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The Business of Table Hopping

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1) Introduction
2) The Business of Table-Hopping
3) What Tricks Should I Perform?
4) How Do I Choose A Restaurant?
5) What Do I Wear?
6) How Much Money Do I Charge?
7) Meeting the Staff
8) When Do I Approach Tables?
9) How Do I Approach Tables?
10) The Different Kinds of Spectators
12) How Long Should I Stay at Each Table?
13) Tips!
Please read the important information below!
Before I begin, let’s understand what table-hopping is. Table-hopping is being
paid by a restaurant to perform magic and “bits” for their patrons, make them happy,
and to do so, without delaying their stay!
In other words you will learn to artfully entertain the patrons and get them out the
door with a big smile and the desire to come back to that establishment again.
Whether you perform the occasional children’s birthday parties, festivals,
corporate shows, theme shows, community shows, weddings or are an active table-
hopper…you will find many valuable tips in this tome. I have studied table-hopping for
many years and am always trying to improve my performances and approaches.
Remember…you may be your own boss when it comes to performing magic in a
restaurant, but you MUST ANSWER to the manager or owner of that establishment!
Performing at a restaurant may put YOU in the “spotlight”, but your mission is to
bring business to that restaurant. Otherwise – why would the restaurant pay you? You
must ALWAYS remember this. It’s NOT about you!
I never intended to write this e-book, however I have received numerous
requests by other magicians to share my “secrets” of table-hopping with the magic
community since I have performed for over 25 years in restaurants, often six or seven
times a week! Table-hopping is my favorite form of magical entertainment.
You may already have a “real job”, however, you can supplement your income
with this “side job” that will not only make you a performing professional, but will also
lead to many other gigs that will snowball over time!
You can pick and choose the more lucrative shows so that your “other job” isn’t
compromised – but remember that table-hopping will make you very busy.
There are many magicians who are either actively involved with this venue right
now, or wish to venture into this VERY lucrative career…but may have “reservations” if
you’ll pardon the pun!
Performing in restaurants, more than any other form of magical entertainment,
requires that you not only make people laugh and feel good, but you must be certain
that their encounter is a reflection of that restaurant and staff, rather than it being about
you! You must make your patrons feel that that restaurant made them feel good!
Trust me…if you abide by some of the “rules” I will present later, that restaurant
will NEVER get rid of you! The owner/manager will see that his or her business is
improving…especially when customers ask the manager if they can bring in a party of
20, 25 or more people into the restaurant for a dinner and a show – by YOU!
This has happened to me in numerous restaurants – many, many times. It is
also a great time for you to perform your cabaret effects that are collecting dust!
The manager will see this as very lucrative and I guarantee he or she will “take
care of you” after the show – financially!
Hopefully, this e-book will make you aware of the importance of the patrons, the
management/owner and the wait-staff.
The waiters or waitresses will prove to be a very important factor in your table-
hopping career and you must befriend them! I will go into detail about the wait-staff
later on in this e-book.
While table-hopping in restaurants, I have been approached by numerous
owners of other restaurants to come and perform at their restaurants!
In fact the majority of the restaurants in which I have performed, were gigs that
were offered to me by restaurant owners while I was table-hopping at some other
restaurant! This is your best advertisement and is also why you must always be on
your very best, professional behavior.
I will teach you the use of children while table-hopping. I italicized the word
“use”, not because you use them, but because they present an almost infallible means
of approaching and getting other tables to notice you. This is very important!
If you are a successful table-hopper, you will be approached by many women
who will sheepishly ask you, “Do you do children’s birthday parties?”
I literally have been asked this question, hundreds of times (probably much
more!) and this is the main reason why I have performed so many birthday parties!
Children’s parties can be a real challenge, but they are very lucrative.
REMEMBER - don’t be cheap when you quote prices…but don’t price yourself out of
I will also go into balloon sculptures for the kids. This is important! I will show
you HOW to present balloons, WHAT to sculpt, and WHEN to do so.
I hope you find favor with the contents of this e-book and I hope that you will be
successful in your close-up career - and remember - make them feel good! If the
patrons are happy, the owner will be happy – and thus, YOU will be happy!
NOTE: If you are a beginner, steer clear of table-hopping until you have become
more experienced! Table-hopping is NOT easy to do and, I feel, is the most difficult
field of magical entertainment available! If you begin too “early”, you will most likely
become discouraged and give up…this is very hard for one to accept.


Paul A. Lelekis
First of all, I want you to realize that I will use the term, “patron” most of the time
as opposed to the most-often used, magician’s term, “spectator”, throughout this e-
book. These people certainly ARE spectators, but most importantly, they are
PATRONS of that particular establishment. This is how you must conduct yourself.
The owner leases or owns the space for that restaurant, and normally, owns the
food, tables, chairs, and pays the electric bills.
Simply go to the owner/manager of a restaurant and ask if they want to increase
their “bottom line” with your services…this will pique their interests – guaranteed!
They will ask how you intend to do this…but more about this later. You may
even ask the owner to perform for a table while you’re there - so bring your best!
This is the owner’s place of business and you are just an employee…even
though you will be treated differently from the rest of the staff.
If you try to be observant of the patrons, respectful of the staff, and listen to any
and all suggestions by the manager/owner, you will have few problems.
I will share a number magic tricks that I feel are important for success, but most
will not be explained in great detail as I feel the more knowledgeable performer will
already know many of these effects.
However I will present a number tricks for you to perform – NOT that you need
the tricks – but because I want you to understand WHY I use these tricks and what I
want to establish with the patrons. This will prove great fun for everyone and will keep
the manager/owner very happy!
Let’s get started!
Before we really get started, the table-hopper must have a set of effects at his or
her disposal that are easy to carry in your pockets, don’t require much re-set, and are
interactive with good patter!
Find out the tricks that you feel comfortable performing. Perform the effects that
the patrons enjoy… but NOT necessarily the tricks the YOU think are best. Why?
Because as magicians, we often love performing certain tricks that are pleasing
to us, but may NOT be an effect that a patron enjoys!
Avoid tricks that are complex, have little patter and/or are more like “show-off”
effects, rather than tricks that the spectators can relate to and interact with.


