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Product Data Sheet - IngenuityElite

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Elite results

Philips Ingenuity Elite specifications

Table of contents
1 Introduction 3 9 Reconstruction 10
9.1 Reconstruction speed 10
2 User interface 4 9.2 IMR Platinum (optional) 10
2.1 iPatient key benefits 4 9.3 iDose4 Premium Package 10
2.2 ExamCards 4 9.4 HyperSight IR reconstructor 10
2.3 ScanRuler 4 9.5 Cone Beam Reconstruction Algorithm – COBRA 10
9.6 ClearRay reconstruction 10
3 DoseWise 5 9.7 Adaptive filtering 10
3.1 DoseRight Index 5 9.8 Adaptive multicycle reconstruction 10
3.2 CT Dose Check 5 9.9 Reconstruction field of view 10
3.3 DICOM structured reporting /IHE REM profile 5 9.10 Image matrix 10
3.4 DoseRight automatic current selection 5 9.11 Off-line reconstruction 10
3.5 DoseRight angular dose modulation 5 9.12 Preview images 10
3.6 DoseRight Z-DOM
(longitudinal dose modulation) 5 10 Clinical enhancements 11
3.7 3D-DOM 5 10.1 SyncRight 11
3.8 Dedicated pediatric protocols 5 10.2 Bolus tracking 11
3.9 Locking protocols 5 10.3 Spiral Auto Start (SAS) 11
3.10 Dose display and reports 5 10.4 Patient centering on surview 11
3.11 Dose performance data 5 10.5 Clinical applications, standard 11
10.6 Clinical applications (optional) 11
4 Gantry 6 10.7 Pulmonary Toolkit (optional) 11
4.1 Gantry 6 10.8 Pulmonary Toolkit for Oncology (optional) 11
4.2 Gantry control panels 6 10.9 RateResponsive CV Toolkit
4.3 Operator’s console control panels 6 for Ingenuity (optional) 11
4.4 AutoVoice 6 10.10 Step & Shoot Complete (optional) 11
10.11 Jog Scan (optional) 11
5 Patient table 6
10.12 CT Interventional (optional) 11
5.1 Patient tables 6
11 Networking and storage 12
6 Accessories 7
11.1 Networking 12
6.1 Standard accessories 7
11.2 DICOM 12
6.2 Optional accessories 7
11.3 DICOM connectivity 12
11.4 DICOM DVD/CD writer 12
7 Imaging chain 8
11.5 Filming 12
7.1 Generator 8
7.2 X-ray tube 8
12 Site planning 13
7.3 Detector 8
12.1 Power requirements 13
12.2 Console Uninterrupted 13
8 Image quality 9
Power Supply (UPS), optional
8.1 Spatial resolution 9
12.3 Environmental requirements
8.2 Low-contrast resolution 9
12.4 System requirements, 14
8.3 Other 9
standard and bariatric tables
12.5 Dimensions and weights, 14
standard and bariatric tables
12.6 System requirements, long table 15
12.7 Dimensions and weights, long table 15

1. Introduction

Ingenuity Elite provides low-dose, high-quality imaging, along with the ability to personalize image
quality from patient to patient. From the iDose4 Premium Package to iPatient, which puts you in control
of innovative workflow solutions, the Ingenuity Elite provides excellence in routine imaging, with consistent
image quality across a range of patients. Philips continues to lead in CT detector design with the NanoPanel
Elite – our latest tile-detector technology – that has been re-engineered for low-noise, high-fidelity imaging.
And the Ingenuity Elite offers the ability to upgrade to IMR as your needs grow.

Clinical integration Patient focus Economic value

and collaboration • Low dose and high image quality • Majority of reference protocols
• Confidence and consistency 24/7 with the iDose 4 Premium Package reconstructed with iDose4
with iPatient • Improved visualization in the in less than a minute
• Deliver appropriate contrast dose presence of large metal orthopedic • Family upgradability
and consistent image quality with implants with O-MAR • Begin reading early
SyncRight option • NanoPanel Elite detector for with IntelliSpace Portal
• Industry-leading low-contrast marked image noise improvement preprocessing
resolution with IMR option

Effective power with iDose 4 105 kW

Slices 128
Coverage 40 mm
Maximum scannable range 1,750 mm (2,100 mm)‡
Bore size 700 mm
iDose4 reconstruction speed 18 ips
Standard reconstruction speed 25 ips
Anode effective heat capacity 30 MHU


2. User interface

Philips iPatient is an advanced platform that puts you in control of enhancing your CT system today,
while preparing you for the challenges of tomorrow. While you’re working to boost return on
investment now, you’re also accessing a flexible platform that will support future innovations.

