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WR 2023 Chaos Dwarfs Final Edition

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The Chaos Dwarfs are a superior race, but there are not
many of them. Therefore, they bolster their ranks with
various inferior greenskin races.

A Chaos Dwarf army may include characters and

regiments that are not Chaos Dwarfs themselves.
However, the army general must be a Chaos Dwarf
character, and the army must include at least one
regiment of Chaos Dwarf Warriors, Tower Guards, or
Blunderbusses. If it did not, it would not be a Chaos
Dwarf army.

As a superior race, Chaos Dwarfs (and their cousins, the

Bull Centaurs) never take panic tests caused by
greenskins of any kind.


Contrary to normal Dwarfs, Chaos Dwarfs do not hate
Orcs & Goblins. They do not suffer from Elf Grudge, they
don’t have access to Gromril Armour, nor do Chaos
Dwarfs get any benefits towards dispelling enemy spells.
The Chaos Dwarfs were once like other Dwarfs, but with
the coming of Chaos they became corrupted. The Chaos
Dwarfs are a vile, black-hearted race, forever waging war
in a relentless search for victims to enslave. Shrouded The favourite missile weapon of the Chaos Dwarfs is the
by the smoke of a thousand forges, the foul empire of the Blunderbuss. This weapon can only be fired if the
Chaos Dwarfs lies deep inside the Dark Lands. Far regiment did not move in the movement phase. The
below the bitter earth, their slaves labour in chains, range is only 12”, but every model (friend and foe alike)
endlessly seeking out precious metals and minerals for whose base is more than half within the firing zone is a
their evil masters’ plans. potential hit.

The firing zone is an area in front of the Blunderbuss

regiment which is 12” deep and which is as wide as the
Blunderbuss regiment itself.

Only models behind a hill or a tall wall, such as a building, THE EARTH SHAKER CANNON
are not hit. In the case of monsters and chariots ridden
by characters, both the character and mount are hit. An Earth Shaker Cannon works like a large stone
thrower. In addition, all units hit by the template (not
Roll to hit using BS as normal. Roll one die to hit for each
necessarily wounded, just hit) may not move or shoot or
enemy model within the firing zone. There is no short-
cast spells (but can use magic cards and attempt dispels,
range penalty. The only to-hit penalties that apply are for
use Dispel Magic Scrolls etc.). This effect lasts into the
soft and hard cover (i.e. no bonus for skirmishing, either).
next magic phase, the victims’ next movement phase,
All models hit suffer a S 3 hit. This is increased to S 4 if and the victims’ next shooting phase. Affected units may,
there are two ranks in the shooting regiment, and S 5 if however, take compulsory moves and flee moves, and
there are three ranks or more. they can be moved by means of spellcasting. It may be
a good idea to place a marker to remember the effect.
If the Blunderbuss regiment’s rear ranks are not full, or
Crewed by three Chaos Dwarf Warriors wearing heavy
some models in the front rank do not carry
Blunderbusses, determine how many Blunderbusses are
involved in each case – targets in different parts of the
firing zone may suffer hits of different Strengths. If the THE JUGGERNAUT
target is a regiment with models with several wounds, the
The Juggernaut is an unbreakable large chariot. A small
wounds are carried over to one model at a time as usual.
fortress armed with guns moving around on the
If the closest target is large target, the Blunderbuss unit battlefield! It is somewhat slow, so it cannot pursue or
may concentrate all fire against that unit. Roll once to hit overrun, and does not double its movement when
for each Blunderbuss model in the two first ranks of the charging. Unlike other chariots, the Juggernaut is not
shooting regiment. Disregard the usual area effect when immobilized when reduced to one wound. The
concentrating fire like this, only the closest large model Juggernaut is pushed by a Bull Centaur (i.e. it has a
within the firing zone may be hit. movement rate of 8”). In melee combat only the crew
may attack, not the Bull Centaur.
If charged by a unit that is more than half its charge
distance away, the Blunderbuss regiment may stand and The Juggernaut is crewed by 5 Chaos Dwarf Warriors
shoot. Each model in the charging unit suffers a potential armed with blunderbusses. These may fire in one of four
hit (there is no to hit penalty for making a stand and shoot different directions each turn, even if the Juggernaut
reaction with Blunderbusses). Disregard the usual area moved. The firing zones are equal to that of the chariot's
effect when taking stand and shoot reactions, only base, i.e. 50 mm wide to the front and rear, shooting with
models within the charging unit may be hit (if they are strength 4, or 100 mm wide to the sides, shooting with
within the fire zone). strength 3. The crew may swap their blunderbusses for
crossbows for free.
When a Blunderbuss regiment enters a building, their
‘fire zone’ is as wide as the face of the building they are The Juggernaut is armed with two small cannons, fired
firing from, however, the firing zone cannot be larger than from the Juggernaut's front. The juggernaut can fire the
it would be possible, had the regiment been in the open. cannons even if it has moved. You cannot pivot the
The hits are S 3, +1 for every storey from which another Juggernaut when shooting, it can only fire directly
five blunderbusses can fire (to a maximum of S 5). forwards. A roll of misfire causes 1D3 wounds on the
Juggernaut each time a misfire is rolled (except on the
bounce roll).

