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Gce Subject Level Conditions and Requirements For Geography

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GCE Subject Level

Conditions and
Requirements for
March 2015

GCE Subject Level Conditions and Requirements for Geography

Introduction ................................................................................................................. 2

About this document ............................................................................................... 2

Requirements set out in this document ................................................................... 3

Summary of requirements ....................................................................................... 4

Subject Level Conditions ............................................................................................ 6

GCE Subject Level Conditions for Geography ........................................................ 6

Assessment objectives ............................................................................................... 9

Assessment objectives – GCE AS and A level qualifications in Geography ......... 10

Assessment requirements ........................................................................................ 11

Requirements in relation to assessments for A level qualifications in Geography 12

Subject content (published by Department for Education)........................................ 14

Introduction − Ofqual 2015 1

GCE Subject Level Conditions and Requirements for Geography

About this document
This document (highlighted in the figure below) is part of a suite of documents which
sets out the regulatory requirements for awarding organisations offering reformed A
levels and AS qualifications.

General Conditions of Recognition

For all awarding organisations and all qualifications

GCE Qualification Level Conditions

For all reformed A levels and AS qualifications

GCE Subject Level Conditions and Requirements

For reformed A levels and AS qualifications in Geography

GCE Subject Level Conditions and Requirements

(Other subjects)

We have developed all our requirements for GCE qualifications with the intention that
AS and A level qualifications should fulfil the purposes set out in the table below:

A levels AS qualifications

 define and assess achievement of the  provide evidence of students’

knowledge, skills and understanding which achievements in a robust and
will be needed by students planning to internationally comparable
progress to undergraduate study at a UK post-16 course of study that is
higher education establishment, particularly a subset of A level content;
(although not only) in the same subject and
 enable students to broaden
 set out a robust and internationally the range of subjects they
comparable post-16 academic course of study.

Introduction − Ofqual 2015 2

GCE Subject Level Conditions and Requirements for Geography

study to develop that knowledge, skills and


 permit UK universities to accurately identify

the level of attainment of students;

 provide a basis for school and college

accountability measures at age 18; and

 provide a benchmark of academic ability for


Requirements set out in this document

This document sets out the GCE Subject Level Conditions for Geography. These
conditions will come into effect at 12.01am on Friday 27 March 2015 for the following

 all GCE A levels in Geography awarded on or after 1 April 2018; and

 all stand-alone GCE AS qualifications in Geography awarded on or after 1 April


It also sets out our requirements in relation to:

 assessment objectives – awarding organisations must comply with these

requirements under Condition GCE(Geography)1.2; and

 assessment – awarding organisations must comply with these requirements

under Condition GCE(Geography)2.3.

Appendix 1 reproduces the subject content requirements for Geography, as

published by the Department for Education.1 Awarding organisations must comply
with these requirements under Condition GCE(Geography)1.1.

With respect to the qualifications listed above, awarding organisations must also
comply with:


Introduction − Ofqual 2015 3

GCE Subject Level Conditions and Requirements for Geography

 our General Conditions of Recognition,2 which apply to all awarding

organisations and qualifications;

 our GCE Qualification Level Conditions and Requirements;3 and

 all relevant Regulatory Documents.4

With respect to all other GCE qualifications in Geography, awarding organisations

must continue to comply with the General Conditions of Recognition, the GCE
Qualification Level Conditions,5 and the relevant Regulatory Documents.

Summary of requirements
Subject Level Conditions

GCE(Geography)1 Compliance with content requirements

GCE(Geography)2 Assessment

Assessment objectives

Assessment objectives – GCE Qualifications in Geography

Assessment requirements

Requirements in relation to assessments for A level qualifications in Geography

Appendix 1 – Subject content (published by Department for Education)

GCE AS and A level Subject Content for Geography





Introduction − Ofqual 2015 4

Subject Level Conditions

GCE Subject Level Conditions and Requirements for Geography

GCE Subject Level Conditions for Geography

Condition Compliance with content requirements

GCSE(Geography)1.1 In respect of each GCE Qualification in Geography which
it makes available, or proposes to make available, an
awarding organisation must –

(a) comply with the requirements relating to that

qualification set out in the document published by the
Secretary of State entitled ‘Geography GCE AS and
A level subject content’,6 document reference DFE-

(b) have regard to any recommendations or guidelines

relating to that qualification set out in that document,

(c) interpret that document in accordance with any

requirements, and having regard to any guidance,
which may be published by Ofqual and revised from
time to time.

