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Sample Questions M2

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1. Explain alert(),confirm() & prompt() method of window object.

=>The alert(), confirm(), and prompt() methods are functions provided by the window
object in JavaScript. They allow you to interact with users by displaying various types of
dialog boxes. Here's an explanation of each method:

1. alert(message) :

- The alert() method is used to display a simple alert dialog box with a message to the
- It takes one argument, which is the message you want to display as a string.
- The dialog box typically contains an OK button for the user to dismiss the message.
- Example:

alert("This is an alert message.");

2. confirm(message):

- The confirm() method is used to display a confirmation dialog box with a message
and two buttons: OK and Cancel.
- It takes one argument, which is the message you want to display as a string.
- When the user clicks OK, the function returns true, and when the user clicks Cancel,
it returns false.
- Example:

var userConfirmed = confirm("Do you want to proceed?");

if (userConfirmed) {
// User clicked OK
} else {
// User clicked Cancel

3. prompt(message, defaultText):

- The prompt() method is used to display a dialog box that prompts the user to enter
some input.
- It takes two arguments: the first is the message to display as a string, and the
second is an optional default text that is pre-filled in the input field.
- The user can enter text and click OK or Cancel.
- If the user clicks OK, the function returns the text entered by the user as a string. If
the user clicks Cancel, it returns null.
- Example:

var userInput = prompt("Please enter your name:", "John Doe");

if (userInput !== null) {
alert("Hello, " + userInput + "!");
} else {
alert("No name entered.");

These dialog methods are used to enhance user interaction in web applications.
However, it's important to note that alert(), confirm(), and prompt() are considered
somewhat intrusive and may disrupt the user experience, especially when overused.
Modern web development often emphasizes more user-friendly and less disruptive
ways of interacting with users, such as using modal dialogs or custom-designed

2. Explain output and input methods in Javascript.

=> JavaScript provides various methods for both input and output operations. These
methods enable developers to interact with users by taking input from them and
displaying output on the screen. Here's an overview of some common input and output
methods in JavaScript:

Input Methods:

1. prompt(message, defaultText):
- As mentioned earlier, prompt() is used to display a dialog box that prompts the user
to enter input.
- It takes a message as its first argument (a string) and an optional default text (also a
string) that appears pre-filled in the input field.
- The user can input text and click OK or Cancel.
- If the user clicks OK, the function returns the text entered by the user as a string. If
the user clicks Cancel, it returns null.
var userInput = prompt("Please enter your name:", "John Doe");
if (userInput !== null) {
alert("Hello, " + userInput + "!");
} else {
alert("No name entered.");

2. confirm(message):
- confirm() displays a confirmation dialog box with a message and OK/Cancel buttons.
- It takes a message as its argument (a string) and returns true if the user clicks OK
and false if the user clicks Cancel.

var userConfirmed = confirm("Do you want to proceed?");

if (userConfirmed) {
// User clicked OK
} else {
// User clicked Cancel

3. Event Listeners:
- JavaScript can listen for user interactions (e.g., mouse clicks, keyboard input) using
event listeners.
- Developers can attach event listeners to HTML elements and respond to user
- Event listeners are used for interactive input from users.

document.getElementById("myButton").addEventListener("click", function () {
// This function is executed when the button with id "myButton" is clicked.

Output Methods:

1. alert(message):
- The alert() method displays an alert dialog box with the specified message.
- It takes a message as its argument (a string).
- The user can dismiss the dialog by clicking OK.

alert("This is an alert message.");

2. console.log(message):
- console.log() is used for debugging and logging information to the browser's console.
- It doesn't display messages directly to the user but is useful for developers to see
the output in the console.

console.log("This message is logged to the console.");

3. Modifying HTML Content:

- JavaScript can dynamically modify the content of HTML elements on a webpage.
- Developers can change the text, attributes, or structure of HTML elements to display

document.getElementById("outputElement").textContent = "New content here.";

4. document.write():
- This method is used to write content directly to the HTML document. However, it's
not commonly used due to its potential to overwrite existing content and affect page

document.write("This content is written to the document.");

These input and output methods in JavaScript enable developers to create interactive
web applications and provide feedback to users through various forms of input
gathering and output presentation. The choice of method depends on the specific use
case and user interaction requirements of the application.
3. What are functions? Explain how to create and call
=> Functions in JavaScript are reusable blocks of code that perform a specific task or
set of tasks. They allow you to organize and encapsulate your code, making it more
modular and easier to maintain. Functions can take inputs, perform operations, and
return results. Here's how to create and call functions in JavaScript:

Creating a Function:

You can create a function using the function keyword, followed by a name for the
function, a set of parentheses for parameters (if any), and a block of code enclosed in
curly braces {}. The general syntax looks like this:

function functionName(parameters) {
// Code to be executed
// ...

