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UM K 97, NUM HER 2 JANUARY 15, 1955

Palmer Physical Laboratory, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey
(Received September 8, 1954)

Associated with an electromagnetic disturbance is a mass, the of equations of self-consistent geon; mass and radius values.
gravitational attraction of which under appropriate circumstances 4. Transformations and interactions of electromagnetic geons;
is capable of holding the disturbance together for a time long in evaluation of refractive index barrier penetration integral for
comparison with the characteristic periods of the system. Such spherical geon; photon-photon collision processes as additional
gravitational-electromagnetic entities, or "geons"; are analyzed via mechanism for escape of energy from system; restatement in
classical relativity theory. They furnish for the first time a com- language of coupling of characteristic modes; the thermal geon;
pletely classical, divergence-free, self-consistent picture of the comparison of gravitation and virtual electron pair phenomena as
Newtonian concept of body over the range of masses from ~103' sources of coupling between modes; gravitational coupling and
g to 10'7 g. Smaller geons are quantum objects whose analysis collective vibrations of geon; fission of a geon; interaction between
would call for the treatment of characteristic new effects. Topics two geons simple at large distances; orientation dependence and
covered in the discussion include: 1. Need for a self-consistent exponential term at intermediate distances; violent transmutation
formulation of the concept of "body" in classical physics; geons vs processes in closer encounters. 5. Influence of virtual pairs on
free waves; electrical neutrality of geon; size and mass relations; geon structure; description in terms of refractive index correction;
the quantum limit and electron pair phenomena. 2. Orders of relation to photon-photon collision picture; more precise formula-
magnitude for toroidal geons; first estimates of leakage rates; a tion via Heisenberg-Euler electrodynamics; corrections to stress-
"phosphor" model of a geon; attrition and attritivity; energy energy tensor and electromagnetic field equations. 6. Neutrino-
action relation. 3. Idealized spherical geon; conditions required containing geons; general similarity to electromagnetic geons;
for symmetry; instability relative to pairing of light rays; time specificity of geon-geon interactions; the size subject to simple
scale of instability long compared to vibration periods; spherical analysis unexpectedly limited by neutrino-neutrino encounters
metric; wave equation for electromagnetic potential; evaluation of and the process v+v — +p+e; similarity of size limitation to that
stress-energy tensor; its position as source of gravitation field; the for electromagnetic geons; comments on present status of neu-
gravitational field equations; the three equations of the self- trino theory of light. 7. Electricity, Gauss's theorem, and gravita-
consistent geon; simplification by scale transformation; first tional field Quctuations. 8. Conclusions:. the geon completes the
analysis of the eigenvalue problem; further scale transformation scheme of classical physics; one's interest in following geons into
to get behavior of solution in active region of geon; further an- quantum domain will depend upon one's view of the relation
alysis of eigenvalue dependence; electronic calculator integration between very small geons and elementary particles.

1. INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY is the idealization behind one of the most important
HE position of the concept of "body"' in the predictions of the general theory, and certainly the one
general theory of relativity' has always been that has received the most thorough observational con-
interesting. A planet moving as a body along a geodesic electricity, the latest of which has been shown by Joseph Callaway,
Phys. Rev. 92, 1567 (1953) to predict that a test particle will
* The word "geon" is used here as an abbreviation for the phrase
"gravitational-electromagnetic entity" and in place of the name —
move as if uncharged, no matter how much charge is loaded upon
it. In the accepted formulation of general relativity to use the

kugelblitz or ball of light previously used in a survey of the prob- metric conventions of Pauli s treatise the proper distance, ds,
lems of fields and particles: Am. J. Phys. (to be published); for or proper interval of cotime (c times time), dr, between two
some other aspects of these problems, see also J. phys. rad. neighboring events is given by
(to be published); see also the point of view ascribed by
the author to Sugawara-no-Michizane in Proc. Phys. Soc. Japan (ds)'= —(dr)'= g~pdx dna.
9, 36 (1954). The present article is part V of a study of classical The state of the space time continuum is specified by giving in
field theory. I is unwritten. In parts II, J. A. Wheeler and R. P. addition to the ten gravitational potentials, g;I, =gj„., the four
Feynman, Revs. Modern Phys. 17, 157 (1945), III, J. A. Wheeler electromagnetic potentials, A;. The electromagnetic field,
and R. P. Feynman, Revs. Modern Phys. 21, 425 (1949), and IV, J";I,=BAJ,/Bx' —8A;/8x~, has six distinct components, whereas
in preparation in collaboration with Professor Gilbert N. Plass, gravitational eBects are expressed in a covariant way by the
the emphasis is upon action at a distance, not as a way of under- twenty distinct components of the curvature tensor R, &,&,. or by
standing charged bodies, but as a way of understanding the fields the mixed components of the same tensor,
that act between them. In the present paper the emphasis is on
the fields interior to a classical body. ffs;„=ar;p/ass —ar, ,s/ax~+r~sr;;s —r;&"r;&',
' The noun "body" is used here to connote an object possesed of
a mass and of three position coordinates, and subject both ex- where the typicalF is an abbreviation for
ternally and internally to a classical description, in contrast to r; = $(ag
g, s/ax"'+ag;s/ax&' — ag;;/ax").
the notion of a particle, with at least the interior of which quantum
properties are associated. Of the twenty distinct components of R &.z, ten remain in the
' By "general theory of relativity" is meant here that battle- contracted curvature tensor R;J, = R;6, J, , and of these one remains
tested system of ideas and equations which Einstein developed in in the curvature invariant R = g t R p. The Einstein tensor
1915 to describe gravitation and electromagnetism. I am indebted G;&=R;&— &g;~ may be considered to be the translation into the
to Professor Einstein for several interesting discussions of the language of general relativity of the notion of d'Alembertian of
evolution of his ideas and of their relation to Newtonian concepts. the gravitational potentials, g;J, . The gravitational Geld equations
Excluded here from the phrase "general theory" is the cosmological thus have the form
term, absent with good reason from the original formulation, G;s= (87rG/d)T;p,
introduced only when it was found that the original theory could
not account for a static universe, and disowned when the universe where G=6.67X10 cm'/g sec' is the Newtonian constant of
was found not to be static. Excluded also are varied modifications gravitation, c= 3.00X10' cm/sec is the speed of light, and T;q is
of general relativity which attempt to "unify" gravitation and the symmetric stress-momentum-energy tensor of the electro-

singularity in the metric, or one postulates that the

field is regular everywhere, and counts on quantum
theory somehow to explain how this can be so even in
the region of the body. Both approaches lead for the
time being to an impasse. For this reason it is interest-
ing to discover that there exists a third possibility.
On the basis of classical general relativity as it already
exists, and without any call on quantum theory, it
turns out to be possible to construct an entity that we
call geon. This object serves as a classical, singularity
free, exemplar of the "bodies" of classical physics. Of
such entities there exist in principle a great variety,
distinguished from one another by mass, intrinsic
angular momentum, and other properties. The simplest
FIG. i. Regions of strong electric 6eld strength in a simple variety (Fig. 1) is most easily visualized as a standing
toroidal geon of zero angular momentum. Two waves of equal electromagnetic wave, or beam of light, bent into a
strength run around the torus in opposite directions to produce a closed circular toroid of high energy concentration. It
standing wave, with electric fields strong in the regions indi-
cated, and magnetic 6elds strong in the region between. The is held in this form by the gravitational attraction of the
gravitational field created by this disturbance, and required to mass associated with the field energy itself. It is a self-
hold the disturbance together, is representable to a good approxi-
mation as static and independent of azimuth. consistent solution of the problem of coupled electro-
magnetic and gravitational fields, as de6ned by the
firmation. ' In recent years a great advance has been system of equations,
made in the theory. The geodesic equation that de- G, s = (8~G/c4) T,s, (1)
termines the motion of the object in a known field, and
the Geld equations that find the metric from the mo- TP= (1/47r)(F, „F" ,'F pF P8—
P)—, (2)
tions of the masses, have been shown not both to be and
necessary, as they have been in every other formulation (— —
g) '(~/» )( a)'F'"=0,
of physics. Instead, the equation of motion of the body all derivable from the action principle:
has been shown to follow as a consequence of the field
equations. This circumstance, the fact that relativity is t' (' f
(1/167rc)F. pF P
the first description of nature that makes geometry a
part of physics, the absence of any acceptable alterna-
J (
tive of comparable scope, and the battle-tested internal
—(cs/16sG)E} d (four-volume) = 0. (4)
consistency of the theory, all make it is necessary to
An order of magnitude discussion of the properties
take seriously general relativity and explore further its
of these entities appears in Sec. 2. Section 3 presents
consequences and concepts. Of these concepts the no-
theory and results of electronic machine solutions of
tion of body is in an unhappy state. Either one sticks
the self-consistent field equations for the particularly
to general relativity as it is, and treats the object as a
simple but rather idealized case of a spherical geon.
magnetic field, The existence of geons would seem to impart to classical
T;g= (8/Sg"")(1/gx)F pP P general relativity theory a comprehensiveness for which
Of the equations for the electromagnetic held itself, half are al- one had not dared to hope. This theory turns out not
ready automatically satis6ed by virtue of the way the 6elds are only to account for the fields produced by bodies, and
expressed in terms of the potentials, A;. The other half are usually
written as inhomogeneous equations, the motions of bodies, but even to explain why there
should be bodies. In this sense classical relativity theory
(—g) i(&98* )(—g)iP'"=4 &'
would seem to be revealed as a logically self-consistent
where g is the determinant of the g;s, or where (— g)& is the ratio
of an element of four volume to the product Cx'4x'2x'd'x4, and where and completed whole of unexpected comprehensiveness.
the four vector s' describes the density and flow of free electricity. Having geons as model for the bodies of classical
We omit this source term (a) because we do not need it in the
considerations of this article (b) because there is no self-consistent physics, we can put into a new perspective some parts
classical theory for the existence of electric charge (c) because the of general relativity. First, the geodesic equation of
considerations of Sec. 1 and Sec. 7 suggest that the appearance of motion of a body displays itself clearly as an idealiza-
free electricity is a quantum phenomenon. Thus limited to charge
free space, general relativity constitutes. a well defined, self- tion. To be able to give any meaning to the metric that
consistent, self-contained whole. appears in this equation, we have to be able to speak
s G. M. Clemence, Revs. Modern Phys. 19, 361 (1947); Proc.
Am. Phil. Soc. 93, 532 (1949).

of the "background field" the gravitational and electro-
' L. Infeld and A. Schild, Revs. Modern Phys. 21, 408 (1949); magnetic magnitudes that would be present in the
see also Einstein, Infeld, and HoRmann, Ann. Math. 39, 65 absence of the geon. This will only be possible when
(1938); D. M. Chase, Phys. Rev. 95, 243 (1954); and a paper by the total fields at some distance from the object vary
L. Infeld, Acta Phys. Polonica (to be published) for a perusal and
discussion of which I am indebted to Professor Infeld. slowly over a distance comparable to the linear exten-

sion of the geon. In this case the object will accelerate by a factor e, and leaving all the gravitational poten-
coherently under the action of external forces. The tials g;A, unaltered in strength. In this change the classi-
happenings 6t into the scheme of physics envisaged by cal action integral, J, associated with the field disturb-
Newton and Maxwell: preexisting bodies generating ance falls to 1/n' of its original value. Such a scaling
forces and being acted upon by forces. The appropriate law must exist because the field equations contain only
modihcations to pre-Einsteinian physics associated with the gravitation constant and the velocity of light, out
special and general relativity of course add themselves of which one can form no quantity with the dimensions
automatically. On the other hand, when the fields either of a length or a mass or a field strength or an
outside the geon approach non-uniform values, then action. Consistent with the scaling law, but even more
this entity does not react as a unit. Its internal degrees specific, are the order-of-magnitude formulas of Sec. 2
of freedom are disturbed. When the external inhomo- for the simplest circular toroidal geons, with a number
geneities are strong, the system will break into two or of standing waves around the circumference equal to
more parts. There is nothing in what we know today an integer or azimuthal index number, a:
of physics that makes unreasonable the failure under
mass a& (action c/G)&,
such conditions of the idealization of body. Evidently
there exist conditions where the idealization of "body" major radius a' (action G/c')'*,
loses all significance, and where there comes into play

a new kind of physics of geons but a physics that is
minor radius small multiple of X,
still entirely classical (Sec. 4). X= (wavelength/2n) g '*
(action G/c')'*,
The existence of geon transformation processes makes frequency a'' (c'/G action) l,
clear a second point about classical relativity physics,
that there exists in principle no sharp distinction be- mass density in reasonable fraction of
tween geons as concentrations of electromagnetic active region (ac'/G' action)
energy, capable of break-up and integration processes, peak field values

and the "free" electromagnetic waves that pass through reasonable fraction of
in electrostatic
the space between geons, and experience scattering, (ac'/G' action) &
volts/cm or gauss
absorption, or emission by geons. Legalistically speak-
ing, the state of the universe of classical physics is The upper limit to the size of geons is the linear ex-
described -by the singularity free electromagnetic and tension of the universe itself. This limit shows itself in
gravitational magnitudes at every point, and by the following way. The self-consistent field equations
nothing more. of the geon possess solutions, the properties of which
Finally, physics as rounded out by the geon concept depend upon the boundary conditions. In simple geon
forms the only fully comprehensive and self-consistent theory we impose the requirement that g;I, 's are asymp-
system of classical physics that we possess. This picture totic to a Bat metric at distances large in comparison
of bodies and fields leaves as little place for free electric with the extension of the geon. This boundary condition
charges as for isolated magnetic poles: none at all. The has to be modified when the size of the geon is com-
electromagnetic field is as free of singularity as the parable to the radius of curvature of a closed universe.
gravitational 6eld. Lines of forces never begin and Then the relations (5) undergo characteristic correc-
never end. At most they form loops that shrink to zero tions, such that the mass of the geon can never exceed
and disappear, or reappear, as time goes on and field the mass of the universe.
strengths change. No natural way is evident to escape Incidentally it is interesting to notice that a purely
the conclusion that the quantum of electricity has to do classical closed universe consisting of a large number,
with the quantum of action and does not belong within 3T, of geons of comparable size must consist mostly of
the framework of a comp/etc/y classical physics. Con- empty space. This conclusion follows from the fact that
sidering that our physical world extends at least from the proportionality factor between radius and mass,
10 "cm to 10" cm, and that in the face of these forty
decades or more e' divers from Sc by only two powers of
radius (G/c') mass= (0.74&(10 "cm/g) mass

