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Modified Daily Lesson Plan - Cot1

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Modified Daily School Dimasalang National High School Grade Level GRADE 8

Lesson Plan Teacher Marcel-Ono A. Palad Learning Area T.L.E. 8

Teaching Dates and Time April 17,2023 10:30 am to 11:30 am Quarter 3 QUARTER

I. OBJECTIVES 1.Identify the different components of a farm plan
2. Understand how to interpret a farm layout
3. Appreciate the importance of proper planning and layout in farming.
A. Content Standards Demonstrate understanding of/on: Farm plans and layout
1.Planting systems in crop production
2. Government Plans
3. Crop Arrangement
4. Row Planting
5. Multiple Row Planting
6. Spatial Arrangement
7. Methods of Planting Crops
B. Performance Standards 1. Farm plans and layout are designed according to crop grown.
2. Planting systems, and practices are strictly followed according to approved cultural practices.
3. Site is staked according to planting plans/systems
C. Learning Competencies / LO1. Interpret farm plans and layouts.
Write the LC code for each
A. References
2. Learner’s Materials pages pp.67-98 LM
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson Introduction (10 minutes) Indicator 1.1.2
or Apply knowledge of
presenting the new lesson Picture Reveal Game. The teacher will ask 8 review questions in order to open the picture to be presented. content within and
across curriculum
teaching areas.
Activity: Oral Recitation.

A trivia about Jose Rizal in Dapitan . ( Rizal As A farmer extensionist ) Indicator 1.4.2
Use a range of
strategies that
enhance learner
achievement in
literacy and
numeracy skills.

Indicator 3.1.2
Review the previous lesson by asking the students what they learned about crop production. experiences to
Present the new lesson by explaining the importance of farm plans and layouts in crop production. address learners’
gender, needs,
Good morning class! Today, we're going to talk about farm plans and layouts in crop production. Now, some of you strengths,
might be thinking, "Why do we need to know this?" Well, let me tell you, farm plans and layouts are extremely interests and
important when it comes to crop production.
Indicator 4.5.2
First and foremost, having a well-planned farm layout ensures that every inch of land is utilized efficiently. This means Select, develop,
that you're making the most out of the space you have available, and you're able to grow as much produce as organize and use
possible. In addition, a well-planned layout helps to reduce the risk of crop damage due to pests or disease. By appropriate
properly spacing your crops and strategically placing them on your farm, you can prevent the spread of pests and teaching and
disease from one plant to another. learning
Another important aspect of farm plans and layouts is crop rotation. Crop rotation is the practice of growing different including ICT, to
crops in the same area of land in different seasons. This is important because it helps to maintain the health and address learning
fertility of the soil. Different crops have different nutrient needs, and by rotating them, you're able to replenish the goals.
nutrients in the soil and prevent the buildup of harmful pathogens.
B. Establishing a purpose for Today, our objective is to interpret farm plans and layouts. The purpose of this lesson is to help you understand how
the lesson farm plans and layouts are used in crop production. By the end of this lesson, you'll be able to identify the different
components of a farm plan, understand how to interpret a farm layout, and appreciate the importance of proper
planning and layout in farming. So, let's get started!
C. Presenting examples/ Show the students examples of different farm plans and layouts used in crop production. Indicator 4.1.2
instances of the new lesson Discuss the importance of designing a farm plan and layout based on the crop to be grown. Plan, manage and
sequenced teaching
Learning processes
to meet curriculum
through various
teaching contexts.
Quick Overview and Teachers Demo on basic commands how to use 3D Computer Aided Design Sketch up version
2023 in accomplishing a simple farm layout in PC or in Laptop. Indicator 4.5.2
Select, develop,
organize and use
teaching and
including ICT, to
address learning
D. Discussing new concepts and Teacher Discussions: PowerPoint presentation. Indicator 4.5.2
practicing new skills #1 Select, develop,
Discuss the different planting systems used in crop production (row planting, multiple row planting, spatial organize and use
arrangement). appropriate
teaching and
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of each planting system.
Have the students practice identifying the different planting systems.
including ICT, to
address learning
E. Discussing new concepts and Video Presentation: Indicator 4.5.2
practicing new skills #2 Select, develop,
Discuss the different methods of planting crops (direct seeding, transplanting). organize and use
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of each planting method. appropriate
teaching and
Have the students practice identifying the different planting methods.
including ICT, to
address learning
F. Developing mastery Activity: Basic lay outing. (5 minutes) Indicator 2.3.2
Manage classroom
Given some samples provided by the teacher. Student shall make garden layout for vegetables using rectangular structure to
shapes. They will label the layouts according to the decided plants. engage learners,
individually or in
groups, in
Have the students design a farm plan and layout based on the crop to be grown.
Have the students follow approved cultural practices for planting systems and practices. exploration,
Have the students stake a site according to planting plans/systems. discovery and
activities within
a range of
physical learning
G. Finding practical Have the students discuss how they can apply the concepts and skills learned in this lesson in their daily lives. Indicator 2.3.2
applications of concepts and Manage classroom
skills in daily living Activity Title: Plan Your Own Farm structure to
engage learners,
individually or in
Objective: Students will create a farm plan that maximizes efficiency and productivity while considering environmental
groups, in
factors and animal welfare.
Materials: discovery and
farm layout template activities within
Pencils, erasers, rulers a range of
Markers or colored pencils (optional) physical learning

