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Australian Harbour International College

RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

ABN: 74 603 036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street
Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia

Assessment Details
Qualification Code/Title
Assessment Type Assessment -02 (Project ) Time allowed
Due Date Location AHIC Term / Year

Unit of Competency
National Code/Title BSBXDB501 Support Staff members with disability in the workplace

Student Details
Student Name Student ID

Student Declaration: I declare that the work submitted Signature: ____________________________

is my own, and has not been copied or plagiarised from
any person or source. Date: _____/______/__________

Assessor Details
Assessor’s Name

Feedback to student:

Student Declaration: I declare that I have Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted
been assessed in this unit, and I have been a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this
advised of my result. I am also aware of my student, and I have provided appropriate feedback.
appeal rights.
Signature Signature


Australian Harbour International College | A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

BSBXDB501 Support Staff members with disability in the workplace Version V1.0/ January 2024 Page 1 of 76
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603 036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street
Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia

Instructions to the Candidates

 This assessment is to be completed according to the instructions given below in this document.
 Should you not answer the tasks correctly, you will be given feedback on the results and gaps in
knowledge. You will be entitled to one (1) resubmit in showing your competence with this unit.
 If you are not sure about any aspect of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your
 Please refer to the College re-submission and re-sit policy for more information.
 If you have questions and other concerns that may affect your performance in the Assessment,
please inform the assessor immediately.
 Please read the Tasks carefully then complete all Tasks.
 To be deemed competent for this unit you must achieve a satisfactory result with tasks of this
Assessment along with a satisfactory result for another Assessment.
 This is an Open book assessment which you will do in your own time but complete in the time
designated by your assessor. Remember, that it must be your own work and if you use other
sources then you must reference these appropriately.
 Resources required completing the assessment tasks are Learner guide, PowerPoint
presentation, Unit Assessment Pack (UAP), Access to other learning materials such as textbooks,
Access to a computer, the Internet and word-processing system such as MS Word.
 Submitted document must follow the given criteria. Font must be Times New Roman, Font size
need to be 12 and line spacing has to be Single line.

 Once you have completed the assessment, please upload the softcopy of the Assessment into
AHIC Moodle.
 Plagiarism is copying someone else’s work and submitting it as your own. Any Plagiarism will result
in a mark of Zero.

Reasonable Adjustments
Australian Harbour International College | A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

BSBXDB501 Support Staff members with disability in the workplace Version V1.0/ July 2021 Page 2 of 76
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603 036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street
Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia

• Students with carer responsibilities, cultural or religious obligations, English as an additional

language, disability etc. can request for reasonable adjustments.
• Please note, academic standards of the unit/course will not be lowered to accommodate the needs
of any student, but there is a requirement to be flexible about the way in which it is delivered or
• The Disability Standards for Education requires institutions to take reasonable steps to enable the
student with a disability to participate in education on the same basis as a student without a
• Trainer/Assessor must complete the section below “Reasonable Adjustment Strategies Matrix” to
ensure the explanation and correct strategy have been recorded and implemented if applicable.
• Trainer/Assessor must notify the administration/compliance and quality assurance department for
any reasonable adjustments made.
• All evidence and supplementary documentation must be submitted with the assessment pack to the
administration/compliance and quality assurance department.

Reasonable Adjustment Strategies Matrix (Trainer/Assessor to complete)

Category Possible Reasonable Adjustment Strategy
Issue (select as applicable)
 LLN  Speaking  Verbal assessment
 Reading  Presentations
 Writing  Demonstration of a skill
 Confidence  Use of diagrams
 Use of supporting documents such as wordlists
 Non-English-  Speaking  Discuss with the student and supervisor (if applicable)
Speaking  Reading whether language, literacy and numeracy are likely to
Background  Writing impact on the assessment process
Cultural  Use methods that do not require a higher level of
background language or literacy than is required to perform the job
 Confidence role
 Use short sentences that do not contain large amounts
of information
 Clarify information by rephrasing, confirm
 Read any printed information to the student
 Use graphics, pictures and colour coding instead of, or
to support, text
 Offer to write down, or have someone else write, oral
responses given by the student
 Ensure that the time available to complete the
assessment, while meeting enterprise requirements,
takes account of the student’s needs
Australian Harbour International College | A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

BSBXDB501 Support Staff members with disability in the workplace Version V1.0/ July 2021 Page 3 of 76
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603 036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street
Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia

 Indigenous  Knowledge  Culturally appropriate training

and  Explore understanding of concepts and practical
understanding application through oral assessment
 Flexibility  Flexible delivery
 Services  Using group rather than individual assessments
  Assessment through completion of practical tasks in
Inappropriate the field after demonstration of skills and knowledge.
training and
 Age  Educational  Make sure font size is not too small
background  Trainer/Assessor should refer to the
 Limited student’s experience
study skills  Ensure that the time available to complete the
assessment takes account of the student’s needs
 Provision of information or course materials in
accessible format.
 Changes in teaching practices, e.g. wearing an FM
microphone to enable a student to hear lectures
 Supply of specialised equipment or services, e.g. a
note-taker for a student who cannot write
 Changes in lecture schedules and arrangements, e.g.
relocating classes to an accessible venue
 Changes to course design, e.g. substituting an
assessment task
 Modifications to physical environment, e.g. installing
lever taps, building ramps, installing a lift
 Educational  Reading  Discuss with the Student previous learning experience
background  Writing  Ensure learning and assessment methods meet the
 Numeracy student’s individual need
 Limited
study skills
and/or learning
 Disability  Speaking  Identify the issues
 Reading  Create a climate of support
 Writing  Ensure access to support that the student has agreed
 Numeracy to
 Limited  Appropriately structure the assessment
study skills  Provide information or course materials in accessible
and/or learning format, e.g. a textbook in braille
Australian Harbour International College | A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

BSBXDB501 Support Staff members with disability in the workplace Version V1.0/ July 2021 Page 4 of 76
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603 036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street
Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia

strategies  Changes in teaching practices, e.g. wearing an FM

microphone to enable a student to hear lectures
 Supply of specialised equipment or services, e.g. a
note- taker for a student who cannot write
 Changes in lecture schedules and arrangements, e.g.
relocating classes to an accessible venue
 Changes to course design, e.g. substituting an
assessment task
 Modifications to physical environment, e.g. installing
lever taps, building ramps, installing a lift

Explanation of reasonable adjustments strategy used (If required)

What if you disagree on the assessment outcome?

You can appeal against a decision made in regards to your assessment. An appeal should only be made if
you have been assessed as ‘Not Yet Competent’ against a specific unit and you feel you have sufficient
grounds to believe that you are entitled to be assessed as competent. You must be able to adequately
demonstrate that you have the skills and experience to be able to meet the requirements of units you are
appealing the assessment of.
Your trainer will outline the appeals process, which is available to the student. You can request a form to
make an appeal and submit it to your trainer, the course coordinator, or the administration officer. The AHIC
will examine the appeal and you will be advised of the outcome within 14 days. Any additional information
you wish to provide may be attached to the appeal form.

Academic Integrity:
Academic Integrity is about the honest presentation of your academic work. It means acknowledging the
work of others while developing your own insights, knowledge and ideas.
As a student, you are required to:
• Undertake studies and research responsibly and with honesty and integrity
• Ensure that academic work is in no way falsified
• Seek permission to use the work of others, where required
• Acknowledge the work of others appropriately
• Take reasonable steps to ensure other students cannot copy or misuse your work.
Australian Harbour International College | A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

BSBXDB501 Support Staff members with disability in the workplace Version V1.0/ July 2021 Page 5 of 76
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603 036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street
Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia

Plagiarism means to take and use another person's ideas and or manner of expressing them and to pass
them off as your own by failing to give appropriate acknowledgement. This includes material sourced from
the Internet, RTO staff, other students, and from published and unpublished work.
Plagiarism occurs when you fail to acknowledge that the ideas or work of others are being used, which
 Paraphrasing and presenting work or ideas without a reference
 Copying work either in whole or in part
 Presenting designs, codes or images as your own work
 Using phrases and passages verbatim without quotation marks or referencing the author or web
 Reproducing lecture notes without proper acknowledgement.