ten, it would also seem that one has some independent is the same in order of magnitude for geons as for the
reason to believe that free electricity is a quantum universe itself. Consequently a ratio 1/N between the
phenomenon. Therefore it appears reasonable to accept mass of the parts and the mass of the whole imples a
as a description of a classical body the always electrically ratio E(1/Ã)'=1/N' between the volume of the
neutral geon. parts and the volume of the whole.
What is the range of sizes of classical geons? These To find the lower limit to the size of classical geons,
objects obey a simple scaling law. From one self con- we have to investigate in turn the several physical
sistent solution of the coupled equations of gravitation magnitudes that characterize this object, and see which
and electromagnetism there follows another solution of of these magnitudes, with decreasing geon size, first
of (1/e)th the mass, by decreasing all distances by a passes out of the domain of application of classical
factor m, increasing all electromagnetic field strengths theory. (1) Is action the critical magnitude? Certainly
one will be in the quantum domain when the action is is obviously fantastically in excess of the density of
comparable to the quantum of angular momentum,
5=1.054X10 g cm'/sec. Inserting this value into
nuclear matter,
nuclear density 1836m/((4n. /3) (e'/2mc')'g
the formulas (5), we find
= 1.4X 10'4 g/cm'. (8)
mass a'2. 18X10 ' g,
major radius a'1.63X10 " cm. Consequently we still find ourselves in a domain where
the classical geon relations (5) cannot be applied
We can stop here with the evaluation. We are evidently (3) Is density the limiting magnitude? Taking this
far below the limit where it might have been right to time nuclear densities, (8), as the reference point, we
use classical theory, and quite outside the domain of ap- find from (5) values of the action, mass, radius, and
ptication of Eqs. (5). Electron theory allows no possi- frequency of the geon which are safely outside the
bility to deal with distances smaller than the reduced obvious quantum limits; but the field strength in the
Compton wavelength, k/me=3. 87X10 "
cm, without active region,
taking into account complex and specifically quantum (c'1.4X 10"g/cm') & = 3.6X 10'
mechanical Quctuations in the distribution of pairs
(gauss or electrostatic volts/cm),
and in the electromagnetic field. What about Ructua-
tions in the gravitational fields They appear to be is then 8000 times greater than the critical value met in
negligible on any ordinary scale of distances, as one the quantum electrodynamics of the vacuum,
sees from the following reasoning. In a region with
space and cotime extensions of the order of I. the rele- S.„i,= m'c'/eh = 4.42 X 10"
vant fluctuations in the electromagnetic field' are of the (gauss or electrostatic volts/cm). (9)
order hh (kc)'/L', and DA (Ac)&/L in the potentials. Thus, when an electric field 8, working on an elemen-
The similarity in character of the gravitational and tary charge e over the localizability distance k/mc, can
electromagnetic field equations, and the difference in impart to an electron an energy of the order mc', then
the way they contain the various fundamental con- this electric field will bring forth from empty space
stants, indicate that the corresponding formula for pairs of positive and negative electrons. Under such
the fluctuation in a typical gravitational potential is conditions the geon requires for its description the
Dg (SG/c') '/L. (6) specification of the state of the pairs as well as the state-
ment of the electromagnetic and gravitational Geld
These fluctuations will be inappreciable in comparison strengths. Again we find ourselves outside the range of
to typical average values of the metric, g 1, so long validity of the classical geon equations (5).
as the distances, I., under consideration are substantial (4) We conclude that the critical field strength, h„;,,
in. comparison with the characteristic length,
of pair theory marks the lower limit of classical geons.
L*= (AG/c')*'=1. 63X10 "cm. (7) Thus, simple toroidal electromagnetic geons are only
then purely classical entities, when their magnitudes are
This is exactly the distance in comparison with which on the large geon side of the following limits:
we have just concluded that classical geons must be
enormous. action reasonable fraction of ac"/G'8„;P
(2) Is distance the critical magnitude? We set the = aa(e'/Gm')'(ae/ )e
reduced wavelength in Eqs. (5) equal to 5/mc and = 2.38X 10'~aA
solve for the action and other physical magnitudes,
mass reasonable fraction of ac'/G&h. „~
action a(5c/m'G)h = a5. 72 X 10'4A, = a1.065X10"g,
mass-a(5. 69X10~)12.15X10 ~ major radius reasonable fraction of ac'/G&h. „&
12X10"g = a0. 79].X10" cm,
major radius a3.87X10 " cm, minor radius 0.791X10"cm,
minor radius small multiple of 3.87X10—"cm, (wavelength/2m) 0.791 X 10" cm,
(wavelength/2s) 3.87X 10-" cm, frequency~1 vibration/16. 6 sec,
frequency mc'/It, mass density b, ;t/c =2.16X10' g/cm',
all of which is so far acceptable; but the mass density peak electric field 8„;,of Eq. (9).
in the active region,
One has only to compare these critical dimensions with
geon density a reasonable fraction of the properties of the sun, mass=1. 97X10" g, radius
(c'/G) (mc/fi) '= 0.90X 10' g/cm' =6.9SX10" cm, to conclude that even the lightest
~ N. Bohr and L. Rosenfeld, Kgl. Danske Videnskab. Selskab. , classical geons form entities enormous in comparison
Mat-fys. Medd. 12, No. 8 (1933); Phys. Rev. 78, 794 (1930). to the objects studied in the laboratory. But the critical
GEON 8 515

dimensions are still small compared to the scale of the coordinate with photons in the description of nature.
universe. There is ample room between 10" cm and 10" Their Fermi-Dirac statistics, unlike those of photons,
cm to talk of classical geons and their motions, inter- makes it impossible for more than one to be accommo-
actions and transformations. In this sense we continue dated in a state of definite wave number and polariza-
to regard classical general relativity as a completed self tion. From them no disturbance can be built up of a
contained subject with a well-de6ned scope of its own. classical magnitude, describable in correspondence prin-
Having surveyed the boundaries of the classical ciple terms. They have an inescapably quantum
theory of geons, we can touch on a few of the implica- character. Apart from this circumstance they can be
tions of quantum theory for these objects. First, as to used in the construction of geons just as well as photons.
the general situation, it is clear that the critical magni- In addition to purely electromagnetic geons there
tudes of Eq. (10) prevent us in no way whatever from consequently also exist in principle (Sec. 6) purely
considering geons of lower mass. It is only required that neutrino geons, and geons of mixed type. Thus half
we take quantum effects properly into account. It is integral as well as integral spins are permitted to geons.
also clear that these sects will be of various kinds. As As last implication of the quantum for geon physics,
we move down in mass, 6rst one effect, previously the Auctuations in the gravitational metric are inescap-
unimportant, will become decisive, then another effect, able, little as one can say (Sec. 7) about their conse-
and so on. In each region certain idealizations will be quences for the validity of Gausses theorem and for the
appropriate. In each region the formulas connecting existence of free electric charge.
mass and other geon properties with the quantity of Details of the discussion follow.
action will have characteristic forms of their own.
Presumably the investigation of each region will present 2. ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE FOR SIMPLE
successively greater difhculties. Second, the quantum TOROIDAL ELECTROMAGNETIC GEONS
region earliest encountered (Sec. 5) will lie between the The gravitational deflection of a pencil of light into
realm of classical electrodynamics and the domain a torus is no different in principle from the deAection of
where fields are so strong that substantial numbers
of pairs appear. In this intermediate "Region II, the " light by the sun. Apart from factors of the order of
two' one can estimate the deQection by equating a
6elds vary in space and time fantastically slowly in kinematic acceleration to a gravitational acceleration:
comparison with the characteristic distances and times
of electron theory. Moreover, they are strong enough c'/R GN'/R'.
to produce only virtual pairs. These pairs give rise to Thus the radius E. of the torus and the mass M are con-
charges and currents that make a substantial contribu- nected by the relation
tion to the total fieM, as first analyzed in detail by
Euler and Kockel and Heisenberg. In quantum lan- R (G/c')M = (0.741X10 "cm/g)M', (11)
guage, if two opposed photons of high frequency can This formula is familiar in another connection, for it
produce a. pair, then two opposed photons of low fre-
supplies the well known relation between the mass of
quency can produce a virtual pair. With the reannihila- an object and its so called gravitational radius, a meas-
tion of the pair the photons go oG in altered directions; ure of the distances at which the gravitational poten-
hence a scattering of light by light' and an electively tials depart significantly from the values appropriate
nonlinear electrodynamics. The consequence of this to Rat space. This circumstance makes it evident that
nonlinearity for a simple toroidal electromagnetic geon
any accurate treatment of geon properties has to be
is most simply envisaged as an increase of refractive carried out within the framework of general relativity.
index in the region of concentration of electromagnetic Near a section of the torus the gravitational field will
energy. The effective value of the speed of light is resemble approximately the 6eld due to an in6nitely
reduced. Geon mass no longer scales in proportion to of mass.
long cylindrically symmetrical distribution
the square root of the action variable. Instead, as the It will increase inversely as the 6rst power of the dis-
action of the system diminishes, the mass appears to tance, p, from the center of the cylinder, until the point
fall faster than linearly LKq. (81)g. However, soon we
of observation m, oves into the region of strong energy
are into Region III, where real pairs 6rst appear in concentration. There the gravitational potential will
large numbers. Here new studies must be made before no longer continue its logarithmic increase.
any results can be stated. The narrowness of the pencil of light, or of the region
As third circumstance in the relation of the quantum of strong energy concentration, will depend upon the
to the geon, there exist neutrinos: entities apparently wavelength. Define by a large integer a an azimuthal
s H. Euler and B. Kockel, Naturwiss. 23, 246 (1933);W. Heisen- index number, and let the wavelength constitute the
berg and H. Euler, Physik 98, 714 (1936). small fraction, 1/a, of the circumference:
7Low-frequency cross section in reference 6; high-frequency
cross section in A. Achieser, Physik Z. Sowjetunion 11, 263 (wavelength/2e. ) =)1 R/a.
(1937); forward scattering at all frequencies calculated by R.
Karplus and M. Neuman, Phys. Rev. 83, 776 (1951);derived from See for example R. Tolman, Relativity, Thermodynamics, and
dispersion relation by J. Toll (to be published). Cosmology (Oxford University Press, Clarendon Press, 1934),
The pencil of light cannot be concentrated into a region order of magnitude b, where
smaller in lateral extension than the order of magnitude
of X by any type of variation of refractive index with
PR (AR)'- Mc'. (14)
distance. Owing to the logarithmic variation of gravita- Consequently bDE, the order of magnitude of the
tional potential and eGective refractive index near the typical diGerence of potential between two sides of the
cylinder, the lateral extension of the disturbance in the pencil of radiation, will have a universal value,
case of the torus will be a small multiple of X, say FX,
where the dimensionless factor F will be approximately potential difference (Mc'/R) ' c'/G&
represented by a simple power of ln(R/)t) =1na. Even =3.49X10s4(gauss cm or electrostatic volts), (15)
if a equals 10", this 1ogarithm is only 23. enough to impart to a particle of electronic charge and
The circumstance that the minor radius of the torus mass an energy greater than its rest energy by a factor
is signi6cantly larger than X implies that the gravitation (e'/Gm')&. This factor is the root of the ratio of the
field can be taken to be static in a reasonable approxima- electric and gravitational forces between two electrons,
tion. Thus the source of the gravitation 6eld, in ac- and has the value (4.17X10~)'*=2.04X10".
cordance with the principle of equivalence of mass and Through the symmetry axis of the torus pass a
energy, is the electromagnetic stress-energy tensor. typical meridian plane, and note the point in this plane
This tensor varies rapidly over a distance of the order where it intersects the region of maximum field strength
of X. But the elementary contribution to the gravitation in the torus. Then over a circle of radius DR centered
field is essentially a 1/r', or long-range, field. The Geld, on this point the 6eld strength has values smaller than
even in the most active part of the geon, comes mostly the peak magnitude by a factor of only one or two
from distances of the order of the minor radius, FA. powers of two. At distances from the most active point
Consequently local variations in gravitational source several times the magnitude AR, the held strengths
strength are relatively unimportant. What does count fall oG exponentially with a characteristic decay length
is the source strength averaged over a wavelength. of the order of magnitude of X. This type of decay is
In other words, the gravitational field may be regarded familiar from the study of the propagation of light along
as depending upon p and s, to use cylindrical polar the length of a long thin solid glass rod. The disturbance
coordinates, but not on p and t. in the space surrounding the rod also has a characteristic
Of course nothing prevents consideration of toroidal decrement length of the order of X. In the case of the
geons of small azimuthal index, a, but then it is no geon we deal with a medium whose eGective refractive
longer such a good approximation to treat the gravita- index is nonuniform. The gravitational 6eM has fallen
tional field as static, and the situation is much more oG substantially at distances from the symmetry center
complicated to discuss. Moreover, such geons disinte- of the geon of the order of magnitude of 2R and greater.
grate rapidly. Consequently the electromagnetic disturbance suK-
Even for the case of large azimuthal index number ciently far from the geon 6nds itself once again in an
there is a difference in simplicity between those toroidal allowed region, where it can propagate normally. The
geons that carry equal electromagnetic waves going in strength of the electromagnetic field outside is an ex-
the positive and negative senses around the ring, and ceedingly small fraction of the strength inside, the ap-
those where the disturbance runs all one way, or there proximate value of this fraction being given by an
are two disturbances of diGerent magnitudes. In the algebraic function of the large number R/)i=e multi-
6rst case we have to do with a system of zero angular plied by an approximately exponential factor of the
momentum. The electromagnetic disturbance is a form e( — constant a).
simple standing wave. Many components of the metric The geon is thus not in principle an isolated entity.
tensor vanish when expressed in cylindrical polar coordi- The object in question, and every other classical geon
nates. ' Significantly more distinct components of g, & in a classical universe, are nothing but manifestations
have to be considered when the system has angular of the same all pervading electromagnetic field. But
momentum. " Particularly interesting is the case when the field outside is so extremely small in comparison
the disturbance is unidirectional. Then the angular with the fieM inside that for most purposes the geon
momentum of the system is of the order has the character of a well-de6ned body.
%hether the held outside the geon is an outgoing
angular momentum cVcR (c'/G)Rs. (13) wave or an incoming wave or a standing wave depends
In the active region of a simple classical toroidal upon the initial conditions. It will be most relevant to
electromagnetic geon the field strengths will be of the consider here, as in most problems of physics, an ir-
reversible dissipation of energy. The external wave then
'Frederick J. Ernst, Jr., "Cylindrically Symmetric Fields in has no incoming component. It describes a continual
" —
General Relativity,
May 1954 (unpublished).
Junior Independent Paper, Princeton, 5 —
transport of energy and mass out of the geon. Ke
"For examples of gravitational sources endowed with angular are faced with a purely classical analog to the Gamow-
momentum, see for example, G. E. Tauber, Ph. D. thesis, Uni-
versity of Minnesota, 1952 (unpublished), (,ondon-Gurney theory of radioactive alpha decay.

