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Bihar Board Class 12 English 2023 - RADVBKs

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इंटरमीडिएट परीक्षा - 2023
(ANNUAL / वार्षिक)

TIME : 3 Hours 15 Minutes] [MM : 100

Instructions to the candidates:

1. Candidate must enter his/her Question Booklet Serial No. (10 Digits)
in the OMR Answer Sheet.
2. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as
far as practicable.
3. Figures in the right hand margin indicate full marks.
4. An extra time of 15 minutes has been allotted for the candidates to
read the questions carefully
5. This question booklet is divided into two sections-Section-A and
Section B.
6. In Section-A, there are 100 objective type questions, out of which any
50 questions are to be answered. If more than 50 questions are
answered, then only first 50 will be evaluated. Each question carries I
mark. For answering these darken the circle with blue/black ball pen
against the correct option on OMR Answer Sheet provided to you. Do
not use whitener/liquid/blade / nail tec. on OMR Answer Sheet, otherwise
the result will be invalid.
7. In Section-B. there are 7 Descriptive Type Questions. While answering
the questions, candidates should adhere to the word limit as far as
8. Use of any electronic appliances is strictly prohibited.

Question Nos. 1 to 100 have four options out of which only one is
correct. You have to mark your selected option on the OMR Sheet. Out
of 100 questions you have to attempt only 50 questions.

1. Which state did Mahatma Gandhi belong........? (Choose the correct


(a) of

(b) from

(c) to

(d) by

2. My a steno in the past. (Choose the correct option)

(a) works

(b) working

(c) worked

(d) have worked

3. Choose the correct sentence:

(a) I asked her for chocolates, but she didn't had any

(b) I asked for chocolates, but she didn't had none

(c) I asked her for chocolates, but she didn't none

(d) I asked her for chocolates, but she didn't have any
4. We........almost ready. (Choose the correct option)

(a) am

(b) is

(c) was

(d) are

5. What type of sentence is this? We'll really miss the bus!

(a) Declarative

(b) Interrogative

(c) Exclamatory

(d) Imperative

6. The story is..........(Choose the correct option)

(a) too good

(b) only good

(c) very good

(d) already good

7. A poem written on the death of loved one is known as.......... (Choose

the correct option)

(a) Ode

(b) Epic

(c) Sonnet

(d) Elegy
8. I have to........... to the finish line and back. (Choose the correct

(a) run away

(c) run out of

(c) run

(d) run on

9. Blow his own trumpet means: (Choose the correct meaning)

(a) flatter

(b) discuss

(c) praise others

(d) praise one's own self

10. Choose the correct spelling:

(a) Animate

(b) Anumete

(c) Anemate

(d) Aniumate

11. The saw was Sohan's sister. (Choose the correct option)

(a) whom

(b) what

(c) which

(d) when
12. She is wise...........timid. (Choose the correct option)

(a) an

(b) yet

(c) but

(d) however

13. A doctor should examine him. (Choose the correct passive voice)

(a) He should be examined by a doctor

(b) A doctor must examine him

(c) Examined he must be by a doctor

(d) Doctor should be examining him

14. Meeta said, "She will sing a song". (Choose the correct indirect

(a) Meeta says that she can sing a song

(b) Meeta said that she will be singing a song

(c) Meeta said that she would sing a song

(d) Meeta requested that she wanted to sing a song

15. The antonym of 'Occupied' is

(a) Vacant

(b) Resurrect

(c) Loose

(d) Exit
16. Do you........anything? (Choose the correct option)

(a) needed

(b) needing

(c) need

(d) will need

17. Sushil kept walking............(Choose the correct option)

(a) forward

(b) upward

(c) hither

(d) thither decided yet? (Choose the correct option)

(a) Has

(b) Do

(c) Did

(d) Have

19. We're getting...... away from the central idea. (Choose the correct

(a) farther

(b) either

(c) neither

(d) other
20. Don't eat so ............chocolates or you will get fat. (Choose the
correct option)

(a) many

(b) some

(c) much

(d) any ride your bicycle up to that hill ? (Choose the correct


(a) Can

(b) Should

(c) May

(d) Might

22. Everybody wanted to come here............time. (Choose the correct


(a) by

(b) for

(c) in

(d) at

23. Mike and Hero………..from Japan. (Choose the correct option)

(a) are

(b) is

(c) am

(d) was
24. I tried my best. I couldn't pass the test. (Choose the best

(a) I tried my best; still I wasn't pass the test

(b) I tried my best; still I couldn't pass the test

(c) I tried my best; still I won't pass the test

(d) I tried my best; still I wouldn't pass the test

25. Choose the correctly spelt word

(a) Bouquete

(b) Bouquet

(c) Beuquete

(d) Bouquette

26. Your result is not............(Choose the correct option)

(a) up to the mark

(b) tooth and nail

(c) easy to crack

(d) up to date

27. ..........Alps are the longest mountain range in Europe. (Choose the
correct option)

