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Secrets of The Temple

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Yea, verily I say unto you, in that day when the Lord shall come, he shall reveal all things Things which have passed, and hidden things which no man knew, things of the earth, by which it was made, and the purpose and the end thereof Things most precious, things that are above, and things that are beneath, things that are in the earth, and upon the earth, and in heaven. Grace is God's Holy Wife! "The Temple is the center point where all the branches of the Tree of Life connect with their roots, channeling a flow of sustenance and blessing to the entire world, which on the other hand becomes a cursing." Ezekiel's Prophecy: Ezekiel saw a vision of the Third Temple with all its buildings, gateways and courtyards in all their details. The entire vision is recorded in the Book of Ezekiel (chapters 40-43:17). In Ezekiel's vision he rose to a level beyond created space and time. He was thus able to see beyond the second temple, the Lord Jesus Christ. He saw beyond its destruction, over four hundred years afterwards, and beyond the thousands of years of exile, trials and tribulations that were to follow. Ezekiel saw a vision of the ultimate Heavenly Temple, which is destined to descend to earth at the climax of history. When Ezekiel looked up at the sky, he saw the stars and constellations of the skies and heavens "opened up," giving him a glimpse of the realm beyond physical space and time. It was only grace and no merit of Ezekiel. Abraham's search for the power-source behind the manifest plurality of the world led him to the underlying coordinates and elements of creation as expressed in the letters of the Aleph Beit. From earliest childhood Abraham had faith that all the different powers in creation are interconnected as part of a single, unified, purposeful system or order. The stars and planets are governed by "angels," these angels in turn are governed by higher angels. Everything in creation is a manifestation of the power of the Sefirot, which are the ultimate coordinates and elements of creation, brought into being through the "Word of God", the letters of the Aleph Beit and their combinations. The purpose of Abraham's letter-manipulations was to connect with the Creator and harness the power of the letters so as to channel beneficial influences to the world. The plan of creation is that God should be revealed to all His creatures on all levels. Moses' greatness lay in his power to rise to the highest levels of prophecy ever achieved and bring his vision "down" so as to make it accessible to people on far lower levels. Thus Moses brought the Children of Israel to a state where "at the crossing of the Red Sea a simple maid saw more than Ezekiel", while at the Giving of the Torah at Sinai, God "opened up" all seven heavens to the Children of Israel (Ex. 15:2: 19:11). The "soul" of the Torah revealed was the prophetic vision of the inner workings of the universe together with the prayer-power it gives to those who attain it. The Sanctuary that Moses built and the Temple that later took its place stand at the center of the Torah system as a holographic model of those inner workings and the principle focus of devotion and prayer.

The Heavenly Temple

The Heavenly Temple mentioned by our sages is in direct alignment with the earthly structure it in all its dimensions. The Holy One blessed-be-He declared: 'I will not enter the heavenly Jerusalem until I enter the earthly Jerusalem.' Is there then a heavenly Jerusalem? Yes, as it is written (Psalms 122:3): 'Jerusalem will be built like the city that is joined to it together' "The earthly Sanctuary depends upon the Upper Sanctuary, and that Upper Sanctuary depends in turn upon another Upper Sanctuary, which is the most exalted of all. All of them are included in one another, and the Sanctuary is one'" There are two heavenly Sanctuaries, one above the other. "There is a river whose streams bring joy to the city of God, the holy place of the dwellings of the Supreme. (Psalms 46:5) At the time when the Holy One Ghost told the Bride to erect the Sanctuary, he hinted to the Ministering Angels that they too should make a Sanctuary. When the Sanctuary was erected in the lower world, this angelic Sanctuary was erected above. This is the Sanctuary of the 'lad', [the angel] whose name is Metatron, where he offers the souls of the reflecting light to atone for Israel during their time of exile" Even higher than this heavenly Sanctuary of the Angels stands another Sanctuary. This supreme Heavenly Temple was born before God created the universe. For it is from this House that all created beings receive their power and sustenance." This is the Temple that Ezekiel saw in his vision, and it is the prototype of the Third Temple, which will be an actual physical structure in this world that manifests spiritual planes. The earthly Temple, which is a holographic image of the Heavenly Temple and emanates from it clarifies the differences between the First, Second and Third Temples on earth, explaining among other things why Ezekiel already saw the vision of the Third Temple at the time of the destruction of the First, and why the Divine Presence did not dwell in the Second Temple. The form and very dimensions of each place are bound up with the corresponding spiritual "lights" Sefirot and holy names in the upper worlds. "Every day the lower realms need to draw close to the upper realms in order that the 'branches' should be connected to the 'roots'. This way the angels are bound to their roots, and the souls to theirs. It is the Word offerings that brings the angels close, while the prayer offering brings the souls close." The account of Ezekiel's vision of the Third Temple contains many

passages whose meaning is extremely hard to determine. Trying to build a picture of the basic design and layout of the Temple buildings as seen by Ezekiel can be a daunting task. It deals with matters that stand at the very summit of the universe. For the Temple "includes" all the Sefirot and all the worlds. A work about the meaning of the Temple must necessarily deal with the secrets of Maaseh Bereishit and Maaseh Merkavah. These matters must be approached with the utmost reverence and humility and with many prayers to God for enlightenment. The Jubilee year is one of complete redemption; all slaves go free and return to their ancestral lands and begin afresh with redemptive "Understanding", which has "Fifty Gates".

