Table of Contents - 2
Table of Contents - 2
Table of Contents - 2
1- Abstract
2- introduction
3- The history of Mechatronics engineering
4- Application of mechatronics Engineering
5- What does a Mechatronics Engineer do ?
6- Conclusion
7- References
Mechatronics engineering, an interdisciplinary field, integrates mechanical,
electrical, electronic, and software engineering to develop systems with enhanced
functionality, accuracy, and cost efficiency. Originating in 1969 with Tetsura Mori's
introduction of the term "mechatronics," the field rapidly evolved with the
integration of computer technology post-1980s. Mechatronics finds applications
in automation, robotics, biomedical systems, energy, vehicular systems, and
more. Mechatronics engineers design intricate systems that enhance efficiency
and automation across various industries.
Mechatronics engineering, also called mechatronics, is an branch of
engineering that focuses on the integration of mechanical engineering,
electrical engineering, electronic engineering and software
engineering, and also includes a combination of robotics, computer
science, telecommunications, systems, control, and product
engineering. it refers to the automation of machines by introducing
computers and other electronic equipment to develop a system which
provides new functions and capabilities with more accuracy and lower
The field of mechatronics engineering continues to play a pivotal role in advancing
technology and automation across industries. By integrating mechanical, electrical,
electronic, and software engineering, mechatronics engineers develop systems that not
only enhance efficiency and accuracy but also make our lives safer and more convenient. As
technology progresses, the role of mechatronics engineering will only become more critical
in shaping our future.
Mechatronics- Tata McGraw Hill, Basics of Mechatronics- P.K Mohanty Image
Mechatronic Hand- jeanbaptisteparis, Flickr.!&&p=5510e0231c501cdeJmltdHM9MTcxMzc0NDAwMCZpZ3VpZD0zOWMzYjFkYS
1kNjEzL TYwZmYtMTg2OC1hMjZkZDdjZTYxYmImaW5zaWQ9NTI0Mg&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=39c3b1da-
YXRyb25pY3Mv&nt b=1