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Modern Method of Bee Keeping:: The Modern Beehive Is Based On Certain Principle and Is Called

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Modern method of bee keeping:

The modern beehive is based on certain principle and is called

“Movable Frame Hive” is made up of wooden box. The box may be
single or double walled. The single wall is cheap and light, whereas the
doubled is heavy, costs more and provides better protection the bees.
Modern hive has basal plate or bottom board which is placed on a
wooden box called the “Brood chamber”. A bottom pore in Brood
Chamber acts as Bee’s entrance, inside this chamber several frames
hanging vertically from the top. These frames can be removed
independently, that’s why the modern hive is called as “Movable Frame
Hive” The difference between two frames is known as Bee Space. The
space serves as a passage for the movement of the bees and at the same
time it is very important because it is the space in which the bees should
not form a comb. If the bee space is kept less than the correct size, the
bees joint up the two combs and if the space is more than correct size,
bee forms an independent comb in between two frames. In both cases it
is impossible to remove the frames independently. The other chamber is
called Supper. This chamber is meant for the storage of honey only and
here Queen is never allowed to enter. To prevent the entry of the Queen
there is a Queen Excluder used between brood chamber and super
chamber. On the top of the Super chamber there is an inner covering and
then a roof. The hive is painted with two coats of white colour which not
only protect the hive from whether condition but also helps the bees to
recognize easily their hives.
1. Queen Excluder made of metallic wire net and used to preventing
entry of queen from brood to super chamber.
2. Comb Foundation is a sheet of bee wax on both side of which exact
shape of different cells of comb is made in advance. The sheet is
cut to size of the hanging frames and are fitted inside. It can be
used for several years.
3. Bee Gloves are the leather gloves used by bee keeper to protect
their hands from bee sting.
4. Bee veils cover the face from bee sting.
5. Smoker is a device used by the keepers to sub due the bees if
irritated during inspection. The material used for producing smoke
are anything like wood chips, paper etc.
6. Hive Tools – to scraping the dirty materials from the hive.
7. Uncapping Knife - to remove the cap of the hive for the inspection
at regular interval
8. Feeder – during draught and lack of natural food bees are fed with
artificial food like sugar syrup.
The queen introducing cage, honey extractor, bee brush and hive
entrance guard are also used in modern frame hive.
The house of Honey Bee is termed as Hive or Comb. It consists of
hexagonal cells made up of wax secreted by the workers abdomen.
These hives are hanging vertically from rock, building or branches of
trees. Its hive has thousands of hexagonal thin-walled fragile cells
arranged into opposite rows on a common base. The resins, gums
secreted from the plants are used for repairing of hives. The young stages
are generally occupying the lower and central cells in the hives, which
are brood cells. In A. dorsata brood cells are similar in shape and size but
in other species brood cells are 3 (three) types e.g. Worker cell, Drone
cell and Queen cell. The Queen cell can not be used again white the rest
are used a number of times. There is no special cells for the adult, which
generally keep clustering for moving about on the surface of the comb.
The cells are mainly intended for a storage of honey and pollen specially
in upper portion of the comb, while those in lower parts for brood
rearing .

The wax is used in building of a comb, is secreted from the wax gland
present in the abdomen of worker bees. This wax have highest melting
point of 140º F. Before use, wax is masticated and mixed with secretion
of this cephalic gland to convert into plastic substance. The resinous
substances called Propolis prepared from pollen is used in making the
comb water proof. It is also help in filling cracks and crevices.

The cells of the hive are various types. The storage cells which contain
honey, built in the margin and at the top of the comb. The Brood cells
which contain young. The Brood chamber is further divided into
a. Worker Chamber – developing workers reared.
b. Drone Chamber – developing drone reared.
c. Queen Chamber – larger in size and the larvae develops into queen
and reared.
For adults there is no special chamber and they move on the surface of
the comb.

Selection of Bees for Apiculture

For running a good apiary selection of honey bee is most important –
i) Honey Bee should be gentle temperament.
ii) It should have capability to construct strong colony.
iii) It should have ability to protect from enemies.
iv) Honey bee should be energetic and industrious workers.
v) Workers can suck juices from numerous varieties of plants.
vi) Bees on the whole produce more and more honey from its
vii) Bees can form their comb easily at any place.
In India Apis indica is the best bee for apiculture industries due its gentle
nature and having efficient and prolific workers
A beginner should learn about the habit and behavior of bees. The hives
should be placed in a locality rich in vegetation specially the flowering
plants. If several hives are kept in a plot the distance between two hives
should be at least 6 (six) feet. The hives should face east and receive
sunlight at morning and evening and some shade during noon. Water
should be available in a space in front of hive entrance is necessary.
Spring is the best season for starting bee keeping, as swarming occurs .

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