Xu 2014
Xu 2014
Xu 2014
art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Based on the elasticity theory and finite element method, this paper aims to explore the failure incidence
Received 4 April 2012 of resistance spot welding in dual-phase lap-shear specimens. The stress function approach is adopted to
Received in revised form derive an analytical solution to a lap-shear specimen containing a spot weld nugget subjected to the
14 October 2013
uniformly distributed loading condition, which provides a means to exploring the stress distributions
Accepted 15 November 2013
near the spot weld nugget. The normalized effective stress obtained indicates that the initial yielding
Available online 21 November 2013
failures likely occur at four specific angles of 38.021, 141.981, 218.021, and 321.981 along the spot weld
Keywords: nugget in the lap-shear plate. In addition, the contours of normalized stress are also plotted in the polar
Spot welds system to understand the surrounding stress distributions, which reveals that the locations of the
Airy stress function
maximum and minimum values of normalized radial, hoop, and shear stresses are located at angles 01/
Finite element analysis
1801 and 901/2701, 901/2701 and 01/1801, 1351/3151 and 451/2251, respectively, as the normalized radial
Advanced high strength steel (AHSS)
Plastic deformation distance r/a goes to infinity. The elasto-plastic finite element analysis (FEA) is also conducted to analyze
Failure mechanism the initial necking or thinning phenomenon. It is found that the angular locations of the maximum
equivalent plastic strain or initial necking failure points are located at four angular intervals for the
advanced high strength steel (AHSS) plate with a spot weld nugget. The derived stress distributions allow
predicting failure behavior and evaluating damage evolution on many engineering structures jointed
with spot welds.
& 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction is higher, and the interfacial failure usually carries lower mechan-
ical loading and absorbs less energy than the nugget pullout
Resistance spot welding is considered one of main joint failure [2]. Since the spot weld may generate an inherent crack
techniques that have been extensively used in the automotive along the weld nugget, it is of a critical importance to the study on
industry with typically each vehicle containing several thousand failure modes.
spot welds. With rapidly increased requirements in lightweight, There have been some studies on the stress distributions
many automotive companies have widely been utilizing various around a spot weld recently [3–6]. However, reliable evaluation
advanced materials, such as aluminum alloy and advanced high of fatigue life remains challenging mainly because the stress field
strength steel (AHSS), to stamp into final products such as close to the spot region is rather complex due to the notch effect
automotive body panels and other major structural frames. AHSSs, along with the edge of the spot weld [7]. In addition, these spot
as one class of promising engineering materials used in car body welds are often subjected to multiaxial loading. As a result, various
structures, have drawn increasing attention recently, which allow types of specimens such as U-tensile specimens, cross-tension
reducing structural weight but enhancing the performance under specimens, lap shear specimens and coach peel specimens have
operational and crashing conditions. Nevertheless, challenge been used to determine the strengths and fatigue lives of spot
remains in integration of AHSS into automotive structure through welds under different loading conditions [8–10]. As one of most
quality welds. Indeed, the weldability of AHSS signifies a critical typical joint structures the lap-shear specimens have been com-
issue in vehicle production. To make better use of such advanced monly used to examine the fatigue life, failure mechanism, impact
materials as dual-phase steels for welding process, it is important and static strengths of spot welds [5,11–20]. In this joint scenario
to characterize and quantify their spot welding behaviors properly the tension and shear represent the critical loading conditions. The
[1]. In practical automobile applications, the nugget pullout is a fatigue strength of such joints has been analyzed and measured on
preferable failure test approach because the load-carrying capacity a basis of peak stresses at the weld root of the joint [21–23].
