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Optimization of Technology Use in The New Normal Parole Program: A Comparative Study of Indonesia, The United States and The United Kingdom

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 592

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Law and Human Rights 2021 (ICLHR 2021)

Optimization of Technology Use in the New Normal

Parole Program: A Comparative Study of Indonesia,
the United States and the United Kingdom
Argo Suhartono1,* Dannissa Rahmadiyanti1 Olivia Sarayar1
Class I West Jakarta Probation and Parole Office, DKI Jakarta
*Corresponding author. Email:

The Law and Human Rights Ministerial Regulation Number 32 of 2020, which was issued as an emergency
policy, has encouraged the optimal use of technology in the parole programs during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Optimizing the use of technology, in fact, has made services in the correctional field, especially the parole
program, more effective. Furthermore, this can also be an anticipatory measure in carrying out the corrective
function in the event of a pandemic or any other emergency situation in the future. These demonstrated the
importance of maintaining technology optimization in the New Normal era. Indonesia, on the other hand, still
lacks a clear legal foundation and guidelines for the use of technology in the parole program. Therefore, this
research aimed to compare the use of technology in Indonesia, the United States and the United Kingdom in
order to determine how prepared Indonesia was in optimizing the use of technology in the parole program. This
study used a qualitative approach with a normative legal method. The obtained data is then analyzed
descriptively and comparatively. The result of this study indicated that Indonesia still had shortcomings in terms
of the legal basis, operating standards, and the availability of technology. In conclusion, Indonesia still had to
prepare regulations, standards and technologies needed in order to perform the correctional function more
effectively and efficiently, both during and after the pandemic.

Keywords: emergency policy; technology; corrections; parole program, corrections management.

probation and parole officer in the probation and

parole office. This is mentioned in the Directorate
The pandemic crisis has forced the government to General of Corrections Circular Number PAS-
devise new methods of administering public services, 20.PR.01.01, dated March 26, 2020, on Progressive
including the corrections service. This is Steps in Combating the Spread of the Corona Disease
demonstrated by the issuance of The Law and Human Virus (Covid-19) in the Correctional Technical
Rights Ministerial Regulation Number 32 of 2020, an Implementation Unit. Number 5 letter f of the rule
emergency strategy that encourages the optimal use instructs the probation and parole office’s head to:
of technology in reintegration programs during a conduct supervision and guidance by optimizing
pandemic crisis. Article 7 paragraph (1) states that information technology-based facilities (video calls);
"assimilation is carried out through the correctional create a special spot outside the main office area
information system," and Article 23 paragraph (1) (front desk) for registering new clients; coordinate
states that "the granting of parole, leave nearing free, with the police, prosecutors, and courts regarding the
and conditional leave is carried out through the creation of a social inquiry report, as well as to assist,
correctional information system." guide, and supervise juveniles via teleconferences;
create a social inquiry report by applying the
Not only in the process of proposing principle of social / physical distancing (minimizing
reintegration, demands for optimizing the use of physical contact) or by studying documents and
technology are also contained in the implementation reports. It can be seen from the preceding that, in
of the parole program that was carried out by the order to avoid the spread of the Covid-19 virus, the

Copyright © 2021 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license - 161
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 592

