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Secure File Storage On Cloud Using Hybrid Cryptography

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International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology

Volume: 6, Issue: 3,Special Issue: 1 ,Apr,2021 ,ISSN_NO: 2321-3337


Dr.M.Naveetha Krishnan Ph.D., Head of the Department, Department of computer Science.
Mr.T.Tamilarasan, Student of Computer Science department ,
St. Joseph College of Engineering, Sriperumbudur, Chennai


As an emerging technology and business paradigm, Cloud computing platforms

provide easy access to a company’s high-performance, computing and storage
infrastructure through web services. Mainly cloud computing technology enables
users/enterprises to eliminate the requirements for setting up of expensive computing
infrastructure and reduces system’s operating costs. Data security and privacy are
increasingly becoming the predominant issue that affects small and medium business
organizations’ readiness to migrate their data from on-site to cloud storage facilities. As
a result, this technology is used by an increasing number of end users. On the other
hand, existing security deficiencies and vulnerabilities of underlying technologies can
leave an open door for intrusions. Therefore, cloud computing providers need to protect
their user’s sensitive data from insider or outsider attacks by installing an intrusion
detection system. Form the viewpoint of security, Deduplication, various risks and
issues are identified in the area of Cloud Computing. There are various risks associated
with the security but one of the major issues is the security of data being stored on the
provider's cloud and privacy while the data is being transmitted. This paper deals with
various issues associated with security and focus mainly on the data security and
methods of providing security by data encryption. Various encryption methods of block
cipher algorithms such as Triple DES, Blowfish are discussed for providing solutions
to cloud

1. Introduction A. Cloud Computing Background

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ISRJournals and Publications
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology
Volume: 6, Issue: 3,Special Issue: 1 ,Apr,2021 ,ISSN_NO: 2321-3337

Data is a collection of information, is a • To investigate current

familiarity, awareness, or understanding perceptions regarding the
of someone or something such security of cloud storage.
as facts, information, descriptions, • To analyze the implementation
or skills, which is acquired of hybrid cryptography as it
through experience or education by per pertains to securing file storage
ceiving, discovering or learning. on cloud infrastructure.
Knowledge can refer to • Investigate the future direction of
a theoretical or practical understanding hybrid cryptographic techniques
of a subject. cloud computing utilizes on securing data, information,
existing internet infrastructure to and services residing on cloud
facilitate communication between client infrastructure.
nodes and services or applications that
reside on a remote server 2. Literature Survey
It can be implicit (as with practical Data Security Issues are main issue in
skill or expertise) or explicit (as with the the existing system. Due to openness
theoretical understanding of a subject); and multi-tenant characteristics of the
it can be more or less formal or cloud, the traditional security
systematic. Data acquisition involves mechanisms are no longer suitable for
complex cognitive processes: applications and data in cloud. Some of
perception, communication, and the issues are as following:
reasoning; while knowledge is also said • Due to dynamic scalability, service
to be related to the capacity of and location transparency features
acknowledgement in human beings. of cloud computing model, all
There exists the need for collecting, kinds of application and data of the
gathering and managing the
cloud platform have no fixed
information. infrastructure and security
boundaries. In the event of security
B. Aims and Objectives
breach, it is difficult to isolate a

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ISRJournals and Publications
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology
Volume: 6, Issue: 3,Special Issue: 1 ,Apr,2021 ,ISSN_NO: 2321-3337

particular resource that has a threat the Security of Cloud Storage

or has been compromised. There is no doubt that the emergence
and increased uptake of cloud storage
• According to service delivery
services by small and medium
models of Cloud computing,
businesses (SMBs) has changed. how
resources and cloud services may
they conduct business. SMBs have
be owned by multiple providers. As
indeed reported reaping various benefits
there is a conflict of interest, it is
such as cost savings, limited data
difficult to deploy a unified security
redundancy and duplication, and
protection against malware.
• Due to the openness of cloud and The survey reveals a wide range of
prevailing negative perceptions
sharing virtualized resources by
regarding the security of cloud-based
multitenant, user data may be accessed
storage services. For example, the
by other unauthorized users.
survey shows that an estimated 61% of
Knowledge management is the
SMBs situated across the U.K. and
systematic management of an
France still believe that their
organizations knowledge assets for the
organizational data is unsafe in the
purpose of creating value and meeting
Cloud despite their extensive data
tactical and strategic requirements, it
security investment. 50% believe in the
consists of the initiatives, processes,
principle that cloud storage services are
strategies and systems that sustain and
less safe than on-site storage facilities,
enhance the storage, assessment,
while 45% contend that migrating their
sharing, refinement, and creation of
data to the Cloud has compromised their
Knowledge. The Previous chapter
discuss about the process of gathering
the knowledge from various sources like B. Current Implementation of
education sector Hybrid Cryptography in Securing
File Storage on Cloud
A. Current Perceptions Regarding Infrastructure

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ISRJournals and Publications
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology
Volume: 6, Issue: 3,Special Issue: 1 ,Apr,2021 ,ISSN_NO: 2321-3337

