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n }, define the Cartesian product S1 × S 2 × · · · × Sn to be the set of

ordered n-tuples (s1, s2, . . . , sn ) with si ∈ S i , for all i = 1, 2, . . . , n.

Example 3. [ 0, 1] × [0, 1] × [0, 1] = [ 0, 1] 3 is the unit cube in 3-space. See Figure 1.3. ▲

Figure 1.3 [0, 1]

Example 4. [ 0, 1] × [0, 1] × [0, 1] × [ 0, 1] = [0, 1]
is the four-dimensional cube or tesseract.
Draw it by “pulling out” the three-dimensional cube. See T. Banchoff [6]. Figure 1.4 below
shows the edges and vertices of the four-dimensional cube or tesseract (actually more of
Preliminaries 9

a 4-rectangular solid) as drawn by Mathematica. Of course both Figures 1.3 and 1.4 are
really projections of the cube and hypercube onto the plane. ▲

Figure 1.4 Graph representing the hypercube

[0, 1 ]

Exercise 1.2.4 Show that A × (B ∩ C) = (A × B) ∩ (A × C). Does the same equality hold
when you replace ∩ with ∪?

Exercise 1.2.5 State whether the following set-theoretic equalities are true or false and give

reasons for your answers.

(a) { ,2 5, 7} = {5, 2, 7}.

(b) {( ,2 1), (2, 3)} = {(1, 2), (3, 2)}.
(c) ∅ = {0} .

Exercise 1.2.6 Prove the following set-theoretic identities:

(a) (A - C) ∩ (B - C) = (A ∩ B) - C;

(b) A × (B - C) = ( A × B) - (A × C).

1.3 The Integers


{1, 2, 3, 4, . . .} the positive integers


Z {0, ±1, ±2, ±3, . . .} the integers

We assume that you have been familiar with the basic facts about the integers since child-
hood. Despite that familiarity, we must list the 10 basic axioms for Z in order to be able
to prove anything about Z. By an axiom, we mean a basic unproved assumption. We must
deduce everything we say about Z from our 10 axioms – forgetting what we know from
elementary school. In Section 5.3 we will find that much of what we do here – especially in
the pure algebra part (R1 to R6) – works for any integral domain and not just Z . Sometimes
or Z+ ∪ { 0} is referred to as the “natural numbers.” This seems somewhat prejudicial
to the other types of numbers one may use and so we will try to avoid that terminology.
10 Part I Groups

Algebra Axioms for Z

For every n, m ∈ Z there is a unique integer m + n and a unique integer n · m such that
the following laws are valid for all m, n, k ∈ Z. This says the set of integers is closed under
addition and multiplication.

R1 Commutative laws: m + n = n + m and m · n = n · m.

R2 Associative laws: k + (m + n) = ( k + m) + n and k · (m · n) = (k · m) · n.
R3 Identities: There are two special elements of Z, namely

0 (identity for addition) and 1 (identity for multiplication) in Z

such that 0 + n = n, 1 · n = n , for all n ∈ Z, and 0̸= 1.
R4 Inverse for addition: For every m ∈ Z there exists an element
x ∈ Z such that m + x = 0. Write x = -m, once you know x is unique.

R5 Distributive law: k · (m + n) = k · m + k · n.

R6 No zero divisors: m · n = 0 implies either m or n is 0.

We sometimes write n · m = n * m = nm. Thanks to the associative laws, we can leave out
parentheses in sums like k + m + n or in products like kmn. Of course we still need those
parentheses in the distributive law.
As a result of axioms R1–R5, we say that Z is a “commutative ring with identity for
multiplication.” As a result of the additional axiom R6 we say that Z is an “integral domain.”
Rings will be the topic for the last half of this book – starting with Chapter 5.

Exercise 1.3.1

(a) Show that the identities 0 and 1 in R3 are unique.

(b) Show that the inverse x of the element m in R4 is unique once m is fixed.

Exercise 1.3.2 Show that a · 0 = 0 for any a ∈ Z.

Exercise 1.3.3 In axiom R4, we can write 1 + u=0 1

and then define u = - . Show that

then, for any m ∈ Z, if x is the integer such that m + x = 0, 1

we have x = (- ) · m. Thus

x = -m = (- ) · m. Prove that -(-m) = m.

Exercise 1.3.4 (Cancellation Laws) . Show that if a, b , c ∈ Z, then we have the following laws.