It seems appropriate to give the same name of radio- quencies on this account also will change gradually
active decay to the geon process, though for our present with time. The evolution of the system in time is no
purposes this process is to be regarded as having ab- longer describable as a simple scale transformation.
solutely no quantum character. Of course, were we Now it is appropriate to divide up the output of energy,
temporarily to abandon the ground of classical physics, or mass, dM, in the elementary time interval dt, into
we would describe the emission process in the language elementary parts, ad%, each of which refers to that
of quanta. part of the loss which occurs in a speciGc interval of
As a model showing the slow decay characteristic of circular frequency, Ro.
a relatively stable geon, one can consider a sphere of
highly transparent glass with a radius of the order of ten (bdM)/M = dt.
wavelengths of light. A high-speed electron which
Here p is again a dimensionless quantity, the "attri-
enters the sphere produces ions and excites electro- tivity" (attrition constant) of the geon. The attritivity
magnetic disturbances including modes of vibration of
is of course a function of the frequency in question;
visible wavelength. Of many of these modes the energy
or more conveniently, it depends on the dimensionless
will leak out of the refractive index barrier quickly
measure of frequency, ar~=MGa&/c'. The fact that a
because of the nearly normal incidence of the equivalent
general geon changes the form of its spectral output as
ray system upon the air interface; but those described time advances prevents us in no way from considering
by spherical harmonics of the highest order, and there- two geons of quite distinct sizes, one of which can be
fore represented by the most nearly tangential rays,
obtained from the other by a simple scale transforma-
will be endowed with lives as long as 10 ' sec. The
tion. Both geons then have the same dimensionless
exponential fall of the relevant modes in the air just
attritivity function, p = p(&u*).
outside the sphere "phosphor" will be similar to the
The frequency of the outgoing radiation, even in the
behavior in the air above a totally internally reQecting
case of a simple unimodal geon, can only be defined
prism. In that case the decay continues indeGnitely with within a latitude of the order her mo. An analysis of
distance; but in the spherical case the decay ceases, and the external electromagnetic Geld in time, and an
free oscillation commences, at a distance comparable to
analysis in terms of frequency, stand to each other in
the radius of curvature of the surface.
principle in a mutually exclusive relation. It is only
As the geon slowly loses mass, it shrinks in accordance
the smallness of n that allows us to speak approxi-
with the similarity law for these bodies. At the same
mately of the frequency as a function of time. This we
time the circular frequency, co, of the emerging electro-
do when we go beyond simple transliteration of the
magnetic disturbances goes up in inverse proportion function 8=constant cosL — n 'ln( — t)j to the form
to the radius and mass. Consequently the ratio of the
loss per unit time to what remains at that time is not a "f
8= constant cos comdt, and give co(t) = —1/nt the name
of "frequency. On this account it is really optional
constant, as in the usual theory of radioactive decay, whether the emission spectrum is regarded to be a
but is proportional to the current frequency scale of
sharp line of slowly changing frequency, or to be a
geon processes: continuous spectrum concentrated within a region of
dM/M = dR/R = —d(u/a) = —nrudh. (16) the order n about a center of gravity of gradually shift-
ing location. In this sense we have a choice whether to
Here e is a dimensionless constant, the "attrition, or describe the decay of a unimodal geon. by way of a
fractional loss of mass per radian of the electromagnetic single number, the attrition, e, or by way of an attri-
vibration. Integration of (16) gives tivity function, p(~*):
1= 1/n&o;— (17)
= ( *) ' " p( *)d *. (19)
the mass of the geon decreases linearly with time. ~ neighborhood
of co+
The negative sign distinguishes the time at which the
geon is observed to have the frequency ~ from the time In the case of a geon energized by several modes of
at which it collapses (quantum modifications in the electromagnetic vibration, the frequencies and ampli-
later stages of the decay process being overlooked). tudes of which are continually changing by reason of
Thus the reciprocal of the attrition measures the time their mutual interaction, the relevant quantity for the
to collapse in units of the present time per radian. description of the slow leakage of energy out of the
What has been said here refers to a geon energized system is the attritivity.
by only a single mode of electromagnetic vibration. When a simple monochromatic toroidal geon leaks
When several disturbances are present of different an amount of radiation energy dE, then its reduced
frequencies, they will in general leak out at different action, /=action/2~, decreases by an amount that
rates. Moreover, nonstatic components of the gravita- satisfies the general relation
tional Geld will furnish a weak nonlinear coupling be-
tween the modes, so that relative amplitudes and fre- c'dM = dZ= (udg. (20)
When the decrease becomes substantial in comparison The distribution of stress-energy being thus approxi-
with the original values, then the frequency co changes mately static, it can also be made spherically symmetri-
substantially. On this account we cannot apply to a cal by properly coordinated choices of the elementary
geon the special relation, E=g&u, valid for a harmonic solutions h, (x).
oscillator. Instead, we can note that the circular fre- A geon spherically symmetric in the sense just de-
quency of the electromagnetic disturbance rises in scribed is in principle unstable with respect to trans-
inverse proportion, co c/X c/(E/a), as the mass and formation into a toroidal geon. Tolman showed long
radius of the system diminish: ago' that two nearly parallel pencils of light attract
gravitationally with twice the strength one might have
GM/c' R ac/co. (21)
thought when their propagation vectors are oppositely
Multiplying together from (20) and (21) the left- and directed, and when similarly directed attract not at all.
right-hand sides, respectively, we find Consequently a system of randomly oriented circular
rays of light will drop to a state of greater stability when
Gd (M') acdg, half of the angular momentum vectors orient themselves
parallel, half antiparallel, to a certain direction in
M a'(cg/G) '. (22) space. Then the number of attractive bonds between
Thus it is not the mass values themselves, but the orbits will be maximized, and the nullity of the angular
squares of the mass values, that are separated in pro- momentum will be conserved. Simultaneously there will
portion to the intervals of action. occur a readjustment in the orbital radii.
From the mass value (22) follow at once the Eqs. (5) The spherical geon, though thus unstable, is in un-
of the introduction for the other physical quantities of stable eqlilibrilnz. We can compare it to a pendulum
the geon as a function of action. standing the wrong way up. To envisage such a situa-
tion would not be of much use if one had it in mind to
3. THE IDEALIZED SPHERICAL GEON discuss the oscillations of the pendulum about its point
The simple toroidal geon forms the most elementary of support, but is quite acceptable if our aim is to dis-
object of geon theory much as a simple circular orbit cuss the rigidity of the pendulum rod. Likewise the
constitutes the first concept of planetary theory. But periods of the various electromagnetic modes of vibra-
the simplest physics does not go in the geon case with the tion of the geon must be judged very short in compari-
simplest mathematics. Toroidal geometry and general son with the time of turnover of the system into a
relativistic field equations each have their complica- toroidal system. In this sense we can talk of the proper-
tions, and the mixture requires some time for its an- ties of the spherical geon in a reasonably well defined
alysis. ' On this account it is natural to look for a geon way. It is not necessary to treat all questions of geon
with spherical symmetry: a rotation-invariant gravita- stability in order to undertake the problem of the
tional field, and a spherically symmetric distribution of structure of a spherical geon.
gravitational source strength, or of stress-energy. The assumed sphericity of the system might appear
Temporarily to adopt a photon point of view, we to be a self-contradictory notion. Spherical symmetry
recognize that each photon orbit is a great circle. There- of the static gravitational field, or of the effective re-
for spherical symmetry in the density and Aux of fractive index, implies degeneracy of the modes of
photons requires spherical symmetry in the distribution electromagnetic Geld oscillation. However, identity of
of their angular momentum vectors. frequency of the various modes, h, (x), will rule out the
The different elementary disturbances must have incoherence of the various disturbances so necessary
diGerent frequencies. If all had the same frequency, for a spherically uniform mass distribution. Two
they would add coherently to form a single mode of factors allow us to avoid this degeneracy: slight diBer-
distribution of electromagnetic field strength. But ences in the scale of the excited modes, and slight de-
there is no such thing as a nonzero source-free spheri- partures from spherical symmetry. We consider a dis-
cally symmetrical electromagnetic Geld disturbance, turbance with no radial nodes, and characterize it by
Incoherence is essential for sphericity. Let the distribu- the order, 3, of the relevant spherical harmonic, and by
tion of field strength be symbolized by the expression the azimuthal index number a, of this spherical har-
monic. The mode of azimuthal index a=l is concen-
S=QE, (x) sin(cv, t+8,),
trated in a toroidal region of major radius E lX and
and the distribution of stress-energy by minor radius hR /'X. The angular dependence of the
h2=+ h;(x) hI, (x) sin(co, t+8;) sin((ojt+b~). intensity, for example, shows itself simply in the

Then distinction of frequencies and randomness of constant P~'" (8) e"~ 2= sin"8
= (1 —cos'8) '= P1 —(60)'1'=' exp/ —(t'*&M)'g,
~ ~

phases is essential to justify the approximation

h'=-' Q, h, 2(x). which falls to (1/e)th of its value in a distance

we have of the. order of P modes with distinct frequen-

cies. On the other hand, to obtain a distribution of
energy that is completely symmetric in angle it is
sufficient to add the squares of the (21+1) normalized

— t, min
spherical harmonics of order l, according to the well-
known completeness theorem of spherical harmonics.
Moreover, we do not demand for the geon a completely
smooth distribution of the energy over the surface, for
the long-range character of the law of gravitation
smooths out in the field the minor irregularities that
~1 IIlin" were present in the mass density. Consequently we can
[L (I+I )]&
00 I
0.2 0.4
actually do with disturbances having considerably
fewer than 23+1 values of the azimuthal index, a.
FIG. 2. Case of simple idealized spherical geon; distance de- Comparing 21+1 with P, we conclude that we have
pendence of factors in the differential equation for the electro-
magnetic vector potential, more than adequate margin to obtain the postulated
d'R/dr*'+ )fP —l (i+1)e"/r'gR = 0. uniformity of energy distribution with nondegenerate
The proper solution, R, of lowest circular frequency, 0/c, for a modes.
given high order of spherical harmonic, /, has the qualitative be- For the purposes of calculations it is justifiable to
havior indicated by the dotted line in the diagram. This solution idealize the picture we have just formed. The radial
rises exponentially with r in region I, has a single maximum in
region II, falls off exponentially in region III, and in region IV distribution of energy does not diGer importantly from
oscillates with a very small amplitude (leakage wave). There one of the excited modes to another; consequently we
exist also solutions of the same order, t, but of higher frequency, 0, treat the radial factors in all the distributions as iden-
corresponding to a higher position for the horizontal line in the
figure. The square of the wave number is represented by the dis- tical to that calculated for a single fixed value of l.
tance measured positively upwards from the curve to the hori- The total angular distribution is nearly uniform, so
zontal line. An increase of i*= 0(1+1)]& and of 0 by the same
factor leaves all turning points unchanged. However, the height we take it to be exactly uniform; i.e., we take the oscil-
of the barrier against leakage is increased as l*', so that the ex- lations of the 21+1 values of a belonging to the given
ponent of the penetration factor is proportional to l*. The size of order, /, as normalized to identical energy contents.
the active region is very small on the scale of the diagram, being
proportional only to P&; hence the enlargement of this region, The only consequence of exact spherical symmetry
presented more in detail in Fig. 3. In the present figure the left- that we do not accept is coherence of the 2l+1 modes.
hand section of the curve up to = b =: -', is given by the ex ression In the actual "spherical" geon, we know that the fre-
b'/Ns& and the right-hand region by (1/zP)L1 — b(1 —b'/e) .
quencies are distinct; so in the idealized spherical geon,
where legalistically the frequencies come out identical,
DR= 868 R/lI, measured angularwise. Radialwise let
we disregard this circumstance, and add energy densi-
us consider a fixed and pre-existing metric (Fig. 2).
ties according to the law for incoherent disturbances.
Then for each angular order of 3 there exists a minimum
To proceed to details, we make Schwarzschild's
circular frequency, co=cQ&, ;„, such that the corre-
choice of polar coordinate system, r, 8, p, such that
sponding mode shows only a single radial maximum in
elementary distances at right angles to the radius
the active region. For diferent l's the maxima overlap
vector are represented by the usual geometrical formula.
one another. Relative to the coordinate, r=E, of this
= has a value of the order Then dr gives proper distances, ds, in the radial direc-
maximum, the quantity 1/0— t tion only after correction by a certain r-dependent
of R/E. The width of the region of maximum activity
factor. Likewise dt, or rather the cotime, dT=cdt, gives
is of the order of Rl)tI IIX E/fI, as follows by simple
correctly intervals of proper cotime, d7, only after
JWKB analysis from the circumstance that the square
of the wave number changes linearly with departure
multiplication by another r-dependent factor. Both
correction factors are independent of T because the
from the point of maximum wave number with a slope,
gravitational Geld is static. One factor is the reciprocal
d(wave number)'/dr, of the order of 0'/E P/R'. Thus a
of the other in the well-known Schwarzschild solution
sequence of / values yields a family of modes, of which
for the metric about a point mass, but no such simple
the stress-energy is all concentrated in the same region,
relation holds in the interior of an object with the dis-
r=E. To have the spatial spread of energy also nearly tributed mass of a geon:
the same for all modes, we have only to ask that the
range, hl, of the orders of the activated modes should (ds)'= —(dr)'= g sdx~dx&= e"&'& (dr)'
not exceed some reasonable fraction of / itself. As the +r'[(d8)'+ (sin8d y)'J — e""(dT)' (23)
other factor freeing the oscillations from degeneracy we As solution of the electromagnetic field equations it is
must admit some departure of the average gravitational reasonable to look for a periodic function of time,
Geld from exact spherical symmetry. A slight ellipticity multiplied by a function of r, multiplied by a func-
will split up into 1+1 separate frequencies the other- tion of angle generated from the spherical harmonic
wise (21+1)-fold degenerate vibrations of order /. (sin8)' exp(ilq). Such a disturbance is easily visualized
Counting together both possibilities at our disposal, in terms of a toroidal concentration of electromagnetic

energy. The other elementary disturbances that we need frequencies excited, all of about the same strength and
to give a spherically symmetric distribution of energy properties as mode I, but diGering from it in orientation.
are readily generated from this mode of vibration by Let the distribution of stress, momentum, a'nd energy
the operations of the rotation group. This circumstance in a typical one of these disturbances be visualized by
means that we can consider as starting point one mode mapping out on a rigid sphere the distribution of mode I,
as well as another. Mathematically simplest is not the and then rotating the north pole of this sphere to an
choice just named, with a = 1, but the spherical harmonic angle o. with respect to its original position, and to an
azimuthal index a=0, for in this case the dependence azimuth P. Thus (T,~&D)), for a typical disturbance, D,
upon q disappears. Thus we look for a solution of the is a tensor function of r, 0, and q, the functional de-
form pendence being completely known in principle as soon
A„=Ay=AT =0; as we know the angles n and P associated with the mode
A „=(sinQT)R(r) sin8(d/d8)P)(cos8), (24) D. Let us sum the values at a typical point, 0, p, of the
energy density over all N modes, obtaining
where either group theory or the relevant differential
equation tells us at once the form of the angular factor.
The electric field points always in the p direction and
the magnetic field and the Poynting vector lie always in
&T". .) -d-dp.

