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Isolation and Identification of Fungi From Some Selected Vegetables in Kankara Local Government Area

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UJMR, Volume 3 Number 1 June, 2018 ISSN: 2616 - 0668

Received: 26th June, 2018 Accepted: 11th July, 2018


Samaila Samaila Yaradua*1, Shamsuddeen Lawal Kankara1 and Murtala Yusuf2
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation, Department of Biology, Umaru Musa Yaradua University,
P.M.B 2218, Katsina, Nigeria
Department of Biology, Al-Qalam University, Katsina, Nigeria
Corresponding Author:, +2348067838011
Samples of vegetables (infected and healthy) were investigated in this study to identify and
isolate fungal species growing present. The vegetables are Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum),
Pepper (Capsicum annum), Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) and Onion (Allium cepa) which were
collected from local farms around Kankara local government area. Potato dextrose agar (PDA)
was used for isolation of the fungi and morphological features and fungal identification key
were used to identify the isolated organisms. All the vegetables collected showed the presence
of fungi. The fungi isolated are Aspergillus flavus, Rhizopus stolonifer, Aspergillus niger,
Aspergillus parasiticus, Penicillium digitatum., Penicillium citrinum and Mucor spp. among all,
Penicillium citrinum, Aspergillus niger., and Aspergillus. parasiticus had the highest rate of
occurrence followed by Penicillium digitatum and Aspergillus flavus while Mucor spp. and
Rhizopus stolonifer were the least.
Key words: Fungal species, Identification, Isolation, Kankara, Vegetables

