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COMP - 124 - Quiz 2

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08/04/2023, 16:55 Review Test Submission: Quiz 2 – 14427.

202301 COMP-125-SD1

14427.202301 COMP-125-SD1 Assignments and Tests Review Test Submission: Quiz 2

Review Test Submission: Quiz 2

User Harmanjot Singh

Course COMP-125-SD1
Test Quiz 2
Started 3/21/23 9:26 PM
Submitted 3/21/23 9:51 PM
Status Completed
Attempt Score 19.5 out of 30 points
Time Elapsed 25 minutes out of 30 minutes
Results Displayed All Answers, Submitted Answers, Correct Answers, Feedback

Question 1 1 out of 1 points

A machine language program is called the ____ program.

Selected Answer: c. object

Answers: a. virtual

b. data

c. object

d. source

Question 2 1 out of 1 points

In a ____, the original contents of the memory cell are unchanged.

Selected Answer: b. nondestructive fetch

Answers: a. destructive store

b. nondestructive fetch

c. volatile storage

d. random access memory

Question 3 0 out of 1 points

Syntax is the rules for exactly how _______ must be written in a programming
Selected Answer: d. instructions… 1/9
08/04/2023, 16:55 Review Test Submission: Quiz 2 – 14427.202301 COMP-125-SD1

Answers: a. executables

b. statements

c. orders

d. instructions

Question 4 0 out of 1 points

It is the responsibility of the ____________________ to safeguard the password

file that stores all valid user name/password combinations.
Selected Answer: Administrator
Correct Answer:
Evaluation Method Correct Answer Case Sensitivity

Exact Match OS

Exact Match operating system

OS (operating
Exact Match

operating system
Exact Match

Question 5 1 out of 1 points

C++ and Java are examples of ____ languages.

Selected Answer: a. high-level programming

Answers: a. high-level programming

b. machine

c. low-level programming

d. assembly

Question 6 1 out of 1 points

A pattern-matching algorithm may be used to implement a _______ function in a

word processor.
Selected Answer: d. find

Answers: a. replace

b. multiplication

c. table

d. find… 2/9
08/04/2023, 16:55 Review Test Submission: Quiz 2 – 14427.202301 COMP-125-SD1

Question 7 0 out of 1 points

When we moved from machine language to assembly language, we needed a

piece of system software—a(n) ____________________—to translate assembly
language instructions into machine language.
Selected Answer: Translator
Correct Answer:
Evaluation Method Correct Answer Case Sensitivity

Exact Match assembler

Question 8 0 out of 1 points

ROM is memory into which information has been prerecorded during

Selected Answer: False
Answers: True

Question 9 1 out of 1 points

An algorithm is a ____ collection of unambiguous and effectively computable

operations that, when executed, produces a result and halts in a finite amount of
Selected Answer: b. well-ordered

Answers: a. mechanical calculator

b. well-ordered

c. computing agent

d. sequential

Question 10 1 out of 1 points

The conversion of symbolic op codes such as LOAD, ADD, and SUBTRACT to

binary makes use of a structure called the ____.
Selected Answer: d. op code table

Answers: a. loader

b. library

c. assembler

d. op code table… 3/9
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Question 11 1 out of 1 points

The ____ evaluates a proposed project and compares the costs and benefits of
various solutions.
Selected Answer: a. feasibility study

Answers: a. feasibility study

b. design study

c. specification study

d. work breakdown study

Question 12 1 out of 1 points

Imperative commands are instructions in the _______.

Selected Answer: b. programming language

Answers: a. assembly Language

b. programming language

c. machine Language

d. processing language

Question 13 1 out of 1 points

____ includes online tutorials or help systems that the user can bring up while the
program is running, and (less often) written user’s manuals.
Selected Answer: c. User documentation

Answers: a. Technical documentation

b. Rough documentation

c. User documentation

d. First-level documentation

Question 14 0.5 out of 1 points

List four disadvantages of assembly language.

Selected Four disadvantages of assembly language ar as follows:
Answer: 1. Requires a translator/compiler.
2. Can not be directly understood by the system.
3. A user can not understand another user's assembly language.
4. Assembly Language needs to be converted into machine
language.… 4/9
08/04/2023, 16:55 Review Test Submission: Quiz 2 – 14427.202301 COMP-125-SD1

Answer: • The programmer must “manually” manage the movement of
data items between and among memory locations and registers
(although such data items can be assigned mnemonic names).
• The programmer must take a microscopic view of a task,
breaking it down into tiny subtasks at the level of what is going on
in individual memory locations.
• An assembly language program is machine specific.
• Statements are not natural-language-like (although operations
are given mnemonic code words as an improvement over a string
of bits).
Response The correct answer -
• The programmer must “manually” manage the movement of
data items between and among memory locations and registers
(although such data items can be assigned mnemonic names).
• The programmer must take a microscopic view of a task,
breaking it down into tiny subtasks at the level of what is going on
in individual memory locations.

