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Alvin Trucilla Grade 3 Math DLP

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School: Mount Carmel College of Grade Level: 3

DATAILED Casiguran
LESSON PLAN Teacher: Alvin A. Trucilla Learning Area: MATHEMATICS
( DLP ) Teaching Date _______, 2023 Quarter: 3rd
and Time ___:00 – ___:00 _______ Week: 10

Content The learner demonstrates understanding of mathematical sentences involving

Standard multiplication and division of whole numbers.
Performance The learner is able to apply knowledge of solving mathematical sentence involving
Standard multiplication or division of whole numbers in various situations.
Competency Finds the missing value in a number sentence involving multiplication or division of
whole numbers M3Al-IIIj-12
Knowledge Finds the missing value in a number sentence involving multiplication or division of
whole numbers M3Al-IIIj-12
Skill Solves mentally the missing value in a number sentence using multiplication or division.
Attitude Gives importance with the value of sharing.
II. CONTENT Introduction to Statistics
A. References
1. Teacher’s Teacher’s Guide (TG) in Math 3 pages 227-280
Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Learner’s Module No. 13 (LM) Quarter 3 in Math 3 pages 9-13
3. Textbook Mathematics 3 Textbook Pages 259-262
4. Additional
5. Learning
(LR) portal
B. Other PowerPoint presentation, activity sheets,
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Response
Daily (Greetings)
Routines - Good morning/afternoon class!
- Before we start, kindly arrange your chairs properly. - Good morning/afternoon Sir!

(Prayer) - (students will pick up trashes

- Who wants to lead prayer for today? and arrange their chairs)
- Okay, please come in front.
- (somebody will raise his/her
hand) Sir!
(Checking of Attendance) - (student A will lead the prayer)
- Wow, looks like nobody is absent today. Give yourself a
round of applause for a perfect attendance.
- Good morning, Sir!
(House Rules)
Today, we will discuss our new lesson. I want everyone to - (Students clap their hands.)
listen and participate. Avoid talking to your classmates so
that you can understand our lesson well. At the end of our
lesson, we will have a short quiz.
A. Reviewing or (5 minutes)
the new Before we start, we will have a short drill that you will use
lesson later on our discussion but before that, I want you to
identify the following symbols that I will show in front of
What operations do the following pictures pertain with?
1. X
2. ÷ -multiplication symbol
-Division symbols
Correct! I am amazed that you recognized the operations
very well. They will become parts of our lesson for today.


I will group you into 3. I have here three Illustration
Boards that will be distributed to each group. We will have
a short Quiz Bee for today to see if you are now skilled in
multiplication and division of whole numbers. Are you - Yes, we are ready, Sir!
1. If you multiply 3 by 9, what is the product?
2. If you divide 21 by 3, what is the quotient?
3. Multiply 6 by 7, the product is ______.
4. You are tasked to get the product of 2 and 9, what
answer will you get?

5. Gelo has 36 pens. He shared it equally to his 6 6 pens.

classmates. How many pens did each of his
classmates get?

Very Good Grade 3! These skills are very important in

today’s lesson.
B. Establishing (5 minutes)
a purpose for
the lesson Class, I want you to listen very well to the problem that I
am going to tell. Later on, I will ask you some question
regarding it. Are you ready?

When I say “Ears on me” you will say “Ears on you.”

Grade 3, Ears on me…. -Ears on you.

Before we proceed to the problem, let me ask some


1. Who among of you here has shared something

with a friend? Can someone share his/her
2. What did you feel when you shared it with your
3. Will you still be sharing your things in the future?

Problem: Ana gave 9 oranges to her friends. If N is the

number of oranges she gave to her 3 friends, what is the

We will answer the question using the Problem-solving

Steps. -the number of oranges
that her 3 friends will get.
1. What is asked in the Problem?
- 9 oranges and 3 friends
2. What are the numbers given?
-multiplication and/or
3. What is/are the operation/s to be used? division
C. Presenting (10 minutes)
examples of the To find the answer to the given problem. Let N become the
new lesson number of oranges that was given by Anna to her friends
and we multiply it to her 3 friends. Take note that she’s got
9 oranges in total.