- functionName: This is the name of your function. Choose a descriptive name that
reflects what the function does.
- parameters: These are optional. You can define parameters inside the parentheses to
pass values into the function.
- {}: This is the code block where you write the instructions that the function should

Here's an example of a simple function that adds two numbers:

function addNumbers(a, b) {
var sum = a + b;
return sum;

Calling a Function:
To use a function, you need to call it by its name and provide any required arguments
(values for the parameters) inside parentheses. You can assign the result of a function
to a variable or use it directly. Here's how to call the addNumbers function:

var result = addNumbers(5, 3);

console.log(result); // Output: 8

In this example:
- We call the addNumbers function with the arguments 5 and 3.
- The function adds these numbers and returns the result.
- We store the result in the result variable and then log it to the console.

Returning Values:

Functions can return values using the return statement. You can return a single value or
an expression. When a function encounters a return statement, it immediately exits, and
the specified value is returned to the caller. If a function doesn't have a return statement
or explicitly returns undefined, it still returns a value (implicitly undefined).

function multiply(a, b) {
return a b;

var product = multiply(4, 7);

console.log(product); // Output: 28

Function Declaration vs. Function Expression:

There are two common ways to create functions in JavaScript: function declarations and
function expressions.

1. Function Declaration:

function sayHello() {
2. Function Expression (using anonymous functions):

var sayHello = function() {


Both approaches have their use cases, but function declarations are hoisted (moved to
the top of the script during execution), allowing you to call them before their actual
definition in the code. Function expressions, on the other hand, are not hoisted.

In summary, functions in JavaScript are a fundamental concept that enables you to

encapsulate and reuse code. You create functions with the function keyword, provide
parameters (if needed), write the code inside the function block, and call the function by
its name with appropriate arguments. Functions can return values using the return
statement, making them versatile for various programming tasks.

4. Explain various datatypes used in Javascript.

=> JavaScript is a dynamically typed language, which means that variables can hold
values of different types without requiring explicit type declarations. JavaScript supports
several data types, which can be categorized into two main categories: primitive data
types and reference data types.

Primitive Data Types:

1. Number: Represents numeric values. It includes integers, floating-point numbers, and

special values like Infinity, -Infinity, and NaN (Not-a-Number).

var age = 25;

var price = 19.99;

2. String: Represents textual data. Strings are enclosed in single (') or double (") quotes.
var name = "John";
var message = 'Hello, World!';

3. Boolean: Represents a binary value, either true or false.

var isStudent = true;

var hasSubscription = false;

4. Undefined: Represents a variable that has been declared but has no assigned value.
It is also the default value of function parameters that have not been provided.

var x;
var y = undefined; // You can explicitly set a variable to undefined.

5. Null: Represents an intentional absence of any object value or value.

var empty = null;

Reference Data Types:

1. Object: Represents a collection of key-value pairs and is the most versatile data type
in JavaScript. Objects can be created using object literals or with the new Object()

var person = {
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe"

2. Array: Represents an ordered collection of values, typically of the same data type.
Arrays can hold primitive and reference data types.
var colors = ["red", "green", "blue"];

3. Function: Functions are objects in JavaScript and can be assigned to variables,

passed as arguments, and returned as values. They can also have properties and

function greet(name) {
return "Hello, " + name + "!";

4. RegExp: Represents regular expressions used for pattern matching and searching
within strings.

var pattern = /[A-Z]/g; // Matches uppercase letters globally.

Understanding and using these data types is fundamental to JavaScript programming,

as they provide the building blocks for creating variables, organizing data, and
manipulating information in your scripts.

5. Different ways of declaring variables in Javascript

=> In JavaScript, you can declare variables using three different keywords: var, let, and
const. Each keyword has its own scope and behavior, and choosing the right one
depends on your specific use case and programming requirements. Here's an
explanation of each:

1. var:
- var was the original way to declare variables in JavaScript, and it has been around
since the language's inception.
- Variables declared with var have function-level scope. This means they are scoped
to the nearest function block, not block-level (i.e., not limited to if statements, loops,
- Variables declared with var are hoisted to the top of their containing function or
global scope, which can sometimes lead to unexpected behavior.
- Variables declared with var can be re-declared within the same scope.

var x = 10;
function example() {
var x = 20; // This is a separate variable, local to the function.
console.log(x); // Outputs 20
console.log(x); // Outputs 10

