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Banking Amendment Act 2024 - Sri Lanka

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[Certified on 10th of April, 2024]

Printed on the Order of Government

Published as a Supplement to Part II of the Gazette of the Democratic

Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka of April 26, 2024



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Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024 1

[Certified on 10th of April, 2024]

L.D.-O. 42/2023


BE it enacted by the Parliament of the Democratic Socialist

Republic of Sri Lanka as follows: -

1. (1) This Act may be cited as the Banking (Amendment) Short title and
Act, No. 24 of 2024. date of
(2) The provisions of this Act shall come into operation
on such date as the Minister may appoint by Order published
in the Gazette (in this Act referred to as the “appointed date”).

2. Section 2 of the Banking Act, No. 30 of 1988 Amendment of

(hereinafter referred to as the “principal enactment”) is hereby section 2 of Act,
amended in subsection (6) thereof by the substitution for No. 30 of 1988
the words “shall not include the Central Bank or a private
company” of the words “shall not include the Central Bank,
a shell bank or a private company”.

3. The following section is hereby inserted immediately Insertion of

after section 2 of the principal enactment and shall have section 2A in the
effect as section 2A of that enactment:- principal
“Eligibility 2A. The following matters shall be taken into
criteria to consideration by the Central Bank in
apply for a determining whether a company is eligible to
apply for a licence under this Act:-

(a) compliance with the initial capital

requirements as may be determined by
the Central Bank, from time to time;

(b) the nature and adequacy of the financial

resources as a means of continuing
financial support for the licensed
commercial bank to be established in
Sri Lanka;
2 Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024

(c) the capital and other funding sources

shall not derive from unlawful

(d) suitability of material shareholders in

terms of subsection (1B) of section 12;

(e) fitness and propriety of directors, chief

executive officer and officers
performing executive functions or any
other person proposed to be appointed
to any of the above positions, as the
case may be, in terms of the criteria set
out in subsection (2) of section 42;

(f) track record for operating in a manner

consistent with the standards of good
governance and integrity;

(g) transparency in ownership structure and

the beneficial ownership;

(h) establishment of a licensed commercial

bank in Sri Lanka will be in the interest
of the viability and stability of the
banking system and the interest of the
national economy; and

(i) compliance with any other requirements

under this Act or any other written law
in Sri Lanka or outside Sri Lanka.”.

Amendment of 4. Section 3 of the principal enactment is hereby amended

section 3 of the as follows:-
(1) in subsection (1) thereof, by the substitution for the
words “in such manner” of the words “in such
manner along with the application fee”; and

(2) in subsection (2) thereof, by the repeal of

subparagraph (iii) of paragraph (b) and the
substitution therefor, of the following:-
Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024 3

“(iii) a copy of the audited financial statements of

the company for the preceding three years;”.

5. Section 4 of the principal enactment is hereby amended Amendment of

as follows:- section 4 of the
(1) by the repeal of subsection (1) thereof and the
substitution therefor of the following:-

“(1) The Central Bank may require any company

or body corporate incorporated outside Sri Lanka,
which has applied for a licence under section 3, to
carry out banking business through a branch
thereof, to undertake to remit to Sri Lanka, prior to
the commencement of its business in Sri Lanka, a
sum of money determined in United States Dollars,
or its equivalent in any designated foreign currency.
The amount so remitted may form part of the
assigned capital of such company or body corporate
and shall be kept as a deposit with the Central Bank
or in such other manner as may be determined, from
time to time, by the Central Bank.”;

(2) by the insertion immediately after subsection (3)

thereof, of the following: -

“(4) Without prejudice to the provisions of

subsection (1), the Central Bank may, having regard
to the soundness of the financial position, risk
management, governance structure, capital
adequacy and availability of liquidity, require any
company or body corporate specified in subsection
(1) to establish within Sri Lanka as a subsidiary of
its parent company or principal body corporate to
be issued with a licence to carry on banking
business in Sri Lanka.
4 Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024

(5) where a commercial bank incorporated

outside Sri Lanka is operating as a branch in Sri
Lanka immediately preceding the appointed date,
the Central Bank may direct such bank to establish
a subsidiary of a parent company or principal body
corporate of such commercial bank to carry on
banking business in Sri Lanka, having regard to
the soundness of the financial position, risk
management, governance structure, capital
adequacy and availability of liquidity subject to
such terms and conditions as may be specified in
such direction.”.

Amendment of 6. Section 5 of the principal enactment is hereby amended

section 5 of the by the repeal of paragraph (a) of subsection (2) thereof and
enactment the substitution therefor of the following:-

“(a) whether such company is authorized to carry on

banking business;”.

Amendment of 7. Section 8 of the principal enactment is hereby amended

section 8 of the
in subsection (2) thereof by the substitution for the words
enactment and figure “(2) The Monetary Board” of the words and figure
“(2) The Director of Bank Supervision”.