The Whirlwind is a scythed light chariot pushed by a Bull In the beginning of the turn, before the movement phase,
Centaur (i.e. it has WS4 and a movement rate of 8”). It each Orcs & Goblins regiment in the army not engaged
cannot pursue or overrun and does not double its in melee combat or fleeing must take an animosity test.
movement when charging. Unlike other chariots, the War machines, chariots and all other units in the army do
Whirlwind is not immobilized when reduced to one not test, only regiments.
wound. Furthermore, it is immune to psychology.
To take an animosity test, roll a single die. On a roll of 1,
The Bull Centaur does not fight in melee combat but roll again (on a roll of 2-6 nothing happens).
operates the machine instead. Each combat round the
If you roll 1-5; the members of the unit squabble amongst
Whirlwind deals 1D6 strength 4 hits automatically to the
themselves or stand idle. While so affected, the unit is
front (this is in addition to any impact hits it makes when
immune to psychology, cannot move, shoot, or cast
spells in this player turn. It is still possible for wizards to
make dispel attempts and use dispel scrolls. Squabbling
THE TENDERIZER regiments will fight back if attacked.

The Tenderizer is a scythed light chariot pushed by a Bull On a roll of 6; the regiment must move 2D6” towards the
Centaur (i.e. it has WS4 and a movement rate of 8”). It closest enemy unit choosing the fastest route possible
cannot pursue or overrun and does not double its (following the normal rules for movement). Stop the
movement when charging. Unlike other chariots, the regiment if it comes within 1” of the enemy. During the
Tenderizer is not immobilized when reduced to one ensuing movement phase, the regiment must declare a
wound. Furthermore, it is immune to psychology. charge against the nearest enemy. If no enemy is within
charge range, the regiment must move as fast as
The Bull Centaur does not fight in melee combat but
possible towards the nearest enemy.
operates the machine instead. Each combat round the
Tenderizer makes one automatic strength 7 hit, no
armour save allowed, causing 1D6 wounds to the front HOBGOBLINS
(this is in addition to any impact hits it makes when
In addition to Orcs & Goblins, the Chaos Dwarf army may
include Hobgoblins, a species quite similar to goblins, but
stronger and meaner. Hobgoblins are not put to work in
GREENSKIN SLAVES the mines of the Chaos Dwarfs, instead they function as
slave masters, helping the Chaos Dwarfs oppress the
Chaos Dwarf armies may include Common Goblins,
other greenskin species.
Common Orcs and Black Orcs enslaved by the Chaos
Dwarfs. Hobgoblins suffer from animosity in the same way as
Common Goblins and Common Orcs do. However, if
Common Goblins and Common Orcs are subject to
Common Goblins and Common Orcs find themselves
Animosity. Black Orcs are immune to animosity.
within 12” of Hobgoblins at the beginning of their turn,
Common Orcs ignore panic tests caused by Common they don’t suffer animosity that turn. They are simply too
Goblins. Black Orcs ignore panic caused by Common busy keeping an eye on the treacherous Hobgoblins to
Orcs and Common Goblins. squabble amongst themselves.