This subject has as many answers as there are magicians! First of all you MUST
have a set of tricks that you can perform well! These tricks must have good patter,
have funny or humorous jokes, and are interactive.
These are NOT necessarily the tricks that YOU like, but the ones your patrons
will like. If you “play” some simple effects, you might find that the patrons will LOVE
these effects and, because of their enthusiasm, YOU will also love that trick!
For children, your tricks must clear, easy to understand, and interactive.
Sometimes I will use “sucker” effects for the kids…but NOT for adults!
Tricks for Children…
BALLOONS - To really win the children over…learn how to twist some balloon
animals, hats and Magic Laser Swords (Light-Savers like in Star Wars)!
Before I begin, let me say that you should NOT even let the children know
that you have balloons until you’ve finished your magic!
This is not so much a problem while table-hopping – children are not in a group
(gang mentality!) and are fairly well-behaved in this type of situation.
However at Festivals and kid’s birthday parties, the children will drive you crazy
begging for balloons! So don’t even let them know you have balloons until AFTER the
magic show.
At 3-day Festivals, I don’t even bring out the balloons until about an hour before
I’m finished! I work 10 hour days, three days in a row at each of these festivals.
If you don’t wait until near the end of your performance – watch out! You will
encounter relentless, begging children who will NOT stop asking for balloons!
It is also a good idea to let the kids know (actually this is for the Moms!), that if
you “pop” your balloon, you will be glad to make him/her, another balloon, but they
MUST return to the back of the line.
If you don’t you WILL come across mothers who will demand that you make
another balloon for their child ahead of the other patiently waiting children!
Remember: Whether you are table-hopping, working a festival or any other situation
with a large group of children and their mothers, you will encounter at least a few
mothers who believe that their child deserves special treatment above everyone else!
These types of mothers MUST be dealt with quickly as you repeat your rules. If
not…you’re going to have ten OTHER angry mothers to deal with!
One time at festival I had a very rude mother who demanded another balloon for
her child. I addressed the other mothers in line with their kids that it would be just a
moment! I made another balloon for that child and 5 minutes later, that same mother
moved to front of the line and demanded ANOTHER balloon!
I had a line of kids at least 75 feet long and I simply told that woman to go to the
back of the line…she refused and made a HUGE scene! Security came and escorted
her and her child off of the property.
I felt very bad about this – not for her, but for her child…but the other mothers
congratulated me, afterward for removing that woman!
If you don’t know how to blow up and twist balloons, maybe there is someone in
your club who can teach you. There are a variety of magic shops and businesses like
T. Myers Magic who sell Qualatex balloons (the best balloons out there!) and books of
balloon sculptures.
I learned from the best guys in the business, like Joe LaMonica, Windy & Sunny,
Mark Byrne and Scotland’s Alex Proctor.
But after years of performing I’ve found that only a few easy-to-sculpt balloons is
all that is necessary to thrill the kids.
Learn to sculpt a few easy hats, a dog, a cat, a teddy bear and a magic Laser
sword. Also learn to how blow the balloons up by mouth instead of the balloon pumps.
If get into situations like I have at festivals with lines and lines of kids – you need
to work fast and blowing them up by pump will take quite a bit of time.
I remember when Joe LaMonica was performing, his wife, Vera, used to blow up
a bunch of balloons by pump while Joe was performing, and placed them into tall box
so that Joe wouldn’t later have to waste time blowing them up, one-at-a-time.
The “Magic Laser Swords” or Lite-Savers are very easy to make and VERY
popular with the children! The swords don’t “pop” easily and the kids will have fun
fighting each other! Even the little girls like them!
Kids less than 5 years of age will usually refuse to wear balloon hats! But the
older girls love them! The boys like the “Mad Scientist” hats and my favorite…the
“Alien Brain Sucker Hat” that I learned from Mark Byrne.
IMPORTANT POINT: I found that it’s a good idea to NOT ask the children what they
want! If you do they’ll think of 500 balloon animals that you CAN’T make! Just twist
them up something simple and they will LOVE it!
Leave the fancy balloons to Pros like the guys I mentioned above! They are very
fast twisters, and, because of their experience, “pop” very few balloons!
MAGIC - Children love tricks that are colorful and “adventurous”!
Use colorful and strange looking props. I don’t advocate bringing big tricks to
perform while table-hopping, just colorful items that engage them.
Sponge ball magic is always welcome (See below), thumb tip magic, coin magic
(watch the look on the kids’ faces when they see shiny coins!), Magic Coloring books,
bill magic, silk magic and anything else unusual – with good patter!
The kids also love rubber band magic, paddle magic, paper magic and other
unusual tricks (see below).
You DO NOT want to perform card magic for children because they understand
cards…except for one trick - I ALWAYS do the card trick, Stickman for the kids!
I have had many, many kids come to a restaurant that have seen me before and
ask me, “Do Stickman, do Stickman!”
Stickman is an effect which was originally created by the Canadian magicians,
David Acer and Richard Sanders.
I have been using my version of this trick for many years and the KIDS LOVE IT!
Stickman can be found in my e-book, SHOWCASE MAGIC at This
effect ROCKS…and it’s easy to do!
1) Sponge Ball magic…
Children (and adults!) love sponge ball magic! If you have your own routine, then
make sure you have good patter and get the sponge balls into their hands!
NOTE: I prefer Goshman, 1 ½” extra-soft, red sponge balls. Even 3 year old kids will
be able to hold them in their little hands and they will be amazed! I like red because
they “mimic” meatballs and the below routine has been in my repertoire for decades
and the children LOVE IT! The adults also love this routine!
My favorite trick to perform for children is my sponge ball routine, My Sister’s
Meatballs that I learned from my dear friend, the late Joe LaMonica, who was a
featured performer at the Forks Hotel and close friends with Eddie Fechter.
This effect was the “brain-child” of Eddie Fechter and is a very interactive bit that
thrills and entertains ALL spectators, regardless of age!
It is a 3-stage routine and I am not going to explain it here, but you can find my
full routine and my full patter in my e-book, CLOSE UP JOURNEY II at
I visited Jerry Mentzer at his home in S.C. and we “sessioned” all night long,
showing each other magic. Jerry Mentzer is the man who wrote three books about
Eddie Fechter and his magic.
I asked Jerry why he didn’t include Eddie’s sponge ball routine in any of his
books and he said, simply, “I forgot!” So much the better for us!
I call this routine MY SISTER’S MEATBALLS, because of my two nieces. Over
20 years ago, I would play this trick for them and they loved it!
It was already in my repertoire but the elder niece, Allie, said, “Uncle
Paul…those are like Mommy’s meatballs!” O.K. my sister’s not the BEST cook, but
the name stuck!
My point here is that sponge ball magic is very easy to do, is colorful and
interactive. The kids are very appreciative of this effect!
I couldn’t possibly tell you how many times children, who I have performed for at
one restaurant or another, would run up to me and ask, “…can you do the meatball
trick…please?!” This is how they will remember it.
Important Tip when performing Sponge Ball magic:
If you perform sponge ball magic for kids, here’s a very important hint:
THEIR FISTS! Otherwise they WILL open their hands prematurely!
2) Perform Thumb Tip Magic…
First of all, I don’t advise doing the “Vanishing Silk” trick (with the small silk!)
because children seem to know how this trick is done from all the “press” given to it.
It is sold in a lot of places and you don’t want some kid shouting out, “Oh, I know
that trick! You’ve got a fake thumb!” I guarantee it WILL happen sooner or later – it
has to me…so avoid this trick! But Thumb Tip magic ROCKS!
My routine, Four Quarters, below is a terrific routine! I always use this routine!
Four Quarters…a real crowd-pleaser!
My favorite thumb tip trick to perform is my effect, FOUR QUARTERS. Of
course, I didn’t invent the Mis-Made Bill trick, but I did create the aforementioned
routine, Four Quarters. I’ve been performing this for close to 30 years.
A couple of magicians (who I will NOT mention!) did put my exact routine on
video with no reference to me, but my friends recognized this and told me about it.
One magician (some unknown guy) actually put my routine on a DVD, called it
Four Quarters, and even used my exact patter! Sammy Smith, editor of The Linking
Ring magazine, received this DVD as a review item for The Linking Ring magazine and
he called me up!
Sammy said, “You gotta see this DVD review item, Paul – can you write up a
review for me?!” He knew it was my routine. Well the rest is history.
I’ll briefly describe my routine and if you are a more experienced magician, you
will know exactly how this works! Check out the photographs!