Amendment of 8. Section 9 of the principal enactment is hereby amended

section 9 of the
in subsection (1) thereof by the repeal of paragraph (c) thereof
enactment and the substitution therefor of the following: -

“(c) become insolvent and winding up proceedings

have been instituted under any other written law
for the time being in force, whether in or outside Sri
Lanka and a liquidator or receiver has been
appointed for such bank in the interest of its
depositors and creditors; or”.
Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024 5

9. Section 11 of the principal enactment is hereby amended Amendment of

section 11 of the
as follows: -
(1) in subsection (2) thereof, by the substitution for the
words “shall commence in accordance with the
provisions of Part VIII of this Act.” of the words
“shall commence in accordance with the provisions
of any other written law for the time being in force
which specifically provides for the winding up of
any licenced commercial bank in Sri Lanka.”;

(2) in subsection (3) thereof, by the substitution for the

words “close down the business of such bank in
and with respect to Sri Lanka, in accordance with
the provisions of Part VIII of this Act.” of the words
“close down the business of such bank in accordance
with the provisions of any other written law for the
time being in force which specifically provides for
the winding up of any licensed commercial bank in
Sri Lanka.”;

(3) in subsection (4) thereof-

(a) by the substitution, in paragraph (g), for the

words “such measures;” of the words “such
measures; and”;

(b) by the substitution in paragraph (h), for the

words “such amalgamation; and” of the words
“such amalgamation:”; and

(c) by the repeal of all the words commencing

from “(i) vesting the business of the licensed
commercial bank” and ending with the words
“an acquiring bank:”.
6 Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024

Amendment of 10. Section 12 of the principal enactment is hereby

section 12 of the
amended as follows:-
(1) in subsection (1) thereof,-

(a) by the substitution for the words “written

approval of the Monetary Board given with
the concurrence of the Minister,” of the words
“written approval of the Central Bank,”;

(b) in paragraph (b) thereof, by the substitution

for the words “(b) for a licensed commercial
bank” of the words “(b) in consultation with
the Minister, for a licensed commercial

(c) by the repeal of paragraph (c) thereof, and the

substitution therefor of the following: -

“(c) for a licensed commercial bank to

acquire the business or part of the
business of another licensed
commercial bank, licensed specialised
bank or a licensed finance company, or
a branch of such licensed commercial
bank, licensed specialised bank or
licensed finance company, as the case
may be, or to sell all or part of its

(d) in paragraph (d) thereof, by the substitution

for the words “within Sri Lanka:” of the words
“within Sri Lanka subject to an application
fee as may be determined by the Central Bank,
from time time;”;
Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024 7

(e) in paragraph (e) thereof, by the substitution

for the words “licensed commercial bank or a
licensed specialised bank.” of the words
“licensed commercial bank, a licensed
specialised bank or a licensed finance

(f) by the addition, immediately after paragraph

(e) thereof, of the following:-

“(f) for a licensed commercial bank or a

licensed specialised bank to acquire the
business or part of the business of
another financial institution which is
subject to the regulation or supervision
of the Central Bank.”;

(2) by the repeal of subsection (1B) thereof, and the

substitution therefor of the following:-

“(1B) An approval under paragraphs (c), (e) or (f)

of subsection (1) or subsection (1C) shall not be
granted, unless the Central Bank is satisfied that
such acquisition or merger or consolidation is in
the interest of promotion of a safe, sound and stable
banking system, and the fair competition prevailing
in the banking industry. When granting approval
for an acquisition under subsection (1 C) to an
individual or a body corporate, the Central Bank
shall, in determining whether such individual or
the directors of such body corporate, as the case
may be, are fit and proper persons, have regard to
the criteria set out in subsection (2) of section 42 in
addition to the following matters:-

(a) track record of the individual or the directors

of the body corporate;
8 Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024

(b) soundness and feasibility of the business

plans of the individual or body corporate;

(c) the nature and sufficiency of the financial

resources of the individual or body corporate
as a source of continuing financial support to
the licensed commercial bank and the
legitimacy of such sources of funding;

(d) the business record and experience of the

body corporate for the preceding three years;

(e) transparency in ownership structure and the

beneficial ownership.”;

(3) by the repeal of subsection (1C) thereof, and the

substitution therefor of the following:-

“(1C) (a) An individual, partnership or body

corporate shall not, either directly or indirectly
or through a nominee or acting in concert with
any other individual, partnership or b o d y
corporate, acquire a material interest in a
licensed commercial bank incorporated or
established within Sri Lanka by or under any
written law without the prior written approval
of the Central Bank.

(b) Without prejudice to the generality of

subsection (2), approval under paragraph (a) of
this subsection may be granted subject to terms
and conditions as the Central Bank may deem

(c) Without prejudice to the provisions of

subsection (3), the secretary of a licensed
Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024 9

commercial bank shall not enter in the share register,

the index of shareholders or in any other register
maintained to keep records of shareholders of such
licensed commercial bank, the name of an
individual, an entity (whether corporate or
unincorporate) or a nominee of such individual or
entity who has acquired the material interest in
contravention of paragraph (a) and such person shall
not be recognized as a shareholder or a person to be
deemed as a shareholder of such licensed
commercial bank.

(d) Without prejudice to the provisions of

subsection (3), where the contravention of
subsection (1C) has been committed by an existing
shareholder of the licensed commercial bank, it shall
be lawful for the Central Bank to direct such licensed
commercial bank to remove the name of such
shareholder from the share register, index of
shareholders or any other register maintained to
keep records of shareholders of such licensed
commercial bank, as the case may be, within the
period of time as may be specified in such directions.
It shall be the duty of such licensed commercial
bank to comply with such direction with effect from
the date of such direction for removal, and the said
shareholder shall not be considered or deemed as a
shareholder of such licensed commercial bank until
such shareholder complies with the provisions of
subsection (1C).