(a) If a + b = a + c, then b = c.

(b) If a̸= 0 and ab = ac, then b = c.

Exercise 1.3.5 Prove the other distributive law: (m + n) · k = m · k + n · k.

Exercise 1.3.6 Prove that for any a, b ∈ Z we can solve the equation a + x = b for x ∈ Z.

Additional axioms for Z involve the ordering < of Z which behaves well with respect
to addition and multiplication. The properties of inequalities can be derived from three
simple axioms for the set P = Z+ of positive integers.
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:

As The Corning Egg Farm was located within a few miles of New
York City the breeds which laid the white shelled egg were the only
ones worthy of consideration, and, in the study of the question, it
was found there was another important matter confronting the egg
farmer, as to the breed which he should keep, whether a setter, or a
non-setter. On an egg farm, where hundreds of layers are to be kept,
if any of the Asiatics, or so called American Breeds, were kept, they
would be a source of considerable added expense, first, in the way
of loss of eggs during their numerous broody periods; second, in the
necessary buildings in which to carry the “broody biddies” until they
have become sensible, and are in a proper frame of mind to be
returned to the Laying House. This might look on its face a small
affair, but success to The Corning Egg Farm has come through
watching every corner, and while sparing no needed expenditure,
avoiding unnecessary and foolish outlay.
So, to the man who would really meet with a large success, all the
breeds which lay the dark shelled egg, because of their setting
propensity, must be eliminated.
All the members of the Mediterranean family are layers of the
white shelled egg, and are what is termed “non-setting.”

S. C. White Leghorns Outclass All

Before deciding we looked the different members of this family
over with considerable care, and we found that the Single Comb
White Leghorn is the fowl that out-classes all the others for the
purpose of an egg farm. It is a bird, where properly bred, of great
hardiness and stamina. It readily adapts itself to all conditions of
climate, and, where the right “strain” is procured, it is never a
disappointer as to the number, size, and the class of eggs which it
produces. We, therefore, decided to adopt the Single Comb White
Leghorn, and we have outlined, in a previous chapter, how we went
to work to build up the unequaled Corning Strain, by the most careful
selection, and scientific mating.
Prof. Gowell, at the Maine Agricultural Station, carried on his
breeding with Barred Plymouth Rocks, and it is interesting to note
that his average for some eight years, taking his star performers,
was 134.27 eggs per hen for twelve months, while at The Corning
Egg Farm the flocks of fifteen hundred pullets averaged per hen, for
ten months laying, 143.25 eggs in 1909, and 145.11 eggs in 1910.
Here was a difference of two months in time, and yet the large
flocks, taken as a whole, not weeding out a few star performers,
surpassed the twelve months’ record of the Barred Plymouth Rocks
at the Maine Station by almost nine eggs in 1909, and ten eggs in
1910. This significant fact made considerable impression on a
number of breeders in the neighborhood of Boston, with the result
that, in the last two years, The Corning Egg Farm has supplied a
large number of hatching eggs and considerable breeding stock for
farms in New England.
As one gentleman from Boston pointed out, even with the
difference in price between the brown and the white egg, he found
that he could not really afford to continue with the breeds laying the
brown egg, for the Leghorn, in numbers, more than made up for the
slight difference in price between the two colors, in the Boston
Market. And, as he still further pointed out, it took less food to supply
the Leghorn than it did any of the larger breeds, and this, of course,
was another source of economy.
It should be remembered that the “Strain” of any breed is most
important. One may purchase White Leghorns where the inbreeding
has been so great that they are not capable of laying eggs in large
numbers, and the percentage of fertility from the hatching standpoint
in such birds will be a most uncertain quantity. Such chicks as may
be hatched will be far from strong, and the mortality will run into
figures which will dishearten anyone.

Line Breeding—Not Inbreeding

In the building up of a great strain of birds it is necessary to “line
breed,” for, if the old theory of introducing new blood to prevent
inbreeding, and the method of introducing the new blood, was, as is
done in so many places even to-day, by introducing males from other
sources, the entire system falls down. Nothing is accomplished and
time is worse than wasted. The possibility of handing down the
virtues of mother to daughter, and of father to son, is eliminated. If all
the qualities of a given “Strain” are to be handed down line breeding
must be adhered to in the strictest sense. Inbreeding, however, must
be avoided, or disaster will follow.

