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Aldridge (2003) - Remnant Movement in Tagalog Relative Clause Formation

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Remnant Movement in Tagalog Relative Clause Formation

Author(s): Edith Aldridge

Source: Linguistic Inquiry, Vol. 34, No. 4 (Autumn, 2003), pp. 631-640
Published by: The MIT Press
Stable URL:
Accessed: 18-05-2018 10:20 UTC

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Linguistic Inquiry

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There is considerable controversy surrounding Kayne's (1994) pro-
posal for the derivation of head-final relative clauses, where the head
Edith Aldridge
nominal moves from inside the clause to Spec,CP, and the remnant
Cornell University
clause then fronts to Spec,DP.

(1) [DP[TP ... tNP ... ] [D'[Cp NP _[c' tTP]]]]

Much skepticism has been voiced regarding the empirical support
for these movements from languages that have head-final relative
clauses. Murasugi (2000) and Fukui and Takano (2000), among others,
cite evidence against movement of the head NP in the derivation of
head-final relative clauses in Japanese. One argument they invoke
(citing Kuno 1973) is that Japanese relative clauses do not exhibit
island effects, as shown in (2). Movement of the head nominal from
the gap inside the more deeply embedded relative clause would violate
the Complex NP Constraint. The grammaticality of this example sug-
gests that this movement has not taken place.'

(2) [DP[LDP[ei ej kiteiru] [yoohukuj]]-ga yogoreteiru]

wearing-is SUit-NOM dirty-is
'the gentleman who [the suit that he is wearing] is dirty'

This does not, however, rule out an antisymmetric analysis for

head-final relative clause derivation entirely. Honda (2002) proposes
an analysis of Japanese relative clauses in which the head NP is base-
generated in a topic position to the left of TP and coreferential with
a null pronominal inside the clause. This TP then fronts to Spec,DP
to derive the head-final word order.

l The following abbreviations are used in the glosses in this squib: ABS
= absolutive, AP = antipassive, APP = applicative, CAUS = causative, ERG
= ergative, LK = linker, NOM = nominative, OBL = oblique, P = preposition,
PERF = perfective, RED = reduplication.


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(3) [DP[TP Taroo-ga tabeta proi] [D'[TopP ringo tTp]]]

Taro-NoM ate apple
'the apple that Taro ate'

Left open at this point is the question of whether the relative TP

attains its prehead position by fronting. What I will explore in this squib
is empirical evidence in favor of such a fronting analysis. Material from
inside the clause stranded after the relative head could constitute such
evidence, acting as a flag to indicate the original position of the fronted
clause. Unfortunately, such evidence is not available for Japanese. The
relative head must follow all material in the clause.

(4) *tabeta ringo Taroo(-ga)

ate apple Taro-NOM
'the apple that Taro ate'

There are languages, however, that do allow this type of stranding

in head-final relative clauses. Among them is the Austronesian lan-
guage Tagalog. I will argue in this squib that stranding in Tagalog
relative clause formation constitutes evidence that TP-fronting is in-
volved in the derivation.

2 Relative Clauses in Tagalog

Tagalog has both head-initial and head-final relative clauses.2

(5) libro-ng b-in-ili ni Maria

book-LK -PERF-bUy ERG Maria
'the book Maria bought'

(6) b-in-ili ni Maria-ng libro

-PERF-buy ERG Maria-LK book
'the book Maria bought'

Under the antisymmetric analysis, derivation of the head-initial

type would simply require moving the head NP to Spec,CP. (For sim-
plicity, representations use English rather than Tagalog words.)

(7) [DP[CP book rTP Maria bought tbook]]]

Derivation of the head-final type additionally involves fronting of the

remnant TP to Spec,DP.

(8) [DP[TP Maria bought tbook] [D'[CP book [c' tTP]]]]

2 This squib focuses on the structural properties of Tagalog relative

clauses. One anonymous reviewer has expressed an interest in the pragmatic
differences among the various word orders taken up here. Unfortunately, discus-
sion of this topic is beyond the scope of the current study. I will only mention
in passing that one native-speaker consultant has suggested that there might
be a difference in information structure. Leftmost material in a Tagalog phrase
or clause tends to receive a focus interpretation, while rightward material tends
to be backgrounded.

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The traditional adjunct analysis of relative clauses (Chomsky

1977, Safir 1986, among many others) can also derive the correct word
orders for (5) and (6), if two distinct structures are posited, one with
the clause adjoined to the right of the relative head and one with the
clause adjoined to the left.