the meridian plane: This result cannot depend upon 0 and q, because of the
Z„Fr"=—e "(r sin8) 'BA, /BT) spherical symmetry. Consequently the point of evalua-
tion can be taken to lie at the original location of the
Hg-F" ~ =—— —
e "(r sin8) 'BA „/Br, north pole, 8= 0. Here the energy density of disturbance
H„F'& = (r'sin8) 'BA /B8 (25) D is the same as was the energy density of disturbance I
at the polar angle 8=n. Consequently (27) reduces to
In principle we should consider modes which di6'er the form
from (25) by the interchange of the role of electric and
magnetic vectors. To do so would make no difference (Tr') = (X/2) (Tr'(i)) sin8d8. (28)
in the final averaged energy and stress densities, for
divergence-free relativity is, despite its appearance,
completely symmetric between electricity and mag- Similarly we obtain for the radial tension
netism. Consequently we do not need to sum over
polarizations. We deal with a standing wave with Row (T„")= (cV/2) ~t (T,"&i)) sin8d8. (29)
of energy back and forth from north to south pole of
the sphere, concentrated in the present case in an active
region between E and F+DF. We have the superposi- In evaluating the tangential components of the tension
tion of a number of toroidal disturbances, each passing we have to proceed more carefully, for the definition of
through the north and south poles, with all azimuths of the relevant directions divers between the original
orientation of the tori weighted equally. In line with mode and the rotated modes. Consequently we have to
this picture, A„ is stronger in the region of overlap employ the standard rules for transformation of the
near the poles than it is at the equator. components of a tensor. Fortunately all the transforma-
Of the electromagnetic field equation (3), three com- tions are carried out in the local tangent space, and the
ponents unite in saying that A „should be independent rules for Cartesian tensors apply:
of p, and in saying only this: while the remaining, or p,
component, makes the statement (Tq') = (X/4m) L(Te') cosp cosp
(B/Br) expr () — 'BA „/Br
+(B/B8) expt (r+'A)/27(r' sin8) 'BA „/B8 +(Tg" &i)+T„'ii)) sinp cosp
—exp[ —() —X)/27(sin8) 'B2A „/BT'=0,
+(T„"&z))sinP sinP7 sinndndP
whence the radial wave equation
d'8/dr*'+ LQ' —l (l+ l) e "/r'7R = 0. (26) = (&/4) t (Tg &i)+T~ "&r)) sin8d8 (30).
Here dr* is an abbreviation for
dr*= LexpP. —) )/27dr. The expression for (T„&) is identical to this. All other
components of the total stress-energy tensor have
Let us imagine that we have calculated the time- mixed indices and must vanish on account of one or
average value, (T,"ii)), of the electromagnetic stress- another symmetry argument. Thus (T&r) and (T„r)
momentum-energy tensor of the disturbance under describe the tangential Row of energy, which has to
discussion: mode number I. This tensor depends only vanish; the shears (T,'), (T, "), (Tg&) must be null; and
On r and |I. Let there be altogether cV modes of diBerent the component (T,r) represents the net radial flow of
energy, which in a static situation must also be zero. gives T4' a sign opposite to T44), we have"
Whether the geon leaks no energy at all, or only a very
little energy, depends upon whether we impose upon
G "=e "(r 'dv/dr+r ') r'—
the electromagnetic held at large distances the require- Gtt~=G~~= ', e —"[d'v/dr'+ '(d—
v/dr)'+r 'dv/dr
ment that it be a standing wave, or a pure outgoing r'—
d'h/dr ,' (d—v/—dr) (d X/dr) ],
wave. Which choice we make has negligible eGect upon
the structure of the geon. We already made our choice
Grr e "— ' r —'d—X/—dr)
r —
(— r—
when we took the circular frequency, cQ, to be real and The field equation G&'= (SmG/c4)Tq' is identical with
assumed the product representation (24) of the vector the equation for G„& and can be disregarded, for it
potential. From the radial equation (26) it then follows says nothing in addition to the equations for G&~ and
automatically that R(r) must represent a standing wave, G„". One has only to differentiate with respect to r the
and that the radial flux must vanish. In summary, we equation for G„", add to it a proper linear combination
have for the nonzero components of the average value of the equations for G„" and G&~, and employ the wave
of the total electromagnetic stress-energy tensor (2) equation (26) to get the content of the equation for G&'.
the following values: This result only says that the tangential tensions in
a spherical shell have to be balanced by the radial
) '({rp}—{Ty) {0q })—
pressure gradient. We therefore end up with two equa-
(T;)= (1V/2) t sin0d0(Sm.
tions of the first order for the two unknown functions
X (=twice the number of napiers of change of scale in
= [«] [T~] — radial distances) and v (= twice the number of napiers of
change of scale in time measurements):
(Te')=(T„&)= (1V/2)) sin0d8(Sm) '{0p) e ~(r 'dv/dr+r ') — r 2=[l(l+1)G1V/2(2l+1)c4]
X [e "(dR/ydr) 2+e v(QR—/y) 2 l(l+ 1) (R/y2)2]. (34)
e &(r ' r'd&/dr) r— '= [l(l+1)G—

X [ e "(dR/rdr)' —e "(QR/r)' —l(l+1) (R/y2)2]. (35)
(Try)= (1V/2) sin8d8(8m) '({Tq}—{rp) —{0y)) The scale invariance of classical geon theory shows
itself at once. For geons of the same index /, but
= [T~]-[r~]- [«]. (31a) diferent sizes and masses and therefore different circu-
lar frequencies cQ, we introduce the same dimensionless
Here we used as abbreviations: measure of radial coordinate, p=Qr. Also we define the
dimensionless measure of potential
{rq&) —(F«F"&)=e
= ~(r sin8) '((BA „/Br)') (HP);
f(p) = [l(l+1)GiV/2(2l+1)c4]'*QR(r). (36)
{0y)=(Fe„F'&)=(r'sin8) '((BA /08)') (H').
Furthermore we recall that the Schwarzschild solution
{Trp) —
= (Fy„Fr")= e "(r sin0) '— for the field of a point mass has the form e—"=e"
= 1 —2r 'Lo, where Lo GM/c' is a measure —of the mass
X ((&&,/0T)')- —(Z 2) of the object. We have to expect a similar result for the
and metric around the geon at distances where the elec-
tromagnetic field has fallen exponentially to negligible
]= (1V/16~)~t { ) sin0d8; thus
values, but where the gravitational field may be still
quite strong. Consequently we shall write
[ry]= (1V/167r)l(l+1)(2l+1) 'e "(dR/rdr)';
e ~= 1 —

2p 'I (p),

[0q]= (1V/167r)P(l+1)'(2l+1) '(R/r')'; = P (p)
e"= 1 —2p 'L(p)]Q'(p)
[Tq]= —(1V/16m)l(l+1) (2l+1) 'e "(QR/r)'. (31b) I (37)
Here the dimensionless measure, L(p), of mass inside
Having an equation for the influence of gravitation the radius r is nearly zero from p=0 to a value of p
upon the electromagnetic disturbance (26), and expres- close to the inner surface of the active region of the
sions (31) for the stress-energy density of this dis- geon, a value of the order of
turbance, we can now complete the circle of the self-
consistent system and write down the equations p P—
= [l(l+1)]&;
then L (p) rises quickly over a range of p of the order
G, A;= (SAG/c4) T,I, (32)
"See for example L. Landau and E. Lifschitz, The Classical
for the determination of the gravitational potentials. Theory of Fields, translated by M. Hamermesh {Addison-Wesley
In the mixed covariant-contravariant notation (which Press, Cambridge, 1951).

hp P&; and then L(p) stays essentially constant from tions near the origin is obvious and not very interesting
this point to very large distances. The correction factor,
f Pp i+1+. . .
Q, is likewise essentially constant inside and outside
the geon, and only makes a sudden rise in the active Li=2 '(l+1)F2pi2'+'+
region. In these notations the geon is described by the — —
Qi 1+(2l) i(l+1)2P2pi2i+. . . (44)
self-consistent solution of three equations: the wave
equation What is important is the circumstance that there is no
adjustable constant except the starting value of the
d'f/dp* + 1 —(PQ/p)
t (1 —2L/p) jf= 0, (38) field strength. This field strength, or the constant E,
where dp* is an abbreviation for must be so chosen as to give the geon stability. Ke have
to do with an eigenvalue, but an eigenvalue of a non-
dp*=Q '(1 —2I./p) 'dp. (39) linear system of equations.
and the two Geld equations, of which the first gives the The key to the eigenvalue problem is the wave
change of mass with distance: equation (38). Where the expression in square brackets
is positive, there the solution is oscillatory; where it is
dLldp*= (1/2Q)Lf'+(dfldp')' negative, there the solution rises or falls approximately
+ (l*Qflp)'(1 —2L/p)3 (40) exponentially. This expression has the following be-
havior when the factor F in the field strength has been
and the second gives the variation of the factor Q:
chosen to give the geon stability. (1) At distances less
dQ/dp*= ( 2L) 0—'+ (dfldp*)'3 (41) than those that characterize the active region of the
geon, Li=.'0, Qi='. 1, and the bracket has the approximate
It is an interesting feature of the system of equations
form L1 —(P/pi)'$. Thus, in moving out from pi = 0 to pi
(38), (40), (41) that they still permit the possibility near P, we have until the very end a strongly negative
of a change of scale of distance without a change of form:
bracket, and therefore a solution that rises approxi-
P = 6Py) mately exponentially. Consequently we have yet to
arrive at the zone of maximum activity. (2) In the
active zone near P~=l' there occurs a quick rise in
P =P&s Qi and Li, with very little change in the radial coordi-
I.= bl. g, nate. When the field strength is properly chosen, these
changes that follow from (40) and (41) are such that
f= &'fi (42)
the square bracket is positive over a limited range of p.
Now g„„=e" is already so normalized, according to Thus f rises to a maximum and starts to fall off ex-
Eq. (37), that it goes over to the Euclidean value of 1 ponentially as P& passes out of the region of oscillation,
at very large distances. Consequently we wish the provided that the field strength is great enough to give
corresponding cotime factor, e", also to go to unity. the geon the requisite mass for stability in a single
Another value is perfectly possible, but it would corre- wave zone. (3) For values of pi just slightly larger than
spond to an unhappy choice for the value of the speed l*, the mass factor Li and the quantity Qi have attained
of light. Thus, according to (37), we want the factor essentially constant values. These values are such that
Q to go to unity at large distances. This normalization (1 —2Li/l*) is much less than unity, but Qi2 is much
means, according to the law (41) of increase of Q, that greater than unity, and the product of these two factors
Q must start off at the origin with a value less than also exceeds unity by a considerable margin. Moreover,
I. But how much less we do not know until we have as pi increases, the factor (1 — 2Li/pi) evidently rises
integrated the differential equation. Accordingly, we rapidly percentagewise at first, then levels off to a
distinguish between the solution Q, L, that we want f saturation value. The factor (Qil*/pi)', on the other
and the solution Qi, Li, f, that we get from our numeri- hand, falls oG in a more nearly uniform way. Conse-
cal integration of the equations of the self-consistent quently the product of these two factors rises as we
field. In both solutions the mass factor, I. or I.j, and the leave the active zone behind, reaches a maximum when
field factor, for fi, start at zero and are well behaved the increase, P~ — P, of the radial coordinate is some
at large distances. In the former Q starts at a value substantial fraction of P, then falls oB and passes
less than one and rises to unity; in the latter we start, through the value unity for p& — P of the order of /*
for convenience, at Qi —1 and arrive at large distances (Fig. 2). The product of factors under discussion in the
at a value greater than one. This value then defines present classical problem evidently plays the part of
the scale factor required in (42) to go from the pre- the potential in a typical problem of quantum mechan-
liminary solution to the desired solution: ics. The analogy with the theory of alpha decay is
complete even to topological identity of the two forms
&=1/Q ( ) ' Q (0) =1. (43) of barrier to be penetrated. In the barrier in the present
In preparing for the numerical integration of the problem the field factor f of an eigenfunction falls off
geon equations we note that the behavior of the solu- exponentially by a number of napiers of the order of /"'.