Users are Slightly Moving away from analysis of cloud storage security,
traditional storage devices such as discovered that hybrid cryptography is
thumb drives, hard disks, and other better poised to ensure the attainment of
physical storage devices that are security techniques for data protection
gradually becoming obsolete. This that have been accepted universally in
modification has come due to the the field of information security.
globalization of business that has These techniques are achieved through
necessitated sharing data for mechanisms of access control,
collaborative working and using authorization, authentication, and
multiple personal devices. confidentiality. A 2016 study
However, another hybridization appreciates that cloud storage services
technique involves the combination of subscribers can only trust the
Blowfish and ECC (Elliptic Curve infrastructure’s data protection
Cryptography), which is an emerging capabilities when the prevailing data
alternative for traditional public-key protection system the mechanisms
cryptosystems, such as RSA, and which above into account.
a study argues is the best substitute for
C. Future Directions for Securing
asymmetric encryption. ECC is in itself
File Storage on Cloud
founded on the “toughness of the
discrete logarithm problem (DLP),
Information Security experts should
whose network bandwidth is little, and
consider implementing high-level
the public key is short. These
security by hybridizing public key
characteristics make it difficult to guess
cryptography. Currently, hybridization
the keys of the encryption technique and
has only been applied to private key
hence render it resistant to attacks.
cryptography algorithms. Hence, the
Overall, the implementation of hybrid
research recommends secrete writing to
cryptographic techniques is better than
conceal the existence of secret data so
implementing either symmetric and
that it remains invisible to the public but
asymmetric cryptography. In their
visible to valid receivers.

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ISRJournals and Publications
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology
Volume: 6, Issue: 3,Special Issue: 1 ,Apr,2021 ,ISSN_NO: 2321-3337

Secrete Writing may useful for text data research activities identifying needs and
because it enables secret data to be demands, data collection and
secured within the text’s cover file. This preparation, through the use of DM
method ensures that the text cover file model by Botha.
resembles a normal text file and does not
attract a possible attacker’s interest. In
the rare event that an illegitimate user
finds the hidden data, they may be
dispirited by the large amount of time it
may take to recover it.

3. System Design
A conceptual framework shows the It includes also the process such as

three stage of data input, process and system design, development and system

output. Input it represents the data as testing and evaluation.

input to the system that includes: student

information, student transcript, and
types of appeal, schedule, exam
questionnaires and breakdown marks.

The basic role of this information

sharing framework if for clients to share
and use knowledge among themselves
through knowledge bases. The
This data represents different dataset in information sharing paradigm might be
the system process. it pertains to the

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ISRJournals and Publications
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology
Volume: 6, Issue: 3,Special Issue: 1 ,Apr,2021 ,ISSN_NO: 2321-3337

particularly viable for application to computations. The proposed work

information bases in such areas as the enables security and efficiency using
board handle that comprise of few the cryptographic techniques of
sections comparing various hybrid algorithms, securing the
organizations sensitive information that is present
in the cloud. In the hybrid algorithm,
it is the combination of problem
encryption, key generation, result
decryption and proof generation. It
also validates the results which are
being computed and also provides
end-to-end confidentiality over the
data to both the end users.

4. Implementation
The factors included in the algorithm
flexibility, suitable for the algorithm
process the hardware and software
implementation and over all simplicity
of process. The before the encryption
process the method is divided into the
two parts, the encryption using the data
using AES for the first portion of data.
The DES encrypts the second part into
the finally the data stored in the cloud
Cloud computing providing
confidentiality over the insensitive
data was the major issue related to
security. It verifies the data owned
by the server through liner

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ISRJournals and Publications
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology
Volume: 6, Issue: 3,Special Issue: 1 ,Apr,2021 ,ISSN_NO: 2321-3337

A comparison graph for encryption Time.

Evaluation for KP-ABE performance,

time required for encryption and
uploading the file on the MYSQL
Database by utilizing multiple sizes of
file – 1KB, 2KB, 5KB, 50KB and
100KB is considered.

A main specification for the data

receivers’ needs unique file in
downloading the data receiver can
transmit the data demand with the
authority for the data owner. The access
control authority requires the owner.
The owners desired in contribution for
the original file for the data receiver able
Person who is still making use of
to accept the request for processing the
antiquated DES to encrypt. Around 35
data receivers in downloading the data.
years from now, the federal government
The downloading process uses the key
initially built DES encryption to give
and mainly valid for the downloading
security of cryptographic for all kind of
the data with the original format fir
communications of government.
Intention was to make sure that all
government system should use secured
and same standard in order have smooth
connectivity internally.
There were some continuous sponsored

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ISRJournals and Publications
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology
Volume: 6, Issue: 3,Special Issue: 1 ,Apr,2021 ,ISSN_NO: 2321-3337

challenges conducted to understand generating the secret key. The secret key
time taken in decryption of messages. uses the file downloading process
These were conducted to prove that
DES was insufficient and shall not be 5. Conclusion and Future
applied in crucial system. The
Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)
System performance is evaluated by
and are two firms that
calculating time of encryption, time of
played vital roles to break DES.
key generation and decryption time. The
time consumed by KP-ABE outsourcing
scheme can be measured on IDE which
refers to Integrated Development
Environment JAVA when the database
is held in MYSQL. Performance is
analyzed by calculating time of
Encryption and upload, time of
download and Decryption and time of
A comparison graph for encryption Time.
key generation. With the help of
multiple sizes of files, Performance
Evaluation for KP-ABE performance,
analysis is performed and by taking note
time required for encryption and
of encryption time of files having
uploading the file on the MYSQL
multiple sizes and decryption time of the
Database by utilizing multiple sizes of
files and key generation time, the results
file – 1KB, 2KB, 5KB, 50KB and
will be attained.
100KB is considered.
Hybrid cryptography systems currently
Time of Key generation is to generate
use combinations of RSA and AES,
key in file downloading process from
AES and Blowfish, Blowfish and ECC
the system. The size of file used are
and Triples DES among various others.
1KB, 2KB, 5KB, 50KB, and 100KB.
Such combinations ensure that those
The small file not required the time for
CSPs can harness both algorithms’

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