Ecre Working With Groups
Ecre Working With Groups
Ecre Working With Groups
Situation 1
Leonardo is a 15-year old boy who had been brought to court on charges of stealing.
Consequently, he was placed in a training center for Children in Conflict with the law.
At the center, his favorite activity was to listen to pop records and he occasionally
danced alone. While other children planned parties, played pingpong and basketball, had
crafts and dramatic groups, he sat along saying nothing near his record player. One day
his record player was not available, so he asked some of his friends who were also
restless and they started destroying tables, chairs and vandalizing walls. When the
supervisor decided to punish all the boys who got involved in the trouble, Leonardo
admitted his responsibility for what happened and asked the other be spared of the
punishment due such misconduct.
The group worker introduced Leonardo to a dancing group, who regularly had dancing
lessons. He received a great deal of recognition from the group members and from the
dancing instructors because he was the best dancer and was quick to learn new dance
steps. With this activity, Leonardo had manifested a marked change in his attitudes and
behaviors. When complimented about his dancing ability, he dropped his tough
appearance and smiled like one shy and modest kid. Recently Leonardo was chosen by
the group as their leader.
Situation 2
In a government institution for educable, and trainable disabled children, group work
includes holding of regular meetings between the staff and the children to discuss
children’s individual concerns and houseparent’s problems, to disseminate information, to
discuss activities related to their rehabilitation. In one of the meetings, one concern
being raised is the habit of many children begging money from guests and visitors. This
behavior was a cause of many problems inside the institution, because when one child
who lost the money would go into severe temper tantrums like loud crying, undressing,
running around, and other behavioral aberrations. This single issue was discussed for 10
successive meetings where some educable children agree to monitor and act as watchers
for others. The staff and the children believe that to be able to stop begging is a big step
toward their children’s progress and development. So the institution put out a policy
requesting all guests and visitors to refrain from giving money.
On the other hand, the groupworker discussed the idea of bringing the children on
a field trip to the downtown area, where begging was a way of life. This was intended to
impress upon the children that begging is not a socially acceptable behavior, because if
anyone of them liked to beg, he would be left behind. After the trip, the children were
happy about the experience and they realized that their group life in the institution was
far better than the beggar’s life in the streets.
9. How would you assess the group work method applied to this
Situation 3
In one government center for normal abandoned children, there were problems one
plaguing this institution. Among the problems presented were cruelty, and abusive
attitudes of house parents to the children, corruption among some office administration
staff, many social workers were incompetent and the few competent ones were going
abroad, volunteers were not enthusiastic anymore in carrying their tasks, supervisors
were indifferent and seems helpless in changing the situation.
A new head was assigned to this institution. And she was determined to change the
situation for the better. Being an expert in group method, she requested one consulting
group to do an internal as well as an external diagnosis of the whole institution, together
with team-building sessions.