(e) For the purposes of this subsection,-

10 Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024

“acting in concert” means acting pursuant

to an understanding (whether formal
or informal) to actively co-operate in
acquiring a material interest in a
licensed commercial bank so as to
obtain or consolidate the control of
that licensed commercial bank;

“material interest” means the holding of over

ten per centum of the issued capital of
a licensed commercial bank carrying
voting rights or, if the Central Bank
determines that there exists a
significant influence over the licensed
commercial bank to nominate, appoint
or remove a director, chief executive
officer or an officer performing
executive functions of the licensed
commercial bank or to exercise control
over the policies of such bank pursuant
to a contract or otherwise.”;

(4) in subsection (2) thereof, by the substitution for the

words “by the Monetary Board with the concurrence
of the Minister.” of the words “by the Central Bank.”;

(5) by the addition, immediately after subsection (2)

thereof, of the following:-

“(3) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary

in the provisions in this Act or any other written
law, where the Central Bank is satisfied based on
the information submitted by the licensed
commercial bank or on its own findings that any
individual, partnership or body corporate
Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024 11

specified in subsection (1 C ) has acquired the

material interest of such bank in contravention of
subsection (1C) or any terms or conditions of the
approval granted thereunder, it shall be lawful for
the Central Bank to direct such licensed commercial
bank or such individual, partnership or body
corporate, as the case may be, to dispose of such
material interest subject to such terms and
conditions as the Central Bank may consider
necessary and after giving such bank or individual,
partnership or body corporate an opportunity of
being heard.

(4) Until the disposal is effected under

subsection (3), the Central Bank may direct the
licensed commercial bank whose material interest
has been acquired or the individual, partnership or
body corporate who has contravened the provisions
of this section, or both such bank and the individual,
partnership and the body corporate, as the case may
be, to give effect to, one or more of the following:-

(a) suspend the exercise of voting rights entitled

to such shareholding or part thereof;

(b) notwithstanding to the contrary in any other

written law, prohibit such licensed commercial
bank accruing any distribution rights
pertaining to such shareholding or part thereof;

(c) prohibit the licensed commercial bank issuing

further shares to or pursue any offer made by
the individual, partnership or body corporate
who has contravened the provisions of
subsection (1C);

(d) except in a liquidation, prohibit the licensed

commercial bank paying any sums due,
12 Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024

including any form of distribution, to such

individual, partnership or body corporate who
has contravened the provisions of subsection

(e) provide further details of such shareholding

acquired in contravention of subsection (1C)
to the Central Bank, in such manner as the
Central Bank may determine; or

(f) request a licensed stock exchange or Central

Depository System to impose a restriction on
trading of shares held in excess of material
interest, by any shareholder as a locked
balance of his share account, until further
instructions to that effect is issued by the
Central Bank.”.

Amendment of 11. Section 13 of the principal enactment is hereby

section 13 of the amended as follows:-
(1) in subsection (1) thereof, by the substitution for
the words and figure “(1) The Monetary Board may,
with the approval of the Minister,” of the words
and figure “(1) The Central Bank may,”; and

(2) in subsection (3) thereof, by the substitution for the

words “before the Board under subsection (2), the
Monetary Board shall, with the approval of the
Minister -” of the words “before the Central Bank
under subsection (2), the Central Bank shall, –”.

Amendment of 12. Section 17 of the principal enactment is hereby

section 17 of the amended by the insertion of the following, immediately after
subsection (4) thereof:-

“(4A) Any licensed commercial bank having a non-

financial subsidiary that does not provide services to
such licensed commercial bank or its banking group as
Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024 13

at the appointed date, shall divest its ownership in the

equity share capital of such subsidiary within a period
of five years from the appointed date, after notifying
the Central Bank of such decision and the manner in
which such bank will discontinue the business carried
out by such subsidiary.”.

13. Section 19 of the principal enactment is hereby Amendment of

amended as follows:- section 19 of the
(1) in paragraph (b) of subsection (1) thereof, by the
substitution for the words “and with the
concurrence of the Minister, determine, from time
to time.” of the words “determine, from time to

(2) by the repeal of paragraph (d) of subsection (3)

thereof, and the substitution therefor of the

“(d) Where any licensed commercial bank is

required by such variation to augment its equity
capital, it shall upon application to the Central
Bank, be afforded a period of twelve months, or
such other period as may be granted by the Central
Bank, in which to comply with that requirement.”;

(3) by the repeal of paragraph (b) of subsection (7)

thereof, and the substitution therefor of the

“(b) Any variation in the capital adequacy ratio

referred to in paragraph (a) shall be communicated
to every licensed commercial bank by the Central
Bank in writing, provided that every licensed
commercial bank which is required by such
variation to augment its capital, shall be afforded a
period of twelve months or such other period as
may be granted by the Central Bank, in which to
comply with such requirement.”;
14 Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024

(4) by the addition, immediately after subsection (9)

thereof, of the following:-

“(10) The Central Bank may require a licensed

commercial bank to maintain additional capital as
the Central Bank may consider appropriate having
regard to the specific risks emanating from the
business of such licensed commercial bank.”.

Replacement of 14. Section 21 of the principal enactment is hereby

section 21 of the repealed and the following is substituted therefor: -
“Liquid 21. (1) Every licensed commercial bank
Assets shall, at all times maintain liquid assets that
are required to meet its liabilities as may,
from time to time, be determined by the
Central Bank and comply with the
requirements on liquidity having regard to
the developments in the regulatory
requirements, and the Central Bank shall, as
far as practicable, adopt international
standards applicable on liquidity
requirements of such licensed commercial

(2) Without prejudice to the provisions of

subsection (1), the Central Bank may, from
time to time, determine additional liquid
assets required to be maintained by any
licensed commercial bank to meet liabilities
and it shall be the duty of every licensed
commercial bank to maintain such assets in
such ratios as may be directed by the Central

Replacement of 15. Section 22 of the principal enactment is hereby

section 22 of the repealed and the following is substituted therefor: -
Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024 15

“Payment of 22. The Central Bank may, from time to

time, having considered the capital or liquidity
levels of a licensed commercial bank, issue
directions to such licensed commercial bank
imposing conditions to be met by such bank
prior to declaring or paying dividends, whether
scrip or otherwise, or transfer of profits earned
in Sri Lanka, outside Sri Lanka.”.