Common Goblins fear Elves they do not outnumber at If Hobgoblins are destroyed, break, or flee past units of
least two to one. Common Goblins, Common Orcs or Black Orcs, these
units do not take panic tests. In fact, the sight of

Hobgoblins running away or being killed evokes nothing Hobgoblin Assassins
but cheers of joy and whoops of laughter from other
greenskins. No characters except Hobgoblin characters Assassins are characters who conceal themselves in

will ever join a Hobgoblin regiment as the other races rank-and-file infantry regiments disguised as ordinary

don’t trust them (and who can blame them?). For the troopers. Once in combat, they throw off their disguise

same reason, Hobgoblin characters cannot join non- and leap into the fray. Only one assassin may hide in

Hobgoblin regiments. each regiment. Note down on the army roster which
regiments your assassins are hiding in.

Hobgoblin Sneaky Gits The assassin is revealed once their regiment engages in
melee combat. Replace an ordinary trooper with the
The most treacherous of all Hobgoblins are the Sneaky assassin. In the first round of combat, assassins strike
Gits. They employ poisoned weapons. Furthermore, before models with the strike first ability and even before
after the first round of melee is over, you may remove as challenges are declared.
many models from the unengaged rear ranks of the
Assassins fight with two poisoned hand weapons which
Sneaky Git regiment as you wish, in order to lap around
add +1 to strength. In addition, each wound they inflict
the enemy unit by expanding your front rank around the
multiplies into 1D3 wounds. In subsequent rounds of
enemy unit.
combat assassins fight as normal characters (and no
If, as a consequence of the above special rule, five or longer strike first), and when the combat engagement is
more models become engaged to the enemy flank or over, assassins are free to move around as independent
rear, the Sneaky Gits gain combat resolution bonuses for characters.
flanking and attacking in the rear (and the enemy lose
Assassins are not leaders, they cannot be the general,
their rank bonus). Note that the Sneaky Gits also lose the
and other models cannot benefit from their high LD.
rank bonus from any ranks that lap round.


Chaos Dwarf Lord 4 7 6 4 5 3 5 4 11 20x20
Chaos Dwarf Hero 4 6 5 4 5 2 4 3 10 20x20
Chaos Dwarf BSB 4 5 4 4 4 2 3 2 9 20x20
Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer Lord 4 4 3 4 5 4 5 3 10 20x20
Chaos Dwarf Master Sorcerer 4 4 3 4 5 3 4 2 9 20x20
Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer Champion 4 4 3 4 5 2 3 1 9 20x20
Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer 4 4 3 3 5 1 3 1 9 20x20
Bull Centaur Lord 8 7 6 5 5 4 6 5 11 25x50
Bull Centaur Hero 8 6 5 5 5 3 5 4 10 25x50
Bull Centaur BSB 8 5 4 5 4 3 4 3 9 25x50
Hobgoblin Hero 4 5 5 4 4 2 4 3 7 20x20
Hobgoblin Assassin 4 7 7 4 4 1 6 2 8 20x20

Giant Wolf 9 4 0 3 3 1 3 1 3 25x50
Great Taurus* 6 6 0 6 6 5 7 4 8 50x50
Lammasu** 6 6 0 6 7 5 6 3 8 50x50

*= Terror, fly, 4+ armour save, S4 flaming breath attack, immune to fire based attacks.

** = Terror, fly, natural dispel 4+, all enemies suffer a -1 to hit in melee combat when they attack the Lammasu
with magic weapons (weapons that hit automatically hit on 2+ instead).

Chaos Dwarf Lord 136 pts

Chaos Dwarf Hero 82 pts.

• May take heavy armour and a shield for free.

• May take one of the following melee weapons
for free: a flail, an additional hand weapon, a
spear, a halberd, a double handed weapon.
• May take a blunderbuss, a handgun, a
crossbow, or two pistols for +10 pts.
• A Lord may ride a Great Taurus for +224 pts. A
Hero may ride a Great Taurus for + 216 pts.
• A Lord may take 3 magic items while a Hero
may take 2 magic items.