(9) [NP booki [CP OPi [TP Maria bought top]]]

(10) [NP[CP OPi [TP Maria bought topl] booki]

However, there is empirical evidence that favors the TP-fronting
analysis. The primary evidence I discuss in this squib is the stranding
of material from inside TP before it moves to Spec,DP. Specifically,
a PP can be stranded to the right of the head nominal in a Tagalog
head-final relative clause.

(11) i-b-in-igay ng babae-ng kendi sa bata

APP-PERF-give ERG woman-LK candy P child
'the candy the woman gave to the child'

The adjunct analysis would have difficulty accounting for this word
order, since the relative head, not the PP, would be predicted to be in
final position. The TP-fronting analysis, on the other hand, can provide
a straightforward account of the word order. First the PP can be scram-
bled. Then the head NP can move into Spec,CP and the remnant TP
can front to Spec,DP.

(12) [xp[pp to child] [TP woman gave candy tpp]]

(13) [CP[NP candy] [xp[pp to child] [TP gave woman tNp tpp]]]
(14) [DP[TP gave woman tNp tpp] [CP[NP candy] [xp[pp to child]

In what follows, I show that this type of stranding is possible just when
scrambling is possible, strongly supporting the TP-fronting analysis of
prehead relative clauses.

3 Constraint on XP-Stranding in Tagalog Relative Clauses

A-movement in Tagalog is highly constrained, as it is in a great number

of Austronesian languages (Nakamura 1994, Pensalfini 1995, Chung
1998, among many others). Only absolutives are eligible to undergo
relativization, topicalization, clefting, and wh-question formation.3
Hence, (15), a relative clause formed on the theme of a transitive
clause, is grammatical; but (16), formed on the agent of the same
transitive clause, is not.

3By those who take these languages to be accusative, the grammatical

role "absolutive" is generally referred to as "subject." Following my earlier
work (Aldridge 1999, 2001, 2002b), I treat Tagalog as an ergative language.
Earlier ergative analyses of Philippine languages include those by De Guzman
(1988), Gerdts (1988), Payne (1982).

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(15) libro-ng b-in-ili ni Maria

book-LK -PERF-buy ERG Maria
'the book Maria bought'

(16) *tao-ng b-in-ili ang libro

person-LK -PERF-bUy ABS book
'the person who bought the book'

Aside from this restriction, PPs are allowed to move to preverbal

position in Tagalog, where they typically receive a focus interpretation.

(17) I-b-in-igay ng babae ang kendi sa bata.

APP-PERF-give ERG woman ABS candy P child
'The woman gave candy to the child.'

(18) Sa bata i-b-in-igay ng babae ang kendi.

P child APP-PERF-give ERG woman ABS candy
'The woman gave the candy to the child.'

Other nonabsolutive arguments, in contrast, are not able to

undergo scrambling. In the ditransitive in (19), the goal is licensed as
absolutive of the clause by the applicative affix on the verb. The theme
is demoted to oblique status. This nonabsolutive theme cannot be
scrambled, as shown in (20).

(19) B-in-igy-an ng babae ng kendi ang bata.

-PERF-give-APP ERG woman OBL candy ABS child
'The woman gave the child candy.'

(20) *Ng kendi b-in-igy-an ng babae ang bata.

OBL candy -PERF-give-APP ERG woman ABS child

The same pattern can be observed in stranding in relative clauses. As

mentioned above, only the absolutive can be the head NP. But a PP
originating in the prehead clause can also appear to the right of the
head nominal.

(21) i-b-in-igay ng babae-ng kendi sa bata

APP-PERF-give ERG woman-LK candy P child
'the candy the woman gave to the child'

As explained above, this can be analyzed as follows. After the

PP scrambles out of TP, the remnant TP can front to Spec,DP, leaving
the PP behind.

(22) [DP[TP gave woman tNp tpp] [CP[NP candy] [xp[pp to child]

In contrast, oblique objects cannot be stranded in a relative clause.

(23) *b-in-igy-an ng babae-ng bata ng kendi

-PERF-give-APP ERG woman-LK child OBL candy
'the child to whom the woman gave candy'

The derivation of (23) is nearly identical to that of (22). The relative

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head is, correctly, the absolutive nominal of the clause, the goal bata
'child' being licensed by the applicative suffix on the verb. The only
difference is that in (23) the scrambled XP is the oblique object kendi
'candy' and not a PP. The inability of obliques to undergo scrambling
can straightforwardly account for the ungrammaticality.

(24) *[DP[TP gave woman tNp tDp] [CP[NP child] [XPLDP candy]

Interestingly, head-initial relative clauses formed on goal absolu-

tives with oblique objects in situ are perfectly grammatical. The head-
initial version of (23) is shown in (25), where the oblique object ap-
pears in situ inside the clause. This is completely consistent with the
analysis being developed here. The oblique nominal need not move,
and therefore no ungrammaticality results.