So, if we proceed to the number sentence, it will look like



N is the missing number or the number of oranges each of

her friends will get.
3 is the number of her friends
And, 9 is the total number of oranges Anna has.

Now, how can we find the answer?

Remember, in order to find the missing number which is N

when the number sentence is in the form of multiplication,
take note the MULTIPLICATION is the OPPOSITE or

Take note

that division
and -The quotient is 3, Sir.

are inverse -Multiplication is the inverse
or opposite of Division.

operations. (The teacher will read first and

Finding the call a learner to read it after.)

quotient in
Solution: 36 ÷ 3 = N
12 = N
Therefore, N is equal to 3.

division is
the same as
finding the
missing factor
knowing the
between and
among the four
operations is
helpful in
finding the
unknown in a
equation. If
the first
number is
divide the
last number
by the
second number
to get the
number you
need to
complete the
To find the answer to our number sentence, we will change
N x 3 = 9 to division number sentence form which is 9 ÷ 3
= N.

Problem: N x 3 = 9
Solution: 9÷3 = N

If we divide 9 by 3 what will be the quotient?

Very good! The quotient is 3, therefore, the missing

number N is equal to 3.

This is true because when we multiply 3 by 3 the product

will be 9.

What will we always remember?

Well done!
Let’s have another example. I want you to mentally solve
this number sentence.

3 x N = 36

What will be its number sentence in the form of Division?

Very good!
(5 Discussing new (5 minutes)
concepts and
practicing new DICE-SAYA
skills #1
Let us have a game! I have brought a dice. Do you know
where dices are used? -Yes, Sir.

Alright. Behind each dot, there are number sentences

hidden in it. You will find the missing number to complete
each number sentences. I will toss the dice and whichever
number of dots that will appear above, I will show the
number sentence behind it for you to answer.

Are you ready? -Yes, we are!


5 x N = 25 5

N x 7 = 56 8

N x 4 = 32

N x 6 = 42

4 x N = 12 3

7 x N = 21 3

(6 Discussing new (5 minutes)

concepts and
practicing new
skills #2 CROSS-MATH

Direction: Let’s complete our cross-math puzzle!

This time, I want you to use your new learning in
today’s discussion.
1. Horizontal
- 3
- 1

2. Vertical
- 2
- 1
- 3

The learners will complete:

1. Horizontal
3 x __ = 9_
18 x __ = 18
2. Vertical
9 x __ = 18
__ x 6 = 6
6 x __ = 18

(7 Developing (5 minutes)
Mastery Integration to ICT
Now, I want you to answer the missing numbers on the
given number sentences that will be posted on the screen
using the LUMI APP. If you press your answer, it will
show you if you are correct or incorrect.
Are you ready?
(8 Finding practical (10 minutes)
applications of
concepts and Now, for our third activity, each group will be
skills in daily given an activity card. You will perform what is being ask
in the activity card. You will perform the procedure.
Activity no.: 3
"Statistical Soundscapes: Songs and Poems on Data"
Performed a statistical concept or problem that
you want to highlight in your song or poem. Write the
lyrics of your song or poem. Make sure to use creative and
engaging language that accurately conveys your chosen
concept or problem. If you are writing a song, come up
with a melody that fits the mood and tone of your lyrics. If
you are writing a poem, focus on the rhythm and cadence (Students will read the direction
of your words. I will give you 5 minutes to practice carefully.)
singing or reciting your song or poem until you are
comfortable with it. Then after 5 minutes, perform your
song or poem with confidence and enthusiasm! Remember
to engage your audience and have fun with the creative
expression of statistical concepts.

-Before we continue, let us be reminded of the guidelines

in doing a group activity. What is the first one?

What is the next step?

- Cooperate with your groupmates
-Wonderful! Now, in planning your presentation. Here is
the rubric that that we will use in giving points to your
-Respect your groupmates.
activity. Please be guided by this rubric.
-You have five minutes to plan for your presentation/
demonstration. Then after that, you will present your work.
Any clarifications?