2. let:
- let was introduced in ECMAScript 6 (ES6) and offers block-level scope, making it
more predictable and flexible than var.
- Variables declared with let are scoped to the nearest enclosing block (i.e., within {}),
including loops, if statements, and function blocks.
- Variables declared with let are not hoisted to the top of the containing block.
- Variables declared with let can be reassigned, but not re-declared within the same

let y = 10;
if (true) {
let y = 20; // This is a separate variable, local to the block.
console.log(y); // Outputs 20
console.log(y); // Outputs 10

3. const:
- const is also introduced in ES6 and is used to declare variables whose values
should not be reassigned after initial assignment.
- Like let, variables declared with const have block-level scope and are not hoisted.
- Variables declared with const must be initialized when declared, and you cannot
reassign them later.
const z = 10;
if (true) {
const z = 20; // This is a separate constant, local to the block.
console.log(z); // Outputs 20
console.log(z); // Outputs 10

In modern JavaScript, it's recommended to use let for most variable declarations
because of its block-level scope and predictable behavior. Use const when you know
that a variable's value should not change after initialization. Reserve var for cases
where you specifically need function-level scope or when dealing with legacy code. The
introduction of let and const has improved the consistency and predictability of variable
scoping in JavaScript.

6. What is event handler? Explain any three mouse events.

=> An event handler is a JavaScript function that is associated with an HTML element
and responds to events triggered by user interactions or other actions on that element.
Event handlers allow you to define custom behavior or functionality for your web page
by specifying what should happen when a specific event occurs. These events can
include user actions like clicking, hovering, typing, or resizing, among others.

Here are three commonly used mouse events in JavaScript:

1. click Event:
- The click event occurs when a mouse button (typically the left button) is pressed and
then released on an HTML element, such as a button or a link.
- It is commonly used for handling user interactions like button clicks, opening links, or
triggering actions.
- Example:

var button = document.getElementById("myButton");

button.addEventListener("click", function() {
alert("Button clicked!");

2. mouseover Event:
- The mouseover event occurs when the mouse pointer enters the boundaries of an
HTML element, such as when moving the mouse over an image or a div.
- It is often used to trigger actions when a user hovers over an element, like displaying
tooltips or changing the element's appearance.
- Example:

var image = document.getElementById("myImage");

image.addEventListener("mouseover", function() {
image.src = "hovered-image.jpg";

3. mouseout Event:
- The mouseout event occurs when the mouse pointer exits the boundaries of an
HTML element, such as when moving the mouse out of an image or a div.
- It is typically used to revert changes made during the mouseover event or to perform
actions when the user stops hovering over an element.
- Example:

var image = document.getElementById("myImage");

image.addEventListener("mouseout", function() {
image.src = "original-image.jpg";

These are just a few examples of mouse events in JavaScript. There are many other
mouse-related events, such as mousedown, mouseup, mousemove, and contextmenu,
which you can use to create interactive and responsive web applications. Event
handlers are a fundamental part of web development and play a crucial role in
enhancing user interactivity and user experience on websites.

7. Different types of event and event handlers.

=> Events in web development are occurrences or interactions that happen in a web
page or application, such as user actions, system events, or external triggers.
JavaScript provides various types of events and corresponding event handlers to
respond to these events. Here are some common types of events and their associated
event handlers:

Mouse Events:

1. click:
- Occurs when the user clicks (presses and releases) a mouse button.
- Event Handler: onclick

2. mousedown:
- Occurs when the user presses a mouse button.
- Event Handler: onmousedown

3. mouseup:
- Occurs when the user releases a mouse button.
- Event Handler: onmouseup

4. mouseover:
- Occurs when the mouse pointer enters an element.
- Event Handler: onmouseover

5. mouseout:
- Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves an element.
- Event Handler: onmouseout

6. mousemove:
- Occurs when the mouse pointer moves within an element.
- Event Handler: onmousemove

Keyboard Events:

7. keydown:
- Occurs when a key on the keyboard is pressed down.
- Event Handler: onkeydown

8. keyup:
- Occurs when a key on the keyboard is released.
- Event Handler: onkeyup

Form Events:

9. submit:
- Occurs when a form is submitted, either by clicking a submit button or by using
JavaScript to trigger the submission.
- Event Handler: onsubmit

10. reset:
- Occurs when a form's reset button is clicked.
- Event Handler: onreset

11. change:
- Occurs when the value of an input element changes (commonly used with form
elements like text inputs, checkboxes, and radio buttons).
- Event Handler: onchange

Window and Document Events:

12. load:
- Occurs when a web page or document finishes loading.
- Event Handler: onload

13. unload:
- Occurs when a web page or document is being unloaded or closed.
- Event Handler: onunload

14. resize:
- Occurs when the browser window is resized.
- Event Handler: onresize

15. scroll:
- Occurs when the user scrolls the web page.
- Event Handler: onscroll

Event Handlers:

Event handlers are functions that respond to specific events. They are used to define
what should happen when an event occurs. Event handlers can be assigned to HTML
elements using attributes (e.g., onclick, onmouseover) or attached to elements in
JavaScript code using methods like addEventListener().