GCSE(Geography)1.2 In respect of each GCE Qualification in Geography which

it makes available, or proposes to make available, an
awarding organisation must comply with any
requirements, and have regard to any guidance, relating
to the objectives to be met by any assessment for that
qualification which may be published by Ofqual and
revised from time to time.


Subject Level Conditions for Geography − Ofqual 2015 6

GCE Subject Level Conditions and Requirements for Geography

Condition Assessment
GCE(Geography)2.1 Condition GCE4.1 does not apply to any GCE A level
qualification in Geography which an awarding
organisation makes available or proposes to make

GCE(Geography)2.2 In respect of the total marks available for a GCE A level

qualification in Geography which it makes available, an
awarding organisation must ensure that –

(a) 80 per cent of those marks are made available

through Assessments by Examination, and

(b) 20 per cent of those marks are made available

through assessments that are not Assessments by

GCE(Geography)2.3 An awarding organisation must ensure that in respect of

each assessment for a GCE A level qualification in
Geography which it makes available which is not an
Assessment by Examination it complies with any
requirements, and has regard to any guidance, which
may be published by Ofqual and revised from time to

Subject Level Conditions for Geography − Ofqual 2015 7

GCE Subject Level Conditions and Requirements for Geography

Condition Fieldwork statements

GCE(Geography)3.1 In respect of each assessment cycle for a GCE
Qualification in Geography which it makes available, an
awarding organisation must –

(a) require each Centre to provide a fieldwork statement

to the awarding organisation, and

(b) treat any failure by a Centre to provide a fieldwork

statement to the awarding organisation in a timely
manner as malpractice and/or maladministration
(under General Condition A8 (Malpractice and

GCE(Geography)3.2 For the purposes of this condition –

(a) a 'fieldwork statement' is a true and accurate written

statement made by a Centre to an awarding
organisation which confirms that each Learner to
whom that Centre has delivered the assessments to
be taken in a particular assessment cycle for a GCE
Qualification in Geography which the awarding
organisation makes available has undertaken
geographical fieldwork, and

(b) 'geographical fieldwork' is fieldwork which meets the

requirements set out in paragraphs 24 to 27, as
relevant, of the document published by the Secretary
of State entitled ‘Geography GCE AS and A level
subject content’, document reference DFE-00693-


Subject Level Conditions for Geography − Ofqual 2015 8

Assessment objectives

GCE Subject Level Conditions and Requirements for Geography

Assessment objectives – GCE AS and A level

qualifications in Geography
Condition GCE(Geography)1.2 allows us to specify requirements relating to the
objectives to be met by any assessment for GCE Qualifications in Geography.

The assessment objectives set out below constitute requirements for the purposes of
Condition GCE(Geography)1.2. Awarding organisations must comply with these
requirements in relation to all GCE AS and A level qualifications in Geography they
make available.

Objective Weighting Weighting

(A level) (AS)

AO1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of 30–40% 30–40%

places, environments, concepts, processes,
interactions and change, at a variety of scales

AO2 Apply knowledge and understanding in 30–40% 30–40%

different contexts to interpret, analyse and
evaluate geographical information and issues

AO3 Use a variety of relevant quantitative, 20–30% 20–30%

qualitative and fieldwork skills to:
 investigate geographical questions and
 interpret, analyse and evaluate data and
 construct arguments and draw conclusions

Assessment objectives − Ofqual 2015 10
Assessment requirements

GCE Subject Level Conditions and Requirements for Geography

Requirements in relation to assessments for A level

qualifications in Geography
Condition GCE(Geography)2.3 allows us to specify requirements and guidance in
relation to assessments which are not Assessments by Examination for GCE A level
qualifications in Geography.

We set out our requirements for the purposes of Condition GCE(Geography)2.3


Non-examination assessment
Condition GCE(Geography)2.2(b) states that an awarding organisation must ensure
that, of the total marks available for a GCE A level qualification in Geography, 20 per
cent of those marks shall be made available through assessments which are not
Assessments by Examination.

