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//find out area of a circle

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

int radius;

int area;

float pi = 13.4;

printf("Enter radius");

scanf("%d", &radius);

area = pi*radius*radius;

printf("area of the circle is%d", area);

return 0;

//Area of a square

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

int side;

int area;

printf("Enter the side");

scanf("%d", &side);

area = side*side;

printf("%d", area);

return 0;

//Perimeter of rectangle

Int Prectangle;

Int length;

Int width;


int main() {

int prectangle;

int length;

int width;

printf("Enter length");

scanf("%d", &length);

printf("Enter width");

scanf("%d", &width);

prectangle = length + width * 2;

printf("perimeter of rectangle is: %d", prectangle);

//take a number from user & output its cube(n*n*n) (not executing, doesn’t give any output)

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

int number;

printf("Enter a number");

scanf("%d", &number);

number = number*number*number;

printf("\ncube of the number: %d", number);

return 0

//a program to print average of 3 numbers

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

int number1;

int number2;

int number3;

int avg;

printf("Enter number 1: \nEnter number 2:\nEnter number 3");

scanf("%d%d%d", &number1, &number2, &number3);

avg = number1 + number2 + number/300

printf("Average of the numbers: %d", avg);

return 0;

//Char key = ‘a’

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

char key;

printf("Enter a key: ");

scanf("%c", &key);

if (key=='a' || key=='A')




return 0;

//individual number should not be negative

int main(){

int a;

int b;

int c;

int d;

printf("Enter 1st number: ");

scanf("%d", &a);

printf("Enter 2nd number: ");

scanf("%d", &b);

printf("Enter 3rd number: ");

scanf("%d", &c);

printf("Enter 4th number: ");

scanf("%d", &d);

if (a>=0 && b>=0 && c>=0 && d>=0)

printf("\nnumbers are positive: ");

if (a%2==0 && b%2==0 && c%2==0 && d%2==0)

printf("\nNumbers are even:");


printf("\nWrong input");

printf("Please check and enter a postive positive number");

return 0;


int main() {

// atm

int amount;
int notes2000, notes500, notes200, notes100;

printf("Enter amount: ");

scanf("%d", &amount);

notes2000 = amount/2000;

amount -= notes2000*2000;

notes500 = amount/500;

amount-= notes500*500;

notes200 = amount/200;

amount -= notes200*200;

notes100 = amount/100;

amount -= notes100*100;

printf("\nNo. of 2000 notes are: %d",notes200);

printf("\nNo. of 500 notes are: %d", notes500);

printf("\nNo. of 200 notes are: %d", notes200);

printf("\nNo. of 100 notes are: %d", notes100);

return 0;

#include <stdio.h>

int main()

int Maths;

int Science;

int Hindi;

int percentage;

printf("Enter your maths marks: ");

scanf("%d", &Maths);

printf("Enter your Science marks: ");

scanf("%d", &Science);

printf("Enter your hindi marks: ");

scanf("%d", &Hindi);
percentage = (Maths+Science+Hindi)/300*100;

if (percentage<33)


if (percentage>=33 && percentage<=45)

printf("3rd division");

if (percentage>45 && percentage<60)

printf("2nd division");


printf("1st division");

return 0;

// Leap year //throwing an error

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

int year;

printf("Enter year");


if (year>=1900 && year<=2050)

if (year%4==0 && year!=0);

printf("It's a leap year");


printf("It's not a leap year");

return 0;

//grading using switch (Throwing an error)

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

int marks;

printf("Enter marks: ");

scanf("%d", &marks);

switch (marks)

case 90-100 : printf("A+");


case 80-90: printf("B");


case 70-80: printf("C");


case 60-70: printf("D");


default <70 : printf("fail");


return 0;

//select days using switch

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

int day;

printf("Choose a number: ");

scanf("%d", &day);


case 1: printf("\nIt's Monday");


case 2: printf("\nIt's Tuesday");


case 3: printf("\nIt's Wednesday");


case 4: printf("\nit's Thursday");


case 5: printf("\nIt's Friday");


case 6: printf("\nIt's Saturday");


default : printf("\nIt's Sunday");


return 0;

//Mark sheet with division of individual subject

#include <stdio.h>

int main () {

int sub1;

int sub2;

int total;

int percentage;

printf("enter marks of sub1: ");

scanf("%d", &sub1);

printf("Enter marks for subject2: ");

scanf("%d", &sub2);
total = sub1+sub2;


if (percentage>=60)

printf("First division");

else if (percentage>=45)

printf("Second division");

else if (percentage>=33)

printf("Third division");



return 0;

// Odd even using switch //not working properly

#include <stdio.h>

int main()

int num;

printf("Enter a num: ");

scanf("%d", &num);

switch (num)

case 0 : printf("Number is even");


case 1 : printf("Number is odd");


default : printf("Enter a valid input");

return 0;

// Odd even using switch //Not working

#include <stdio.h>

int main()

int num;

printf("Enter a num: ");

scanf("%d", &num);

switch (num%2==0)

case 0 : printf("Number is even");


case 1 : printf("Number is odd");


default : printf("Enter a valid input");

return 0;

#include <stdio.h>
//Design a program that calculates the final price of a product after applying a discount. Use
the ternary operator to calculate the discount based on the original price.

int main() {

int price;

int discount;

int original_price;

printf("Enter price ");

scanf("%d", &price);

printf("Enter discount ");

scanf("%d", &discount);

original_price = price*100/100-discount;

printf("%d", original_price);

return 0;

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