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Unit I 2nd Part

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Introduction to Verilog

Suresh C
Assistant Professor
(Design Flow)
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (sel1) begin
if (sel2)


C / matlab /
systemC …

Gate (Structural)
The structural level in Verilog is appropriate for small
components such as ASIC and FPGA cells.
◼ Verilog has built-in primitives, such as the AND gate, that describe
basic logic functions. (AND OR)
◼ You can describe your own User Defined Primitives (UDPs).
◼ The resulting netlist from synthesis is often purely structural, but
you can also use structural modeling for glue logic.
The function of the following structural model is represented in
Verilog primitives, or gates. It also contains propagation delays:

Describe the algorithm in terms of logical data flow. (
module mux2_1 (out, a, b, sel);
output out;
input a, b, sel;
assign out = (a&~sel) | (b&sel);
// or assign out = (sel == 0) ? a : b;

Describe the algorithm without concern for the actual logic
required to implement it.
The behavior of the following MUX is : always, at any change in
signals a or b or sl, if sl is 0 pass the value of a to out, else pass the
value of b to out.

In a behavioral model, the function of the logic is modeled using high

level language constructs, such as @, while, wait, if and case.
Test benches, or test fixtures, are typically modeled at the behavioral
level. All behavioral constructs are legal for test benches.

Data Flow Modeling Behavioral Modeling

module DF_AND (in1 , in2 , Out) module Beh_AND (in1 , in2 , Out)

input in1, in2 ; input in1 , in2 ;

output Out ; output Out ;
wrie Out ; reg Out ;

assign Out = in1 & in2 ; always @ (in1 or in2)

and a1(Out, in1, in2); begin
Out = in1 & in2
endmodule end
Gate/structural Modeling
Lexical Conventions in Verilog
Key Language Features:
Verilog Module (1/2)
(1) Verilog Module
(module) SYSTEM

Clock Divider Communication

m o d u l e m o d u l e _ n a m e ( port_list );
port declaration
data type declaration

Data func tionality o r s t r u c t u r e

task & function declaration

Key Language Features:
Verilog Module (2/2)
(1) Verilog Module
Modules are the basic building blocks in the design
You place the descriptions of the logic being modeled statements
inside modules.
Modules can represent:
◼ A physical block such as an IC or ASIC cell
◼ A logical block such as the ALU portion of a CPU design
◼ The complete system
Every module description starts with the keyword module,
has a name (SN74LS74, DFF, ALU, etc.), and ends with
the keyword endmodule
Modules define a new scope (level of hierarchy) in Verilog. ports
Example is shown as below :
module ALU
…… Logic description(abstraction level)
Key Language Features:
Module Ports
(2) Module Ports
Modules communicate with the outside world through ports.
Module ports are equivalent to the pins in hardware.
You list a module’s ports in parentheses “()” after the module name.
You declare ports to be input, output, or inout (bidirectional) in the
module description. module

DFF Example:

input [3:0] c, d; ports

4-Value Logic System in Verilog
The Verilog HDL value set consists of four basic values :

The “unknown” logic value in Verilog is not the same as “don’t care”. It
represents a situation where the value of a node cannot be predicted.
In real hardware, this node will most be at either 1 or 0.
When the Z value is present at the input of a gate, or when it is
encountered in an expression, the effect is usually the same as an x
Tri-state buffer with ENA High is Switch open or Hi-Z circuit. T

Tri-state buffer with ENA low is switch open, Truth Table and symbol below
Tri-state buffer acts as a switch in digital circuit by isolating a
signal path in a circuit. This switch can attain three logical
states. The three states are 0, 1 and ‘Z’.
The logical state 0 and 1 are possible when the switch is
CLOSE. The logical value ‘Z’ or high impedance is attained
when switch is OPEN.
So when switch is open the input to tristate buffer is isolated
from the circuit and output can be driven by some other
logical path on a shared connection/bus.
Inverting Tri-state buffer Truth Table, circuit and symbol below:
Integer Constants
In Verilog, constant values (literals) can be integers or reals.
Integers can be sized or unsized. Sized integers are represented as
◼ <size> is the size in bits.
◼ <base> can be b(binary), o(octal), d(decimal), or h(hexadecimal).
◼ <value> is any legal number in the selected base, including x and z bits.
Underscores(_) in number are ignored (4’b10_11 = 4’b1011)
◼ Underscores(_) can be put anywhere in a constant number, except the

beginning, to improve readability.

