ECON0019 Week1 SLR OLS
ECON0019 Week1 SLR OLS
ECON0019 Week1 SLR OLS
We have seen how to estimate the SLR model by OLS. But is the
estimated version useful?
Is it informative about the population version?
Can it be used to draw inference?
To answer these questions, we wish to study the statistical properties
of the OLS estimator.
Mathematical statistics: How do our estimators behave across
di¤erent samples of data?
For example, on average, would we get the right answer if we could
repeatedly sample?
That is, is the expected value of OLS estimators = population values?
in e¤ect, the average outcome across all possible random samples –
and determine if we are right on average.
Leads to the notion of unbiasedness.
yi = β0 + β1 xi + ui
for each i.
Because of SLR.2, we can treat (yi , xi , ui ), i = 1, ..., n, as identically
and independently distributed (i.i.d.) random variables
N.B. ui is the unobserved error for observation i
It is not the residual ûi that we compute from the data!
It is convenient to use
∑ni=1 (xi x̄ ) (yi ȳ ) ∑ni=1 (xi x̄ )yi
β̂1 = n =
∑i =1 (xi x̄ )2 ∑ni=1 (xi x̄ )2
∑ni=1 (xi x̄ )yi ∑n (xi x̄ )ui
β̂1 = = β 1 + i =1
| {z }
sampling error
This would not be true if, in the population, u and x are correlated.
Use above to obtain
E[ β̂1 jXn ] = β1 +
SSTx ∑ (xi x̄ )E [ui jXn ] = β1 .
| {z }
i =1
SLR.1: y = β0 + β1 x + u
SLR.2: random sampling from the population
SLR.3: some sample variation in the x
SLR.4: E [u jx ] = 0
SLR.4 is critical and so you should always think hard if it is
reasonable in a given application:
What are the omitted factors?
Are they likely to be correlated with x?
If yes then SLR.4 fails and OLS will be biased.
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E [y jx ] = β0 + β1 x, Var(y jx ) = σ2
Var(sav jinc ) = σ2
(Sampling Variances of OLS) Under Assumptions SLR.1–SLR.5, and
conditional on Xn ,
σ2 σ2
Var( β̂1 jXn ) = =
∑ni=1 (xi x )2 SSTx
σ2 n 1 ∑ni=1 xi2
Var( β̂0 jXn ) =
This is the “standard” formula for the variance of the OLS slope
It is not valid if Assumption SLR.5 is violated.
The homoskedasticity assumption was not used to show unbiasedness
of the OLS estimators.
This requires only SLR.1–SLR.4.
Dennis Kristensen (UCL) ECON0019 24 / 33
Factors determining variance
Var( β̂1 jXn ) =
1 The more “noise” in the relationship between y and x – that is, the
larger variability in u – the harder it is to learn about β1 :
SSTx nσ2x .
Thus, as n grows,
1 2 2
Var( β̂1 ) σ /σx
and so Var( β̂1 ) shrinks at the rate 1/n.
This show why more data is a good thing: It shrinks the sampling
variance of our estimators.
Recall that
∑ni=1 (xi x̄ )ui
β̂1 = β1 +
Again, conditional on Xn , we can treat the parts involving fxi gni=1 as
In addition, we will use the following fact: For uncorrelated random
variables, the variance of the sum is the sum of the variances.
Var( β̂1 jXn ) =
We can compute SSTx from the observed data fxi : i = 1, ..., n g.
We need to estimate σ2 since it is unknown. By LIE and SLR.4,
σ 2 = E[u 2 ].
(Unbiased Estimator of σ2 ) Under Assumptions SLR.1-SLR.5,
E[σ̂2 jXn ] = σ2 .
σ̂ = SSR/(n 2) is called the standard error of the regression
it is an estimate of the standard deviation of the error in the regression
Stata calls it the root mean squared error.
Given σ̂, we can now, for example, estimate sd ( β̂1 jXn ) = σ/ SSTx
se ( β̂1 ) = p .
This is called the standard error of β̂1 . We will use these a lot.
Almost all regression packages report the standard errors in a column
next to the coe¢ cient estimates.
For reasons we will see, it is useful to report the standard errors below
the corresponding coe¢ cient, usually in parentheses.
In this regression σ̂ = .5383 (see “Root MSE” in the Stata output).
Sometimes it is reported, but not usually.