How Corning Farm Produces Unrelated Cockerels

The Method of The Corning Egg Farm is as follows: a pen of
carefully selected yearling hens is set aside in what is known as “the
pen for the production of unrelated cockerels.” A most carefully
selected cockerel to every twelve hens is placed in the pen.
Incubators are run with eggs from this pen only, and the resulting
chicks are marked before being placed in the Brooder House. The
cockerels which appear with this marking are grown to maturity,
those coming up to our standard being selected to head the breeding
pens for the following season. The marked pullets are placed in the
Laying Houses with the other pullets, but are never selected for
yearling breeders on our own Farm. In pens sold to others we
always furnish unrelated cockerels.
Having hatched a sufficient number of chicks to produce about
four hundred cockerels, no further eggs are set from this pen, and, at
the end of the season, all the birds comprising this pen are sold.
This Method of line breeding hands down the laying quality which
has been so developed, and which is being increased from season
to season in an unbroken line, but inbreeding is absolutely avoided,
and the vigor of the stock is maintained.
Perhaps, in closing the chapter, nothing could be more apt than a
letter received from a Breeder of Crystal White Orpingtons, in the
neighborhood of one of the large Western Cities. The letter-head, in
large type, states, “Breeder of Crystal White Orpingtons, the Great
Winter Layer.” The contents of the letter is as follows:
“As I am now planning to go into the Egg business, and desire to
follow your method as closely as possible, and, while in this locality
there is not such a marked preference for the white egg over the
brown, still the White Leghorn, of a good strain, doubtless outlays
any other breed known, and the shape of its egg is such that it is
superior for table use, to any laid by the dark shelled family. It,
therefore, is my purpose, as rapidly as possible to work into a large
flock of Leghorns, with Corning stock as a basis.”
It will be noted that the gentleman is a breeder of Crystal White
Orpingtons, and prints in large type on his letter-head, “The Great
Winter Layer,” but that when it comes down to “brass tacks,” from the
standpoint of the hen which will produce an egg for table use, and
the hen that will give you the requisite number to make the dollars,
the Breeder of the Crystal White Orpingtons wants to put in the
Corning Strain of Single Comb White Leghorns.
Advantages of the Large Flock System—Reduces
Cost of Housing and Economizes in Time and
For many years the floor space per hen has been an interesting
study to anyone reading poultry literature, either in books or in
magazine articles.
Some fifteen years ago it was generally considered for a hen to do
at all well she must have at least twenty square feet of floor space.
Later, the number of feet was divided by half, and for some time ten
square feet was considered to be the very least a hen could possibly
do with. Then we come to the four square feet period, and this
created a great deal of controversy. Many writers declared that it was
impossible for any hen, no matter how housed, to do well in such a
restricted space. At times, some visionary writer pictured a flock in
one house, of what was then considered an enormous size. One
Professor of poultry went so far as to state that he had successfully
kept some three hundred hens in one flock, and had obtained most
satisfactory results. This statement, however, was denied by others,
and the Professor wrote an article in which he set forth that, while he
had done this, he would never think of suggesting that the average
poultry-keeper attempt it. In his statement there were some truths
that it is well to remember, namely, that the average poultry-keeper
would not give the flock the care and supervision necessary to keep
it in health. In other words, the poultry-keeper would not attend to the
necessary cleanliness, and disease would break out, and, in the
average poultry house, under such conditions, this would mean the
total annihilation of the flock.

Draughts the Stumbling Block

As economy of space and labor is one of the main factors in
getting a commercial profit where poultry is operated with, the large
flock system appealed most strongly to The Corning Egg Farm. Long
houses, under one roof, without divisions, had been attempted by
others, and the endeavor to discover the reason for the failures,
where this had been attempted, was a very interesting study. It was
found that the main stumbling block in houses of this type was
draughts. To eliminate the draughts was the problem we then
undertook to solve. It was found that if the houses were built in
sections of twenty feet, and the partitions which divided the house
into roosting closets were extended twelve inches beyond the
dropping boards, and were carried from the floor to the roof, the air
currents were broken up, and the difficulty of draughts was
Houses, as we believed in constructing them, were expensive,
unless it was possible to carry a very large number of layers
successfully in them. In studying the two hundred and twenty-five
pullets as they worked contentedly in the No. 1 Laying House, which
was but twelve feet wide, we became convinced that it was perfectly
possible in a house sixteen feet wide by one hundred and sixty feet
in length to carry fifteen hundred layers. This, to be sure, allowed the
hen only a little over two square feet of floor space, with the dropping
boards included. But, as we figured it, the hen also had the entire
house for floor space, and, while it is true that fourteen hundred and
ninety-nine sisters were her near neighbors, they all enjoyed the
same large space to roam in. A house, then, of this size,
accommodating fifteen hundred layers, was not an expensive house
per bird, and, when you consider that the construction was such that
the up-keep was practically nothing, it became not only not an
expensive house, but really a very cheap one.
The success of the fifteen hundred layers in one house proved
itself at once, and we never have seen the slightest necessity for
altering the plan of the Laying House, as we first laid it out.