Chaos Dwarf Battle Standard Bearer Hobgoblin Assassin 50 pts
92 pts The point cost of the first Hobgoblin Assassin included in
the Chaos Dwarf army counts toward regiments, but
Bull Centaur Battle Standard Bearer
subsequent Assassins count toward characters.
120 pts
Armed with two poisoned hand weapons. May not take
• A Chaos Dwarf BSB may take heavy armour for magic items.
free. A Bull Centaur BSB may take light armour
for free.
Hobgoblin Hero 53 pts
• Any BSB may take 1 magic item, which may be
a magic banner. • May ride a Giant Wolf for +14 pts
• May take light armour and a shield for free.

Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer Lord (level 4) • May take one of the following melee weapons
for free: a flail, an additional hand weapon, a
286 pts
spear, a halberd, a double handed weapon.

Master Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer (level 3) • May take one bow or crossbow for +10 pts.
• May take 2 magic items.
194 pts

Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer Champion (level Bull Centaur Lord 208 pts
2) 128 pts
Bull Centaur Hero 135 pts.
Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer (level 1) 72 pts • May take light armour and a shield for free.

• May use Chaos Dwarf Magic. • May take one of the following melee weapons

• A Sorcerer Lord may ride a Lammasu for +200 for free: a flail, an additional hand weapon, a

pts. spear, a halberd, a double handed weapon.

• A Sorcerer may take as many magic items as • A Lord may take 3 magic items while a Hero

he has levels. may take 2 magic items.


Regimental Troops
Chaos Dwarf Warriors 4 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9 20x20
Chaos Dwarf Tower Guards 4 5 3 4 4 1 3 1 9 20x20
Bull Centaurs 8 4 3 4 4 2 3 2 9 25x50
Hobgoblins 4 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 6 20x20 Animosity
Black Orcs 4 4 3 4 4 1 2 1 8 25x25
Common Orcs 4 3 3 3 4 1 2 1 7 25x25 Animosity
Common Goblins 4 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 5 20x20 Animosity

Regimental Champions
Chaos Dwarf Champion 4 5 4 4 4 1 3 2 9 20x20
Commander of the Tower 4 6 4 4 4 1 4 2 10 20x20
Bull Centaur Champion 8 5 4 5 4 2 4 3 9 25x50
Hobgoblin Champion 4 4 4 4 3 1 3 2 6 20x20 Animosity
Black Orc Champion 4 5 4 5 4 1 3 2 8 25x25
Common Orc Champion 4 4 4 4 4 1 3 2 7 25x25 Animosity
Common Goblin Champion 4 3 4 4 3 1 3 2 5 20x20 Animosity

Giant Wolf 9 4 0 3 3 1 3 1 3 25x50

Chaos Dwarf Warriors 9 pts

Chaos Dwarf Warriors with heavy armour.

• The whole regiment may take double handed

weapons for +3 pts per model.
• The whole regiment may take shields for +1 pt
per model.
• The regiment may be joined by a Chaos Dwarf
Champion equipped like the rest of the regiment
for the price of 20 pts + the cost of one trooper
(may take 1 magic item).

Chaos Dwarf Blunderbusses 12 pts
Chaos Dwarf Warriors with heavy armour and

• The whole regiment may take shields for +2 pts

per model.
• The whole regiment may swap Blunderbusses
for crossbows for +1 pt per model.
• The regiment may be joined by a Chaos Dwarf
Champion equipped like the rest of the regiment
for the price of 20 pts + the cost of one trooper
(may take 1 magic item).

Hobgoblin Wolf Riders 12 pts

Wolf Riders with bows or short bows may skirmish.

Hobgoblin Warriors riding Giant Wolves.

Bull Centaurs 35 pts
• The whole regiment may take spears for +2 pt
Note that Bull Centaurs may act as fast cavalry. per model.