Collusion means unauthorised collaboration on assessable work (written, oral or practical) with other
people. This occurs when a student presents group work as their own or as the work of someone else.
Collusion may be with another RTO student or with individuals or student’s external to the RTO. This
applies to work assessed by any educational and training body in Australia or overseas.
Collusion occurs when you work without the authorisation of the teaching staff to:
• Work with one or more people to prepare and produce work
• Allow others to copy your work or share your answer to an assessment task
• Allow someone else to write or edit your work (without rto approval)
• Write or edit work for another student
• Offer to complete work or seek payment for completing academic work for other students.

Both collusion and plagiarism can occur in group work. For examples of plagiarism, collusion and academic
misconduct in group work please refer to the RTO’s policy on Academic integrity, plagiarism and collusion.
Plagiarism and collusion constitute cheating. Disciplinary action will be taken against students who engage
in plagiarism and collusion as outlined in RTO’s policy.
Proven involvement in plagiarism or collusion may be recorded on students’ academic file and could lead to
disciplinary action.

Assessment Formatting and Answer length Guidance:

Your submitted document must follow the given criteria:

 Font must be Times New Roman, Font size need to be 12 and line spacing has to be Single line.
Australian Harbour International College | A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

BSBXDB501 Support Staff members with disability in the workplace Version V1.0/ July 2021 Page 6 of 76
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603 036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street
Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia

 Your assessment needs to be submitted as an electronic copy unless requested differently by your
 The Assessment file name for electronic copy should follow :

Student Id_Assessment_No (Example AHI000014_Assessment 1)

Include a reference list at the end of your work on a separate page or as footnotes. You should reference
the sources you have used in your assessments in the Harvard Style.
To access a web-based tool, see Harvard Style online generator

Australian Harbour International College | A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

BSBXDB501 Support Staff members with disability in the workplace Version V1.0/ July 2021 Page 7 of 76
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603 036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street
Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia


This assessment task is designed to evaluate student’s knowledge essential to support staff members with
disability in the workplace in a range of contexts and industry settings and knowledge regarding the
 Knowledge of the current legislation, standards and other instruments that promote the needs and
rights of people with disability, including:

o Disability Discrimination Act

o Disability Services Act
o Fair Work Act
o Other State/Territory anti-discrimination legislation
o United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
o The National Disability Strategy

 Knowledge of the organisation protocols, policies and procedures for:

o implementing modifications or supports for staff members

o maintaining confidentiality, privacy and dignity for staff members

 Knowledge of the definition of ‘reasonable adjustment’ within the organisational context, taking note
of the organisation’s size, capabilities and resource base
 Knowledge of the support strategies, resources and reasonable adjustments that can be
implemented to meet staff member support needs, including:

o workplace modifications, equipment and facilities

o assistive technologies, devices and aids
o augmentative and alternative communication methods
o use of plain English
o flexible work options
o cognitive and work tools
o support services and specialist support providers
o Government agencies and funds that provide services and support to people with disability and
their employers

 Knowledge of the anonymous and identifying processes for staff members to learn about available
supports and discuss support needs, including:
Australian Harbour International College | A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

BSBXDB501 Support Staff members with disability in the workplace Version V1.0/ July 2021 Page 8 of 76
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603 036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street
Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia

o online resources
o hotlines
o workplace support teams
o one-on-one conversations
 Knowledge of the inclusive language and person-first expressions to use when communicating with,
or about, staff members with disability.

Assessment for this unit

BSBXDB501 Support Staff members with disability in the workplace describes the skills and knowledge
required to take responsibility for conscious decision -making processes to contribute to own personal
development in the workplace.
For you to be assessed as competent, you must successfully complete one assessment task:
 Assessment Task 1: You must complete all knowledge Questions.

 Assessment Task 2: Project – You must work through a range of activities and complete a project

Australian Harbour International College | A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

BSBXDB501 Support Staff members with disability in the workplace Version V1.0/ July 2021 Page 9 of 76
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603 036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street
Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia

Assessment Task 2: Project

Assessment method-based instructions and guidelines: Project

Assessment type

 Project - Support staff members with disability in the workplace

Instructions provided to the student:

Assessment task description:

This is the second (2) assessment task you must successfully complete to be deemed competent in
this unit of competency.
 This assessment task is a Skills Test.
 This assessment task consists of four (4) practical demonstration activities.
 Activity 1: Promote additional support to staff members
 Activity 2: Plan to address additional support needs for staff members with a disability
 Activity 3: Implement additional support for staff members with a disability
 Activity 4: Monitor effectiveness of supports and strategies and make any improvements
 You must attempt all activities of the project for your trainer/assessor to assess your competence in this
assessment task.
Purpose of the assessment

The purpose of this assessment task is to assess the student’s knowledge and skills essential to support
staff members with disability in the workplace in a range of contexts and industry settings.
 Skills to implement workplace initiatives that encourage and promote employees to disclose and/or
share information about their disability or support needs.
 Skills to inform staff members about the supports and adjustments that are available to them, the
benefits of requesting assistance, and the processes for discussing additional support needs.
 Skills to consult with self-identified staff members to discuss their work abilities, challenges, and
additional needs.
 Skills to set goals and expectations for additional support with individual staff members.
 Skills to agree with staff members on additional supports and strategies to be implemented, including
any reasonable adjustments to meet their additional needs.
 Skills to make the necessary workplace arrangements to provide additional support and/or reasonable

Australian Harbour International College | A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

BSBXDB501 Support Staff members with disability in the workplace Version V1.0/ July 2021 Page 10 of 76
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603 036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street
Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia

adjustments to individual employees.

 Skills to refer to additional support providers and specialists if the required assistance exceeds the
scope of one's own role.
 Skills to inform other relevant staff of their role in providing additional assistance to specific staff
 Skills to examine and solicit feedback from staff members on strategy and support implementation.

 Skills to change strategies and supports in response to staff feedback and preferences
Task instructions

 This assessment task aims to assess the students’ knowledge essential to support staff
members with disability and address their workplace related needs.
 The student will take on the role of HR Manager.
 The trainer/assessor must assign a team of five (5) team members to the student.
 Three of the team members will take on the role of three (3) team members with a disability:
o Staffie
o Richa
o James
 The trainer/assessor will assign the roles of team members for each activity to the staff
 Each student will be assessed individually for all assessment activities.
 The student must use the templates provided to document their responses.
 The student must follow the word limits specified in the templates.
 The trainer/assessor must assess the student using the performance checklist provided.

Australian Harbour International College | A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

BSBXDB501 Support Staff members with disability in the workplace Version V1.0/ July 2021 Page 11 of 76
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603 036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street
Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia

Assessment Task 2 - Project


This assessment task requires you to support staff members with a disability and address their work-related
needs to ensure that staff members are able to perform to the full extent of their capabilities with minimal
barriers to work.

This includes:

 Informing the staff members about the available staff members and encouraging them to disclose
disabilities and discuss additional support needs.

 Collaborating and consulting with individual staff members with a disability to:

o determining work challenges and additional support requirements

o determining individual support preferences

o agreeing on and document strategies, supports, reasonable adjustments, and/or resources

to address support needs in accordance with organisational procedures

 Monitor the effectiveness of supports and strategies and making any necessary improvements to
ensure that additional support needs are met.

 Involving any necessary support personnel throughout the process.

 Implementing workplace arrangements and/or changes to meet the provision of agreed-upon

additional support.

 Communicating support arrangements, roles, and responsibilities to other relevant staff.

 Addressing support needs outside the scope of own role by referring to additional or specialist
support providers.