2,000 Birds to a House

The large flock system works economies, then, in housing, in the
amount of labor necessary to care for the birds, and in gathering the
eggs. And there is no doubt but that a house of considerably greater
length, with a flock ranging as high as two thousand birds, could
successfully be handled. In fact, on one farm which has been in
existence over twenty-five years, a Corning Method Laying House of
two hundred feet in length has been in operation now for twelve
months, and the owners write us that it is the most successful house
on their entire farm, and that as rapidly as possible they are
rebuilding all their Laying Houses, and making them of this type.
What is the Winter Layer?—The Properly Hatched
and Reared Pullet
Many people have a very erroneous idea with regard to getting
Winter eggs. They seem to think any hen should produce eggs in
Winter. The hen generally moults in the early Fall, and Nature has
provided this time of rest for her. The egg organs cease to produce,
for the hen finds she has all she can do to supply the necessary
material for her new dress, and this is a very serious drain on her
system. The natural time, however, for a pullet to begin to lay is
when she reaches maturity, and, as the pullet hatched in the early
Spring, properly cared for, should come into eggs in the early Fall,
the pullet, then, is the Winter layer.
It must still be remembered that the domesticated fowl of to-day is
a bird of evolution. In its wild state a pullet did not begin to lay eggs
in the Fall, and neither did she lay a large number of eggs at any
time. With the coming of Spring, and an abundance of succulent
green food, and large quantities of animal food in the shape of a
great variety of worms and insects, she laid and hatched her brood.
Therefore, to have successful Winter layers, it is necessary to
produce as nearly as possible the Spring-time conditions.

Must Feed Green Food

On The Corning Egg Farm, when the pullets are brought up from
the Range into the Laying Houses, the majority of them have already
been laying on the Range, and they are in fit condition to be brought
strongly into eggs. They are fed a large quantity of succulent green
food, in the form which, perhaps, is more delicious to the hen than
any other, that is, Sprouted Oats. The quantity of animal food in their
mash is increased, and, with the vigorous digging for the grain in the
deep litter, the problem of Winter eggs is solved, and from day to
day, the number of eggs coming from the pullet houses, increases
very rapidly.
On the other hand, the pullet which has completed its first ten
months of laying is well advanced in the moult, and is becoming a
yearling hen. Those qualifying under the drastic examination for
perfect type are selected for the next year’s Breeders, and are
removed to the Breeding Houses, which have been thoroughly
disinfected and put in the most sanitary condition to receive them.
Those not reaching the Corning Standard are marketed, as we sell
culls only to the butcher.
The aim in handling the yearling hen is not to get eggs from her
during the Winter, but to give her a long rest, and to build her up, and
put her in the pink of condition for the coming breeding season, and
it is the aim at The Corning Egg Farm to have as few eggs produced
as possible from the breeding pens until about the first of January,
when an increased amount of animal food is added to the daily ration
for the purpose of bringing the hens into eggs, and within a few days
there is a very rapid increase in the number of eggs from these pens.
It must be remembered that the profit in Winter eggs is made from
pullets, and to be successful in this line the Laying Houses must be
well stocked with them.
Yearling and two year old hens are the proper breeding females.
The Corning Egg Farm Method is one of continuous rotation, as
Incubator to Brooder House.
Brooder House to Range.
Range to Laying House. Those selected as coming up to the
Corning Standard go to the Breeder House.
At the end of the second year the Breeders are all sold for
foundation stock.
This gives an opportunity to the public to procure the very best
Breeders at a most reasonable price.
A Great Laying Strain—The Selection of Breeders
to Produce It
The first requisite is to breed from a mature animal, from a real
yearling hen. The term “yearling hen” is a misnomer, for, when she is
twelve months of age she has not as a rule developed into a true
yearling hen. The female has five months of growth, ten months of
laying, and then she moults, which process varies in duration from
eight to ten weeks.