probation and parole office's duties and 2. RESEARCH METHOD

responsibilities should be carried out by using the
concepts of social/physical distance and optimizing This is qualitative research that used normative
the use of information technology. legal approach. All the data was gathered through a
literature review. The information gathered from
According to the findings of an interview with secondary sources such as books, online journal
one of the Probation and Parole Officers (PPO) from publications, laws and regulations, official
the Class I West Jakarta Probation and Parole Office, government documents, and official news on the
the implementation of technology optimization that internet.
has been ongoing for more than a year has increased
the effectiveness and efficiency of task The information gathered was evaluated
implementation in a variety of ways. One of them is descriptively and comparatively. To compare the
in terms of time management. By maximizing the use situation in Indonesia, we chose the United States and
of technology in the form of video chats and the United Kingdom. This is due to the fact that the
teleconferences, PPO travel activities such as making two countries have introduced a variety of
social inquiry reports, coordination, and supervision technological applications that have proven to be
do not need to be carried out, resulting in less time quite excellent and optimal for enhancing the
spent on duties. correctional system, particularly in the supervision of
reintegration programs. In this case, the Demographic
Furthermore, technological advancements make Condition, the Regulation on the Use of Technology
it easier and less expensive for clients to report and in the Parole and Probation Program, and the Parole
engage in parole program activities. Clients may use and Probation Technology will be compared.
their cell phones to report and engage in parole
activities which save time and money. Not only is it
simple and inexpensive, but the use of technology for
mandatory reporting and parole program activities is
more time-efficient, allowing the Client's working
3.1. Demographic Condition
hours to be adjusted. In this aspect, we derived two indicators which
Optimizing the use of technology is also a affect the technology use of the countries. The first
preventative measure in the event of a pandemic, indicator was socio-economic status (SES). Previous
disaster, or other emergency crisis, which includes studies [2]–[4] demonstrated a significant
correctional services. According to research that was relationship between SES and the use of Information
conducted by Asadzadeh et al. [1], the usage of Technology (IT). These studies suggested that people
information technology in emergency situations is with higher SES were likely easier in accessing IT
extremely beneficial in crisis management. In the than individuals with lower SES. The second
case of the Covid-19 epidemic, for example, the indicator was education level. The education level of
application of information technology improves individuals also plays important role in technology
diagnosis accuracy, early detection, decreases use. Some studies found that education levels in
workload, and saves time and money. elderly groups influence willingness to learn new
technology [5]–[7].
Some of the advantages of adopting information
technology in the correctional environment underline 3.1.1. Economic Condition
the need for technology optimization during the New
Normal period and beyond. On the other hand, The state of the economy was described using
Indonesia still lacks consistent guidelines for using GDP per capita data from the World Bank website in
technology, particularly in reintegration programs. As 2019[8] and poverty rates from the national statistics
a result, the optimization of technology use is limited. bureau in Indonesia[9] and the United States[10], and
In this regard, this study aims to determine the the House of Commons in the United Kingdom[11].
extent of technology optimization in the field of According to World Bank data, GDP per capita in
correctional facilities compared to the USA and UK. Indonesia was US$4,135.6, US was US $65,297.5
In addition, this study also aims to determine what and UK was US $42,330.1. Meanwhile, global GDP
can be improved to optimize the use of technology. per capita was US$11,433.2. Comparing all the data
above, Indonesia had the lowest GDP per capita than
the US and UK. Moreover, compared to global GDP
per capita, Indonesia was still lower. This means that

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 592

Indonesia's economic condition based on GDP per Table 2. The education systems of Indonesia, the
capita was performing below par. United States, and the United Kingdom are ranked
according to educational attainment
Table 1. Economic Condition of Indonesia, United
States and United Kingdom based on GDP and
Upper Secondary Below
Poverty Rate Secondary Education Secondary
Education Graduates Graduates
Country GDP Per Capita Poverty Rate
Indonesia US$4,135.6 9,78% Indonesia 9.26% 26.69% 64.05%
United States US$65,297.5 10,5% United States 48.3% 42.5% 9.2%
United Kingdom US$42,330.1 18% United Kingdom 47.2% 32.9% 19.9%
However, the economic conditions of the As we can see on the table, in Indonesia, the
countries were in contrast when we compared the majority of people have less than secondary
poverty rate of each country. Based on the Central education, followed by secondary education, and the
Bureau of Statistic of the Republic of Indonesia, least have an upper secondary education. This
Indonesia’s poverty rate was 9.78%. Meanwhile, the condition contrasted with the educational conditions
US's poverty rate was 10,5% and the UK’s was 18%. in the United Kingdom and the United States, where
This contradictory data could be attributed to the majority of people completed upper secondary
differences in economic welfare standards between education, followed by secondary education, and then
countries. below secondary education. Based on this
comparison, we conclude that education in Indonesia
3.1.2. Education Condition still needs to be improved.