FOUR QUARTERS, a two-phase effect, uses my variation of the Kozlowski Fold

for the mis-made bill in the thumb tip but you can use any fold that you like.
(See all photos at the end of this description!)
Loading the Thumb Tip (TT): The TT is loaded on your right thumb with the mis-
made bill inside. Below, I describe how the bill is loaded into the TT:
I fold the Mis-Made Bill exactly the same way as the real bill as below, left to right
outward, top to bottom outward, left to right outward and finally top to bottom outward.
I then turn the folded bill over, 180 degrees, so that the open end(s) face
upward! I take the left corner (like in the photograph) and “dog-ear” it.
This dog-ear end of the folded bill should be inserted into the thumb tip FIRST!
This will allow you to smoothly switch the two bills as you’ll later see. This loaded TT is
placed into your right pants pocket for easy and quick access.
(See photo of folding of bill and the “dog- ear” of Mis-Made Bill at the end)
NOTE: Unfortunately (or fortunately!), when your name gets around that you’re a
magician, people will invariably ask you to do a trick when they see you. I keep this
loaded thumb tip in my right pocket whenever I go somewhere where I may anticipate
that someone will ask me to do a trick. I’ll then perform this effect!
This trick will appear TOTALLY impromptu and people will often ask, “How do
you fold the bill to make it do that?!” They WON’T ask this question if you are
scheduled to perform!
This should give you some insight on HOW spectators or patrons think! Take
advantage of this! That’s why you should ALWAYS borrow a bill! In other words, if it
appears totally impromptu they will think it is a “trick fold”!
The same thing applies to card magic! I’ve had thousands of people love my
card magic when performing, wherever…but if someone HANDS me THEIR DECK and
I perform some impromptu card magic, they will usually say, “Wow, did you see that?
He used MY DECK!” It seems more impossible to them when you use their deck!
O.K. – back to Four Quarters!
Phase I: Basically, I borrow a one dollar bill (always borrow this bill!) and then
announce that I will show them, “…two different tricks with your bill!”
“First I will show you a trick I learned as a small boy…you might already
know this trick!”
I then perform the kid’s trick where you show Washington’s face on the bill, fold it
up (using the fold I describe below), and when you unfold it (differently!), Washington’s
face is now upside-down!
The kids will ALWAYS say, “Oh yea, I know that one!” The parents will “act”
amazed! The above “trick” should be easy for you to figure out – but USE IT!
This “kid’s trick” is kind of dumb, but is a very powerful form of misdirection! The
spectators will “let their guards down” and then you “smack ‘em” right between the
eyes with the next phase.
Another reason for this “crummy” trick is so that I have an excuse to have the bill
automatically pre-folded for the bill switch! You do NOT want to have to fold a crisp
new bill while performing the switch from the TT. Trust me on this one.
Phase II: I then say, “…O.K. this is kind of a dumb trick. But for my next effect
with this bill, I will change it into four quarters, right in front of your eyes!”
This patter will lead the spectators to believe that I’m going to change the dollar
bill into four silver quarters. This is ALSO very strong mis-direction.
At this point I usually say, “As you can see there is nothing up my sleeves
except armpits and elbows!” Old joke…but it always gets a laugh! I’ve even had
some children say, “And hair too!”
I then perform the same exact fold that I just did for the first phase, folding at the
same places that the bill was previously folded as follows:
Folding of the Borrowed Bill: See photos below!
This fold is exactly the same as the folding of the Mis-Made Bill above…but
should be performed as follows:
I hold the real bill with Washington’s face outward. Next, I fold the bill from my
left to my right, outward. The next fold is from the top, down…again outward.
Now I start the third fold, from the left to the right, outward…but as I fold it, I
transfer the loaded TT from my right thumb over to my LEFT HAND and it is then
gripped by my left thumb, which only holds the TT from the outside and is hidden
behind your left fingers.
Your right thumb drags the folded mis-made bill to the right. The mis-made bill
will now be automatically loaded behind the real bill!
Without a change of speed, do the fourth fold (down and outward) and you will
now hold BOTH bills in your right fingers, both folded into eighths. The TT is still
hidden in your left hand against your left fingers and steadied with your left thumb.
I next insert my left thumb into the fold of the mis-made bill and the real bill
(which is easily facilitated by the “dog-ear”) as my right hand turns thumb down, with
my fingers upward.
I now retake the bill(s) into your right hand and AS YOU UNFOLD the mis-made
bill, 180 degrees, OUTWARD – toward the audience. The bills have been switched!
Now for the sneaky part…
As I begin the THIRD FOLD, the TT is left behind the cover of your left fingers by
holding the TT in place with your left thumb. Your right thumb will drag the pre-folded
mis-made bill, BEHIND the real bill on the third beat. This all covered by your fingers!
A trial run of this move will make this switch quite apparent. YOU MUST BE
O.K. – the bill(s) are folded into a fairly small bundle. Your LEFT THUMB must
now be inserted into the mis-made bill (facilitated by the “dog-ear”) as your right index
finger also enters this fold and unfolds the outer portion of the mis-made bill,
OUTWARD AND DOWN, 180 degrees toward the spectators.
You have now invisibly switched in the mis-made bill! The mis-made bill will be
facing the audience (unfolded once) and the real bill will still be completely folded up
behind the mis-made bill, but the patrons will believe that they are STILL seeing the
borrowed bill! AND, they are still looking for 4 case quarters!
As you begin the next unfold (from right to left), slide your right thumb AND the
folded-up borrowed bill, smoothly into the TT!
Now unfold the mis-made bill a third time and say, “…watch the bill change
into four quarters!” as I release the left side of the bill and show that my left hand is
completely empty.
I then re-grasp the bill with my left hand and release my right hand and quickly