Eighteen Months Old

When she has completed the moult, her entire anatomy has
undergone a change, and she is a mature animal, about eighteen
months of age, a fit specimen to reproduce her kind, and her off-
spring will be strong and vigorous youngsters.
The great mortality one reads of among chicks can be traced more
to breeding from immature females than to any other cause.
The general method of selecting breeders for a great many years
has been by the use of “trap nests.” Surely the use of a mechanical
device is a poor method to determine what hens are proper for
breeding purposes, and really the trap nest tells you nothing.
In every pen there are daily a number of eggs which are not laid in
the nest at all. To what particular hen does the attendant credit eggs
found in hollows scooped out in corners under the dropping boards?
It is a peculiarity of “Biddy” that where she sees an egg she almost
always decides it is a good and proper place for her to lay another.
Thus, on some days, where trap nests are in use, it may be
necessary to make a great number of guesses as to which hen did
not lay in the traps, but on the floor.
Trap Nests a Failure
There is another reason why trap nests really tell you nothing.
Take two females of a pen whose numbers are one and two. For the
first few weeks No. 1 surpasses her sister No. 2 in the production of
eggs. To this pen, clover has been the green food fed, and of this
ingredient the farm has run short. The shipment has been expected
daily but did not arrive, and, because of that failure, for four or five
days no other green food was provided. Then cabbage was resorted
to to take the place of the clover. The pen having been without green
food for a number of days was fairly greedy for it, and good, crisp
cabbage suits the palate of many hens exactly, and they are very apt
to overdo the matter in eating it. A great layer must be a large eater,
and so hen No. 1 gorged herself on the cabbage. Her digestive
organs were upset, and for a number of weeks she ceased laying,
while hen No. 2 continued to shell out a fair number of eggs. The
owner of these birds, when it came time for the selection of the
breeders, expressed his great disappointment over hen No. 1. She
had started so well, and then had blown up entirely, and so she is
passed up, and hen No. 2 is accepted as a breeder.

Now, if the anatomy of these two birds had been studied, it would
have been found at once that hen No. 1 was much better qualified to
take a place in the breeding pen than hen No. 2. The mere fact that
the trap nest record of any female shows a phenomenal number of
eggs laid in ten or twelve months does not necessarily prove that
she is a proper animal to breed from. Post-mortem examinations
show in many cases that they are freaks, and, while they have laid a
great number of eggs, there was much to be desired in regard to the
eggs, as to their size, shape, and color. As a matter of fact it would
have been a great mistake to have bred from such an individual.