The education situation in each country was 3.2. Regulation on the Use of Technology in
described using the highest educational attainment
Parole and Probation Program
data from the Central Bureau of Statistics Republic of
Indonesia (BPS)[12] and the Organization for In general, Indonesia has regulations that
Economic Co-Operation and Development encourage the development of science and
(OECD)[13]. technology in the pursuit of national development
According to BPS data in 2019, the majority of and the fulfilment of human rights. This is specified
the population aged 15 years and over in Indonesia in Law Number 11 of 2019 concerning the National
(26.69%) already completed the Senior High School System of Science and Technology. In correctional
level. Meanwhile, 3.96% of the population had never fields, Indonesia’s government had only regulated the
completed formal education, 12.66% had never use of technology for correctional use, namely for the
completed elementary school, 25.13% had completed use of the Correctional Database System (SDP)
elementary school, 22.31% had completed junior through The Law and Human Rights Ministerial
high school, and 9.26% had completed a degree or Regulation Number 39 of 2016 which was later
higher. We then summarized the data into three revised a year later with The Law and Human Rights
categories: 9.26% of the population attained upper Ministerial Regulation Number 28 of 2017 before the
secondary education, 26.69% of the population pandemic. This regulation regulates the
attained secondary education, and 64.05% of the administration, management, supervision, recovery,
population were below secondary education cooperation in exchanging data and information, and
graduates. other general rules of The Correctional Database
System. Then when the pandemic broke out,
From OECD data, we collected the highest Indonesia’s government started regulating the use of
educational attainment data for the US and UK technology for correctional purposes through several
populations aged 25-64 years old. According to this circulars, laws and regulations. However, the use of
statistic, 48.3% of the US population is upper video conferencing technology is still limited and has
secondary graduates, 42.5% is secondary education not been regulated in a detailed and comprehensive
graduates, and 9.2% is below secondary graduates. manner. On the other hand, the United States and the
Meanwhile, the highest educational attainment data United Kingdom have regulated the use of various
in the UK revealed that 47.2% of the UK population technologies in the form of electronic monitoring
is upper secondary education graduates, 32.9% is technology, risk-need responsivity assessments,
secondary education graduates, and 19.9% is below integrated database systems, and video conferencing
secondary graduates. guidelines even before the pandemic. This shows that

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 592

despite having general regulations that promote the appointing a probation officer to carry out online
use of technology, Indonesia still needs to add clear guidance and supervision with the following stages:
regulations governing the use of technology in the
1. Arrange a schedule for the implementation
prison system.
of guidance and supervision at least once a
week for assimilation and 1 (one) month for
3.2.1. Indonesia’s Regulation integration;
To reduce the transmission of Covid-19 in the 2. Contact clients via media telephone calls,
implementation of the correctional functions, the text, Whatsapp or video conference
Ministry of Law and Human Rights has issued according to the arranged schedule to deliver
Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights guidance material as well as to supervise"
Number 32 of 2020 Terms and Procedures for
Providing Assimilation, Parole, Leaving Towards 3. Fill in the records of client guidance results,
Free, and Conditional Leave for Prisoners and client guidance attendance list and client
Children in the Context of Prevention and Control supervision reports.
The spread of Covid-19. To support the
implementation of that regulation, it is necessary to Letter of Implementation of the Law and
optimize the use of technology in supervising and Human Rights Ministerial Regulation
mentoring clients undergoing assimilation and Number 32 of 2020 Concerning Terms
integration programs. Several Circular Letters and and Procedures for Providing
guidelines have addressed the use of technology in Assimilation, Parole, Leave to Freedom,
client monitoring and guidance, including: and Conditional Leave for Prisoners and
Children in the Context of Preventing and Circular of the Director-General of Combating the Spread of Covid-19
Corrections Number: PAS-20.PR.01.01
In point 7 of this regulation, it is stated that
Year 2020 concerning Progressive Steps
"Prisoners or children who receive assimilation,
in the prevention of the spread of the
parole, leave before release and conditional leave are
Corona Disease Virus (Covid-19) in the
handed over to the Parole and Probation office who
Correctional Technical Implementation will carry out guidance and supervision in the
Unit city/district where assimilation, parole, leave before
In point f of this Circular, it is stated that the head release and conditional leave are carried out via
of Parole and Probation Office is instructed to teleconference, and can also be done in person while
"Supervise by optimizing information technology- still complying with the Covid-19 health protocol.”
based facilities (video calls)" and "To coordinate with
the Police, the Attorney General's Office and the Guidelines for the Implementation of
court regarding the implementation of community Community Research and Online
research, mentoring, guidance and supervision of Assistance as well as Guidance and
children through teleconference media. Supervision of Assimilation and
Integration Clients in the Context of Circular of the Director-General of Covid-19 Spread Prevention & Control,
Corrections Number: PAS- drafted by the Directorate of Community
516.PK.01.04.06 of 2020 concerning the Guidance and Child Alleviation in
Mechanism of Implementing Regulation of collaboration with the Center for
the Minister of Law and Human Rights Detention Studies
Number 10 of 2020 concerning Conditions
for Providing Assimilation and Integration 3.2.2. The United States of America’s
Rights for Prisoners and Children in the Regulation
Context of Preventing and Combating the
Spread of Covid -19 In the United States of America, the use of
technology in the supervision and mentoring of
The contents of a circular instructing the Head of clients undergoing integration programs have been
Parole and Probation Office to implement a regulated in the US Code [14], including:
mechanism for guiding and supervising prisoners and
children who are assimilated and integrated by