Here's an example of attaching an event handler using addEventListener():

var button = document.getElementById("myButton");

button.addEventListener("click", function() {
alert("Button clicked!");

In this example, when the button with the id "myButton" is clicked, the click event
triggers the anonymous function that displays an alert.

These are just a few examples of the many types of events and event handlers
available in JavaScript. Events and event handling are fundamental to building
interactive and responsive web applications.

8. What do you mean by an object in Javascript? Different

ways of creating an object in Javascript.
=> In JavaScript, an object is a composite data type that represents a collection of
properties (key-value pairs), where each property can hold values of various data types,
including other objects. Objects are a fundamental concept in JavaScript and play a
central role in the language's flexibility and versatility. They are used to model and
represent real-world entities, data structures, and more.

Here's a brief overview of objects in JavaScript:

- Properties: Objects have properties, which are named values associated with the
object. Properties can store data or functions (methods).
- Methods: Functions defined within an object are called methods. They allow objects to
encapsulate behavior and functionality.
- Key-Value Pairs: Properties are defined as key-value pairs, where the key is a string
(or symbol in ES6+) that serves as the property name, and the value can be of any data
There are several ways to create objects in JavaScript:

1. Object Literal:
- The most common way to create an object is using the object literal notation {}.

var person = {
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe",
age: 30,
sayHello: function() {

2. Constructor Functions:
- You can define object templates (classes) using constructor functions and then
create multiple instances of objects from them.

function Person(firstName, lastName, age) {

this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;
this.age = age;
this.sayHello = function() {

var john = new Person("John", "Doe", 30);

3. Object.create() (ES5+):
- You can create objects based on a prototype using the Object.create() method.

var personPrototype = {
sayHello: function() {

var person = Object.create(personPrototype);

person.firstName = "John";
person.lastName = "Doe";
person.age = 30;

4. Class (ES6+):
- ES6 introduced class syntax for creating objects and defining methods.

class Person {
constructor(firstName, lastName, age) {
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;
this.age = age;

sayHello() {

var john = new Person("John", "Doe", 30);

5. Factory Functions:
- You can create objects using factory functions, which are functions that return new

function createPerson(firstName, lastName, age) {

return {
firstName: firstName,
lastName: lastName,
age: age,
sayHello: function() {

var john = createPerson("John", "Doe", 30);

Each of these methods for creating objects has its own advantages and use cases. The
choice of which method to use depends on your specific requirements and coding style.
ES6 introduced classes as a more structured way to create objects, making it easier to
define object templates and methods, but the other methods are still widely used and

9. Explain Object Oriented concepts in Javascript.

=> Certainly, I can explain Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts in JavaScript
without using examples:

1. Objects:
- Objects are fundamental in JavaScript and represent entities that have properties
and methods. Properties store data, while methods are functions associated with

2. Classes (ES6+):
- ES6 introduced class syntax, which allows developers to create object templates
with constructors and methods. Classes provide a blueprint for creating objects.

3. Inheritance:
- Inheritance in JavaScript is based on prototypes. Objects can inherit properties and
methods from their prototypes. It enables code reuse and creating hierarchies of

4. Encapsulation:
- Encapsulation involves bundling data (properties) and behavior (methods) into a
single unit (an object). JavaScript uses closures, constructor functions, and ES6 classes
for encapsulation.
5. Polymorphism:
- Polymorphism allows different objects to be treated as instances of the same type.
JavaScript supports polymorphism through its dynamic and flexible object system.

6. Abstraction:
- Abstraction involves simplifying complex systems by hiding unnecessary details and
exposing only the essential features. JavaScript objects and classes provide abstraction
by encapsulating implementation details.

These OOP concepts help organize and structure code in a more modular and reusable
way. JavaScript's unique features, such as its prototype-based inheritance and dynamic
nature, offer flexibility and power in applying OOP principles to a wide range of
programming tasks.

10. Explain advantages of using Arrow function.

=> Certainly, here's the theoretical explanation of the advantages of using arrow
functions in JavaScript:

1. Concise Syntax:
- Arrow functions have a shorter and more concise syntax compared to traditional
function expressions, making code easier to read and write.

2. Implicit Return:
- Arrow functions with a single expression have an implicit return, eliminating the need
for the 'return' keyword for simple operations.

3. Lexical 'this' Binding:

- Arrow functions do not have their own 'this' context. Instead, they inherit the 'this'
value from their enclosing (lexical) context, simplifying the handling of 'this' in functions.