(4) With further increase of the radial coordinate be- If we can 6nd by integration of these three equations
yond the point of emergence from the barrier, oscilla- the reduced field factor p(x) and the supplementary
tion sets in. The amplitude is of course exceedingly time scale correction factor k(x) and the reduced oscil-
small compared to the amplitude inside the geon. lation factor j(x) k(x), then we can determine the other
The wavelength is at 6rst long but eventually settles leading terms in expressions (47) by simple calculation:
down to the value appropriate to a disturbance of the
dro/dx = k(x),
given frequency in f'ree space:
Xo ——(1 —k')/2.
+5) = sin(Qi(~) pi+8) (51)
f/constant=. sin(p
=sin(p+5) =sin(Or+8). (45) We seek a solution of (48), (49), and (50) with the
To go further, we seem to have to obtain for each following properties. The field factor p(x) tends to zero
conceivable value of the index number l a self con- both for large positive x and for large negative x. The
sistent numerical solution of three nonlinear equations. contraction factor k(x) is unity for large negative x,
However, there exists in addition to the exact scaling and falls in the active region near x=0, and for large
law already exploited another and distinct scaling law, positive x approaches a value which is less than (1/3)'*
valid asymptotically for large I*, which reduces all =0.577 but still positive. The quantity j(x) is very
these problems to a single one. Similar scaling laws are large and negative for large negative x. It rises with
familiar from other parts of mathematical physics. In increasing x with a positive slope of two until x reaches
quantum mechanics one reduces all hydrogenic atoms the vicinity of the active region. There j
succeeds in
becoming positive for a limited range of x in the neigh-
to one problem by appropriate choice of scale of length.
However, then the radial wave function for the lowest borhood of x=0. For larger x, the slope dj/dx ap-
state for each value of / has a diGerent mathematical proaches the negative value 3 —
k '(~). Thus
o8 again to — The oscillation &,ctor, the product
expression, {[(1+1)/2]~'+'(2l+2)!I '*p'exp[ — p/(1+1)].
Yet simple analysis of the behavior of this function in j(x)k(x), is positive in only a limited range of x.
the neighborhood of its maximum, p=l(1+1), shows There exist a number of solutions having the desired
that it has a form, behavior, distinguished from one another by an integer,
—[ml(1+1)'] l exp[ —(Dp)'/2l(l+1)']
s, which represents the sum of the number of maxima
and minima in the field factor, q(x), in the active
which is the same up to a scale change for all values of l. region. This integer has the value one for the simplest
A similar scaling principle applies to the geon, with two type of idealized spherical geon. Higher values of s
differences: the'reduced field factor, f, de onsot ha've also represent physically acceptable geons. We make
the form of a harmonic oscillator wave function; and the choice between one solution and another when in the
the relevant length variable is not x= Dp/l1(l+1), as in integration of the equations we pick one starting mag-
the hydrogenic problem, but nitude of p(x) or another. The solution s= 1 is charac-
*= (p*—t*)t*-~. (46)
terized by the largest field strength, for in one-half
wave enough energy and mass has to accumulate to
The whole of the active region of the geon will be hold the geon fogether. A comparable amount of mass
described by a range of x of the order of unity. belongs to a geon of higher s, but the energy is dis-
To bring this similarity transformation into evidence, tributed over a larger number of half waves and on this
we consider large values of /*, and expand the relevant account the concentration of energy and the field
quantities in inverse powers of /*': strength are weaker.
dp*=t*~Cx, We can summarize the eigenvalue characteristics of
pi=1*+1*'i0(x)+ our system of equations as follows. Ke accept that for

1. =l9, (x}+V*X (x)+VV, (x)+ ~

large negative x, the factors j
and k have the form
k(x)=: 1 and j(x)=:2x, and that p(x) is approximately
Q. =[1/k(»+1 -1~.(*)+~*-:&.(*)+ the exponentially rising solution of

x)+P 'q2(x)+
fi l*&q (x)+ q, (— d'rp/dx'= 2xp. (52)
— —
[1 (Qi1*/pl)'(1 21-i/pi)] =1* j(*)k(x)+
. (47) thus,
Inserting these expressions into the system of equations
q =. A( —2x)—l exp[ —( —2x)'*/3]. (53)
(38), (40), (41), and identifying coeflicients of like "
Here the constant 2, the "amplitude factor, is the sole
powers of P, we find from the lowest relevant terms the
quantity at our disposal in selecting the character of
wave equation
the solution of (48), (49), (50). If 2 is chosen very small
d'q/dx'+ j(x)k(x) p(x) =0, (48) in comparison with unity, then (49) says that k(x)
and. the two 6eld equations: stays close to 1 for a long range of x, and (50) says that
j(x) continues to behave nearly as 2x for a considerable
dk/dr+ y'= 0, (49) range of positive values of x. There likewise (52) remains
d j/dx= 3 —[1+(d p/dx)']/k'. (50) a good approximation, and the solution, essentially
5 that the diQ'erence, —A„ is small compa red to the

0 " '
distance, A —i A, to the next eigenva Iue
. u, then there
is not quite opportunl y o h the last oscil»tion '"
0.8— the active region . Thegel. d factor s t ar tss to fall OG after
what would havee been the last m» m but instead
~ ~
0.6 of continuing reaches a minimum
in too fall towards zero, reac
ences to rise exponentially
expo (Fig.
The contribution to the mass t ere o
0.2— nentially. The s cale factor k of Eq.. (49), instead of
decreasing to a rreasonable va 1ue betweene w 0 and 0.577,

~ ~ ~

0 2
and oes to zero a t a certain critical

*, x multip ie db y lo I
-o.s- u as ualitative 1y the character of a
power of lnl/(x *— j
x . The quantityt 'th f b
singular, and go es to negative ln ni
b a slowly varying factor of logarith-
-jk inall,y the f eld fac to (*)

0.5 k Thus th tg o op


— X
the active region, t e c
2, . 3)Aste i
' ' '
hesin ularpointo e t ein
esu s e inferential equa- inwards towa rds what one mig i ts a
'dealized self-consisten
For a certain A the point x has corn
ere + is the dime
imenslonless measure in to its maximu m extent. Wit ur
s+jk =.0, e
the differential equation ds /d
is a tion factor. he range of integ the sign of p
' s~ta~rting
the singularity
i erenc the curves with nearrl y iidentical

1.03125 4; au
n eon mass in
-den lyl. sb -
-.l--. -"- fOr x4 juSt leSS than the critica va ue, p
arithmic function a
ermit one in principle to And e strength,
n held
'th one si n; fo r
metric, annd all other re evann ust a ove a
of the geon.
regionn o g singular qu asi-lo g arithmic function o
ust rig t o e b
an Ai function, goes ex on - *—x) times a quasi-og '
—o arithmic unn
he oscillatory form I thi ti th 1 f to
—' sin (2x)-**/3+
p=. 2A (2x) sinL (vr/4) $, *—*)-' t' do-
assin throug h thee value A A h h ro er

ar towards x*=+
t to = dfi 11 d
at x=0. Averaging over osc' A the sequence (1),
the active reg'ion we have 2, (3), (4) repeats 'tself u til fin ll th
itself un
' =: —V2a'/x~x,
—(q')=: es in the wave function to e swa
k=: 1 —2V.'x;
1 itl th
and '(x) is a solution, so
d '/dx=. '2 —2&3A'x&, v (*), x

* of tho ghi di ectly e — eo p
h fter we quickly corn d as convention the asymptotic
0 If th It d f t h as m totic equations
a ro riate to t e s PP for origin o x,
t en x,
falls off exponentially. ( ) fe
If the torhasa
amplitude factor a value so i I h
tion and first proper value. Thanks are due to Mr. that approaches the Euclidean values at large distances.
Arthur Komar for checking the algebra and to Mr. The scale factor is b=:0.33. In the new dimensionless
Robert Goerss for carrying out the computations on an units the radial coordinate of the active zone is about
International Business Machines card-programmed 0 33.P T.he metric correction factor Q has the value
electronic calculator. The logical scheme of the integra- b=:0.33 in the inner inactive part of the geon, rises in
tion is outlined in Fig. 4, where each line symbolizes a the active zone, and has outside a value 1.00. The
successive stage in the calculation, and where d repre- corresponding new dimensionless measure of mass, I.,
sents the size, 0.05, of the interval of x used between is essentially zero in the inner inactive region, and
one step and the next. The integration was started at outside the active region has the value L=: (b/2) (1 —b') P
x= —4 with values derived from the asymptotic =0.151*. Finally, we transform to cgs units of measure
formula (53): via (36) and (37) and the related discussion. A clock

q 0= q ( 4) = arbitrary, ticks at the center of the geon at only about 33 percent
of the rate of an identical clock far away from the geon.
~v;=8"v p~,
In terms of the frequency, Qc, of electromagnetic radia-
—1, tion observed to come from the geon, the radius of the
jp= —8. (56) active zone of the system is described by a coordinate

Figure 3 presents the results of the integrations. The r = E=: 0.33P/Q.

6rst eigenvalue was found to lie between those ampli- The mass is
tude factors, A, that correspond to initial values, at M=: 0 15c'l*/. GQ (58)
x= —4, between pp=1. 03000X10 and pp=1. 03125 ' Let an observer far from the geon have a clock that
&(10 '. The active region (jk)0) did not begin until flashes every second, and let an identical clock be
x=4.05, and reached only to x=6.12. The 6eld factor, placed at the center of the geon. The Gashes of light
q (x), reached a peak value of 0.59 for x about equal to from this second clock will reach the observer, not
5.1. The scale factor, k(x), approached an asymptotic every second, but about every b '=: (0.33) '=3
value, k(~), of approximately 0.33. seconds.
These curves and numbers give us essentially all the The mass, circular frequency, and radius of the
information we need to determine the structure of a spherical geon can be expressed in terms of the reduced
simple idealized spherical geon with only one maximum, action, g(=action/2~), by way of the relation
s= 1, in the electromagnetic potential and with number
of nodes over the surface equal to any arbitrary large c'dM = c()dg, (59)
number /. Thus, having chosen an 1, we calculate thus:
P=[l(l+1)]&. This quantity represents the approxi- M=: 0.54 (Pgc/G) l;
mate radial coordinate, pg, of the active zone. Then, cQ=: 0.27 (Pc'/Gg));
from our curves and Eqs. (47) and (51) we find the
relation between the dimensionless measures of distance,
Z=:1.2(PGg/c') ~. (60)
p~, of mass out to a given distance, I.~, of metric correc- The root-mean-square value of the electric field, aver-
tion factor, Q~, and of potential, f~. In particular aged with respect to time and with respect to polar
we have for the asymptotic value of Q& the value coordinate over a sphere of that radius r which goes
1/b=:1/0. 33 and for the asymptotic value of L& the with the dimensionless coordinate x is,
value L~ — P(1 —b')/2=: 0.45P. Next, we make the scale
change of Eqs. (42) and (43) in order to have a metric E, , = ( —Sm[Tyj)'= (c'f'e "/Gr')j'
=c'()G &b iP *y(x)
= (c'/gG') 'P '~'[(1 —b') &/2b7p(x)
A. 8k', +40 with a peak value
8k, ~ -(~iai(y, + y ) Ep„k, , = 0.461""c'/G&M.
81~ e sg-2g(k( ~ko) '[I+(8pka/g) ] Energy leaks out of a simple idealized spherical geon
~ at a rate easily estimated by the methods of the theory
j) Sjq~+ jp
of alpha decay. Were the refractive index barrier re-
8$~ ~ 8$k -g j) k, moved, the energy would disappear from its present
region of concentration in a time of the order of one
vibration period. The attrition, e, in the equation of
FIG. 4. Flour. diagram of numerical integration. In the last

term in the last equation there should appear and did appear

in the numerical calculations —
a factor &1. dM/M = ncudt, (61)

would have a value of the order of unity. Owing to the leakage process as single photon emission. In addition
presence of the barrier, the attrition is cut down to a to such processes there will occur what can temporarily
value of the order describe as double photon processes (Fig. 5): two
n exp( — 2P), (62) quanta moving tangenially collide and go oG in two
new directions, not far from parallel or antiparallel to
where I' is the barrier penetration integral determined
the radius vector, and thus escape from the system
by Kq. (38): simultaneously. To follow the terminology of light rays
a little further, we can speak as is well known, of a
~= ~L(d'f!d*p')!f]'dp* critical angle required for escape. For rays whose angle
of inclination, 0, to the radius vector is greater than this
critical amount, there exists a maximum distance to
—1+ (PQ/p)'(1 —2L/p) 3'* which the ray can go before it falls back on the geon.
XQ '(1 —21./p) 'dp.
This maximum distance is obtained by calculating the
appropriate root of the equation
The integral extends from the outer edge of the active
zone to the point of reemergence from the barrier. The
P' sin'8~
—1—Pb (1—b') — —1=0. (68)
relevant range in p is of the order of l*=[l(l+1)j'*, Q2p 2 nr
whereas the thickness of the active zone is only of the
order hp P . For this reason it is legitimate to use The quantity on the left-hand side of this equation
for Q and I.
in the evaluation of the integral (63) the evaluated for the case sin8= 1, came into the argument
constant values that apply outside the active zone. The of the barrier penetration integral, another illustration
error made in the penetration exponent by this approxi- of the close connection between the Hamilton-jacobi
mation will be only of the order of P', whereas the ex- analysis of rays and the diGerential equation for waves.
ponent itself will be of the order P. Thus in accordance It provides a simple interpretation of expression (68)
with the results at the end of the last section we write to think of l* sin8 as a measure of the angular momen-
tum of the ray: either a ray on the inside trying to get
=1 ou't; or a ray coming from infinity and trying to get in.
~~inner Plower limit The turning points for these two cases undergo merger
L= (b/2) (1 —b')P=: 0. 15P, (64) when we have zero not only for the left-hand side of

and find. by algebraic examination of the roots of the

(68), but also for its derivative with respect to r This.
happens when
bracket in (63) that the outer turning point is
sine= (3'/2) b (1 —b') =: 0.77 = sin50. 4', (69)
Qfo~~-= p~pp. lj~jt:= l*{—(b/2)+ I 1 —(3b'/4)
g 7'}
BP=: 0.79P. — and the double root then lies at
r = (3t~/20) b(1 —b') =: 0.44P/Q, (70)
The penetration integral has the value
TABLE l. Leakage of radiation from simple idealized spherical
geons: illustrative examples. The last column gives the factor of
&& 'L1 —(1 —b') (b/&) j—1&' change of scale for a similarity transformation which leaves the
geon a classical object.
X t 1 —(1 —b') (b/~) j 'dx
=0.760, (66) Geon I Geon II

x= p/P= Qr/P; and Mass 104' g 1042 g x

where the variable of integration is
Radial coordinate of 1.67 X1014 cm 1.67 X10&4 cm Xzz
the attrition has the rough value active zone (58)

n exp( —1.52P). (67) Spherical harmonic

index l~ =I l(l+1))&
10 8.43 X10o X1

As examples, .consider two simple idealized spherical Circular frequency of 6.00 X10 4 rad/sec 5.06 X105 rad/sec X (1/I)

geons not very far on a logarithmic scale above the — emergent radia-
tion (57)
limit where quantum effects come in by way of pair Wavelength outside 3.14 X10'4 cm 3.72 X10b cm
production. both have masses of 1042 gram and only Approximate at tri- 2.5 X10 7 10 osvooooooo
tion (67)
one-half wave of disturbance in the radial direction in
the active zone, but let the wavelength, and therefore Time to collapse as- 212 years
suming leakage only
the thickness of this zone, have quite diGerent values in and classical behavior
the two cases, as indicated in Table I. It is evident from 4.66 X10«esu/cm 4.41 X 10» esu/cm
Rms electric field in K (1/zz)
the numbers given there that geons, even systems of the most active region
PEq. (60) Gj
same mass and radius, can have fantastically diferent
Critical field for pair 4.41X10»esu/cm 4.41X10» esu/cm a constant
rates of radiation leakage. production
To switch to quantum language, we can speak of the