Number and Space

It is the union of different elements through the joining and connection of their associated names that "makes" the Heavenly Temple. The mathematical system is in Hebrew is known as Gematria, the "Study of Numbers," derived from the Greek word for geometry. Gematria is the study of the numerical values of the letters and words of the Torah. Gematria, like geometry, is also the mathematics of space. "Two stones build two houses, three stones build six houses, and four stones build twenty-four houses" The "stones" are the letters of the Word, the building blocks of creation. The concept of "stones" or "blocks" is intrinsically three-dimensional. Gematria is sacred architectural geometry and explains how interactions between the Divine Names of the Holy Spirit, all of which are also numbers, create the space of the Holy Temple. The Temple that Ezekiel saw exists in metaspace, or in the space as it is above in Heaven. Numerical relationships between the various names are capable of being expressed in the form of the finite, physical threedimensional "Halls", "Chambers", "Gates" and "Courtyards" of the Temple in this world. The Heavenly Temple is thus a hologram that exists on a level beyond space as we know it "in Heaven" and as such it is the very blueprint of creation. Yet this same hologram is destined to actually manifest in physical space in the form of the Third Temple on Earth. This will be the tangible embodiment of the holographic pattern. The key principle governing all the relationships expressed in the holographic Temple is balance between the two "sides": the "right side" of Chesed, kindness and expansiveness, and the "left side" of Din, judgment and contraction. Chesed and Din, "right" and "left", are the Giver and Receiver/Male and Female. Balancing these two "sides" is the center column of mercy and compassion. For the goal of creation is that God, Master of Compassion, should be perfectly revealed on all levels so as to "give" all creatures their own unique share of pure goodness. This "giving" requires a state of perfect balance between Giver and Receiver on all levels. This balance is expressed in the form of the Halls and Courtyards of the Temple, which is located in the place where all the roots of creation join together. The Temple and its services are ordered in such a way that Giver and Receiver join "face to face". This way all the "branches" the souls, angels and other orders and levels of created beings reconnect with their roots and receive their respective shares of sustaining light from the Creator. The structure and dimensions of the earthly Temple are in direct alignment with those of the Heavenly Temple. And you, dear, pleasant reader: Apply yourself with all your mental powers. Pay full attention, and I will teach you wondrous wisdom like how the King of the kings of kings watches over His creatures and conducts His universe in an ordered manner. He instituted the order of the universe so as to set it on a firm foundation and bring it to perfection in truth and faith. These deep matters are way beyond the grasp of the human mind. No man has ever succeeded in fathoming the wisdom of his Creator and traveling the path of truth and justice in order to grasp and understand the works of God; yet now God gives each day's portion of food and sustenance to all His creatures, each in its proper time.

The Foundation Stone

When the Creator willed the creation of this world, He included everything in ten great lights [the ten Sefirot] from which all the different creatures emerged like branches extending from the trunk of the tree. There is nothing in the whole of existence that does not have its place in the supreme Chariot. The last of these ten lights [Malchut] is called Shechinah [the Indwelling Presence]. It is here that all existing beings are rooted. Understand this well. For besides the roots that all existing beings have in the other higher lights, they also all have a root in the Shechinah, which is therefore called "the mother of children". Everything comes forth from her hands, and for this reason all things are rooted in her. Understand that there is a special place known to her where all these roots come together. This is the Heavenly Temple. In that place is the root of all things, both those that depend on her and those that depend on the other higher lights. In that place are the roots of the earth and all it contains, the heavens, the heavens of the heavens and all their hosts without exception. In the middle of the place where all these roots come together, there is a single "stone". This is in the Holy of Holies of the Heavenly Temple. This stone is most precious. It possesses every kind of beauty and charm. It is called the Foundation Stone. There is a corresponding stone in this world - the lower world - in the place of the Holy of Holies called the capstone, even the same as the corner stone. Stretching out in all directions from this stone are channels and pathways leading to all things. At their start these channels are great highways governing and regulating all the different orders and species of created beings, all of which have a deep inner knowledge of their root paths. From here they all receive their share of the constant sustenance given to them by the King. Branching off from these highways are countless smaller pathways containing the individual roots of every single being in creation from the biggest to the smallest. Each one has its own unique pathway. All these channels and pathways start in the place I mentioned at the outset. From the point where they all join together in the stone in the middle of this place, the Creator watches over them and scans them all with a single glance. This is the secret of the verse: "He forms their hearts together, He understands all their works" (Psalms 33:15). For this stone stands at the heart of the universe, and there all things are gathered in and joined together and scanned in a single glance by the King. In this place that I mentioned there is a single great path surrounding the stone. This path is like a vast land containing great-fortified cities the like of whose beauty and splendor has never been seen. This entire path emerged from the light emanating in full beauty and splendor from the very essence of the luminary of which I am speaking [Shechinah]. For this reason this place is very holy. The earth there is holy earth. And from it emanated in the world below the land that God watches with special care, the Land of Israel. Around this land are numerous other paths extending from one end of the world to the other, some inclining to the right (Chesed, Kindness) and others to the left (Din, Judgment). These roads were designed to produce many different lands. These are all the countries of the world. They are all under the supervision of great and powerful ministers [the Angels of the seventy nations]. For this reason all the other countries in the world should also have been pure like the Land of Israel, and this also applies to the ministers appointed over them. However, when humanity became corrupt, everything was thrown into turmoil and the world was spoiled. Even the ministers were drawn into impurity. This is why all the other countries became impure. Impurity took hold on every level, dividing these lands up among the impure ministers, and for this reason they remained impure.

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