2.1 iPatient key benefits 2.2 ExamCards

• Plan the results, not the acquisition ExamCards are the evolution of the scanning protocol.
• Up to 24%* faster time to results; With ExamCards, the results are planned, not the
up to 66%* fewer clicks acquisition; this reduces decision points and clicks,
• Facilitates optimal** management of image quality saves time, and is a means to share protocols among
and radiation dose with patient-specific methods colleagues to allow for scan-to-scan consistency.
• Easy and efficient communication between the ExamCards can include axials, coronals, sagittals, MPRs,
CT system and the injector in order to facilitate MIPs, and other results, all of which will be automatically
delivering appropriate contrast dose and consistent reconstructed and can be sent to where they will be read
image quality with SyncRight option with no additional work required by the operator.
• Optimizes collimation, pitch, and rotation time
automatically 2.3 ScanRuler
• Automates routine tasks An interactive timeline of the study that provides the
• Increases your ability to do complex and operator a quick overview of important events such
advanced procedures as Surview, acquisition, bolus tracking, AutoVoice,
• Enables advanced capabilities such as IMR and injection.
and future technologies
* In a study done using multiphasic liver CT exams, the iPatient software
platform reduced time-to-results by 24% and clicks per exam by 66%.
Impact of workflow tools in reducing total exam and user interaction time
– four-phase liver computed tomography exams. Nicholas Ardley, Southern
Health; Kevin Buchan, Philips Healthcare; Ekta Dharaiya, Philips Healthcare.
** Optimal refers to the use of strategies and techniques that facilitate
the management and control of both image quality and dose.

3. DoseWise

Philips DoseWise is a holistic approach to dose management that is active in every level of product
design. It encompasses a set of techniques, programs and practices based on the ALARA (As Low
As Reasonably Achievable) principle and supports outstanding image quality at low dose.

3.1 DoseRight Index 3.6 DoseRight Z-DOM

DoseRight Index (DRI) is a single number used to specify (longitudinal dose modulation)
the image quality required for the diagnostic task at hand. Longitudinal dose modulation (Z-DOM) aids in adapting
DRI includes organ-specific DRI for the liver and the head/ dose to an individual patient’s size and shape. In particular,
neck to provide appropriate dose and image quality within Z-DOM adjusts the tube current-time product (mAs)
a single acquisition. 11 weight-based protocols can be in the craniocaudal or caudocranial (z-axis) direction
generated for ExamCards,including 1 infant, 7 child, based on the Surview by comparing the actual patient’s
and 3 adult reference sizes. attenuation at each longitudinal location to a reference.

3.2 CT Dose Check 3.7 3D-DOM

Supports an operator notification in each ExamCard that 3D-DOM combines angular and longitudinal information
will be shown if an acquisition is planned that exceeds to modulate dose in three dimensions.
a specified CTDIvol or DLP. In addition, an alert is available
such that, if an acquisition is planned and the total exam 3.8 Dedicated pediatric protocols
will exceed a specified CTDIvol or DLP, the operator will In the iPatient approach, size-specific ExamCards can be
be required to enter his or her name and (if configured) easily generated. ExamCards can be based on one of eight
a password to proceed, or the operator can adjust the (1 infant, 7 child) midpoint reference diameters that are
scan parameters. Compliant with NEMA XR-25 and XR-29. directly related to weight based intervals. iPatient includes
reference pediatric protocols for a number of clinical
3.3 DICOM structured reporting/IHE REM profile indications.
DICOM radiation dose structured report that can be
transferred to external systems such as HIS/RIS, PACS, 3.9 Locking protocols
or dose registries. Unauthorized protocol modifications may be prevented
through password-protected access.
3.4 DoseRight automatic current selection
Personalizes dose for each patient by automatically suggesting 3.10 Dose display and reports
tube current settings according to the estimated patient Philips CT scanners include intuitive reporting and recording
diameter in the scan region. of estimated dose indices, dose reduction, and dose efficiency.
Dose estimates are displayed on the operator’s console for
3.5 DoseRight angular dose modulation all scan protocols prior to and throughout the examination.
Angular dose modulation varies the tube current Volume computed tomography dose index (CTDIvol) and
during helical scans according to changes in patient shape dose-length product (DLP) are automatically updated as the
(eccentricity) and tissue attenuation as the tube rotates. operator plans the scan. Also, a dose report may be included
For each rotation, projections are processed to determine as a DICOM dose structured report and/or DICOM
the maximum and minimum patient diameter. The tube secondary capture with the reconstructed data set.
current for the next rotation is then modulated between
these limits. 3.11 Dose performance data
CTDIvol Measurement
Head 12.9 mGy/100 mAs
Body 6.6 mGy/100 mAs
Measured on head and body CTDI phantoms (IEC 60601-2-44 ed.3) at 120 kVp.