During this assessment task, you will be required to complete the following activities:

 Activity 1: Promote additional support to staff members

 Activity 2: Plan to address additional support needs for staff members with a disability

 Activity 3: Implement additional support for staff members with a disability

 Activity 4: Monitor effectiveness of supports and strategies and make any improvements

Assessment environment
Australian Harbour International College | A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

BSBXDB501 Support Staff members with disability in the workplace Version V1.0/ July 2021 Page 12 of 76
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603 036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street
Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia

 Physical condition: An environment set up by the training organisation that accurately represents
workplace conditions. The simulated environment must meet the following assessment criteria.

Assessment criteria:

Your trainer/assessor will ensure that the simulated environment meets the following assessment criteria.

Opportunities for students to: Yes/No/NA

A workplace setting or a simulated workplace must replicate real workplace

conditions to demonstrate the assessment activities.

The workplace setting or a simulated workplace must allow the student to support
staff members with a disability and address their work-related needs to
ensure that staff members are able to perform to the full extent of their
capabilities with minimal barriers to work.

This includes:

 Informing the staff members about the available staff members and
encouraging them to disclose disabilities and discuss additional support

 Collaborating and consulting with individual staff members with a disability


o determining work challenges and additional support requirements

o determining individual support preferences

o agreeing on and document strategies, supports, reasonable

adjustments, and/or resources to address support needs in
accordance with organisational procedures

 Monitor the effectiveness of supports and strategies and making any

necessary improvements to ensure that additional support needs are met.

 Involving any necessary support personnel throughout the process.

 Implementing workplace arrangements and/or changes to meet the

provision of agreed-upon additional support.

Australian Harbour International College | A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

BSBXDB501 Support Staff members with disability in the workplace Version V1.0/ July 2021 Page 13 of 76
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603 036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street
Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia

 Communicating support arrangements, roles, and responsibilities to other

relevant staff.

 Addressing support needs outside the scope of own role by referring to

additional or specialist support providers.

The workplace setting or the simulated workplace must provide the student with
access to the following document and resources.

 A Supervisor to provide the student with assistance throughout the

assessment activity.

 A team consisting of a minimum of five staff members, where at least three

have a disability.

 The following equipment and resources to implement systems and

processes that support the personal and professional development of self
and others:

o Computers and internet for all participants and students

o MS Office

o Printer

o Relevant legislation and workplace documents that address

workplace inclusion and diversity practices and responsibilities,
provision of workplace adjustment or additional support

 Public Service Act 1999

 Racial Discrimination Act 1975

 Sex Discrimination Act 1984

 Workplace Health and Safety Act 2011

 Age Discrimination Act 2004

 Disability Discrimination Act 1992

 Fair Work Act 2009.

Australian Harbour International College | A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

BSBXDB501 Support Staff members with disability in the workplace Version V1.0/ July 2021 Page 14 of 76
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603 036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street
Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia

o Workplace disability and support policies and codes of practice

(Given in the workplace simulated scenario)

 Templates to complete this assessment task (Provided in assessment


Industry or simulated operating conditions, including:

 Challenges typical in work with staff members with a disability and

additional support needs

 Scenarios or opportunities that require real-time, interpersonal interactions

and problem solving with other staff members and support providers

Work within stated timelines to meet deadlines

Workplace environment to work with others in a team

Workplace setting or simulated workplace must provide the student with the
opportunity to analyse the organisational environment.

Workplace environment to sufficient to communicate with diverse groups

Workplace sufficient to work independently and manage workload

Australian Harbour International College | A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

BSBXDB501 Support Staff members with disability in the workplace Version V1.0/ July 2021 Page 15 of 76
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603 036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street
Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia

Case study


“ONLINE MEDIA SOLUTIONS” is an online marketing and web development agency based in Melbourne,
Australia. From idea to design, development and marketing, we achieve results for our clients and grow
their business.

We have ventured into the web service industry to offer superior and unique services to small businesses
and institutions. Our experience and expertise in web sales and e-commerce give us the backing to provide
solutions that are currently lacking in the market.

There is an all-time high demand for web development and marketing for small businesses, with signs of
rising further. Interestingly, few web developers have taken advantage of this opportunity, leaving the
industry with no dominant participants.

The high costs of the projects and the focus on bigger companies and institutions could contribute to why
this market remains untapped. We have a system that will reduce project costs dramatically, allowing us to
offer quality services at reduced costs.


We aim to deliver quality solutions through our highly skilled team with a technical foundation. We are
bound to help hundreds of our clients impress their customers and improve their online image worldwide.
We are looking forward to providing solutions to our customers at very low as well as affordable costs.

Our vision

Our professional team is very specialised in delivering solutions for leading brands, non-profit organisations,
and innovative startup businesses. We are aiming to reach an elevated level of success ratio while providing
unique yet creative solutions to our customers.


 To generate revenues of $300,000 by the end of our first year of operations.

 To attain a net profit of 30% in the first year and 40% in the second year.
 To have a 70% gross margin by the end of the first year.

Keys to Success

 We will offer quality web services to small businesses and institutions at affordable prices.
 To build and tailor our services to small businesses.
 We will establish alliances and partnerships with Internet service providers and companies in
computer consultancy

Australian Harbour International College | A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

BSBXDB501 Support Staff members with disability in the workplace Version V1.0/ July 2021 Page 16 of 76
Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603 036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street
Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia

Services offered

We offer the following services to our clients:

 Interface and Web Design Services

o Web design

o E-commerce

o Web development

o Responsive web design

 WordPress Development Solutions

o WordPress and woo-commerce

 HTML and CMS Development Services

 Coding with Online Media Solutions

 Graphic Design

o Logo design

 Application development

 Online marketing

o Online reputation management

o Search Engine Optimisation

o Pay Per Click (PPC) Marketing

o Content marketing

o Social media marketing

o Online Email Marketing

 Copyrighting

o Content and Production Copyright

Australian Harbour International College | A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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 Web hosting and support


● Quality service to our clients

● Integrity & Accountability

● Reliability

● Quality

● Innovation

● Respect

Strategic directions

The strategic direction of Online Media Solutions is to achieve its mission and vision is through:

● Increasing operational efficiency

● Engaging with customers through quality research and understanding supported by marketing

● Establishing a reputation for exceptional customer service and end to end solutions

● Supporting people to perform via training and performance management

● Controlling costs through operational efficiency

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Organisational hierarchy

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Diversity policies and procedures

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Policy and Procedure

Online Media Solutions provides a workplace free from discrimination and harassment. Employees must
understand their rights and responsibilities under human rights and anti-discrimination law. At the
company, the practice of diversity is widely observed, and employees are hired from a wide range
of backgrounds such as differences in ages, gender, ethnicity, physical ability, sexual orientation,
religious belief, work experience, and educational background.

The company believes that implementing effective anti-discrimination, anti-harassment procedures, and
diversity at Online Media Solutions can improve productivity and increase efficiency.

The policy applies to all staff, including contractors and covers all work-related functions and activities,
including external training courses. The policy also applies to all recruitment, selection and
promotion decisions.

The objective of EEO policy is to improve business success by:

 attracting and retaining the best possible employees

 providing a safe, respectful and flexible work environment
 delivering services in a safe, respectful and reasonably flexible way


Online Media Solutions adopts diversity and inclusion by providing equal opportunity in employment to
people without any discrimination based on a personal characteristic protected under state and
federal equal opportunity legislation that includes:

 age
 women in the workplace, e.g. breastfeeding
 carer status
 disability
 employment activity
 gender identity
 industrial activity

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ABN: 74 603 036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street
Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia

 lawful sexual activity

 marital status
 parental status
 personal association with someone having any of these characteristics
 physical features
 political activity/belief
 pregnancy
 race
 religious activity/belief
 sex and sexual orientation
 indigenous Australians

Any employee found to have contravened this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, which may
include dismissal as outlined in Online Media Solutions’s complaint procedure. Employees must
report any behaviour that constitutes sexual harassment, bullying or discrimination to their
manager. Employees will not be victimised or treated unfairly for raising an issue or making a

Discrimination, Sexual Harassment and Bullying

Online Media Solutions is committed to providing a workplace free from discrimination, sexual
harassment and bullying. Behaviour that constitutes discrimination, sexual harassment or bullying
will not be tolerated and lead to disciplinary actions being taken, which may include dismissal.