- Good! You may now proceed to your respective group.

Group One:
Direction: Complete

Group Two:
Performed a Statistical Poem

(after five minutes.)

-Your five minutes is up! Group one will be the first
presenter, followed by group two.

-Congratulations everyone! You did a great job. And for

that, let’s give ourselves a round of applause.
(9 Making (10 minutes)
and abstractions What have you learned from today’s lesson? -I have learned about
about the lesson finding the missing
number using

How can we find the missing number using multiplication -always remember that
as a number sentence? multiplication is the
opposite of division. We
can find the value of a
missing number if we
change the
multiplication number
sentence into division
form and find their
Alright! Let’s give everybody a good job clap!
1,2,3… 1,2,3… Good job!
Good Job! Good Job!

(10 Evaluating (5 minutes)
Direction: Find the missing number to complete the
number sentences below. Write the answer on the blank
before each number.
___9__1. N x 3 = 27
______1. N x 3 = 27
___8___2. 8 x N = 72
______2. 8 x N = 72
___7___3. 7 x N = 49
______3. 7 x N = 49
___1___4. N x 14 = 14
______4. N x 14 = 14
___8___5. 8 x N = 64
______5. 8 x N = 64

(11 Additional ASSIGNMENT:

Activities for
application or Read the problems and give the missing value/
remediation answer.
1. A bus travels 28 kilometers for N hours at km.
per hour. How many hours did they travel?
2. A school orders crayons in boxes of 23. How
many crayons in 5 boxes?
3. A janitor earns about Php.21 an hour. How
much will he earn in 6 hours?
A. No. of learners
who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners
who require
additional activities
for remediation
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up the lesson
D. No. of learners
who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my principal
and supervisor help
me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized I
used/discover which
I wish to share with
other teacher?

Prepared by:


Checked by:


Principal II
Identify the populations and samplings using the given scenarios.

1. The local government of Casiguran wanted to see what the residents think about the newly
proposed municipal building.

2. The principal of Dibacong National High School wanted to know what the students think
about the newly build covered court.

3. The student council of Dibacong NHS wanted to determine the percentage of students who
are satisfied with the facilities and services provided by the school.

4. Before a barangay election, a polling place was trying to see who would win.

5. The school district in Casiguran wanted to see what the teachers think about the new policies
implemented by the Department of Education.
Activity no. : 3
"Statistical Soundscapes: Songs and Poems on Data"

Group One
Performed a Statistical Songs

Group Two
Performed a Statistical Poem

Criteria 5 Points 3 Points 2 Points
Demonstrated highly Demonstrated somewhat
creative and engaging creative and engaging Demonstrated minimal or
Creativity approach approach unengaging approach
Demonstrated clear and Demonstrated somewhat clear Did not demonstrate clear
Relevance to Real- relevant connection to real- and relevant connection to and relevant connection to
Life Problem life problem real-life problem real-life problem
Demonstrated consistent and Demonstrated somewhat Demonstrated minimal or
Poetic Structure and effective use of poetic consistent and effective use of ineffective use of poetic
Rhyme structure and rhyme poetic structure and rhyme structure and rhyme
Demonstrated clear and Did not demonstrate clear
concise message that Demonstrated somewhat clear and concise message that
effectively conveyed and concise message with effectively conveyed
Clarity of Message statistical concepts some unclear parts statistical concepts
Demonstrated somewhat Demonstrated weak or
Demonstrated confident and confident and engaging unengaging delivery and
engaging delivery and delivery and performance with performance that did not
Delivery and performance that effectively some mistakes or effectively convey the
Performance conveyed the message inconsistencies message
All members cooperated and Most members cooperated and Few members cooperated
Collaboration and worked cohesively to create worked somewhat cohesively and worked cohesively to
Coherence between a unified and effective to create a mostly unified and create a unified and
Song and Poem song/poem effective song/poem effective song/poem

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