Abbey Sharp HCC Ebook Freebie
Abbey Sharp HCC Ebook Freebie
Abbey Sharp HCC Ebook Freebie
how to stay nourished and
satisfied without restriction
or dieting.
what is the
Abbey’s Hunger Crushing Combo ™ is a revolutionary approach to balanced
meal and snack planning that doesn’t involve counting, tracking, or
restriction of any kind. The goal is to create meals that feel physically
satiating and emotionally satisfying by combining two or more Hunger
Crushing Compounds: protein, fibre, and healthy fats. The result is a meal
or snack that is delicious, interesting and keeps you fuller longer.
Healthy Fats
HCC™ of the HCC™
Fibre Protein
1. Satiety: The HCC™ keeps you physically
satisfied, meaning you're less likely to mindlessly snack all afternoon. This
helps support healthy weight management.
3. No scarcity mentality: Using the HCC™ helps naturally edge out less
nutritious foods without scarcity mentality or calorie counting .
4. Equal playing field: The HCC™ allows us to enjoy all foods without
assigning moral value to our choices. Guilt is not part of the equation, and all
foods can be part of a HCC™!
how the
1. Fibre
Fibre is the indigestible part of carbohydrates, meaning it slows the
digestion of other foods. Fibre-rich foods play an important role in
stabilizing the blood sugar response and adding volume to our meals and
2. Protein
Protein is considered the most satiating macronutrient because it
stimulates our satiety hormone and reduces our hunger hormone. It also
takes the body longer to digest, further increasing satiety.
3. Healthy Fats
Healthy fats take the longest to leave our stomach, which promotes longer-
term satiety. Additionally, fat is important for emotional satisfaction to crush
mental hunger.
sources of
fruits and berries
Berries Prunes
Apples Avocado
Pears Kiwi
Carrot sticks Broccoli Oats
Tomatoes Cabbage Quinoa
Celery Kale Buckwheat
Oranges Potatoes Whole wheat flour
Wheat bran
nuts/seeds Popcorn
Chia seeds Pumpkin seeds Whole grain bread
Almonds Sunflower seeds Cereal
Hazlenuts Flax Seeds Whole wheat pasta
Whole grain crackers
Wild/brown rice
Brown/red lentils
Split peas
carrots Edamame
Black/pinto/kidney beans
sources of
Rotisserie chicken
Deli meat
Fresh or canned fish
Soy milk
eggs/dairy Plant-based protein
Hard boiled eggs Cheese powder
Cottage cheese Skyr Tempeh
Greek yogurt Kefir Nutritional yeast
Ricotta cheese Hemp hearts
Cow's milk Hummus
top tip
Eat a variety of protein sources throughout
turkey the day so you get all the essential amino
acids (your body's building blocks!)
sources of
healthy fats
Nuts (almonds,
peanuts, cashews, Pesto
etc.) Hummus
Avocado oil Guacamole
Seeds (chia, flax, Tahini
hemp, pumpkin, etc.) Egg yolks
Olives Fatty fish
Full-fat yogurt (salmon, olives
Nut/seed butters mackerel,
Chocolate anchovies,
Cheese etc.)
Olive oil
Pine nuts
top tip
Healthy fats are higher in monounsaturated and
polyunsaturated fatty acids, meaning they are
typically liquid at room temperature (think olive
oil!). Other healthy fats contain extra nutrients
like fibre and vitamin E.
almond butter
Do you have "fear foods" or "trigger foods"? If you are struggling to re-
incorporate these into your diet, I like using my Hunger Crushing Combo™ to
enjoy them as part of balanced meals or snacks.
Frozen Banana, Cottage Cookies & Creme
1. Oreos Cheese, Peanut Butter Protein Froyo
2. Chips Greek Yogurt Dip, Crunchy Snack Plate
3. Milk Chocolate Protein Oatmeal, Chocolate Protein Oats
Berries, Nuts
Whole Wheat Crust with Veggies, Loaded Pizza and
4. Pizza Chicken and Side Salad Salad Plate
5. Ramen Veggies, Coconut Milk, Shrimp Coconut Shrimp Stir Fry
Berries, Greek
6. Pop tarts Yogurt, Nuts
Pop Tart Yogurt Bowl
7. Frappuchino Avocado Spread, Balanced Starbucks Snack
Egg Bites