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 592 18 U.S. Code SUBCHAPTER B— The Parole Board Rules 2019 [16]
PROBATION Code § 3117 concerning
Mobile tracking devices which stated The Parole Board Rules 2019 went into effect on
Monday, July 22nd, with the most significant change
In general, if a court is empowered to issue a being the opportunity to request that a Parole Board
warrant or other order for the installation of a mobile decision be revisited. This rule allows a direct appeal
tracking device, such order may authorize the use of to the parole board after a decision has been issued on
that device within the jurisdiction of the court, and the condition that there is evidence that the decision
outside that jurisdiction if the device is installed in is procedurally unfair or irrational. This regulation
that jurisdiction. also regulates the Implementation of Oral Hearing
through video links, telephone conferences or other
Definition. — As used in this section, the term
electronic means.
“tracking device” means an electronic or mechanical
device which permits the tracking of the movement Code of Practice Electronic Monitoring
of a person or object.
Data [17] 34 U.S. Code § 20981 - Pilot program for Code of practice relating to the processing of
monitoring sexual offenders personal data gathered in the course of electronic
monitoring of a person serving community order or 49 U.S. Code § 31137 - Electronic logging suspended sentence with an electronic monitoring
devices and brake maintenance requirement or as a part of a license on release from
regulations prison or youth detention accommodation. The
issuing of this Code of Practice clarifies the Pennsylvania Code (Rules and expectations, safeguards and broad responsibilities
Regulations) Part VIII Criminal for the collection, retention, processing and sharing
Sentencing § 305.3 - Sentence Risk of electronic monitoring data where it concerns
Assessment Instrument standards personal data. 34 U.S. Code Chapter 413 concerning Standard and Ethic in Electronic
Crime Reports and Statistics Monitoring [18] Maine Code of Rules 03 - Corrections (03 This handbook is intended as a policy guide and a
201 and 03 208) Section IVa - Community management tool for those in charge of the
Corrections: Home Release and establishment and the use of electronic monitoring.
Electronic Monitoring The text highlights important ethical standards in
accordance with the Committee of Ministers of the
3.2.3. The United Kingdom’s Regulation Council of Europe’s Recommendation CM/Rec
(2014) 4 on electronic monitoring and other
The United Kingdom as a more technologically Recommendations in the field of correction.
advanced country has regulated the use of technology
in the guidance and supervision system for clients nDelius (National Delius) as regulated in
undergoing reintegration programs even before the Management of Offender Records[19]
Covid-19 pandemic. These regulations include:
This regulation which first came into effect on “The Compulsory Electronic Monitoring October 24th 2014, contains nDelius’ Operating
Licence Condition Order 2021” [15] Instruction along with its Policy and Strategic
Context for action by National Probation Service
This regulation establishes the criteria of a client (NPS) and Community Rehabilitation Companies
according to their offence and sentence that must be (CRCs) both as the United Kingdom’s parole and
monitored using electronic monitoring, as well as the probation agencies.
monitoring region, monitoring period, and the
monitoring method. This regulation demonstrates the 3.3. Parole and Probation Technologies
government’s determination to make the best use of
this valuable technology, to reduce crime and protect Technology advancement has transformed the
the public by bearing down on repeat criminals who way we approach most of our daily tasks and
pose threats to the community. activities, especially during this Covid-19 pandemic.