4. No Arguments Object:
- Arrow functions do not have their own 'arguments' object. Instead, they inherit the
'arguments' object from the enclosing function, simplifying code that relies on or avoids
naming conflicts with 'arguments'.

5. No 'new' Binding:
- Arrow functions cannot be used as constructor functions with the 'new' keyword,
preventing accidental object creation and encouraging better coding practices.

These advantages make arrow functions a useful addition to JavaScript for writing more
concise and maintainable code, particularly in scenarios where simplicity and clarity are

11. Explain Generator function and how it is different from

normal function.
=> A generator function in JavaScript is a special type of function introduced in
ECMAScript 6 (ES6) that allows you to create iterators in a more flexible and controlled
manner. Generator functions are distinct from normal functions in several ways:

1. Function Declaration:

- Normal Function: A normal function is declared using the 'function' keyword, followed
by a name and a set of parentheses for parameters.

function normalFunction() {
// Function code here

- Generator Function: A generator function is declared using the 'function*' syntax,

which includes an asterisk after the 'function' keyword.

function* generatorFunction() {
// Generator function code here

2. Execution Control:

- Normal Function: When you call a normal function, it runs from start to finish, and you
can't pause its execution or yield values during execution.
- Generator Function: A generator function can be paused during execution using the
'yield' keyword. This allows you to yield values one at a time and then resume execution
from where it left off.

3. Iterators:

- Normal Function: Normal functions do not inherently support iteration. To create an

iterable sequence, you would typically use arrays or other data structures.

- Generator Function: Generator functions are inherently iterable. When called, they
return a generator object that can be used to iterate over the values produced by the
'yield' statements.

4. Execution Context Preservation:

- Normal Function: Each time you call a normal function, it starts with a fresh execution
context. Local variables are re-initialized, and there's no memory of the previous

- Generator Function: Generator functions preserve their execution context between

calls. Local variables and the execution state are retained, allowing the function to
resume from where it yielded the last value.

5. Pausing and Resuming:

- Normal Function: Normal functions run to completion and return a result. You can't
pause their execution midway or yield values during execution.

- Generator Function: Generator functions can pause their execution using 'yield',
allowing you to produce values lazily, pause, and then resume to produce more values
when needed.

6. Infinite Sequences:

- Normal Function: It's challenging to create infinite sequences using normal functions
because they run to completion.

- Generator Function: Generator functions can easily generate infinite sequences since
they can be paused and resumed as needed.
Here's an example of a generator function that generates an infinite sequence of

function* infiniteSequence() {
let i = 0;
while (true) {
yield i++;

const generator = infiniteSequence();

console.log(; // 0
console.log(; // 1
console.log(; // 2
// ... and so on

In summary, generator functions in JavaScript provide a way to create iterators and

produce values lazily, allowing for more efficient memory usage and the handling of
potentially infinite sequences. They differ from normal functions in their syntax,
execution control, and the ability to pause and resume execution.

12. Synchronous and Asynchronous programming.

=> Synchronous Programming and Asynchronous Programming are two different
approaches to handling tasks and operations in a program, especially in the context of
I/O (Input/Output) operations and tasks that may take some time to complete. Here's an
explanation of each:

Synchronous Programming:

1. Sequential Execution: In synchronous programming, tasks are executed one after

another in a sequential manner. The program waits for each task to complete before
moving on to the next one.
2. Blocking Behavior: Synchronous operations block the execution of the program until
the current task is finished. This means that if a task takes a long time to complete (e.g.,
reading a large file or making a network request), the entire program may appear
unresponsive during that time.

3. Simple Control Flow: Synchronous code has a straightforward and predictable control
flow. It is easy to understand and reason about because tasks are executed in the order
they are written.

4. Example: Here's a synchronous example in JavaScript, where each function call

blocks the execution until it's completed:

function syncTask1() {
// Task 1

function syncTask2() {
// Task 2


Asynchronous Programming:

1. Parallel Execution: Asynchronous programming allows tasks to be executed in

parallel without waiting for the completion of each task. This is particularly useful for
I/O-bound operations, such as reading/writing files or making network requests.

2. Non-Blocking Behavior: Asynchronous operations do not block the program's

execution. Instead, the program can continue executing other tasks while waiting for
asynchronous operations to complete.

3. Complex Control Flow: Asynchronous code can have a more complex control flow
due to callbacks, promises, or async/await syntax. This complexity arises from
managing the order of execution when tasks complete at different times.

