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4As-LP (2) Palcon, April Rose

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Republic of the Philippines

Region V
Province of Camarines Sur
San Juan, Baao, Camarines Sur
Telefax: (054)246-1088

School BAAO Community College Grade Level 7

Teacher April Rose A. Palcon Learning Area Mathematics
Time and Date September 26, 2023 Quarter 1

A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of the nature of
integers and applying the rules of integer in subtracting.
B. Performance Standards The learners are expected to :
1. Understand and apply operations with integers.
2. Use the number line as a tool to model the subtraction of
3. Apply the rules and properties of subtracting integers to solve
4. Recognize and explain the relationship between addition and
subtraction of integers.
5. Solve real-world problems involving the subtraction of integers.

C. Learning Competencies The learners are expected to perform the four fundamental
of integers ( M7NS - Ie-1).
Learning Objectives :
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to ;

"Students will be able to subtract integers using a number

line and apply the rules for subtracting integers to solve real-
world problems."


A. Topic Subtracting Integer
B. Reference Grade 7 Mathematics textbook
1. Teachers Guide Quarter 1 - Module 5 '' Operation of Integers ''

2. Additional Materials Board chalk, Manila paper, Cartolina

from Learning
Resources (LR)
Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Province of Camarines Sur
San Juan, Baao, Camarines Sur
Telefax: (054)246-1088

III. PROCEDURES Teacher Activity Learners Activity

1. Prayers Before we start let us all stand for Camile will lead the prayer
the prayer.

2. Greetings Good morning class! Good morning Ma'am

3. Classroom Management Before you take your seat arrange
your chair properly and pick up the
pieces of paper under your chair. The learners arrange their
chair and pick up the pieces
of paper.

4. Checking of Attendance Ms. Secretary please check your

attendance. Ms. Secretary check the
5. Review Okay, class what was your previous
lesson all about? The learners would state their
previous lesson.
Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Province of Camarines Sur
San Juan, Baao, Camarines Sur
Telefax: (054)246-1088

6. Motivation Let's play 4 pics one word. Are you

familiar with that class? Yes, Ma'am

But, we will have this game a twist.

Instead of giving letters as hints,
you will act the word being
guessed. I will divide the class into
2 groups. The left side is group 1
and the right side is group 2. Then,
both group will choose a
representative will pick by lot. I will
only give two minutes each group.
The more word to guess the more
you win. So choose your
representative. (choosing of representatives)

Are my instructions clear? Yes, Ma'am

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation Now, let's begin with the Group 1.

( holds the picture being choosen
by the representative). (Starting guessing)

(After two minutes) Time's up.

Good job, Group 1 Next is Group 2 (Group 2 starting guessing)

Two minutes passed. Thanks,

Group 2. The winner is Group 1,
Around of applause to everyone for
a wonderful game. ( Clapping hands)

Class, what are the words being

guessed? ( Read the words)
Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Province of Camarines Sur
San Juan, Baao, Camarines Sur
Telefax: (054)246-1088

2. Activity Okay, Class we will having an

another activity. I will divide the
class into four groups will be given
flash cards with number problems
and corresponding letters. Then,
you will solve it as a group. After
you solve, the answers of the flash
cards must be arranged into lowest
to highest value so that you can get
the hidden word. But how you will
solve the number problem?

I will give you an '' Ace '' card. This is

a card containing the rules on
solving. The first group to finish and
accomplish the tasks will be the
winner and there will be a
corresponding prize for it. ( working together as a group)
Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Province of Camarines Sur
San Juan, Baao, Camarines Sur
Telefax: (054)246-1088

3. Analysis Among the cards, what

operations are used?

Yes Ryan? Ryan : Addition, Subtraction,

Multiplication, Division
Very good! These operations will
help to solve the number with

These signs are?

Yes tricia? Tricia : Positive and Negative
If a number has a negative sign
what does it imply?

Yes Gerald? Gerald : It is below zero

That's right. If a number has no

sign that is a positive number,
What does it mean?