show that it, too, is empty! Don’t worry about the TT being seen…NO one will see it.
This display will leave the spectators with “no place to go”! They are STILL
expecting the bill to turn into four silver quarters!
I then unfold the bill a fourth time to reveal the mis-made bill! There will be a
moment of stunned silence and then you say, “See it changed into four quarters!”
Everyone will react very strongly to this weird-looking bill! This is POWERFUL
magic! People will invariably ask you to let them “hold” the mis-made bill. However,
DO NOT let anyone touch this bill!
WATCH EVERYONE’S REACTIONS! They will be floored! Even the
children’s’ mouths will be wide open!
I wait 4 or 5 seconds and then I pretend to hand the mis-made bill back to the
spectator or patron who gave it to me as I say, “I’m very sorry about that sir (or
ma’am)!” But just as he or she reaches for the mis-made bill, I snatch it back!
I then, say, “No, no…I can’t do that to you – that’s not fair! Besides, you
might get in trouble with the IRS! I’ve got to change it back!”
The above gag is hilarious and everyone will laugh hysterically at this point and
you’ve actually taken that patron “off the hook”! He or she will be visibly relieved!
Perform the reverse of the fold to switch the mis-made bill back into the TT, and
then display the real bill! Hand it back and “take your bows”!
Note: Hand the bill back to the spectator (or patron) with the same hand as the Thumb
Tip! They will take it and often glance at your OTHER hand – but never at your right
hand! The bill covers your thumb tip and is NEVER suspected!
Warning! DO NOT let anyone touch the mis-made bill – especially kids! If you don’t,
don’t say I didn’t warn you! You will have a very difficult time getting it back! I even
had one spectator at a festival, run off with my mis-made bill!
Photos for effect, FOUR QUARTERS

Mis-Made Bill and Vernet Thumb Tip First fold…left to right, outward

Second fold…top to bottom, outward Third fold…left to right, outward

Fourth fold…top to bottom, outward Turn bill over and dog-ear the corner

Insert dog-ear into TT, first

Another Thumb Tip Trick:
Inspector #1953…a great opener!
I first put this excellent routine in my e-book, “A Fix on Six” at It’s
a great opening effect for table-hopping when you want to approach a table by using
the child!
I’ll teach you about approaching tables by using children in the section that deals
with “approaching tables” a little later.
Check out “A Fix on Six” at for the complete presentation and
patter for this powerful opening effect.
Here’s a brief summary of Inspector #1953:
I first get a thumb tip onto my right thumb. I highly recommend Vernet thumb tips
as they are very good ones.
I pretend that I used to be an inspector from a fabric mill up north and how I used
to inspect fabrics for flaws and defects.
I then approach a child and comment on the fabric on his or her shirt or coat and
that it looks like the fabric I used to inspect!
I turn to the mother and say, “Did you ever see how some clothes come with
a little strip of paper in the pocket that says, ‘Inspected by # so and so? Well I
was Inspector #1953! Have you ever seen my work?”
You will be surprised how many women will nod their heads! I’m serious! This
really gets people laughing at this point!
Then as I’m feeling and testing the child’s fabric, I get the TT off of my right
thumb into my left hand and place it under the fabric as I continue ‘poking’ at as if I’m
testing it.
Then I tell the patrons how I got fired because I ruined some of the clothes by…
“Oh no! I did it again!” Just as I say this, my right thumb pokes into the child’s
garment and right into the thumb tip that is on the other side of the fabric!
I then turn my right hand, palm up so that the thumb tip is visible as I wiggle it for
just a second or two and then immediately turn my right hand back face down!
It will appear as if my thumb has poked right through that child’s clothing! This
display is absolutely convincing on every level!
Everyone will laugh hysterically! But then I sneak the thumb tip back onto my
right thumb while the commotion is going on.
Then I pretend to magically repair that child’s clothing by holding my left hand
over the “hole” and rubbing it – your left thumb and the TT is hidden below the fabric.
To the relief of all, the fabric is magically repaired! This is a GREAT opener!
(See e-book “A Fix on Six” for complete patter)
3) Good ole Reliable Paddle Tricks…
My close friends, Windy & Sunny (two of the best dove magicians in the world!)
are wonderful performers…even though both are in their 80’s, they still perform full
time – what a brutal schedule they keep! Windy has retired 3 Guinness Book of
World Records in balloon blowing back in the mid 1970’s!
Windy (Russell Douton) is one of the best “Paddle” magicians in the world! He
told me that whenever anyone asks him to “do a trick”, he goes right to his pocket
where he keeps five or six different types of paddles!
He spins wonderful stories around them and I have seen MANY spectators gawk
in amazement!
Contact Windy & Sunny by e-mail at and they will be happy to
send you a list of the many fabulous magic items they have. Their paddles are very
Windy told me that one time he arrived at a restaurant where he table-hopped
regularly…but he forgot all of his magic! He then realized that his shirt pocket had 5 or
6 paddles! He entertained everybody ALL NIGHT with JUST PADDLE TRICKS!
I have used some of their paddle tricks with great success, but my favorite item
to use is the venerable Hot Rod! Build a routine with this item and you’ll know why this
trick is a classic of magic! Learn the many different forms of display with the Hot Rod
for variety.
There are many paddle routines out there so find one or create one and use it!
Paddle magic will capture the amazement of your spectators and they are very easy to
use and always thrill the audience – especially children!
Daryl has a terrific routine he calls Dicey Dots and it utilizes the paddle moves in
a beautifully constructed routine. I have used it very successfully!
Let me give you an old concept of magic when performing the paddle move.
Keep the paddle within a very small “T.V. screen” area as you do the move…you
don’t want people to have to look up and down! It will tire their eyes and will cause
them to quickly lose interest. Make your magic enjoyable!