16. The following section is hereby inserted immediately Insertion of

after section 22 of the principal enactment and shall have section 22A in
the principal
effect as section 22A of that enactment:- enactment

“Central 22 A . The Central Bank may, by Order

Bank to
designate any foreign currency for the purpose
foreign of carrying on offshore banking business.”.
currency to
be used in

17. Part IV of the principal enactment is hereby repealed. Repeal of Part

IV of the

18. Section 35 of the principal enactment is hereby Replacement of

repealed and the following is substituted therefor:- section 35 of the
“Preparation 35. Every licensed commercial bank shall
of financial
statements by
maintain accounts and records and prepare
licensed financial statements in accordance with
commercial applicable accounting standards. The
financial statements of a licensed
commercial bank shall represent a true and
accurate assessment of the bank’s affairs and
reflect its operations and financial condition
both on a solo and consolidated basis.”.
16 Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024

Repeal of 19. Section 36 of the principal enactment is hereby

section 36 of the repealed.

Repeal of 20. Section 37 of the principal enactment is hereby

section 37 of the repealed.

Replacement of 21. Section 38 of the principal enactment is hereby

section 38 of the
repealed and the following is substituted therefor:-
“Publication 38. (1) Every licensed commercial bank
of financial
statements by incorporated or established within Sri
licensed Lanka shall,-
(a) transmit within three months after
the closure of its financial year,
to the Director of Bank
Supervision, its audited financial
statements in solo and
c o n s o l i d a t e d b a s i s for such
financial year in respect of its
business in and outside Sri Lanka;

(b) e xhibit s u c h s t a t e m e n t s in a
conspicuous place at each of its
places of business until the solo
and consolidated financial
statements for the succeeding
financial year are prepared and
exhibited; and

(c) publish such statements at least

once within the period specified
in paragraph (a) in at least one
Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024 17

Sinhala, Tamil and English daily

newspaper circulating in Sri
Lanka, and in the official website
of the respective bank.

(2) Every licensed commercial bank

incorporated outside Sri Lanka shall,-

(a) transmit within three months after

the closure of its financial year,
to the Director of Bank
Supervision, its audited financial
statements for such financial year
in respect of its business in Sri

(b) e xhibit s u c h s t a t e m e n t s in a
conspicuous place at each of its
places of business until the
financial statements for the
succeeding financial year are
prepared and exhibited; and

(c) publish such statements at least

once within the period specified
in paragraph (a) in at least one
Sinhala, Tamil and English daily
newspaper circulating in Sri
Lanka, and in the official website
of the respective bank.

(3) The Central Bank may specify the form

of the financial statements referred to in
subsections (1) and (2) including any
disclosure requirements to be made and where
such form is specified, the financial statements
of every licensed commercial bank shall be
prepared in such form.
18 Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024

(4) Where the Central Bank determines

that a disclosure made under subsection (3)
does not contain information which is required
to contain or is otherwise false or misleading,
the Central Bank may, by notice in writing,
require such bank –

(a) to publish a disclosure statement

including the information that was
previously omitted;

(b) to publish a disclosure statement

without including false or
misleading information; or

(c) to take such other corrective action

as may be specified in the notice.”.

Amendment of 22. Section 39 of the principal enactment is hereby

section 39 of the
amended as follows:-
(1) in subsection (1) thereof, -

(a) by the substitution in paragraph (a), for the

words “the accounts balance sheet and profit
and loss account” of the words “financial

(b) by the substitution in paragraph (b), for the

words “the accounts, balance sheet and the
profit and loss account” of the words
“financial statements”;

(2) by the insertion, immediately after subsection (1)

thereof, of the following:-
Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024 19

“(1A) Where there are findings which to the

knowledge of the auditor in the performance of his
duties under this Act, that-

(a) losses have been incurred or likely to incur

which may materially reduce the capital
of any licensed commercial bank;

(b) irregularities have been occurred in such

bank, including the engagement of such
bank in unsound or unsafe practices in
carrying on of its business which is likely
to jeopardize the interests of its depositors
and creditors; or

(c) the obligations to the depositors and

creditors of such bank are not sufficiently
covered by the assets of such bank,

the auditor shall immediately report such findings

or any other matter that can materially affect the
safety and soundness of the licensed commercial
bank to the Director of Bank Supervision.”;

(3) by the repeal of subsection (2) thereof, and the

substitution therefor of the following:-

“(2) Every report specified in subsection (1)

which shall be completed within two months of the
end of the financial year, shall contain a statement
by the auditor as to whether in his opinion the
financial statements contain a true and fair view of
the bank’s financial position including the
compliance with the provisions relating to issuing
of financial statements and making disclosures by
a licensed commercial bank and where the auditor
20 Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024

has called for an explanation or any information

from any officer or agent of such licensed
commercial bank whether such explanation or
information is satisfactory.”;

(4) in subsection (3A) thereof, by the substitution for

the words “shall be met by the Central Bank.” of
the words “shall be met by the respective licensed
commercial bank.”;

(5) by the insertion, immediately after subsection (3A)

thereof, of the following: -

“(3B) Where the Central Bank is of the view

that an additional audit is required to be
conducted in respect of one or more aspects of
the business and affairs of a licensed commercial
bank, the Director of Bank Supervision may
require such bank to conduct an additional audit
on such aspects and the cost of such additional
audit shall be met by the respective licensed
commercial bank.