(a) A

(b) An

(c) The

(d) No article
28. They will wash the car............? (Choose the correct option)

(a) will it

(b) won't they

(c) wouldn't they

(d) couldn't they

29. The train leaves..........3 p.m. (Choose the correct option)

(a) over

(b) to

(c) at

(d) for

30. They tried to.............the painting. (Choose the correct option)

(a) steel

(b) steale

(c) still

(d) steal

31. I had an apple and a ............for lunch. (Choose the correct option)

(a) pear

(b) pair

(c) pearce

(d) pierce
32. Choose the correct synonym of 'Ancestors'

(a) Extinct tribes

(b) Relatives

(c) Forefathers

(d) Old people

33. Choose the correct antonym of 'Inferior'

(a) Excellent

(b) Superior

(c) Supportive

(d) Exterior

34. The moon has not yet..........(Choose the correct option)

(a) appears

(b) will have appeared

(c) appearing

(d) appeared

35. You and I...........the obligations. (Choose the correct option)

(a) am fulfilled

(b) has been fulfilling

(c) have fulfilled

(d) has fulfilled
36. He killed a tiger..........a rifle. (Choose the correct option)

(a) by

(b) with

(c) from

(d) at

37, I haven't seen him in............five years. (Choose the correct option)

(a) a

(b) an

(c) the

(d) no article

38. The thief had been hiding.........the table. (Choose the correct option)

(a) below

(b) under

(c) down

(d) inside

39. The government by the representatives of the people is called.......

(Choose the correct option)

(a) Autocracy

(b) Democracy

(c) Socialism

(d) Anarchy
40. Bicyclists.......remember to signal when they turn. (Choose the correct

(a) musn’t

(b) has to

(c) had to do

(d) must

41. Did you...........this colour? (Choose the correct option)

(a) choosing

(b) choose

(c) chooses

(d) chose

42. He hurt his foot. He stopped. (Choose the correct combination)

(a) He hurt his foot and stopped

(b) Stopped because he had hurt his foot

(c) Hurting his foot, he stopped

(d) Stopped as he hurt his foot

43. The young man has grey hair. (Choose the correct adjective in the

(a) Has

(b) Man

(c) Grey

(d) Hair
44. Has anyone seen the wind? (Choose the correct Assertive sentence).

(a) No one has seen the wind

(b) Wind has no one seen

(c) Seen no one wind

(d) Has seen no one wind

45. Turn the.............before starting the meeting. (Choose the correct


(a) lights on

(b) lights up

(c) lights by

(d) lights off

46. How much weight can...............ant carry ? (Choose the correct


(a) a

(b) an

(c) the

(d) no article

47. The storehouse was infested..........rats. (Choose the correct option)

(a) of

(b) with

(c) about

(d) from
48. I don't know how the money I kept in my wallet got............. (Choose
the correct option)

(a) stolen

(b) steal

(c) stole

(d) stealed

49. Choose the correct sentence

(a) What might have happened to the boy?

(b) What might has happened to the boy?

(c) What might has happening to the boy?

(d) What may has happened to the boy?

50. Shah Jahan........... the Taj Mahal. (Choose the correct option)

(a) builded

(b) will build

(c) building

(d) built

51. There were several policemen..........duty. (Choose the correct


(a) to

(b) on

(c) for

(d) at
52. for a minute? (Choose the correct option)

(a) him

(b) her

(c) we

(d) them

53. Why don't you with a hammer? (Choose the correct option)

(a) hit

(b) having hit

(c) hitting

(d) to be hitting

54. He requested me to keep the door open. (Choose the correct direct

(a) He said to me. "Please keep the door open".

(b) He says, "Keep the door open."

(c) He will say, "Keep the door open."

(d) He said. "Do not keep the door open."

55. Choose the correct sentence:

(a) My mother forbade me not to go out

(b) My mother forbade me not go out

(c) My mother forbade do not go out

(d) My mother forbade me to go out
56. Choose the correct antonym of 'Stagnant':

(a) Progress

(b) Static

(c) Mobile

(d) Affluent

57. Ashish is the man.......son won the scholarship. (Choose the correct

(a) Who

(b) whose

(c) where

(d) whom

58. The new market.........everything. (Choose the correct option)

(a) is

(b) was

(c) have

(d) has

59. Choose the odd one out:

(a) Pen

(b) Marker

(c) Paper

(d) Pencil
60. When you feel exhausted, you should........ (Choose the correct

(a) hurry

(b) run

(c) sleep

(d) eat

Instruction: Question from 61 to 100 are based on the prescribed texts.