4) Color Changing Knives…

This is another great item for your close-up repertoire! There are some really
nice routines out there and this effect plays very big!
Daryl sells a very nice set of Color Changing Knives…but I use the cheap
ones…the black and white sets sold everywhere. Bill Malone also has a very nice
routine if you watch his videos.
I will later show you a very cool method of approaching tables with this
effect…but more about that in the section How Do I Approach Tables?
I DO want to tell you about a beautiful display with the Color Changing Knives
that the late Melvin Burkhart taught me, many years ago.
I was lucky enough to have become his friend for many years and even visited
him at his home in Riverview, Florida, the retirement town for many “carnies”.
Melvin became famous for being the first person to shove a huge spike up his
nose! Many have copied this effect…but NOT with 12” spikes as Melvin used!
I’ve seen him perform this stunt, dozens of times and he even gave me a VHS
tape of him performing this on one of his FOUR appearances on The Jerry Springer
Show! I still have that tape and I am going to convert it to DVD…before it’s too late.
Back to the Color Changing Knives move, taught to me by Melvin! First let’s
suppose that your knife set has a double-sided knife (black/white) and a knife that is
white on both sides.
I will give you two different ways of utilizing this move.

Scenario #1: Both knives are displayed as white.

At a point in your routine when you have both knives in play, place the two-sided
knife between your thumb and index finger (at the first knuckle nearest your fingertips)
of your right hand with the white side facing upward, your thumbnail facing the ceiling
and your palm facing toward your body.
Next place the all-white knife between your index and middle fingers, coinciding
with the other double-sided knife.
NOTE: The outer ends of both knives should be tilted slightly toward the floor to keep
the black side of the double-sided knife hidden from view.
You will find it a simple matter to perform the “paddle move” with your right
thumb as you turn your right wrist counter-clockwise. This will apparently display both
knives to be white on both sides!
Reverse the above actions (turning your right hand, clock-wise as you reverse
the paddle move!) to again show both sides to apparently be white!
This is a beautiful move! The idea of displaying both sides of both knives with
one only hand seems to preclude any sort of manipulation!
Scenario #2: One knife white and the other knife black.
You can also use the above display to apparently show one knife to be black on
both sides and the other knife to be white on both sides.
Hold the knives in exactly the same manner as Scenario #1 above, except the
double sided knife begins with the black side facing upward!
When you perform the “paddle move” (as above!), it will appear as though one
knife is black on both sides and the other knife is white on both sides!
A good idea would be to incorporate both above scenarios into your routine!
The first time I saw Melvin perform this move in his routine, my mouth “hit the
ground” – two knives in one hand! I now always use this display whenever I play the
Color Changing Knives! It is very, very deceptive!