equal to the next to the largest solution of the equation

(P/r~) $1 l*b/Qr) (1 —
(— b') )—1 = 0. (73)
Outside of this distance the strength of the mode in
question falls oG exponentially through a refractive
index barrier. A standing wave of this kind is the
proper transcription of the idea of photon with a radial
component of motion too small to allow escape. Evi-
dently the prohibition of escape is not absolute. There
will be leakage through the barrier to an extent the
greater, the closer E falls to the critical impact param-
eter for escape, P=0.771*/Q. For smaller values of the
impact parameter we have no proper solutions with an
FIG. 5. Photon-photon collisions provide one of the mechanisms exponential region of fall oG. Instead, we have solutions
for escape of energy from the active region of a geon. The same capable of transporting energy freely from the inside of
mechanism is describable from the wave point of view in terms
of a coupling between otherwise independent modes of oscillation the geon to outer space, and endowed with a continuum
of the electromagnetic Geld. The two sources of the nonlinear of frequency values. These waves correspond to the
coupling are virtual pair phenomena and the nonstatic parts
of the gravitational field. notion of photons able to escape from the system.
Instead of speaking of photon-photon collisions, we
that is, at the peak of the barrier in Fig. 2. This dis- can talk of excitation of secondary waves by the waves
tance should be compared with impact parameter, or that carry the primary energy supply of the geon. Such
distance of closest approach in the absence of gravita- excitation is not envisaged in a linear wave equation,
tional forces, of a photon with the same energy and derived from a Lagrangian function that contains the
fields to the second order. The differentiation of a quad-
angular momentum:
ratic Lagrangian gives a time rate of change of the field
impact parameter = P sin8/Q = 0.770/Q. (71) strength proportional only to the first power of field
quantities. However, the Lagrangian actually contains
In contrast, the rays that hold the geon together have
1.000/Q, correction terms of the fourth order and higher. They
in this sense an impact parameter equal to
give in the expression for the time rate of change of a
and have the inner and outer turning points,
field quantity supplementary terms containing the
r=. 0.33'*/Q and r='. 0 79P/Q . (.72) product of three or more field quantities. These terms
constitute a nonlinear coupling that takes energy slowly
Rays with an impact parameter less than 0.77 P/Q have out of the primary modes and redistributes it over
a component of motion in the radial direction suKciently secondary radiations. Some of this energy is picked up
great to pass freely from the inner region to the outer in characteristic modes. In any such mode the energy is
region. reQected back and forth in a standing wave limited by
Everything just stated in ray language can be re- two values of r. Other parts of the energy go into un-
phrased more appropriately in terms of waves. In the bounded waves and are lost to infinity. The existence
quasi-static gravitational field of force of the geon we of the barrier leakage phenomenon means of course that
have already found a solution of the wave equation
the distinction between the stationary modes and the
for the electromagnetic potential which has only one unbounded waves is only approximate. The stationary
maximum in the active region, varies with angle as a
modes will themselves leak some of the energy that they
spherical harmonic of order /=:P — —
'„has a proper cir-
get. Moreover these vibrations can transfer energy
cular frequency cQ. In addition to waves of such a kind
via nonlinear couplings to still other modes, and also
excited to a strength sufhcient to hold the geon together,
to still other waves that escape.
we can have proper solutions of weak amplitude with a
The relative importance of simple leakage, and of
great variety of values for the number, s, of radial transfer of energy to free-running waves, depends upon
maxima and minima in the active region and of values
the relative strength of excitation of the various modes
of the indices t and m of the spherical harmonic. A
of the geon. The detailed specification of the state of a
typical disturbance of this type will be characterized by general geon is so complicated that there exists the
a proper value, Q, , ~, and an amplitude factor A, , ~, greatest variety of objects, showing amongst them the
Let the wavelength of this mode be small compared to greatest extremes of behavior.
the dimensions of the geon. Then it is appropriate to In a geon where nonlinear terms make the more im-
characterize this mode, too, by an equivalent ray- portant contribution to the energy dissipation, we
optical impact parameter, P= f, (l/Q, , &) times a qu—
antity evidently face a problem so complicated that statistical
having the significance of sinter and to be calculated via arguments are needed to make any headway. We have
appropriate analysis from the relative values of s and 7) . to take into account the totality of the stationary
The motion of the trapped ray will have an outer bound modes of the geon in an approximately static gravita-

tional 6eld, and the distribution of energy among these turbances in the geon inevitably generate secondary
modes. But their number is in6nite, as in Rayleigh s waves.
paradox of blackbody radiation. No proper account of For an order of magnitude estimate of the strength
the distribution can be given without taking into ac- of the effect, let X denote the general scale of the space
count the quantum of action. We are therefore invited variations in the relevant primary modes, and let 8
to assign to each mode of characteristic frequency co an denote the order of magnitude of the associated electro-
energy A&a[exp(ku/O~ — 17, where O~, expressed in energy magnetic fields. Then a typical inhomogeneity in the
units, has the significance of a temperature. We can distribution of stress and energy will possess a mass
also idealize the energy of each unbounded wave as of the order of PX'/c'. The fluctuations in the gravi-
zero in a 6rst approximation, these waves being most tational metric will have the general magnitude
easily distinguished by the criterion (73). The very Ag Ghm/c'X (G/c')lt'h'. The square of this dimen-
number of the modes of vibration simplifies the prob- sionless factor, multiplied by a dimensionless function
lem. To 6nd in each mode the radial distribution of —
of the geometry of the geon depending upon ratio of
field strength, and stress and energy, it is no longer typical wavelengths to the size of the system, and upon
necessary to integrate the wave equation numerically. —
other details will determine the fraction of the energy
The JWKB method gives the answer in terms of purely of the system lost per cycle via nonlinear coupling
algebraic operations. Thus the system of three equations processes of gravitational origin.
of the theory of spherical geons reduces to two differen- The correction effects due to virtual production of
tial equations of the first order for the metric quantities electron pairs by slowly varying but intense fields bring
X(r) and v (r), or I.(r) and Q(r), with the temperature 0 in a coup1ing which has the same qualitative conse-
as parameter of integration. No attempt is made here quences as that due to gravitational fields, except that
to solve this pair of equations for the "thermal geon. " the governing dimensionless factor, Ag, of the previous
The thermal geon is obviously an idealization that paragraph is to be replaced by (e'/5c)[Be(k/mc)/
suggests itself for following out the consequences of (mP)7'. Thus the pair effects depend upon the electric
the nonlinear interactions between different modes of field itself, whereas the gravitational effects depend
vibration. In the next approximation one has to make upon the electric potential, A XB. The two effects
further allowance for the effects of the intermodal coup- become of the same order of magnitude for wavelengths
lings, by way, of radiation losses through photon- of the order
photon collisions. Here the picture will be very different X- (e'/Gm') (GS/c') &

according as the mean free path of the most relevant = (4.16X104')(1.60X10 "cm) =0 67X10" cm.
photons is large or small in comparison with the dimen-
sions of the system. In the second case it becomes To justify the classical analysis of geon structure, we
necessary to analyze the effective opacity of the system, already know that we have to deal with radii of the
and to take account of the variation of temperature with order of the limit (74) or greater. On the wavelengths
radial coordinate in a fashion familiar from stellar we have not previously had any limit, except inferiority

theory a problem again not investigated here. to the radius. However, in dealing with geons in which
The nonlinear couplings arise from two sources: the many modes are excited, or especially with a thermal
electron pair field, and the gravitational 6eld. The geon, it will ordinarily be reasonable to consider wave-
second is classical. The source of the gravitation 6eld- lengths quite small compared to the limit (74). Then

the stress energy tensor has a reasonably smoothly for most purposes gravitational transfer of energy
varying average value, but on top of this are superposed between modes can be neglected in comparison with
fIuctuations due to the fact that the electromagnetic the coupling due to the charges and currents of virtual
6eld does after all vary in space and in time. A typical pairs.
constituent of the fluctuation will have a character quali- In analyzing the behavior of a geon classical in the
tatively of the form A&f&(x, y, s) sin(co&t+g&) A2f2(x, y, s) sense of being large compared to the limit (74), we en-
Xsin(ca2/+g2). This term will give rise to a fluctuating counter both a large scale static gravitational field and
component of the gravitational field. Consequently in small scale rapid variations in this average. There will
the differential equation for the electromagnetic Geld exist in addition long scale periodic or secular changes
the coefficients of metric origin will not be exactly in the con6guration of the system, some of which will
static functions of position alone, but will have small in certain cases describe significant mechanisms for the
alternating terms with circular frequencies, (~&+~2) disintegration of a geon. It is easy to visualize a slow
and (or~ — co2), and with amplitudes proportional to A ~A2. vibration in the case of a simple toroidal geon. The
Let the uncorrected amplitude of the mode under con- shape of the torus changes from circular to elliptical
sideration be Aaf3(x, y, s) sin(aoat+ga). Then the wave 6rst in one sense and then in the other, with the ele-
equation for this oscillation has to be- visualized as mentary electromagnetic disturbances, or ray tracks
containing four supplementary source terms, with if one will, adjusting themselves adiabatically to these
frequencies co&&co2&co3, and with amplitudes propor- slow readjustments in the distribution of refractive
tional to the product A~A2A3. Thus the primary dis- index. The gravitational interaction between the various
elementary electromagnetic oscillations imposes upon physics. The interaction is the relativistic generalization
their readjustments of shape a collective character. of the simple Newtonian law of force, F = — GM, M /2r, ~
In these collective motions the coupling between the The electromagnetic interaction between the two sys-
electromagnetic oscillators by way of gravitational terms will give rise to an additional force which is
interactions will exceed the coupling via virtual pair enormously weaker than the gravitational force. Thus,
effects, so long as we are in the classical domain of the Aux of outgoing leakage radiation from one of the
geon sizes. systems undergoes scattering by the other geon and
The same mode of vibration of a simple toroidal gives rise to a radiation force of the order
system, endowed with enough energy, will lead to
deformations not far in form from a figure eight, and ( c'd—
M /cdt)t R'/4 r ']
with still further excitation of this mode scission will (CMiQi(di) $R2 (GM2/c')/ri2'j
occur. Whether the two separate rings then completely (GMiM2/ri2') (niliR2/Ri). (75)
break their association depends upon the magnitude
An additional force will arise from the pressure of the
of the kinetic energy of recoil from the act of scission. radiation emitted by the other body. In expression (75)
When this energy exceeds the gravitation potential
the attrition, n&, is an exponentially small function of
energy of attraction between the two objects, they fiy the order, l&,. thus the dimensionless product o.~l~ will be
apart to make two distinct systems, and we have a extremely small for all stable geons. Of course, if the
complete act of fission. When the recoil energy is less two geons are exceedingly unlike in size, or one of them
than the binding, the two rings separate to a limiting
is decaying so fast as to constitute an explosion, then
distance, reverse their motion, collide, pass through the radiation force between the objects can become
each other, again separate, and so on. At each act of
comparable to the gravitational force,
collision some of the energy of relative motion will be
When two geons have large intrinsic angular mo-
redistributed. Some will go into excitation of the elec-
menta, the forces depend upon orientation as well as
tromagnetic modes of the one ring, some into modes of
upon distance. Let two simple toroidal geons be oriented
the other ring, some into modes that owe their existence with their principal planes perpendicular to the line
to the combined gravitational 6.eld of the pair of rings, that connects their centers. When the rays of light in one
some into collective vibrations and rotations of the
geon all go around one way, and those in the second go
individual rings, and some will escape into space as
around the other way, then the attraction is stronger
free radiation. Ultimately the relative motion of the than it is in the case of parallel orientation of the two
two tori will be damped down and they will come to-
angular momentum vectors. This circumstance is a
gether to form a single geon with a smaller mass, and .
reminder that a gravitational field is described by quan-
a much more complicated distribution of energy among tities more complicated than a static potential. The
modes, than characterized the original system. forces constitute
supplementary orientation-dependent
Fission can in principle take place spontaneously in in this case a fraction RiR2/ri2' of the total gravita-
any classical geon. The principal requirement is ade- tional force.
quate time for the exchange of energy between the As one geon Qies by another at the minimum separa-
various modes of the system, so that ultimately, by a tion r» and with a relative velocity v perpendicular to
statistical fluctuation in the distribution of energy, this line, it not only sets up in the other geon a bulk
enough becomes concentrated upon a collective mode gravitational field of the order GiMi/ri~', but also
of distortion to lead to a critical deformation followed creates tide producing forces of the order GMiR2'/ri~'.
by fission. As between the mechanisms of energy dissi- Both forces have frequency components ranging from
pation, and compared to radiation leakage and non- ~=0 to ~ e/ri2. The first acts on the center of mass,
linear coupling to free running waves, the probability
a degree of freedom with zero natural frequency, and
of fission will vary in a complicated way depending produces a bulk motion in accord with the classical
upon whether the distribution of energy among modes "
concept of "body. The second acts on a mode of de-
is finegrained or coursegrained, whether the gravita-
formation with a natural frequency of the order c/R2,
tional field is symmetric or has large scale irregularities,
very much higher than that of the driving force. Con-
and whether the total angular momentum is small or
sequently the response will be adiabatic and a negligible
large. These circumstances will also affect the distribu-
part of the energy of motion will be left in internal de-
tion in size of the fragments from fission in those classes
grees of freedom after the two geons have gone far apart.
of cases where this process occurs with appreciable
When two geons pass by each other at a distance
A geon is characterized not only by its internal which brings the outer boundaries of their active regions
structure and by the genetics of its radioactive decay to a separation, AE, small in comparison with geon radii,
processes, but also by its interaction with other geons. then the interaction between the two objects becomes
When the. two systems pass by each other at a separa. - more complicated. First, on account of the tidal de-
tion large compared with the size of either of them, formations the gravitational forces will experience
they will act on each other like the bodies of classical fractional increases of the order Rm'/ri2' and Ri2/riP.