Note that stress distribution near the spot welds is crucial to
evaluate the fatigue strength of such joints. Note that although the
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ 86 731 8882 1717; fax: þ 86 731 8882 2051. plastic stress/strain around the nugget plays a more direct role on
E-mail address: gyli@hnu.edu.cn (G. Li). the failure model and mechanism of spot welds, it is very difficult
0020-7403/$ - see front matter & 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F. Xu et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 78 (2014) 154–166 155
to derive the analytical elasto-plastic solutions to the stresses and coordinate system to understand the locations of the maximum
strains in the lap-shear specimens based on the elasto-plasticity and minimum values of the normalized radial, hoop and shear
theory [6,24,25]. On contrast, elasticity-based analytical solution is stress. Nevertheless, these elastic analytical solutions only provide
still deemed fairly effective to gain preliminary insights into the some preliminary understanding of the stress and strain status
stress and strain distributions near the spot weld. For example, near the spot weld. In order to explore the failure mechanism due
Zhang [9,26] obtained the approximate elastic solutions to the to the resistance spot welds, an elasto-plastic finite element
nominal stress fields near the weld nuggets that were considered analysis is also conducted here for the spot weld nugget welded
as the rigid inclusions in the infinite plates under general loading by two different advanced high strength steels (AHSSs) (DP600
conditions. The analytical solutions of stress with rigid inclusions and DP980). In the elasto-plastic FEA, the lap-shear specimen is
in the plates under shear, bending and opening loading conditions subjected to uniformly distributed loading. The angular locations
were also derived by Muskhelishvili and Radok [27] and of the maximum equivalent plastic strain or initial necking failure
Timoshenko et al. [28]. In addition, a number of researchers also points are determined to understand the development of plastic
examined the stresses and strains near the nugget and their flow. Thus, the derived equivalent von Mises stress and plastic
relations to failure modes based on the elasticity theory. For strain solutions allow us to predict failure behavior and damage
example, Kan [12] showed that initial yielding occurs on in the evolution in some AHSS structures jointed by spot welds.
middle of the nugget circumference around the spot weld in a
lap-shear specimen by simplifying the problem to a 2D sheet
subjected to a uniformly distributed shear force. However, the
obtained results were mainly based on the assumption of the 2. Analytical solutions
uniform shear stress distributions along with the weld nugget.
Salvini et al. [7,24] proposed a simplified spot weld model and 2.1. Two dimensional analytical model
obtained an analytical solution based on the elasticity theory, in
which the weld nugget was also considered as a rigid inclusion in To derive an analytical solution, a simplified two dimensional
a finite plate subjected to shear, bending and orthogonal loading (2D) model with a spot weld joint subjected to a uniformly
conditions. They attempted to evaluate the local stiffness and distributed load is presented in Fig. 1. Similar configuration of the
stress of spot joints by introducing the new criteria for predicting lap-shear specimen has also been adopted by other researchers
fatigue behavior and damage evolution in some special mechan- [5,11,41]. In the figure, the doublers that play a role on supporting
ical structures joined in different spot welds [29]. pieces are used to align the applied load, thereby avoiding the initial
In addition to the analytical solution, some other approaches have realignment of the specimen under lap-shear loading conditions. The
also been adopted to the understanding of mechanical behaviors shaded cylinder represents a rigid inclusion of diameter 2a that can
of spot welds. Some researchers investigated the failure mecha- be considered as an approximation to the spot weld in a lap-shear
nism under shear-tension condition by using experimental methods specimen. According to the superposition principle in elastic theory,
[30–35]. Besides, the numerical methods were also widely adopted the load applied to the lap-shear specimen can be decomposed into
to study the plastic strains/stresses or failure of the weld joints under four loading components, namely counter bending, central bending,
shear-tension or impact conditions [36,37]. A simplified model of a shear, and tension, respectively. As a primary load in the lap-shear
lap-shear specimen was presented and a 2D elasto-plastic finite specimens, the shear tension is considered in this study and the 2D
element (FE) analysis based on the cyclic stress–strain curves was analytical model is illustrated in Fig. 2.