5) Rubber Band Magic…

Whenever I perform, I always have about 8-10 rubber bands (size #19) around
my wrist.
People will often ask me why I have rubber bands around my wrist. I then tell
them that, “…it’s cheaper than wrist watch!” I’ll then show them two rubber band
If they DON’T ask about the rubber bands, I’ll eventually perform my routine and
then they ALWAYS say, “I was going to ask you about those rubber bands!”
Basic explanation of my routine:
I begin by performing The Crazy Man’s Handcuffs. People will almost always do
a “double-take” and immediately ask you to do again! Most should know how this trick
is performed…if you don’t know, ask someone. It is a VERY strong trick!
I’ll then repeat that trick and they NEVER seem to see the switch. It is an
excellent routine!
I then relax as if the trick is over and the spectators always start chattering with
each other and/or will look at each other. This is perfect misdirection for your next
Phase II of Rubber Band routine:
I then quietly and casually slip one of the two rubber bands back onto my wrist!
This may seem like a very bold move…but I’ve never been caught! The spectators
have no idea what I’m going to do next and they are thinking about The Crazy Man’s
Handcuff trick. The trick appears to be over.
I thought that I had invented this next move, but later saw it on another a rubber
band video and it had been around for a while – but my method of execution is
I’ll try to explain it…but it won’t be easy! What will apparently happen is that the
“two” rubber bands will blend into one! I’m actually using only ONE BAND – so how do
I make one band look like two?
The Rubber Band(s) Blend Move…
While people are still murmuring about what just happened during the Crazy
Man’s Handcuff routine, I hold the single rubber band slightly stretched on my left index
finger and thumb with your left palm facing toward yourself.
I then turn my right hand, with my right palm also facing toward my body. Then
reach in behind the band with your right thumb and index fingers and into the band.
Your right thumb will be next to your left index finger and your right index finger
will next to your left thumb!
Pull down slightly on the band with your two right digits as you right hand turns
counter-clockwise until your right palm directly faces your left palm. Your right index
finger will now be upper-most and your right thumb will be toward the floor.
Your two hands will be facing palm-to-palm with your right index upper-most and
right thumb down while your left thumb is to the left and left index finger to the right.
Push your hands together gently and you’ll notice that it will appear is if you are
holding two separate rubber bands against each other! But you’re NOT finished yet!
Follow these next easy-to-do moves, carefully:
First, your LEFT middle finger will move toward your body and then back into the
loop held by the right thumb…release your right thumb so that the left middle finger,
only, holds that portion of the rubber band.
Next, your right thumb then takes over the part of the band held by your right
index finger…but only for a moment!
Your right middle finger then takes over the position, from the other side (right to
left), of the part held by the right thumb! Release your right thumb as you rotate both
hands clockwise for only about 90 degrees.
Your right thumb RE-TAKES the position held by the right middle finger…but
from the opposite side! Hold both hands in this position as your right middle finger
reaches in and takes over the position held by your LEFT middle finger.
Now rotate both hands so that they are facing palm-to-palm. It will appear that
you are now holding two separate rubber bands and are now in same position (from
the spectators’ perspective!) of the Crazy Man’s Handcuffs, again!
You can even move your right hand to the left and right (to show that the rubber
band is trapped) and even PULL your right hand back and it will appear as if there are
two rubber bands pulling against each other…exactly like the familiar display used in
the Crazy Man’s Handcuffs!
NOW for trick! After the above display, move both of your hands in a small circle
but in opposite directions. Continue these circular movements as your RIGHT index
finger and RIGHT thumb slowly come closer and closer together. Then the right
middle finger and thumb touch each other and rub together as the slack is taken out of
the rubber band.
Now pinch the rubber band in the middle with your right finger and thumb and
then pull back on the band – only slightly – and release.
It will appear as if the “two” rubber bands have fused into one! Wait until you see
the look on the spectators’ faces! The children will look on the floor for the “other”
rubber band! Then they’ll want to see the remaining rubber band!
I give them the rubber band and say, “If you can get the two rubber bands
apart, I want you to bring one of them back to me!” The children usually respond,
“O.K.!” Do not under-estimate the power of this routine! Children and adults love it!
6) Card Magic…
Card magic is my favorite form of magic, without a doubt. I like performing for
adults and I don’t perform card magic for children because they just don’t understand
it. However as children get a little older, 8 or 9 years of age, they will actually ASK you
to perform card magic!
Here’s where you can have some fun with them. Bring out your cards to perform
and start shuffling…you will be surprised how many kids will say, “Oh I know that
one!” I respond by saying, “Shhh! Don’t give it away yet, O.K. buddy!”
They will say O.K. and sooner or later he will realize that he doesn’t know that
trick! He won’t tell you that, but you can act as if he does know it, and he is now on
your side!
I mentioned earlier about my version of Stickman, which is found in my popular
e-book, SHOWCASE MAGIC, also sold at, and is the ONLY card trick
that I will perform for kids under 8 years old.
THIS TRICK IS A HUGE WINNER! And it’s easy to do! I have patter in
SHOWCASE MAGIC for both kids and adults!
For adults, cards are a wonderful form of entertainment! There are a seemingly
endless number of scenarios, patter presentations, etc. that will engage the audience
in a variety of ways.
But once again…you do NOT want to perform “show-off” magic or I guarantee
you won’t get tipped too often! Remember…
A really nice trick to perform is the Ambitious Card! Tell spectators that you are
“…going to perform a very special card effect – one that is NOT a ‘pick a card,
find a card’ type of effect!”
Then immediately ask someone to pick a card! This will get laughs, but then you
should look slightly confused and say, “Oh no-no! What I meant is that I’m not
going to FIND the card!” Proceed with your routine!
HINT: Try not to do the “card rising to the top” more than four times. The interest in
this effect will plummet exponentially! The strongest reaction will be the first
one…inserting the card into the middle and then performing your best Classic or Jiggle
Pass and then lay the cards on the table as you explain what is to happen. Turn over
a double and ask if that is their card and they will reply negatively. Do the magic, then
turn over the top card and their mouths will hit the floor! Happens every single time!
Also learn a nice Triumph effect, maybe some type of transposition and any of
the many card effects I have in any of my e-books. I have some really good ones!
A really cool effect is the Cannibal Cards! It has a wonderful premise and is a
very exciting effect! I plan to publish a couple of versions that I perform, soon!
7) Coins…
The clinking of shiny coins will really make everyone sit up and take notice –
especially children! Coin magic is a MUST!
I suggest that you find a coin trick that is easy for you to do and learn to perform
it well. Coin magic isn’t the easiest form of magic to perform, but this is a great
opportunity to use gaffs! Gaffed coins go “right under the radar” with spectators!
There are many great coin tricks out there like Scotch & Soda, Coins Across,
Coins Thru Table, 3-Fly, Hanging Coins and other routines.
If you go to MY FAVORITES II at, you’ll find a routine I call,
Simplex Matrix Reversal. It is an easy coin matrix assembly with an instant “back-
fire” – I use only 4 coins and a shell.
Four half dollars are placed into matrix formation and are covered with 4 cards.
Then each of the coins “fly” to the leader coin…suddenly they are seen back under
each card…this effect “floors” spectators!
If you have your own routine, then “make it your own”! Coin magic is very well
appreciated by patrons.
As I said, children love coin magic but you must be prepared for their attempts to
try and “figure out” your coin trick – the 8 year old terrors will be relentless!
But that’s O.K.! Their “solutions” are almost always wrong but keep a smile on
your face and they will calm down soon! Learn a nice coin routine and use it!
I will first address magicians who are new to table-hopping. If you have never
table-hopped before, I believe you should first perform in a restaurant that caters to
children, or at least perform in a restaurant at a time when more children are present.
You want to make sure there is good traffic in this restaurant and find out when
their advertised specials occur…on what day(s) and what times.
Use the children to approach a table! The parents will be pleased and you
won’t need some other “excuse” for performing at that table!
If you “scout” around at different restaurants, you will see which ones have more
children present and at what times of the day or week that they are most prevalent.
Performing for children in a restaurant setting is actually very easy! When they
see you, they will all stare at you and follow you around with their eyes because you
appear to be different! (See What Do I Wear)
When I approach a table with children I quickly address the child or children and
give the parents a quick acknowledgement. They will smile!
I then re-focus my attention back on the children.
Have some “reason” for addressing that child. For instance, in my effect,
Inspector #1953, (see above under Thumb Tip Magic) I act as though I recognize the
type of fabric that the child is wearing because “…I used to work in fabric mill as an
inspector!” This is just an example of how to tie in your patter with your approach!
Overall, children are an excellent “means” for approaching and performing at
tables! Use them whenever possible until approaching adults becomes familiar.
Also remember to perform loudly enough to catch the “interest” of nearby tables.
When you perform at a table I will usually “include” other people who are watching with
inane questions such, “Isn’t that right sir (or ma’am?!)”
People will laugh and smile and you are producing an “informal atmosphere”
which will make it very easy to approach another table afterward!
I want to end this section with a word of advice: DO NOT EVER walk up to a
table, sheepishly and ask, “Would like to see some magic?” Why? Because they
will say “NO!”
This will happen in great majority of instances. You must be confident and bold
and have lots of eye contact with everyone in the room!
There are many ways you can approach a table, but it will take a little bit of
experience and remember to use humor…it is hard to resist!
Otherwise, just walk up with confidence, introduce yourself, ask the patrons their
names and begin your patter!