4. Gantry

4.1 Gantry
Feature Specification
Aperture 700 mm
Focus-isocenter distance 570 mm
Focus-detector distance 1040 mm
Rotation times 0.4, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5 seconds for full 360° scans
0.28, 0.33 seconds for partial angle 240° scans
Effective cardiac rotation time 0.3 seconds
Intercom system Two-way connection between the gantry
and console area
Gantry tilt -30° to +30° with 0.5° increments

4.2 Gantry control panels 4.4 AutoVoice

• Multi-directional control • Pause button A standard set of commands for patient communication
for fast movement • Visual countdown before, during, and after scanning in the following languages:
• Fine movement in/out control • Zero table location • Arabic • Georgian • Romanian
• Start button • Lasers • Chinese – • German • Russian
standard Mandarin • Greek • Spanish
Audio notification 10 seconds before X-ray On so that • Danish • Hebrew • Swedish
operator and staff can exit room before X-ray On. • Dutch • Italian • Thai
• English • Japanese • Turkish
4.3 Operator’s console control panel
• French • Norwegian • Vietnamese
• Tilt • X-ray indicator
• Table in/out/up/down • Start button Additional languages will continue to be added in
• Emergency stop • Pause button the future. Support of some languages may vary by
configuration. Customized messages can also be created.

5. Patient table

5.1 Patient tables

Feature Standard table Bariatric table Long table
Maximum scannable range 1,750 mm 1,750 mm 2,100 mm
Pitch 0.5 – 1.5 0.5 – 1.5 0.5 – 1.5
Z-position accuracy +/- 0.1 mm +/- 0.1 mm +/- 0.1 mm
Longitudinal speed 0.5 mm/s – 185 mm/s 0.5 mm/s – 185 mm/s 0.5 mm/s – 185 mm/s
Vertical range 579 mm to 1,022 mm from 645 mm to 1,065 mm from 645 mm to 1,065 mm from
the floor; 1.0 mm increments the floor; 1.0 mm increments the floor; 1.0 mm increments
Maximum load capacity 450 lbs (204 kg) 650 lbs (295 kg) 450 lbs (204 kg)

6. Accessories

6.1 Standard accessories

Arm rests Cushions and pads Head holder cushions and pads

IV pole Patient restraint kit Standard head holder

Table extension Table pad

6.2 Optional accessories

Flat head holder Infant cradle Load and unload foot pedals

Radiology Flat Top Kit Therapy table top

(available only with bariatric table)

7. Imaging chain

7.1 Generator
Feature Specification
Effective power 105 kW
with iDose4
Power rating 80 kW
kVp setting 80, 100, 120, 140
mA range (and step size) 20 – 665 (1 mA steps)
Effective power is calculated by using full generator power (80 kW)
and using iDose 4 at the same time. This gives Ingenuity Elite
effectively more power.

7.2 X-ray tube

Feature Specification
Focal spot sizes, quoted Small: 0.5 mm x 1.0 mm
to IEC 336/93 standard Large: 1.0 mm x 1.0 mm
Anode effective heat capacity 30 MHU
Anode heat capacity 8.0 MHU
Maximum anode cooling rate 1,608 kHU/min
Anode diameter 200 mm
Anode rotation speed 105 Hz (6,300 rpm) Liquid coolant carries heat away from the MRC Ice X-ray
Target angle 7 degrees tube, so Ingenuity Elite is ready for the most demanding scans,
Maximum helical exposure time 100 s one right after the other.