Unsized integers default to 32bits (Ex: c=’ha5; This is a 32bits hexadecimal, c=a5)
The base default to decimal
The base and value fields are case insensitive (Ex: Decimal (d or D都可以) )
◼ 8’b1001_0011 is a 8-bits binary number
◼ 3’B01x is a 3-bits binary number with the LSB unknown
◼ 659 is a decimal number
◼ ’h837FF is a hexadeciml number
An identifier is used to given an object, such as a register or a
module a name so that it can be referenced from other places in a
An identifier shall be any sequence of letters (a-z, A-Z),
digits (0-9), dollar signs ‘$’, and underscore characters ‘_’.
The first character of an identifier shall be a letter or an
underscore character.
The first character must not be a digit or $
Identifiers can be up to 1023 characters long.
Names of modules, ports, and instances are identifiers.

Example of illegal identifiers :

• 34net
• a*b_net
• n@238 15
Special Language Tokens: $
System Tasks and Functions

The ‘$’ sign denotes Verilog system tasks and functions.
A number of system tasks and functions are available to
perform different operations, such as:
◼ Finding the current simulation time ($time))
◼ Displaying/monitoring the values of the signal ($display,
◼ Stopping the simulation ($stop)
◼ Finishing the simulation ($finish)
$monitor ($time, “a = %b, b = %h”, a, b);

Special Language Tokens: #
Delay Specification
The pound sign (#) character denotes the delay specification for
procedural statements, and for gate instances but not module
The # delay for gate instances is referred to by many names,
including gate delay, propagation delay, intrinsic delay, and intra-
object delay.
module MUX2_1 (out, a, b, sel) ;
output out ;
input a, b, sel;
not #1 not1(sel_,sel);
and #2 and1(a1,a,sel_);
and #2 and2(b1,b,sel);
or #1 or1(out,a1,b1);

Data Types
◼ Represent physical connection between devices (default = z)
◼ Verilog automatically propagates a new value onto a net when the
drivers on the net change value. Value is that of its drivers such
as a continuous assignment (data flow modeling)or a gate
wire [MSB:LSB] DAT; // vector wire
wire RDY, START;
wire [2:0] ADDR;
◼ Represent a variable that can hold a value. (default = x). (They are
used in procedural blocks (behavioral modeling).
reg A, B, C; // 1-bit scalars

reg [0:3] STRANGE;

reg [0:7] QBUS; 18
Structural Modeling
Structural Modeling
A structural model in Verilog represents a schematic.
A structural model is created using existing components.
When you use components to create another model, you create
instances of these components. T3
module MUX4x1(Z, D0, D1, D2, D3, S0, S1 )
output Z; ; T1
input D0, D1, D2, D3, S0,S1;
and (T0, D0, S0_, S1_), T2
(T1, D1, S0_, S1),
(T2, D2, S0, S1_),
(T3, D3, S0, S1);
not (S0_,S0), (S1_,S1); S0_
or (Z, T0, T1, T2, T3);
endmodule S1_

module rs_latch (y, yb, r, s);

output y, yb;
input r, s;
nor n1(y, r, yb);
nor n2(yb, s, y);
endmodule 20
Verilog Expressions and Operators
Verilog Expressions
An expression is a construct that combines operands with operators
to produce a result that is a function of the values of the operands
and the semantic meaning of the operator.
An operand can be one of the following : A + B
◼ Number (including real)
◼ net, net bit-select, net part-select.
◼ register, integer, time, register bit-select, register part-select.
◼ memory element
◼ A call to a user-defined function or system-defined function that returns
any of the value.
◼ real a, b, c;
c = a + b; // a and b are real operands
◼ reg_out = reg1[3:0] + reg2[3:0] // reg1[3:0], reg2[3:0] are part-select register
◼ ret_value = calculate_parity (A, B) // calculate_parity is user-defined function

Operator Types
The following table shows the operators in Verilog, in order of precedence.
Note that “and” operators always have higher precedence than “or” operators
of the same type.
Type of Operators Symbols Highest
Concatenate & Replicate {} {{ }}
Unary ! ~ & | ^
Arithmetic ** * / % + -
Logical shift <<< >>> << >> Precedence
Relational > < >= <=
Equality == === != !==
Binary bit-wise & | ^ ~^
Binary logical && ||
Conditional ?:

a < b-1 && c != d || e == f worse

( a < b-1 ) && ( c != d ) || ( e == f ) better
Concatenation and Replication
{ } concatenati on b[2:0] a[5:0]