Yes Liezel? Liezel : It is above zero po


How did you get the answer on

doing the activity? These are rules in solving
operations on integers.
Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Province of Camarines Sur
San Juan, Baao, Camarines Sur
Telefax: (054)246-1088

4. Abstraction So today, you will learn how to

compute numbers with signs, the
positive and negative in operations.
And also the rules of getting the
answer of operation. And we will
encounter integers.

These are called integers. It is a

positive and negative whole number
or it's exact opposites.

So, these integers can be applied on

operations. These are rules on
getting the answer.

First if a positive integers is being

added to a positive integers. The
answer is positive integers.

If a negative integers is added with

a negative integers. The answer will
be negative integer.

If a positive integer is being added

to a negative integer. The answer
will depend on the bigger integer.

In subtraction this rule is the same

with addition. In Multiplication and
Divided the answer is still positive.

If the factors have different signs, if

the dividend and divisor have
different signs. The answer is a
negative integer.
Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Province of Camarines Sur
San Juan, Baao, Camarines Sur
Telefax: (054)246-1088

- is a whole number (not a fractional
number) that can be positive, negative, or

Rules of integers with example :

Subtracting Integers

You should remember that in using number

line, increasing means moving the point to
the right while decreasing means moving to
the point to the left. You can also use this
number line in subtraction.

Example 1.
Find the difference between 10 and 6 using
a number line.
That is 10 - 6 =?
Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Province of Camarines Sur
San Juan, Baao, Camarines Sur
Telefax: (054)246-1088
Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Province of Camarines Sur
San Juan, Baao, Camarines Sur
Telefax: (054)246-1088

Based on the examples, noticed that in

subtracting integers just simply add the
opposite of the subtrahend to the minuend
then follow the rules for addition.

Example 3. Subtract (9) from (-4)

We can write it as
(-4) - (9) =?
(-4) - (9) =?
(-4) - (-9) =?
(-4) + (-9) =?
(-4) + (-9) = - 20

(-4) is the minuend 9 is the subtrahend.

Change the sign of the subtrahend
subtrahend 9 becomes - 9
Proceed to addition

Example 4. Subtract (-7) from 15 we can

write it as
15 - (-7) =?
15 - (-7) =?
15 - (+7) =?
15 + 7 =?
15 + 7 = 22

15 is the minuend - 7 is subtrahend. Change

the sign of the subtrahend

Subtrahend : - 7 become 7 proceed to

Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Province of Camarines Sur
San Juan, Baao, Camarines Sur
Telefax: (054)246-1088

5. Application In your seats make atleast 5 examples

which can be applicable in real life situations
then, exchange with your seatmate.

I will give you 10 minutes to do your tasks.

(After 10 minutes) Yes, Ma'am

Okay, let us check, exchange your paper with

your seatmate. Then after checking pass the
paper to me.

( student pass their


C. Concluding Activity
1) Generalization Okay, class I think you understand our
lesson for today. Let's have a generalization
on the lesson that we discussed today.

Okay, Ellaine if we added positive integer to

negative integer what will be the answer?

Ellaine : The answer will

be depend on the bigger
Correct ! Very good, integer po Ma'am.

If a positive integer added to a positive

integer what will be the answer?

Yes Carlo?

Okay, Very good! Carlo : positive integer po

Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Province of Camarines Sur
San Juan, Baao, Camarines Sur
Telefax: (054)246-1088

2) Valuing This integers won't be nothing if this not

applicable to reality.

Have you notice class about thermometers?

Yes, Ma'am
There is a negative integers because there
are temperature which are below 0°. It is the
decrease of temperature. Then, when you
deposit a money in your bank account your
saving will rise. These will be positive
money on a bank. Integers really help in
keeping the world on working.


Direction : In 1/2 sheet of paper answer the following :

1. (- 98) - 72 =
2. 82 - 32 =
3. (-96) - (-37) =
4. (-46) - 78 =
5. 99 - 85 =

Direction : Fill in the blank
1. ____ - (40) = - 80
2. (-24) - ____ = 30
3. 45 - (-9) =____
4. (- 9) - (-367) = ____
5. (- 2) - ____ = - 6

Prepared by:
Palcon, April Rose A.

Noted by:
Ms. Leah Claire Beltran - Yu

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