61. The Soldier' is a........... poem.

(a) nature

(b) patriotic

(c) love

(d) happy

62. Macavity is called

(a) the Hidden Paw

(b) the Mysterious Paw

(c) the Exposed Paw

(d) the Naughty Paw

63. The........forgets its dead.

(a) man

(b) animal

(c) fire

(d) wind
64. Who is the speaker in the poem 'Snake'?

(a) Donne

(b) Whitman

(c) Keats

(d) Lawrence

65. Bertrand Russell belonged to..............

(a) Italy

(b) Germany

(c) Britain

(d) America

66. "I Have a Dream" is part of a………….

(a) drama

(b) novel

(c) poem

(d) speech

67. Manohar Malgaonkar's story is full of wit and..........

(a) Humour

(b) Tragedy

(c) Adventure

(d) Irony
68. Who will make quicker journey than the sun?

(a) John Donne

(b) Walt Whitman

(c) W.H. Auden

(d) John Keats

69. "There is a house now far away where once I received love" is from

(a) Song of Myself

(b) Ode to Autumn

(c) My Grandmother's House

(d) Snake

70. The term 'concealed' in "The Soldier" stands for

(a) hidden

(b) disappeared

(c) absent

(d) my sterious

71. According to Eliot, Macavity is the.............. of crime.

(a) Hitler

(b) Napoleon

(c) Alexander

(d) Osama
72. For Auden, poetry was a

(a) light game

(b) interesting game

(c) serious game

(d) troublesome game

73. In no civilization have all men attained.............

(a) enmity

(b) jealousy

(c) perfection

(d) education

74. Dr. Zakir Hussain was an eminent.......

(a) politician

(b) philosopher

(c) educationist

(d) scientist

75. Naunkaka managed to travel in 2nd class on a ticket of

(a) 1st class

(b) General class

(c) Sleeper class

(d) Third class
76. My children will not be judged by the.................of their skin.

(a) colour

(b) food habits

(c) education

(d) culture

77. Who is considered the greatest English dramatist?

(a) Geoffrey Chaucer

(b) Wycliff

(c) William Langland

(d) Shakespeare

78. Which is the first Indian Novel in English?

(a) Rajmohan's Wife

(b) Raja Harischandra

(c) Mahabharata

(d) The English Teacher

79. The Great Vowel Shift took place during..........

(a) Modern English

(b) Old English

(c) Middle English

(d) Post-modern English
80. "The Romantic Revival" is often associated with…………..

(a) Johan Dryden

(b) Alexander Pope

(c) William Wordsworth

(d) John Miltons

81. John Donne thinks that........ is certain.

(a) death

(b) life

(e) work

(d) walking

82. Keats was..........poet.

(a) Romantic

(b) Victorian

(c) Modern

(d) Augustan

83. What has enriched the vocabulary of English

(a) Giving

(b) Borrowing

(c) Withdrawing

(d) Depositing
84. Who wrote 'Mac Flecknoe’?

(a) John Dryden

(b) John Keats

(c) Charles Dickens

(d) Jane Austen

85. Benjy left the school at...............

(a) twenty

(b) twelve

(c) fourteen

(d) sixteen

86. Buck had visited India................

(a) to see the Taj Mahal

(b) to see the Jama Masjid

(c) to meet Gandhiji

(d) to see and listen to two-groups of Indian people

87. Lomov asked for.............hand in marriage.

(a) Matalia's

(b) Satalia's

(c) Natalia's

(d) Ratalia's
88. India's glory is that it is...........

(a) movable

(b) immovable

(c) ignorant

(d) uncivilized

89. ........was a dominant influence on Middle English.

(a) Latin

(b) Sanskrit

(c) Scandinavian

(d) Greek

90. The literature of the Anglo-Saxons is of…………types.

(a) Political

(b) Religious

(c) Comedy

(d) Sentimental

91. The history of English began with the comming of the........from

Europe to mainland Britain.

(a) Anglo-Saxons

(b) French tribes

(c) Indian tribes

(d) American tribes
92. One who writes a drama is called..............

(a) Essayist

(b) Novelist

(c) Comedian

(d) Playwight

93. "And what I assume you shall assume" is taken from.................

(a) Song of Myself

(b) An Epitaph

(c) The Soldier

(d) Fire-Hymn

94. According to Auden, human life is no better than........

(a) dream

(b) death

(e) journey

(d) sleep

95. In………… leaves and fruits come out on tress.

(a) Spring

(b) Autumn

(c) Summer

(d) Winter
96. "And when I crumble, who will remember" is written by

(a) John Keats

(b) John Donne

(c) Rupert Brooke

(d) Walter de la Mare

97. The two kinds of ideas which contributed most to the mankind were
knowledge and technique and...............

(a) moral and values

(b) morals and politics

(c) moral and inventions

(d) moral and wisdom

98. One day, Seibei was caught red-handed by his…………..teacher

(a) Hindi

(b) Mathematics

(c) Ethics

(d) Science

99. In a traditional society, a woman is known as the mother of her first

born child, but the west regards it as..............