used to obtain the local strain distribution for characterizing the
fatigue failure mode [12]. Satoh et al. [38] and Deng et al. [39]
developed the 3D elastic and elasto-plastic FE solution to the stress Doubler
and strain near spot welds in the lap-shear specimens, thereby
exploring the mechanical behavior of spot welds, in which the
former [38] indentified the fatigue crack initiation sites under high- q
cyclic and low-cyclic fatigue loading conditions, while the latter [39] Spot weld nugget
understood the effects of the nugget size and sheet thickness on the t
interfacial and pull out failure modes. Lin et al. [11] not only obtained Doubler
the analytical stress solutions for an infinite plate containing a rigid Fig. 1. A schematic plot of a lap-shear specimen subjected to a uniformly distributed
inclusion, but also suggested that the location of the initial necking load q and the spot weld nugget is idealized as a circular cylindrical weld nugget.
failure should occur near the middle of the nugget circumference in
the sheet based on the elasto-plastic finite element analysis. And the
failure of the sheet was determined by the forming limit diagram
(FLD) which has been widely adopted in the sheet metal forming
the infinite plate
engineering. Recently, Asim et al. [40] conducted an experimental
study on the failure mechanism and strength of laser welds in lap-
shear specimens of high strength alloy steel. They pointed out that
the laser welds failed in a ductile necking/shearing mode that was y
Spot weld nugget
initiated at a distance away from the crack tip near the boundary of r=b
the base metal and heat affected zone.
In this paper, an analytical solution will be derived to explore q θ
x q
the stress distributions near the spot weld nugget in a lap-shear
specimen subjected to a uniformly distributed load. Based on the 2a
analytical solutions from the stress function approach in the
elasticity theory, the locations of the initial yielding are estimated
from the angular and radial distributions of the normalized
effective stress near the nugget in the lap-shear specimen. Fig. 2. A 2D analytical model of a rigid inclusion of radius a in an infinite plate
Furthermore, the obtained stress contours are plotted in the polar subjected to a uniformly distributed load q.
156 F. Xu et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 78 (2014) 154–166
From Fig. 2, the rigid inclusion represents the spot weld nugget Thus, the compatibility equation turns into the following form
and the infinite plate represents the upper sheet of a large lap- in terms of φðr; θÞ,
shear specimen. In the present investigation, a polar coordinate 2 2
∂ 1 ∂ 1 ∂2 ∂ φ 1 ∂φ 1 ∂2 φ
system is considered with the origins from the center of rigid þ þ 2 2 þ þ 2 2 ¼0 ð4Þ
∂r 2 r ∂r r ∂θ ∂r 2 r ∂r r ∂θ
As such, the system is represented by a single fourth order
differential equation as Eq. (4). Further, the strain–displacement
2.2. Basic formulation with respect to a polar coordinate system relation can be expressed as follows
Fig. 3 shows a top view of an infinitesimal element ABCD from εrr ¼ ∂u∂rrr
the plate with associated radial stress srr , shear stress srθ , hoop urr 1 ∂uθθ
εθθ ¼ þ
stress sθθ , and body forces f rr ; f θθ in the polar system. The r r ∂θ
equilibrium equation is formulated as, 1 ∂urr ∂uθθ uθθ
εrθ ¼ þ ð5Þ
∂srr r ∂θ ∂r r
∂r þ r
∂s∂θrθ þ srr r sθθ þ f r ¼ 0
In the plane stress condition, the strain components, according
1 ∂sθθ ∂srθ 2srθ to Kirchhoff and Love theory [42], can be also obtained from the
þ þ þf θ ¼ 0 ð1Þ
r ∂θ ∂r r Hooke's law as follows,
εrr ¼ 1Eðsrr υsθθ Þ
The compatibility condition is given as,
2 εθθ ¼ ðsθθ υsrr Þ
∂ 1 ∂ 1 ∂2 E
þ þ ðsrr þ sθθ Þ ¼ 0 ð2Þ 1 2ð1 þ υÞ
∂r 2 r ∂r r 2 ∂θ2 εrθ ¼ srθ ¼ srθ ð6Þ
∂r þ r 2 ∂θ2
The Airy stress function approach allows us to solve the elastic
∂2 φ boundary value problem. Unfortunately, it is relatively difficult to
sθθ ¼ 2
∂r directly obtain the Airy stress function when considering a rigid
∂ 1 ∂φ inclusion in an infinite plate. For this reason, the 2D analytical model
srθ ¼ ð3Þ can be separated into two simplified models based on the super-
∂r r ∂θ
position principle: an axisymmetric model and a symmetric model,
whose Airy stress functions could be readily determined, as illustrated
in Fig. 4. From the figure, the axisymmetric model is subjected to
uniform tension q/2 along with all four edges (Fig. 4(b)). Another
singly symmetric model is subjected to uniform tension q/2 in the left
and right edges, and uniformly compression q/2 in the upper and low
side edges (Fig. 4(c)). For the convenience, the boundaries of these
two models are named as mechanical boundary condition (I) and
mechanical boundary condition (II), respectively. The total solutions
∂ will be obtained by adding up these separate results.