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 592

For instance, it affects how we apply for jobs, choice between electronic monitoring through GPS
interactions with family and friends, access to tracking and intrusive police supervision.
government and other services, manage our finances
When the Covid-19 pandemic broke out,
and also our learning process is now supported by
technologies such as telephones and video
technology. In the correction field, to tackle the
conferencing calls became the safest way for
challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic some
Probation Officers to conduct contact with their
countries have integrated the use of advanced
clients. Now that mobile applications such as Skype,
technologies that might help officers to better
Zoom, or Whatsapp Video Calls have been
supervise individuals on parole or probation and
developed, it is much easier for probation officers to
enable those under supervision to better access
communicate with clients, both for mandated self-
services and programs.
report or for consultation sessions with clients. In the
Technology can greatly affect the intractable United States and the United Kingdom, telephone
problem of recidivism in countless ways. The benefit calls and video conferencing in Parole and Probation
of technology is that it can be customized to fit have been in practice even before the pandemic.
countless situations. Research in Florida funded by Courts and government agencies in the United States
the National Institute of Justice discovered that a have implemented the use of videoconferencing
parole technology in the form of electronic technology in post-conviction proceedings, including
monitoring decreases the risk of a parolee’s failure probation, parole and supervised release revocation
under community supervision dramatically. The hearings [23]. In response to the pandemic, some
quantitative analysis showed that electronic states have issued a video conference plan to
monitoring reduces parolee’s risk of failure by 31 coordinate scheduling, to give advance notice to the
percent across all types of offences and age ranges. local facilities and to ensure video conferencing
The electronic monitoring program's primary resource availability, all to ensure the best practice of
objectives are to ensure that offenders follow the parole and probation [24].
terms of their probation, track offenders, prevent
As for Indonesia, in response to the Covid-19
recidivism, and protect the public. Other than
pandemic, The Directorate General of Corrections
monitoring devices, many parole probation agencies
has issued a circular Number: PAS-20.PR.01.01,
both in the USA and UK have employed the help of
dated March 26, 2020, concerning the Progressive
risk assessment software like LSI-R (Level of Service
Steps in Combating the Spread of the Corona Disease
Inventory-Revised) to guide intervention and
Virus (Covid-19) in the Correctional Technical
management plans. This risk assessment software
Implementation Unit. The Directorate General of
developed by Multi-Health Systems crunches data to
Corrections in that Circular gave orders to the Parole
estimate the likelihood of a prisoner’s re-offending
and Probation office to optimize the use of video
and appears to reduce parolee recidivism by about
conferencing technologies in doing supervision and
15% [20].
guidance and also to carry out community research
The use of technology in the correction field is activities and Parole Board hearings by applying the
seen as a more effective and less expensive principle of social / physical distancing (minimizing
alternative as the cost is significantly lower than that physical contact).
of imprisonment. The United States is a country with
In regards to that Circular, probation officers in
one of the highest incarceration rates in the world.
West Jakarta's Class I Probation and Parole Office
Nearly one out of every 100 adults is in prison or jail,
now primarily communicate with their clients via
and one out of every 50 adults is on probation or
mobile apps like Whatsapp. In numerous ways,
parole [21]. In response to that, there has been an
maximizing the use of technology through video
increase in the amount of improvement to the existing
conferencing, which has been done for more than a
technologies and the development of new technology
year, has improved the efficacy and efficiency of
specifically created parole and probation in the
work execution. One of them is time efficiency. By
United States of America. For instance, states now
using video conference calls, probation officers no
use technology in the form of electronic monitoring
longer need to travel for home visits to collect data
in a wide variety of settings, including Pre-Trial
for community research. Coordination and
supervision as an alternative to detention, as an
supervision can be done remotely, reducing the
alternative to imprisonment and mandatory
amount of time required to complete tasks.
supervision as a requirement for parole programs
[22]. So it is the case in the United Kingdom. Compared to other countries, the amount of
Offenders newly released from prison were given a technology being used in probation and parole