(25) bata-ng [b-in-igy-an ng babae ng kendi]

child-LK -PERF-give-APP ERG woman OBL candy
'the child to whom the woman gave candy'

This section has shown a correlation between scrambling in de-

clarative clauses and stranding in relative clauses. This correlation is
explained naturally by analyzing stranding as the result of scrambling
followed by remnant movement, as proposed in the remnant TP-front-
ing analysis of head-final relative clause derivation developed in this

4 Remnant Embedded TP-Movement in Tagalog

In addition to relative clauses, Tagalog exhibits other cases of PP-

scrambling followed by remnant TP-fronting. A nonfinite complement
clause in Tagalog may appear in its base position clause-finally or
may move to a position in the matrix clause between the matrix verb
and the agent.

(26) Nag-ba-balak si Maria-ng mag-aral sa UP.

PERF.AP-RED-plan ABS Maria-LK AP-study P UP
'Maria is planning to study at the University of the Philip-

(27) Nag-ba-balak na mag-aral sa UP si Maria.

PERF.AP-RED-plan LK AP-study P UP ABS Maria
'Maria is planning to study at the University of the Philip-

I analyze this as movement of the embedded clause to a position above

the matrix agent.

(28) [TP plan [XP[TP study at UP] [vP Maria [vP tplan tTP]]I]

Just as a PP can be scrambled inside the matrix clause, an embed-

ded PP can be scrambled inside the complement clause.

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(29) I-p-in-asiya ni Maria-ng [mag-hanap ng

trabaho sa Amerika].
job P US
'Maria decided to look for a job in the US.'

(30) I-p-in-asiya ni Maria-ng [sa Amerika

mag-hanap ng trabaho].
AP-seek 013L job
'Maria decided to look for a job in the US.'

The PP can also be stranded when the TP moves to the matrix clause.

(31) I-p-in-asiya-ng ITP mag-hanap ng trabaho tpp]

APP-CAUS-PERF-decide-LK AP-seek OBL job
ni Maria [pp sa Amerika] tTp.
ERG Maria P US
'Maria decided to look for a job in the US.'

PP-scrambling and remnant TP-fronting in complex clauses thus

seem to be parallel to PP-stranding in the derivation of head-final
relative clauses.

5 Head-Final Relatives versus Head-Internal Relatives

At this point, an objection might be raised that what I call head-final

relatives are actually head-internal relatives. Coincidentally, the head
NP in (32) appears in the same position it would occupy in the corre-
sponding declarative clause, shown in (33).

(32) i-b-in-igay ng babae-ng kendi sa bata

APP-PERF-give ERG woman-LK candy P child
'the candy the woman gave to the child'

(33) I-b-in-igay ng babae ang kendi sa bata.

APP-PERF-give ERG woman ABS candy P child
'The woman gave the candy to the child.'

However, if movement were not involved in the derivation of

(32), it would be difficult to account for the constraint discussed in
section 3. As argued in section 3, remnant movement offers an explana-
tion for the differences in grammaticality between (34) and (35).

(34) i-b-in-igay ng babae-ng kendi sa bata

APP-PERF-give ERG woman-LK candy P child
'the candy the woman gave to the child'

(35) *b-in-igy-an ng babae-ng bata ng kendi

-PERF-give-APP ERG woman-LK child OBL candy
'the child to whom the woman gave candy'

An internal head analysis would predict (35) to be a possible

relative clause, since the corresponding declarative clause is grammat-

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(36) B-in-igy-an ng babae ang bata ng kendi.

-PERF-give-APP ERG woman ABS child OBL candy
'The woman gave the child candy.'

This indicates that relative clauses like (34) should not be analyzed
as head-internal relative clauses, since a nonmovement analysis can-
not account for the grammaticality distinctions in the different cases
of stranding.
A further point to be made here is that Tagalog does, in fact,
have internally headed relative clauses, and they differ structurally
from head-final relatives. First, the head occupies a different position,
appearing between the verb and the agent.

(37) b-in-ili-ng libro ni Maria

-PERF-buy-LK book ERG Maria
'the book Maria bought'

Second, "stranding" evidence indicates that the internal relative head

does not move outside the clause. For example, the internally headed
version of (35) is grammatical, where the relative head appears in
immediate postverbal position and is followed by the ergative and
oblique nominals.4

(38) b-in-igy-an na bata ng babae ng kendi

-PERF-give-APP LK child ERG woman OBL candy
'the child to whom the woman gave candy'

I have shown in section 3 that oblique objects cannot be scram-

bled. Ergative agents are also unable to undergo scrambling in declara-
tive clauses.

