Hemoglobin Function and Physiological Adaptation To Hypoxia in High-Altitude Mammals
Hemoglobin Function and Physiological Adaptation To Hypoxia in High-Altitude Mammals
Hemoglobin Function and Physiological Adaptation To Hypoxia in High-Altitude Mammals
Understanding the biochemical mechanisms that enable high-altitude animals to survive and function under
Key words: adaptation, altitude, deer mouse, ecological physiology, evolutionary physiology, hemoglobin, hypoxia, natural
selection, oxygen transport, Peromyscus maniculatus
High-altitude environments present a number of physiolog- different subunit polypeptides are encoded by different sets
ical challenges for endothermic animals, as they are character- of duplicated genes that are located on different chromosomes
ized by a lower partial pressure of oxygen (PO2 ) and lower (Hardison 2001). Because much is known about structure–
ambient temperatures compared to low-altitude environments function relationships of mammalian hemoglobins and their
at similar latitudes. The reduced PO2 at high altitude results in role in oxygen transport (reviewed by Perutz 1983, 2001;
reduced oxygen loading in the lungs such that the blood may Poyart et al. 1992; Weber and Fago 2004), the study of hemo-
not carry a sufficient supply of oxygen to the cells of respiring globin variation in species that are native to high altitude pro-
tissues (Bencowitz et al. 1982; Bouverot 1985; Turek et al. vides a unique opportunity to understand the nature of genetic
1973). This reduced level of tissue oxygenation can impose adaptation to hypoxic stress from the level of blood bio-
severe constraints on aerobic metabolism and may therefore chemistry to the level of whole-organism physiology. In this
influence an animal’s food requirements, water requirements, review I 1st provide some background information about hemo-
the capacity for sustained locomotor activity, and the capacity globin function and the nature of physiological adaptation to
for internal heat production. high-altitude hypoxia. I then discuss a case study involving a
Although the genetic basis of hypoxia tolerance has yet to be complex hemoglobin polymorphism in deer mice (Peromyscus
fully elucidated in any vertebrate species, evidence from a maniculatus) that illustrates how integrative studies of protein
number of mammals, birds, and amphibians indicates that function and fitness-related physiological performance can be
modifications of hemoglobin function often play a key role used to obtain evolutionary insights into genetic mechanisms
in mediating an adaptive response to high-altitude hypoxia of adaptation.
(Perutz 1983). In all vertebrates other than cyclostomes, the
hemoglobin protein is a heterotetramer, composed of 2 a-chain
and 2 b-chain polypeptides. In mammals and birds, the CIRCULATORY ADJUSTMENTS TO HYPOXIC STRESS
When atmospheric air is drawn into the alveoli of the lungs,
oxygen is under a higher partial pressure than in the pulmonary
* Correspondent: jstorz2@unl.edu capillaries, and it therefore diffuses across the respiratory
membrane into the arterial bloodstream. Once oxygen has en-
Ó 2007 American Society of Mammalogists tered the bloodstream, it is immediately bound to hemoglobin
www.mammalogy.org in the red blood cells for transport to the oxygen-consuming
ADAPTIVE MODIFICATION OF HEMOGLOBIN This capacitance coefficient is defined as the slope of the line
FUNCTION IN HYPOXIA-TOLERANT MAMMALS connecting the arterial point to the mixed venous point on the
When the arterial PO2 is reduced because of high-altitude oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve (ODC; Fig. 1). Because
hypoxia, the transport of oxygen by blood has to serve 2 inter- of the nonlinear relationship between oxygen concentration and
related functions: it must maintain a sufficient flux of oxygen to PO2 in blood (which gives rise to the sigmoid shape of the
meet metabolic demand, and it must also maintain an adequate ODC), the capacitance coefficient bbO2 is not constant.
pressure gradient for oxygen diffusion from the lungs to the The maintenance of an adequate pressure gradient for tissue
cells of respiring tissues (Bouverot 1985; Monge and León- oxygenation can be understood by rearranging equation 2 as
Velarde 1991). The 1st of these 2 functions is described by the follows:
following Fick’s convection equation: PvO2 ¼ PaO2 2f1=½bbO2 ðQb=VO2 Þg; ð4Þ
V_ O2 ¼ QbðCaO2 CvO2 Þ; ð1Þ where PvO2 is viewed as the critical pressure at the vascular
supply source for oxygen diffusion into the cells of respiring
where V_ O2 is the rate of oxygen consumption, Qb is the total
tissues (Bouverot 1985). The product bbO2 (Qb/VO2 ) is the
cardiac blood flow, and CaO2 and CvO2 are the oxygen con-
specific oxygen blood conductance. Under hypoxia, an
centrations in arterial and mixed venous blood, respectively.
This is equivalent to the following: increased oxygen blood conductance helps to maintain
a sufficient driving force for oxygen diffusion to the tissues.
V_ O2 ¼ Qb bbO2 ðPaO2 PvO2 Þ; ð2Þ One of the most important mechanisms to compensate for
reduced arterial PO2 at high altitude involves shifting the shape
where PaO2 PvO2 is the arterial-mixed-venous PO2 difference,
and position of the ODC (Luft 1972). The ODC describes how
and bbO2 , called the blood oxygen capacitance coefficient
the reversible binding of oxygen by hemoglobin depends on
(Dejours et al. 1970), is defined by the ratio
PO2 in the blood. At low PO2 in the bloodstream, the arterial and
bbO2 ¼ ðCaO2 CvO2 Þ=ðPaO2 PvO2 Þ: ð3Þ mixed venous points on the ODC would be shifted leftward to
TABLE 1.—Comparison of blood oxygen affinities (as indexed by which suppresses 2 binding sites for 2,3-biphosphoglycerate
P50) and amino acid differences in the a- and b-globin subunits of per tetramer. Among the Andean camelids, the vicuña inhabits
hemoglobin in 1 lowland camelid (Camelus dromedarius) and 4 high- the highest elevational zone (4,500–5,000 m) and it also exhibits
altitude camelid species (Lama guanicoe, L. glama, L. pacos, and the highest blood oxygen affinity (P50 ¼ 17.5). The especially
Vicugna vicugna). Data for humans are provided for comparison. P50 high oxygen affinity of vicuña hemoglobin appears to be
is the partial pressure of oxygen in the bloodstream at which he-
attributable to an Ala!Thr substitution at a130 and a His!Asn
moglobin is 50% saturated. Differences in the sequence of a- and b-
globin polypeptides among the different species are from Piccinini substitution at b2 (Clementi et al. 1994; Piccinini et al. 1990;
et al. (1990). The position of the amino acid residues in the primary Poyart et al. 1992). One important conclusion of these molec-
structure of the globin polypeptides is given in parentheses. Modified ular studies is that a small number of amino acid substitutions
from Poyart et al. (1992). at key positions may be sufficient to adapt the functional
properties of hemoglobin to the hypoxic conditions of high
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