Type Reproduces Type

It must be remembered that type produces type, and the only
proper way to select birds for the breeding pen which will produce
progeny capable of great egg production is to thoroughly understand
their anatomy. It is impossible to produce a great performer in any
line unless the animal is of a build capable of the performance. No
one would expect to breed a two-minute trotter from a Shetland
The hen which is capable of becoming an ideal layer must have a
deep keel, a long body, and, as she faces out, she must have an
appearance of broadness, and must be the shape of a wedge back
to the point where the wings join the body.
The Large Flock System is carried on in the Breeding Pen on The
Corning Egg Farm, and it has been most successful. It has been
found that the small pen does not produce the high fertility
continuously which the Large Flock System does. During the season
of 1910, for long periods, the fertility ran as high as 96%, and as
early as the first of March it was above 90%. In the season of 1911,
eggs incubated in the early part of February, ran above 91%, and
during the season there were times when the fertility reached 97%.
The Breeding Pens are mated up two weeks before eggs are to be
used for incubation, and early hatched cockerels are used to head
these Breeding Pens. It has been found that the mating of cockerels
with yearling hens produces a very decided predominance of pullets,
and the youngsters are strong and vigorous from the start.
The proportion of mating is one to twelve, and the records of The
Corning Egg Farm show that by this method of mating the number of
cockerels produced, through the years that the Farm has been in
operation, has been as low as one-quarter, and as high as one-third.
The males to head the pens are selected with the same care that
the hens are. They are all perfect birds, of large size, and conform as
closely as possible to the standard requirements, without interfering
with the paramount aim of producing a Great Layer.
What is the Best Time to Hatch?
The question which is the title of this chapter is asked over and
over again. You see it propounded to the editor of almost every
poultry paper in the country. And it is a difficult one to answer,
because the various needs of different people are so diversified.
April and May are doubtless the natural hatching seasons for all
varieties. Climatic conditions are then kinder, the food which is
necessary for the production of many eggs, and eggs of the strong
hatchable kind, is supplied by Nature in great abundance, and the
young chick coming into life in these months finds a great variety of
natural food of the very best kind for growth awaiting it. In Spring
eggs run strongly fertile, and in every way Nature seems to lend
herself to successful hatching, and the starting of the young chick
properly on its journey.
The man, however, who is operating an egg farm, and has made
contracts for the delivery of a continuous supply of eggs to exacting
customers, cannot well afford to wait until these months to hatch in,
for it is necessary for him to have a large number of pullets reaching
maturity and beginning to lay, before his last year’s pullets reach the
moulting period and stop egg production. To accomplish this it is
necessary to have in his brooder house, by not later than the first
week of March, a goodly number of yellow babies. From that time on
he must keep them coming, so as to have a sufficient number a few
weeks apart to take the place of the yearling hens going into the
moult. In this way he will succeed in keeping up a continuous flow of
It is true there is a danger in these early hatched pullets. They may
go into what is called the Winter moult, after laying well into the
month of December, but they will not all moult, and before there is a
marked shrinkage the later hatches will be laying strongly.
The moult which occurs with early hatched birds does not last as
long as the moult coming in the regular season. The birds soon
return to the nest, and the house rapidly jumps back to a very large
output of eggs for the coming Spring months. Thus the great
increase in numbers helps to offset the decrease in price, and to
equalize the bank account.
It must be remembered, however, that Leghorns hatched up to the
25th of June make good Winter layers provided they are properly
cared for, and given the food and attention which produces a great
growth, and under such conditions one will find no difficulty in getting
them into laying eggs readily by the time they are five months of age.

An Interesting Experiment in Late Hatching

In the season of 1910 The Corning Egg Farm made a very
interesting experiment, in a large way, so far as late hatching goes.
We incubated two large batches of eggs, the first being set so that
the chicks hatched from the 18th to the 26th of July; the second
batch completed incubation August 15th. The resulting pullets from
these two hatches were some fifty odd over twelve hundred. We
carried them on Range until December 1st, and then placed them in
a Laying House by themselves. They had not begun to lay on Range
so far as we were able to discover, although many of the pullets had
the appearance of eggs. Almost from the start, after they were
placed in the Colony Houses, we fed them, in addition to the regular
Range ration, a good supply of Sprouted Oats each day. This was
done for the reason that of course the succulent green food had
passed away, and we consider it of vital importance that growing
birds be given the opportunity to gather a large supply of succulent
green food. The records show that within three days after the pullets
were placed in the Laying House we began to gather from one to
three eggs a day. Before December was over the house was
producing 10%; January saw 35% output of eggs, and before
February was very far advanced we were doing better than 60%.
There was a time in March when the House was yielding a 75%