7.3 Detector
Feature Specification
Slices Up to 128
Coverage 40 mm
Material Solid-state GOS with 43,008 elements
Dynamic range 1,000,000:1
Slip ring Optical – 5.3 Gbps transfer rate
Data sampling rate Up to 4,640 views/revolution/element
Collimations available 64 x 0.625 mm
40 x 0.625 mm
32 x 1.25 mm
2 x 0.625 mm
12 x 0.625 mm Philips continues to lead in CT detector design
12 x 1.25 mm with the introduction of the NanoPanel Elite –
20 x 0.625 mm our latest tile-detector technology – that has been
16 x 0.625 mm re-engineered for low-noise, high-fidelity imaging.
Slice thickness (helical mode) 0.55 mm – 5 mm
Slice thickness (axial mode) 0.5 mm – 12.5 mm
Scan angles 240°, 360°, 420°
Scan field of view 250 mm, 500 mm

8. Image quality
8.1 Spatial resolution
Spatial resolution Cut-off (+/- 2 lp/cm)
Ultra-high mode (lp/cm) 24
High mode (lp/cm) 16
Standard mode (lp/cm) 13

8.2 Low-contrast resolution

Feature Specification
Low-contrast resolution* 4 mm @ 0.3% @ 16.4 mGy CTDIvol
Low-contrast resolution 2 mm @ 0.3% @ 10.4 mGy CTDIvol
with IMR option**
* 20 cm Catphan phantom; 10 mm slice thickness
** 20 cm Catphan phantom; 7 mm slice thickness
body CTDI phantom (IEC 60601-2-44, Ed. 3); at 120 kVp.

8.3 Other
Feature Specification
Absorption range -1,024 to +3,071 Hounsfield units
Noise 0.27% at 120 kV, 250 mAs,
10 mm slice thickness

9. Reconstruction
9.1 Reconstruction speed 9.4 HyperSight IR reconstructor
Feature Specification HyperSight IR is specifically designed to provide reconstruction
Reconstruction speed with iDose4 18 IPS speed that allows iDose4 to be routinely used in inpatient,
Reconstruction speed without iDose 4
25 IPS outpatient, and emergency care settings.

Optional 9.5 Cone Beam Reconstruction Algorithm – COBRA

9.2 IMR Platinum Philips patented Cone Beam Reconstruction Algorithm
Iterative Model Reconstruction (IMR) sets a new direction (COBRA) enables true three-dimensional data acquisition
in CT image quality with virtually noise-free images and and reconstruction in both axial and helical spiral scanning.
industry-leading low-contrast resolution. Moreover, for
the first time physicians are also able to simultaneously 9.6 ClearRay reconstruction
combine image quality improvements with significantly A revolutionary solution pre-computes and stores beam
lower doses.* This improvement is a breakthrough made hardening and scatter corrections in a database later
possible through Philips first iterative reconstruction built referenced to create a correction that is personalized
on knowledge-based models. to each individual patient. As a fully three-dimensional
technique, contrast scale stability is preserved across
IMR Platinum is the first knowledge-based solution that different patient sizes, image uniformity is improved, and
can be used in advanced gated acquisitions organ boundaries are better visualized.

The majority of reference protocols are reconstructed

9.7 Adaptive filtering
in less than three minutes.
Adaptive filters reduce pattern noise (streaks) in
nonhomogenous bodies, improving overall image quality.
Example reference protocols

Protocol Number Scan Total 9.8 Adaptive multicycle reconstruction

of images length reconstruction Image data can be prospectively gated or retrospectively
(mm) time (min) tagged. Automatically delivers the best temporal resolution
Brain 355 160 1.5 possible for the current scan (as high as 53 ms).
Brain CTA 333 150 1.5
Chest 777 350 2.2 9.9 Reconstruction field of view
Aorta CTA 1555 700 2.6 50 to 500 mm continuous
Coronary CTA 311 140 1.3 25 to 250 mm (ultra-high resolution)
Abdomen 888 401 1.8
9.10 Image matrix
512 x 512
9.3 iDose4 Premium Package
iDose4 Premium Package, includes two leading 768 x 768
technologies that can improve image quality – iDose4 1,024 x 1,024
and metal artifact reduction for large orthopedic implants
9.11 Off-line reconstruction
(O-MAR). iDose4 improves image quality* through artifact
Off-line (batch) background image reconstruction
prevention and increased spatial resolution at low dose.
of user-defined groups of raw data files with automatic
O-MAR reduces artifacts caused by large orthopedic
image storage.
implants. Together they produce high image quality
with reduced artifacts.
9.12 Preview images
Real-time 5122 matrix image reconstruction and
5 mm x 5 mm contiguous slice display with helical
acquisition or off-line reconstruction.
* Improved image quality is defined by improvements in spatial resolution
and/or noise reduction as measured in phantom studies.