For the purposes of this policy, the following definitions apply but are not limited to:

 Direct discrimination occurs when someone is treated unfavourably because of a personal

characteristic that is protected under Victorian law.
 Indirect discrimination occurs when a rule seems neutral but has a discriminatory impact on
certain people. For example, a minimum height requirement of 6 feet for a particular job might be
applied equally to men and women but would indirectly discriminate on the basis of sex, as
women tend to be shorter than men.
 Sexual harassment includes unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature in circumstances in which it
could reasonably be expected to make a person feel offended, humiliated or intimidated; a
reasonable person, having regard to all the circumstances, would have anticipated that the person

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A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street
Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia

harassed would be offended, humiliated or intimidated.

 Workplace bullying may include behaviour that is directed toward an employee, or group of
employees, that creates a risk to health and safety, e.g. physical and/or verbal abuse, excluding or
isolating individuals, or giving impossible tasks.

Lodging Complaint

Procedure: To make a complaint

If an employee believes they are being, or have been, discriminated against, sexually harassed or bullied,
the employee should follow this procedure.

1. Tell the offender that the behaviour is offensive, unwelcome, and against business policy and
should stop (only if employees feel comfortable approaching them directly, otherwise speak to the
manager). Keep a written record of the incident(s).

2. If the unwelcome behaviour continues, contact the Supervisor or manager for support.

3. If this is inappropriate, the employee feels uncomfortable, or the behaviour persists, contact
another relevant senior manager. Employees may also lodge a complaint with the Equal
Opportunity and Human Rights Commission, the Australian Human Rights Commission, or take
action under the Fair Work Act 2009.

Employees should feel confident that any complaint they make is to be treated as strictly confidential.

Procedure: To receive a complaint

When a manager receives a complaint or becomes aware of an incident that may contravene EEO
policies, they should follow this procedure.

1. Listen to the complaint seriously and treat the complaint confidentially. Allow the complainant to
bring another person to the interview if they choose to.

2. Ask the complainant for the full story, including what happened, step by step.

3. Take notes using the complainant’s own words.

4. Ask the complainant to check their notes to ensure the record of the conversation is accurate.

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5. Explain and agree on the next action with the complainant.

6. If an investigation is not requested (and the manager is satisfied that the conduct complained is
not in breach of EEO policies), then the manager should:

 act promptly

 maintain confidentiality

 pass any notes on to the manager’s manager

If an investigation is requested or is appropriate, follow the next procedure.

Procedure: To investigate a complaint

When a manager investigates a complaint, they should follow this procedure.

1. Do not assume guilt

2. Advice on the potential outcomes of the investigation if the allegations are substantiated

3. Interview all directly concerned, separately

4. Interview witnesses, separately

5. Keep records of interviews and the investigation

6. Interview the alleged harasser separately and confidentially and let the alleged harasser know
exactly what they are being accused of. Give them a chance to respond to the accusation. Make it
clear they do not have to answer any questions; however, the manager will still make a decision

7. Listen carefully and record details

8. Ensure the confidentiality, minimise disclosure

9. Decide on appropriate action based on investigation and evidence collected

10. Check to ensure the action meets the needs of the complainant and ONLINE MEDIA SOLUTION

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A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street
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11. If the resolution is not immediately possible, refer the complainant to more senior management. If
the resolution needs a more senior manager’s authority, refer the complainant to this manager.

12. Discuss any outcomes affecting the complainant with them to make sure where appropriate you
meet their needs

Possible outcomes

If, after an investigation, management finds the complaint to be justified, management will discuss with
the complainant the appropriate outcomes which may result in:

 disciplinary action to be taken against the perpetrator (counselling, warning or dismissal)

 staff training

 additional training for the perpetrator or all staff, as appropriate

 counselling for the complainant

 an apology (the particulars of such an apology to be agreed between all involved)

People with Disability

Reasonable adjustments and/or changes (If making these adjustments mean a very high cost or great
disruption to the workplace, it is deemed as to be reasonable) are made to an employee with a
disability to work safely and productively. Online Media Solutions will make reasonable adjustments
for a person with a disability who:

 applies for a job, is offered employment, or is an employee, and

 requires the adjustments in order to participate in the recruitment process or perform the genuine
and reasonable requirements of the job.

Examples of adjustments and/or changes can include:

 reviewing and, if necessary, adjusting the performance requirements of the job

 arranging flexibility in work hours (see ‘flexible work arrangements)

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 providing telephone typewriter (TTY) phone access for employees with hearing or speech

 purchasing screen reading software for employees with a vision impairment

 approving more regular breaks for people with chronic pain or fatigue

 buying desks with adjustable heights for people using a wheelchair

Additional information on EEO and anti-discrimination policies can be found on:

1. The Fair Work Ombudsman:

2. EEO and Anti-discrimination within the state or territory:

Cultural Diversity Policy

Policy statement

The organisation does not discriminate against people based on age, race, colour, religion, ancestry,
national origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, veteran status or physical or
intellectual disability in the recruitment of students or the implementation of its policies, procedures
and activities. Sexual harassment is prohibited.

The objectives of this policy are for the organisation are to:

 Empowering women at a senior level management

 Achieve the target of having at least 40% of women in senior-level management.

 Employee Australian Indigenous peoples in the company

 Give specific acknowledgement and support to the cultures of Australian Indigenous peoples;

 Recognise and value the multicultural nature of Australian society;

 Provide a diverse, flexible and creative work environment which acknowledges, supports, values
and encourages cultural diversity and assists in the development of understandings of and

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A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street
Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia

insights into a range of cultures;

 Emphasise the value of cultural diversity and strengthen its commitment to cultural inclusiveness,
in all departments.

 Educate employees so that they can respond sensitively, sympathetically and justly in any cultural

 Attempt to redress any unfair, discriminatory or illegal practices which may result or have resulted
directly or indirectly from cultural difference, identity and/or context;

 Promote cultural activities which celebrate the diversity of its employees

 As far as is reasonably practicable, provide culturally appropriate support services for Australian
Indigenous and international students and staff.

Guiding principles

 To treat all employees, prospective employees, contractors, consultants, members and suppliers,
fairly and equally regardless of their gender, age, sexuality, culture/ethnicity, language and
religious beliefs, and regardless of any disability or flexible workplace practices.

 To value diversity by maintaining a safe work environment and taking action against inappropriate
workplace behaviour including discrimination, harassment, bullying and victimisation.

 To promote an organisational culture that values diversity and tolerates differences by developing
and offering work arrangements that help to meet the needs of a diverse workforce.

 To promote the recruitment of employees and directors impartially from a diverse field of suitably
qualified candidates.

 To provide learning and development strategies and opportunities to develop all employees'
knowledge, skills, and experience.

Code of ethics

The organisation acknowledges its role as a responsible corporate citizen. The organisation’s success will
result not simply from satisfying specific equipment needs for a quality product at reasonable prices
but from conducting its business with integrity and in accordance with the core values of the

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A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street
Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia


Employees and officers of the organisation are expected to:

 respect and support the core values of the organisation:

o performance excellence

o value for investors, customers and employees

o personal and professional development

o diversity

o sustainability

 respect and treat others (colleagues, managers, reports, clients, customers and organisational
stakeholders) with fairness

 act in accordance with relevant legislation, standards and industry codes of practice

 act honestly to protect the reputation of the organisation; avoid the fact or appearance of a conflict
of interest

 protect the privacy of others in accordance with organisational privacy and recordkeeping policies.

Workplace harassment, victimisation and bullying policy

The purpose of this policy is to underscore the organisation’s commitment to the elimination of all forms of
bullying and harassment in the workplace. All employees have the right to conduct their work within
a fair, supportive, high-performance environment.

Harassment, victimisation and bullying in the workplace are illegal, and such actions are not tolerated by
the organisation.