(3C) The provisions of sections 38A and 39 in

respect of the appointment, duties and powers,
and remuneration of auditors shall mutatis
mutandis apply in respect of any auditor
employed to conduct an additional audit under
this section.”;

(6) by the insertion, immediately after subsection (7)

thereof, of the following:-

“(7A) The engagement partner of the auditor of

a licensed commercial bank shall be a member of
the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka
Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024 21

and shall not be subject to any disqualification

under any written law in Sri Lanka or abroad from
being appointed as an auditor.

(7B) Every licensed commercial bank shall

change the auditor of such bank once in every six
years and shall change the engagement partner once
in every three years.

(7C) A licensed commercial bank which has

already appointed an auditor shall comply with the
provisions of this section within a period of two
years from the appointed date.”; and

(7) by the repeal of subsection (8) thereof.

23. Section 41 of the principal enactment is hereby Amendment of

amended in subsection (1) thereof, by the substitution for section 41 of the
the words “or any of its subsidiaries,” of the words “on solo enactment
and consolidated basis”.

24. Section 42 of the principal enactment is hereby Amendment of

section 42 of the
amended as follows: - principal
(1) in subsection (2) thereof, -

(a) by the repeal of paragraph (a) and the

substitution therefor of the following: -

“(a) that such person possesses academic or

professional qualifications and effective
experience in banking, finance,
economics, accounting, business
administration, information technology,
risk management, law or any other
relevant discipline as may be
determined by the Central Bank;”;
22 Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024

(b) by the repeal of paragraph (c) and the

substitution therefor of the following: -

“(c) that such person is not subject to any

proceedings, inquiry or investigation
consequent upon being served with
notice of a charge involving fraud,
deceit, dishonesty or other similar
criminal activity, by any court, tribunal,
regulatory authority, supervisory
authority, professional association,
Commission of Inquiry, or any other
body established by law, in Sri Lanka
or outside Sri Lanka.”;

(2) by the repeal of subsection (4) thereof, and the

substitution therefor of the following: -

“(4) Every licensed commercial bank shall

notify the Director of Bank Supervision in such
form as may be determined by the Director of Bank
Supervision, the name, address and occupation and
if he considers necessary, any further information
of -

(a) each person proposed to be appointed, elected

or nominated as a director of such licensed
commercial bank, before such appointment,
election or nomination, as the case may be;

(b) any director of such licensed commercial

bank, if such bank is aware that such person
is not a fit and proper person or where such
director becomes otherwise ineligible to hold
office as such director, within fifteen days of
such bank becoming aware of such facts.”;

(3) by the insertion, immediately after subsection (4)

thereof, of the following: -
Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024 23

“(4A) The Director of Bank Supervision may,

upon receipt of notice under subsection (4), if he
considers necessary, cause further investigation to
satisfy himself in relation to any of the matters
referred to in subsection (1) or (2).”;

(4) by the repeal of subsection (7) thereof, and the

substitution therefor of the following:-

“(7) A licensed commercial bank shall not

appoint, elect or nominate as a director of the
licensed commercial bank, a person whose
appointment, election or nomination, as the case
may be, has not been approved under subsection
(5) or subsection (6) and no such director shall be
permitted to carry out any duty or function of such
licensed commercial bank in any capacity.”;

(5) by the repeal of subsection (12) thereof, and the

substitution therefor of the following:-

“(12) The Board of Directors of a licensed

commercial bank shall have the duty to oversee the
management of the affairs of the licensed
commercial bank including its governance
framework and be ultimately responsible for
ensuring that the business of such bank is carried
out in compliance with all applicable laws and
consistent with safe and sound banking practices.”;

(6) by the addition immediately after subsection (12)

thereof, of the following:-
24 Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024

“(13) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary

in any other written law, the Central Bank shall,
from time to time, determine the number of members
of the Board of Directors of a licensed commercial
bank which number shall not be less than seven in
any case.”.

Amendment of 25. Section 44A of the principal enactment is hereby

section 44A of amended by the repeal of subsection (1) thereof, and the
the principal
substitution therefor of the following:-

“(1) The Chief Executive Officer and such other

officers of a licensed commercial bank performing
executive functions as may be determined by the
Central Bank shall be fit and proper persons to hold
such respective positions, and the provisions of
subsection (2) of section 42 shall, mutatis mutandis,
apply in determining whether such persons are fit
and proper persons.”.

Insertion of 26. The following sections are hereby inserted

sections 44 B and immediately after section 44A of the principal enactment
44C in the
principal and shall have effect as sections 44 B and 44 C of that
enactment enactment: -

“Disqualification 44B. (1) (a) Where the Central Bank, in

of a pursuance to findings of any examination or
director, the
chief investigation conducted on affairs of a
executive licensed commercial bank, is satisfied at any
officer or an time that a person who previously held office
officer as a director, the chief executive officer or an
officer performing executive functions of
functions of such bank has committed or has been
a licensed connected with the commission of any act
commercial involving fraud, deceit, dishonesty or other
bank who
previously similar criminal activity or any other
held such improper conduct during the period in which
positions in
he served in such office which may disqualify
such bank
such person to be a fit and proper person to
Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024 25

be appointed, elected or nominated as a

director, the chief executive officer or officer
performing executive functions of a licensed
commercial bank, or any other financial
institution regulated and supervised by the
Central Bank, it shall be lawful for the
Central Bank to determine that such person
is not fit and proper, notwithstanding the fact
that whether such person no longer holds such
office at the time of making such

(b) The Central Bank shall, prior to

making such determination ensure that such
person has been offered an opportunity of
being heard.

(2) The person so determined as not fit

and proper under subsection (1) shall not be
eligible to be appointed, elected, nominated
or continued as a director, chief executive
officer or other officer performing executive
functions of a licensed commercial bank or
any other financial institution regulated and
supervised by the Central Bank.