q q
2 2
y y y
r=b r=b
q q q
q =q
θ θ + θ
q x x 2 2 x 2
2a 2a 2a
(I) (II)
q q
2 2
Fig. 4. The schematic of the superposition principle; (a) the original 2D model, (b) the first simplified model (mechanical boundary condition (I)), (c) the second simplified
model (mechanical boundary condition (II)).
F. Xu et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 78 (2014) 154–166 157
urr ðr; θ þ 2πÞ urr ðr; θÞ ¼ 0 Finally, the total stress solutions to a lap-shear specimen under
: ð9Þ
uθθ ðr; θ þ2πÞ uθθ ðr; θÞ ¼ 0 uniformly distributed load q can be obtained by adding Eqs. (11)
and (16) as per the superposition principle.
Thus, the Airy stress function can be obtained from the boundary
conditions (Eqs. (7)–(9)) and strain and stress relationship (Eqs. (5) and srr ¼ s1rr þ s2rr
(6)), as q 1 þ υ 1 υa 2 4ð1 þ υÞa 2 3ð1 þ υÞa 4
¼ þ þ 1þ cos 2θ
1 ð1 þ υÞq 2 2 2 2 r 3υ r 3υ r
φ1 ¼ ð1 υÞa2 qInr þ r þD1 ð10Þ
4 8 sθθ ¼ s1θθ þ s2θθ
q 1 þ υ 1 υ a 2 3ð1 þ υÞa 4
r a change gradually from the normalized radial distance r/a¼ 1.34 to
o the edges of the spot weld nugget, and finally to the infinity as the
angle further increases.
The contours of the normalized stresses are also plotted in the
polar coordinate system as in Fig. 7, in which the distributions of
the normalized radial stress s^ rr (Fig. 7(a)), hoop stress s^ θθ (Fig. 7(b))
Fig. 5. The trend of the locations of the initial yielding failure along the different and shear stress s^ rθ (Fig. 7(c)) are quite similar. For the normalized
normalized radial distances r/a (note that the figure illustrates the location change
radial stress s^ rr (Fig. 7(a)), the maximum and minimum values
and is not scaled).
locate at the angles of θ ¼01, 1801 and θ ¼ 901, 2701, respectively, as
the normalized radial distance r/a goes to infinity. For the normal-
ized hoop stress s^ θθ (Fig. 7(b)), the locations of the maximum and
minimum values are opposite to the normalized counterparts,
occurring at the angles of θ ¼ 901, 2701 and θ ¼01, 1801, respec-
tively, as the normalized radial distance r/a goes to infinity. For the
normalized shear stress s^ rθ (Fig. 7(c)), the locations of the max-
imum and minimum values are different from those of s^ rr and s^ θθ ,
appearing at the angles of θ ¼ 1351, 3151 and θ ¼451, 2251,
respectively, as the normalized radial distance r/a goes to infinity.