Second, there will come into being fluctuating forces new amplitudes. Moreover, forces will be at work to
of electromagnetic origin, of the order of magnitude of induce 6ssion of the original geons into smaller frag-
the product of typical 6eld strengths, 8& and 82, in the ments. In view of all these circumstances, it is not
active regions of the two geons, multiplied by an expo- appropriate to describe the close interaction of two
nential decrement factor of the character exp( — DR/X), classical geons in terms of an eGective law of force, or
multiplied by an area of contact factor of the order RX. potential curve. Instead, one has to use the much more
Here we have assumed that the important wavelengths complicated language of transmutation physics, and to
in the two geons are of the same general magnitude. try to describe the distribution in mass of the products
Also we have used R to represent the radius of the of a geon reaction. Evidently the geon decay processes
smaller of the two geons; or better, E can be identi6ed and interaction mechanisms form an extensive subject
with the reduced radius, R~R~/(R~+R2). Let f~ denote for a more detailed investigation, not undertaken here.
the fraction of the volume of the first geon occupied by
its active region, so that S. INFLUENCE OF VIRTUAL PAIRS ON GEON
hP fag/c' Mg c'Rg/G. (76) As we go down in the mass and size spectrum of
Then the electric 6eld in the active region of this geon geons, we eventually pass out of the purely classical
will be of the order realm (Region I) into conditions (Region II) where the
field strengths are no longer negligible compared to the
hg fg 'G&Mi/RP, (77) critical field, h„;~ —m'c'/Ae, of the theory of electron
and the expression for the electromagnetic force be- pairs; and from here it is but a short step to Region III,
tween the two systems will have the character where the Qelds are strong enough to turn a problem of
virtual pairs into one where real pairs are present in
F (fq 'f2 'X/R) (GM~M2/r&2') exp( —DR/X). (78) large numbers. About III we say nothing; and about II
As the first dimensionless combination of factors will our considerations are very primitive. The induced
be of the order of unity for many classes of geons, it charges and currents of the virtual pairs alter the elec-
follows that the interaction (78) is of the order of the tromagnetic properties of the medium, so that it
gravitational force, multiplied by a characteristic ex- acquires a refractive index, m. It will be reasonable to
ponential function of distance. consider all the electromagnetic modes of the geons
Two geons which almost touch as they pass will under consideration to have wavelengths very long in
display not only an anomalous interaction but also comparison with the Compton length, 5/mc. Under
energy exchanges and energy losses. Where the refrac- these conditions the refractive index will be independent
tive index barrier between the two systems is thinnest, of frequency but will be dependent upon field strength, b:
radiation will leak across from one body to the other. e —1 (e'/Ac) (h/h .~)' (79)
Some modes previously excited weakly or not at all
will gain energy, and other important modes will lose To be more specific, let the geon be a simple toroid of
energy. Thus the two bodies will part company with a azimuthal index number a. Then the relevant 6eld
relation of masses diGerent from what they had when strength in (79) is some appropriate average over the
they met. Their total mass will be diminished at the active region. The speed of light around the torus is
same time, both via momentary stimulation of the reduced to c/n. The connection between radius of
leakage of radiation to the outside, and by way of local the geon and frequency of its leakage radiation will be
perturbations of the gravitational field that deQect altered to the form ca-mac/R, where the integer, a,
some light rays to the outside from orbits that previously represents as before the azimuthal index number. The
were relatively stable. general relation between changes in energy and changes
Let two geons collide still more directly, so that they in reduced action, /=action/2m, becomes
pass through each other. It will be rare for the two dM=c 'cod/ nadg/cR= [1+a(g„;&/$)7adg/cR. (80)
systems to emerge from the encounter without much
loss of mass or redistribution of mass. The frequency In the last line for convenience we have translated ex-
spectrum of the perturbations experienced by one of pression (79) for the refractive index correction from a
the geons during the encounter will range from tidal field strength dependence to an action dependence,
forces of frequency c/R at one end of the spectrum, according to relation (5) between the two variables,
through strong components of frequency c/(thickness the uncorrected formula (5) being legitimate in the
of active region), to fluctuations with the scale of wave- evaluation of a 6rst order correction. The deflection of
lengths and frequencies associated with the individual the radiation in the gravitational field is more difBcult
electromagnetic modes themselves. As a result almost to discuss. In lieu of an accurate analysis, for which
everything that can happen ordinarily will happen. only the bare formalistic bones are presented below,
There will be a substantial loss of energy in the form of the following order of magnitude analysis is presented,
free radiation. Collective modes of motion will be ex- which may well be in error through oversight of some
cited. Individual electromagnetic modes will have quite significant factor. A photon which outside has a fre-

quency ~ has inside a mass of the order ha&/cs, and ex-

periences in the gravitational 6eld of the geon a force
of attraction of the order (GM/R') (5&v/cs). This expres- CLASSICAL
sion should equal the time rate of change of the momen- RADIUS THEORY I060
tum of the photon: the product of its momentum, IO
etude/c, by the angular rate of revolution in its orbit, l3/ IOoo
c/eR; that is, hen/R. Equating the gravitational and ~3
dynamic terms gives the same relation that we had in " IO
the absence of a refractive index correction: 106
M (c'R/G)(?).
8 Tqr&~
. Io
Multiplying this formula by (80), we have

MdM (acd8/G) 31+8(8orit/g)](?) ~ (81)

Here the question mark indicates that the relation in Io
question is subject to possible correction. If this relation
is correct, it states that the square of the geon mass,
though nearly a linear function of action for values of - lO
the action large in comparison with a certain charac- ACTION/5
teristic value, nevertheless for lower values of the action I


curves towards a steeper dependence on g. The region
where (81) should apply is too small on the scale of FlG. 6. Mass and radius as functions of action for classical geons
(slanting full lines in upper right hand portion of diagram).
Fig. 6 to allow showing this curvature there. Kith diminishing mass and radius, the electric fields active in an
The dependence of effective refractive index incre- electromagnetic geon increase to a point, 1, where electron pairs
ment upon the square of the 6eld strength lets itself are produced, below which point a classical analysis of geons
be seen in two different ways. From the photon point
completely fails (dot-dash line in diagram). For pure neutrino
geons it may be possible to carry a simple analysis down as far
of view the torus is a channel 6lled by two streams of aspoint 2 in the diagram beforepair eRects appear (Sec. 6 of text).
Point 3 indicates where densities of the nuclear order of magnitude
quanta moving in opposite directions. The space density would be attained in either electromagnetic or neutrino geons were
of photons going one way is of the order extrapolation of simple geon theory justified, which it certainly is
not. Neither is any further extrapolation of the curves for mass and
n, r B'/k(u (82) radius atallallowed(Terrafaeoglfta) Masses. andradiiofelectron
and proton are indicated on the diagram for orientation as to
The photons travelling the other way are not able to magnitudes. The representation of geon mass or radius by a single
line, or the action variables of the system by a single number,
make pairs by the process'" fuu2+5"&~e++e through gives a rather oversimpli6ed picture, as is clear from Eqs. (5)
want of energy: k~&=kco2(&mc', but could do so were for even the simplest variety of toroidal geons. The numbers in
their quantum energies greater than ka&*=(mc2)2/Mr. the present diagram may be thought of as applying to simple
toroidal geons with azimuthal index number, e, equal to 10 or less.
For this process the absorption cross section starts at
zero at the threshold A~~=kco*, rises to a peak value forward direction,
o (e'/mc')' at a small multiple of this frequency, and
then falls oG. The absorption presented by the medium (d&/d") forward
at high frequencies implies a contribution to the refrac- ~(e /A 2)(ce/mc')'(Ares/mc')'(5"&/mc')2, (84)
tive index, e, at low frequencies, according to the
formula makes a contribution to the refractive index given by
Rayleigh's formula,

e((os) —1=(c/w) N, o(~2')d(os'/(&us" —(F22) e —1=er2~(C/"2)'(do/dQ) &forward j (85)

this contribution is in agreement with (79).
-(CB2/~1) (e2/mC2)2/~a This analysis of the nonlinear behavior of a strong
electromagnetic field makes it clear that the corrections
(e'/Ac)LBe(A/mc)/(mc')]' (83) to be applied in Region II will be very diferent for a
toroidal geon according as it has an angular momentum
in agreement with (79). Alternatively stated, there
of zero, so that half the photons go each way, or has
exists a process of scattering of light by light, ' for which
the maximum possible angular momentum, so that the
the differential cross section at low frequencies in the
photons meet no counterstream. In the second case the
ts John S. Toll, Ph. D. thesis, Princeton
University, 1952 (un- onset of strong pair corrections will evidently be post-
published); J. S. Toll (to be published); J. S. Toll and J. A. poned to higher field strengths and smaller bodies.
Wheeler, Phys. Rev. 81, 654 (1951) and more detailed account,
The picture of photon-photon collisions and a refrac-
to be published.
G. Hreit and J. A. Wheeler, Phys. Rev. 46, 1087 (1934)., tive index is not suitable for a precise evaluation of the
pair corrections. For example, in a simple toroidal geon the other is the stress-energy tensor, T;&,
of zero angular momentum the standing electromag-
netic wave with which we deal will, if strong, produce 7 '~=2( — —
g) '~[( g)'L*5/~a'"
changes in the properties of the medium with twice the = 2 (8Z*/85) (85/bg'")
periodicity of the wave itself. This phase relation means
that no simple averaging of the properties of the me-
dium is appropriate. For a detailed treatment of the
2F, —
sg «F„b„; (aZ, */85)
corrections it is therefore appropriate to go back. to
first principles, as typified by the variational principle g, s(P—BZ*/OP+ 2*). (90)
(4) of classical relativity theory. Heisenberg and Euler"
have analyzed the case of slowly varying but strong Thus the gravitational field equations take their usual
fields and have shown that the charges and currents of form, G, & —(strG/c4)T, &, with only the change (90)
the virtual pairs have the same eGect as if there were no in the form of the stress energy tensor. Similarly the
pairs, but instead the Lagrangian of the variation coefficient of the variation, 8A;, of a typical electro-
principle of the electrodynamics of special relativity magnetic potential, equated to zero, gives the ith
theory were corrected from 2, where electromagnetic field equation,

—Z = (E' —8')/S~= (1/8~) b.„,sS, (86) 0=4~( —g) —i(B/()x )[(—g)&BZ*/8(BA /Bx )]
to Z~, where =4~( —g) '*(d/» ) {(—g)'(d~*/dS)

(—2*)—( —Z) = (1/8~') (e'/hc) h„;P I dxe *x ' X (2F&~/h . ~) y ( —g/2) (b . -~tip+/t)P)e~&7&F $}
cos[x (S+2iP) '*]+conj. — where the I's are considered to be expressed in terms of
X ix'P (x'5/3)+1 . (87) the A' s. Equations (90) and (91) define the theory of
cos[x (S—2iP) l) —conj. geons in Region II.

Here S represents the scalar, (E' —E')/h„, „is and P NEUTRINO-CONTAINING GEONS
represents the pseudoscalar, (E 8)/b. „;is. For small
field strengths,
There is little diGerence between the theory of a geon
built out of neutrinos, and one built out of electro-
—8&g*/h. „„a=St~-'(e'/hc) magnetic fields, apart from the fact that each neutrino
state will accommodate only one quantum of energy.
&({(5'+7P')/45+(26P'S+4S')/315+ }. (88) The general relativity version of Maxwell's equations
is replaced by the general relativity form of Dirac's
In general relativity the appropriate scalar and pseudo- equation" for an entity of zero rest mass. The stress-
scalar quantities are
energy tensor for Dirac particles of zero rest mass forms
'5= —-'F pg &g~'Il g
the source term in the gravitational field equations.
The equation GM/c'R~1 still connects mass and radius
b 'P= '( g)4»'F„sF -s. — (89) of the object. The modes of dissipation of energy are
still leakage through the refractive index barrier,
Here g represents the determinant of the g;I, . The quan- coupling through nonlinear eGects to waves that run
tities e»' do not form a tensor. They are defined freely to infinity, and various forms of fission. Conse-
instead by the statements that e"'4=I and that & quently there is little point to reformulating in terms
changes sign on the interchange of any two indices. To of neutrinos our discussion of the properties of electro-
correct for the effect of virtual pairs in geon theory we magnetic geons.
have only to replace 2/c=(1/16irc) F sF ~ in the One difference appears in the process of interpenetra-
variational principle (4) of general relativity by tion of two geons. When both are made of neutrinos,
g*/c, calculated as just defined. In taking the varia- the overlap of the active regions of the two objects will
tion of the integral, which includes the volume factor force a promotion of their constituent neutrinos to
(— g)-'*dx'dx'dx'dx', we regard as the quantities to be states of higher momentum and energy, in accordance
varied the 16 gravitational potentials g'~ and the with the Pauli principle. The uptake of energy implies
four electromagnetic potentials A, in F,s= (BAs/Bx') a strong eQ'ective repulsion compared with the forces

—(BA;/Bx"). The coefficient of 6g'" contains two parts, that would otherwise have been at work, as for example
of which one is the Einstein. analog, G;I,=E;I,—~g;j,E, in the collision of an electromagnetic geon and a neu-
of the d'Alembertian of the gravitational potential, and trino geon, or the impact of a neutrino geon on an anti-
"W. Heisenberg and H. Euler, Z. Physik 98, 714 (1936); see '~ See for example Marcel Riesz, "L'equation de Dirac en rela-
also V. 'Weisskopf, Kgl. Danske Videnskab. Selskab. , Mat. -fys. tivits generale" (to be published). I ain indebted to Professor Riess
Medd. I4, 6 (I936-7). for the opportunity to see this paper in advance of publication.
neutrino geon. Thus there is a certain interesting speci- is easily seen to diverge logarithmically,
ficity about the interaction of geons.
A second and fundamental difI'erence shows between
pure neutrino geons and pure electromagnetic geons
~(~ ~ 2g2/$2c6)2 ln2Pg~ /100 mc2) (95)
when one asks how small the object can be before unless one inserts for the indicated upper limit of in-
quantum effects come in. In the neutrino case quantum finity a finite upper limit, A~„»„, for which one so far
effects are of course in principle present right from the has no evidence. Similarly, the refractive index pre-
start, in the action of the Pauli exclusion principle. sented by a medium containing per unit volume m&
But no other quantum effects are evident, and one does neutrinos of circular frequency co& divers from unity,
not at first sight see any reason why one should not be according to (83), by the amount
able to follow the properties of neutrino geons down to
very small sizes, enormously less than the limit ~10" n (d'or) (g'/Ii'c') (firkror) ln(A4o„»„/100 mc'), (96)
cm placed on classical electromagnetic geons by the again a divergent expression.
onset of virtual pair phenomena. However, one at least In view of the divergence of the neutrino-neutrino
knows where the limit is in the electromagnetic case, interaction as evaluated from Fermi beta theory and
while in the neutrino case the critical limit could be the dispersion relation, we really have no basis to dis-
anywhere, as indicated by the following analysis. Just cuss neutrino geons at all, much less to set a lower limit
as the nonlinear phenomena of electromagnetic geons of masses at which the theory takes a new form, as in
commence when photon-photon collisions become im- the case of electromagnetic geons. Nevertheless, it is
portant, so neutrino-neutrino collisions represent a still of interest to see what we can say if we assume
potential critical mechanism to set a lower bound on the that the logarithm, instead. of diverging, has a value of
size, and an upper limit on the density, of those pure the order of 10' or less. In this case we can employ (96)
neutrino geons that are susceptible to simple analysis. to draw two conclusions. First, it will be beyond the
The penetrating power of a neutrino through ordinary scope of simple neutrino theory to analyze geons in
matter is so enormous" that it seems at first sight which the refractive index correction is of the order of
ridiculous to consider the collision of neutrino with unity, or the energy density exceeds
neutrinos. However, if the continuous spectrum of
electrons from p-meson decay is correctly interpreted firk4or Piaca/g2) [1/ln(54o„», „/100 mc') ]
in terms of the simultaneous emission of two neutrinos 1047 erg/cm'
(or a neutrino and an antineutrino) then it necessarily (10"g/cm') c'. (97)
follows that two neutrinos of the appropriate character
running towards each other with sufficiently high en- To yield such a density, neutrino states must be occu-
ergy, Pico&) (k4o2) &~ (207mc'/2)', will necessarily be pied up to momenta of the order p, or energies of the
capable of provoking the reaction 4+i~fr +e+; and order cp, where
from the Fermi type of beta-decay theory it follows
that the reaction cross section will vary at sufficiently
1042 erg/cm'~ (CP) 2 (42rP2dP/h') (98)
high energies as
0'~ (g /AC )4or402, (92) cp (Iiac2104' erg/cm') '
~1 erg~106 mc~. (99)
where the coupling constant is of the order
This energy is so great that it carries us beyond the
g 10 "erg cm'. domain of virtual p, e processes to real production- of
The existence of this absorption mechanism for high pairs of this kind. This circumstance leads to the
second conclusion, that the energy density of any geon
energies implies that even low-energy neutrinos can
which can be analyzed in terms of simple neutrino
produce virtual p, e pairs, which reannihilate and send
the neutrinos off into new directions. The cross section theory can at most be equal to the right-hand side of
for this neutrino-neutrino scattering process, evaluated (98), evaluated for a maximum neutrino energy, cp,
of the threshold value, 100 mc'.
in the forward direction by use of the dispersion
relation" energy density 22r(cp)4/krc2
=3 62X1024 erg/cm'
(d0'/d&2) forward = (4.02 X 10" g/cm') c', (100)
corresponding according to (96) to a refractive index
(402 /27r c) '
0'absa (Co2 ) (402 ro2 ) dro2 &
(94) correction of only one part in 10".This estimate impIies
a mass density considerably less than a typical estimate
See, for example, F. Reines and C. Cowan, Phys. Rev. 92,
for nuclear matter, 1.4)&10" g/cm'. It is conceivable
830 (1953}. that there is some limitation of which physics is not

