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A Novel Phosphorus Repletion Strategy in A Patient With Duodenal Perforation

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NCPXXX10.1177/0884533614529997Nutrition in Clinical PracticeKemmerly et al

Techniques & Procedures

Nutrition in Clinical Practice
Volume 29 Number 3
A Novel Phosphorus Repletion Strategy in a Patient With June 2014 402­–405
© 2014 American Society
Duodenal Perforation for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
DOI: 10.1177/0884533614529997
hosted at
Thomas Kemmerly, MD1; Carolyn Vuong, PharmD2; and Jonathan D. Kaunitz, MD3,4,5

We describe a case in which a patient receiving parenteral nutrition (PN) developed hypophosphatemia. Due to lack of availability of
parenteral phosphate supplements, we chose to restore phosphate using diluted hypertonic sodium phosphate enemas. Due to the recent
shortages of parenteral minerals and vitamins, such an alternate means of repletion is of increasing importance. Diluted hypertonic sodium
phosphate enemas are inexpensive, easy to administer, and effective since phosphate is readily absorbed across the rectal mucosa. We
hope that through this type of repletion, life-threatening hypophosphatemia among patients receiving PN can be avoided. (Nutr Clin Pract.

phosphorus; phosphates; duodenum; parenteral nutrition; drug shortage; enema; fluids-electrolytes/acid-base; nutrition; adult; life cycle;
enteral access; GI access; minerals/trace elements; parenteral formulas/compounding

Background preparations has posed a health risk, particularly in critically ill

patients, although an IV organophosphate solution, glycerol
Phosphorus is an essential element found in all living cells phosphate, has recently been imported to the U.S. market.11
important for bone structure, energy storage, and gene transla- Hypertonic sodium phosphate enemas are indicated in
tion. Normal serum phosphorus concentrations range from patients with constipation and for bowel preparation prior to
2.5–4.5 mg/dL (0.8–1.45 mmol/L). Hypophosphatemia can be flexible sigmoidoscopy.12 Despite their effectiveness, simplic-
classified as moderate (serum phosphorus concentration 1–2 ity, and low cost, these enemas can produce severe hyperphos-
mg/dL) or severe (<1 mg/dL).1 Approximately 2.4%–100% of phatemia.13,14 The potential for these enemas to increase
critically ill patients are deficient in total body phosphorus for phosphate concentrations to toxicity indicates that phosphate is
numerous reasons, including impaired absorption, increased readily absorbed across the rectal mucosa and thus may serve
renal excretion, or redistribution of inorganic phosphorus as a useful administration route for phosphate in hypophospha-
within the body.1 One of the difficulties in analyzing phospho- temic patients in whom the enteral route is contraindicated.
rus in the serum is that serum phosphorus concentrations often
do not reflect total body stores or intracellular concentrations;
therefore, clinical judgment always must be used when inter- Case Presentation
preting serum phosphorus concentrations. Yet numerous case The patient is a 63-year-old man who was initially evaluated
reports report the potentially fatal complications of total-body for persistent abdominal pain at an outside hospital. He had
phosphorus depletion. Several cases describe hypophospha-
temic patients who developed acute respiratory failure or have
From the 1Cedars-Sinai Medical Residency Program, Los Angeles,
difficulty weaning from ventilators.2-4 Cardiac dysfunction in California; 2Departments of Medicine and Pharmacy, Greater Los
the form of arrhythmias and heart failure have also been Angeles Veteran Affairs Healthcare System, WLAVA Medical
reported.5,6 Phosphorus depletion is also associated with cen- Center, Los Angeles, California; 3Department of Medicine, UCLA
tral pontine myelinolysis,7 insulin resistance,8 neutrophil dys- School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California; 4Department of Surgery,
UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California; and 5Brentwood
function,9 and hemolysis.10
Biomedical Research Institute, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Phosphorus can be repleted via oral or intravenous (IV)
administration. The oral route, being safe and well tolerated, is Financial disclosure: None declared.
often used for patients with moderate phosphorus deficiency. This article originally appeared online on April 17, 2014.
The IV route is used for patients either with severe phosphorus
Corresponding Author:
deficiency or when the enteral route is contraindicated. Jonathan D. Kaunitz, MD, UCLA School of Medicine, Building 114,
Although the IV route is preferred for treating severe hypophos- Room 217E, West Los Angeles VAMC, Los Angeles, CA 90073, USA.
phatemia, the current national shortage of parenteral phosphate Email:
Kemmerly et al 403

