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NCP - Osteomyelitis

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Subjective Data: Risk for bleeding Short-term Goal: Independent Nsg. Short-term Goal:
related to invasive After 10 minutes of Intervention The goal was met.
Method: surgical procedure. nursing intervention, After 10 minutes of
the client/guardian -Obtain baseline vital -To have baseline data in nursing intervention,
Objective Data: will be able to signs and baseline cases of bleeding the client/guardian is
-Debridement Distal identify the signs laboratory values. able to identify the
Leg Right and symptoms for signs and symptoms
bleeding that need to -Assess and monitor -Patients who undergo for bleeding that need
be reported to the the patient's vital signs, invasive procedures like to be reported to the
V/S taken as follows: healthcare provider. watching out for any surgery run the risk of healthcare provider.
- RR: 25 bpm signs of bleeding. bleeding. Gum bleeding,
- HR: 102 bpm Long-term Goal: epistaxis, and unexplained Long-term Goal:
After 48 hours of bruising are some of the The goal was ____
Method: nursing intervention, early indicators of After 48 hours of
Physical Assessment the patient will bleeding. Excessive nursing intervention,
remain free from bleeding can cause low the patient remained
signs of bleeding. blood pressure, low free from signs of
temperature, and bleeding.

-Monitor the patient’s -To treat any signs of

surgical wound site for unexpected bleeding as
any signs of early as possible.
unexpected bleeding.

-Educate the patient -Early identification and

and family members treatment of bleeding can
about signs of bleeding reduce blood loss
that need to be complications.
reported to the
healthcare provider.

-Educate the patient -Some herbals and

and family about supplements might
limiting the use of increase the risk of
herbal medicines that bleeding. Some of these
are linked with an herbals possess antiplatelet
increased risk for properties, and some
bleeding (such as increase anticoagulation.
Dong Quai, feverfew,
ginger, Ginkgo biloba,
and chamomile).

Dependent Nsg.
Intervention -To prevent further
-Administer complications.
medications as
prescribed by the

Collaborative Nsg.

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