Ex. a = {b, c};


{{ }} replication
Ex. a = {2{c}};

a[4:0] = {b[3:0], 1’b0}; a = b << 1;

{a, b[3:0], c, 2’b01} = {a, b[3], b[2], b[1], b[0], c, 1’b0, 1’b1}
{a, {3{a, b}}, b} = {a, a, b, a, b, a, b, b}

Unary Reduction Operators
& and module reduction();
| or reg val;
reg [3:0] rega, regb;
^ xor
initial begin
~^ xnor rega = 4'b0100;
^~ xnor regb = 4'b1111;
Reduction operators perform a bit- initial fork
wise operation on all the bits of a #10 val = &rega ; // val = 0
single operand. #20 val = |rega ; // val = 1
#30 val = &regb ; // val = 1
The result is always 1'b1,1'b0 or 1'bx. #40 val = |regb ; // val = 1
#50 val = ^rega ; // val = 1
#60 val = ^regb ; // val = 0
#70 val = ~|rega; // (nor) val = 0
#80 val = ~&rega; // (nand) val = 1
#90 val = ^rega && &regb; // val = 1
#99 $finish;
endmodule 25
Arithmetic Operators
+ add module arithops ( );
integer ans, int;
- subtract
parameter five = 5;
* multiply reg [3:0] rega, regb;
/ divide reg [3:0] num;
% modulus initial begin
** exponent (power) (verilog-2001) rega = 3;
regb = 4'b1010;
An assignment of a negative result int = -3;
to a reg or other unsigned variable initial fork
uses the 2’s complement. #10 ans = five * int; // ans = -15
If any bit of any operand is #20 ans = (int + 5)/2; // ans = 1
unknown(x) or tristate(z), the result is #30 ans = five/int; // ans = -1
#40 num = rega + regb; // num = 1101
simply unknown(x). #50 num = rega + 1; // num = 0100
In integer division, the remainder is #60 num = int; // num = 1101
discarded. (2補數)
#70 num = regb % rega; // num = 1
#80 ans = 2**3 // ans = 8
#90 $finish;
Shift Operators
module shift ();
reg [5:0] numa, numb, numc, numd, nume;
>> shift right
reg [3:0] rega;
<< shift left reg signed [3:0] regb;
>>> arithmetic shift right (verilog-2001) initial begin
rega = 4'b1011;
<<< arithmetic shift left (verilog-2001)
regb = 4’b1101;
a << n end
◼ a shift left n bits, and fills in zero bits b initial begin
>> n #10 numa = rega << 2 ; // rega = 1011
◼ b shift right n bits, and fills in zero bits c // numa= 1 0 1 1 0 0
<<< n
#20 numb = rega >> 3; // rega = 1011
◼ c shift left n bits, and fills in zero bits d
// numb= 0 0 0 0 0 1
>>> n
◼ d shift right n bits, and fills in signed bits #30 numc = regb <<< 1; // regb = 1101
// numc= 1 1 1 0 1 0