The subject content for GCE Qualifications in Geography is set out in the Secretary
of State’s Geography GCE AS and A Level subject content, document reference
DFE-00693-2014 (the ‘Content Document’).

Paragraph 27 of the Content Document states that each GCE A level qualification in
Geography must –

ensure that each student undertakes one independent investigation that

involves, but need not be restricted to, fieldwork.
An awarding organisation must ensure that each assessment which is not an
Assessment by Examination requires each Learner to undertake a single
independent investigation based on a question or issue defined and developed by
the Learner.

Marking of assessments
Evidence generated by a Learner in an assessment for a GCE A level qualification in
Geography which is not an Assessment by Examination may be marked –

(a) by the awarding organisation or a person connected to the awarding


(b) by a Centre, or

(c) through a combination of (a) and (b).

In any event, the awarding organisation must demonstrate to Ofqual’s satisfaction in

its assessment strategy that –

Assessment requirements − Ofqual 2015 12

GCE Subject Level Conditions and Requirements for Geography

(a) it has taken all reasonable steps to identify the risk of any Adverse Effect
which may result from its approach to marking the assessments (and to
moderation where appropriate), and
(b) where such a risk is identified, it has taken all reasonable steps to prevent that
Adverse Effect or, where it cannot be prevented, to mitigate that Adverse

Assessment requirements − Ofqual 2015 13

Subject content (published by
Department for Education)

GCE AS and A Level subject content

December 2014
The content for AS and A level geography 3

Introduction 3

Aims and objectives 3

Subject content 5

The core content 5

The non-core content 5

The four core themes; knowledge and understanding 6

Geographical skills 12

Fieldwork 13

The content for AS and A level geography

1. The AS and A level subject content sets out the knowledge, understanding and
skills common to all AS and A level specifications in geography.

Aims and objectives

2. AS and A level specifications in geography should encourage students to gain
enjoyment, satisfaction and a sense of achievement as they develop their knowledge and
understanding of the subject. The content should enable students to be inspired by their
geographical understanding, to engage critically with real world issues and places, and to
apply their geographical knowledge, theory and skills to the world around them. Students
should grow as independent thinkers and as informed and engaged citizens, who
understand the role and importance of geography as one of the key disciplines relevant
to understanding the world’s changing peoples, places and environments.

3. AS and A level specifications must enable students to:

• develop their knowledge of locations, places, processes and environments, at all

geographical scales from local to global across the specification as a whole
• develop an in-depth understanding of the selected core and non-core processes
in physical and human geography at a range of temporal and spatial scales, and
of the concepts which illuminate their significance in a range of locational
• recognise and be able to analyse the complexity of people-environment
interactions at all geographical scales, and appreciate how these underpin
understanding of some of the key issues facing the world today
• develop their understanding of, and ability to apply, the concepts of place,
space, scale and environment, that underpin both the national curriculum and
GCSE, including developing a more nuanced understanding of these concepts
• gain understanding of specialised concepts relevant to the core and non-core
content. These must include the concepts of causality, systems, equilibrium,
feedback, inequality, representation, identity, globalisation, interdependence,
mitigation and adaptation, sustainability, risk, resilience and thresholds

• improve their understanding of the ways in which values, attitudes and
circumstances 1 have an impact on the relationships between people, place and
environment, and develop the knowledge and ability to engage, as citizens, with
the questions and issues arising
• become confident and competent in selecting, using and evaluating a range of
quantitative and qualitative skills and approaches, (including observing,
collecting and analysing geo-located data) and applying them as an integral part
of their studies
• understand the fundamental role of fieldwork as a tool to understand and
generate new knowledge about the real world, and become skilled at planning,
undertaking and evaluating fieldwork in appropriate situations
• apply geographical knowledge, understanding, skills and approaches in a
rigorous way to a range of geographical questions and issues, including those
identified in fieldwork, recognising both the contributions and limitations of
• develop as critical and reflective learners, able to articulate opinions, suggest
relevant new ideas and provide evidenced argument in a range of situations
4. Awarding organisations must ensure that the content is developed at an
appropriate level of demand for AS and A level, and that there is a clear progression in
the breadth and depth of content from GCSE. Awarding organisations must aim to:

• build on knowledge of contexts, locations, places and environments, by

extending the scope and scale of study, the variety of physical, social, economic,
cultural and political contexts encountered, the depth of conceptual
understanding required, and the range of spatial and temporal scales included
• ensure emphasis on deep understanding of both physical and human
processes, and on applying this understanding to interrogate people-
environment interactions and people-place connections at all scales from local to
• require study that builds on and reinforces the conceptual understanding
underpinning GCSE, and extends demand to include a wider range of more
complex and specialised concepts that relate to the core and non-core content
• ensure that specifications demand engagement with models, theories and
generalisations, and require a mature understanding of the nature and
limitations of objectivity and the significance of human values and attitudes

'Circumstances' in this case refers to the context of people's lives, the socio-economic and political milieu
in which they find themselves.

• promote understanding of the rationale for, and applications of, skills and
approaches used, together with a considerable degree of independence in
selecting and using a wide range of geographical methods, techniques and
skills, involving both qualitative and quantitative methods
• ensure that fieldwork plays a key role in encouraging both AS and A level
students to apply and evaluate theory in the real world, and that A level fieldwork
in particular demands a high degree of responsibility from students for selecting
research questions, applying relevant techniques and skills, and identifying
appropriate ways of analysing and communicating findings

Subject content

The core content

5. The core content comprises 60% of both the AS and A level specifications and
must address the following requirements:

• for AS, specifications must include at least one core physical geography theme
and one core human geography theme, together with an appropriate selection of
skills and fieldwork requirements relating to both physical and human themes,
representing overall 60% of the AS
• for A level, specifications must include all four core themes, all the geographical
skills, and all fieldwork requirements relating to both physical and human
themes, representing overall 60% of the A level
• the core themes are equal in weight and depth of content (although the length of
explanatory text may differ) and must be implemented with the depth, breadth
and coverage specified for each theme on pages 5-11
• the specification must require geographical skills and fieldwork to be embedded
within the required content knowledge

The non-core content

6. The remaining 40% of both the AS and A level must be selected by the awarding
organisation, but must also:

• maintain the depth, breadth and challenge of the specification as a whole

• ensure that at least half of the 40% material selected for a specification
addresses people-environment questions and issues
• draw in a balanced way from physical geography and human geography across
the 40% non-core content as a whole, so that whatever form the content takes
(eg people-environment issues; process studies, thematic topics) in the 40%

non-core content, it must draw evenly from physical geography and human
geography overall in order to maintain the balance required in the specification
as a whole
• the specification must require geographical skills and fieldwork to be embedded
within the required content knowledge

The four core themes; knowledge and understanding

1. Water and carbon cycles

7. A level specifications, and AS specifications which address this theme, must

require students to study the physical processes which control the cycling of both water
and carbon between land, oceans and the atmosphere.

8. Study must:

• develop the required knowledge and understanding through study of both:

1. the carbon cycle; and
2. the water cycle
• take place within a systems framework emphasising the integrated nature of
land, earth and atmosphere
• ensure engagement with a range of quantitative skills within this theme,
including understanding of simple mass balance, unit conversions, and the
analysis and presentation of field data. Qualitative approaches may be used if
9. Specifications must require students to demonstrate knowledge and
understanding of the key areas of content listed below, and through this knowledge to
understand that the carbon and water cycles play a key role in supporting life on Earth:

• the distribution and size of the most important stores of carbon on land, in the
oceans and the atmosphere, and the factors driving change in the size of these
stores over time and in space
• the pathways and processes which control the cycling of carbon within and
between land, oceans and atmosphere at a range of time (seconds to millions of
years) and space (plant to continental) scales. These processes must include
(though need not be limited to) photosynthesis, respiration, decomposition, fossil
fuel combustion, land use change, carbon sequestration in oceans and
sediments, weathering
• the distribution and size of the most important stores of water on land, in the
ocean, atmosphere and cryosphere, and the factors driving change in the size of
these stores over time and in space

• the pathways which control cycling between land, ocean, atmosphere and
cryosphere, and the processes which control transfers within and between them
at a range of time (minutes to millennia) and space (hillslope to global) scales.
These processes must include (though need not be limited to) evaporation and
condensation, the formation of clouds and the causes of precipitation, runoff
generation, catchment hydrology, water extraction and groundwater, land use
change, cryospheric processes
• the links between the two cycles using climate as a key context for exploring
these linkages and for developing and applying understanding of the role of
feedbacks within and between the two cycles

2. Landscape systems

10. A level specifications, and AS specifications which address this theme, must
require students to undertake an integrated study of earth surface processes, landforms
and resultant landscapes.