Staff members found to be harassing or bullying other members of staff or customers will face disciplinary
action ranging from counselling and performance management to summary dismissal.

This policy applies to all officers, employees and contractors of the organisation. Relevant legislation may

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A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street
Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia

include, but is not limited to:

 Disability Discrimination Act 1992

 Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (Crwth)

 Racial Discrimination Act 1975

 Sex Discrimination Act 1984

Anti-discrimination and equal opportunity policy

The purpose of this policy is to underscore the organisation’s commitment to the fair treatment of all
personnel and customers.

The organisation values the diversity of its team, clients and communities and respects the rights of
individuals and groups to operate in an environment free of discrimination.

Access and equity (diversity and anti-discrimination) are fundamental to the operations of the
organisation. It is embedded in policies, practices and forward planning. The organisation
recognises the importance of diversity in achieving our vision.

The organisation understands the business environment and actively assists customers to reach their
optimum potential. Our primary objective is to be solution-oriented and focused on customer needs.
The organisation recognises that valuing diversity is pivotal to achieving its vision.

A welcoming, supportive environment will be provided, leading to positive learning and employment, and
individuals having the opportunity to reach their optimum potential.

At the organisation, anyone engaged in employment or the provision or receipt of training and/or services
has the right to operate in an environment that is free from discrimination on the grounds of the
following 19 characteristics:

 age  parental or carer status

 breastfeeding  physical features

 employment activity  political belief or activity

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Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia

 gender identity  pregnancy

 impairment or disability  race

 industrial activity (a complaint about  religious belief or activity

conditions/safety or trade union
action)  sex

 irrelevant medical or criminal record  sexuality

 lawful sexual activity  social origin or migration status

 marital status  personal association with someone who has, or

is assumed to have, any of the above
 characteristics.

Procedures are in place for handling any grievances, including complaints of discrimination, unfair
treatment or harassment. Complaints will be taken seriously, and every effort will be made to resolve
them quickly, impartially, empathically and with appropriate confidentiality. Victimisation of complainants
and witnesses is illegal.

Complaints may also be lodged with a relevant government agency or regulatory body. This policy
applies to all officers, employees and contractors of the organisation.

Relevant legislation may include, but is not limited to:

 Disability Discrimination Act 1992

 Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (Cwth)

 Racial Discrimination Act 1975

 Sex Discrimination Act 1984

 The Equal Opportunity Act 2010

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The board’s commitment

The organisation’s board is committed to workplace diversity, with a focus on supporting the
representation of women at the senior level of the organisation and on the organisation’s board.

Human Resources is responsible for developing measurable objectives and strategies to meet the
objectives of the diversity policy (measurable objectives) and monitoring the progress of the measurable
objectives through the monitoring, evaluation and reporting mechanisms listed below.

Human Resources may also set measurable objectives for achieving gender diversity and monitor their
achievement. The board, collectively, will conduct all Board appointment processes in a manner that
promotes gender diversity, including establishing a structured approach for identifying a pool of
candidates, using external experts where necessary.


The organisation’s’ diversity strategies include:

 recruiting from a diverse pool of candidates for all positions, including senior management and the

 reviewing succession plans to ensure an appropriate focus on diversity;

 identifying specific factors to take account of in recruitment and selection processes to encourage

 developing programs to develop a broader pool of skilled and experienced senior management
and board candidates, including, workplace development programs, mentoring programs and
targeted training and development;

 developing a culture which takes account of domestic responsibilities of employees; and

 any other strategies, the Board or Human Resources develops from time to time.

Monitoring and evaluation

Human Resources will monitor the scope and currency of this policy. The organisation is responsible for
implementing, monitoring and reporting on the measurable objectives as established by Human

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A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street
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Resources. In addition, the board will review progress against the objectives as a key performance
indicator in its annual performance assessment.


Human Resources will report annually to the board on the achievement of the objectives. The board will
include in the Annual Report each year:

 Measurable Objectives, if any, set by the board;

 progress against the Objectives; and

 the proportion of women employees in the whole organisation, at senior management level and
Board level.

Complaint procedures

Informal complaints procedure:

 Individuals who have been discriminated against or harassed seek advice only from their
supervisor/ specialist officer as they wish to deal with the situation themselves or ask their
Supervisor to speak to the alleged harasser on their behalf.

 Alternately, a supervisor or manager could observe inappropriate behaviour occurring and act
even though no complaint has been made.

 The Supervisor or manager should calmly and sensitively discuss the individual’s concerns with
the alleged harasser and reinforce the organisation’s policies on appropriate workplace

 This discussion should be conducted privately to ensure the matter remains between the two
parties only.

 An investigation is not required if the alleged harasser admits the behaviour. The complaint can
then be resolved through conciliation or counselling.

Formal complaints procedure:

 Investigation of the allegations

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 Application of the principles of natural justice

 Making a finding as to whether the discrimination or harassment occurred, or whether it is likely it


 Submitting a report with a recommended course of action to the appropriate decision-maker

(senior management)

 Implementation of an appropriate outcome

Workplace disability and support codes of conduct/practices

 Act with respect for individual rights to freedom of expression, self-determination, and decision-
making in accordance with relevant laws and conventions.

 Respect the privacy of people with disabilities.

 Provide supports and services in a safe and competent manner with care and skill.

 Act with integrity, honesty, and transparency.

 Promptly take steps to raise and act on concerns about matters that might have an impact on the
quality and safety of supports provided to people with disabilities.

 Take all reasonable steps to prevent and respond to all forms of violence, exploitation, neglect, and

 Take all reasonable steps to prevent sexual misconduct.

Work team

You are working as HR Manager in Online Media Solutions. You have been assigned a team of five (5)
team members to look after the human resource operations of the organisation. The general roles and
responsibilities of the HR team members are as follow:

 Recruiting candidates.

 Hiring the right employees.

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 Processing payroll

 Conducting disciplinary actions

 Updating policies and procedures

 Maintaining employee records

Three (3) out of the five (5) team members you manage has a disability. Following is a description of team
members that have a disability:

Team member 1: Steffie

Steffie has arthritis. Steffie experiences periods of pain and fatigue that make it difficult to perform day-to-
day activities.

Steffie even experiences issues with simple job duties like typing on a keyboard, gripping a pen, holding the
phone to your ear or standing for a period of time. A height-adjustable workstation is provided to Steffie for

Team member 2: Richa

Richa is suffering from blindness or low vision. This is affecting her ability to read, operate a computer, or
navigate safely around the workplace. The organisation has existing screen-magnification (ZoomText) and
screen-reading software (JAWS) to help Richa work on a desktop.

Team member 3: James

James is suffering from mobility/dexterity impairment. Due to paralysis, James has limitations with his left
leg. Further, paralysis has impacted James strength, speed, endurance, and coordination.

James uses a motorised scooter at work. The workplace has exiting ramps to provide assistance to James.

Existing workplace initiatives that promote and encourage staff members to disclose or share
information about their disability or support needs

Managers conduct a discussion with their team members and encourage the team members to disclose or
share needs for any adjustments or support requirements to address their work-related needs.

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Workplace simulated scenario

Management is committed to ensuring that the workplace is flexible and accessible to employees with
disabilities. Management wants the HR Manager to assess the needs of the workers with disabilities and
support them by addressing their workplace-related needs to ensure that staff members are able to perform
to the full extent of their capabilities with minimal barriers to work.

This includes:

 Informing the staff members about the available staff members and encouraging them to disclose
disabilities and discuss additional support needs.

 Collaborating and consulting with individual staff members with a disability to:

o determining work challenges and additional support requirements

o determining individual support preferences

o agreeing on and document strategies, supports, reasonable adjustments, and/or resources

to address support needs in accordance with organisational procedures

 Monitor the effectiveness of supports and strategies and making any necessary improvements to
ensure that additional support needs are met.

 Involving any necessary support personnel throughout the process.

 Implementing workplace arrangements and/or changes to meet the provision of agreed-upon

additional support.