This Part of 44 C . In the event of any conflict or

this Act to inconsistency between the provisions of this
prevail in
case of Part of this Act and the provisions of any other
inconsistency written law for the time being in force, the
provisions of this Part shall prevail.”.

27. Section 46 of the principal enactment is hereby Amendment of

amended in subsection (1) thereof, as follows:- section 46 of the
(1) by the substitution for the words “directions to
licensed commercial banks” of the words
26 Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024

“directions to licensed commercial banks

considering the asset size, scale, diversity and
complexity of operations of such banks”;

(2) by the repeal of paragraph (c) thereof and the

substitution therefor, of the following:-

“(c) the limit on large exposures which, having

regard to the equity capital, reserves and
deposits of such licensed commercial bank
and other relevant considerations
including, as far as practicable, the
adoption of international standards
applicable on large exposures, as may be
made by such bank-

(i) to any single company, public

corporation, firm, association of
persons or an individual; or

(ii) in the aggregate to-

(A) an individual, his close

relations or to a company or
firm in which he or his close
relations have a substantial
interest; or

(B) a group of connected borrowers

if at least one of the following
criteria is satisfied:-

(a) control relationship, a

company and one or more
of the following having a
control relationship with
each other:-

(i) its subsidiaries;

Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024 27

(ii) its holding company;

(iii) its associate company;

(iv) a subsidiary of its

holding company;

(v) a company in which a

company referred to in
item (a) of this sub
subparagraph or its
subsidiary, or its
holding company, or a
subsidiary of its
holding company, has
a substantial interest;

(vi) an individual having a

substantial interest in
such company and the
close relations of such
individual; or

(vii) any other company

having direct or
indirect control over
such company as may
be determined by the
Central Bank;

(b) economic interdependence

between connected
borrowers as may be
determined by the Central
Bank based on
predetermined criteria:

Provided that, it shall be lawful for a

licensed commercial bank to comply with
the provisions of this paragraph within a
period of three years from the appointed
date or such other period as may be
determined by the Central Bank.”.
28 Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024

Amendment of 28. Section 47 of the principal enactment is hereby

section 47 of the amended as follows:-
(1) by the repeal of subsection (1) thereof;

(2) by the insertion, immediately after subsection (11A)

thereof, of the following:-

“(11B) The provisions of subsections (3), (4), (5),

(6), (7), (11) and (11A) shall apply to the following
persons, and such persons shall comply with such

(a) a chief executive officer or an officer

performing executive functions of a licensed
commercial bank in respect of any
accommodation granted other than an
accommodation granted to such officer under
a scheme applicable to the employees of such

(b) a shareholder of a licensed commercial bank

having material interest, whether individual
or a concern;

(c) a subsidiary or an associate company of the

licensed commercial bank;

(d) a holding company of the licensed

commercial bank including its subsidiaries,
excluding the parent bank and subsidiaries
of a bank incorporated outside Sri Lanka;

(e) a director of a subsidiary or an associate

company of the licensed commercial bank
and a director of a holding company and its
Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024 29

(f) a close relation of a person specified in

paragraphs (a) and (b);

(g) a concern, whose director or partner is a

director of such bank; and

(h) a concern in which a material shareholder of

a licensed commercial bank or any of his close
relations has substantial interest.

(11C) Any person referred to in subsection (11B)

who contravenes the provisions of subsection (3),
(4), (5), (6), (7), (11) or (11A) commits an offence
under this Act.”;

(3) by the insertion, immediately after subsection (13)

of the following:-

“(14) (a) The Central Bank may require a licensed

commercial bank to deduct the amount of any
accommodation granted by such bank in excess of
the limits specified in subsection (4), to any related
party for the purposes of calculating the regulatory
capital ratios under subsection (7) of section 19 or
require such excess to be secured by such security
as directed by the Central Bank.

(b) The minimum period of time that the Central

Bank may afford to a licensed commercial bank to
comply with the provisions of paragraph (a) shall
be a period of twelve months or such other period
as may be determined by the Central Bank, which
in any case shall not exceed a period of three years.”.
30 Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024

Repeal of Part 29. Part VIIA of the principal enactment is hereby

VIIA of the repealed.

Repeal of 30. Section 50 of the principal enactment is hereby

section 50 of the

Amendment of 31. Section 55 of the principal enactment is hereby

section 55 of the
amended as follows:-
(1) by the substitution for the words and figure “in
section 54 the name of such bank shall be removed
from the list of licensed commercial banks and” of
the words and figure “in section 54”;

(2) in paragraph (c) thereof, by the substitution for the

words and figure “in accordance with section 72.”
of the words and figure “in accordance with section
72; and”;

(3) by the addition immediately after paragraph (c)

thereof, of the following:-

“(d) all monies or other articles held in a safe

deposit box which have not been paid or
returned to the rightful owners under section
54, have been transferred to a special account
of the Central Bank or are disposed in
accordance with the directions issued by the
Central Bank for such purpose, as the case
may be.”;

(4) by the repeal of the marginal note to that section,

and the substitution therefor of the following:-
Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024 31

“Distribution of the outstanding

assets among the owners of the
licensed commercial bank”.

