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A Review On Food Fermentation and The Biotechnolog

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A Review on Food Fermentation and the Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria

Article in World Journal of Food Science and Technology · May 2018

DOI: 10.11648/j.wjfst.20180201.13


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1 author:

Mesele Admassie
Addis Ababa University


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World Journal of Food Science and Technology
2018; 2(1): 19-24
doi: 10.11648/j.wjfst.20180201.13

A Review on Food Fermentation and the Biotechnology of

Lactic Acid Bacteria
Mesele Admassie
Department of Microbial, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Email address:

To cite this article:

Mesele Admassie. A Review on Food Fermentation and the Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria. World Journal of Food Science and
Technology. Vol. 2, No. 1, 2018, pp. 19-24. doi: 10.11648/j.wjfst.20180201.13

Received: March 23, 2018; Accepted: April 16, 2018; Published: May 19, 2018

Abstract: Fermented foods are among the first processed food products consumed since the development of human
civilizations. Food fermentation processes can be categorized by the primary metabolites and microorganisms involved. Lactic
acid bacteria (LAB) are a large group of closely related bacteria that have similar properties such as lactic acid production,
which is an end product of the fermentation. Biotechnology is the use of living systems and organisms to develop or make
useful products, or any technological applications that uses biological systems, living organisms or derivatives, to make or
modify products or processes for specific use. Depending on the tools and applications, it often overlaps with the fields of
bioengineering and biomedical engineering. Some of the applications were identified in this paper to include biotechnology in
food fermentation to enhance properties such as the taste, aroma, shelf-life, texture and nutritional value of food. When used
regularly, LAB fermented foods boost the immune system and strengthen the body in the fight against pathogenic bacterial
infections, bacteriocins produced by LAB may become a potential drug candidate for replacing antibiotics in order to treat
multiple drugs resistance pathogens in the future. The modern extension of food/feed fermentation technology consists of
processes designed to obtain particular compounds using microbial metabolism as the chemical machinery. Thus, LAB
fermentation is not only of a major economic importance, and the starting food materials, but it also promotes human health
and increase food/feed production in the world.
Keywords: Lactic Acid Bacteria, Fermentation, Pathogenic, Bacteriocins

anaerobic or facultative aerobic cocci or rods, fastidious on

1. Introduction artificial media, but they grow readily in most food substrates
Fermented foods are staples of the human diet and have and lower the pH rapidly to a point where competing
been produced and consumed since the development of organism are no longer able to grow, and it is one of the main
human civilizations [1]. The process whereby fermentation products of the metabolism of carbohydrates
microorganisms and their enzymes bring about these [2].
desirable changes in food materials is known as fermentation. Biotechnology is defined as any technological application
Food fermentation processes can be categorized by the that uses biological systems, living organisms or derivatives
primary metabolites and microorganisms involved:lactic acid thereof to make or modify products or processes for specific
bacteria (LAB) belonging to genera such as Leuconostoc, use Biotechnology as applied to food processing in most
Lactobacillus, and Streptococcus. Fermentations can also be developing countries makes use of microbial inoculants to
described based on the food substrates, which include meats enhance properties such as the taste, aroma, shelf-life, texture
and fish, dairy, vegetables, soy beans and other legumes, and nutritional value of foods [3].
cereals, starchy roots, and grapes and other fruits. Raw Spontaneous fermentation may fail, because it is not
materials that contain high concentrations of possible to ensure the same quality of the end product.
monosaccharide’s and disaccharides, or in some cases starch, However, spontaneously fermented products represent a
are fermented by lactic acid bacteria [1]. Lactic acid bacteria source of LAB with potential interesting functional and
(LAB) are a group of gram-positive, non-sporulating, technological properties, and the choice of the starter cultures
has a critical impact on the palatability, processability,
20 Mesele Admassie: A Review on Food Fermentation and the Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria

