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Ground Water Pollution Near The Industrial Area at Jalgaon District, Maharashtra State

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International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science (IJARCS)

Volume 3, Issue 1, January, 2016, PP 46-49

ISSN 2349-039X (Print) & ISSN 2349-0403 (Online)

Ground Water Pollution near the Industrial Area at Jalgaon

District, Maharashtra State
Landge M. G*, 2Badade S. S, 3Kendre B. V
Department of Chemistry, Government College of Engineering, Jalgaon, MS, India
Department of Chemistry, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, MS, India
P.G. Department of Chemistry, Vaidyanath College, Parli-Vaijnath, MS, India

Abstact: Investigation of physico - chemical constituents of well water near the industrial area at M.I.D.C.
Jalgaon was done. During the analysis it was observed that well water is polluted due to percolation seepage of
industrial sewages and making the water unsuitable for domestic purpose in rainy season and in winter the
degree of pollution is less but it is high in summer.
Keywords: Physico-chemical constituents,well water, analysis,pollution, sewage, domestic, season etc.

Due to waste increase in the industries and improper management of effluent, pollution has become
devastating problem in the development of the near by villages more over negligence towards the
treatment of the effluent. This results the surface water pollution as well as the ground water
pollution. In the present work the physico-chemical analysis was done to study the pollution of water.
However the independent variable , that contribute the pollution can be measured combined resultant
can quantitatively expressed. Statistical method such as principal component analysis and factor
analysis are the best methods in this context. As a case study the parameters responsible for pollution
such as BOD, COD, pH, DO, alkalinity, Total bacteria, E-coli, Chlorides, Calcium, Magnesium, Total
hardness, Temporary hardness, Permanent hardness, Total dissolved solids, turbidity etc, have been
estimated in well water and tube wells near the industrial area at M.I.D.C Jalgaon district.
The chemical analysis for the well water and tube wells near industrial area has become prominent
issue of every city in Maharashtra and India. The physical examination attributes the color clarity on
and test have became of greater importance in classifying the portable quality of water. This well
water was first used for domestic as well as agricultural purpose since past 5- 6 years as the industrial
area has developed near by this wells, due to percolation seepage of the industrial effluents the total
near by well water is polluted to such an extent that it is unsuitable for domestic purpose. It is
observed that before rainy season mostly in the month of March, April and May the water has been
developed reddish - brown color. In summer as the level of well water is decreased the concentration
of the dissolved effluents is increased and thus it becomes reddish-brown color. This well is near the
industrial area from where the industrial effluents percolates seepage could enter into the wells.
After the rains as level of rain water increases moreover seepage could not.
In every month of the 1st date of the time in between 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 a.m., about one liter of
water sample from the well was taken in previously cleaned dried polythene jar or bislleri bottle with
necessary precaution and brought to the laboratory for analysis. The samples were analyzed for the
average values of the various physic-chemical parameters as per standard methods. All the chemicals
used as such without further purification for the reagent preparation were of BDH, SD fine chemicals
and Analar grade.
Most of the salts and variety of organic substances (except lipids ), are soluble in water. Thus, a water
sample either from surface, ground or marine sources, contains appreciable quantity of dissolved
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solids,1 normally confer a degree of hardness of it. Dissolved oxygen (DO ) is one of the most
important parameter of water quality directly affecting survival and distribution of flora and fauna in
an ecosystem. The two main sources of DO are diffusion and photosynthesis. Natural water normally
has a low chloride contents compared to bicarbonates and sulfates. High chlorides level indicates
pollution from domestic sewage and industrial effluents. Though chloride level as high as 250 mg/lit.
is safe for human consumption, a level above this imparts a salty taste to the potable water. Hardness
to water is normally imparted by alkaline earth metallic cations, mainly calcium and magnesium
present in it. Calcium and magnesium is the major cations present in natural waters , its main source
being leaching of rocks in the catchment. Ca concentration restricts water use, while it is an important
component in the exoskeleton of Arthropods and Shells in Molluscs. Mg is the vital component of
chlorophyll. Very high concentration of Mg imparts an unpleasant taste to the potable water.
Table1. Standards for quality of water
Sr. No. Parameter (s) I.S.I.
1 pH 6.5 – 8.5
2 D.O. 3.00
3 Total bacteria -----
4 E- Coli -----
5 BOD < 4 ppm
6 Total hardness 300
7 Permanent hardness ----
8 Alkalinity 300
9 Chlorides 250
10 Flourides < 1 ppm
11 Turbidity 10 NTU
12 Total solids 500
13 TDS 2100
14 TSS -----
15 Calcium 75 ppm
16 Magnesium 30 ppm
17 Sulfate 150
Table2. Yearly analysis of water quality using physico-chemical parameters of well waters near M.I.D.C.
Months Temp 0c Turbidity NTS TDS mg/l pH
Jan 22.50 10.45 220.50 8.05
Feb 24.00 11.00 214.00 8.10
Mar 26.00 14.00 218.00 8.00
Apr 24.50 9.00 160.00 8.20
May 26.50 8.50 130.00 7.50
Jun 24.50 6.00 250.50 7.10
July 23.50 7.00 235.00 7.00
Aug 23.00 6.50 150.50 7.10
Sept 24.00 4.50 135.00 6.80
Oct 25.00 4.00 145.00 7.90
Nov 23.00 6.50 205.00 7.25
Dec 22.00 8.00 180.50 7.80
Table3. The physico-chemical parameters of well waters near M.I.D.C. Industrial area Jalgaon
Sr No. Parameters Observed values- min Observed value - max
1 pH 7.0 8.20
2 BOD 1.5 2.80
3 COD 13.0 20.00
4 Total hardness 404.00 482.00
5 Permanent hardness 128.00 212.00
6 Alkalinity 257.00 297.00
7 Chloride 89.00 98.00
8 Flouride 0.260 0.286
9 Turbidity 2.3 3.5
4.0 14.00
10 Total solids 667.00 745.00