INTRODUCTION grow on vegetables and their growth may result

Generally, vegetables are considered as in production of toxins known as mycotoxins
the leafy outgrowth of plants or plants shoot (such as alkaloids and polyketones that are
used for food. These include those plants or toxic to animals including humans), which can
plant part used in making soup or served as an cause a variety of ill effect in human from
integral part of main meal (Yusuf et al., 2004). allergic responses to immune suppression and
Vegetables can also be regarded as the cancer (Pitt and Hocking, 1997).
component of plants, such components includes Microorganisms have undoubtedly
leaves, stalk, roots, tubers, bulbs, flowers and resulted in increased numbers of documented
seed (ICMSF 1998). Vegetables are important outbreaks. The risk of illness associated with
protective food and highly beneficial for the raw vegetable products can be reduced by
maintenance of health and prevention of removing or killing pathogenic microorganisms
diseases. They contain valuable food by washing or treating them with sanitizers.
ingredients which are essential for the proper However, the hydrophobic cutin, diverse
function of the body. Vegetable contain various surface morphologies and abrasions in the
medicinal and the therapeutic agents and are epidermis of fruit and vegetables limits the
valued mainly for their high vitamin and efficacy of this treatment (Burnett and
mineral content. Studies have evaluated the Beuchat, 2001).
association of fruit and vegetables consumption Vegetables are frequently consumed raw
with the reduction of risk of many diseases without being exposed to the processes that
(Hung et al., 2004). reliable eliminates pathogens. Washing fruits
The incidence of microorganisms in and vegetables in chlorinated water can reduce
vegetables maybe expected to reflect the fungal levels but cannot be relied upon to
sanitary quality of the processing steps and the eliminate pathogens. Eating or drinking
microbiological condition of the raw product at contaminated foods or drinks can cause food
the time of processing (Nguyen-the and Carlin, borne disease (Adebayo et al., 2012). Many
1994). However, pathogenic microorganism different types of bacteria, viruses and
may be present in minimally processed parasites can contaminate food, so there is
vegetables as the minimal technological numerous different food borne infections. The
processing may be unable to remove the consumption of carrot, cucumber, onion and
original contamination resulting from air, soil, cabbage in Nigeria has increased tremendously
water, insects, animals, workers, harvesting in recent years due increased awareness on
and transporting equipment. Certain fungi such their health important.
as Aspergillus, Fusarium, and Penicillium spp.
UMYU Journal of Microbiology Research 76
UJMR, Volume 3 Number 1 June, 2018 ISSN: 2616 - 0668
Carrot is known to contain an important (PDA, Difco) which also contains
biologically active compound, carotenoid Chloramphenicol to avoid growth of unwanted
(Asagbra and Oyewole, 2002). It has been bacteria. The plates were allowed to solidify
estimated that 20% of vegetables harvested for and incubated at room temperature for 2-5
human consumption are lost through microbial days. The plates were incubated at 28 ±1°C for
spoilage. The primary causative agents of five days.
microbial spoilage are bacteria, yeasts and Following incubation, plates containing 30-300
mold (Jay et al., 2005). Spoilage colonies were selected and counted using
microorganisms can be introduced to the crop digital colony counter. The counts were
on the seed itself, during crop growth in the expressed as Colony Forming Unit per gram
field, during harvesting and post-harvest (cfu/g). The fungal colonies that appeared
handling or during storage and distribution were primarily identified using morphological
(Barth et al., 2009). The same types of soil features (Barnett and Hunter, 1972). The fungal
borne spoilage microbes that occur on produce isolates were purified by sub-cultured
are the same spoilage microorganisms that are transplanting to new set using potato dextrose
present on harvesting equipment, handling agar (PDA, Difco). The pure strains of isolated
equipment, in the packing house, in the storage fungi were identified using fungal identification
facility and on food contact surfaces keys (Domsch et al, 1993; Klich, 2002; Samsin
throughout the distribution chain (Barth et al, and Varga, 2007).
2009). Microscopic Examination of fungal isolates
Fungi cause spoilage of many vegetables and Lacto phenol cotton blue was dropped on a
crops. They lead to the destruction of plants glass slide and small portion of fungal colony
quality and reduce the yield of crops. from the sub-structure plates was taken, using
Several times, our vegetables are being a sterile inoculating needle and transferred to a
spoiled by fungi which lead to decreases in glass slide, it was then emulsified with a sterile
the productivity of the vegetables. This needle and then covered with a cover slip
research work is initiated to isolate and gently, to avoid air bubbles. Observation under
identify fungi that spoils these vegetables in low and high power objective lens was carried
order to find a necessary means to prevent out, the observation include, searching for
and control the spoilage of these vegetables different features of fungi including, the
and which will exert a tremendous effect in hyphae, conidia, sporangiophore (reproductive
the socio-economic status of the people. structure), and identification was carried out
MATERIALS AND METHODS microscopically by examining the colony.
Sample collection RESULTS
Samples of vegetables (healthy and infected) The table above shows the actual fungal colony
each of pepper, tomato, cucumber and onion that grows as colony forming units per gram
were collected from local farms in and around (cfu/g)) of the spoiled and healthy vegetable
Kankara L.G.A of Katsina State. The samples samples, where it ranges from 1x 101 to 3. 8 x
were transported to the laboratory of Biology 101. Spoiled onion has the highest number of
Department, Umaru Musa Yaradua University in colony 3.8 x 101 and healthy cucumber has the
separate sterile plastic bags for fungal analysis. lowest with 1.0 x 101
Vegetables were surface sterilized by exposing Seven (7) fungi were isolated from
them in 90% ethyl alcohol for 1 minute (BDH spoiled vegetables sample; Rhizopus stolonifer,
chemicals Ltd poole England) and then into 1% Aspergillus flavus were isolated from tomato
sodium hypochlorite for 3 minutes and rinsed and Penicillium citrinum was isolated from
three times in sterile distilled water. segments onion, tomato and pepper while Mucor spp.
(3-5cm) of tissues from the samples were cut and Penicillium digitatum were isolated from
out with a sterile scalpel and placed on cucumber and Aspergillus parasiticus was
previously prepared media in petri-dishes and isolated from onion and cucumber while
incubated at appropriate temperature. Aspergillus niger was isolated from pepper and
Sample Processing onion samples. While five (5) isolates were
One gram (1g) of each sample was dispensed obtained from the healthy vegetables;
into a prepared 9ml of distilled water Aspergillus parasiticus, Aspergillus flavus were
contained in the McCartney bottles. The isolated from tomato and Penicillium
content was shaken for homogenous mixture. citrinum was isolated from cucumber and
One in ten serial dilutions (10-1 – 10-5) of the pepper while Aspergillus niger was isolated
samples were prepared. from onion and Penicillium digitatum was
Isolation and identification of fungi isolated from pepper samples (Table 2).
From each of serially diluted tubes 1ml was
inoculated onto plates of Potato Dextrose Agar
UMYU Journal of Microbiology Research 77
UJMR, Volume 3 Number 1 June, 2018 ISSN: 2616 - 0668

Table 1: Fungal Counts (cfu/g) of Spoiled and Healthy Vegetables

Tomato 2.6 x 101 2.0 x 101
Cucumber 1.8 x 10 1.0 x 101
Pepper 3.0 x 10 2.0 x 101
Onion 3.8 x 10 3.0 x 101

Table 2: Fungi isolated from Spoiled and Healthy Vegetables

Fungal isolates Spoiled Vegetables affected Healthy Vegetables affected
Penicillium citrinum Tomato, Pepper and Onion Pepper, Cucumber
Rhizopus stolonifer Tomato -
Aspergillus flavus Tomato Tomato
Mucor spp. Cucumber -
Aspergillus parasiticus Cucumber, Onion Tomato
Penicillium digitatum Cucumber Pepper
Aspergillus niger Onion, Pepper Onion

Table 3 shows the morphological characteristics of different fungal isolates identified apparently
from healthy and the spoiled vegetables.
Table 3: Morphological characteristics of the fungal species isolated
Fungal species Morphological characteristics

Aspergillus niger - Non-branched conidiophores with bulb end

carries conidia or conidia like sun rays.
-Pink-like black growth

Aspergillus flavus -Pink-like green growth.