The stress distribution of the normalized effective stress s^ e (Fig. 7(d))
is somewhat different from those three stress components, which
appears considerably complicated near the weld nugget but
approaches to a constant (around 1.8) as the normalized radial
distance r/a goes to infinity regardless of the angles.
o r a
r a
3. Elasto-plastic analysis by finite element method
Fig. 6. The location change of the initial yielding near the rigid spot weld
nugget along the different normalized radial distance r/a at several special angles The analytical stress solutions can be used to outline the pre-
(only a quarter of the spot weld nugget is shown herein). liminary stress distributions and initial failure locations. However, the
Fig. 7. Schematic plots of the normalized stresses in the polar coordinate system; (a) the normalized radial stress s^ rr , (b) the normalized hoop stress s^ θθ , (c) the normalized
shear stress s^ rθ , (d) the normalized effective stress s^ e .
F. Xu et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 78 (2014) 154–166 159
elastic solutions may not provide sufficient information to under- solutions as presented above. Then, the elasto-plastic FEA follows
stand the failure process of lap-shear under ramped loading [11]. to explore the development of plastic flow near the spot weld
For this reason, a plane stress elastic finite element analysis (FEA) is nugget in the lap-shear specimens.
conducted to validate the numerical solution to the analytical elastic
3.1. Determination of the mechanical properties of base materials
Fig. 10. Comparing of failure locations of the base materials; (a) DP980 before tensile test, (b) Deformed DP980 after tensile test, (c) DP600 before tensile test, (d) Deformed
DP600 after tensile test.
160 F. Xu et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 78 (2014) 154–166
Fig. 11. A plane stress finite element model subjected to a uniformly distributed
Table 2
tensile load q along the left and right edges.
The critically distributed loads of the yielding and necking for these two material
specimens based on the analytical elastic solutions.
3.2. Elastic analysis near the spot weld nugget by finite element Base material specimens sy /MPa sb /MPa qya/(N/mm2) qnb/(N/mm2)
DP600 base material 376.400 611.946 272.06 442.30
DP980 base material 663.625 953.099 479.66 688.88
To simulate the mechanical problem shown in Fig. 4(a),
commercial FEA program ABAQUS 6.10-1 was used. As pointed a
Represents the uniformly distributed loads of the yielding failure.
out by Lin et al. [11], the ratio of the plate width to the spot weld b
Represents the uniformly distributed loads of the necking failure.
nugget diameter should be at least more than 20 as per the St
Venant principle. In this study, the plate width and nugget radius
are taken as 128 mm and 3.2 mm, respectively. In order to explore
the elastic stress distributions near the spot weld nugget by FEA,
eight-node quadrilateral elements (plane stress elements: CPS8R)
which is a quadratic 2D element with 2 DOFs per node are
adopted. The finite element model for a spot weld nugget in a
plate under the uniformly distributed load q is thus shown in
Fig. 11. There are 169 elements in the region of spot weld nugget
after a convergence test. The spot weld nugget is tightly connected
to the plate along the nugget circumference and the uniformly
distributed tensile load q is applied in the left and right edges for
the plates and stretched in the both directions. The upper and
lower edges of the lap-shear specimen are set as a traction-free.
Based on the analytical solutions shown in Fig. 5 and Fig. 7(d),
the initial yielding along the rigid spot weld nugget (i.e. at the
normalized radial distance r/a ¼1) locates at the four special
angles (θ ¼38.021, 141.981, 218.021, 321.981), respectively. So if
the normalized radial distance r/a and the angle are taken as 1 and
38.021, for instance, the normalized effective stress se can be
calculated from Eqs. (17) and (18) as follows.
Fig. 12. Comparisons of the elastic FEA and the elastic analytical solutions under
se ¼ 1:3835q ð20Þ the uniformly distributed load of q ¼100 N/mm2.
F. Xu et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 78 (2014) 154–166 161
Fig. 13. (a) Distributions of the elastic von Mises stress of the plate subjected to the uniformly distributed loading along the left and right edges, (b) Enlarged distributions of
the elastic von Mises stress near the spot weld nugget.