11. Study must:

• develop the required knowledge and understanding through study of one

landscape system chosen from either:

• drylands:
drylands are characterised by limited soil moisture, caused by low
precipitation and high evaporation, and by aeolian and episodic fluvial
processes.They occur at all latitudes of the planet. Study must include at
least one of: either drylands in high latitude polar regions or mid and low
latitude deserts or semi-arid environments. UK fieldwork may include
consideration of aeolian processes in coastal dune systems or other suitable
• coastal landscapes:
coastal landscapes develop by the interaction of winds, waves and currents,
and the sediment supply sourced from terrestrial and offshore sources.
Study must include both high energy coasts (such as rocky and sandy
coastlines) and low energy coasts (such as estuarine coastlines)
• glaciated landscapes:
glaciated and formerly glaciated landscapes must include landscapes
shaped by valley glaciers and by ice sheets, bearing erosional and/or
depositional imprints of the former passage of glacier ice in a range of

• take place within a systems framework, focusing on transfers of energy and
movements of materials
• include landscapes from beyond the UK but may also include UK examples
• emphasise the use of quantitative approaches including developing observation
skills, measurement and geo-spatial mapping skills, together with data
manipulation and statistical skills applied to field measurement. Qualitative
approaches may be used if appropriate
12. Specifications must require students to demonstrate knowledge and
understanding of the key areas of content listed below, and through this knowledge to
gain understanding of how earth processes are a vital context for human activity:

• the variety of geomorphological processes that operate within landscape

systems and how the flows of energy and materials within the chosen landscape
system combine to create specific landforms
• how landforms are inter-related and how, together, they make up characteristic
• the characteristics of physical processes and patterns at a variety of spatial
(landform to landscape) and temporal (seconds to millennia) scales
• how landforms and landscapes evolve as a result of processes driven by past,
present and future climate changes
• the impact of human activity as another factor causing change within landscape

3. Global systems and global governance

13. Greater connectivity between people, places and environments across the globe
means that movements of goods, people, technology and ideas have become easier,
and the systems which facilitate and direct these flows have become truly global in reach
and impact. A level specifications, and AS specifications which address this theme, must
require students to undertake study of the way in which global systems shape
relationships between individuals, states and environments. They must also investigate
the increasing numbers of norms, laws and conventions, referred to here as 'global
governance', that aim to regulate the consequences of globalisation on people, places
and environments around the world.

14. Study must:

• focus equally on two sub-themes:

(a) one from the following list allowing investigation of the operation of global
systems; either:

(i) international trade and access to markets in the contemporary world;

(ii) patterns of human development and life expectancy (for example, as

understood through the human development index); or

(iii) processes and patterns of global population migration

(b) one from the following list illustrating the impacts of global governance; either:

(i) governance of the global commons (selecting either Antarctica or the

Earth's atmosphere or the oceans); or

(ii) human rights and the geopolitics of intervention; or

(iii) sovereignty and territorial integrity

• use both quantitative and qualitative approaches across the theme as a whole
15. Specifications must require students to demonstrate knowledge and
understanding of the key areas of content listed below, and through this knowledge to
gain understanding of the way in which global systems and global governance underlie
their own and other people's lives across the globe:

Global Systems

• the nature of economic, political, social and environmental interdependence in

the contemporary world
• how unequal flows of people, money, ideas and technology within global
systems can sometimes act to promote stability, growth and development but
can also cause inequalities, conflicts and injustices for people and places
• how unequal power relations enable some states to drive global systems to their
own advantage and to directly influence geopolitical events, while others are
only able to respond or resist in a more constrained way
Global Governance

• the role of norms, laws and institutions in regulating and reproducing global
systems, and analysis of the geographical consequences for citizens and places
• how attempts at global governance (including the example of the United Nations
in the post-1945 era) can work to promote growth and stability but may also
exacerbate inequalities and injustices
• how interactions between the local, regional, national, international and global
scales are fundamental to an understanding of global governance

4. Changing place; changing places

16. Relationships and connections between people, the economy, society and the
environment help to explain why places are constantly changing. In addition, the
meanings and representations attached to places help to shape actions and behaviours
affecting that place. A level specifications, and AS specifications which address this
theme, must require that students undertake study of the way in which these factors
(relationships, connections, meaning, representation) affect continuity and change in the
nature of places and our understanding of place.