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 592

programs in Indonesia is still little. The existing Mobile apps, Web-based softwares
technologies to ensure proper guidance and developed by each correctional units
monitoring in Indonesia rely too much on the under the Directorate General of
parolee’s ability to operate a mobile phone or Corrections
computer. It is also dependent on the parolee’s
awareness to comply with the parole and probation There are various inventions developed by
conditions. Mobile apps, web-based software and correctional units under the Directorate General of
video conference calls may be the safest and most Corrections in the form of mobile apps or web-based
convenient option in this pandemic situation, but software. One of them is SIMONAS (Monitoring
these methods are not enough. With just these System for Prisoners of Assimilation and
methods without the tools to properly enforce the Integration). SIMONAS is an application developed
parolee’s compliance, it is easy to lose track of how by the D.I. Yogyakarta Regional Office of the
the parolee’s doing after being released back into Ministry of Law and Human Rights and is designed
society, their whereabouts, or if they have relapsed to monitor clients from the time they are registered at
back into their criminality. The Parole and Probation Office until the end of their
supervision period. This system is expected to make
Technology innovation is not always about the it easier for probation officers to carry out their
development of new technology. It can also involve responsibilities and activities in the sphere of the
improving existing technology, adapting technology parolee’s supervision [25].
from other sectors, or even simply adopting existing
technology more broadly or using it more effectively Many of these mobile applications and web-based
[21]. This is also the case for Indonesia’s correctional software made by each correctional unit are still in
system. In this research, apart from the technologies the early development stages and some are still
mentioned above we have compiled the list of hindered by the limited resources. In addition, the
technologies being used in parole and probation utilization has not been applied in all correctional
services in each country as comparisons. units in a coordinated manner. However, there have
been various efforts to conduct trials of the invention
3.3.1. Parole and Probation Technologies in in other correctional units, as well as to disseminate
Indonesia these inventions as an effort to coordinate and
integrate systems between units. The Correctional Database System
3.3.2. Parole and Probation Technologies in
The Correctional Database System (SDP) is a United States
monitoring and data management system for inmates
that serves as a work aid for the Correctional Federal Bureau of Prisons’ Inmate
Technical Implementation Unit, the Correctional Database
Division, and the Directorate General of Corrections.
The Correctional Database System is an information All inmates’ data for those detained in federal
technology solution that encompasses all correctional prisons in the United States are managed by the
business processes. The entire information system Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP). Anyone who
involves the processing, filtering, management, breaks federal law and is sentenced to prison has a
presentation, and communication of correctional criminal record that reflects everything that has
information. SDP management is a cross-functional, happened to them since their arrest. These records
administrative, organizational, and special include the inmate's name and any aliases they use, as
implementation activity that ensures the SDP well as their age, race, gender, release date, and
operates smoothly under the supervision of the where they are being held, whether the inmate is on
Directorate General of Corrections. The Correctional parole and all information regarding the inmate’s
Database System stores all information about inmates convictions. The records are updated daily and under
to aid decision-making in the exercise of their rights the Freedom of Information Act are open to the
and to enhance service. public, which means it allows the public to acquire
additional information about the inmate’s convictions