32. Section 56 of the principal enactment is hereby Replacement of

repealed and the following is substituted therefor:- section 56 of the
“Cancellation 56. Once all outstanding assets have been enactment
of the licence distributed in accordance with the provisions
issued to a
of section 55, the Director of Bank Supervision
shall direct such licensed commercial bank
bank and to subject to voluntary winding up to submit the
remove the audited financial statements of such bank to
name from the Central Bank for its approval. Once the
the list audited financial statements are approved by
the Central Bank, the Central Bank shall cancel
the licence issued to such licensed commercial
bank and the name of such bank shall be
removed from the list of licensed commercial

33. Sections 57 to 69 (both inclusive) of the principal Repeal of

enactment are hereby repealed. sections 57 to 69
of the principal

34. Section 70 of the principal enactment is hereby Amendment of

amended in subsection (4), by the substitution for the words section 70 of the
and figures “with the undertaking. The provisions of sections principal
63 and 68 shall apply to the winding up of the affairs under enactment
this section.” of the words “with the undertaking.”.

35. Section 72 of the principal enactment is hereby Amendment of

amended in subsection (1) thereof, by the substitution for section 72 of the
the words and figures “(1) In addition to the articles principal
referred to in sections 63 and 68 the articles” of the words
and figure “(1) The articles”.

36. Section 76D of the principal enactment is hereby Amendment of

amended by the repeal of subsection (3) thereof. section 76D of
the principal
32 Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024

Amendment of 37. Section 76G of the principal enactment is hereby

section 76G of the
amended in subsection (1), by the substitution for the words
enactment “the Monetary Board may with the concurrence of the
Minister,” of the words “the Central Bank may,”.

Amendment of 38. Section 76H of the principal enactment is hereby

section 76H of
the principal amended by the substitution for the words and figure
enactment “provisions of Part V” of the words and figures “provisions
of section 21, Part V”.

Amendment of 39. Section 76J of the principal enactment is hereby

section 76J of
the principal amended in subsection (1) as follows:-

(1) by the substitution for the words “regarding the

manner in which any aspect of the business of such
banks is to be conducted and in particular-” of the

“considering the asset size, scale, diversity

and complexity of operations of such banks
or for reasons to be stated in writing to any
one or more of them, regarding the manner in
which any aspect of the business of such
banks is to be conducted and in particular -”;

(2) by the repeal of paragraph (k) thereof.

Amendment of 40. Section 76K of the principal enactment is hereby

section 76K of
the principal amended by the substitution for the words and figure
enactment “provisions of section 45 shall,” of the words and figures
“provisions of sections 45, 47, 48A, 49 and 49A shall,”.
Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024 33

41. Section 76M of the principal enactment is hereby Amendment of

amended as follows:- section 76M of
the principal
(1) in paragraph (b) of subsection (3) thereof, -

(a) by the repeal of subparagraph (i), and the

5 substitution therefor of the following:-

“(i) where the bank is incorporated or

established within Sri Lanka by or
under any written law, proceedings for
the winding up of the bank shall
commence under the provisions of any
written law for the time being in force,
which specifically provides for the
winding up of the licensed commercial
banks and licensed specialised banks
in Sri Lanka.”;

(b) by the repeal of subparagraph (ii) thereof, and

the substitution therefor of the following:-

“(ii) where the bank is incorporated outside

Sri Lanka, the business of such bank
authorized under the licence issued
under section 76A shall be closed down
and its affairs shall be wound up under
the provisions of any written law for
the time being in force, which
specifically provides for the winding
up of the licensed commercial banks
and licensed specialised banks in Sri
Lanka.”; and

(2) by the repeal of subsections (3A), (3B), (3C), (3D),

(3E), (3F) and (3G) thereof.
34 Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024

Amendment of 42. Section 79 of the principal enactment is hereby

section 79 of the amended in subsection (1), by the substitution for the words
and figures “subsection (3) of section 33, subsection (3) of
section 41” of the words and figures “subsection (3) of section

Insertion of new 43. The following new section is hereby inserted

section 79B in immediately after section 79A of the principal enactment
the principal
and shall have effect as section 79B of that enactment:-

“Central 79B. (1) Without prejudice to any of the

Bank to provisions of this Act or any other written law
administrative for the time being in force, it shall be lawful for
fine the Central Bank, after affording an
opportunity of being heard, to impose an
administrative fine on any person who
contravenes the provisions of subsections (1C),
(3) and (4) of section 12, section 19, section
21, subsection (1) of section 38 or paragraph
(c) of subsection (1) of section 46 of this Act.

(2) The Central Bank shall, in determining

to impose an administrative fine, take into

(a) the gravity of such contravention;

(b) whether there is any recurrence of

such contravention;

(c) whether any loss or damage is caused

to the depositors or any other person
consequent of such contravention;

(d) whether the person against whom a

fine is to be imposed is unduly
benefitted from such contravention;

(e) the financial resources of such

Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024 35

(f) any mitigating factors; and

(g) such other matters as it considers to

be relevant.

(3) The Central Bank shall determine the

procedure and manner for imposing an
administrative fine on a person under subsection
(1) and the amount of such fine, in proportion to
the contravention so committed.”.

44. Section 83A of the principal enactment is hereby Amendment of

section 83A of
amended by the substitution for the words “and such bank” the principal
of the words “licensed specialised bank and such bank”. enactment

45. The following new sections are hereby inserted Insertion of new
sections 83D and
immediately after section 83C of the principal enactment 83E in the
and shall have effect as sections 83 D and 83 E of that principal

“Delegation 83D. The Central Bank may, if it considers

of its powers,
duties and necessary, delegate any of its powers, duties
functions by and functions under this Act to the Governor,
the Central
Bank Deputy Governor, Assistant Governor, Director
of Bank Supervision or any other officer of the
Central Bank who shall not be below the rank
of a Head of the Department, or any committee
consisting of such officers of the Central Bank,
as the case may be, to carry on any such powers,
duties and functions under this Act.
36 Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024

Central 83E. (1) The Central Bank may, by notice

Bank to
in writing, inform any person other than a
inform any
person to licensed commercial bank, a licensed
furnish any specialised bank, a director, Chief Executive
information Officer or an officer performing executive
& c.
functions of such bank, to furnish, within such
period as specified in the notice, any
information or produce any document as
specified in such notice and as the Central Bank
may consider necessary for the exercise,
performance and discharge of the powers,
duties and functions under this Act.