1.Begin by introducing the concept of a farm plan and explaining its importance in creating an efficient and productive Indicator 1.5.2
farm. Apply a range of
2. Divide the class into small groups and provide them with a farm layout template or graph paper.
strategies to
3. Have the students work together to design a farm layout that includes areas for crop production, animal housing, develop critical
and other necessary facilities (e.g. storage, equipment). and creative
4. Encourage the students to consider factors such as topography, soil quality, and water availability when designing thinking, as well
their farm layout. as other higher-
order thinking
Note: skills.
Have the students label each area of their farm layout and indicate what will be grown or raised in each area.
Have the students present their farm layouts to the class and explain their design choices.
After each group has presented their farm layout, have a class discussion about the similarities and differences
between the layouts, and what factors influenced each group's design choices.

Differentiated Activity: Presentation.

1. Option 1 : They will sing the words repeatedly at least 5 names of crops as stated in their made layout.
2. Option 2: They will substitute counting by 5 numbers (1-5) instead names of vegetable crop while making cha
–cha dancing moves.
H. Making generalizations and Lastly, having a farm plan and layout allows for better management of resources such as water, fertilizers, and labor. Indicator 3.1.2
abstractions about the lesson By planning out your farm, you can make sure that you're using these resources in the most efficient and effective way Use
possible. This not only helps to increase your crop yields, but it also helps to reduce your costs and improve your differentiated,
bottom line. developmentally
In conclusion, farm plans and layouts are essential in crop production. They help to optimize land use, prevent crop
experiences to
damage, maintain soil health, and manage resources effectively. So the next time you see a farm, take a moment to address learners’
appreciate the careful planning and layout that goes into producing the crops that feed us all. Thank you. gender, needs,
interests and
I. Evaluating learning Multiple Choice Questions: 5 minutes Indicator 5.1.2
Design, selects,
1. What is the purpose of a farm plan? organize and use
a) To decorate the farm diagnostic,
formative and
b) To show off to the neighbors
c) To establish the layout of the farm
d) To provide a home for animals strategies
consistent with
2. What are the key components of a farm layout? curriculum
a) Trees and shrubs requirements.
b) Rocks and gravel
c) Buildings and fences
d) Flowers and herbs

3. Why is it important to consider topography when creating a farm plan?

a) It makes the farm look more attractive
b) It affects the type of crops that can be grown
c) It doesn't matter when creating a farm plan
d) It makes it easier to herd animals

4. What is the purpose of a crop rotation plan?

a) To keep the soil healthy
b) To attract birds to the farm
c) To save money on fertilizer
d) To keep animals entertained

5. What is the purpose of a fencing plan?

a) To keep animals out of certain areas
b) To create a maze for visitors
c) To add an aesthetic element to the farm
d) To provide a place for animals to play

6. What term refers to the drawing that shows the location of buildings, roads, fences, and other features on a farm?
a) Crop rotation plan
b) Topography map
c) Fencing plan
d) Farm layout

7. What term refers to the process of changing the location of crops in order to prevent soil depletion and disease?
a) Crop rotation
b) Soil depletion
c) Fertilization
d) Irrigation

8. What term refers to the process of dividing a large field into smaller areas for the purpose of rotating crops or
managing livestock?
a) Zoning
b) Terracing
c) Fencing
d) Subdividing

9. What term refers to the vertical distance between two points on a farm?
a) Elevation
b) Slope
c) Topography
d) Terrain
10. What term refers to the area on a farm where crops are grown?
a) Pasture
b) Orchard
c) Field
d) Corral

1.c) To establish the layout of the farm
2. c) Buildings and fences
3. b) It affects the type of crops that can be grown
4. a) To keep the soil healthy
5. a) To keep animals out of certain areas
6. d) Farm layout
7. a) Crop rotation
8. d) Subdividing
9. a) Elevation
10. c) Field

J. Additional activities for Modular reading instructions and Quiz Drills Indicator 1.5.2
application or Drafting Activities for garden lay outing. Apply a range of
remediation teaching
Extension: strategies to
develop critical
To extend the activity, you could have the student’s research and include sustainable practices in their farm plan, such
and creative
as the use of renewable energy sources, cover crops, and natural pest management techniques. Students could also
thinking, as well
calculate the estimated cost and revenue of their farm plan and discuss the economic feasibility of their design. as other higher-
order thinking
A. No.of learners who earned 80% in 9 students
the evaluation
B. No.of learners who require 14 students
additional activities for
remediation who scored below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lessons work? Yes. 14 students
No.of learners
who have caught up with the lesson.
D. No.of learners who continue to 0 students
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies Innovative reward system using play money as points. Paying every student efforts in a class. The use of ICT
worked well?Why did these work? integrations and mathematics and simple Philippine history facts.
F. What difficulties did I encounter Adding supplemental books for the topics. Drawing tools and other materials. Pencil, drafting pen, 7 units of
which my principal or supervisor can computer. Constant supply of electricity.
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized The use of thinking games such as the reveal the picture game for motivations and in unlocking of terms. The use of
materials did I use/discover which I sketch up program as innovative student friendly computer aided design perfect for grade 8- 10 student of TLE.
wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked and Reviewed by: Noted:



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