I have performed in many restaurants over the years and I dress differently
depending on the type of restaurant it is.
I performed for a Coney Island Hot Dog restaurant for years and I always
dressed casually, but I had casual pull-over shirts that had my logo and name of my
business, Spellbound Entertainment, written on them.
I also just wore black pants and even jeans. It was a casual atmosphere with
patrons who sat inside and some outside.
There were a lot of children, so I normally catered to them…but I also performed
for many adults. It was a very casual place!
If I perform at a mid-range restaurant (most of my restaurants fell into this
category) I dressed a little bit more formally. I would always wear black slacks that
were loose fitting with roomy pockets. I don’t want my props to bulge!
My shirts are fairly nice ones and if I performed in a Caribbean-style restaurant, I
would wear a flashy Hawaiian shirt and left it out (not tucked in).
Whatever shirts I wore (no matter what style restaurant) I always made sure they
had a shirt pocket. I keep a pinch wallet in my pocket for my favorite effect of all,
Dream Card II, found in my most popular e-book at, MY FAVORITES.
You want to stand out from the staff and other patrons of the restaurant. This will
make it easier to approach tables…especially if they’ve never seen you before!
Be sure to dress appropriately! There are many magicians who have special
outfits that they wear which make them very distinguishable…if this is the case then
this section doesn’t apply to you.
I have performed in a number of higher-end restaurants and even two 5-star
restaurants! In these restaurants, I were a black suit or blue suit (or any other kind of
suit you may wish) with a bright shirt or a black shirt.
I wear bright ties, colorful ties and sometimes even ties with Looney Toon
characters on them! But the point is…I’m still dressed differently than the manager or
maitre d’!
People see me and will ask me if I’m the entertainment or manager! All in all you
need to dress in a manner that is different enough to get people’s attention!
Plus your appearance of being different will put you, automatically, in a role of
“authority”! The Patrons will respect you.
Your apparel will also make it much easier to approach tables…people will on
their “best behavior” and will welcome your presence!


This is a subject of HUGE controversy! You want to charge the restaurant
something for your services, but not so high that you don’t get hired but just low
enough to give you longevity at that place!
All restaurants not only want…but NEED to make a profit. They must see you as
a means of making even more profit. This only makes sense!
Your performances must be seen as a money-making venture to the owner.
Once they realize the change in the “bottom line” you will attain longevity!
First of all you should perform about 3 hours during the dinner rush. Some may
say 2 hours, but the restaurant manager will want you there as long as he can keep
you there!
I don’t approve of giving the restaurant a per hour price. This will shorten your
stay at that restaurant…plus the amount may seem too high to the owner.
The management will see a way to “tighten the budget” by cutting you short.
Why have them even think about it!
A good price point for a mid-range restaurant would be about $50.00 per night. If
you’re a good table-hopper, you can make over $100 in tips in a two-three hour span. I
have often made over $200!
This depends on the restaurant, the amount of “traffic” and how many tables you
can approach. Overall you will be averaging between $50 and $80 per hour.


Before I begin my first night at a restaurant, I come in early and ask the
manager/owner to let me have a couple minutes of the wait-staff’s time. They will
always comply.
You will find that the wait-staff may be a little leery that you are there, but I begin
by smiling and introducing myself to each one and they BEAM with a big smile!
I tell the wait-staff that I will stay out of their way as much as possible and not
interfere with their duties. I also tell them when I will perform.
I tell all of the wait-staff that I WILL NOT take away from their tips…in fact I
guarantee that they will make more tips because of what I do!
This may seem like a bold statement – but it’s TRUE! For some reason, if the
patrons have been entertained, and then tip the magician, they feel as though they
should tip the waitress a little more than they normally would – and they do!
In fact, I tell the wait-staff that they will make 20% in tips more than they would
normally make…and they will tell you, such is case at a later date!
This will also cause the waitresses to start telling their patrons that, “…we have
a really good magician to entertain you and I’ll have him stop by before you go!”
Why will the wait-staff do this? Because they are making more money! It’s THAT
simple! Soon you will be the wait-staffs “gravy train”!
Be friendly and cheerful with the wait-staff because they are a very integral part
of your performances and your profit margin! Treat the wait-staff with respect and they
will appreciate you!


This is another “sore subject” amongst magicians! Your approach will vary
depending on the type of restaurant and how busy it is.
For most mid-range restaurants all the way up to 5-star restaurants, you should
ONLY approach a table when that party has finished their main course and the
waitress, asks those patrons, “…would you like any coffee and dessert?” Usually
it’s just coffee or a drink.
If that waiter or waitress is a good one, he or she will clear the table of a few
dishes and glasses as he or she asks this question. THIS IS YOUR CUE!
Many magicians will disagree about when to approach a table…but I’ve been
doing this for a very long time and I’ve tried every approach – and the way I just
described is the BEST TIME to approach. AFTER DINNER!
If you approach before dinner, you will probably get in the way of the waitresses.
If you approach during dinner, the table will be too crowded and also people are eating
and DON’T want to be bothered!