 Communicating support arrangements, roles, and responsibilities to other relevant staff.

 Addressing support needs outside the scope of own role by referring to additional or specialist
support providers.

Your job role:

You are working as HR Manager in Online Media Solutions. Part of your job role requires you to support
staff members with a disability and address their workplace-related needs. The roles and responsibilities are
as follow:

 Implement workplace initiatives that encourage and promote employees to disclose and/or share
information about their disability or support needs.

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 Inform staff members about the supports and adjustments that are available to them, the benefits of
requesting assistance, and the processes for discussing additional support needs.

 Consult with self-identified staff members to discuss their work abilities, challenges, and additional

 Set goals and expectations for additional support with individual staff members.

 Agree with staff members on additional supports and strategies to be implemented, including any
reasonable adjustments to meet their additional needs.

 Make the necessary workplace arrangements to provide additional support and/or reasonable
adjustments to individual employees.

 Refer to additional support providers and specialists if the required assistance exceeds the scope of
one's own role.

 Inform other relevant staff of their role in providing additional assistance to specific staff members.

 Examine and solicit feedback from staff members on strategy and support implementation.

 Change strategies and supports in response to staff feedback and preferences.

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Skills Test:

This assessment task requires you to support staff members with a disability and address their work-related
needs to ensure that staff members are able to perform to the full extent of their capabilities with
minimal barriers to work.

This includes:

 Informing the staff members about the available staff members and encouraging them to disclose
disabilities and discuss additional support needs.

 Collaborating and consulting with individual staff members with a disability to:

o determining work challenges and additional support requirements

o determining individual support preferences

o agreeing on and document strategies, supports, reasonable adjustments, and/or resources

to address support needs in accordance with organisational procedures

 Monitor the effectiveness of supports and strategies and making any necessary improvements to
ensure that additional support needs are met.

 Involving any necessary support personnel throughout the process.

 Implementing workplace arrangements and/or changes to meet the provision of agreed-upon

additional support.

 Communicating support arrangements, roles, and responsibilities to other relevant staff.

 Addressing support needs outside the scope of own role by referring to additional or specialist
support providers.

During this assessment task, you will be required to complete the following activities:

 Activity 1: Promote additional support to staff members

 Activity 2: Plan to address additional support needs for staff members with a disability

 Activity 3: Implement additional support for staff members with a disability

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 Activity 4: Monitor effectiveness of supports and strategies and make any improvements

Roles and responsibilities: Operations Manager: The Operations Manager is the individual who
supervises or is in charge of the organisation. They belong to a higher rank or status. Their job role
and responsibilities are:

 Assign a team to you to complete the project

 Assist you in understanding the task requirements

 Provide you information about job roles and responsibilities

 Supervise you completing the assessment task and requirements

Instructions for trainer/assessor:

 The trainer/assessor will take on the role of Operations Manager.

 The trainer/assessor must assign a team of five (5) team members to the student.

 Three of the team members will take on the role of three (3) team members with a disability:

o Staffie

o Richa

o James

 The trainer/assessor will assign the roles of team members for each activity to the staff members.

 Each student will be assessed individually for all assessment activities.

Timeframe to complete the project:

Two weeks (You have two weeks to complete the project)

Task requirements

 You will be assessed on your technical knowledge and skills to complete this project.

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 You will be assessed on working in a team environment and meeting your job role and

 You must follow the instructions provided by the Operations Manager.

 All individuals must complete their roles and assigned responsibilities and meet the specified

 The task must be completed in the specified timeframe.

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Activity 1: Promote additional support to staff members

This activity requires you to communicate the supports available to staff members and encourage staff
members to disclose disabilities and/or discuss additional support needs.

To do so, you are required to complete the steps given below and complete any templates associated with
each step:

Step 1: Determine the following based on the case study's information analysis and by conducting online
research and document using Template 1.

 Supports and adjustments available to the staff members.

 Benefits of requesting additional support

 Processes through which they can discuss additional support needs

Step 2: Implement workplace initiatives that promote and encourage staff members to disclose and/or
share information about their disability or support needs.

 Engage in a one-on-one session with each team member with a disability from the team assigned.
Conduct discussion on the following:

o Supports and adjustments available to the staff members.

o Benefits of requesting additional support

o Processes through which they can discuss additional support needs

 Encourage staff members to disclose and/or share information about their disability or support

 Further, document the information about the disability or support needs of each team member using
Template 1.

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Template 1: Promote additional support to staff members

Promote additional support to staff members (300-400 words)

Supports and adjustments available to the staff members.

Being the HR manager in online media solution. I will have to make adjustments to support available staff

to cope up with their disabilities to ensure that they are working effectively. The necessary help and

support is to be provided to individual staff. All the three staff, Stifle, Richa and James are suffering from

disabilities which hinders their performance. The supports like verbal assessment, creating a climate of

support, providing information or course materials in accessible format like text book in braille.

Modification of physical environment like installing lift, building ramps etc

Benefits of requesting additional support

The benefits of requesting additional support ensures the policies and legislative we follow are being met

legally and ethically. More importantly the staff will be more confident and will be satisfied to work

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for the origination. The staff will be productive and efficient and will work in full potential

Processes through which they can discuss additional support needs

The process through which they can discuss additional support needs are, holding a meeting where they

will be given opportunity to talk about their problem and plan and request the help and support.

Making them write the report and suggesting them to write a recommendation and suggestion letter to the
HR department which will be highly informational providing the important information about their
problems and how we can provide complex need to the staffs.

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Disability or support needs of each team member

Staffie: she is suffering from arthritis which is condition where one or more joints are swelling causes
painand fatigue. She could be referred to a good osteoarthritis. she is having issue with little things
liketyping keyboard and even griping pen.

Richa: Richa is suffering form blindness and low vision. She has issue with reading words and
operatingcomputer. She could be referred to an optometrist. She could also be given an eye wear
to improveher visibility

James:James is suffering form mobility and dexterity impairment which has him reduced the function
ofhis left leg creating difficulty for him to walk. It also impacts his strength, speed and coordination.

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He could be given a will chair and referred to neurologist

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Activity 2: Plan to address additional support needs for staff members with a disability

This activity requires the student to plan to address additional support needs for staff members with a

To develop a plan to address the additional support needs of the three (3) staff members with a disability,
you need to collaborate and consult with them regarding the following:

 Work challenges they face.

 Additional support needs required.

 Preferences for individual support

 Strategies, supports, reasonable adjustments or resources to implement to address support needs

in line with organisational procedures.

To collaborate and consult with each team/staff member with a disability, you are required to arrange a one-
on-one meeting with them. The staff members include the following:

 Staffie

 Richa

 James

The roles and responsibilities are as below:

Roles and responsibilities (HR Manager/Student)

 Collaborate and consult with staff members with a disability to:

o identify work challenges and additional support needs

o determine preferences for individual support

o agree and document strategies, supports, reasonable adjustments and/or resources to

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implement to address support needs in line with organisational procedures

 Uses listening and questioning to confirm and clarify understanding.

 Conduct the meeting based on the Script provided.

 Answer the questions asked by the staff members with a disability.

Roles and responsibilities (Staff members with a disability)

 Discuss the work challenges and additional support needs.

 Participate in the meeting based on the ‘Script’ provided.

To conduct the meeting, you must follow the meeting process and the meeting script provided below.

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Meeting process:

1. Create a meeting agenda.

Before the meeting  Confirm the meeting time and place with the trainer/assessor.

 Use the meeting agenda template provided to prepare the meeting


2. E-mail the meeting agenda to the meeting participants and request

confirmation for the meeting.

1. Welcome the participants

During the meeting 2. Collaborate and consult with staff members with a disability to:

 identify work challenges and additional support needs

 determine preferences for individual support

 agree and document strategies, supports, reasonable adjustments

and/or resources to implement to address support needs in line with
organisational procedures

3. Clarify the understanding of the stakeholders.

4. Conduct the meeting based on the ‘Meeting script’ provided.

1. Summarise the agreed outcomes using the meeting minutes template

After the meeting
2. Prepare a plan to address additional support needs for each staff member
with a disability using Template 2 – Template 4.