aware that puts a bound to the density of pure neutrino I am kindly informed by Professor Eugene signer that
geons much smaller than (100). However, if real pro- the conceivable mechanisms for the combination of the
duction of p, e pairs sets the only limit, then it is possible spinors and momentum vectors of the neutrino and
in principle to treat in terms of existing theory objects antineutrino states to form in an invariant way the
built up solely out of neutrinos and gravitational vector magnitudes of the photon states are far from
forces down to a radius having been explored in a comprehensive way in the
literature, so that is not necessarily clear that the ob-
Z= &(m/Z) (3/4~) (4wZs/3m) j&
jections of Pryce will forever retain their force. Second,
P(cs/G)1. 69X 10" g/cm')]& recent studies of the decay of the p, meson" show that
= 2.83X10' cm the lifetime and the form of the electron spectrum" are
together consistent with a universal Fermi interaction
and mass of the kind met in beta decay only if the two neutrinos
M (c'/G)R = 3 82 X. 10"g. (101) are of opposite character. This result suggests, though
This lower limit for pure neutrino geons is less than the it does not prove, that p decay produces one neutrino
corresponding limit (10) for pure electromagnetic and one antineutrino. The consequences are the exist-
geons (10" cm, 10's g) by not more than a few powers ence of the v+v* — +p+e reaction at high energies, and
of ten. In one case the bound comes from the limiting v, v* scattering at low energies. In other words, a physical
electromagnetic field strength, or field energy density, background for the interaction of the neutrino theory
at which pairs of positive and negative electrons begin of light does not have to be postulated; it exists. Third,
to appear; in the other case, electron-mu-meson pairs. no 'such argument exists for an interaction between two
Mixed geons, energized by a combination of neu- neutrinos of the same character. Consequently it is
trinos and electromagnetic fields, will have properties conceivable that the theory of pure neutrino geons, or
similar to either kind of pure system, and hardly need pure antineutrino geons, can be carried without meet-
separate consideration here. However, the presence ing new physical effects to energy densities larger, and
of neutrinos and photons on an equal footing does sizes smaller, than the limits of (100) and (101).
raise again the question of the neutrino theory of In summary, if we assume the existence of a cutoB
in the Fermi interaction at high energies in Eqs. (95)
light, developed by Jordan, Kronig, and others, and
brought to a halt by the discovery of Pryce that the and (96), then the door is open to analyzing the proper-
theory in its then existing form did not possess proper ties of neutrino geons over an enormous range of sizes
relativistic invariance. '~ The theory assumes that there without going outside the scope of existing theory; but
exists between neutrinos a physical interaction, never below an uncertain critical limit of sizes interesting and
introduced explicitly and never discussed, such that a fundamental physical questions raise themselves.
photon is described by a pair consisting of one neutrino "I. ELECTRICITY, GAUSS' THEOREM, AND
and one antineutrino; or rather, by a quantum-mechan- GRAVITATIONAL FIELD FLUCTUATIONS
ical linear superposition of very many such pairs of
states. The description implies an unavoidable com- What of free electricity? Consistently to complete
plementarity, such that a statement of the occupation the scheme of classical physics we find no alternative but
numbers of the photon states, and a prescription of the to regard the geon as exemplar of the concept of body;
occupation numbers of the neutrino states, stand to but neither in this object nor in the divergence free
each other in a mutually exclusive relation. When only theory behind it is there any place for charge. All lines
neutrino states are occupied, the theory speaks of a of force continue without end. Let a sphere be drawn
pure neutrino field. When in addition a few antineutrino around the immediate neighborhood of a point. Then
states are filled, a mixture of light and neutrinos is said as many lines of force go in as out.
to be present. With equal numbers of neutrinos and In applying the theorem of Gauss we have tacitly
antineutrinos a pure photon field is considered to exist; assumed space to be simply connected. One knows,
and so on, up to the case of a pure antineutrino Geld. however, that the notion of Riemannian manifold by
Such a description would evidently subsume geons of itself places no such requirement upon the space-time
purely electromagnetic character, of purely neutrino continuum. One can consider a metric which on the
whole is nearly Qat except in two widely separated
type, and of mixed constitution, all into a unified class
of systems. regions, where a double-connectedness comes into
Regarding the status of the neutrino theory of light, evidence as symbolized in Fig. 7. The general diverg-
ence-free electromagnetic disturbance holding sway in
" P. JordanErgeb, . exakt. Naturwiss. 7, 158 (1928); Z. Physik, the space around one of these "tunnel mouths" will send
numerous papers ending with 105, 229 (1937); R. de L. Kronig, forth lines .of force into the surrounding space, and
several papers ending with Z. Physik 100, 569 (1936) and Physics
3, 1120 (1936); M. H. L. Pryce, Nature 141, 976 (1938). See also appear to have a charge. However, an equal number of
de Broglie, Heisenberg, and Kramers in . de Broglie, Physicierl, et lines of force must enter the region of disturbance from
Pensee (Editions Albin Michel, Paris, 1953). am indebted to
Professor Arthur Wightman for several discussions of the present L. Michel and A. S. Wightman, Phys. Rev. 93, 354 (1954).
status of Jordan's idea. 's J. Vilain and R. W. Williams, Phys. Rev. 92, 1586 (1953).

sum (102) not only may contain doubly and multiply

connected metrics; it must do so. General relativity,
quantized, leaves no escape from topological complexi-
ties of which Fig. 7 is only an oversimplified symbol.
In this sense the door is open for the existence of
charges in the quantum version of a theory that con-
tains no charges.
Little progress has so far been made in studying the
quantization of general relativity. "
(1) It is not yet
certain whether the method of summing over configura-
tions gives in the case of nonlinear theories results that
FIG. 7. Schematic representation of lines of force in a doubly- are identical to those derived from other methods of
connected space. In the upper continuum the lines of force behave quantization. (2) It is not certain that the action func-
much as if the tunnel mouths were the seats of equal and opposit~ tion of general relativity can be given a well-defined
meaning for those field configurations, classically un-
realizable, that make the factor ( — g)& in the action
the tunnel. Consequently the other mouth of the tunnel
function a pure imaginary. This square root recalls the
must manifest an equal and opposite charge. In such a
similar factor in relativistic electron theory, ( —dx„dxl') &,
doubly-connected space it is evidently a matter of
where likewise similar di%culties of interpretation arise
definition whether we say that divergence-free field
for nonclassical paths, and where the root has been
equations do or do not permit the existence of electric
replaced by Dirac's matrix expression, F„dx&, asso-
charge. It will be convenient to say yes if the width of
ciated with half-integral spins and Fermi-Dirac sta-
the tunnel is small compared to the separation of its
tistics. Thus, as of today we cannot exclude that
mouths. So far we have inquired only after the behavior
charges will show themselves naturally and inevitably
of the electromagnetic field in a metric assumed to be
in the spinor quantization of the only comprehensive
pre-existing. However, in classical relativity theory the
and divergence-free classical theory of fields that we
metric cannot be taken arbitrarily, but must be found
by solution of the gravitational field equations. No
investigation is known to have been made of the possi- 8. CONCLUSION
bility of a self-consistent solution that is double-
connected. Yet one would not be surprised to find that Taking seriously and following out the consequences
no reasonable choice of boundary conditions would of the forty year old theory of general relativity, we
permit such a classical solution. have been led to recognize the relative stability of
Let one pass from the classical theory defined by the certain types of electromagnetic 6eld disturbances held
action principle (4) to the corresponding quantum together by gravitational forces. These geons furnish
theory, either by the prescription of Feynman, " for the first time a completely classical, divergence-free,
self-consistent picture of the Newtonian concept of
exp[(i/h) (classical action for each body over the range of masses from 10"g to 10" g.
all conceiv- field history)], (102) Two such geons interacting at a distance large compared
able relevant
field histories to their characteristic dimensions behave as elementary
objects. However, when one geon is followed for a long
or by any other standard method. Then one is forced to time or is allowed to interact closely with another it
recognize the existence of Quctuations in all fields. Their undergoes interesting and characteristic transformation
magnitudes depend upon the size, I., of the space-cotime
regions under consideration, and are given under suit-
Classical geons are not objects for study in the
able conditions by formulas of the form DF (hc)&/L',
laboratory, nor is there any evident reason to believe
hA (hc)&/L; and 0 g (hG/c')'/L. So long as one deals
with distances large in comparison with (hG/c')' 10 " that geons of the classical range of sizes now exist in
nature, or ever did exist. Even were such large geons
cm, one can disregard for most purposes the Quctua-
once present, a sufhcient lapse of time would guarantee
tions in the metric, and consider space to be simply
connected. But in deriving Gauss' theorem one is the decay of all but extraordinarily stable ones to a mass
below the limit where these systems are capable of
driven to consider an integral over the whole of the
classical analysis.
region in question, including regions of the very smallest
On entry into the quantum domain of sizes, electro-
spatial extension. Here the inevitable Auctuations force
magnetic geons build up field strengths strong enough
on space time a most complicated structure. Because it
is the essence of quantum mechanics that all field
to produce pairs of electrons. At not very diAerent sizes
histories contribute to the probability amplitude, the 2'I am indebted to Professor James Anderson and Professor
Peter Bergmann for instructive discussions of the literature of this
~ R. P. Feynman, Phys. Rev. 76, 769 (1949). problem.

neutrino geons commence to give birth to p meson- physics by providing for the first time an acceptable
electron pairs. Consequently the projection of geon classical theory of the concept of body.
theory to objects of dimensions less than 10" cm to One's interest in following geon theory down into
10' cm requires the analysis of new phenomena. the quantum domain will depend upon one's considered
In conclusion, the geon makes only this visible con- view of the relation between very small geons and
tribution to science: it completes the scheme of classical elementary particles.


Angular Momentum of a Real Field

R. H. DicKK
Palmer Physica/ I
aboratory, Prirlceton University, PrAscetorI„Sew Jersey
'Received May 11, 1954; revised manuscript received October 7, 1954)

It is paradoxical that a Geld oscillating in a mode which on grounds of symmetry contains no angular
momentum should carry angular momentum when quantized. This angular momentum is shown to result
from zero-point oscillations in other modes. The operator for the square of the angular momentum of the
6eld is discussed.

'HE angular momentum of a second quantized turn of 6h' rather than zero? The usual answer which
real field has been discussed a number of times in one encounters is that this result of /= 2 for the quantum
the past in connection with liquid drop oscillation' and number of squared angular momentum of the excited
multipole expansions of the electromagnetic held. ' mode follows in an elementary way from the fact that
These articles discuss the s component of the angular the excited mode is described by a spherical wave with
momentum in a satisfactory fashion but the discussion that index. This, however, is not in accord with the
. of the square of the angular momentum seems to have facts. In classical field theory the square of the angular
been first carried out in a proper way only recently. ' momentum is given by the square of the nz index of the
It would hardly seem necessary to raise again the spherical mode which is excited. It might be expected
question of the angular momentum of a second quan- that after the inclusion of quantum Auctuation eGects
tized held, but there seems to be considerable confusion the angular momentum of the field for a one particle
in the literature as regards to the square of the angular state would be ssr(m+1)5'. However, in second quanti-
momentum. Also in at least three of these references' zation for a one-particle state it becomes a function of
there are remarks which are not quite correct. The fact the / index rather than the m index for reasons which
that there is a good deal of evidence that this old but are quite subtle. The easiest way to get the correct
important question is still not properly understood result is to remember that an alternative description of
has convinced the author that someone should write the quantized field is a first quantized many-particle
still another note on this subject even if it does not system where for one particle the square of the angular
contain very much that is new. momentum is, of course, given by the 1 index of the
In order to illustrate the type of question that we P Geld. However, in Geld theory the problem is much
wish to consider, we discuss first a liquid drop oscillating less transparent.
in a surface mode given by the spherical harmonic I= 2, To come back again to the example given above, the
m=0, namely an oscillation back and forth between symmetry arguments (reflections in x, y, and s planes)
prolate arrd oblate spheroidal shapes. It is obvious from which show that classically there should be zero angular
symmetry arguments that such a mode of oscillation momentum associated with this mode, somehow be-
should carry no angular momentum. How then in come invalid when the system is described in quantum-
second quantization for a one-quantum state of this mechanical language. Since each of the normal modes
mode, does one expect to get a squared angular momen- of oscillation constitutes a separate dynamical system
quite independent of the others, it is clear that their
r M. Fier» Helv. Phys. Acta 16, 365 (1943).
r symmetry properties exist independent of their level
W. Heitler, Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 32, 112 (1936);
W. Heitler, QNaecara Theory of Radiatiorc (University Press, of oscillation or of possible zero-point fluctuations in
Oxford, 1949); J. B. Blatt and V. 6'eisskopf, Theoretical Nuclear other modes, and that the angular momentum of this
Physics (John Wiley and Sons, Inc. , New York, 1952); B. Stech,
Z. Naturforsch. 7a, 401 (1952); R. G. Sachs and J. G. Brennan, mode should, in fact, be zero. If this seems parodoxical,
Phys. Rev. 88, 825 (1952). it is, in part, because of a confusion in terminology.
' C. M. DeWitt and J. H. D. Jensen, Naturforsch. 8a, 267 For a classical field it is possible to speak of the angular
(1953). It is proposed to consider here questions not covered in
this reference. momentum of a normal mode of oscillation in an

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