(a) good

(b) beneficial

(c) outrageous

(d) funny
100. The state is the...........

(a) master of the people

(b) servant of the people

(c) exploiter of the people

(d) promoter of the people


1. Write an essay on any one of the following in about 150-200 words

(a) Unemployment

(b) Climate change

(c) Discipline

(d) A stitch in time saves nine

(e) India of My Dreams

2. Explain any one of the following:

(a) The work on one's self is to follow the urge towards moral
development as a free person and under self imposed discipline.

(b) He inhaled some snuff before he spoke, and by that time he seemed
to have forgotten what I had said.

(c) You have been the veterans of creative suffering. Continue to work
with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive.

(d) The type that appealed to Seibei was even and symmetrical.
3. Explain any one of the following:

(a) And laughter, learnt of friends; and gentleness, In hearts at peace,

under an English heaven.

(b) The house withdrew into silence, snakes moved

Among books I was then too young

To read, and my blood turned cold like the moon.

(c) I think she was the most beautiful lady

That ever was in the West Country.

(d) Where are the songs of spring? Ay, where are they?

Think not of them, thou hast thy music too.

Write a letter to your sister asking her to come to the village during
Dussehra festival.


Write an application to your Headmaster requesting him to give you a

week's leave to attend a 'workshop on Education' organised by the
Central Government

5. Answer any five of the following in about 40-50 words each:

(a) How did Scibei's father react to the teacher's complaint?

(b) What are the "trials and tribulations' Martin Luther King, Jr. talks

(c) Why were the intellectuals in India restless and embittered?

(d) How is Lomov greeted by Choobookov?

(e) How do sighing and weeping affect the speaker?

(f) What does the poet Walt Whitman want to do with creeds?
(g) How do we complete our last journey to the grave?

(h) Who is called the 'Father of the Modern Novel’?

(i) What is the dramatic structure of a tragedy?

(j) What did the 18th century grammarians think about their role?

6. Answer any three of the following in about 100-120 words:

(a) Write the summary of any one of the following poems:

(i) Ode to Autumn

(ii) Fire-Hymn

(iii) Snake

(b) Write the summary of any one of the following prose pieces:

(i) The Earth

(ii) Indian Civilization and Culture

(iii) A Pinch of Snuff.

(c) Write a note on the future of English.


Write a note on American English.


How do you overcome the hurdles of learning English?

(d) Match the names of the poems given in List-A with their poets in

List-A List-B
(i) Song of Myself (a) Kamala Das

(ii) My Grandmother's House (b) Walter de la Mare

(iii) An Epitaph (c) John Keats

(iv) The Soldier (d) Walt Whitman

(v) To Autumn (e) Rupert Brooke

(e) Translate any five into English:

(i) में बहुत मेहनत करता हॉ ।

(ii) अब तम
ु घर जा सकते हो।

(iii) मेरे घर कब आओगी?

(iv) शोर मचाना बॊद करो।

(v) श्याम बाजार गया है ।

(vi) वह क्या करना चाहता है ?

(vii) मझ
ु े अपने बच्चों से बहुत प्यार है ।

(vii) रमेश को आम खाना बबल्कुऱ भी पसॊद नह ॊ है ।

(f) Match the names of the prose pieces in List-A with their authors in

List-A List-B

(i) I Have a Dream (a) Manohar Malgaonkar

(ii) India Through a Traveller's Eye (b) H. E. Bates

(iii) How Free is the Press (c) Pearl S. Buck

(iv) A Pinch of Snuff (d) Martin Luther King, Jr.

(v) The Earth (e) Dorothy L. Sayers
7. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

At this stage of civilization, when many nations are brought into close
and vital contact for good and evil, it is essential, as never before, that
their gross ignorance of one another should be diminished, that they
should begin to understand a little of one another's historical experience
and resulting mentality. It is the fault of the English to expect the people
of other countries to react as they do, to political and international
situations. One genuine goodwill and good intentions are often brought to
nothing because we expect other people to be like us. This would be
corrected if we know the history, not necessarily in detail but in broad
outlines, of the social and political conditions which have given to each
nation its present character.


(a) What is essential at this stage of civilization?

(b) What is the major fault of the English people?

(c) Why should we know about other countries?

(d) Why should ignorance be diminished?


Write a precis of the following passage and give a suitable title:

The need of the hour is not any startling scientific discovery but ideal
human qualities which the world is eagerly waiting for. These qualities
are not material and so science has no grip over them. In the distant
future, science may not have the better understanding of his fellowmen.
However, as the future is troublesome and life exciting, man has to be

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