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Case Study Angelique 171030102514

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Case Study

Djibi Electric Substation: Ivory Coast

Every project has unique n February 2014, Angelique The contract was won on
International Ltd clinched a international competitive bidding
challenges and when it comes Euro 10.5-million contract to with Angelique International getting
to an activity like power T&D, build the Djibi substation in Ivory the better of several contenders from
the impediments can often Coast, a West African nation that China, Spain, Germany, France,
is known to be the largest cocoa Portugal, etc. Rattan Lal Labroo,
be frustrating and daunting. producer in the world. Signed with Joint President – Power Group,
Surmounting hurdles and the country’s Ministry of Energy, Angelique International Ltd, told
Water & Petrol, and financed by T&D India that the contract was
commissioning a project within
the West African Development fraught with challenges, starting
the time and cost budget is Bank, the contract placed by CI- right from the nature of the soil
the aspiration of every project Energies involved setting up a new on which the substation was to be
225kV substation equipped with erected. There was also a change in
implementation agency. Every 4x50MVA power transformers, line project scope, well after much time
challenging project successfully bays interconnecting the existing and manpower was spent during the
commissioned not only enriches Riviera and Abobo substations, and designing stage.
a set of 15kV outgoing feeders to The terrain of the project site
all project stakeholders but energize the adjoining residential was highly uneven with a level-
also creates new industry and commercial areas. Notably, the difference even reaching even up
project also involved setting up a to 4m at some points. As blasting
benchmarks. In this case study,
full-fledged SCADA (supervisory is not allowed in Ivory Coast, site
we take a look at how Angelique control and data acquisition) system leveling was tedious. Adding to the
International Ltd commissioned for remotely controlling substation difficulties was the hard soil strata.
equipment. Heavy rainfall, during April-July
a 225kV substation in Ivory
Coast despite all odds, and how,
empowered by the success of
this project, this rapidly-growing
West African nation has become
Angelique’s geography of keen

T&D India 32 July 2017

Focus: Power T&D Contracting
Case Study

and October in 2014 and 2015 that voltage level was dropped
compounded the problems. “Around from the project scope. Angelique
18,000 cubic metres of soil had to International had by then spent
be transported across a distance of much time and manpower on the
nearly 70 km,” Labroo recalled. This original substation design. However,
involved some 2,000 truck trips. The it could catch up with the schedule,
approach road to the project site, thanks to the modular design
which was around 5km, was muddy approach, explained Labroo.
and this had a debilitating impact Movement of equipment: A key
on the movement of man, machine challenge, as Labroo reminisced,
and material, especially in the rainy was the movement of heavy
season. and over-dimensional project
What also came to Angelique’s equipment from India to Ivory
aid was the company’s prior Coast. To maintain high quality,
experience in Ivory Coast. When Angelique International sourced
the Djibi substation contract was best equipment from India in line
awarded, Angelique had already with international standards. It
completed the Ferke substation may be mentioned that Ivory Coast
extension and the associated Ferke- does not as yet have manufacturing
Zegoua transmission line, and was capability in the field of heavy
in the midst of building a 90/16.5kV electrical equipment like power
substation at Anoumabo. transformers. Angelique sourced
Change of design: When the power transformers from the
contract was signed, the substation Mandideep works of CG Power &
was to have three voltage levels, Industrial Solutions Ltd (formerly
namely 225/90/16.5kV. However, Crompton Greaves Ltd) in Madhya
due to non-availability of access Pradesh. ABB India supplied circuit
route for a 90kV transmission line, breakers, capacitor banks, isolators,

T&D India 33 July 2017

Focus: Power T&D Contracting
Case Study
Rattan Lal Labroo explained that
the entire technical and supervision
team, representing the skilled force,
came from Angelique International’s
workforce in India. However,
temporary unskilled manpower was
sourced from Ivory Coast, and was
deployed largely for jobs like site
leveling. Angelique’s experience in
dealing with the staff of the client
CI-Energies was a pleasant one. “We
found the officials to be dedicated,
helpful and focused,” observed
Positive impact: When the Djibi
substation was commissioned in
switchgear, SCADA There were comparable October 2016, a new township in
systems, etc. challenges even when it Djibi including a multispecialty
The project suffered a came to project equipment hospital in the neighbourhood was
setback when it came to other than transformers, energized. The substation command
shipment of transformers. which were also shipped area saw holistic development—with
After reaching the by containers. Especially new amenities, business activities
Jawaharlal Nehru Port in during the monsoons but and an overall uplift in comfort
Maharashtra, it was found Rattan Lal Labroo,
even on other occasions, levels.
that the transformers, Joint President – Power Group, container-laden trailers The successful commissioning
Angelique International Ltd, of the Djibi substation also had
after sealing the top were stuck on the access
portion, showed excess road compelling the healthy consequences for Angelique
height than what was declared in deployment of hydra to unleash International. The 17-month long
the packing list. The transformers the trailers for onward movement. contract, apart from other successful
remained at the port for ten days Working around the situation, commissionings in Ivory Coast,
before the situation was remedied Angelique International decided to created a bonding between Angelique
and the consignment moved for stock containers at the port during International and the West African
onward shipment through an RORO the monsoons, bearing huge storage nation. “The completion of both
(roll-on, roll-off) vessel. charges in the process. It was only Anoumabo and Djibi substations
There were more challenges in when the roads were found to be helped us a lot in understanding
store. Even when the transformer in motorable condition were the the standards followed by the
consignment reached Ivory Coast, containers moved to the project site. country. It also equipped Angelique
the muddy and slushy roads made These shipments were International in comprehending the
the journey arduous. When it was meticulously handled by Necotrans law of land better. These projects
time for the transformers to be (for transformers) and Bollore (for have consolidated opportunities
unloaded from the trailers onto the other equipment)—both France- for the organization to complete
site foundation, it was found that headquartered logistic solution such type of challenging jobs in the
the crane capacity was insufficient. providers, noted Labroo. region,” summarized Labroo with
A stronger crane had to be pressed Manpower: When asked about satisfaction. n
into operations. manpower deployed at the project, – Venugopal Pillai

T&D India 34 July 2017

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