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Meeting script: Meeting 1 with Staffie

Script: Meeting

The HR Manager/Student collaborate and consult with Staffie. During the discussion, the HR
Manager/Student will ask the following questions:

Q1. What are the work challenges that you face during your time at work?

Q2: What additional support needs are required to support the work operations?

Q3: What are the different preferences for individual support?

Q4: What strategies, supports, reasonable adjustments or resources are required to be implemented
to address support needs?

Script for Staffie: Note: Staffie will discuss the following with the HR Manager:

1. Due to arthritis, I experience periods of pain and fatigue that make it

difficult to perform day-to-day activities for a longer period of time.

2: Additional support needs and suggestions for strategies:

 Need for lesser working hours.

 Suggestions: Flexible working arrangements, for example, working

from home.

 Providing provision of hot bags and arthritis gloves for joint pains.

Meeting script: Meeting 2 with Richa

Script: Meeting

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The HR Manager/Student collaborate and consult with Richa. During the discussion, the HR
Manager/Student will ask the following questions:

Q1. What are the work challenges that you face during your time at work?

Q2: What additional support needs are required to support the work operations?

Q3: What are the different preferences for individual support?

Q4: What strategies, supports, reasonable adjustments or resources are required to be implemented
to address support needs?

Script for Staffie: Note: Richa will discuss the following with the HR Manager:

1. Due to low vision, I experience issues:

 Reading printed materials on the workplace

 Identifying ground services

2. Individual preferences: Working from home as I have to go for regular


3. Additional support needs and suggestions for strategies:

 Magnification software for Personal Digital Assistants (PDA) and

mobile phone

 Video magnifiers for reading printed material

 Tactile Ground Surface Indicators (TGSI).

Meeting script: Meeting 3 with James

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Script: Meeting

The HR Manager/Student collaborate and consult with James. During the discussion, the HR
Manager/Student will ask the following questions:

Q1. What are the work challenges that you face during your time at work?

Q2: What additional support needs are required to support the work operations?

Q3: What are the different preferences for individual support?

Q4: What strategies, supports, reasonable adjustments or resources are required to be implemented
to address support needs?

Script for Staffie: Note: James will discuss the following with the HR Manager:

1. I experience issues:

 Opening doors

 Travelling to the office on a regular basis

2. Individual preferences: Working from home on alternate days.

3. Additional support needs and suggestions for strategies:

 Automated doors

 Handrails on the side of the desktop

 Flexible working arrangements, for example, working from home.

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Template 2: Plan to address additional support needs for staff members with disabilities (Steffie)

Plan to address additional support needs for staff members with disabilities (Steffie) (300-400

Work challenges

Steffie is suffering from arthritis which causes her lot of periods of pain and fatigue making her hard
toperform day-to-day activities for a longer period of time. She cannot type in keyboard she
hastrouble to hold the pen. She also can't stand for a longer period of time. All these work
challengesthings make it very hard for her to be productive and work in her full potentia

Additional support needs

In the meeting we discussed about the suggestion and support measures. We have come up with the

plan to refer her to a good osteoarthritis and taking good medicines. Her working hours has been

reduced by an hour. She will also be working from home for 3 days a week. During the office time

she will be given hot bags and arthritis gloves for joint pain

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Preferences for individual support

She prefers to work form home with flexible working arrangement which we implemented. She also
prefers to be working for less hour which we arranged by deducting the her working hour

Strategies, supports, reasonable adjustments or resources required to be implemented to address

support needs

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The strategies we will use is she will be working form home with a laptop for 3 times a week and will
cometo office 3 times a week. This change has been made to make sure she gets enough rest and
hastime for check-ups and to work on herself and her arthritis.She always has been working with
usfor 8 hours a day which has been reduced to 7 hours a day with no salary deduction. She is
toinstall a virtual meeting app called ZOOM for the days she will be working from home. She needs
tobe in a conference call while working to make sure she gets help form her colleague and maintain
aworking environment which will ensure the productiveness

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Template 3: Plan to address additional support needs for staff members with disabilities (Richa)

Plan to address additional support needs for staff members with disabilities (Richa) (300-400

Work challenges

Richa is suffering form low vision which causes here to have certain work challenges. The low
visioncaused her to lose the ability to read the documents and papers and she can't see
everythingclearly in the monitor she also has difficulty to operate computer. And when she is in the
officepremises, she says that she has difficulty navigating through the premises due to her low

Additional support needs

She needs a good ophthalmologist for her eye. The eye wear could help her to reduce the blindness
andimprove vision. She will be given a magnification software for Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)
and mobilephone. Which will solve the problem of her not being able to operate computer. The PDA
will guide andhelp her to operate the computer. The other thing she will be provided for additional
support needs is avideo magnifier for reading printed materials. The video magnifier will help her to
read the documents.Solving another work challenge

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Preferences for individual support

During the meeting we also discussed about her individual preference support. She says that she
prefersto work from home as she needs to go for regular check-ups. We helped her preference by
makingher work only one day at the office premises for the rest of 5 days a week she will be
working formhome

Strategies, supports, reasonable adjustments or resources required to be implemented to address

support needs

Since she will be working from home, we asked her to install a app on her laptop called ZOOM which will

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be used to conduct a conference call for her while working. She will also be provided with a

Magnification software for Personal Digital Assistants (PDA) and mobile phone and a Video

magnifier for reading printed material. The tactile ground surface indicators (TGSI) will be installed

in the office premises, which will guide her to navigate through the office with her condition of low


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Template 4: Plan to address additional support needs for staff members with disabilities (James)

Plan to address additional support needs for staff members with disabilities (James) (300-400

Work challenges

James is suffering form dexterity/mobility impairment. Which makes his left leg paralysed. Due to this

immobility, he faces work challenges issue with opening doors and travelling to the office on a regular

basis. Due to his paralysed leg his strength, speed, endurance and coordination has been impacted

creating him difficulty to work efficiently and in his full potentiality.

Additional support needs

His support will be installing automated doors in his department. As he is having issue and difficulty

opening doors. Also, a handrail on the side of the desktop will be installed for his safety and support

as he has his left leg paralysed, he has difficulty standing up and sitting down, the handrail will be a

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good support for his body to perform a basic movement. Other working challenge that he faces is

he is having issue to travel to the office on a regular basis. His shift has been changed he will only

be working in office in alternate days of the week and will be working form home when he is not in

his office.

Preferences for individual support

During the meeting he says that he prefers to work form home on alternate days and we agreed upon it

seeing his current working problems. We have decided that he will be working in the office in

alternative days of the week and when he is not working in his office department, he will be working

from home.

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Strategies, supports, reasonable adjustments or resources required to be implemented to address

support needs

Since he will be working from home, we asked him to install a app on his laptop called ZOOM which will

be used to conduct a conference call for him while working creating a good working environment. To

install automatic doors, we contacted a project manager and prepared a budget of $500 which will

help him as he is unable to open doors. At the same time a hand rail will be installed in his office

while talking about the project manager this will cost us about $100

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Activity 3: Implement additional support for staff members with a disability

This activity is a continuation of Activity 2.

This activity requires the student to implement workplace arrangements or adjustments to fulfil the provision
of agreed additional support for the following staff members with a disability:

 Staffie

 Richa

 James

To implement workplace arrangements or adjustments to fulfil the provision of agreed additional support for
each team member, you are required to follow the steps given below and complete any templates
associated with each step.

Step 1: Prepare an action plan to make necessary workplace arrangements to implement additional support
or reasonable adjustment for each staff member with disability specified above using the following

 Template 5 – Action plan to make necessary workplace arrangements for Staffie.

 Template 6 – Action plan to make necessary workplace arrangements for Richa.

 Template 7 – Action plan to make necessary workplace arrangements for James.

Include the following information in the Action plan based on the additional support agreed in Activity 2.