been taking high doses of ibuprofen for pain control following

a dental procedure that resulted in a duodenal perforation
requiring emergent surgical repair. His postoperative course
was complicated by a duodenal leak and a gastrointestinal (GI)
hemorrhage from ulcer erosion into the gastroduodenal artery
that was successfully embolized. The patient was transferred
from the outside hospital to the authors’ institution on postop-
erative day 13. The patient had received parenteral nutrition
(PN) at the outside hospital, but its duration and its contents
were unclear upon transfer. Due to a persistent duodenal leak
and the fragility of the surrounding area, the patient was
restricted to nothing by mouth and deemed too high risk for
enteral nutrition (EN) via a nasogastric tube. PN was started
via a dedicated peripherally inserted central catheter.
At the time of onset of PN, the patient weighed 78 kg and
was 180 cm tall. This placed him at 117% of his ideal body Figure 1. Time course of serum phosphorus concentrations.
weight. He had a history of a 14-kg weight loss compared Parenteral nutrition (PN) and diluted sodium phosphate
with the previous year, although it is unclear when this weight enemas, denoted as D1, D2, and D3, were given as indicated
loss began or over how long a period. He had no history of by the arrows. Please see the text for their composition: D1
= 21 mmol/180 mM, D2 = 42 mmol/360 mM, and D3 = 63
smoking or alcohol or illicit drug use. His liver function tests
mmol/540 mM sodium phosphate, total volume of each = 120
showed a total bilirubin of 1.2 mg/dL, alkaline phosphatase mL. The dotted line denotes the lower limit of normal of serum
of 95 U/L, alanine aminotransferase of 42 U/L, aspartate ami- phosphorus concentration as defined by the clinical laboratory.
notransferase of 42.4 U/L, and lactate dehydrogenase of
282.6 U/L. His lipid panel on the first day of PN showed total
cholesterol of 68 mg/dL, triglycerides of 80.2 mg/dL, high- the relief of constipation. In this case, a prepackaged hyper-
density lipoprotein (HDL) of 11 mg/dL, and low-density lipo- tonic phosphate enema (C. B. Fleet Company, Lynchburg,
protein (LDL) of 41 mg/dL. He had no history of diabetes; VA) was used, consisting of 19 g NaH2PO4/7 g Na2HPO4
point-of-care glucose monitoring indicated glucose concen- (~208 mmol sodium phosphate) dissolved in 118 mL water.
trations ranging from 97–241 mg/dL in the 3 days prior to The time course of the patient’s serum phosphorus concentra-
initiating PN, which was controlled with an insulin aspart tions and administration of diluted hypertonic phosphate
sliding scale regimen. enemas are illustrated in Figure 1. Initial phosphate repletion
PN was initiated using 20% destrose and 5% amino acid was attempted on postoperative day 21 by administering an
solution at 50 mL/h, which was increased to his goal rate of enema dilution consisting of 12 mL of the enema solution
100 mL/h over the course of 2 days. In total, 2 L of 20% with 108 mL of sterile water (dilution 1 or D1, ~21 mmol
Intravenous (IV) fat emulsion (Intralipid, Fresinius Kabi Ltd, total/180 mM phosphate), which was hypotonic relative to
Cheshire, UK) was administered weekly, providing 30 mmol plasma. The enema was ordered to be retained by the patient
phospholipids/wk (see the Appendix for detailed PN composi- for 30 minutes. The patient’s serum phosphorus concentra-
tion). No phosphate was added to the PN solution due to the tion was 2.5 mg/dL just prior to enema administration and 2.3
national IV phosphorus shortage, and the patient did not mg/dL 10 hours later. On postoperative day 22, 24 hours after
receive supplementary phosphate by the enteral route. enema administration, the patient’s phosphate concentration
On postoperative day 20, the patient, still PN dependent, was 2.6 mg/dL. Phosphorus repletion was then attempted
developed progressive hypophosphatemia reaching a nadir of using 24 mL of sodium phosphate enema and 96 mL of sterile
2.3 mg/dL, but had been unable to receive IV phosphate due to water (dilution 2 or D2, ~42 mmol total/360 mM phosphate),
a nationwide shortage. Blood glucose measurements during which was slightly hypertonic relative to plasma. Follow-up
PN ranged from 108–220 mg/dL, which was controlled with serum phosphorus level was 2.7 mg/dL on postoperative day
additional insulin. The patient showed no evidence of alkalo- 23 and 2.4 mg/dL on postoperative day 24. Phosphate reple-
sis, with renal function remaining normal throughout his hos- tion was then attempted using 36 mL of sodium phosphate
pital stay. enema with 84 mL of sterile water (dilution 3 or D3, ~63
At this point, since the provision of oral and IV phosphate mmol total/540 mM phosphate), which was roughly 2 times
replacements was not possible, there was a rising probability hypertonic relative to plasma. Serum phosphorus concentra-
of hypophosphatemic complications. We chose to replenish tions increased from 2.4–3 mg/dL 20 hours later. Serum phos-
body phosphorus rectally using dilutions of hypertonic phorus concentrations continued to increase for the following
sodium phosphate enemas, which are usually indicated for 3 days before reaching a peak of 4.1 mg/dL on postoperative
404 Nutrition in Clinical Practice 29(3)

