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DLL - Science 3 - Q1 - W9

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School: Grade Level: III

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: File Created by Ma’am GENALYN O. REYES Learning Area: SCIENCE
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: JULY 30 - AUGUST 3, 2018 (WEEK 9) Quarter: 1ST QUARTER


A.Content Standards Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate understanding Demonstrate understanding
effects of temperature on materials effects of temperature on materials effects of temperature on of effects of temperature on of effects of temperature on
materials materials materials
B.Performance Standards Investigate the different changes in Investigate the different changes in Investigate the different changes Investigate the different Investigate the different
materials as affected by materials as affected by in materials as affected by changes in materials as changes in materials as
temperature temperature temperature affected by temperature affected by temperature
C.Learning S3MT-Ih-j-4 S3MT-Ih-j-4 S3MT-Ih-j-4 S3MT-Ih-j-4 S3MT-Ih-j-4
Competencies/Objectives Describe changes in materials based Describe changes in materials based Describe changes in materials Describe changes in materials Describe changes in materials
Write the LC code for each on the effect of on the effect of based on the effect of based on the effect of based on the effect of
temperature:4.1.solid to temperature:4.1.solid to temperature:4.1.solid to temperature:4.1.solid to temperature:4.1.solid to
liquid,4.2.liquid to solid,4.3.liquid to liquid,4.2.liquid to solid,4.3.liquid to liquid,4.2.liquid to solid,4.3.liquid liquid,4.2.liquid to liquid,4.2.liquid to
gas,4.4.solid to gas gas,4.4.solid to gas to gas,4.4.solid to gas solid,4.3.liquid to gas,4.4.solid solid,4.3.liquid to gas,4.4.solid
to gas to gas
II.CONTENT Describe the candle wax when it is Describe what happens to water Describe what happens to Describe what happens to
heated and when it is cold when heated or when its naphthalene when it is heated liquid (water) when it is cold
temperature is increase
1.Teacher's Guide pages Pp 39-40 Pp 41-42 Pp 43-44 Pp 44-45
2.Learner's materials pages Pp 33-34 P 35 P 36-38 P 38-40
3.Textbook pages
4.Additional Materials from Small piece of candle Transparent drinking glass Naphthalene ball,stone,2 Clear plastic SUMMATIVE TEST
learning wax,bigspoon,thick cloth identical colored bag,tapwater,laboratory
resources(LRDMS)portal saucer,cloth,thread,plastic,plastic thermometer
B.Other Learning Resources Candle ceramic saucer,matches Marker,water Freezer,drinking glass
A.Reviewing previous lesson or What can you say about a Have you observed your mother We learned from that our What did we learned in our
presenting the new lesson temperature of a material when heating/boiling water in the kettle? previous activities that when previous lesson?
heat is added to it? heat is added,a solid…
B.Establishing a purpose for What can you say about the We will do an activity that will help Can a solid material be changed What happens to a liquid
the lesson difference in temperatures of top us describe what happens to water to gas when heat is added to it. when it is sufficiently cooled?
water and cold water? when heated.
C.Presenting Now,what do you think will be the Divide the pupils 5 small groups. Groupwork Group activity
examples/Instances of the new effect of the increase or the
lesson decrease in temperature on the
D.Discussing new concepts ang Group activity Do activity 5 What are the precautionary Discuss the topic
practicing new skills # 1 measures in using naphthalene
E.Discussing new concepts and Discuss answers to the activity Discuss the sctivity Present the output Process their responses to
practicing new skills #2 questions. correct misconceptions
F.Developing mastery What happens to the candle wax Let the group reporter present the Check pupils' answers to the What happens to liquid water
(Leads to formative when heated or when heat is group output activity questions when sufficiently cooled?
assessment 3) added?
G.Finding practical applications Let the pupils understand that…. Check the pupils'answer to the When naphthalene ball is When water is sufficiently
of concepts and skills in daily activity questions heated,it changes from solid to cooled in afreezer…
living gas…
H.Making generalizations and Heat causes a change in the What is the effect of heat on the What happens to naphthalene Its temperature decreases
abstractions about the lesson appearance of a material.. water? ball when heated?
I.Evaluating learning Cite an examples of materials Your mother is boiling water in a Answer the following questions Answer the ff. questions
kettle for your coffee?What do you Original File Submitted and
think will happen if she leaves the Formatted by DepEd Club
water boiling for a long time?why? Member - visit
for more
J.Additional activities for A butter/margarine is put in a Bring naphthalene ball if you have What is the effect of heat on Read the situations showing
application or remediation frying… at home for our next lesson. naphthalene ball? that liquid is changed--
A.No.of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B.No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C.Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D.No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E.Which of my teaching strategies
worked well?Why did these work?
F.what difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G.What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which
I wish to share with other

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