nutritional attributes, sustainability, and safety of food and Using LAB fermentation for detoxification is more
feed [4]. This review will address how biotechnology of advantageous in that it is a milder method which preserves
fermented food/feed of Lactic Acid Bacteria currently the nutritive value and flavor of decontaminated food. In
supports human health, and other possible effects. addition to this, LAB fermentation irreversibly degrades
mycotoxins without leaving any toxic residues. The
2. Biotechnology in Food Fermentation detoxifying effect is believed to be through toxin binding
effect [10].
Microorganisms are integral part of the processing system
during the production of fermented foods. Microbial cultures 3.5. Antibiotic Activities
can be genetically improved using both traditional and LAB is applied as a hurdle against non-acid tolerant
molecular approaches, and improvement of bacteria is the bacteria, which are ecologically eliminated from the medium
subject of much academic and industrial research. Traits due to their sensitivity to acidic environment [8]. Also,
which have been considered for commercial food fermentation has been demonstrated to be more effective in
applications in both developed and developing countries the removal of gram negative than the gram-positive bacteria,
include sensory quality (flavor, aroma, visual appearance, which are more resistant to fermentation processing [11]. As
texture, consistency and general acceptability) [3]. such, fermented food can control diarrheal diseases in
children [11]. Moreover, LAB is also known to produce
3. The Role of Fermentation to Food protein antimicrobial agents such as bacteriocins.
Bacteriocins are peptides that elicit antimicrobial activity
3.1. Flavor Enhancement against food spoilage organisms and food borne pathogens
Fermentation makes the food palatable by enhancing its but do not affect the producing organisms. LAB also
aroma and flavor. These organoleptic properties make synthesizes other anti-microbial compounds such as,
fermented food more popular than the unfermented one in hydrogen peroxide, reuterin, and reutericyclin [12]. Other
terms of consumer acceptance [5]. applications of LAB include their use as probiotics that
restore the gut flora in patients suffering from diarrhea,
3.2. Nutritional Quality following usage of antibiotics that destroy the normal flora
A number of foods especially cereals are poor in
nutritional value, and they constitute the main staple diet of
the low-income populations. However, LAB fermentation 4. Sources of LAB
has been shown to improve the nutritional value and Some LAB is associated with the mouth flora, intestine
digestibility of these foods. The acidic nature of the and vagina of mammals, while others are present in
fermentation products enhances the activity of microbial fermented seafood, such as Lactobacillus plantarum and
enzymes at a temperature range of 22-25ºC[6]. The enzymes, Lactobacillus reuteri, which are reported to be associated
which include amylases, proteases, phytases and lipases, with plaa-som fermented Thai fish [13]. LAB are the most
modify the primary food products through hydrolysis of important bacteria used in the fermentation industry of dairy
polysaccharides, proteins, phytates and lipids respectively. products, such as yogurt, cheese, sour milk and butter, and in
Thus, in addition to enhancing the activity of enzymes, LAB combination with yeast are commonly used to ferment cereal
fermentation also reduces the levels of anti-nutrients such as products such as dough [14].
phytic acid and tannins in food leading to increased
bioavailability of minerals such as iron, protein and simple
sugars. The number of vitamins is also increased in the 5. Role of Lactic Acid Bacteria for Food
ferment [7]. Industry (Biotechnology)
3.3. Preservative Properties Fermentation is one of the oldest ways of food
The preservative activity of LAB has been observed in preservation. This is made possible by the use of Lactic Acid
some fermented products such as cereals, and yogurt. The Bacteria or LAB that plays the major role in this process.
lowering the pH to below 4 through acid production, inhibits Even with the absence of oxygen, it drives the reactions of
the growth of pathogenic microorganisms which can cause converting the carbohydrate to lactic acid with addition of
food spoilage, food poisoning and disease [8]. For example, carbon dioxide and other organic compounds such as
LAB has antifungal activities [9]. By doing this, the shelf life mannitol and dextran. It also contributes to smell, taste,
of fermented food is prolonged. texture and color of the foods.
Due to its many uses in the food industry, a study by [15]
3.4. Detoxification highlighted the impact of the potential biotechnological
applications LAB in food-making process. Genetically
Detoxification of mycotoxins in food through LAB engineered tactics with better fermentation efficiency better
fermentation has been demonstrated over the years [10]. shelf life, nutritional and sensory properties for the product.
World Journal of Food Science and Technology 2018; 2(1): 19-24 21