10. Clinical enhancements

Optional Optional
10.1 SyncRight 10.9 RateResponsive CV Toolkit for Ingenuity
The Philips CT SyncRight option enables easy and Enables cardiac imaging and includes an ECG monitor,
efficient communication between the CT system Retrospective Tagging, Prospective Gating, Cardiac Viewer,
and the injector in order to facilitate delivering Heartbeat-CS, and CT Reporting. Uses Philips exclusive
appropriate contrast dose and consistent image quality. Adaptive Multicycle Reconstruction algorithm to enhance
temporal resolution – as low as 53 ms – and uses Philips
10.2 Bolus tracking patented Beat-to-Beat Algorithm to automatically find
An automated injection planning technique to monitor the best phase for cardiac imaging. Includes automatic
actual contrast enhancement and initiate scanning arrhythmia detection and management.
at a predetermined level.
10.10 Step & Shoot Complete
10.3 Spiral Auto Start (SAS) Step & Shoot Complete enables low-dose, prospectively
Spiral Auto Start allows the injector to communicate ECG-triggered, axial thoracic imaging. Step & Shoot
with the scanner. This allows the technologist to Complete allows gated, submillimeter, isotropic imaging
monitor the contrast injection and to start the scan of the entire thorax (up to 50 cm transaxial field of
(with a predetermined delay) while in the scan room. view), including the coronary arteries.

10.4 Patient centering on surview Step & Shoot Complete is well suited for patients with
Traditionally, patients are centered using the gantry laser heart rates below 65 bpm. Arrhythmias are managed in real
lights; with this feature it is possible to improve patient time using proprietary, prospective-detection algorithms
centering using the lateral surview with real-time feedback. to pause acquisition during unstable heart rhythms.

10.5 Clinical applications, standard 10.11 Jog Scan

• CT Reporting • Filming Provides up to 80 mm of organ coverage for perfusion
• CT Viewer • Functional CT studies. An axial scan is taken in one location, the couch
translates to another location within a few seconds, and
Optional another axial scan is taken. These multiple datasets are
10.6 Clinical applications registered automatically to provide the extended coverage.
• Advanced Brain Perfusion • Cardiac Viewer
• Bone Mineral Analysis • Dental Analysis 10.12 CT Interventional
• Calcium Scoring CT Interventional includes enhanced interventional
capabilities to increase throughput and control of
10.7 Pulmonary Toolkit
interventional procedures. With the option of either
Philips Pulmonary Toolkit enables the user to trigger
cart-mount or ceiling-mount solutions, the system
a scan at a particular breath level, reducing artifacts
provides clinical confidence and consistency with flexible
caused by respiratory motion. This allows enhanced
displays (1:1, 3:1, or volumetric) and allows the user to
chest imaging of patients who cannot hold their
adjust the viewing convention or scan parameters and
breath. The Philips Bellows device is included.
to switch scan modes on the fly. Reference series display
enhances intra-procedural needle guidance. Both the single
10.8 Pulmonary Toolkit for Oncology
and continuous interventional scan modes support iDose4
Philips Pulmonary Toolkit for Oncology includes
the features found in the Philips Pulmonary Toolkit, and are DoseRight- and DRI-capable.
and also includes Retrospective Spiral (4D CT)
capabilities and support for the Varian RPMTM The Philips interventional table control option
(device not included). enhances operational efficiency during CT-guided
interventional procedures.