Find the Children:
Let’s begin with the children! As mentioned earlier, if you are new to performing
table-side magic, look for a restaurant that caters to children or at a time of day when
there will be a lot of children…children are EXTREMELY easy to perform for!
When you arrive at your restaurant, first take a look around the room or rooms
and get a good idea of where the kids are and at what stage they are of eating.
This will also get everyone a chance to see you. Look as though you are
preoccupied (you are!) and trying to figure something out.
This will give people a chance to check you out and, of course, the kids will
“eyeball” you all over the restaurant.
When you approach a table of children, directly address those kids, maybe
something that’s funny, ask a question, make a funny observation or tie your beginning
patter in with something that’s meaningful such as in my effect, Inspector #1953!
In this effect, I begin by addressing some child at a table about his or her shirt or
jacket and that you used to be a fabric inspector at a mill up north. Say that the fabric
looks very familiar and proceed with the patter that I provided for this effect in my e-
book, “A Fix on Six” at The same goes for any opening into an effect
that will engage your audience.
Another good method for approach (for adults) is to pretend you found a knife by
their table…it’s the black/white knife of your Color Changing Knives set!
Ask, “…excuse me, did someone lose this black knife?” Perform the “paddle
move” display to show that it is black (or white!) on both sides.
The patrons will say one of two things…either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’! If he says ‘No’ then
“change” the knife to the other color and ask again!
If the patron says ‘Yes!’, then say, “Oh, you lost a black knife? Sorry, all I
have is this white one!” This will make the patrons giggly and you’re “in” to perform!
This approach is a very good “in”! Use it!
This is a big category! Most people will be respectful and appreciative of your
presence…after all they are out for good time!
I’ve covered the category of kids pretty well…but what about the adults? As I
said earlier, the majority of spectators will welcome your arrival.
You must present a persona that allows your spectators to “hand over the reins”
to you! They WANT you be in control so that you can entertain them.
I can’t even begin to tell you how true this statement is! You must TAKE
CHARGE and be “fearless” when you perform – unless that is your motif!
People love to be taken on a “fantasy trip” and away from “normality”, even if it’s
for a very short time!
O.K., here’s a biggie! STAY AWAY FROM DRUNKS! Do NOT perform for
them or you WILL be sorry!
If you are table-hopping at a restaurant that serves alcohol (not just beer and
wine), you’re going to come across these types now and again.
If you just CAN’T escape this person, then perform a trick that is quick and easy
and BE SURE you perform something that will not make “grabbers” out of them.
In other words, for instance, don’t perform a double turnover and then place the
top card onto the table because the drunk WILL grab for that card!
I performed as a magical bartender in four bars; two of them were really big! I
used to perform in the early part of the evening when it was quiet and the alcoholics
came in for their ten to twelve Johnny Walker Reds and enjoy the “show”!
In the smaller bars I had fun with them all night long! If someone became so
intoxicated that he or she (yes, women do it too!) became a problem, I would nip it in
the bud! I can be very persuasive with these types!
When I bar-tend…I AM the Alpha Male, plain and simple. Besides, these types
do NOT want to be tossed – this is their “watering hole” and do NOT want to go
somewhere else! If you are persuasive, they will behave!


This is another mystery that won’t be solved without experience…or you can
listen to what I have to say here.
Try to always leave their table when they want MORE! If you’re performing well
and you have an interested party, they will goad you to perform some more! This is
when you should thank your patrons and move on!
LEAVE THEM WANTING MORE! Why? You’ll find out in the next section!
The most important thing to remember is that your restaurant is making money
by moving customers in and out! DO NOT STALL THEM!
Your goal should be to provide “finality” to their night and get ‘em out the door!
If the manager knows that you’re improving their “turnover”, (be sure to tell him or
her, your goal!) then you will become a very integral part of that restaurant!
Make sure the owner/manager knows that you are providing a definite benefit to
their patrons and their “bottom line”!
Also your presence will not only NOT hinder their traffic, but will actually move
customers in and out faster and cause an increase in their profit. Also let the
management/owner know that if you are given a couple of months, you will increase
their bottom line!
O.K. – try not to take more than 5 minutes to perform at a table. Preferably take
only about 3-4 minutes. Make them smile and laugh and then move on!
Your spectators will think MORE of you if you don’t stay long!

There are some performers who absolutely believe in wearing badges that
mention “tipping” is essential. In lower end establishments like Hot Dog Stands, this is
a good idea!
I did work for a Coney Island for 5 or 6 years and I didn’t receive many tips. But I
was well paid for my time. Besides, people who go to a restaurant like this, go there
because it is inexpensive and wearing a tip badge here might make people feel
uncomfortable! You don’t want to REDUCE their patronage!
Most of the restaurants where I have table-hopped are middle to higher-end
restaurants and I wouldn’t ever wear a badge in these places!
In the section just above, I mentioned that the longer you stay at a table to
perform, the less chance you’ll have of making any tip at all! I’m unsure why this
happens…but it does.
If your stay is short and sweet, they will chase you down to stuff bills in your
pocket as if you’re the main attraction at a “gentleman’s club!” This is a FACT!
If people ask you (and they will!) if you are being paid for your performances, just
say, “Yes Ma’am (or sir)! I’m well paid by (name of establishment) and my only
mission here is to make your visit a very pleasant one!” Then move on.
Trust me…you will be tipped!
I feel that a book like this will provide the casual performer, and performers who
wish to enter the world of table-hopping, a valuable insight of the “ins” and “outs” of
close-up performance.
It is exciting, a lot of fun, and the frequent performing of many tricks for many
people will make you a seasoned Pro! And you WILL be offered other gigs!
If you have any questions about anything in the e-book, please don’t hesitate to
e-mail me at:
Paul A. Lelekis

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