When food products are made, undesirable contaminants can production results in the lowering of pH and this makes it
lead to poor flavor, low yield and food poisoning. LAB can unsuitable for growth of spoilage or pathogenic
be genetically engineered to grow faster than contaminants, microorganisms [19].
as well as inhibit and destroy the growth of contaminants
including pathogens by producing antimicrobial agents [16]. 5.3. Lactic Acid Bacteria for Bread Production
Because LAB has many uses, cultures are being kept. In Sourdough fermentation is the most natural and best-
order to preserve LAB for future uses, freezing is frequently performing process to ensure optimal sensory and functional
used. Nonetheless, its analytical way of preservation characteristics of bread, also, it should be noted, that the
decreases the acidifying and viability ability when thawed. selection of LAB, having peculiar characteristics, can reduce
Genetically modified (GM) LAB is being created in order to the mold growth [20] and acrylamide formation in bread
increase the performance of the said bacteria even subjected [21]. The acrylamide content in mixed rye - wheat bread
to such condition. However, the European Union and also could be lowered by using LAB with lower amylolytic
Ethiopia doesn’t widely accept GM products. Therefore, the activity [22]. Thus, the significant effect of LAB protease
legislation is strict in the introduction of GMO functional activity on the fermentation process as well as on acrylamide
foods even it has clear benefits to consumers. Even up to formation in bread can be related. Aspergillus niger
these days, methods and test are being done to products in glucoamylase in conjunction with an appropriate LAB strain
order to assure that there are no strains of genetically could be used as one of the factors regulating acidification in
modified LAB or even GM foods enter the market without dough, herewith decreasing the acrylamide content in bread.
notice. The gap between GM products producers, legislation Different tendencies were found in bread produced with
and consumers are not tied into united point of view. Helianthus tuberosus L. (JA) tubers, which is a good source
5.1. LAB as Starter-Cultures in Cheese Industry of prebiotic inulin [22]. The proteolytic activity of LAB does
not correlate with acrylamide content in wheat bread made
Milk is a highly perishable food raw material, therefore, its with JA (Jerusalem artichoke) additives but there was a
transformation in cheese or other form of fermented dairy strong correlation between acrylamide and the sourdough and
product cheese-making is based on application of LAB in the with LAB amylase activity excreted in JA material. Also, a
form of defined or undefined starter cultures that are number of fermented products utilize cereals in combination
expected to cause a rapid acidification of milk through the with legumes, thus improving the overall protein quality of
production of lactic acid, with the consequent decrease in pH, the fermented product. Cereals are deficient in lysine, but are
thus affecting a number of aspects of the cheese rich in cystine and methionine, legumes on the other hand are
manufacturing process and ultimately cheese composition rich in lysine but deficient in Sulphur-containing amino acids
and quality [17]. The starter-culture applied in this, so-called, [23]. Hereby, by combining cereals with legumes, the overall
natural fermentation, is usually a poorly known micro flora protein quality of bread could be improved. Fermentation of
mix that although having a predominance of LAB, may also lupine by pure LAB significantly improved the nutritive
contain non-LAB microorganisms, and its microbial diversity value of lupine eliminating the trypsin inhibitors (reduction
and load is usually variable over time. In fact, studies of 21.8%) and increasing the soluble protein content up to
directed to characterize traditional cheeses show that those 18.9% thus improving protein digestibility by 17.1% [23].
made from raw milk harbor a diversity of LAB [18] prevent the growth of fungi and enhance the flavor of bread
depending on geographical region, where a few may show (i) Shelf life: Since LAB isolates are safe for use in foods,
particular interesting technological features that upon they are a significant alternative to chemical preservatives.
optimization may have industrial applications. For example, Several researchers in the area of the bakery industry have
because wild strains need to withstand the competition of successfully added LAB to dough and these strains grew well,
other microorganisms to survive in their hostile natural producing the desired antifungal compounds in the dough.
environment, they often produce antimicrobials substances (ii) Flavor: fungi are responsible for the formation of off-
called bacteriocins, which are natural antibacterial proteins flavor and the production of mycotoxins; adding LAB to
that can be incorporated directly into fermented foods or dough can prevent the growth of fungi and enhance the flavor
indirectly as starter culture [18]. of bread. The addition of L. paracasiD5 and L.
fermentumTe007 in the production of white bread (di-acetyl)
5.2. Yoghurt Culture Bacteria resulted in an improved aroma and a pleasant caramel like
The thermophilic LAB, Streptococcus thermophilus and flavor in the baked bread itself.
Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. Bulgaricus are used together (iii) Quality and acceptability: The key role in achieving
as important starter microorganisms in the production of the optimum growth and activity of the bakery yeast is
yoghurt and some kind of cheeses. Because both bacteria are played by selecting a LAB that does not exhibit inhibition
able to grow in milk, this indirect positive interaction is activity against the bakery yeast. In a test tube mix of 10 ml
called proto-cooperation. This positive relationship often has water, 5 g of white flour, the LAB strain and baking yeast,
a beneficial effect on bacterial growth and on the production incubate and observe the production of gas at the top of the
of lactic acid and aromatic compounds. Lactic acid tube, which is a good indicator of the yeast activity the use of
LAB in bread in terms of improving the quality of wheat
22 Mesele Admassie: A Review on Food Fermentation and the Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria

bread, bread volume and crumb structure has been the influence of surface treatment selected LAB, previously
reported[24]. cultivated in a potato juice, and on the formation of
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and biogenic
5.4. LAB Biotechnological Potential in Pasta-Making amines (BAs) in cold smoked pork meat sausages was
The potential industrial exploitation is to define a LAB investigated. Moreover, sausages treatment with LAB after
employ in pasta manufacturing which is coherent with the the smoking on PAHs content changes was evaluated.
required final quality of pasta products. In current trends, an Additionally, the inhibitory effects of LAB metabolites on
important field of application of LAB-based biotechnology is food spoilage bacteria was determined [4]. The results
the huge growing gluten-free (GF) market. This interesting confirm that potato juice could be used as an alternative
niche requires high innovative contributes to solve the celiac substrate for LAB cultivation and obtained fermented bio
disease issue, also in the pasta segment. There are two main products could be applied for surface treatment of cold
routes to achieve this purpose: (i) the use of selected smoked pork sausages in case to reduce microbial
LAB to degrade gluten and (ii) the employ of particular LAB contamination, and PAHs content in final product.
to increase the quality GF products. The first strategy has 5.6. Lactic Acid Bacteria Increasing Nutritional Value of
been already applied to pasta manufacture recent Tomatoes
biotechnological evolution couple lactobacilli and fungal
proteases to improve durum wheat semolina gluten Processing of tomatoes with selected LAB strains resulted
degradation, maintaining cooking, and sensory properties in several important changes in carotenoid concentration and
higher than those of conventional gluten-free pasta The lycopene isomer profile. Treatment with LAB breaks down
second approach consider LAB “as ‘burgeoning ‘cell the tomato cell matrix and makes the carotenoids more
factories for the delivering of functional bio-molecules and available, which resulted in higher level of total carotenoids.
food ingredients for the production of high quality GF cereal Moreover, lactic acid fermentation of tomato resulted in a
products” with the aim to improve texture, aroma, nutritional large lycopene bioavailability accompanied by increased cis-
properties, health benefits and shelf life [25]. Lactic acid lycopene content. According to selected LAB may be useful
bacteria (LAB) were obtained from durum wheat flour for preservation of tomatoes, which could be recommended
samples and screened for roseoflavin-resistant variants to as a way of obtaining more biologically accessible products
isolate natural riboflavin-overproducing strains. Two with functional value [28].
riboflavin over producing strains of Lactobacillus plantarum
isolated as described above were used for the preparation of 5.7. Importance of the Metabolites of LAB
pasta (using a pre fermentation step) to enhance their vitamin LAB is well known for their antifungal activity, which is
B2 content. Pasta was produced from monovarietal semolina related to the production of a variety of compounds including
obtained from the durum wheat cultivar PR22D89 and, for acids, alcohols, carbon dioxide, diacetyl, hydrogen peroxide,
experimental purposes, from commercial re-milled semolina. phenyl acetic acid, bacteriocins and cycle peptides [29].
Several samples were collected during the pasta-making These compounds were added to several foods in order to
process (dough, extruded, dried, and cooked pasta) and tested conserve them from food-borne and spoilage
for their riboflavin content by a high-performance liquid microorganisms.
chromatography method. The applied approaches resulted in Organic acids are the main product of LAB in the
a considerable increase of vitamin B2 content (about 2-fold fermentation systems of the raw materials. The main acids
increases in pasta) [26]. produced by LAB are lactic acid and acetic acid, besides
5.5.Lactic Acid Bacteria for Meat Products Value and certain other acids depending upon the strain of LAB.
Safety Increasing These acids will be diffused through the membrane of the
target organisms in their hydrophobic un-dissociated form
The nutritional strategies to improve the quality of food and then used to reduce the cytoplasmic pH and stop
products of animal origin are relatively new approach. metabolic activities. Other factors that contribute to the
According to researchers, fermented with selected LAB preservative action of the acids are the sole effect of pH,
tomato powder can be recommended as both a coloring agent the extent of the dissociation of the acid and the specific
and a source of lycopene in the preparation of ready-to-cook effect of the molecule itself on the microorganisms.
minced pork meat [27]. Saturejamontana L. plants fermented Bacteriocins exhibit good potential for use in the food
with BLIS (bacteriocin-like inhibitory substances) producing industry and as bio-preservation agents. Bacteriocins are
LAB could be a good alternative for ready-to-cook minced small, ribosomally synthesized, antimicrobial peptides or
pork processing to prevent meat discoloration and microbial proteins that display inhibition activity toward related
spoilage, thus increasing acceptability and shelf-life of meat species, with no reports about fungal inhibition. The
products [27]. The cheap natural marinades, based on potato notable property of LAB supernatant is the heat stability
juice fermented with selected LAB, could be recommended of the antifungal compounds present in it. This will
for pork meat treatment to improve its tenderness and color, promote the use of LAB supernatant and/or antifungal
thus increasing the overall acceptability [27]. Furthermore, compounds in heat-treated foods. The supernatant of
World Journal of Food Science and Technology 2018; 2(1): 19-24 23