Fig. 14. Contours of the equivalent von Mises stress under different distributed loads q (for DP600 base material); (a) q ¼272.06 N/mm2, (b) q ¼322.06 N/mm2, (c)
q¼ 372.06 N/mm2, (d) q¼ 422.06 N/mm2, (e) q¼ 472.06 N/mm2.
F. Xu et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 78 (2014) 154–166 163
Fig. 15. The angular distributions of the equivalent von Mises stress along the spot weld nugget with respect to the distributed load q (DP600); (a) and (b) at the first and
second integration point respectively.
Fig. 16. Contours of the equivalent plastic strain with increase of distributed load q with intervals of 50 N/mm2 (DP600).
164 F. Xu et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 78 (2014) 154–166
Fig. 17 plots the distributions of the strains (radial εrr , hoop εθθ , special angular intervals as the uniformly distributed load q increases.
and shear εrθ ), the major principal strain ε1 and the minor The schematic of the change zones of the maximum equivalent plastic
principal strain ε2 for DP600 under distributed load q ¼472.06 N/ strain points around the spot weld nugget of DP600 and DP980
mm2. In Fig. 17(a), the maximum radial strain εrr is about 0.025 materials are illustrated in Fig. 20(a) and (b), respectively. It can be
and located at the four special angles of θ ¼301, 1501, 3101, 3301. seen that the four necking or thinning failure zones are determined in
The maximum shear strain (εrθ ¼0.06) appears at other four each quadrant (Fig. 18) and the locations are fairly similar for both the
special angles fairly close to the values derived from the analytical base materials.
elastic solutions (θ ¼38.021, 141.981, 218.021, 321.981). In Fig. 17(b), In fact, the results generated from this study are of general
the major principal strain ε1 is presented and the curve has four implication to the different high strength steels. So it can be
peak strains at the middle of each quarter of the inclusion (i.e. speculated that the angular locations of the maximum equivalent
θ ¼451, 1351, 2251, 3151), where the minor principal strain ε2 plastic strain points or initial necking failure points locate at the
reaches its minimum value ( 0.025). Note that along the spot four angular intervals i.e. [19.591, 45.001], [131.341, 158.571],
weld nugget, the major principal strain ε1 is either positive or zero [199.291, 225.001], [318.861, 338.571], respectively. Such derived
whereas the minor principal strain ε2 is either negative or zero. In angular intervals could provide an effective reference to the analysis of
addition, the major principal strain ε1 is zero at the intervals of some other engineering structures connected in spot welds.
θ A [751, 1051] and [2551, 3051], in which the minor principal strain
ε2 reaches its maximum (zero too).
Based on the stress and strain distributions obtained, some 4. Conclusion
evident patterns can be observed around the spot weld. In order to
explore the angular locations of the maximum equivalent plastic In this paper, the failure onsets of resistance spot welding in
strain, the circle representing the spot weld nugget can be divided lap-shear specimens for advanced high strength steels (AHSS)
into four distinguishing zones for elasto-plastic analysis as shown (specifically, DP600 and DP980 base materials respectively) were
in Fig. 18. Fig. 19 plots the angular location against the distributed studied based on analytical elastic and elasto-plastic finite element
load q for the maximum equivalent plastic strain in these different analysis. The analytical solutions to a lap-shear specimen with a
zones. When load q is relatively low (e.g. 272.06 N/mm2 rqr spot weld nugget subjected to the uniformly distributed loading
372.06 N/mm2), the angular locations of the maximum equivalent condition were derived. The angular distributions of the normal-
plastic strains vary. However, when load q reaches or exceeds ized effective stress indicate that the yielding can initiate from four
372.06 N/mm2, the angular locations of the maximum equivalent special angles of 38.021, 141.981, 218.021 and 321.981. The contours
plastic strain remain unchanged as predicted from the analytical elastic of the normalized stress were plotted in the polar coordinate
solutions (i.e. θ ¼38.021, 141.981, 218.021, 321.981). Tables 3 and 4 system, which indicate the locations of the maximum and mini-
summarize all these results. mum values of the normalized radial, hoop, and shear stresses at
The bold characters in Tables 3 and 4 represent the minimum
and maximum angular locations in different zones. The shift of
angular locations of the maximum equivalent plastic strain εpl θ = 90°
appears different from the literature [11]. The main reason leading
zone2 zone1
to the discrepancy is that (1) the uniform tensile-shear load q was
applied to both the edges of the lap-shear specimen and (2) the
elasto-plastic power-law behavior was adopted here. Based on the
θ = 180° θ = 0°
results from [11], the maximum equivalent plastic strain εpl occurs o x
initially on the two side edges of the spot weld nugget (θ ¼ 01,
1801), and the angular locations shift to θ ¼451, 1351, 2251, 3151
zone3 zone4
when the imposed load increases, and at last, the locations occur
on the top and bottom of the spot weld nugget (θ ¼901, 2701). It is θ = 270°
noted that there is no such obvious shift in our study and the angular
locations of the maximum equivalent plastic strain εpl occur in some Fig. 18. Schematic of different zones for elastoplastic finite element analysis.