4. Example: Here's an asynchronous example in JavaScript using callbacks:

function asyncTask1(callback) {
setTimeout(function() {
// Task 1
}, 1000);

function asyncTask2() {
// Task 2

asyncTask1(function() {

In the asynchronous example, 'asyncTask1' does not block the program; it schedules a
callback to be executed after a delay. Meanwhile, 'asyncTask2' can execute immediately
without waiting for 'asyncTask1' to finish.

Use Cases:

- Synchronous Programming is suitable for simple and straightforward tasks where

blocking the program's execution doesn't cause issues. It is often used in scenarios
where tasks are fast and predictable.

- Asynchronous Programming is essential for handling I/O-bound operations, network

requests, and tasks that may take a significant amount of time to complete. It improves
program responsiveness and efficiency by allowing multiple tasks to run concurrently.

In modern programming, asynchronous techniques using callbacks, promises, or

async/await are prevalent, especially in web development, where interactions with
servers and databases are common. These techniques help prevent a program from
becoming unresponsive and provide a smoother user experience.

13. Template Literal, Rest and Spread, default argument.

=> Template Literals:

Template literals, introduced in ECMAScript 6 (ES6), are a way to create strings in

JavaScript using backticks (` ` `) instead of single or double quotes. They offer several
advantages over traditional string literals:

1. Multiline Strings: Template literals allow you to create multiline strings without the
need for escape characters or concatenation.

const multilineString = `
This is a
multiline string.`

2. String Interpolation: You can embed variables or expressions directly within a

template literal using ‘${}’.

const name = "John";

const greeting = Hello, ${name}!; // "Hello, John!"

3. Tagged Templates: Template literals can be "tagged" with a function, allowing you to
process the string and values in a custom way. This is commonly used for string
formatting and localization.

function customTag(strings, ...values) {

// Process and format the strings and values as needed

const result = customTag’The value is ${value}.’;

Rest and Spread Operators:

1. Rest Operator (...)

- The rest operator is used in function parameters to capture a variable number of
arguments into an array.
- It allows you to pass an arbitrary number of arguments to a function and access
them as an array.

function sum(...numbers) {
return numbers.reduce((acc, num) => acc + num, 0);

sum(1, 2, 3, 4); // 10

2. Spread Operator (...)

- The spread operator is used to split an array or iterable into individual elements.
- It is often used for creating copies of arrays, merging arrays, or spreading elements
in function calls.

const array1 = [1, 2, 3];

const array2 = [4, 5, 6];

const mergedArray = [...array1, ...array2]; // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

Default Arguments:

Default function parameters allow you to specify default values for function parameters
when the caller doesn't provide a value or provides undefined. This feature is also
introduced in ES6.

function greet(name = "Guest") {

console.log(Hello, ${name}!);

greet(); // "Hello, Guest!"

greet("John"); // "Hello, John!"
In the greet function, if the name parameter is not provided when calling the function, it
defaults to "Guest." However, if a value is provided for name, it uses that value instead.

Default arguments are helpful for making functions more flexible and providing sensible
defaults when certain parameters are not specified.

14. Differentiate between Function & Arrow Function.


15. Differentiate between Generator & Iterator.


Iterator Generator

Class is used to implement an Function is used to implement a

iterator generator.

All the local variables before the yield

Local Variables aren’t used here.
function are stored.

Generators are mostly used in loops to

Iterators are used mostly to iterate or
generate an iterator by returning all the
convert other objects to an iterator
values in the loop without affecting the
using iter() function.
iteration of the loop

Iterator uses iter() and next()

Generator uses yield keyword

Every iterator is not a generator Every generator is an iterator

16. Differentiate between Let, Var & Const.

var let const

The scope of a
var variable is The scope of a let variable is The scope of a const
functional block scope. variable is block scope.

It can be
It can be updated but cannot
updated and It cannot be updated or
be re-declared into the
re-declared into re-declared into the scope.
the scope.

It can be
It can be declared without It cannot be declared
declared without
initialization. without initialization.

It can be
accessed It cannot be accessed It cannot be accessed
without without initialization without initialization, as it
initialization as otherwise it will give cannot be declared without
its default value ‘referenceError’. initialization.
is “undefined”.

Hoisting is done, but not Hoisting is done, but not

hoisting done, initialized (this is the reason initialized (this is the reason
with initializing for the error when we for the error when we
as ‘default’ access the let variable access the const variable
value before before
declaration/initialization declaration/initialization

17. Short note on Promise.

=> A Promise in JavaScript is an object that represents the eventual completion or
failure of an asynchronous operation and its resulting value. Promises provide a
structured way to handle asynchronous code and make it more manageable, readable,
and maintainable. They are a core feature of modern JavaScript, introduced in
ECMAScript 6 (ES6).