11. Networking and storage
11.1 Networking 11.3 DICOM connectivity
Supports 10/100/1000 Mbps (10/100/1000 BaseT) Full implementation of the DICOM 3.0 communications
networks. For optimal performance, Philips recommends protocol allows connectivity to DICOM 3.0-compliant
a minimum 100 Mbps network (1 Gbps preferred) scanners, workstations, and printers; supports IHE
and for the CT network to be segmented from requirements for DICOM connectivity. Further details
the rest of the hospital network. on connectivity and interoperability are provided within
the DICOM Conformance statement.
11.2 DICOM
DICOM 3.0-compliant image format. Lossless image 11.4 DICOM DVD/CD writer
compression/decompression is used during image Stores DICOM images and associated image viewing
storage/retrieval to/from all local storage areas. software on DVD/CD media. Images on these DVD/CDs
Images can be auto-stored to selected archive media. can be viewed and manipulated on PCs meeting the
minimum specifications. Suited for individual result storage
Includes the following DICOM functionality: and referring physician support.
• Service class user and profile
(CT, MR, NM, Secondary Capture) 11.5 Filming
• DICOM Print This function allows the user to set up and store filming
• DICOM Modality Worklist parameters. Pre-stored protocols can be set to include
• Query/Retrieve User and Provider auto-filming. The operator can film immediately after each
• Modality Performed Procedure Step User image, at the end of a series, or after the end of a study,
• Storage Commitment User and review images before printing. The operator can also
• Removable Media automatically film the study at three different windows
• Structured Reports and incorporate “Combine Images” functionality to manage
large datasets. Basic monochrome and color DICOM print
capability are supported.

Type Hard drive DVD CD DVD RAM

Capacity 262 GB 262 GB 4.7 GB 700 MB full disk 9.4 GB
Approximate images 473,000 625,000* 8,500 1,200 30,000
Patients** 1,577 2,083 28 4 100
* 512 x 512 matrix; compressed
** Based on 300 images per study

12. Site planning

12.1 Power requirements 12.3 Environmental requirements

• 200/208/240/380/400/415/480/500 VAC Temperature
• 50/60 Hz Gantry room 18° to 24° C (64° to 75° F)
• 112.5 kVA source (150 kVA preferred) Control room 15° to 24° C (59° to 75° F)
• Three-phase distribution source Storage/Transport -5° to +35° C (23° F to 95° F)

Optional Humidity
12.2 Console Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) Gantry/Control 35% to 70% non-condensing
Provides up to 30 minutes of backup power for host Storage/Transport 10% to 90% non-condensing
tower computer, server tower computer and monitors.
Heat dissipation
Gantry 18,000 BTU/hr
Computer (CRC)* 3,572 BTU/hr
Isotran LM 2,210 BTU/hr

*The following racks replace CRC with IMR option:

Host 1,450 BTU/hr
Dual server 8,872 BTU/hr

12.4 System requirements, standard and bariatric tables
This preferred room layout can be upgraded to long table and will accommodate a 2100 mm scannable range.

8877 mm
2617 mm 6133 mm
(8'7") (20'1.44")

Isotran LM
EBW (optional) transformer 6
(optional) 5 Sink
Ceiling injector
Injector (optional)
(optional) Patient table Ceiling CCT
CRC server cabinet 4 (optional)

4272 mm

CRC server cabinet
Control 1 (alt. location)*
Operator console
(table optional)
Gantry scanner
Countertop/reading Exam room

Without IMR

8877 mm
2617 mm 6133 mm
(8'7") (20'1.44")

EBW (optional)
(optional) 5 Isotran LM
control Ceiling injector
IMR dual Sink
(optional) (optional)
server cabinet
(alt. location)
Patient table Ceiling CCT
IMR host 7 (optional)
cabinet Isocenter

4272 mm

IMR host cabinet
(alt. location)*

Control 1
Operator console
(table optional)
Gantry scanner 7
Countertop/reading Exam room IMR dual server
cabinet 8
With IMR
* Alternate location requires extended cable kit.