17. Study must develop the required knowledge and understanding:

• by starting study from the local place within which students live or study and at
least one further contrasting place through which to develop the required
knowledge and understanding. Study must involve moving out from the local
place to encompass regional, national, international and global scales in order to
understand the dynamics of place. (Note that a local place may be a locality,
neighbourhood or small community, either urban or rural)
• focusing equally on two sub-themes:
(a) One from the list below which will allow investigation of the impact of
relationships and connections on people and place; either:

(i) changing demographic and cultural characteristics; or

(ii) economic change and social inequalities; or

(iii) food production, circulation and consumption


(b) one from the list below which will allow investigation of the importance of the
meanings and representations attached to places by people; either:

(i) place making and marketing as revealed and contrasted in the work
of a range of formal and informal agencies or their materials 2; or

(ii) cultural and artistic approaches 3 to representing place; or

(iii) lived experience of place (i.e. how people see, experience and
understand places) in the past and present

examples are, but are not limited to : governments, regional development bodies, investment companies,
community groups, local artists or writers, campaign materials, local museum and gallery exhibitions.
examples are, but are not limited to: photography, film, music, art, literature, poetry, drama.

• give particular weight to qualitative approaches involved in representing place,
and to analysing critically the impacts of different media on place meanings and
perceptions. The use of quantitative data, including the use of geospatial data
must also be used to present place characteristics
18. Specifications must require students to demonstrate knowledge and
understanding of the key areas of content listed below, and through this knowledge to
gain understanding of the way in which their own lives and those of others are affected
by continuity and change in the nature of places:

Relationships and connections

• how the demographic, socio-economic and cultural characteristics of places are

shaped by shifting flows of people, resources, money and investment, and ideas
at all scales from local to global
• how past and present connections, within and beyond localities, shape places
and embed them in the regional, national, international and global scales
• the characteristics and impacts of external forces operating at different scales
from local to global, including at least one of (i) government policies, (ii) the
decisions of multinational corporations, or (iii) the impacts of international or
global institutions
Meaning and representations

• how humans perceive, engage with and form attachments to places and how
they present and represent the world to others, including the way in which
everyday place meanings are bound up with different identities, perspectives
and experiences
• how external agencies, including (but not limited to) governments, corporate
bodies and community or local groups make attempts to influence or create
specific place-meanings and thereby shape the actions and behaviours of
individuals, groups, businesses and institutions
• that places may be represented in a variety of different forms 4 and use different
media 5 that often give contrasting images to that presented more formally or
statistically 6

for example but not limited to: advertising copy, tourist agency material, local art exhibitions.
for example but not limited to: photography, film, music, art, literature, poetry, graffiti.
formal approaches and statistical representations might include but are not limited to: cartography,
census data, digital worlds, geospatial technologies.

• that both past and present processes of development can be seen to influence
the social and economic characteristics of places and so be implicit in present

Geographical skills
19. Competence in using geographical skills should be developed during study of core
content and non-core content, not as a separate theme or topic. While the relative
balance of quantitative and qualitative methods and skills will differ between each of the
core and non-core themes, students must be introduced to a roughly equal balance of
quantitative and qualitative across the specification as a whole.

20. AS and A level specifications must require students to:

• understand the nature and use of different types of geographical information,

including qualitative and quantitative, primary and secondary, images, factual
text and discursive/creative material, digital data, numerical and spatial data and
innovative forms of data, including crowd-sourced and 'big data'
• collect, analyse and interpret such information, and demonstrate the ability to
understand and apply suitable analytical approaches for the different information
• undertake informed and critical questioning of data sources, analytical
methodologies, data reporting and presentation, including the ability to identify
sources of error in data and to identify the misuse of data
• communicate and evaluate findings, draw well-evidenced conclusions informed
by wider theory, and construct extended written argument about geographical
21. A level specifications must require students to demonstrate all the following skills.
AS level specifications must include a selection from both qualitative and quantitative
skills listed below, as appropriate to the specification content.