-Non-branched conidiophores with bulb end
Carries conidia.

Penicillium citrinum -Blue green colony.

-Reverse side is yellow to orange
Mucor spp. -Simple conidiophores, conidia are
produce in chain.

Aspergillus parasiticus -They have roughned conidiophores.

-Blue green colony and reverse dull
yellow to dull green
-They are vesicle spherical.
Penicillium digitatum -Brush-like conidiophores carries conidia.
-Green or green-greyish color colonies
grows over fruits especially citrus.

Rhizopus stolonifer -Sporangia contain spores, have rhizoids.

-Cotton like white growth spotted with
black color.
DISCUSSION These fungal species have been reportedly
The findings of this study showed that isolated from Pawpaw fruits in Nigeria (Baiyewu
Aspergillus flavus, A. parasiticus, Aspergillus et al., 2007; Chukwuka et al., 2010). The result
spp., Penicillium spp., P. citrinum, Rhizopus obtained showed that of all the isolated fungi
spp., and Mucor spp. were found in vegetables Aspergilus niger, Aspergillus parasiticus and
grown in rural area around Kankara Local Penicillium citrinum were highly prevalence
Government Area, Katsina State, Nigeria. among all the vegetables and Aspergillus flavus
Penicillium digitatum, Rhizopus niger, and and Penicillium digitatum have moderate
Aspergillus flavus were found to be associated occurrence while Rhizopus stolonifer and Mucor
with spoilage or deterioration of vegetable. spp. have the least prevalence among the
UMYU Journal of Microbiology Research

UJMR, Volume 3 Number 1 June, 2018 ISSN: 2616 - 0668
vegetables. All the seven species were found to Baiyewu et al., (2007). This is in correlation
cause spoilage of the vegetables; this is with the work of Nijis et al., (1997) who
congruent with findings of (Baiyewu et al., reported that Aspergillus spp. is the
2007, Chukwuka et al., 2010). Generally, fungi predominant organism associated with the
that caused food spoilage are considered spoilage of orange. The isolation of Aspergillus
toxigenic or pathogenic (Al-Hindi et al., 2011). flavus, Penicilliuum citrinum and Aspergillus
parasiticus from Tomato and Cucumber
Toxigenic fungi have been isolated from (healthy and infected) is also congruent with
spoiling fruits and vegetables (Al-Hindi et al., findings of Efiuvwevwere, (2000) who
2011). During refrigeration some moulds may reported that Aspergillus spp. are responsible
produce mycotoxins (Tournas and Stack, 2001). for the rotting of pineapple. The isolation of
The fungi isolated in this study have been Rhizopus spp. and Mucor spp. from Tomato and
reported to produce secondary metabolites in Cucumber (infected) agreed with work of
plants tissues. These secondary metabolites are Efiuvwevwere, (2000); Nijis et al., (1997);
potentially harmful to humans and animals Purseglove, (1977), who reported that Fusarium
(Eaton and Groopman, 1994; Baiyewu et al., spp. and Rhizopus spp. are responsible for the
2007). A good example is Aflatoxin which has soft rot of tomato.
been associated in cancer of the liver Colonization of fruits and vegetable by
(heptatoma), aflatoxicosis and also with acute the invading microorganism is a critical phase
hepatitis in humans, especially in the in the microbial spoilage of produce. Also, the
developing countries (Krogh, 1992; Prasad, prevalence of fungi as the spoilage organisms of
1992; Eaton and Groopman, 1994; Muhammad fruits and vegetables is due to a wide range of
et al., 2004; Baiyewu et al., 2007). Pathogenic factors which are encountered at each stage of
fungi, on the other hand, could cause infections handling from pre-harvest to consumption and
or allergies (Monso, 2004). Aspergillus spp. are is related to the physiological and physical
known to produce several toxic metabolites, condition of the produce as well as the
such as malformins, naphthopyrones (Pitt and extrinsic parameters to which they are exposed
Hocking, 1997) and they can produce (Efiuvwevwere, 2000). Efiuvevevwere, (2000)
Ochratoxins (OTA), a mycotoxin which is a very also reported that high moisture and relative
important toxin worldwide because of the humidity led to greater fungal growth in farm
hazard it poses to human and animal health produce which tends to lower the storability of
(Peraica et al., 1999; Petzinger and fruits and vegetables.
Weidenbach, 2002) thus extra care should be CONCLUSION
taken during personnel handling of these fruits; This research reveals the presence of fungal
such as harvesting, cleaning, sorting, species associated with spoilage of vegetables.
packaging, transport and storage. Hygienic practices should be encouraged during
Aspergillus spp. and Rhizopus spp. harvest, marketing and processing such as
isolated from infected pepper, onion and adequate washing with water and salt before
tomato in the study responsible for the soft rots consumption.
of these vegetables. This is also reported by

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