day 26. Serum phosphorus concentrations steadily decreased Appendix

over the course of 4 days before reaching a nadir of 2.0 mg/
dL on postoperative day 30, after which another administra- Composition of the PN solution:
tion of D3 was given, increasing the serum phosphorus to The base solution contains dextrose (D) 20% and amino
3.5 mg/dL the following day. acids (aa) 5% only.
The patient expressed minimal discomfort and never expe- PN electrolytes content:
rienced the cathartic effects of enema administration during
any of the 4 administrations. Na+ 60 mEq/L Cl– 50 mEq/L
K+ 30 mEq/L Acetate 102 mEq/L
Ca++ 0 mEq/L Multivitamins (MVI)a 10 mL/2-L bag
Discussion Mg++ 12 mEq/L Trace element (MTE-4)b 1 mL/2-L bag
The most common electrolyte disturbances from the use of Phosphorus 0 mmol/L Regular insulin 10 units/2-L bag
sodium phosphate enemas are hyperphosphatemia and hyper- a
MVI 10 mL contains 100 mg vitamin C, 1 mg vitamin A, 5 mcg
calcemia.14 Inorganic phosphate is passively absorbed by the vitamin D, 6 mg vitamin B1, 3.6 mg vitamin B2, 6 mg vitamin B6, 40 mg
colon down its concentration gradient.15 Since the sodium niacinamide, 15 mg dexpanthenol, 10 mg vitamin E, 60 mcg biotin, 600
mcg folic acid, 5 mcg vitamin B12, and 150 mcg vitamin K.
phosphate solution used for enemas is highly concentrated b
MTE-4 1 mL contains 5 mg zinc, 1 mg copper, 0.5 mg manganese, and
(~1.75 M),1 a ~6-fold lumen to plasma concentration gradient 10 mcg chromium.
is created when phosphate enemas are administered, facilitat-
ing rapid phosphate entry into the plasma. In patients with
normal renal function, phosphate concentrations rise, on aver- PN daily prescription at goal rate (100 mL/h): 1950 mL
age, to 3.1–4.0 mg/dL.16 In our patient, administration of D3 20% dextrose/5% amino acids + 20% IV fat emulsion 1 L 2×/
increased serum phosphorus concentrations 0.6 mg/dL after wk provides 2002 kcal (~25 kcal/kg/d), 97.5 g protein (~1.2 g/
the first administration and 1.5 mg/dL after the second. kg/d), 17% kcal from fat, and 5.17 mg carbohydrate (CHO)/kg/
Although the IV fat emulsion that the patient received con- min (total CHO per day = 390 g, total protein per day = 97.5 g).
tains phospholipids, doubt has been raised with regard to the
effectiveness of phosphorus in this form for phosphorus References
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