Bull Centaurs with light armour and double handed • The whole regiment may take light armour for
weapons. +1 pt per model and shields for +1 pt per model.
• The whole regiment may take short bows for +1
• The whole regiment may take shields for +1 pt
pt per model or bows for +2 pts per model.
per model.
• The regiment may be joined by a Hobgoblin
• The regiment may be joined by a Bull Centaur
Champion equipped like the rest of the regiment
Champion equipped like the rest of the regiment
for the price of 10 pts + the cost of one trooper
for the price of 30 pts + the cost of one trooper
(may take 1 magic item).
(may take 1 magic item).

Hobgoblin Archers 6 pts

Chaos Dwarf Tower Guard 11 pts
Hobgoblin Warriors with bows.
Chaos Dwarf Tower Guards with heavy armour.
• The whole regiment may take light armour for
• The whole regiment may take double handed
+½ pt per model.
weapons for +3 pts per model.
• The whole regiment may swap bows for
• The whole regiment may take shields for +1 pt
crossbows for +2 pt per model.
per model.
• The regiment may be joined by a Hobgoblin
• The regiment may be joined by a Commander
Champion equipped like the rest of the regiment
of the Tower equipped like the rest of the
for the price of 10 pts + the cost of one trooper
regiment for the price of 30 pts + the cost of one
(may take 1 magic item).
trooper (may take 1 magic item).

Hobgoblin Sneaky Gits 7 pts
Hobgoblin Warriors with two poisoned daggers and light

• The regiment may be joined by a Hobgoblin

Champion equipped like the rest of the regiment
for the price of 10 pts + the cost of one trooper
(may take 1 magic item).

Black Orc Slave Warriors 9 pts

Black Orcs with light armour.

• The whole regiment may take additional hand

weapons for +2 pts per model, or spears for +2
Hobgoblin Warriors 4 pts pts per model, or halberds for +1 pt per model,
or double handed weapons for +3 pts per
Hobgoblin Warriors with shields.
• The whole regiment may take spears for +1 pt • The whole regiment may swap light armour for
per model. heavy armour for +2 pts per model.
• The whole regiment may take light armour for • The whole regiment may be given shields for +1
+½ pt per model. pt per model.
• The regiment may be joined by a Hobgoblin • The regiment may be joined by a Black Orc
Champion equipped like the rest of the regiment Champion equipped like the rest of the regiment
for the price of 10 pts + the cost of one trooper for the price of 20 pts + the cost of one trooper
(may take 1 magic item). (may take 1 magic item).

Orc Slave Warriors 5 pts Common Goblin Slave Warriors 2½ pts

Common Orcs with light armour. Common Goblins.

• The whole regiment may take additional hand • The whole regiment may be armed with one of
weapons for +1 pt per model, or spears for +1 the following weapons: spears for +½ pt per
pt per model, or halberds for +1 pt per model, model, or double handed weapons for +2 pts
or double handed weapons for +2 pts per per model, or short bows for +1 pt per model.
model. • May take light armour for +½ pt per model.
• The whole regiment may be given shields for +1 • If not armed with short bows, the whole
pt per model. regiment may be equipped with shields for +½
• The regiment may be joined by a Common Orc pt per model,
Champion equipped like the rest of the regiment • The regiment may be joined by a Common
for the price of 20 pts + the cost of one trooper Goblin Champion equipped like the rest of the
(may take 1 magic item). regiment for the price of 10 pts + the cost of one
trooper (may take 1 magic item).

Chaos Dwarf Warriors 4 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9 20x20
Hobgoblin 4 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 6 20x20
Bull Centaurs 8 4 3 4 4 2 3 2 9 25x50
War Machine (bolt thrower etc.) - - - - 7 3 - - - -
Juggernaut - - - 6 6 4 - - - 50x100 Impact Hits
Whirlwind/Tenderizer - - - 4 4 4 - - - 50x100 Impact Hits

Chaos Dwarf Death Rockets 85 pts Chaos Dwarf Earth Shaker Cannon
Works exactly like a small stone thrower. Crewed by two 165 pts
Chaos Dwarf Warriors wearing heavy armour. May add
Crewed by three Chaos Dwarfs wearing heavy armour.
up to three extra crewmen for +10 pts per model.
May add up to two extra crewmen for +10 pts per model.