• An assembly language program is machine specific.

• Statements are not natural-language-like (although operations

are given mnemonic code words as an improvement over a string
of bits).

Question 15 1 out of 1 points

The program implementation phase is the time to plan how it is to be done.


Selected Answer: False

Answers: True

Question 16 1 out of 1 points

Each language learned about the uses of its own notation (--, //, or #) to denote a
program comment.
Selected Answer: True
Answers: True

Question 17 1 out of 1 points

A(n) ____________________ character is displayed on screen to indicate that

command language operating system is waiting for input.
Selected Answer: prompt
Correct Answer:
Evaluation Method Correct Answer Case Sensitivity… 5/9
08/04/2023, 16:55 Review Test Submission: Quiz 2 – 14427.202301 COMP-125-SD1

Exact Match prompt

Question 18 0 out of 1 points

A ____ stores and fetches values to and from memory cells.

Selected Answer: b. memory cache encoder

Answers: a. random access memory

b. memory cache encoder

c. read-only memory

d. flash memory

Question 19 0 out of 1 points

A cache is typically ____ times faster than RAM but possesses less storage
Selected Answer: b. 20 to 30

Answers: a. 25 to 30

b. 20 to 30

c. 15 to 20

d. 5 to 10

Question 20 1 out of 1 points

If anything is changed on an already-tested module, regression testing is done to

be sure that this change hasn’t introduced a new error into code that was
previously correct.
Selected Answer: True
Answers: True

Question 21 0 out of 1 points

Assembly language programs are ____ specific.

Selected Answer: c. architecture

Answers: a. language

b. machine

c. architecture

d. compiler… 6/9
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Question 22 1 out of 1 points

Source code is also known as _______.

Selected Answer: c. high-level language instructions

Answers: a. link language instructions

b. assembly language instructions

c. high-level language instructions

d. compiling instructions

Question 23 1 out of 1 points

High-level programming languages were created to overcome the deficiencies of

_______ language.
Selected Answer: a. assembly

Answers: a. assembly

b. compiling

c. link

d. object

Question 24 1 out of 1 points

Icons displayed on the screen are selected with a mouse and a button using a
technique called ____.
Selected Answer: a. point-and-click

Answers: a. point-and-click

b. panel interface

c. command line

d. windows interface

Question 25 0 out of 1 points

After all the fields of an assembly language instruction have been translated into
binary, the newly built machine language instruction and the address of where it
is to be loaded are written out to a file called the ____ file.
Selected Answer: a. source

Answers: a. source… 7/9
08/04/2023, 16:55 Review Test Submission: Quiz 2 – 14427.202301 COMP-125-SD1

b. table

c. data

d. object

Question 26 1 out of 1 points

A(n) ____ handles the details of input/output and compensates for any speed
differences between I/O devices and other parts of the computer.
Selected Answer: c. I/O controller

Answers: a. decoder circuit

b. I/O register

c. I/O controller

d. cache

Question 27 1 out of 1 points

A(n) ____ operation involves the comparison of values and the subsequent use of
the outcome to decide what to do next.
Selected Answer: c. conditional

Answers: a. iterative

b. transformer

c. conditional

d. sequential

Question 28 0 out of 1 points

____ a program means running it on many data sets to be sure its performance
falls within required limits.
Selected Answer: c. Debugging

Answers: a. Configuring

b. Benchmarking

c. Debugging

d. Coding

Question 29 1 out of 1 points… 8/9
08/04/2023, 16:55 Review Test Submission: Quiz 2 – 14427.202301 COMP-125-SD1

A(n) ____ is a storage cell that holds the operands of an arithmetic operation and
that, when the operation is complete, holds its result.
Selected Answer: d. register

Answers: a. cache

b. decoder

c. I/O controller

d. register

Question 30 0 out of 1 points

In assembly language, the programmer must take a microscopic view of a task,

breaking it down into tiny subtasks at the level of what is going on in individual
Selected Answer: d. subtasks

Answers: a. tasks

b. programs

c. memory locations

d. subtasks

Saturday, April 8, 2023 4:24:59 AM PDT

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