Shift operators perform left or right bit #40 numd = regb >>> 2; // regb = 1101
shifts to the first operand. // numd= 1 1 1 1 1 1
The second operand is treated as
#50 nume = regb >> 2; // regb = 1101
unsigned. // nume= 0 0 1 1 1 1
If the second operand has unknown or #300 $finish;
tristate bits, the result is unknown. end
endmodule 27
Relational Operators
> greater than module relationals ();
< less than reg [3:0] rega, regb, regc;
>= greater than or equal reg val;
<= less than or equal initial begin
rega = 4'b0011; // 3
The result is always 1'b1,1'b0 or regb = 4'b1010; // 10
1'bx. regc = 4'b0x10;
Note: relational operations have end
lower precedence than arithmetic initial fork
#10 val = regc > rega; // val = x
#20 val = regb < rega; // val = 0
a < size -1
same expression
a < (size -1) #30 val = regb >= rega; // val = 1
#40 val = regb > regc; // val = 1
size – (1 < a) different expression #50 $finish;
size – 1 < a
Equality Operators (1/3)
== logical equality module equalities1();
!= logical inequality reg [3:0] rega, regb, regc;
reg val;
The result is always 1'b1,1'b0 or initial begin
1'bx rega = 4'b0011; // 3
regb = 4'b1010; // 10
== 0 1 x z regc = 4'b1x10;
0 1 0 x x end
1 0 1 x x initial fork
x x x x x #10 val = rega == regb ; // val = 0
#20 val = rega != regc; // val = 1
z x x x x
#30 val = regb != regc; // val = x
#40 val = regc == regc; // val = x
#50 $finish;
Equality Operators (2/3)
=== identity (case equality) module equalities2();
!== nonidentity (case inequality) reg [3:0] rega, regb, regc;
reg val;
The result is always 1'b1 or 1'b0 initial begin
rega = 4'b0011; // 3
=== 0 1 x z regb = 4'b1010; // 10
regc = 4'b1x10;
0 1 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 0
Initial fork
x 0 0 1 0
#10 val = rega === regb; // val = 0
z 0 0 0 1 #20 val = rega !== regc; // val = 1
#30 val = regb !== regc; // val = 1
#40 val = regc === regc; // val = 1
#50 $finish;
Equality Operators (3/3)
= is the assignment operator. It copies the value of the RHS of the
expression to the LHS.
== is the logical equality operator
◼ Which the logical equality operator, an X in either of the operand is
logicality unknown.
=== is the case equality operator
◼ With the case equality operator, the result can still evaluate to true (1) or
false (0) when x or z values are present in the operands.
== 0 1 x z === 0 1 x z
0 1 0 x x 0 1 0 0 0
1 0 1 x x 1 0 1 0 0
x x x x x x 0 0 1 0
z x x x x z 0 0 0 1

◼ 2’b0x === 2’b1x evaluates to 0, because they are not equal.

◼ 2’b1x == 2’b1x evaluates to 1’bx, because they may or may not be equal.
Bit-Wise Operators
~ not module bitwise ();
& and reg [3:0] rega, regb, regc;
| or reg [3:0] num;
^ xor
~^ xnor
^~ xnor initial begin
rega = 4'b1001;
Bit-wise binary operators perform bit-wise regb = 4'b1010;
manipulations on two operands. They regc = 4'b11x0;
compare each bit in one operand with its
corresponding bit in the other operand to end
calculate each bit for the result.
Because you can declare the operands to be initial fork
of different sizes, the smaller operand is zero-
extended to the size of the larger operand #10 num = rega & 0; // num = 0000
during the operation. #20 num = rega & regb; // num = 1000
#30 num = rega | regb; // num = 1011
Note: Unknown bits in an operand do not #40 num = regb & regc; // num = 10x0
necessarily lead to unknown bits in the result.
For example, at time 50 above, the unknown #50 num = regb | regc; // num = 1110
bit in regc is ORed with a 1 in regb, resulting #60 $finish;
in a 1. join
endmodule 32
Logical Operators (Binary)
! not module logical ();
and parameter five = 5;
reg ans;
|| or
reg [3:0] rega, regb, regc;

The result of a logical operation is Initial begin

always1'b0, 1'b1 or 1'bx. rega = 4'b0011;
regb = 4'b10xz;
regc = 4'b0z0x;
Logical binary operators operate on
logic values. If an operand contains all
zeroes, it is false (logic 0). If it contains
any ones, it is true (logic 1). If it is initial fork
unknown (contains only zeroes and/or #10 ans = rega && 0; // ans = 0
unknown bits), its logical value is #20 ans = rega || 0; // ans = 1
ambiguous. #30 ans = rega && five; // ans = 1
The logical negation operator reduces #40 ans = regb && rega; // ans = 1
an operand to its logical inverse. For #50 ans = regc || 0; // ans = X
example, if an operand contains all #60 $finish;
zeroes, it is false (logic 0), so its inverse join
is true (logic 1). endmodule

a = 1011
b = 0010

bit-wise unary reduction logical

a | b = 1011 |a=1 a || b = 1
a & b = 0010 &a=0 a && b = 1

Logical Versus Bit-Wise
! logical (not) module negation();
reg [3:0] rega, regb;
~ bit-wise (not)
reg [3:0] bit;
reg log;
The logical negation will return 1'b0,
1'b1, or 1'bx.
initial begin
Bit-wise negation returns a value rega = 4'b1011;
with the same number of bits that regb = 4'b0000;
are in the operand.