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 592 Integration of Crime Data and GPS Indoor Location Tracking
Location Data
The use of the global positioning system (GPS) to
The amount of data generated by GPS-based track criminals was first introduced in 1997 and has
offender tracking is enormous. Until recently, since gotten a lot of coverage. Since the murder of 9
community corrections departments were the sole years old Jessica Lunsford by a convicted sex
users of this data to decide if prisoners were abiding offender who lived nearby in March 2005, at least 17
by their probation conditions. In terms of the amount states have enacted legislation requiring sex offenders
of useful knowledge provided about the offender, to use GPS-based tracking technology. Some states,
GPS-based monitoring represented an exponential such as Florida, Oklahoma and Ohio are using this
improvement over radio-frequency-based monitoring. technology to keep track of certain offenders for the
Technology developers have developed the ability to rest of their lives.
merge and compare recorded crime incident data with
GPS-based monitoring is effective in tracking
offender location data in order to make better use of
offenders’ movement in open areas. Moreover,
the latest and efficient information access.
exclusion zones may be set around certain places
Obtained data about the offender's location and such as schools, public pools, and the victim’s
crime is then transmitted to a central server daily, residence [27].
where the time and location data points are analyzed.
Regularly, data about the offender's position and Near Infrared Spectroscopy
crime is sent to a central server, where the time and
location data points are analyzed. When it's A diffuse reflectance near-infrared (NIR)
determined that an offender was in the vicinity of a spectrometer was evaluated as a non-invasive
recorded crime at the time the crime was committed, alternative to breath and blood measurements for in
automated warnings are sent out. This type of system vivo alcohol testing. This technology analyzes the
aims to achieve two main objectives. According to chemical composition of the tissue and measures
the theory, the first is to deter violence by making alcohol levels using a light source, an optical
criminals more accountable. Offenders are less likely detector, and a spectrometer. The results will be
to commit a crime if they know they will be available in one minute and will be equivalent to
immediately put at the scene of the crime. The second more traditional alcohol monitoring methods such as
goal is to give law enforcement and corrections breathalyzer and blood tests [28].
agencies a powerful investigative method in which to
control their resources [27]. Biometric Kiosks

As inmates are released from prison in order to Risk Assessment Software
alleviate the public health and humanitarian threat
The United States of America, in the practice of posed by the coronavirus to a confined population,
Parole and Probation, has employed the help of a risk some cities in the USA, such as Minneapolis, are
assessment software which crunches data to estimate employing biometric technology kiosks with
the likelihood a prisoner will re-offend. LSI-R and electronic check-in systems to replace riskier face-to-
LS-CMI, programs developed by a Canadian face meetings. Newly-released inmates and those on
company called Multi-Health System, appear to have probation can use these kiosks to arrange meetings
reduced parolee recidivism by about 15%. They were and trigger reminder text and emails. This technology
used to assess 775.000 parole applicants in the United uses fingerprint recognition to verify a user's identity
States in 2012. and capture photos, video footage. It is also equipped
with a built-in breathalyzer to ensure inmates’
The assessment requires information such as the compliance with court-mandated alcohol restrictions
prisoner's age at the time of his arrest, his education, [29].
the nature of his crime, his behavior in prison, his
friends' criminal records, the results of a Monitoring Sex Offenders’ Computer
psychometric test, and even his mother's sobriety
while he was in the womb. By comparing the The management and monitoring of sex
inmate’s profile to that of several others, the offenders’ computer use is important for many
programs estimate the likelihood of a relapse [20]. reasons, including the three mentioned below:
1. To notify authorities of a new crime, such as
the possession of children's pornography