12.5 Dimensions and weights, standard and bariatric tables, per unit
Length Width Height Weight
1 Gantry scanner 2,376 mm (93.5") 941 mm (37") 2,005 mm (79") 1,950 kg (4,300 lb)
2 Table, standard or bariatric 5,151 mm (203") 685 mm (27") 1,067 mm (42") 404 kg (890 lb)
3 Operator console (table optional) 1,200 mm (47.2") 905 mm (35.5") 1,176 mm (46.3") 88 kg (193 lb)
4 CRC server cabinet 609 mm (24") 908 mm (35.7") 762 mm (30") 123 kg (271 lb)
5 UPS (optional) 296 mm (11.7") 602 mm (23.7") 430 mm (17") 70.4 kg (155 lb)
6 Isotran LM transformer 553 mm (21.8") 516 mm (20.3") 673 mm (26.5") 274 kg (603 lb)
7 IMR host cabinet 300 mm (11.8") 900 mm (35.4") 762 mm (30") 79 kg (174 lb)
8 IMR dual server cabinet 609 mm (24") 908 mm (35.7") 762 mm (30") 127 kg (279 lb)

12.6 System requirements, long tables
This preferred room layout will accommodate a 2100 mm scannable range.

8877 mm
2617 mm 6133 mm
(8'7") (20'1.44")

Isotran LM
EBW (optional) UPS transformer 6
(optional) 5 Ceiling injector
Sink (optional)
CRC server cabinet 4 Patient table Ceiling CCT
(optional) Isocenter

4272 mm

CRC server cabinet
Control 1 (alt. location)*
Operator console
(table optional) Gantry scanner 4
Countertop/reading Exam room

Without IMR

8877 mm
2617 mm 6133 mm
(8'7") (20'1.44")

(optional) 5 Isotran LM
EBW (optional) transformer
control Ceiling injector
Sink (optional)
IMR dual server
cabinet (alt. location) 8
Patient table Ceiling CCT
IMR host cabinet 7 (optional)

4272 mm

IMR host cabinet
(alt. location)*

Operator console
(table optional)
Gantry scanner
Countertop/reading Exam room IMR dual server
cabinet 8
With IMR
* Alternate location requires extended cable kit.

12.7 Dimensions and weights, long table, per unit

Length Width Height Weight
1 Gantry scanner 2,376 mm (93.5") 941 mm (37") 2,005 mm (79") 1,950 kg (4,300 lb)
2 Table, long 5,653 mm (222.5") 577 mm (22.7") 1,070 mm (42.2") 400 kg (880 lb)
3 Operator console (table optional) 1,200 mm (47.2") 905 mm (35.5") 1,176 mm (46.3") 88 kg (193 lb)
4 CRC server cabinet 609 mm (24") 908 mm (35.7") 762 mm (30") 123 kg (271 lb)
5 UPS (optional) 296 mm (11.7") 602 mm (23.7") 430 mm (17") 70.4 kg (155 lb)
6 Isotran LM transformer 553 mm (21.8") 516 mm (20.3") 673 mm (26.5") 274 kg (603 lb)
7 IMR host cabinet 300 mm (11.8") 900 mm (35.4") 762 mm (30") 79 kg (174 lb)
8 IMR dual server cabinet 609 mm (24") 908 mm (35.7") 762 mm (30") 127 kg (279 lb)

Philips SmartPath provides you easy access to solutions and innovations for the
full life of your computed tomography system, so you can boost your clinical
and operational potential and achieve your organizational goals.
Optimize your system’s Enhance your equipment Transform your investment
performance both now with regular technology at the end of your system’s life
and in the future with regular upgrades, and take by transitioning seamlessly
and ongoing updates, including advantage of the newest to a next-generation solution
functionality improvements features and capabilities. or refurbished option.
Optimize and remote technical support. Enhance Transform

The images and descriptions contained herein provide technical specifications and optional features which may not be included
with the standard system configuration. Contact your local Philips Representative for a complete specific system details.

Some or all of the products, features, and accessories shown or described herein may not be available in your market.
Please contact your local Philips Representative for availability.

The Ingenuity Elite is a configuration of the Ingenuity CT.

Please visit

© 2014 Koninklijke Philips N.V. Philips Healthcare is part of Royal Philips

All rights are reserved.
Philips SmartPath provides you easy access to solutions and innovations for the
full lifeand/or
of your computed tomography system,
Philips Healthcare reserves the right to make changes in specifications
to discontinue any product at any time without notice so you can boost your clinical
or obligation
and operational potential
and will not be liable
for any consequences achieve
resulting fromyour organizational
the use of this Printed in Thegoals.
4522 991 04581 * JUL 2014

Optimize your system’s Enhance your equipment Transform your investment

performance both now with regular technology at the end of your system’s life
and in the future with regular upgrades, and take by transitioning seamlessly
and ongoing updates, including advantage of the newest to a next-generation solution

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