 Three (3) actions to be implemented to provide additional support

 Steps to implement each action

 Resources required

 KPIs to monitor the effectiveness of supports and strategies

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Step 2: Determine any two (2) support services that are beyond your scope of own role to provide
necessary workplace arrangements to implement additional support or reasonable adjustment and
refer to additional support providers and specialists. Further, document the following using Template

 Two (2) support services that are beyond your scope of own role

 Additional support providers and specialists referred to.

Step 3: Develop and advise the other two (2) team members of their role in providing additional support to
individual staff members. Further, document the following using Template 8.

 Roles and responsibilities of staff members related to support arrangements.

Australian Harbour International College | A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia
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RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603 036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street
Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia

Template 5 – Action plan to make necessary workplace arrangements for Staffie.

Action plan

Three (3) actions to be Steps to implement each action Resources required KPIs to monitor the
implemented to provide effectiveness of supports
additional support and strategies

She has been working with for us - She has been giving herself time
about 8 hours a day now she and treating her arthritis.
Working less hour will be working 7 hours a
day. She says that she has been
feeling a lot better now.
Means that she will be working
from 10am to 5pm.

Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: BSBTWK502 Page 62 of 76

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RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603 036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street
Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia

Working from home 3 days a week She will be working for 3 days in To install a free app called zoom She has been giving herself time
office and 3 bdays from home and going to the doctor more
To work from home we asked her
to installed a app called zoom to She says that she has been
sit in the conference when working feeling a lot better now
for a productive environment.

Providing her hot bag for her joint 3 days she works in office .The Hot water bag Key performance indicator says
pain kitchen staff will provide her that due to this water bag
a hot bag to relieve her joint process she ha been lot
pain. focused on her work than her
pain making the work more

Australian Harbour International College | A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia
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RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603 036 102
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A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street
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Australian Harbour International College | A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia
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RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603 036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street
Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia

Template 6 – Action plan to make necessary workplace arrangements for Richa.

Action plan

Three (3) actions to be Steps to implement each action Resources required KPIs to monitor the
implemented to provide effectiveness of supports
additional support and strategies

She will be provided with Magnifying software Personal key performance indicator shows
magnifying software for Digital Assistance that she has been effective
Personal Digital Assistance in operating computer.
which will help her to operate
Personal Digital Assistance (PDA) computer

Australian Harbour International College | A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia
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Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603 036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street
Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia

She will be provided with a video A video magnifier Video magnifying for reading
magnifier which will help her shows that she has been
to read the printed more independent as she
documents used to ask help for her
Video magnifying for reading reeding the documents.
Which improved her

Asking the project manager, a Installing Tactile ground indicators Video magnifying for reading
tactile ground surface Budget of $200 shows that she has stopped
Tactile ground surface indicator indicator is to be installed. tripping and crashing. She
Where it will be easier to feels more confident in
navigate with poor sight walking through the

Australian Harbour International College | A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603 036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street
Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia

Australian Harbour International College | A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia
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RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603 036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street
Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia

Template 7 – Action plan to make necessary workplace arrangements for James.

Action plan

Three (3) actions to be Steps to implement each action Resources required KPIs to monitor the
implemented to provide effectiveness of supports
additional support and strategies

Installing automated doors after $500 of budget for installing key performance indicator
talking to project manager. automated doors indicates that he has been
Automated doors feeling a lot better and has
stopped asking for help to
open doors which made him
and other people productive.

Australian Harbour International College | A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603 036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street
Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia

Installing handrails on side of the Hand rails Budget of $100 key performance indicator
desktop as it helps him stand indicates that the is more
and sit confident and happy and is
feeling a lot better after
installing the handrails

Hand rails on side of the desktop

He will be working in alternate Installing ZOOM which is free app key performance indicator says
days in in office in a week that he is more satisfied staff
Flexible working hours and work from home and has been showing a
great productivity
To install a conference call ap
called ZOOM

Australian Harbour International College | A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603 036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street
Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia

Australian Harbour International College | A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603 036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street
Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia

Template 8: Support services

Support services (300-400 words)

Two (2) support services that are beyond your scope of own role

Two support services that are beyond the scope of own roles are:

Stopping hate about disabilities – being HR manager I could counsel the staff I could show

them the policies and legislative about respecting the disable staff but I can’t really change

what is very deep inside them

curing and treating disabilities- since being a HR manager I care about the staff problem of

disabilities and cannot treat them, usually the staff are referred to the health professional

Additional support providers and specialists referred to.

In the above workbook I talked about the support services beyond my scope during this case

additional support providers and specialist are referred to treat the staffs

While talking about our respected three staff; Staffie, Richa and James individually they can

be referred to different specialist

Australian Harbour International College | A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street , Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603 036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street
Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia

Staffie: she is suffering with arthritis which causes her joint pain and fatigue she could be

referred to rheumatologist who are specialists in arthritis and disease that involves

bones and joints

Richa: she is suffering form low vision causing her half blindness she could be referred to

ophthalmologist who is specialist in eye and vision care.

James: James is suffering from dexterity/mobility impairment which causes impact on his

strength, speed and coordination, his support provider could be a neurologist who are expert
n treating and diagnosing brain spine and nerves

Roles and responsibilities of staff members related to support arrangements

Other staff should respect the condition of the disabled staff and respect and accept them as

they are. The HR department should conduct meeting to identify the problem they face

in the office and find solutions. The project manager should manage the project to

improve the office system to help disabilities which will be provided by the HR

department All the other staff should help the disable staff physically, mentally and

socially. They are not supposed to be bullied, teased or misbehaved. The nontechnical staff
are to update the existing documentation and raise staffing structures or

Australian Harbour International College | A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street , Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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ABN: 74 603 036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street
Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia


Australian Harbour International College | A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street , Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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Australian Harbour International College
RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603 036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street
Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia

Activity 4: Monitor effectiveness of supports and strategies and make any


Activity context:

The support strategies were implemented. The other strategies were effective apart from the
use of arthritis gloves. Steffie is still having pain in her hands while working on
keyboards due to repetitive work.

The potential improvements to this situation can be:

 Speech to text recognition software

 Voice recognition system

Description of the activity:

This activity is a continuation of Activity 3.

This activity requires the student to examine the implementation of strategies and supports
and solicit feedback from staff members.

To do so, you are required to follow the steps given below and complete any templates
associated with each step.

 Step 1: Determine two (2) improvements as required to ensure additional support

needs are met and document using Template 9.

 Step 2: Consult with Staffie and determine how the improvements identified would
benefit her?

Further document the benefits of improvements identified using template 9.

 Step 3: Further, revise the action plan for Staffie and submit it to the

Australian Harbour International College | A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street , Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603 036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street
Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia

Template 9: Monitor effectiveness of supports and strategies and make any improvements

Monitor effectiveness of supports and strategies and make any improvements (200-
300 words)

Two (2) improvements as required to ensure additional support needs are met

Since Steffie is suffering from arthritis she had been having pain in her hand by using the

keyboard even after using arthritis gloves which did not have any good effect.

Two of the improvement could be:

1. Speech to text recognition software: the software is available in the computer where

the user can speak and the speech will be translated into words in the computer which

will greatly benefit Steffie

2. Voice recognition software: since she has pain, she cannot navigate around the

computer with mouse and keyboard, a software could be installed to help her navigate

thought the computer using her voice

Benefits of improvements identified

Australian Harbour International College | A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street , Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J
ABN: 74 603 036 102
T: 02 9268 0085
A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street
Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia

Since she has been having pain, she is not working at her full potential. She has been

lacking productivity due to her pain. If the 2 system are installed in her computer, she will be

good to go. Working in her full potential again. She will be working for 7 hours again. We

even talked with Steffie about installing the software and she was very positive and happy

about it. She says that she will be working efficiently again after the system has been

installed in her laptop.

The End

Australian Harbour International College | A: Level 1, 84 – 86 Mary Street , Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia
|RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J

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