(39) B-in-ili ni Maria ang libro.

-PERF-bUy ERG Maria ABS book
'Maria bought the book.'

(40) *Ni Maria b-in-ili ang libro.

ERG Maria -PERF-bUy ABS book
'Maria bought the book.'

The fact that internally headed relative clauses like (37) and (38)
are grammatical indicates that TP-fronting is not involved in their
derivation. This is because the TP-fronting analysis would force the
ergative and oblique arguments to scramble out of the clause, which
would result in ungrammaticality. Elsewhere (Aldridge 2002a), I have

4 An anonymous reviewer has questioned the use of separate glosses ERG

and OBL for the case marker ng (pronounced "nang"). The two markers in
Tagalog are homophonous; the glosses I use here reflect the differences in
function. For discussion of the different functions, see Schachter 1976, De
Guzman 1988, Kroeger 1993, and Maclachlan and Nakamura 1997, among
others. It may also be worth mentioning that these case markers are not homoph-
onous in many other Austronesian languages, including the Philippine lan-
guages Cebuano and Ilokano.

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proposed that internally headed relative clauses in Tagalog are not

derived through remnant TP-fronting. Rather, the head remains inside
the clause and receives its interpretation by being bound by an external

(41) [cP OPi [TP bought [jFp booki [vP Maria [vP tbought tb.k]]l]]

To recapitulate, the discussion in preceding sections has shown

that head-final relative clauses involving stranding are grammatical
only in those cases where the stranding is the result of licit scrambling
(i.e., PP-scrambling), and are ungrammatical in cases involving illicit
scrambling. The discussion in section 3 focused on oblique object
stranding. For the sake of completeness, let me point out that stranding
of ergative agents is also not permitted. (42) is a variant of (35) where
the agent is stranded instead of the oblique object. Not surprisingly,
it is ungrammatical and provides further evidence that stranding in
head-final relative clauses correlates with the possibilities for scram-

(42) *b-in-igy-an ng kendi-ng bata ng babae

-PERF-give-APP OBL candy-LK child ERG woman
'the child to whom the woman gave candy'

Head-internal relative clauses, on the other hand, do not exhibit

such movement constraints. Oblique objects and ergative agents,
which are unable to scramble in declarative clauses, can both appear
to the right of the relative head in an internally headed relative clause.
It should be clear from this fact that internally headed relative clauses
are not derived through movement and are therefore structurally dis-
tinct from head-final relatives.

6 Conclusion

In this squib, I have argued for a TP-fronting derivation of head-final

relative clauses. Chief evidence for this analysis comes from stranding
in relative clause formation in the Austronesian language Tagalog. I
have shown a clear correlation between stranding and scrambling in
this language, on the basis of which I conclude that stranding in relative
clauses is also a case of scrambling, followed by fronting of the rem-
nant clause.


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5This analysis is inspired primarily by Basilico (1996), who proposes that

internally headed relative clauses are quantificational, the head functioning as
a variable bound by an external operator. For concrete discussion of the variable
status of the internal relative head in Tagalog, see Aldridge 2002a.

This content downloaded from on Fri, 18 May 2018 10:20:10 UTC
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NOTES ON LONG ADVERBIAL The purpose of this squib is to show that in addition to the genera
FRONTING IN ENGLISH AND THE accepted distinction between fronted adjuncts and fronted argumen
LEFT PERIPHERY we need to introduce a further distinction between fronted adjun
Liliane Haegeman resulting from long-distance movement and those resulting from sho
Universite' Charles de distance movement (hereafter, short and long fronted adjuncts). It tu
Gaulle-Lille III out that, distributionally, long fronted adjuncts are in many respec
UMR 8258 SILEX du CNRS more like fronted arguments than like short fronted adjuncts. I will
first show the need for making this distinction on the basis of English
data and then provide some comparative data in support.

1 Adjunct Fronting versus Argument Fronting

In the literature on what is commonly referred to as the "left periphery

of the clause," a principled distinction is usually made between fronted

Versions of this squib were presented at the Linguistics Department of

SOAS and at the Linguistics Department of the University of Reading. I thank
both audiences for comments. Thanks are also due for generous help with data
and for discussion of specific points to David Adger, Guglielmo Cinque, Sio-
bhan Cottell, Eric Haeberli, Caroline Heycock, Ruth Huart, Harry van der
Koot, Joan Maling, Jim McCloskey, Philip Miller, Bernadette Plunkett, Andrew
Simpson, and Neil Smith. I thank two anonymous reviewers for Linguistic
Inquiry for their very useful comments.

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