When the result and the recommendations were submitted by the consulting group, the
new institution head decided to strengthen the weak links in the system. She formed a
Management Team to assist her in planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of
their programs and services. She formed several groups based on the different
functions/needs within the institutions. She formed several groups based on the
children’s needs and choice of activities they wanted to participate in. Everybody was
involved and everybody was motivated to give his/her share and do his/her best. Not long
after, the institution became the training laboratory for group work for schools of Social
Work. The institution was once again alive, filled with enthusiasm and commitment from
its workers
13. What were the boundaries of the different groups that were
Culture boundary based on the members’ place of origin
Goals, functions and needs of the participants/members of the group
Heterogeneous character of the groups
Power and authority
15. What leadership style was evident in the institution under the
new head?*
16. Whatever is the agency purpose for a group program, these have
to be conducted to obtain at least basic or some other necessary
information on prospective group members:*
Collateral interviews
Individual intake
Interviews with referral sources
Pre-group interviews
17. The agency’s purpose for the group program usually emanates
The agency’s general purpose or function
The prospective members’ motivations for membership
The worker’s judgment as to program priority
None of the above
18. The individual client-level worker task is based on assessment
and is the outcome of assessment:*
None of the above
20. Choose which one in this list is not a perspective for analyzing
goal formulation in social work with groups:*
Members’ perspective
Worker’s perspective
Group system perspective
Community’s perspective
21. Among the use of group program media in group work would be:*
To promote group interaction
To entertain members
To minimize the worker’s interventive activities
All of the above
23. One of the following is not among the stances a worker should
take during group sessions:*
Direct stance
Permissive stance
Facilitating stance
Counseling stance
27. The _______ worker “stance” in social work with groups requires
the worker to promote the exchange of ideas in the group, clarify and
focus problems, support leadership and patterns of relationship and
assess group processes.*
30. What term is used to refer to worker activities that may need to
be done outside of the group sessions?*
Extra group activities
Extra means of intervention
Extra group work
Indirect interventions
35. In a group of children who are in conflict with the law, one child
brags a lot about how he was able to elude arrests several times. He
believes he is great, but many of the group members call him
“MAYABANG”. How do you describe his behavior?*
recognition seeker
39. When the goal of the groups is personal growth, what should be
the ideal atmosphere within which the group can function effectively?
Rigid atmosphere
Competitive atmosphere
Cooperative atmosphere
Indifferent atmosphere
42. In the same law, women’s rights are promoted through the
a. Participation and representation of women in political arena
b. Protection and security in times of disaster, calamities and other crisis situation
c. Protection from all forms of violence
d. Comprehensive health services, health information and education
46. With the growing number of returning OFW’s, social group work
will play a major role in*
Organizing groups for educational activities
Training and organizing groups for entrepreneurial activities
Organizing groups for recreational activities
Organizing groups for political leadership trainings
52. A fixed membership group in which the same people meet for a
defined period of time. Members may drop out and new members
may be added in the early sessions, but in general, the membership of
the group remains constant.*
Remedial group
Open group
Task group
Closed group
56. Three of the following are major factors that enhance group
cohesion. Mark one that is not relevant.*
Demands of the group leader
Affective interpersonal ties
Common enemies outside the group
Symbolic group ceremonials
72. Zoe admires the cheerleaders at her school and enjoy watching
them at games. She frequently copies hairstyles that she sees the
girls wearing. The cheerleading squad is an example of a ___*
Reference group
Tertiary group
Secondary group
Primary group
73. In the Remedial Model, the use of the group as a means and a
context for treatment means that the group...
a. Serves as a vehicle through which peer interactions and influences are used to effect
group members
b. Provides opportunities for direct worker-client interactions which can contribute to
c. Utilizes its structures and processes to treat its members
75. In choosing program media what are the factors taken into
a. Goals of the group
b. Influence group climate
c. Promote group interaction
d. Mood of the group
76. This stance assumes that if correct group composition has been
made, the purpose and the focus of group is clear, the group will
emerge because the participants have come together.*
flexible stance
evaluating stance
facilitating stance
permission stance
80. The following except one are the records that group workers
usually write or keep.*
Individual case assessment
Record referrals to other agencies
Evaluation record
Attendance record
86. A group has reached a level of maturity usually during the group
maintenance phase, is able to respond not only to intergroup
processes, but also to extragroup and intergroup threats when these
happen. Which of these is an example of intergroup threats.*
Power struggle in the group
Membership withdrawal
Other groups in the community
Family or agency group
91. The worker initiated a dialogue with key barangay officials and
leaders to get their support.*
Case assessment
Pre-group interview
Pre-group planning
Action planning
92. During the group intake, what are the things that need to be
clarified with the group?*
Agency expectation
Activities that are likely to be undertaken
The duration of the group program
All of the above
The correct answer is right because x, y, z
94. What type of group will you recommend for this clientele group?*
Task group
Treatment group
Open group
All of the above
95. Which interventive roles will you use the least in this kind of
Crisis intervention
Therapist or counselor