Hobgoblin Bolt Throwers 43 pts Chaos Dwarf Whirlwind 75 pts
Note that you must field a Hobgoblin regiment to include A Chaos Dwarf army may only include one Chaos Dwarf
one or more Hobgoblin Bolt Throwers in your army. Whirlwind.

Bolt thrower. Crewed by two Hobgoblins. May add up to Pulled by a Bull Centaur which does not participate in
three extra crewmen for +4 pts per model. combat.

Chaos Dwarf Juggernaut 200 pts Chaos Dwarf Tenderizer 75 pts

A Chaos Dwarf army may only include one Chaos Dwarf A Chaos Dwarf army may only include one Chaos Dwarf
Juggernaut. Tenderizer.

Crewed by five Chaos Dwarfs wearing heavy armour and Pulled by a Bull Centaur which does not participate in
equipped with either blunderbusses or crossbows. combat.
Pulled by a Bull Centaur which does not participate in


Zhatan The Black 4 8 6 4 5 4 6 4 11 20x20
Gorduz Backstabber 4 6 6 4 4 3 5 4 8 20x20
Astragoth 8 6 3 5 5 4 5 3 10 20x20

Zhatan the Black, Commander of the Astragoth, High Priest of Hashut

Tower of Zharr 180 pts 325 pts
Chaos Dwarf Lord. Heavy armour, a shield, and a double Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer Lord. Since he is partly petrified,
handed weapon. Zhatan hates all enemies. This hatred Astragoth has an armour save of 3+. If Astragoth hits with
also applies to any Chaos Dwarf regiment he joins. May all three attacks, he may make three additional attacks.
ride a Great Taurus for +224 pts. May take four magic Astragoth’s movement can never exceed 8” even when
items. marching or charging. May take four magic items.

Gorduz Backstabber 90 pts

Hobgoblin Lord. Light armour and a shield. Ward Save
4+ against the loss of his final wound. May ride a Giant
Wolf for +20 pts. May wield a spear for free. May take
three magic items.


Whip of obedience 10 pts Obsidian Pearl of Zhar Naggrund

Hobgoblin characters on foot only. Additional hand 100 pts
weapon, +1 LD, may re-roll failed panic tests.
The Sorcerer is dealt one additional magic card for
personal use.
Black Hammer of Hashut 25 pts
Chaos Dwarfs and Bull Centaurs only. Double handed MAGIC BANNERS
weapon. No armour saves allowed. Flammable targets
suffering one wound from this hammer are killed
Banner of Feigned Cowardice 10 pts
Hobgoblins only. When the Hobgoblins have lost a
combat and are about to take a break test, they may
choose to flee voluntarily instead of rolling the dice. If
caught, they are destroyed as usual. If not caught, they
Armour of Midnight 50 pts rally immediately. Note that when you flee, you abandon
the regimental standard, thus this is a one use only item.
Heavy armour. 1+ armour save (which cannot be
Banner of Sneakiness 50 pts

ENCHANTED ITEMS Hobgoblins only. May re-roll missed rolls to hit (shooting
as well as melee to hit rolls). Does not apply to mounts.

Gauntlet of Bazrakk the Cruel 20 pts

Slave Banner 75 pts
Enchanted item. +2 S. If a roll of 1 is made when rolling
to hit in melee combat, the blow strikes a random friendly Must be given to the Battle Standard Bearer. All Orc,

model in base to base contact (if there are any). If the Black Orc, Goblin and Hobgoblin regiments within 12”

bearer hits automatically for some reason, he still needs become stubborn.

to roll the dice in case he makes a roll of 1.

Shroud of Obscurity 75 pts

Chalice of Darkness 75 pts All enemy to hit rolls against this regiment – whether

Use at the start of any magic phase just when the winds shooting or melee – cannot hit on any better than 5+.

of magic cards are being dealt. Roll a 1D6 and remove

that many magic cards from each side’s share of the
winds of magic cards.


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