22. Students must demonstrate the following skills specific to qualitative data:

• use and understand a mixture of methodological approaches, including using

• interpret and evaluate a range of source material including textual and visual
• understand the opportunities and limitations of qualitative techniques such as
coding and sampling, and appreciate how they actively create particular
geographical representations
• understand the ethical and socio-political implications of collecting, studying and
representing geographical data about human communities

23. Students must demonstrate the following skills specific to quantitative data:

• understand what makes data geographical and the geospatial technologies (e.g.
GIS) that are used to collect, analyse and present geographical data
• demonstrate an ability to collect and to use digital, geo-located data, and to
understand a range of approaches to the use and analysis of such data;
• understand the purposes and difference between the following and be able to
use them in appropriate contexts:
• descriptive statistics of central tendency and dispersion
• descriptive measures of difference and association, inferential statistics and
the foundations of relational statistics, including (but not limited to)
measures of correlation and lines of best fit on a scatter plot
• measurement, measurement errors, and sampling

24. AS and A level specifications must require students to undertake fieldwork which
meets the minimum requirements of 2 days of fieldwork at AS, and 4 days of fieldwork for
A level. Awarding Organisations must require evidence of this fieldwork in the form of a
written statement from Centres.

25. AS specifications must require students to:

• undertake fieldwork in relation to processes in both physical and human

geography (some, but not all of this, may be within the context of people-
environment questions and issues)
• identify appropriate field research questions, based on their knowledge and
understanding of relevant aspects of physical and human geography
• understand how to observe and record phenomena in the field and be able to
devise and justify practical approaches taken in the field, (including
frequency/timing of observation, sampling, and data collection approaches)
• demonstrate knowledge and understanding of how to undertake practical field
methodologies appropriate to the investigation of core human and physical
• demonstrate knowledge and understanding of implementing chosen
methodologies to collect data/information of good quality that is relevant to the
topic under investigation
• apply existing knowledge and concepts to identify, order and understand field
• show the ability to write a coherent analysis of fieldwork findings and results in
order to answer a specific geographical question and to justify conclusions

26. A level specifications must require students to:

• undertake fieldwork in relation to processes in both physical and human

geography, but the fieldwork which is part of the individual investigation may be
either human, physical or integrated
• define the research questions which underpin field investigations
• research relevant literature sources and understand and write up the theoretical
or comparative context for a research question
• observe and record phenomena in the field and devise and justify practical
approaches taken in the field including frequency/timing of observation,
sampling, and data collection approaches
• demonstrate practical knowledge and understanding of field methodologies
appropriate to the investigation of core human and physical processes
• implement chosen methodologies to collect data/information of good quality and
relevant to the topic under investigation
• demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the techniques appropriate for
analysing field data and information and for representing results, and show
ability to select suitable quantitative or qualitative approaches and to apply them
• demonstrate the ability to interrogate and critically examine field data in order to
comment on its accuracy and/or the extent to which it is representative, and use
the experience to extend geographical understanding
• apply existing knowledge, theory and concepts to order and understand field
• show the ability to write up field results clearly and logically, using a range of
presentation methods
• evaluate and reflect on fieldwork investigations, explain how the results relate to
the wider context and show an understanding of the ethical dimensions of field
• demonstrate the ability to write a coherent analysis of fieldwork findings in order
to answer a specific geographical question and to do this drawing effectively on
evidence and theory to make a well-argued case
27. A level specifications must ensure that each student undertakes one independent
investigation that involves, but need not be restricted to, fieldwork. The independent
investigation must:

• be based on a question or issue defined and developed by the student

individually to address aims, questions and/or hypotheses relating to any of the
core or non-core content

• incorporate field data and/or evidence from field investigations, collected
individually or in groups
• draw on the student's own research, including their own field data and, if
relevant, secondary data sourced by the student
• require the student independently to contextualise, analyse and summarise
findings and data
• involve the individual drawing of conclusions and their communication by means
of extended writing and the presentation of relevant data

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