Fig. 17. Strains distributions vs the angles (DP600 and q ¼472.06 N/mm2); (a) the radial strain εrr , the hoop strain εθθ and the shear strain εrθ , (b) the major principal strain ε1
and the minor principal strain ε2 .
F. Xu et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 78 (2014) 154–166 165
Fig. 19. The maximum equivalent plastic strain vs angular location as per distributed load q at two different integration points (DP600 material).
Table 3
The maximum equivalent plastic strain εpl around the spot weld nugget and their corresponding angular locations θ for DP600 base
IP represents the different Gaussian integration points.
The maximum equivalent plastic strains in four individual different zones which are shown in Fig. 17.
Angular locations of the maximum equivalent plastic strains in corresponding different zones.
Table 4
The maximum equivalent plastic strain εpl around the spot weld nugget and their corresponding angular locations θ for DP980 base
q/(N/mm2) IP εpl
max Angle θ/o
1 0.00083/0.00027/0.00083/0.00027 32.14/156.43/212.14/336.43
2 0.00027/0.00083/0.00027/0.00083 21.42/145.71/201.43/325.71
1 0.00300/0.00231/0.00300/0.00231 36.43/132.86/216.43/312.86
2 0.00187/0.00300/0.00187/0.00300 27.86/141.43/207.86/321.43
1 0.00484/0.00426/0.00484/0.00426 38.57/132.86/218.57/312.86
2 0.00426/0.00484/0.00426/0.00484 45.00/141.43/225.00/321.43
1 0.00634/0.00587/0.00634/0.00587 38.57/132.86/218.57/312.86
2 0.00587/0.00634/0.00587/0.00634 45.00/139.29/225.00/319.29
1 0.00750/0.00696/0.00750/0.00696 38.57/132.86/218.57/312.86
2 0.00696/0.00750/0.00696/0.00750 45.00/139.29/225.00/319.29
1 0.01332/0.01181/0.01332/0.01181 36.43/132.86/216.43/312.86
2 0.01181/0.01332/0.01181/0.01332 45.00/141.43/225.00/321.43
the angles of 01/1801 and 901/2701, 901/2701 and 01/1801, 1351/3151 match to the analytical results fairly well. From the maximum
and 451/2251, respectively, as the normalized radial distance r/a equivalent plastic strain εpl , it was found that the maximum equivalent
goes to infinity. The detailed stress distributions along the spot plastic strain points or initial necking failure points locate at the four
weld nugget can be useful for determining the stress intensity angular intervals. The stress and strain distributions can help under-
factor and analyzing the fatigue failure. stand the failure behavior and damage evolution near spot weld
The elasto-plastic finite element analyses were also conducted to nugget for fatigue and fracture failure analyses. The obtained four
explore the necking or thinning initiation. It was found that the failure intervals provide effective references for the analyses of
angular locations of simulated peak von Mises stress and plastic strain some other AHSS engineering structures joined in spot welds.
166 F. Xu et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 78 (2014) 154–166
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