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Ground Water Pollution near the Industrial Area at Jalgaon District, Maharashtra State

11 TDS 651.00 729.00

TDS 130.00 251.00
12 TSS 15.00 40.00
13 Calcium 71.90 74.20
14 Sulfate 12.90 15.80
15 Magnesium 71.00 75.80
Table4. The physico-chemical characteristics of the tube wells sample near M.I.D.C. Jalgaon
Sr. No. Parameters In mg/ lit
1 pH 7.10 to 8.20
2 Color Colorless to reddish-brown
3 BOD 2.8
4 COD 20.00
5 TDS 600.00
6 Permanent hardness 180.00
7 Alkalinity 222.50
8 Chloride 90.00
9 Sulfate 41.00
10 Nitrate 0.08
11 Ammonia 0.18
12 Nickel 0.18
13 Total bacteria 900.00
14 E-coli 600.00
15 Flouride 0.27
16 Turbidity 3.5
17 TSS 30.00
18 Calcium 72.00
19 Magnesium 71.00
The results of the physico-chemical parameters of the well waters near the industrial area of M.I.D.C
Jalgaon are presented as in the table.2,3and 4.
Throughout the year the total bacteria are greater than 1600. Except Jan. and Nov., the E-coli are also
more than 500 to 700, the BOD is min 1.5 in Jan and 2.8 in Mar., COD is min. 13 and Max. 20 Jan
and Aug. The total hardness min. 404 in Oct. and Max 482 in Apr. The permanent hardness min.
128 in Apr. and Max. 212 in Jan. Alkalinity is min. 257 in Oct. and max. 297 in June,Chlorides min.
89 in Mar. and max. 98 in May, Flouride min. 0.260 in Nov. and max. 0.286 in May and June.
Turbidity min. 2.3 in July and max. 3.5 in Dec. Feb and Mar. total solids min. 667 in Aug and max.
745 in Oct. and Nov. , TDS min. 651 in Aug and max. 729 in Jan., TSS min. 15 in July and max. 40
in July, Calcium min. 71.9 in Nov. and max. 74.2 in Mar. Magnesium min. 71 in Feb and max. 75.8
in June, Sulfate min. 12.90 in Nov. and max.15,80 in June. The turbidity of water fluctuates from 4 to
14 NTU. The maximum value 14 was recorded in the month of March, probably due to decrease in
water level, presence of particulate and also due to human activities2, on other hand the minimum
value 4 NTU is in the month of October. Total dissolved solids changes from 130 to 251 mg/l, the
maximum value 250.50 mg/l was recorded in the month of June. Possibly, it may due to high rain fall
and minimum value 130 mg/l in the month of May. The pH value ranges from 7 to 8.20 . The
maximum pH value 8.20 was observed in the month of April and minimum 7 in the month of
October. The different factor 3 such as humidity, temperature etc bring changes in the pH of water.
The water under study is from dry zone, there is a rapid increase in temperature after the month of
January. April to May is the hottest months. The climate of the year is divided into four season like
hot season from March to May, South-west monsoon from June to September, Post-monsoon from
October to November, winter from December to February with an average wind speed 4.50 to 5.50
km/hrs. The maximum and minimum wind velocity 4 in the tank area was observed in the month of
July to May are 7.90 to 0.1 km/hrs respectively.
Due to the vast industrialization and improper waste management, pollutants are increased in surface
and sub surface water in the well near the industrial area at M.I.D.C. Jalgaon. The wells at a distance
of approximate 20 Km from the industrial area did not show an increase in values of water
parameters. These well water is suitable for domestic purpose. This clearly shows that the quality of

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water in wells near the industrial area of M.I.D.C, Jalgaon is adversely effected due to the percolation
seepage of effluents.
Comparison of our results with the standards prescribed for domestic supply, it is observed that the
nature of well water near industrial area of Jalgaon deviate from the limits prescribed hence, well
water has to be treated to confirm for domestic as well as agricultural use.
These well waters deviate very much particularly with regard to total bacteria, E-coli, hardness,
alkalinity, total solids etc, hence special treatment must be given to make it suitable for any particular
industry before it is being diverted to that end.
The authors are thankful to Dr. R.K. Ippar Principal, Vaidyanath Arts, Science and Commerce
college, Parli-vaijnath, Dist-Beed for encouragement.
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Dr. Mahadev Gangaram Landge, is presently working as Assistant Professor in
Chemistry at Jawahar Education Society’s Vaidyanath College, Parli-vaijnath Dist
Beed of Maharashtra State. Previous to this he was worked as a Lecturer in chemistry
at Government Engineering College, Jalgaon from 10-11-1998 to 25-10-2007
affiliated to North Maharashtra Unversity, Jalgaon. He has completed his research
work under the guidance of Dr. B. R. Arbad, Professor, Dr BAMU, Aurangabad in
year 1995. He is a recognized P. G. Teacher of Swami Ramanand Teerth
Marathwada University, Nanded and research guide of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada
University, Aurangabad. Also he is BOS member of Autonomous Government College of
Engineering, Jalgaon. He has published 18 research papers in International and National repute and
participated in 20 conferences. He worked as a convener of one State level (Feb.-2010) and one
National (Feb.-2015) conference at Vaidyanath college, Parli-vaijnath sanctioned by U.G.C. He
completed one Minor research Project Sanctioned by U.G.C. New Delhi. His area of research is in
physical chemistry and environmental chemistry.

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