initial fork
#10 bit = ~rega; // num = 0100
#20 bit = ~regb; // num = 1111
#30 log = !rega; // num = 0
#40 log = !regb; // num = 1
#50 $finish;
Conditional Operator (1/2)
The syntax for the conditional operator is :
◼ <LHS> = <condition> ? <true_expression> :
This can be read as :
◼ If condition is TRUE,
then LHS = true_expression, else LHS = false_expression.
If the condition is unknown, and the true_expression and
false_expression are not equal, the output is unknown.
◼ if sel is 0 then out is set equal to a,
if sel is 1 then out is set equal to b,
if sel is unknown, a is 0, and b is 0, then out is set equal to 0,
if sel is unknown, a is 0, and b is 1, then out is unknown.

assign out = ( sel == 0 ) ? a : b;

Conditional Operator (2/2)

?: conditional module likebufif (in,en,out);

input in;
input en;
An unknown value on the
output out;
condition will result in an
assign out = (en == 1) ? in : 'bz;
unknown value on out.

module like4to1 (a,b,c,d,sel,out);

input a,b,c,d;
input [1:0] sel;
output out;
assign out = (sel == 2'b00) ? a :
(sel == 2'b01) ? b :
(sel == 2'b10) ? c : d;

Dataflow Modeling
A Full Adder Example

module fadder (sum,cout,a,b,ci);

//port declaration
output sum, cout;
input a, b, ci;

//netlist declaration
xor u0 (sum, a, b, ci);
and u1 (net1, a, b);
and u2 (net2, b, ci);
and u3 (net3, ci, a);
or u4 (cout, net1, net2, net3);

assign {cout, sum} = a + b + ci;

Continuous Assignments (1/4)
You can model combinational logic with continuous assignments,
instead of using gates and interconnect nets.
Use continuous assignments outside of a procedural block.
Use a continuous assignment to drive a value onto a net.
The LHS is updated at any change in the RHS expression, after a
specified delay.
◼ Continuous assignments can only contain simple, left-hand side

delay (i.e. limited to a # delay ), but because of their continuous

nature, @ timing control is unnecessary.
Syntax for an explicit continuous assignment:
◼ <assign> [#delay] [strength] <net_name> = <expression>

◼ <assign> [#delay] [strength] <net1_name> = <exp1>

[#delay] [strength] <net2_name> = <exp2>

[#delay] [strength] <netn_name> = <expn>
Continuous Assignments (2/4)
The assignment is always active (continuous assignment)
◼ Whenever any change on the RHS of the assignment occurs, it
is evaluated and assigned to the LHS.
You can make continuous assignments explicit or implicit:
wire [ 3:0 ] a;
assign a = b + c; // explicit wire [ 3:0 ] a = b + c; // implicit
It’s not allowed which required a concatenation on the LHS.
wire [ 7:0 ] {co, sum} = a + b + ci; Error !!
assign {co, sum} = a + b + ci; OK !!
<assign> [#delay] [strength] <net_name> = <expression>
⯌ wire [7:0] (strong1, weak0) #(3,5,2) o1 = in; // strength and delays

Continuous Assignments (3/4)
module assigns (o1, o2, eq, AND, OR, even, odd, one, SUM, COUT, a, b, in, sel, A, B, CIN);
output [7:0] o1, o2;
output [31:0] SUM;
output eq, AND, OR, even, odd, one, COUT;
input a, b, CIN;
input [1:0]sel;
input [7:0] in;
input [31:0] A, B;
wire [7:0] #3 o2; // No assignment yet, but a delay
tri AND = a&b, OR = a|b; // two assignments
wire #10 eq = (a == b); // implicit, with delay
wire [7:0] (strong1, weak0) #(3,5,2) o1 = in; // strength and delays

assign o2 [7:4] = in [3:0], o2 [3:0] = in [7:4]; // part-select

tri #5 even = ^in, odd = ~^in; // delay, two assignments

wire // Constant assignment

assign {COUT, SUM} = A + B + CIN ; // Assignment to a concatenation

Continuous Assignments (4/4)
<assign> [#delay] [strength] <net_name> = <expression>

LHS (left hand side)

◼ To any net type
◼ To bit- or part-selects of vectored nets // assign o2 [7:4] = 4’hc;
◼ To several nets at once in a concatenation // assign {COUT, SUM} = A +
B + CIN ;

RHS (right hand side)

◼ From any expression (composed of nets or registers or both),
including a constant // assign w = ({a, b} & c) | r ; assign w = 1’b1;
◼ With a propagation delay and strengths // wire [7:0] (strong1, weak0)
#(3,5,2) o1 = in
◼ From the return values of user-defined functions // assign w = f(…)


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