certain LAB observed to be active within a wide range of as increasing the proportion of T- lymphocytes and natural
pH, starting from as low as three and up to nine depending killer cells. Probiotics are also known to reduce dental carries
upon the strain [30]. This could be considered as a major in children as well as aid in the treatment of Helicobacter
factor whereby LAB is used in food preservation when pylori infection [35].
compared with the chemical preservative which are Therefore, a reasonable argument could be made that these
usually active at low pH between 3 and 4.5. Additionally, foods should be considered to have similar health benefits as
LAB have a broad spectrum of anti fungal activity against those conferred by probiotic lactobacilli of the same species.
several food spoilage and mycotoxin-producing fungi It is worth noting that some countries (e.g. Italy and Canada)
while commercial preservatives are usually used to control incorporate a list of species considered as probiotics in their
only one or few fungi. regulatory guidelines. In contrast, in most of Europe, and also
in Ethiopia, foods are not permitted to use or mention
5.8. Lactic Acid Bacteria for Higher Value Feed Production ‘probiotics’ or ‘contain probiotics’ on labels.
The 50ml of with selected LAB fermented potato juice
containing 9.6 log10 CFU/ml of LAB per day, administered 6. Conclusion
for 14days, reduced the risk of developing acidosis (it
stabilized blood pH), reduced lactate and CO2 The value of fermented food plays a vital role in diet,
concentrations, and the risk of liver lesions in blood and E. human health and nutrition. The benefits which are
coli in the faeces of calves [31]. associated with fermentation are increased shelf life and
As well as the isolated Pediococcusacidilactici sustainability, and nutritional value, Bacteriocins produced
BaltBio01 and Pediococcuspentosaceus BaltBio02 strains by LAB may become a potential drug candidate for replacing
were cultivated in barley and wheat bran substrate, and the antibiotics in order to treat multiple drugs resistance
developed fermented feed stock, with high content of pathogens in the future human health. Application of lactic
valuable Pediococcus, was used for Lithuanian black and acid bacteria for the food/ feed biotechnology industry look
white dairy cattle feeding [32]. In addition, the influence potentials and warrant further research especially in Africa,
of fermented feed stock on milk production and and particularly in Ethiopia, in order to increase the
composition was determined. Isolated strains performance of LAB genetically modified (GM) LAB is
demonstrated versatile carbohydrate metabolism, grown at being generated. This review will clarify the significance,
30 °C and 37 °C temperatures, acidic tolerance, showed to and probably the requirement, of certain fermented foods in
be non-resistant to antibiotics and have antimicrobial the human diet and justification for inclusion into Ethiopian
activity. Cereal by-products (barley and wheat bran) national dietary guidelines.
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