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 592

2. To ensure adequate monitoring and 3.3.3. Parole and Probation Technologies in

confinement of offenders, both by United Kingdom
reinforcing care prohibitions against access
to sexual content and by lowering nDelius (National Delius)
community risk by increasing the offender's
understanding of confinement. nDelius is a browser-based, national probation
service case management system, designed to include
3. To better the treatment agency’s
the required probation business logic and appropriate
understanding of the offender
security. It contains all adult offender-related
information, pre-sentence, community orders, Driver Monitoring System
custodial sentences pre and post-release, offenders in
The License Sanction Enforcement System is approved premises and some young offenders with
essentially a monitoring device that senses and UPW requirements.
records a subject's body movements or data
signatures, then compares them to data signatures that Risk Assessment Technology
are compatible with those involved in driving a
The probation and prison services across the
vehicle. This system requires ankle bracelets with
country use a system called the Offender Assessment
accelerometers and rate gyros worn on each leg. The
System (OASys) for assessing the risks and needs of
development of this system is motivated by recent
an offender. As an integral part of the work probation
studies revealing that up to 75% of all drivers with
officers do in assessing offenders, OASys is designed
suspended or revoked licenses continue to drive.
to help practitioners make sound and defensible
This technology represents a pragmatic solution decisions in determining the risk offenders pose and
to a prolonged problem in the criminal justice system, how to tackle their offending behaviour effectively.
because instead of only the human, the system now OASys is designed to assess two types of risk:
actively monitors the vehicle.
1. The likelihood of future re-offending and re-
conviction within two years Sleep Pattern Analysis
2. The probability that if an offender is
Information related to sleep patterns is also used reconvicted, the offence will be one of
as supporting data to determine the inmate's general serious harm
well-being. Although the connection between sleep
patterns and drug abuse may not be apparent at first, Probation and prison services in the United
but if looked at closely drug abuse can cause sleep Kingdom view assessment as a process that must be
problems in a variety of ways. It can, for example, continually carried out throughout the sentence.
interrupt the sequence and duration of sleep states, OASys plays a part as a tool to re-assess offenders at
alter total sleep time and lengthen the time it takes to various points during their sentence and to measure
fall asleep. how they have changed [30].

Data is obtained from a small actigraphy device Electronic Monitoring

that is secured around the offender’s wrist with a
tamper-evident band. The actigraphy system records The UK currently uses Electronic Monitoring in
gross motor activity to determine the sleep quality. two ways; the Curfew Order, which is a sentence to
With this device, it is possible to track and assess a be used on its own or in conjunction with other
person's sleep/wake cycles and sleep disturbances, community penalties, and the Home Detention
which may be caused by drug abuse. When the Curfew (HDC), which enables eligible prisoners to be
offender reports to his or her probation office or the released early under license. EM comprises a radio
court, the device is inserted into a reader, and the transmitter worn by the prisoner, which transmits a
offender's activity data is downloaded and analyzed signal to a base unit within the home. If the signal is
by advanced Web-based software that is designed to broken a central computer is alerted and relevant
search for patterns that differ from those of abstinent authorities are informed [31].
subjects [27].
Evidence suggested that EM was being used as an
additional sentence rather than merely as an
alternative to custody. Berg stated that monitoring
should be combined with other sentences and that the

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 592

punishment aspect of monitoring should not be the field of education and economy to increase digital
overlooked. He concluded ‘It can and should, in my literacy in Indonesia. The government also needs to
view, become an integral part of the sentencing issue clear legal foundations that contain guidelines,
menu. especially for probation officers in providing
guidance and monitoring to parolees through the use Biometric Kiosks of technology. Last but not least, the government of
Indonesia needs to make provision of adequate
Biometrics-based offender supervision is facilities and infrastructure to support the parole and
currently in operation in many jurisdictions around probation program and to also improve the existing
the world, one of which is in the United Kingdom. technology.
Supervised prisoners who have implied with the early
stages of their parole or probation are given the To anticipate the future emergency situation,
option of reporting to an electronic kiosk instead of Indonesia needs to optimize the use of technology by
seeing a probation officer. When an offender checks enhancing demographic quality, establishing clear
in, they must first undergo a fingerprint recognition legal foundations and providing adequate facilities to
scan to ensure that no one else is checking in on their optimize technology use in probation and parole
behalf. They may then provide any necessary details, practice. As for future research, it would be
receive instructions, or arrange a face-to-face meeting appropriate to study the most suitable Parole and
with an officer. Probation technology to be implemented in Indonesia
in regards to the socio-economic and cultural
4. CONCLUSION background.

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