Here are key points about Promises:

1. States:
- A Promise can be in one of three states:
- Pending: The initial state, representing that the operation is still ongoing.
- Fulfilled (Resolved): Indicates that the operation completed successfully, and a
result value is available.
- Rejected: Indicates that the operation encountered an error, and an error reason is

2. Chaining:
- Promises allow you to chain multiple asynchronous operations together in a
sequence, making it easier to express complex asynchronous workflows.
- You can chain `.then()` and `.catch()` methods to handle fulfillment and rejection,

3. Error Handling:
- Promises provide a clear and structured way to handle errors by using the `.catch()`
method. Errors propagate down the chain until they are caught by a `.catch()` block.

4. Creating Promises:
- You can create a new Promise using the `Promise` constructor, which takes a
function (executor) with two arguments: `resolve` and `reject`. Inside the executor, you
perform the asynchronous operation and call `resolve(value)` when it's successful or
`reject(reason)` when it fails.

const myPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

// Asynchronous operation
if (operationSuccessful) {
} else {

5. Consuming Promises:
- To consume a Promise, you can use the `.then()` method to specify what should
happen when the Promise is fulfilled and the `.catch()` method to handle any errors.

.then(result => {
// Handle fulfillment
.catch(error => {
// Handle rejection

6. Async/Await:
- ES2017 (ES8) introduced the `async/await` syntax, which simplifies asynchronous
code even further. It allows you to write asynchronous code in a more synchronous-like
style, making it more readable.

async function fetchData() {

try {
const response = await fetch("");
const data = await response.json();
return data;
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error:", error);
throw error;

Promises have become the standard for handling asynchronous operations in

JavaScript due to their clarity, composability, and error-handling capabilities. They are
widely used in web development for tasks like making network requests, reading/writing
files, and managing concurrency in a more structured manner. The `async/await` syntax
further simplifies asynchronous code, making it easier for developers to work with
Promises and handle async operations.

18. Short note on Callback function.

=> A callback function in JavaScript is a function that is passed as an argument to
another function and is intended to be executed later, often after some asynchronous
operation or an event has occurred. Callback functions are a fundamental concept in
JavaScript, enabling asynchronous programming, event handling, and functional
programming patterns.

Here are some key points about callback functions:

1. Asynchronous Operations: Callbacks are commonly used to handle asynchronous

operations, such as reading files, making network requests, or executing timeouts.
Instead of waiting for these operations to complete, you provide a callback function that
gets called when the operation finishes.

2. Event Handling: In event-driven programming, callback functions are used to respond

to events such as user interactions (e.g., clicks, keypresses), DOM events, or custom
events. When an event occurs, the associated callback function is triggered.

3. Higher-Order Functions: Callbacks are often used with higher-order functions, which
are functions that take other functions as arguments. Functions like ‘map()’, ‘filter()’, and
‘forEach()’ can accept callbacks to customize their behavior.

4. Anonymous Functions: Callbacks can be defined as anonymous functions directly

within the function call. This is common when the callback is simple and used only once.

setTimeout(function() {
console.log("This is a callback function.");
}, 1000);

Callback functions are a crucial part of JavaScript's ability to handle asynchronous and
event-driven programming, making it possible to create responsive and interactive
applications, handle I/O operations efficiently, and design modular and reusable code.
19. Short note on Generator and Iterator.
=> Generator:

A generator in JavaScript is a special type of function that can be paused and resumed
during its execution. It allows you to generate a sequence of values lazily, which means
that you can produce values one at a time, on-demand, and potentially in an infinite
sequence. Generators are created using function declarations or expressions with an
asterisk (‘function*’).

- Syntax:

function* myGenerator() {
// Generator function code here

- Pausing and Resuming: Generators use the `yield` keyword to pause their execution
and yield a value. They can later be resumed from where they left off using the `next()`

- Infinite Sequences: Generators are useful for creating iterators that represent
potentially infinite sequences, such as an infinite sequence of numbers.


An iterator is an object that provides a way to access the elements of a collection (like
an array or a custom data structure) one at a time. In JavaScript, an iterator is an object
with a `next()` method that returns an object with two properties: `value` (the current
element) and `done` (a boolean indicating whether there are more elements to iterate).

- Iterator Protocol: Iterators follow the iterator protocol, which specifies that they must
have a `next()` method. When you call `next()`, it should return an object with the
`value` and `done` properties.

- Iterables: An iterable is an object that has an associated iterator. Arrays, strings, maps,
sets, and generators are examples of iterables in JavaScript.
- For...of Loop: JavaScript provides a convenient way to iterate over iterables using the
`for...of` loop, which automatically calls the `next()` method of the iterator.