These birds laid strongly all Summer, and we were interested in

noting when they would start to moult. We had seen the statement
made a number of times that late hatched pullets were very late
moulters. In our experience, however, this did not prove to be true,
for this pen of birds moulted at just about the same time, and in the
same proportion, as the earlier hatches did.
We had frequently seen it stated that birds hatched in the very last
week of August, or the first week in September, would produce eggs
at the same time that the June hatched pullets would begin to
produce them. Our experience with June hatches, and we have had
four years of it, disproves this statement absolutely. We find that the
June hatched pullet, properly cared for, comes in quite as rapidly as
those hatched in April and May.
We do not wish to go on record as advocates of July and August
hatching, but we simply wish to show what could be accomplished if
a Breeder met with some misfortune, and was compelled to hatch
late or not at all.
Succulent Green Food—Satisfactory Egg
Production Impossible Without It
A goodly supply of green food is necessary to all birds, the
growing chicken as well as the yearling hen, for it is a great aid to
digestion, helping to properly assimilate all foods as they are taken
into the crop, and passed through the great grinding mill of a
There is no possible hope of a full egg supply from any Laying
House where a large quantity of green food is not fed daily. It may be
fed in many forms. Clover or Alfalfa (and we are now speaking first
of the Winter supply of green food) may be procured in a dry state,
and by properly scalding it with hot water it may be made to almost
live again, so far as its freshness and delightful odor go. In many
cases the preparation of Clover or Alfalfa spoils it. The water should
be quite at the boiling point, and it should be poured over, preferably
it should be put on with a sprinkling can. The method at The Corning
Egg Farm is to place whichever we are using of the Clover family in
pails, a given number for each Laying House, and as they stand in
rows the hot water is applied with a sprinkling can. The contents are
not allowed to steep, but as soon as the second wetting of the long
row of pails is reached they are placed on the delivery wagon and at
once taken to their destination. When the contents are emptied from
the pails they will be steaming hot, too hot for the birds to take at
first, and you will find them standing in a ring around the Clover, and
from time to time testing the heat. As soon as it is cool enough they
will devour it with great avidity.
Where Alfalfa is fed some flocks give considerable difficulty at first
as they do not seem to relish it, but after a short time they seem to
acquire the taste, and become very fond of it. It contains a higher
amount of protein than the ordinary Clover which can be bought in
the market, but in purchasing Alfalfa products one should be careful
not to buy a large quantity of dirt, but get what is known as “short
cut,” and have it carefully sifted.
By many people cabbages are considered a most excellent green
food for Winter use, but if they are chopped up and fed to the layers
considerable caution should be used in the feeding. They are very
apt to upset the digestive organs of the birds, and that means a very
decided decrease in the number of eggs. This is equally true of
Mangle beets and other roots which in many cases are used.

Sprouted Oats Best

At The Corning Egg Farm we are strong believers in Sprouted
Oats as a green food, and we now maintain a cement Cellar, with
good drainage, which is used for nothing else. The method of
sprouting oats is really very simple, and does not require the
arduous labor which one would imagine from numerous articles
written on the subject.

How They Are Grown on the Farm

We have frames three by six feet in size, built of ordinary boards,
but not matched material. The sides are about four inches high.
These frames are laid on the floor of the Cellar, and each frame is
filled with forty-eight quarts of oats spread evenly over the bottom.
We have a large sprinkler attached to the hose, and the oats are
thoroughly wet as they lie in the trays, and this wetting is repeated
every morning. In a temperature from fifty to sixty degrees we find
that the oats have started to sprout about the third day, and from this
on the growth is very fast. Parts of the oats in the frame will swell two
or three inches in places, above the surrounding mass of oats, and
we make it a practice to place the sprinkler directly on top of this
swelling, and it is found by so doing that the frame in a short time will
present a very even growth.
If the Sprouted Oats are fed when the green tops are from one
and a half to two inches in length the chemical quality of the oat is
not lost, and we really get a double ration when it is fed. If allowed to
go beyond this length, they are then just an ordinary green food.
In many instances we have noticed writers advocating soaking the
oats overnight, and then, for the next few days, to periodically stir
them. And in other cases writers advise, when they are placed in the
frames to turn the oats over. This is a serious mistake, for anyone
can readily see that the tender shoots, which grow most rapidly after
the third day, would be broken off, and where this occurs the oats will
Oats, of course, can be sprouted in sheds, or even out-of-doors, if
they are covered up so that the sun will not dry them out too rapidly.
A frame should be made in such a manner that the water sprayed
over the oats will slowly drain away. There are a number of different
contrivances now being placed on the market for sprouting oats, and
we have no doubt that, on small plants, some of them would prove
quite satisfactory. Where it is desired to sprout oats in a small way, in
the Cellar of one’s house, a rack can be built with run-ways for the
trays to slide on, with a space of two inches between the trays. By
thoroughly sprinkling the top tray the water will run down through
from one tray to another, and, as the growth progresses, the more
advanced ones can be moved up from the bottom of the rack, as
they require less water than those in a less advanced stage.
The oats sprout more quickly if grown and sprinkled in a fairly dark
place, and it must be remembered that too warm a temperature will
rot the mass after the growth has reached its fourth or fifth day.

Timothy and Clover Cut Green

As one enters The Corning Egg Farm, on the left of the drive,
there is about an acre of Timothy and Clover. This acre has been
very heavily fertilized and brought up to a high state of cultivation.
The Timothy and Clover grow so rapidly, and the growth comes in
such abundance almost before the snow is off the ground, that
cutting it as we do, so many rows each morning, it is impossible to
cross the entire plot before that which was first cut has almost grown
beyond the succulent point. To make a change for the hens we cut
this in the early Spring, and pass it through the Clover Cutter,

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