(2) Notwithstanding anything to the

contrary in any other written law, it shall be
the duty of any person who receives a notice
under subsection (1) to comply with the
requirements of such notice within the period
specified therein.”.

Amendment of 46. Section 86 of the principal enactment is hereby

section 86 of the amended as follows:-
(1) by the insertion immediately after the definition of
the expression “accommodation”, of the following:-

““Auditor General” means the Auditor General

appointed under Article 153 of the

(2) by the insertion immediately after the definition of

the expression “banking business”, of the

““beneficial owner” means a natural person who

ultimately owns or controls ten per centum
or more of a company, in whole or in part,
Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024 37

through direct or indirect ownership or

control of shares or voting rights or other
ownership interest in that company, and
also includes a natural person who
exercises effective control through other
means, and beneficial ownership is to be
construed accordingly;

“Board of Directors of a branch of a licensed

commercial bank incorporated outside Sri
Lanka” means the Head Office or Regional
Office of such licensed commercial bank
that supervises the respective branch or a
management committee for which powers
on overseeing the management have been
delegated by such Head Office or the
Regional Office, as the case may be, to act
as the Board of Directors of such branch;”;

(3) by the insertion immediately after the definition

“concern” of the following:-

““control relationship” means the ability of one

borrower of a licensed commercial bank
to influence over the activities of other
borrowers of such bank;”;

(4) by the repeal of the definition of the expression

“Director of Bank Supervision” and the substitution
therefor of the following:-

““Director of Bank Supervision” means an

employee of the Central Bank who is the
head of the department of the Central Bank
which is entrusted with the regulation and
supervision of the licensed commercial
banks and licensed specialised banks in
Sri Lanka;”;
38 Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024

(5) by the repeal of the definition of the expression

“domestic banking business”, and the substitution
therefor of the following:-

““economic interdependence” means the

dependence of one borrower of a licensed
commercial bank on a business of any
other borrower of such bank where it is
likely that the financial difficulties of the
latter may impair the repayment capacity
of the first mentioned borrower;

“engagement partner” means the partner or other

person in the audit firm who is responsible
for the audit engagement and its
performance, and for the auditor’s report
that is issued on behalf of the audit firm,
and who, where required, has the
appropriate authority from a professional,
legal or regulatory body;

“exposures” means accommodation and all

financial investments;”;

(6) by the insertion immediately after the definition of

the expression “head office of a commercial bank”
of the following:-

““international standards” means the standards

that comprise of principles, guidelines,
processes, or characteristics, that have been
developed through the consensus of
experts from many countries and published
by a globally recognized institution
including the Basel Committee on
Banking Supervision, the Financial
Stability Board and such other similar
standard setting institution;”;
Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024 39

(7) by the insertion immediately after the definition of

the expression “local authority” of the following:-

““Minister” means the Minister assigned the

subject of Finance in terms of Article 44
or 45 of the Constitution;”;

(8) by the insertion immediately after the definition of

the expression “Monetary Board” of the following:-

““non-financial subsidiary” means a subsidiary

of a licensed commercial bank or a licensed
specialised bank which carries out the
business other than the business of a
‘financial sector participant’ as defined in
the Central Bank of Sri Lanka Act, No.16
of 2023;”;

(9) by the insertion immediately after the definition of

the expression “non-resident” of the following:-

““offshore banking business” means the

provision of banking business by a
licensed commercial bank in any
designated foreign currency to non-
residents, and to certain residents as may
be determined by the Central Bank, from
time to time;

“physical presence” means meaningful mind

and management located within a country
and does not include simple or mere
existence of a local agent or low-level staff
of such country; ”;

(10) by the insertion immediately after the definition

“resident” of the following: -
40 Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024

““shareholder” shall have the same meaning as

given in the Companies Act, No. 07 of

“shell bank” means a bank that has no physical

presence in the country in which it is
incorporated and licensed, and which is
unaffiliated with a financial group that is
subject to effective consolidated

(11) in the definition of the expression “substantial

interest” by the substitution for the words “on
behalf of such firm.” of the words “on behalf of
such firm;”; and

(12) by the addition immediately after the definition of

the expression “substantial interest” of the
following: -

““unlawful activity” shall have the same

meaning as given in the Prevention of
Money Laundering Act, No. 5 of 2006.”

Amendment of 47. Schedule II of the principal enactment is hereby

Schedule II of amended as follows:-
the principal
(1) in item (z) thereof, by the substitution for the words
“to the buyer.” of the words “to the buyer;”; and

(2) by the addition immediately after item (z), the


“(aa) conducting offshore banking business.”.

Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024 41

48. Notwithstanding the repeal of subsection (3C) of Special

section 76M of the principal enactment by this Act, any provision
relating to the
Scheme formulated by the Monetary Board under subsection Schemes
(3C) of that section shall continue to be in force until the formulated by
the Monetary
liabilities of depositors and creditors of the defaulting bank
Board under
referred to in that subsection are settled in full in accordance section 76M
with the terms and conditions of such Scheme.

49. In the event of any inconsistency between the Sinhala Sinhala text to
and Tamil texts of this Act, the Sinhala text shall prevail. prevail in case of
42 Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2024

English Acts of the Parliament DEPARTMENT

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