Here's a simple example of a generator and an iterator:

function* countToN(n) {
let count = 0;
while (count <= n) {
yield count;

const iterator = countToN(5);

for (const value of iterator) {

In this example, ‘countToN’ is a generator that produces values from 0 to ‘n’. The
‘for...of’ loop iterates over the iterator created from the generator, printing each value.
Generators and iterators provide a powerful mechanism for working with sequences of
data in a more efficient and flexible way.

20. Short note on Javascript DOM and different methods of

Document Object.
=> JavaScript DOM (Document Object Model) :

The Document Object Model (DOM) is a programming interface for web documents. It
represents the structure of a web page as a tree-like structure, where each node in the
tree corresponds to a part of the page (e.g., elements, attributes, text), and you can use
JavaScript to interact with and manipulate these nodes. The DOM provides a way for
JavaScript to dynamically access and update the content, structure, and style of a web
Common Methods of the Document Object :

The Document object provides various methods and properties to interact with the web
page's structure and content. Here are some common methods of the Document object:

1. getElementById(id) :
- This method returns a reference to the first element in the document with the
specified id attribute.
- Example:

var element = document.getElementById("myElement");

2. getElementsByClassName(className) :
- This method returns a live HTMLCollection of elements that have the specified class
- Example:

var elements = document.getElementsByClassName("myClass");

3. getElementsByTagName(tagName) :
- This method returns a live HTMLCollection of elements with the specified tag name.
- Example:

var paragraphs = document.getElementsByTagName("p");

4. querySelector(selector) :
- This method returns the first element that matches the specified CSS selector.
- Example:

var element = document.querySelector(".myClass");

5. querySelectorAll(selector) :
- This method returns a static NodeList of all elements that match the specified CSS
- Example:
var elements = document.querySelectorAll("p.myClass");

6. createElement(tagName) :
- This method creates a new HTML element with the specified tag name.
- Example:

var newDiv = document.createElement("div");

7. appendChild(node) :
- This method adds a node as the last child of a parent node.
- Example:

var parent = document.getElementById("parentElement");


8. removeChild(node) :
- This method removes a child node from its parent node.
- Example:

var parent = document.getElementById("parentElement");

var child = document.getElementById("childElement");

9. setAttribute(name, value) :
- This method sets or updates an attribute of an element with the specified name and
- Example:

element.setAttribute("class", "newClass");

10. addEventListener(event, function) :

- This method allows you to attach an event listener to an element, so you can
respond to user interactions (e.g., clicks, keypresses).
- Example:
button.addEventListener("click", function() {
alert("Button clicked!");

These are just some of the commonly used methods of the Document object in
JavaScript. The DOM provides a rich set of methods and properties that enable you to
create, manipulate, and interact with web page elements dynamically.

21. Data validation in Javascript and Regular expression.

=> Certainly, here's the theoretical explanation of data validation in JavaScript using
regular expressions:

Data Validation:

Data validation is the process of checking if data or user input conforms to specified
criteria, such as format, length, or value. It is crucial for ensuring data integrity and
security in software applications.

Regular Expressions (Regex):

Regular expressions are patterns used for matching and searching strings. They consist
of a combination of characters and special symbols that define a pattern to be searched
for within a text. In JavaScript, regex can be created using the `RegExp` constructor or
regex literals enclosed in forward slashes (`/`).

Role of Regex in Data Validation:

Regular expressions play a significant role in data validation by allowing you to:

1. Pattern Matching: Define a pattern that input data must match. For example, you can
use regex to validate email addresses, phone numbers, URLs, or dates by specifying
the expected pattern.

2. Format Validation: Check if data follows a specific format. Regex helps ensure that
data adheres to a predefined structure, such as date formats, postal codes, or credit
card numbers.
3. Length and Value Checks: Regex can be used to validate the length of a string or to
check if the data falls within a specific range of values. For instance, you can validate
passwords for complexity requirements.

4. Sanitization: Besides validation, regex can also be used for data sanitization, which
involves removing or modifying certain characters or substrings in input data to prevent
security vulnerabilities like SQL injection or cross-site scripting (XSS).

Common Validation Patterns:

Common validation patterns that can be defined using regex include:

- Email Validation: Ensuring that email addresses follow a specific format.

- URL Validation: Checking if URLs adhere to a standard format.
- Password Strength Validation: Verifying that passwords meet complexity requirements.
- Numeric Input Validation: Validating that input consists of numeric characters.
- Date Format Validation: Ensuring dates follow a specified format.

Error Handling:

When data does not pass validation, it's essential to provide meaningful error messages
or feedback to users. Error messages should clearly indicate what aspect of the input
data is invalid and how it can be corrected.

Data validation using regular expressions helps improve the reliability and security of
software applications by enforcing data integrity and preventing the processing of
potentially harmful or incorrect data.

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